The Clinton News Record, 1935-02-21, Page 2AGE 2
`'rhe Clinton . News -Record
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Proprietor. Editor.
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surance Agent, Representing 14 Fire
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Division Court Office, Clinton
tiine, When I reached the door, they
were carrying him past me on a
years old, finds don'teven know how
Ellen Church, 17 stretcher. . I
herself alone in the world with her i badly he's hurt.
artist mother's last warning ringing IE11en spoke through ro
a haze
in her ears, to "lovelightly.""Of theshe said mistily,"at least, Ididn't
world she knew rlittle. An her life anything—
about crashes •'but
she' had lived alone with her moth
know er 1 . v,e got securities to give you hini
—" ite was the crowning 'agony--tthat
Jane should have something . Tony
needed—something to give him.
But Jane answered. What was • it
Tony had said of Jane that she was
through an art agent in the c . , • a gentlewoman;
Mrs. Church's broken life the"You've got something more impor-
tant than securities to give him,"
unfaithful husband, his disappearance site said, and her. voice was sharp be
, .. and after seventeen years of sil-
announcement of his death was cause every word was hurting her,
at last disclosed to Ellen. The news "That night, when we were dining
f the husband's death ' ath killed Mrs. together on the roof, -he e told me how
in Ai/old brown house in a small rur-
al community. All her life, first as a
new baby, then a bubbling child, then
a charming young girl , she had
posed for her talented mother whoover
sold her magazine c
among the flowers. Wouldn't that
be funny?"
"Hash?" said Jane.
• They had stepped walking along
the corridor, they had paused in
front of a white door and on the door
was a little placard that said "occu-
pied." It was a door which bore the
number of Tony's room,
Ellen forgot that there might he
such a thing as hospital etiquette and
hospital laws, she forgot that any-
thing might be happening behind
that door! She forgot everything ex-
cept that Tony, the man.. she loved,
and whom she had denied so long,
was somewhere behind the white, sil-
ent• panels of it.
Without any hesitation, she reach-
ed out a small, quivering
hand and
tented the knob 'and walked in and
shut the door •behind her.
"We'll stay here," said Dick to !,
Frank Finland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pub lc
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont.
Church. , . . Ellen, alone. turned to he felt about you. That other night
the only contact she knew, the' art 1 at my party, when he found that you
agent in New York. Posing, years of -I had gone—evelli, he told ,iris agair
posing, Was. her only talent so she. I --,it's killing me to pass it on to you
was introduced to two leading ar- I'in no plaster saletI But I must
tists, Dick Alven and Sandy Macin- 1 He cares for you. • And you —
tosh, Both used her as a model and , ,you've got love to give him. You're
both fell in love with her • but El- i his wife. Remember that."
len, trying to fellow the warped Phil -
P ' -
oso by of her -mother to "love light- Through the traffic the car was
ly" resists the thought of love. Her edaisin'g. Every light that delayed its
circle of friends is small, artists and progress was like a flaming sword
two or three girl models. Ellen at- , thrust. into Ellen's. heart. Every car
tends a ball with Sandy. While danc- that crossed their path was like an
ing a tall young man claimed her and !angel of deliverance.
romance is born. A ride in the park, "Perhaps one of the• cars will hit
proposal, the next day marriage to,us,' Ellen found herself.saying,
whenever some vehio a did conte per -
Tony, and stealth. But she'd "Love
Lightly," Ellen told herself.. She'd ilously close. "And then maybe I'll
never let hint know how desperatelY be killed. Ill want to be kilted if
she loved him, even though she were Tony dies."
his wife. Ellen insists upon living i And then centuries later — or was
h tin life maintaining her home it just five minutes later? — the car
s drawinga hi frontofthe o-
iital and Ellen was telling herself
that it looked just as darkandglum
as the building,. to whish she had
Exp ess,CCl n ton. Ont nal
Phone, Office, 21; House, 89.
Graduate of C.G.DtS., Chicago and
R.C.D.S., Toronto.
Crown and plate work a specialty.
Phone 185, Clinton, Ont. 19-4-34.
A plague of tent caterpillars at
White Plains, N. Y., is being' system-
atically fought by local Boy Scouts.
