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The Clinton News Record, 1935-02-14, Page 3
,' b TH%rRS.; FEB. 14, 1935 THE CLINTON 1VEWS,RECORll D I. , . PAGE 3 -^_._ _ that t9leit tndusiiy wort?tl be 'ruined, So alatnung b�ecame�the tlisaste• te- � In ' OR - k . Y 0 U R WORLD AND MIN E pte5eitt<d by the disease whicl, was V� V dhf ,:, m tt'aying sills-worans that the silk. , , I .� ""` `'� a N' '-a by JOHN G. KIRKWOOD s worm, breeders petitioned the French PictlarQs Sh'OUiti Tell Stories �'t� Government t.o do something: about > (copyright) it. Some said "Put Pasteur on the (�� Clintonp� came nationally be- i� hilt Cwas Doing in he Gay Lfinetie$ Jobl" for his naiae and wotic had e ed b Y famous. Pasteur11 I ----� The world honours dreamers moi y an infinitude of, ;experiments, fount; the cause of the mailady which than it does piacttcal men, I't plus reasoning, that "every parCiel'e 00 YOU REMFF.M:BER WHAT HAPPENED DURING TOR 'LAST. DE- destroyed silk -worms. This discov- LADE.OF TIIE OLD CENTURY? couldn't get along without dreamers, of matter in tho' universe attracts cry I may not tell about in detail. K ? r> Itis the dreg 'mgrs .rvho see Lar into 'every other parttule with a force de, Also, lie found, the cure. _ the future—see things as they should pending upon the mass and the 'lis- be—{can be—will ole. It is the dreams lance. 1•Ie formulated 1, In ,his experiments he used %. �•• `�3 T4s >r, '' e law of mice ..:'.< :,.. , „v�°.>. .s,..::.� From The- News -Record, Feb. 11th, 1st Deputy, Bro. F. Davis,- Saints- ..:•.:: Tyra,,.::. ::: .:.,, and visions of dreamers which have gravity. His disl2over of and •rabbits and other animal's.Even,`'^ P ^•i% ::''<i':> 1895; bury. gi ,V y Y this law r ;rade the modern worYl Bu thou h i ,;. ..:.:•s.w:, ,., , :::.....:...,.. Tuesday's frost was bard to stand - ' 2nd Deputy, Bao. R. Pollock. Bay- d, t not has been called the gaeatest ever k h s cures o£ diseased. animals �:;,, ,;:;, , r k ,,e.,: s!,.• Y p Y, , Y ..s .. c :;: u. ,.. supine dreamers—+ no l proved e,.,; , ,,., 7 ;>s:.. i 1 t sleepy heads.s made b 'the human ' p vel that he ha s J' e' : ..,, and frost blies were numettus, field. Y y u mind: d. av d great rays- ,. f. s ::.. 3 ,: ^•::.<.:..,:. �' `•k B dreamers i „ ,; .;r<:.:; <: 's'?,.:.:;:: The 3i Y T Wean sects those So called piaetrcal anen — rob- testes, ,yet many of those- blessed by • a T e residence 'of Mr. J. P, Tisdall d Deputy, Bro: W„ Horsey, Sea- p y .i '' % :::.^•`":: ; `: o s e arid' far; and who' la- ably his ate among his discoveries were ,•..,•• ; »:: forth. p Y father x m ng them—scoff- skeptics. Some kk..,,�:,:::,,::o.:.:<;,,? >`.N:: had a Wallow escape from fire, last boor hard to , makethen• dreams o e owaiers of a.2 ;. ,,;k;,,.>s » •::e>s<t...:k Ns: ns c me 1 d at the dreanuet the lad who ]et cattle e and sh.,e,ep ridicule l {� "<?,s`.'t,,,.; 1 riday;mrorning:... 1t seems the the ( The officers were installed by the true • e• cattle' wander into neighbors' fields him and his cures; and the chat- a ;�` in and arpund the coal: gzate on the retiring County Master; followed byr>.:,• longed e Luther Burbankbwas adreamer-a I and who ,fooled away his time Trak g d" him to a trial. Fifty, sheep ?>; ; Yx-,,., , first floor had ,cdnv,eyed fire to. the short-addres3es from each. a ,;k. . dreamer f r,i w' �e ;'s`# .:;'.'.>:;..::.. :r: : •'%,,. on a a n. As a ladheloved in r water -clocks windmill° ar put'at his lis osal: Tw,:.•:...,:.;,:..,:,:..., s>.•' :s .s<t::tr.T3a :� .::c; 1 s, kites, P enty. ?:;:^,,.