HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-01-17, Page 8BIG WEEK ON SALMON Maple Leaf, large size - Red ,IStar, large size Cascade, large size Campbell's Soup, 2 for C. and B. Catsup, each 10 bars P. and G. Soap 5 balls Sunlight and Comfort Soap �.,.. 25c' "25c Edwardsburg ,Syrup, 5 lbs. for 35c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Macaroni, 5 lbs. for 25c Asparagus (Cuttings), tin 10c _MEATS AND FISH 35c 25o 14c 19c 15c 29c, Jelly Powders, 5 for B. C. Salmon, piece 15c Fresh Filletts, per Ib. 17c Smoked Filletts, per lb. 15c Fresh Herring, per Ib. • Sc '"PAGE 8 THE CLINTON :NEWS -RECORD January B MEN'S 6 -EYELET LACED RUBBERS, Black with red soe]h Sale Price , I$1.49 ' MEN'S WOOL WORK .SOCKS 15c to 59c MEN'S LINED KID GLOVES, Salle Price '98c , r. A FEW PAIRS OF WOOL AND WO1`11JCOT liLAN ETS ' ON SALE AT CLEARING 'PRICES. BARGAIN PRICES ON ALL EINES O,FWINTER MERCHANDISE • OVERCOATS; LEATHER COATS AND . E WINDB'REAKERS,, WOOL V INIDB7tE U ERS AND HEAVY ;SWEATERS. WORK SWEATERS, Regular 31.35 ....... ..................For $1.19 , REMNANTS OP ALLA NDS AT ,GLF'ARrNiG PRICES ' Plumsteel ' Pos. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made-to-Measure'Clothine dellagICallenf DO liNION [MONNDE STDDE A. ?0.� ar°Yil„ 'iia.:. -y. QUEBEC COOK STOVE, new $24.0e . r s i.Km f t a .:4 LAMB STEWS, per ib. . , . ..... ... 10c MINCE MEAT, 2 ]ba.for .... ...,25c SAUSAGES, 2 lbs, for 25c - HAMBURG STEAK, per lb. ......... ......... ..s,10c. BULK LARD, per Ib. 14c SHORTENING,. 2 lbs. for 23c FRONT QUARTER BEEF, per lb. 7c HIND QUARTER BEEF, per Ib. 9c HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25c CONN ALL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING ` MEAT MARKET " 1'lione 162. Albert Street SA:14IE REASONABLE PRICES AS USUAL ON ANY GOODS WE dellagICallenf DO liNION [MONNDE STDDE ,'1E ADVAI'JE !NMI TO ALL REPORTS WE THINK THERE INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF • FURNITURE• i 1 LOWDEN FURNACE BLOWER, "New" $25.00 WE ALSO HAVE SEVERAL SECOND-HAND 13ATTERY RADIOS AT BARGAIN PRICES. QUEBEC COOK STOVE, new $24.0e . SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware -Funeral Directors. 11 iI OSAL LADIES' FINE BOTANY WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS Sizes 36 to 44 31.95 SILK AND WOOL HOSE, High Grade of Good Weight, Colours of Gun Metal and Parktan ... • ... ..........45c 4 -PLY BOTANY WOOL, Beauty Ball, 2 1 -oz. balls for : 25c 3 -PLY FACTORY YARN, Unwashed, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Med, Grey, per ]b. 1 50e g3 -PLY WHEELING WOOL, Blue, Sand, Cardinal', Black' Mattled, 75c 2 -PLY BLACK WHRRELING WOOL, per ib. 71c .4 -PLY SCOTCH FINGERING, per lb. 3115 Shades -=Black, Grey, Sand, Maroon, Searlet, Bine, Bright Heather, Green, Heather, WHITE FLANNELETTE, 27", per yd. 19c WHIT.E FLANNELETTE, 36"per yard 25c COLOURED FLANNELETTE,, 36", per yard 19c and 21c SUN AND TUB -FAST PRINTS, Ali New Patterns, 2 yds. for ..35c PRISCILLA BIAS FOLD TAPE, Superior Quality, pkg. .......15c LADIES' PRINT APRONS, each 25c and 49c KIDIES PRINT APRONS, Cover -All „Style, each 35c LADIES' SUEDE TAFFETA SLIPS, lace -trimmed, adjustable ShouMer Straps 98c LADIES' , LACE -,,TRIMMED BROADCLOTH SLIPS 59c LADIES' PLAIN COTTON BROADCLOTH SLIPS • , ...25c and 33c BRASSIERES, each . . 25c LADIES' RAYON BLOOMERS, fancy trim 39e LADIES' PURE CREPE SILK HOSIERY, popular shades pars 65e LADIES' FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY ., 75c LADIES' RAYON HOSE, reinforced heel and toe, pair 29c and 39c WHITE COTTON PILLOW SLIPS, hemstitched borders, Standard Size, per pair 49c. FOOTWEAR LADIES' VELVET.FUP.I'RIMMED GALOSHES, per pair ...'32.75 LADIES' RUBBER GALOSHES, per pair 31.29 LADIES' LACED WORK RUBBER , 31.79 LADIES' PULLOVER RUBBER 65c LADIES' DRESS OXFORD $2.19 LADIES' WORK OXFORD 2.,09 CHILD'S LACE RUBBER BOOTS 31.29 CHILD'S LACE BOOTIES :........................85c, 89c and 99c CHILD'S LACED OXFORDS .