* * *
Scouts Prepared For Drowning,
Montreal Scouts made, a wood show-
ing in the recent life saving compet-
itions held in that city under the aus-
pices ' of the Royal Life Saving. So-
* * *.
At first Ellen could not• see, be-
cause the room was so bright after
the dark of the coeddor. She stood
very still for a moment twih her eyes
wide and blinking. She might have
been .a tiny girl awakening from her
afternoon nap. Then she saw a white,
bed, a bed that rose and fell dizzily,
because her pulses were so unsteady,
• din
because the teals werecrowding g to
her eyes.
In the bed lay Tony, with his face
white against a *nodose pillow, and
his wide open eyes bluer than ever,
and a twisted smile on his face, and
an arm tight to his side.
"Hc1_lo," said Tony weakly. "Bello,
Ellen! I'm just a rotten failure -
that's all. I can't even put over -a
good suicide.. ; ." ;
Ellen starred at him. She didn't
make any answer with words — she
just stared at him. And as she stared
there was something in her gaze that,
burned away every doubt and every
barrier and every moment of distress
that two •silly, groping young people
had ever known. She stared at him
wordlessly—just as a young Eve must
have stared at a young Adam when
she had first awakened in Paradise.
And then all at once she was flying
across the room, and had dropped on
her knees beside the bed. And her
D. H. McINNE(S'•
Electro Therapist, Massage
-Office: Huron Street. (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours--wpand o
appointment. Sat.
and by
'by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron
Correspondence promptly answered
Immediate arrangements can be made
'for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton., or by calling phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
Scouts Gather On Nelson Flagship 1
Olcl ;Country. Sea Scouts will hold
their annual gathering on H.M.S. Vic-
tory, at
ic=tory,'at Portsmouth, over Saturday
and Sunday, June 16-17. The pea -
gramme will include the annual cere-
mony of solemnly renewing the
Scout Promise.
* *
A Swimming Meet by Telegraph
A unique form of Boy Scout com-
petition ' was a "Telegraph Swim Goderich set' curio win the game, but
ming Meet" between Montreal and l our boys thought differently. Neilans
Hamilton Scouts. Events were run again stole the puck and scored on a
off by a synchronized timetable, and lone rush to make the.score •2-0 for
hedown to
the times ofC:C.I. Goderich ,sett
mediately by telegraph. The Hamil- business and began to check hard and
Interestingly Written Up By A Student
Boys' Sports
Last Friday the C. C. I. hockey
team went to Goderich to engage in
a game with the G.C.I. team. Though
we were unable to procure the Gocle
rich line-up, we present the local
Goal: Monteith; defence, Dixon, R.
Johnson; wings, Neilans, C. Johnson;
centre, Campbell; alternates, Hovey
G. Elliott,. ]McCall, ;Bartliff.
The game was fast from start to
finish. After about 10 minutes of
play, Neilans broke through the God-
erich defence and.scored the first
counter of the game. As the Gode-
eich goalie had a bad habit of.trying
to play defence .rather than goal, our
h d
't break,
Score at the
end of the first was• 1-0 for Clinton,
At the beginning of the second
boys a qui e a
inghane spoke on "Television," a
very interesting talk on the future
of this invention, followed by Ald-
winckle, who gave an interesting dis
cession of the "Royal Mint." Clar-
ence Swan gave a speech on the Can-
ning Industry in Canada.'
The decision '• of the judges was giv-
en in favor of John Cuninghanee.
Tom Cooke .of second form then
played a cornet solo, followed by a
play "Cappy Explains,' ,hy 4th Form,
A dance, "The .Sailor's Hornpipe,"
was danced by some'First Formers,
after which the "0.C,I. Broadcaster"
was read by Irene -Roberton and the
with "God Save the
closed cerin s
ton Scouts won.
'* * alto
Here we ,have a few choice items
from this month's C.C.I. Broadcaster.
Our victorious hockey boys who
recently won their game with Gode-
rich seem very proud of their new
hockey sweaters. They are so proud
of thein that they
off. On the contrary they wear them
fast, while Dixon, at our end showed I to school and everywhere else and we
a tendency to imitate Horner's meth have reason to suspect that•they even
Made Koro By Realists Scout Books ods. Goderich scored one in:the se- wear them to bed over their pyjamas.