<r' joist under the :flooring and rt, had P. C. M. Todd was, appointed dele, flowers. Frail, shy and ,delicate, he and sundials, five -were vaccinated against anthrax. been smouldering all, night, It Was gate to the Grand Orange Lodge of erfor d t Sul a It's tris storytelling picture that creates real n e p me , he duties required of a n days later +th.ese twenty-five 1 t rest, Avoid stiff poses noticed in time to prevent a serious British America, which meets in the * * and the otJier twenty-S•Ve sheep were such as the picture to the riglit. farm boy. He could use the hammer fire. city of Halifax, Nova (Scotia, on the and saw as well as the ,hoe and ,bar 'Another dreamer who a na 1 ; given anthrax erins, . Pasteur , told S THERE any of amusement friends. h The private bank .at 'Blyth. has last Tuesday in May next, $ me will . g What do you do? The p Yt row, and sr the, He Was a live forever was Louis Pasteur, His his doubters that the unvaccinated older, than story letting? From chances are that you line ug the passed into the hands of Messrs. reader andystudent. Because of ens' father was a tairner, t i sheep would die and that the oth • the cradle to the grave, we hear gang, you snap the camera n James McMuvchie; son of the esteem-' It was unanimously decided to cele his , but ,also a others stories—anti like them, Before you again ha' and delicate health he deft the farm for d'reawer. He dreamed a different would live.. ,So on a day in June 1881 Y g have just another picture It neirt 121:h July in Seaforth , , were.ablgto toddle;: you'wexe hear, ,when it virculd be u t ed reeve of Clinton, and H. T. Rance, and. the Brethren there already have a time to study medicine, :but .his occupation for -'his little soli. a there assembled in the farm yard' " just as cask to11 Y y In about This little pig went to have the crowd enjoying the lunch so long in Farren and TisdaIl's bank extensive preparations under way, father's death -took 'him away from wanted him: to•beeoine a..pro£essor in . where the sheep •had been placed a market, stay;' while mother - gently an here, who took pbs$ess4on on Monday The next annus the" medical eolde e a university, and the i considerable company, 11 g y d perhaps one member busily an. News-Record regrets the re• l ineetmg will be 6e H then be Y, a nvothei wanted pa y, among thin pulled each toe as a matter of Illus- ggged In the act of "exterminating" held in Exeter and the semi-annual at came 'a nurseryman, and set out to the same thing, being the farmer 'skeptics and a nuin. trating her story. - a luscious ear of corn or doing a;' moval of two so worthy citizens from 1111 Hundreds of thousand of " • Hensall. prove vegetables and seeds in- ! ber, of Blatin ifshed men, same o£' s juvenile boarding house. resew, for the Vo. tovnt .' , The book and stationery spired to do so by his having read Louis was 'a ,true bay full of mig- whom .had denied .the validity of Pas- storybooks are sold every year and 'tato salad. business of Rance and Spaulding here ,lie . Darwin's book, ' "Animals and Plants ©hie£' fond of play, But• as. he grew 'teur's discoveries, In the farm11 and the ones we Love most in our young- If you were making movies, would rswill be continued as usual,. From The New EMs, Feb; 35 ra9r Under Domesti'eation." Out .of toward, manhood, he saw he"iv 'heavy lay dead 22 of the unvacctn Y .er Years were those translated into you take foot after foot Of film with t his aced sheep pictures, because they had a human' your actors doing nothing? Of and unieWarding was his father's 2 others were dying; the other had appeal, All through our lives we re, course not, and it Isn't a b g +wq. of the Messrs. Kempwor6 experiments evolved' .a new 'variety toil Y g' a idea to The last ins a.i rt the, Chicago ,and he .began to study, in real anthrax ,yet lived, All the vaccin- tarn our interest in picture atonies. think of your "still" carver a ' chopping wood on the Hitchcock farm of sweet conn which ripened for mar- a a a Made contains a portrait of Goldy loot earlier than oih'er coins. Also, Garttest, His teachers Were delight- ated sheep were alive ;and well, It Is this appeal that takes us to the movie camera filmin a drama; near Stapleton bn ni -WaY when the .pike and Iris dog LtZrt, . he having ed with him, and they, too; said that g Get 'snow U01-rA set in. The Were lost he developed a new potato. Today on the humble house where movies and c a u a e s us to look action and meaning. This means Y earned distinction as a "news agent h must go to a university. Louis, Pasteur was born—the