HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-02-07, Page 8PAGE 1i3 ds THE CLINTON NEWS THURS.; FEB. 7, 1935 Froin '21' 'Personal Measurements' TIP TOP OLOTItES are hand cut and individually tailored to your measure., Perfect teii5de'in `fine 'woollens its largely a matter of"lib -}and fit', depends on measure. TI.P TOP TAILORS -M'ade "to LIMITB•D Measure Clothes are guaranteed $23.50 Sold lby o fit" Plumsteel Bros. &geats,for'trip-Top, •Berger and Cambridge Made -to -.Measure Clothing FROZEN WHITE FISH, per ]b. 15c FROZEN HERRING, pen IN. 8c SALT CODFISH, per lb. 15e GOOD MOKED FI;'LLETTS, per ]b, 15c RED S'SALMON, lb., in piece 15c FRONT 'QUARTER SOF BEEF, choice .quality,, per Ib. .. • , .a•, • 7c IIOME=MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 25e MINCEMEAT, 2 lb. pull SAUER KRAUT, 2 lbs. dor LAMB STEWS, per ]b. I hearts ttre Trunm) ) On February 14. Valentines much, in evidence and, wall be 'freely ex- changed between ,.friendpi, relatives,' Hovers, and sundry; '.its ca !slily .antl1 season calling for gaiety and greet.! ing and devotion to :the more frivol., ous enjoyments Sof Ilife. 'Those who; observe 'the .light hearted spirit of! the festival' will' be 'quite in'keeping,. with the social eustern of the day in sending anonymous 'greetings-com-, plimentary and funny. 'Time was: when the caricature valentine, cath er• offensive in its make un, predom Mated, it tended towards 'lost confi-I dence'in'human nature. To the ere-, dit of humanity they have about appeared. Now 'they are a 'thing of ,beauty with 'hearts as . the (centre of, the pleasing and attractive make-up, thesending of them will -not incur, black looks from the recipients, nor create unkind suspicions. FT11,e day, if fittingly observed will provoke; smiles and fluttering of many hearts; as the artistic, flattering, perhaps en- dearing, message is brought to view. Surely in our stock you will find just what you want at' the price you want to pay, clever, comic, sincere and' conformable to the principals of art, .some are mechanical for .the amusement of young folks. We even have Pop -eye to express your greet- ing in 'his funny way. The W. D. Fair Co Often' the Cheapest -Always the Best CI NNE" LL , r TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOIVIINION HARDWARE STORE We Carry a full line of ELECTRIC AND HAND WASHERS, COOK STOVES AND HEATERS • MIERORS TO CLEAR AT SPECIAL PRICES STUDIO COUCH (Special Price)! $28.50 BEDROOM SUITE (Solid Birch), finished in Maple $45.00 $1.25 TO $1.75 CARD TABLES . , ... . Sutter--Perdue--Beattie FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 147w. Day or Night. PRICES WITHIN THE MEANS OF EVERY FAMILY n II OUR PRICES NORTH STAR BREAD FLOUR, per cwt. PRAIRIE ROSE BREAD FLOUR, per cwt. DIAMOND FLOUR, per cwt. PURITY FLOUR, per cwt. FIVE ROSES BREAD FLOUR, per cwt. GOOD TEA (Black, Mixed or Green), per . (and with each, pound we give FREE 1 carton Iodized 25c COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA, 1-1b, tin , , , , , ; 23c 'PP -En High -Grade Bean (Freshly Ground), per lb 55e COFFEE, Medium, per lb • 45u COFFEE (Cheap), per Ib .. , FANNED PEAS, No. 2, 2 cans for; 229c 5c CAiv"rllEll PHA', No. 4, 2 cans for 23c 19c 25c 19c 258 19e 13e 19e 25c 25c 23c 19c 19c 18c, $2.55 $2.55 $2.49 32.99 X12.99 45c Salt)...., BULK COCOA, 2 lbs. for CANNED PEAS, No. 3,.3 tans for CANNED CORN (Choice White), 2 for CANNED COR (Choice Yellow), 2 for 'AYLMER' PORK AND BEANS, large, 2 cans for , TOMATOES, medium size, 4 cans for AYLMER TOMATOES, 2 large cans for PUMPKIN: (small), 2 cans for PUMPKIN, (large), 2 cans for STRING BEANS. 2 cans for SLICED PINEAPPLE. 2 cans for CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, 1 can for APRICOTS, per can , , PEACHES, per can PINEAPPLE CUBES, per tin FISH FRESH RED SALMON, Sliced; per ib. 18c FRESH RED SAL•1VION in halves or wholes, per Iib, 15c 15c 15c 29e 25c SMOKED FILLETTS (Choilce Quality) Cros'spack per 11r, SMOKED HERRINGS, (dried), per lb. FRESH OYSTERS. ter glass jar SALMON (Pink), 2 large cans for Vegetables & Fruits CAULIFLOWER, per head - 25e FRESH SPINACH, 2 lbs. for 29c FRESH TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for 35c HEAD LETTUCE, for 10c CELERY HEARTS, for ', • 15e ORANGES, Large, per, dozen 49c ORANGES, Medium, per dozen ............ .......... .... 