That he "got the idea from reading coal period; to -make the count 2-1 Recently Miss Beatty said to "Hack"
Boy Scout books" was the,declara-
jfor 001 boys. Johnson that she "would make a ser
tion of ten'year old Murray Anthony I In the third period, nBeardie Elliott critic remark about that sweater, if
.of Canning, N.S., after saving the winged in another goal for Clinton, he stop -cutting up. Immo-
life of his six year old sister. The while Goderiih scored a'second count- he didn'ty Mr. Fines and Mr. Cooper let
child had' been carried through a er for then. The game ended with a it be known that their sweaters were
flooded culvert and become entangled final score of Clinton I, Goderich for sale. We wondered if they too
noticed their resemblance to the
Kingston Pen. outfits.
in her small room, even though Tony h lips were pressed down hard upon the
is wealthy ..:Jane, of Tony's wealth a p hand that lay outside the coverlet.
Tony's sudden one that wasn't
in y hand—the.
t The lel
marriage to Ellen. taped down.
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Ince gone with Tony for a marriage "That's taking an unfair advan-
(license, had looked.tage said TonY, weakly, "when you
* silo * ` I "I won't cry; slie said aloud, as 1 1C now I can't get up. darling...."
she stepped out of the car. "I'm, all f , * ,fie
Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Bublic
Office Hours: Mondays, Wlednesdays
and Fridays—l10 a.m, to 5 p.m.
• Phone 11. 3-34.
Fire Insurance Company
right; you needn't help ate;"
in. a submerged wire fence, and
Murray promptly, plunged to her aid.
Jr. Scouts Help Indian Village Life •
IA goodly crowd assembled at the
Wolf Cubs (Junior Scouts), whose
programme is based on ICipling's In- gym Tuesday .et noon to see the big
dian jungle stories, have had re- game between 1st and 2nd Form girls.
markable growth in that. country. A The final score resulted in 6-0 for the
stars, Greta Taylor and Ernia Hale
were absent, but they gave the Sen-
ior team a fast game. First Form's
as follows:
Forwards: Gertrude
* air
Girls' Sports
Ellen wasn't thinking for herself HIler feet made a -terrific clatter on Ellen was sitting in the autumn.
any more. "Let's go quickly, Dick," the bare tiled floors, and her voice 1 garden. Her hands were folded, id
she said, That was all, "Let's go " sounded unnaturally loud, in her awn ly, in her lap. Her eyes, with their
There was a knock on the door. It oddly shaped, winglike brows, were
was a knock that carried hysteria fixed upon her husband's face.
with it which is a carious thing for Tony was sitting beside her in an
a knock' to do! It made Dick turn ' `•g '. v c old. stuffed chair, transplanted from
with a nervous start—the unexpect- the. living• room. Elis legs were
edness of it. Dick, with a muttered ^• � stretched out on bright, chintz-cover-
exc'amatioti, strode over and flung ed cushions. His face was a little
the portal wide. - paler than usual; there was still a
"Oh," he said, lather weakly.r . �• = hint of brown in it, Only his arm,
But Jane, standing in the dootnvay, \� in a white sling, spoke of what Wright
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Vise -President, James Con-
nolly, Goderich; secretary -treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth,
Cub display in a mango grove near
IVfadras drew boys from 115 village
Cub packs, and revealed that the
good will and community imp -
* * *
What the real sentiment is behind
the huge valentine that IIIA sent to
Mr. Cooper.
line-up was Why Heard always sits behind
activities of the packs had Hetl Evelyn Grainger in French classes.
inept is
the Village Development en Levis, Jean Swan; guards: Helen a�1VYcCa11 hs interested ttle Second -former
ed n that taus.
Board to adopt Oubbing as a feature , Mackenzie, Audrey Jones, Hele pace up
of the village development pro- Lawson andeE scoot daI' mna emonel baskets . anas sub.1 d down in n'frontnof Cha •lesworth's
wasn't looking at Dick. She was look- a x have been tragedy.
ing past him toward Ellen. A - ' axi I� r "It's nice out here,' said Tony,
{ p
"I rather thought .I'd find you ? 11 "isn't it?"