cottage. of a through the pages of daily newspa- -that you should think before. you for several bouts but finally found fox that paper. I] IR N. when he did go to a university, be. poor tanner—as a late affixed*,, bear, Pers and magazines for pictures that shoot, 'the r'aatl, without serious results, The I.O.0111. hard an oyster sup- carne interested in chemistry. Thera P tell stories of human activities. Look at the two pictures above.. The regu.lar ieettitg of the Public per in the oouneil chamber last ev. BeeaUse his brothers had eatalxlish ing the words, "Here was born Louis But when it comes to snapshots, Bill is evld'entl a sailboat ent - p ed thetncelves in California, Burbank he had good teachers, At age 25.he Pasteur December 27 1822:" Y hur + , so: many seem to forget how monk ant. Dad wanted to take his picture school was h&ld'on Monday ev- ening: gala iiia li£tle form in 214'assachusetts made original discoveries. One was they enJoY looking -at story=telling ,With big newest boat, so without ening. Present: Chairman , Har- and joined £htm. In California be that,- the two substances which had ` * * # pictures. They pick up their cant- giving any thought whatsoever to fend, trustees, . V. Irwin, T. C, At the annual meeting 'of' the always beep :considered to be differ- I conclude this +contribution to The eras and Just shoot, seemingly satin- the story -telling angle, Shorthorn Breeders' Toronto an'ou 'set. Up as a harpenter and helped in g k g g e, he had Bill, Bruce I. C. Stevenson, Isaac Jack- g ent from each Other were identical. 94aws-Record with its first senten- fled to get any pleture at all, as it whc is too young to know better, the vice-presidents elected Were a greenhouse, Elva years Inter .he was in the old days of, "Yaix Press pose with his boat in front of an anti- sdii, H. StkveYrb, T. $. Hoover and About this tame there occurred tri ces: -The world honours dreamers Messrs. W. J. 'Biggins Clinton -,A, started �, nursery of his own. Pres- The Sutton And We Do The Best" coated automobile. You can't sail a Secretary J. Cuninghame. Primpal. ,Southern Franco b ;eat calami' Lough's rt oft for Januar Smith,, Hay; and D. D. Wilson, Sed . peaty •attended this enterprise. AI- great y: more than it does practical men. It g p y-shoal2d: sill[ -worms upon which the regi8n could not ' e There is a better way to take plc= boat by holding it in your hand and ;?firth, WA:a , -however, Burbank was expert- 'get along without dream, Soya enriilIecl, 237; girls, 214, $oral, i the, for it's Industry—the. bl ed- tures. what has the right h do with it? The meniing in the breeding of fruits, Y ern,. Itis the dreams ands visions of If you want some good laughs look picture to the right tells the story 451, hl;kage attendance, 862, nig of si] ktire ms—egan to. die. dreamers which have made the mod- over some of the pictures you have for the boat is in the water where it � �'' • 've'I,setables aua ''lowers, Before his • Secrat't'b .Cuninghame " he :iiacl t'heWRM death in 192'6, at -the age of .77 Bur- Srlk=mariufaci firers began to 'fear ern world, taken, Unless you are an exception, belongs and Bill is about to "'shove • board eb "clysters after the 8tljouY?h- THE PRESEM SRT e g and let's hope you are, you will prob- off,"' mens, -, Bank had Become the rrigst eeleblated -- - ably find a picture of Uncle Louie In case you have never giveil 14A8 7C(iFi1VG - man in the world In bis 1parttculur si 0� WISDOM - —" Th`e lYYail and Empire. ''hese two �,n�i standing as straight as a plumb•bob much thought to this before, fust Toi`6rito papers have bt m 'merged in- Worn Th. J,Teivs-�ecora, 'k'e'b, IOth, Lived fof endeavour. deavo r ofis wame '01 tli6 � tie of ; line, backed up against a tree or the . take a look through a newspaper or *o one with the abq mii%. Ionil" - `fe � Ii'' , * garage door, and appearing to be magazine and notice which please his stwices to maukmd. Pio took the+ , „ facing the firing squad ready to be you more--pietu-res of people mere- -Il'sst',kondtay •eaeft —li't th'e'Public