39c ORANGES, Small„ per dozen 25c .GRAPE FRUIT, 5' for .. , ..... , , 25c LEMONS, per dozen.. .29c LE'AT' 'LITT7CE, per bunch ....... , . . • . , 10e G. LOBB, . General Merchant INIu�IZ. PI111011111111 I ��ILOA1IN IW.. Clerk Jas. H. McCool of Londesboro was in town yesterday. Mrs. K. McGoon spent the week -end With her mother in Lucan. Miss Dorothy Cornish visited rela- tives in Exeter on Tuesday, 11•I;rs. Donald MacLeod of •Goderich spent the week -end with her father, Mr. Ralph Tiplady of town. Mrs., Foote of Port Arthur is here with her mother and sister, Mrs. Torrance and Miss Maud Torrance, Miss Margaret 'Bond of Sarnia and Miss Frances Clinton, of Walker- ville are guests of Miss Violet Morrison. Mrs. Clarence Green of Teeswater Is spending a week or so at the •home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Livermore of Aylmer spent the week -end with the frntees parer{try, Mr, gilts IN rs. James Livermore, Miss Mary M'athson, night superin- tendent of Queen Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich; was a week -end guest at the home of My. and Mrs. R E. 11fanning. Rev. C. W. D. Cosens was in Strat- ford most of last week assisting with the Winter School in connec- tion with the London and IIamil- ton Conferences, Miss Gladys Addison and Mr. Ben- son Sutter were in attendance at - the Winter School in Stratford last week. Miss Addison is a member • of the Huron County-Y,P.S. exedu- tive. Mr. John Torrance of .the Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, All'ta,, who has been east on business for his pa- per and also visiting his mother for the past few weeks, Ie£t for the west this week. Miss Gray, the popular teacher in charge of the girls' class in the short course closed here last week, left Satulilay for Odessa, where she is condlbeting a class, and Miss Taylor, who taught home nursing left for Singhampton, Messrs. M. J. Schoenhals, Asa Deeves, G. Cornish, W. J. Falcon- er and H. M. Hanley were in txe- ter en Tuesday, attending the An- nual 'meeting 8f the 1gouth. Huron h.O.L. And Mostof theabove missed appear in the list of officers appointed. LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Manning of Walton celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday at the home of 'the lady's sister, Mrs. Roy Plumsteel, when a family gathering was held, includ- ing 11fr. and Mrs. E. L. Mitteil and Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Resell of Clinton. Mr. end Mrs. M. Hanly were . in London on Tuesday, when the cast was taken off their little son's leg. Friends hope that the little lad will continue to improve, although it will of necessity be• a slow process. Mr. and 21 5. Cecil Cooper were in London .on Saturday. Mr. T. Bennett of Walton was the guest of Mr. Roy. Plumsteel_for a couple of days this.,; week. Mr.. Harry Steep was in Goderich' on Saturday. One sFrend Fells Another. RED AND W w Always in the, Lead ROUN:. H ()YNEIL2s ill` nr �f UA SPECIAL We are digging and:delving for FebruaryLent. ' Bargains, Special ',reparations for FISH DEPARTMENT Fresh Herring, frozen, per lb. Fresh Filletts,: per Ib. `Smoked. Filietts, per ib. Finnan Haddie, per 'ib. White Fish, per lb. Cisive Herring, per lb, Codfish; per lb Halibut, per lb: Red. Salmon, per lb. 10c 15c 15c 15c 15c 20c 15ca 15c 17c IN CELLOPHANE Peaches, California, Dried, per ib. 20c Apricots, per lb...., 15c Figs, 2 lbs. for 19c Prunes, 2 lbs. for - 25c Large Primes, 2 lbs. for 35o Shelled Walnuts, per Ib. 39e Cocoanut, per lb. 19c Watch our Window for Large Bottles of Cocoa, pure, for Coling and drinking, each 25c Large Bottle of Blue Ribbon Coffee, per lb. 450 C. and B. Catsup, 2 bottles. for 25c C. and B. Soup, Tomato, 4 tins for 25c LARGE . SALE Sodas • in 8 and 10 lb. boxes, per lb. McCormick's Fancy Biscuits, per Ib. • Paterson's (small), 2 for OF BISCUITS FOR FEBRUARY 10c Weston's and McCormick's, 2 lbs. for 25c ' 25c Fancy. Assorted Biscuits, Fri. and Sat, only, lb. 15c '19c We are clearing these out and they will go -quickly. Marmalade, large .jar L,.22c Corn 'Flakes; Quaker, 2 for 15c Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs.. for , 27c Yellow Sugar, 5 lbs. for 27c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. fox 17c Cheese, Medium, 2 lbs. for 29c FIusho,, =per tin Soda, 2 pkgs. for taanesenscrinnesseasta 90 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES • Oranges, large and juicy, per dozen 39c Grape Fruit, 6 for 25c 15c Spinach, 2 lbs. for 29c Cranberries, per lb. 25c Lemons, 6 for - New Carrots, Turnips and Cauliflowers Extra Clerks in white 'goats for Friday and Saturday, to give you courteous service, Specials, Red and White decorations for Valentine, 6 pkgs. Valentine' Jelly Powder 25c You are welcome to come and inspect okr stock, at any time. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails COKE TO THE CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 EUCHRE& t ANCE in the • Liberal Club Rooms (over I-Iatkins' Hardware) on the evening of Wed., Feb. 13 Silver Collection at the Door. Good. Program During Lunch. Ladies Please Provide Sandwiches, ALL WELCOME GIRLS' CLUB OF IVESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH are serving A Valentine Supper THURSDAY? FEB. 14TII• 5 to 7 p.ni. MENU: Old Virginia Baked Ham, Escalloped • Potatoes, Carrots and Peas, . Jellies, Salads, Pickles, Roils, Coffee, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie. Admission, 35 cents, 13-1. BE SURE TO HEAR The • Canadienne Artists Idris Hopkins and Dennis Cullen of Chatauqua• and Radio lame Ont. Street Church, Mondag, Februar8 18 8 p,in. auspices' C.G,I.T. in' song, organ and piano recital and popular monologue, A part in 17th century costtii]9e. Admission, Adults 25c; Children, 10c. 13-2. GODERICI3 TOWNSHIP Mrs. Geo. McVittie of Londesbore has been visiting her sister, Ma's., Da- vid Damn, and others hi the com- munity the past few days. BRUCEFIELU The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed next Sunday, Feb. 10th, at the m;ornig service, Pre- paratory service to, be held on Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock.. The Many friends of Miss Elia M. Scott were glad to sec her able to be in the store again after her recent ill- ness. Dr. Swan of Iiamilton visited at the home of his father, Mr. James Swan, last Sunday and his father returned home with him tospend a few days. Mrs, Alex McKenzie is spending a few days with friends in London. A box, social , will be nerd in the school room of the United Church, Feb!. 14th at 8 p.m., in aid of the public library. A good program is being prepared. St.VALENTINE'S PARTY In St. Joseph's Hall, Clinton Thur. evening, Feb. 14 Modern and Old Time Entertainment "Shorty" Grant's 8 -piece Orchestra Refreshments Served Admission, 35c. 13-1. on February 14th F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist "Telegraph De- ilivery Association, Phones 176 and 31. TRY T. HAWKINS .for - HARDWARE PAINTS OILS GLASS HAVE A 'FEW STOVES AT RE- DUCED PRICES DURING • FEBRUARY (pRDER GALVANIZED ROOFING NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY. T. Hawkins IIARDWAR•E and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 t:larnl1 „g Nick MARSHAL SPRING MATTRESS DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY We are GIVING AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE GOOD HEAVY SLIP COVER with every Marshall Mattress we sell. These mattresses are guar- anteed and most comfortable and certainly will make your sleeping hours more restful. We are also offering a very special price on a Birch Walnut 0 - piece DINING ROOM SUITE as a February Special. If you are interested you will save money while this offer lasts, BALL & ZAPPE Hardware, N. BALL, Phone 110. The Store With The Stock Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers Phone J. J. ZAPFE, 195. Phone 103. 55/54505050415.... AMEEEMIIIIMEFEril REATLfl FOOD VAIVES HERE FEB. 7-8-9 EXTRA SPECIAL TOMATOES, Squat size 50 CHASE and SANBORN COFFEE, 1 db. for 390 McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, per pkg. 50. 25c 21c 23e 23c 25e. COWAN COCOA, large 1.1b, tin 23e SALADA TEA, yellow label; 1-2's 28c Brown , .. , 33c 35c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW CAKES, 2 lbp. for SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 tins for QUAKER OATS, . large*pkg. for STRING BEANS, 2 tins for CHOICE PEAS, 2 tins for SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, large pkg. FISH MARKET HALIBUT STEAK, per ib. 20e 15e 8c 1 15c SALMON STEAK, per ib. RFESH LAKE HERRING, per lb. SMOKED FILLETTS, per lb. FRUIT and VEGETABLES LARGE NO. 5 HEAD, LETTUCE, 2 for , .,........ ......25e CARROTS, 2 bunches for 25c PARSNIPS, 7 !lbs. far. ........... . . „ ...... ......., . , .. 25e SWEET POTATOES, 3 ibis. for 25c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25e ORANGES, per dozen 29c, 39c and 49c .11; McKNIGHT & SON "Your Superior. Store" W'o Sell the Best For Less Phone 111 CLINTON