"Nicer thou it ever was before,"
here,,, she 'said bitterly, "I went. first iri � � i. �� ,
to your house, abut you weren't there Ww'.; 11 ; fly ;h«�
said Ellen. She smiled swiftly, "Nie -
1 thiole you'd better come with me, blot 1 �, : �1 . urtt« er than I ever knew it could be."
"I was afraid," Tony's voice was
to Tony." a• + f t' f k,«' serious, "that you'd be unhappy.
Ellen had advanced a step forwardfF, YU�f r r ' Ellen, coming back this way, I mean
toward Jane. Her hands were out- �!l I �( with hie. I was afraid that yam.
stretched, pitifully, to the other. girl ��+• �'�:( , I 1 mother—•" he fumbled for words,
—she aright have been, a child beggar lr , "would be just a little too close. That
asking for bread. Her eyes were you :night t be lonely for her."
great wells of apprehension.
"Not too close," said Ellen, but
"Why should I come with you to:NBs her head was suddenly lowered a -
Tony?" she asked "Did he send you' fli} hove her knitting. For among the.
for hie?" Does he want me? Why I,>n " °—' flowers she had visioned a tali easel
did he send you?"and a white-haired woman working
rano"s face was very white under 'f ie cegarettc was thrown away, an upon a canvas that the easel held,
the dark peals of her hair. Her eyes, other one lighted.Let's not talk about my mother,"
also, were groat wells lir her face. said Ellen, "not just now, It's enough
"I don't know whether Tony wants to know that we're hereand she
you or not," she said, "And be did
she said—and as she, spoke -her small.
world, Gay and Sany and Jane and ! Heard, Madeline Murch, Margaret
Claire and Dick, were passing her, in I Middleton; guards: Kathleen Cun-
revieiv "I wish that everybody were inghame, Wanda Miff, Pamela
just one-half as happy!"
A little leaf, gallate and golden
and frail, came floating down from
one of the autumn trees. It touched
Ellen's cheek in passing. Perhaps it
was the first promise of another
The •thee
were scored by Margaret Heard and every evening?
Madelnne Murch. Why does Ellen Charlesworth stay
Line-up: Forwards: Margaret home Sunday nights?
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth, R. R.
No. 3; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm.
Knox, Londesboro; Geo„ 'Leonhardt,
Bornholm, R. R. No. 1; John Pepper,
Brucefield; Janies Conolly, Gode-
rich; Alexander MMcEwing, Blyth, R.
R. No. 1; Thomas Moylan. Seaforth,
R. R. No. 5; Wim, R. Archibald, Sea -
forth, R. R. No. 4.
Agents: W. J. Yeo, R. R. No. 3,:
Clinton; John Murray, Seaforth;
James Watt, Blyth, Finley McKer-
.eher, Seaforth.
Any money to be paid may be paid
to the Royal Bank,' Clinton; 'Bank of
Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin
'Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to effect insur-
ance or transact other business will
be promptly attended to on applica-
ion to any of the above officers ad-
dressed to their respective post offi-
ces. Losses inspected by the director
"who lives nearest the scene.
'Trains will arrive at and depart from
011n5011 as follows:
'Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 7.08
Going East, depart 8.00 pan.
Going West, depart 11.50 a.m.
Going West, depart 9.58 p.m.
^ ' London, Huron & Bruce
Going North, eir. 11.34.'lve. 11.54 a.m.
Going South 3.08 pen.
To be popular at home is, a great
achievement. The, man who is loved
by the house cat, by the dog, by the
neighbors' children, and by his own
wife is a great man, even if he never
Thad: his name in "Who's Who."
—Thomas Dreier.
ears, as she asked at the information
where . Tonymight be found,
She smiled' mutely at the attendant
who told her the floor on which Tony
be four •
The elevator was made of polished
steep and smelled of disinfectants. It
ed at several floors andwhite-
i e -
gowned nurses stepped into it. They
smelled of `disinfectants, u one
of them had lovely - red hair ice
Gay's hair. i ,_
elevator stopped atfive floors,
seven floors .nine floors, before it
paused at the floor to which they
standing aside to let Ellen andJane
Walkingrapidly,with DickandJane
row falling in behind her, she
went to a desk. She.smiled mutely
attendant who gave her a roans
number and asked a question, "Yes,
I'm his wife," she said.