CoIIYer,—,S„teep" AC 'ti'te hbiife 'bf seeds from grapes, 'tlie 's'tm 66Th Olii niiiii HamAlITIV•a'stooii with one Odd Man Hanitttin s took shot at sunrise, If Uncle.Louie can't ly looking at the camera g out an old g or pictures .School Board mWi trg when th'e-Inem- the bxikle s paiSliits, tCiiititd'n, dli Ik'eb. pluttis, the thor nt from, T'h'e ' ilacic Itatt� ih his pocket aiid the other notebook, wrote his 'name and address do anything clic, the chances are he of people doing something humanly lbers were-discussrng "the wood quer- W4, lay tiie '1„ev. 7'+ ' if+�' illy � sans, berry, and the spines froth ,the cac- holding a very brick pipe to his on a blank leas' and, handed it t tile, can read a newspaper, so why, not interesting and significant, Chances C4axa Maud dao hirer of Mr,• slid tub. He tilb6ih, Autovivii-Ne's 'sped along, the bn q re have him do that. You will have a are that the story -telling pictures 'tion it was brtittgh# cut itiat one eti g a gave frag'raitee '£m fldivei+s p g y dealer some fin* Nit's. Jamin %teep, :'10 Ai!' tutus F. isYseet, cars 'mltlled and banged a- a picture that tells some sort of a will be your choice, and you'll make ago, had iolibed the fillet had none be`foYe. Will xou be up to see u'e tonight? story at least, and is seasoned with up your mind that hereafter that's board. . The Vdntract sailed for 22": 31y f tong the tracks and children ran > = Butler---+ 60ourb-Tn St Jose h's Always Burybdrik was iirea.ming of • Tll give'you tomo fine books to read, that .human interest touch that the kind you'll aim to take. Good wood. The 'wo'o'd was ilod, passed P wildly and ea`relessly back and forth + p P r il thins as he ,%VIfvA it elii''tb'lle; "rin2t xll tell you hb'ne lice things. 1'11 should be In every'film you expose. luck; inspection �aTra1 te'inoney'"fafd. When church, �khtah, hlbt l?•'eb. �i$iln"'by the! g ` - - - -lair i aamrnings nodded his head you Rev. Fd$lter Hanlon, Mrs. Elizabeth he made mith� 'of 'liik dreams ebitte Vht]s 'evtryf'h1bg• i know an to you In go out on a Dicnie with your JOAN VAN GUILDER. the wood 7vas Nieiitig used"a consider- wisely, iib glanced at .the people. •a Teff• ,,ears.; T ?n:Ott, lust, , , , I MCCourt of GI$i'td'n 't'o Nines But'. trite, Other's iiiaaia -Ri re -ixibney 'fiiit able quantiity^df'16° wood"'t§as founds of his acliiLvenierits •tKan he pfd Who brw4redby�him, they looked a' 'eanut 'die 'tvTth-it all locktd up in """' in it, pileds'o that, detection was ran- ler a£'iClioiv; Sksk. way, 17e felt �Supeiior and cynical, "_ -` _� . me th'i's wa , Possible, but their Yfhiiie's reilS'iin 'uiii Kleity' at the •Syme ilme he :telt old, and it � v t y T'l1 pass it on tb you' iIGHLY ESTEEMED TEACHER WrST WAWANOSH MUTUAL To ;hose patlnriaste s tvlao overlook Their names ai°einscrtbe'd"4n nt hon.' Ill',be up to •see you tnmgiit," the the i7id 11ftt'•%bY'aPerbh dut m'the or ),,oll %T'flie Wbr'Td's g-. t seisVaiits was rile ilrst time he had become a- 'hqy s&ia, iascisiaTed. LAID TO REST MONDAY FIRE COMPANY HOLDS The amtual ineetmg of `tire Carie- Y ivintei. as welt "a th. simmer atten- ware ai: the fact that; lie •vvas ea ole grate g 'int Ilea held b,6&ice finest he s a e matt, The ole htaYi �urntd u'wir, evening 'in `the clerk's 'ofiYce in the tion tis very f'espectfiPilTy -directed to � r®. � � � v gxttm3i- 00 L MEETING ' AT"P1�RN N ANNUAL the'ver a' ri;nt ftret that there is Aaiafhbr iifill5io'irtal 'dfraiitirir "ions :ltihaol was leaving'aI A -yadih Ifug % ltt6 'to riimselt aha chziing And'�ew, Scott, .one of the best The parish hall, Dungannon, was town kill. "Present, Messrs, James y Pim on Elie stein oi' ills ripe. lie would filled to ca Scott, Dr..Shaw, W. H. `Plumsteel -and worrkv; fortl;ic a,to'dvi, IsaTLOS?vi,Eon. 'Bike-$urba-A he was wi't'h a white belt sto'ai 'at 'tine 'ititbr- tell know+; 'and most efiieient teachers in pacify for the 57th annual t' Th Co1l�iate` toai lids o ' eve'yt}iilrg at'last.... A51'these H Fuer. On m'otidn of Dr, 'Skew d rganlz- octal dh "a faxnr , `Ait"acli0ii7'`lle ';Was szldUton o£ the streets diiecttng 't1f j bats'h'e k this disL'tict, died suddenly at his meeting of the Wiest Wasvanosh Mut- ed %r 19 0"as'foYAo v8: ret I Y d stuiIied.ana kept things 'res-Mbnce fon Goderich Street, Sea ual fire Insurance Company. Over and W. iii Plumsteel'Mr.'Seottt':was P ty'mhi'ch of'a'diince, °Sa'tietlting fie, 'With lifted ha'z$'tho'bog'stdppbttI Y himself, .. , aieaiasii't ori h s re-elected ehairman'hnd E. Rinmmn O,haifMik'r; IMv C:�r,Guaw;t bM)lye'tffjd',to"cAen"' im,'ttrid"he�be- 'file speeding matlinics a'nii '6tte"A*-� { ' e o forth, following an illness caused by two hundred policy -holders were ziie- was a appiAnted caretaker at lormer Vice: "J`i ;nes ScAt. ealtce tep' buy lin his sch'odl. *$ut"h i ell to direct .the oEhwr cKfliiren aure'ssl �� h4mseff ha$ realize$ fivmt, the ac- a stroke of paralysis extending over sent. The president, Robert David- See.-TLhxzsurei; I'rinci al C?nndr 1litced n'anoal "ChVlbyaief"its ''better 'elm street in un manner.'Tol cu'olt` hh ,f 'knotitedgt, a certain Sw ycittts. son, occupied the chair for the first David - Galaxy •$f"$Y20. Y• 1 phi s6phy of life ,a ,conniption and part of the meeting, when the reports 1GIa. 6takeI, `itV a s"'vias agaun rhes tttmn books"aimd study. Di ii'le still a sabre extent he -rues: su'ccessftil, '"TJ'id; The cold weather, which has con- en CaretakEr'at a salary cuff $27b. Wil '1?e'Jhd4e"a wrndriNl which hel %an Hemmings wuteirel('£he boy; andl lierCejlttbh 'of things. ;Deceased ides born in Harpurhy in of the directors and the auditors were Since' 'the g of'the -, -,year, cul- pttt-6n &f'the'%btlse: •Bur tt `as th last child errogsed 'tile aiieetl Ii:'e IiQ,been tltriil as+a ctiiid n 1359, son of Francis Scott. He was received. Following,the reading and since 'the eiiin of'the The l�Iuy 'tk'arehelieu"' ryas success , a d op g year, cul- �'' had ''ta a educated at the Seaforth Cottegiatey adoption of the iufnutes of the last fully ``s OW''liiriy" -hen 'Die-wWid ' blew. and as the -youth turned' to -Wilk, ppoitunity fox format 'Institute and after graduating from lOWs ' 'in ,--what -was -pGssilily the y ' bn lf3y � local 'ta'lent en! Isase "�vaitt(id'It; to 'iixide efideiaiti froth hie a l schuolin "He "hail been fare;;; as a g g annual meeting, the president in his lawe5t'8i °tae m,ercur has eve, the. `Thursday and Friday evenings loll gO p ly pow, the 'Old Wrens' faq'e g• P Y the Normal School taught in ucke - address ave a brief• history lash Welk. •r Wald"like to re rodiace of'the v° ' so''he"rtjade''it into -a suddenly took tm a Ntorniiirtl ex-''Young'mun'aud ha?I•arot dared speak • g y of tot; eri in this 'section, on Tuesday-Aight. p df'fiis love to a Township, then in S.S. No. 2, Tucker- growth of the company since its or - At `six-b'bldek on W11ednesdeT,morn- the write-up in detail, as it was �lwt ii -T9Wug 'a 'sftcuse "for -tridt pression. He Ti'll'ed 'to lliv -boy, girl. "lio had never well done ' i ' tt e 'Power He teased le• mouse into '"Yes, sir;' 'the b ' ma% ••iTuch 'mons smith and later on the Mill Road for anization fifty-seven Ing 'the "thermometer. regfister¢B 28 ,.' ndeed, ;being ,one of t'ttet ny sant •pblitr',iy ,as y ''though 'he'hatl i g years ago , �eontinu0us•iff-Ott g' in •,years. For a short time he was with fewer than one hundred polio- belomr. best *Elie'•Wifiiter'•has ever turned •crit, : by ' 1?laliin semis he came ug. saved some. 'Ile aonsiitered the woilu i •• ' • ! ", in Hannah's School, Tuckersmith,, les in force, u t The annuivl meeting of '''lie 'II.O'.L. WL doubt, if'aTter fill the •gears w'.icinthf; a § 1 be1'�`f u+'its •rsacli. "'Thtni he m�1?e Da you knew 'how Tar 'th'e sun 'is to'3iavo'been 'harsh .with 'him, itnii 'in P o the present time of "South'Huvon was' hold in ,Eexter .have trnteiv ed; We emZ" i'rtrpmove' a ock operated by^water-power from the 'eax'tth"X'" Tull ,Mea ,Ham- his -way he got evert. Ite studied at After spending 39 years in the pro- with upwards of five thousand poll. ' . on Tuesday of last,week , .. ,'The upon it.