It to was a .long •corridor. It was
fit and there was a strong smello
ether. As she walked, through that
hong dark corridor, with its et cry
Ellen began to
else had s olden for quite a long
while, although she `hadn't realized it.
Dick and Jane had sudden y, come
only shadows.
"Just two nig is ago,"Ellen ba"Tonyb-
bled,asked me about my
se in the country. _ Ile said if he
re destitute tneYbe t let ' rim
come up :there. Wasn't that a funny
thing fee Tony to say?"
Dick was speaking.
"Steady, Ellen." he said: Thatwas
thing t'
Then they broke the door down." But Ellen was babbling, now at
"I—" Jane was crying, "I just hap- Jane,
pened to come in at that •time. I had " There's a big garden full of flow
securities of my own—I thought � ors," she said. "M(aylee he might get
they might help Tony through a bad, well if we could sit together there
knows we are and that she under-
n't send Inc for you, either. I came desk stands. We've done enough going
of any own accord, I'm. that sot of a Sh backwards. Tony, let's A'o forward
fool , Tony isn't up to sending 1' h for a while."
for anybody, but you're his wife and was too d Perhaps. five minutes passed, Per -
you ought to be with him. , . I've got haps ten. The cigarette was thrown
my ear clown -stairs. . I'll take you h t away and, another cigarette was lit.
to the hospital "
stopped knd then Ellen was conscious of the
But he hadn't been ill, just a few also b t opening click of the garden gate. She
1'i stepped' forward and stood waiting
hours withbefore. Hood been well enough arid, as she waited, she saw an ap-
co tdn' se hera over first
phone. Sf proachittg figure coming toward her
horror speak, at the' flask moment s.f The pp down the, garden path. It' was a mess
She c—sde couldn't ask to Dick's , conger boy in the.rural idea of a unf-
han could only hold fast t nd, mi
s h' h
hand with one of her hands and, mit- form—rho village had progressed in
Dick was three years! Ellen recognized him
theof miracles, to Jane's hand with as the youngster who worked around
the other, step the post -office.
The ride to the hospital, in Jane's' "It's, a letter from the city," she
car, would always be'a nightmare to sorrel g told Tony as she took a square ere
Ellen. She'd never grow old enough 1 d velope from the boy's hand, Eager -
nor placid enough to forget the hof at the to ly she alit it open, glanced through
roe of that ride. A'hospi'ta1?` ,The
very name, meant that Tony was i11, d "It's from Claire," she said, "and
She could only hold fast to Dick's and T e it's full o£ news. Nice of Claire, isn't
Jane's' hands and by to keep from f ht to -he writing? Sho says site and
talking, from crying, and yes, from cls Gay are sending me a. wedding ,pre -
screaming• h sent."
She was hardly conscious of Jane's smell, Ell b g talk.
Nobody "It's about time somebody did,"
voice explaining matters, brokenly, p said Tony. 'Ile. spoke ,complacently.
to Dick, • 1' 1 t Ellen went on, ignoring the inter -
be ruption.
"Be felt that he'd lost s "Claim says," she told Tony, "that
in th-e crash,yesterday,". Jane es
saying. "Arid he 'got the fool idea h Ell b b she's taking Dick out for the week-
end td Long Island to meet her me -
world- was' against
how t him, or bled, ther. 1 didn't know she had' a tnoth-
somethin.g. I don't know what hap -hon I' i 1 er..
petted, but his ed that said he hoof we "I wonder what that means!" said
p that ft talking v
a' ' hone call and a' after ,a i Tony.
foe ' a moment, he hung up the re -
Ellen moved over very quietly un-
vate f1i Theylocthe didndoo't
thinkorhipr- • 1 til she could' rest her head against'
MI -
vale ofice. until d het hany-St y, Tony's ensltioned-propped knee. She
of 't they heard the shot all, sighed ever so gently, but. Tony heard -
the sigh. -
"Happy !" lie asked. "Darling—'"
Ellen answered,
"I wish everybody in file world,"
?iF aro aIE
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, a
literary meeting was held at the
school, with a very interesting pro-
gramme. An Oratorical Contest was Mr, Fines: I shall us•e my hat to
held for the Junior boys. John Cum (Continued on page )
Reynolds: What does an egg on a
piano stool mean?
Elliott: I dunno.
Reynolds: The lay of the last min-
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