• --•IIB. this :in ••a 'da witerv-watches amd mings asked, every opporturiltY, -He 'todk know- `fession he retired to Seaforth, where eles and a risk of nearly siw million Y dollars. He called attention to the 4lacks hal$ no epi inga'to"make' them The ledge 'to 'Himself aril 'f'n arteil 'it 'to he was married in 1918 to Miss Raeh- eleetion cf-�GiTicers resulted -as,fol- A 'road 'dog, same -has resultod lir , yout'h 7c'dkei;. •up" -� 'liim p difficult . +lows; , the slaughter Wit nurabar OT menu t goo. _H,e":tdde surf ls. 'When "the startled, none. 'It gave'liim •a 'feeling of su- -bl 'Neilans, daughter of Alexander Yeats of 1931 and 1932, when W:i1,M.,-'Bra,'John'Neil, Cioatralia. able dogs end an order to bv,m ;di s set to watch cru tle -on the"Ism- "We'll, $e TM111 •pefivizty, 1Veilans who died in 1923, He was a directots and officers saw the accum- I `sly 'farm,''he'•was •-ntot-very, fait tl'Ttt' i,•,,, But as he 'had wa'tdhed the Presbyterian and a Liberal, ulated surplus • disappearing rapidlyr Dors. 8ro., G. M. Kitty, SBra. r°Aril. dogs miuz'xleii. e' Iikdd`!better' to,,=9ke• wa ter -*heels „No' sir, Tin afraid I Solt t youth as mach ,as 70 000 being Hon eChaplaiii for life, Baa. LSseo, l •- You der.'";, 'e'hl 'Do -you 'know a solider Tediing of desolation tame A private funeral was head from , g paid out a1E �n bhe'bimolc. over,him at the thought that ,he.'the_ residence Monday afternoon for fire losses in •one year. Hanley, Clinton. - I , how many 'horge-power 'there 'ia 'in g Y , in Y At the "Ohapll-cin, Rev Bro. W. Seinen, (Uhn- Pro ta 7Che iivv' Flt's; Feb. 1RYtiy IC9Y0I Isaac,•was sent'to fGank*idge-'fink- the average car 'tha't: •conies ^along migtxt' die wfihont 'imparting what' ferment being in the Maitlandbank present time the surplus has reached 'ton, A ntd6ic ersity, 'There' he' -became' intores'ted this surer, an$ wihat'hvrse-power'is'v" he'knew 'to, any one. -His mind was :cemetery. $25,OOQ, He spoke of the visit of "Recoil ig Secretary, Bre, 1Neher nounci er ppears in this issue •an °ir •astroinamy and•+mede-a,`•Wondeffful "`Wel•1 "" began 'the ;youth; •hest- Tuli.•af the 'thought of giving- his 'He 'is survived by one sister, the tho insurance inspector, who expres- >99 <th ciiissalution of paa'tner: sed himselp as bein well pleased with Ganteloia 'jr., fdfinton. ship betbween S,' Davie and. 1t 7Row..- 'I~lescope, And on •a Aay— so -goes tatingJY and looking 'queerly ,tit 'the 'knowledge to 'the ,you Ch as'he walked 'lastvf a family of twelve, .Mrs. Helen g lite sto across the busy •streets 'to 'Nis .home. Thynne 'of Toledo, Ohio, the management of the company, 'Financial ,Secri Ory, Bro. ria. tClril- land, rY•--••while hitting in a garden, old man. well;'Gsd rich1. .: "" 'When the o Mev,'Harold 0. Yeast of First Pres- whose ,expenses of management were Last Thursday - night the 'Cba�nton� ire, saw an•apple'fa11-atnd �hgan•'ivon- And, you rlon''t 'know •What •caused y nth came to the ad- th o ve Treasurm, Bro, tkihn Beacom• Alin-�I hock g v➢h ,things. aicvrraYs fall, the downfall of Thorne,`'a K dress ''b'ltl "Man'Ha g bytet'ian Church, Seaforth gfFiciated. 0 1 a . st of any company in his lir + ey.t¢am went'to Hensa]Q to tci. cdecru' y*' g -yo mtriirrgs had iven , , 'ton. ( groun'd. 'Out df ,bis 'thin -king d `The boy's eyes' searched 'his face. hIm he found no one home. H3- wait spectorate, The total amount paid D. of 'C; Bro, "R. Scarlett, Wit',J.-I. friendly scoree,w s glossy hmvever 1 -studying, 'Ial'eWton came to the •eon- '"Do, you know that this 'sidewalk all' •abt',ut 'for several vdinuteg. then for firo losses during 1934 was $25,- , I= 7 6. On Tiaedday evening th retarn t _ g Is made -up `left rather rejected. The next morn, 'Gyp n was Used By 352,72. . The lowered ;loss was due Co k �,lrrsion' Cha ail ol}jeCLs on'the •earth ori which .I am stand4n the ec eratioh 'and additional eau- TLeeturer, Dro. Jas, McMath, GodtL- ' Janet are'keld there'.6 ma ]ng 'the 'boy ?earned that .Uld NTan p garde was guyed, Gunton svfiniiivg• p Y magnetism of atoms —moving atoms that yscu lieh• b t •, h Y ,> "ii'amwitiv'had-been struck the night �n ellt Egyptians tion of lire policy -holders. C! y 7 to 4. --bY' he 'force ;oY ,.attraction, AirW ••cannot see wit _the naked .e e: •bofore'b ati automobile and ;had died Gypsum is a ver + � ., . 'then 4is eonausions -were related ^tae : -The old bran roared down at the y y old product. It T ollowfng the presidents address �? 'the.rNiole patietary sys4em. He prow ,Youngster. a few 'hours -later. formed the `basis of the Plaster used and the report of the auditors the .AT �T i itt FW PAT R ARE Y (x" - � u "'He. didn't 'know ;how to cross the In the mysterious pyramids which meettng was turned over to the ot- Xhowledge, my boy, is a priceless street;". the were built in E+ ie p I ; , youth was th4nkfn$ as gyp' thousands of icy -holders, who elected Albert John- ken.. �Vuth -several outstandin ex- ,,possession. Theres no substitute for lie directed triflic. g yearn ago. It is still. used exten- stop as chairman for the election of SQMD 'PPL' � xe tions ,the; ;oreiliestras 'in ithealarge it, 'M1a'ny have tried to be Its •ri'gid lively in the building, trade and has the directors and alldito >' ti ,mill. The ,roat6 ,Tato remains the p rs. The retir- cikies aro not much •better 'ghan those rules, but in the end they cogne to t same the government ac uiesain other uses as well. It rs the founds mg director s this year were Wailiaui tUodetReb s investment m woodlots , gin t' g n the conclusion that without know, GODERICIi ROCKEY PLAYERS tion material' for Plaster biosid.-and Thompson, Auburn who was - is eeriinel gidlflie`•policY•. It Inas helped t 'big rot to spreartth payments of the •smsFller pltsaes. 'ledge a'11 else fades. re el g 11 t 19,3 Surely there i5 zoom for tour col �s • ARE ORD -BRED T , is used tin the form of blocks -and ected, without Opposition; illi greatly in salving the unemployment: Yetrxs Th in ar 6 over three Y I have devoted my lifeto learning U PLAY W Stn big road'�bi crease *Will mean 'be- 'leges 'and •mnivergities "to do •some- tiles; as piaster -of -parts; surgical Watson, who was re-elected, an W ir- pre%le and •wthoialt cos g the' d tween $600 and $708 gadded to Cal. t'h'ing to train .our youth to an appre bhings that.the average person knows. SEAFORTH TONIGiIT plaster; as "a substitute for hbrrr and liam 1?. heed FPa Harvey Anderson was aiu glt to >,oa rch "erg al. •' diatien of o0 of nothing of. I know so much nolo The rubber in the making of buttons and elected. 1G1r. Ree " town the count tlof The 'huge deficit of ,good mtis,e. Ni4t1'iart$ that -1 '£inti it. diffrGult.to• talk with . dispute between the Godertch ' d retires after a do'biars are -spent on •education, which for cleaning wool, Calcined, and term of thirty-one years of faithful ; • * the county of about $$3,000 has to , ordinary men." and Seaforth hockey clubs was, iron- with the addition ` be coiptende4l with and 'in part ac- unfortrma¢ely does not include the, " ed out at the meetin of W.Oe _ ti n Of coloring matter work on the board 'ko 'his credit, ' )MIN'OVS The Old man raised his hand in a g, HA. of counts for the timcrease, cultivation of a taste For music ,of ficiais in Palmerston, on Frida and glue, it is used for tintitt:g,walla: Messis..Donald 'McLean' and Bert . While we are ons egi6 ratulat%n U"tyf Cheri ht sort. nervous gesttu+e, then said abruptly, Y night. Blackboard crayon, know as ehaJk Marsh were orprtise-Buietin. g "Tho „` The d yo , , re -appointed the province on its, -recent heap loofa, Ent ' Wit. -Thomas . Tim" -Journal. . „ you -why ,you were born? isPuted players are all eligible to PP anted auditors play with the Seaforth .club nablel is made of finely pulverized ray gyp- for 1986. The meeting was one of the " ?have we st ed tG; think 'tYaat chew. You dont. And you dont know Pl a goods, in- largest in the history o4+P p Y, sum. In various rubber 'SII' * * _ what happened to civilization dur- pP td, Flannery, E, Ronnie and y of the company, ytioney eery likely means that Indus RUT ,war,' Hildebrand, The d eluding some kinds of a.utomob'ile After the close of the meetingth H'I: 1TEillf IS NIGHT DOJ!T"T i{Sif3iV A GU(aD T4ti3G xng the hundred years and Go erich manage; tires, sum .is used as a filler. ' rector e dr fti is Jagging and tient sash 'is mat what of afterwards, do ou? refused to play the' game scheduled gyp It s met in the company's office -greatly, in demand? In n town -where Ruth. St. Denis, one of the ,world's Those North Dakota ole do no • N • '' ' Y for u ed is also used in agriculture,as a fer- and elected the people t No 1 .didn t ttdn7c r Feb, 5th• and ordered is players £oIlowing .officers: You re t $ut I h . ` liwez2r :men. do a' rushing business, fihe •;neral gifted• skage dancers, Stever know' a cod thin when the: see it. � ao re ' ' tilirer: The: qualities that. '.make it President Ernest • ' ' g g wY do, and rtheres a lot more than you move their uniforms, Ackert, Iiolyrood, .- , , price ,of a livery :horse if, likely to. -be. made a truer remark than when ,she His o valuable .are that it sets quickly and vice-president Den opponents have finally succeeded don't 'knew that `I 'know." The disputed players are all .under McI{ay, Ripley; thigilz Che samo rule applies to trio said present bale.room 'd'ancing' ;is in having Governor Thomas' H. M.G» ,f ? ' 20 makes a strong support; further-' Secretary, ears of a Y, G. G Treleaven; treasurer, - Y,es, sir, said the boy, .a little y ge, but have paxticlpat- more, the plaster is anon -conductor Thomas t t _ hiring G F money. When rnanoy 3s nothfatg more than "rhythmte hug 'cite disqualified because 'he had ,not bewildered, . ed in O.H.A. intermediate S o hers, 490P A eemmly means that 1noney fs r ging'," -being also ""hopelessly •unin- been a resilient of ,the state for five •"� 'The games. of ,heat and, is not affected as tnois y- Would you like, to know these Goderich managers ;stated they tura: During the war, it was much ;not jar aGt4ve demand, to.ltgent.' It could not well be any- years, 1Ie is the Huron County man, thtngs? Vitould you lih to ac Hire were therefore ;Well ' le (Exeter- Times -Advocate, thing else, since the present' ,ones- i ora ' Wko e q Ineligible, but M'ayoi, used in the erection of temporary con ' g i in x ter, who has had tha'the knowledge and the wisdom that :Sutherland pointed out special et• - �' y sidetable quantity. Most of the, turn seld,0 has. an �opportunit to usual success which follows Huron :I have ae wired Ihrou a mission had b' p buildings for military purposes, IIx- gypsum is -ported from I # # # Y q through Years?,, been :granted, and as he tensive-deposits of sum are t P d ,Canada in 'hear orchestral music of the entranc- people and was elected to, the highest : The youth'looked'at Did Man is a vice residen gyp .- e o be the raw state, Uut.there, is a growing Flim= p t was willing to be found in the provinces •of Nova Sicot- eg g ing sort produced by wood and string 'office in the `state. The chances are:;mings, at his ragged coat his iron- responsible for the export trade in gypsumPlaster'and f GREY COU£ii°Y TROUBLES instruments. Bfrassy, Jazz clatter, that the cod people n said players. is and New Brunswick and much of o Y g pop f North Dakota grey beard his sharp eyes, However' the league leaders have 'her gYPsum products. Th g�al- it .goes to the United States. Other it I To add -to the the .modern so-called of • will realize their error and Will •re -''I think I 'would, ' : " ha • Y Of sum found n Canada, cal manic alitles r ieuC, L ,of th erbl is about all sir, he said po- handed ouC their ruling, so it is now a Ca -da, pat n deposits are located in Ontario, Mani- ticulgAY the hiteroc p , h only gen a c estray turn out, gureahythmiameI- elect hiin when they 'have the oppor Ittely, up to the Godertc clubY w k of the Ntari» to make the tuba; Alb,erta and. British Columbia, time''P rat& hang peen ilacie &ell thlee•fxfths o£ ody apparently belnt; beyond' their tunitj!,;- vstei'ich Star. "A'il'right roti; you •hall. Ilei o,n next hove. .. � - rovtnres and Ontario, is of atx Recently Great J3Mitam has taken a' axceptionall high grade: '