• •99c BABY'S BOOTIES, Pink, Blue, Black and White : 490 LOBB'S BARGAIN STORE m,a scemo..xms Everybody's Favorite SONGS ARRANGED FOR 20 DIFFERENT INSTRUMENTS -Over 200 songs in this large folio. All the old favorites gathered to- gether. Contains a: large selection of mountain, love, children's, Spanish, 1i1;idli,' Russian, patriotic, operatic, comedy,' college and home songs. The publishers ,believe that it re- presents a complete musical .encylo- pedia and fills a long felt need. PRICE 31.00 • SONGS FOR CHILDREN A wonderful book for kiddies. • Has. over 200 different songs including all the ,popular :fairy :songs that every;, child laves. A collection including. sacred :hyinns, animal and bird songs; and songs and games. Just the thing for dhiliiran to ;spend those few mom- ents with between supper and bed- time. 'PRICE ;$1.00 CU•LBER'TSO.N'S 'OWN CONTRACT BIDDING SELF -TEACHER Just this 'book, and a pencil and you 'have everything you need to learn contract 'bidding. Read the clear essy to :grasp lexplanetions, 'look at the illustrative examples and • then take out your pencil and test yourself on the poin'ks -you 'have 'learned. Check your bids with 'the correct answers in the back of the 'boo'k. This mew Sim- plifield Culbertson Self Teacher in- cludes all 'b'ids from opening one 'bids to the sensationally successful Cul- bertson Grand Slam 'Convention. ONLY '75c A COPY. Tie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best I INIII�III 311111111 IIIA N mi Tali.1 l'tis Mrs. H. MCBrien has gone to London to spend a few weeks. Miss Eileen Rumball of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. Wesley Hoggart of Hallett spent the week -end with her moth- er, Mrs. E. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent Friday in Kitchener as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Schnell. Mrs. H. A. Steven of Matachewan, who has been spending some weeks with her mother, Mrs. Bartliff, was in Toronto over last week: end. klr. and Mrs. Milton Cook and daughter, Betty, of Sarnia were guests over last week -end of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs: John Scheenhals. Mrs. (Dr.) Alcon has returned from Mitchell, where she had been cal- led owing to the illness and subse- quent death of her brother, the late pr. McGill, 111'issee Word and Stone returned last week after spending the Christmas holiday period with their respective families, and have resumed their duties at the School of Commerce. Mr. E. S. Livermore of Aylmer, spent • a few hours with his parents, Mr. and Ms. J. Liveimoie, on Monday, coming from Woodstock, where he had been presiding at a magi- strate's court. Mr. W. J. Twitchell, formerly o2 Clinton, buyer for the Hudson's Bay Company of Edmonton, Alta., spent the week -end with his sisters and brother in Windsor, before leaving on a four Months' buying trip to Europe. PORTER'S HILL The adjourned meeting of the Men's Olub will bp held, at the club room in Grace church on Jan. 22nd, at 8 o'clock p.m. to complete elections of off•.t?ms ani other business. A good attendance is asked for. Refresh- ments will be served. Our vicinity has been visited with an unusual ambunt of sickness. Mrs. Roy Wilson, who has been critically ill in Goderich hospital, is making good headway. Mrs. 3. Rear, who was rushed to the hospital last Wed- nesday ednesday for an appendix operation, is doing nicely. The Y.P.S. had a splendid meeting Thursday evening. Alvin Betties gave the. topic. About 25 were pre- sent. This is an encouraging start for the new year. The annual meeting of Grace church will be held Monday. night, Jan. 21st. The Taylor's. Corner Ladies' Aid held their annual meeting at the home of Mas. Austin Sturdy. About 22• were present. Rev. J. W. Herbert con- ducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Calvert; let vice, Mss. Austin Stur- dy 2nd, vice, Mrs: S. Starling; treas- urer, MTs. Reg. Sturdy; secretary, Mrs. B. Walters;- organist, Mrs. A. ltohnes. Dainty refreshments Were served. Mrs. G. G. Newton and Mrs. Hugh McCabe were hostesses for the month. A splendid report of the:'yeaT was read by Airs. Walter Hicks. THURS., JAN: 17th, 1935' RED AND WHITE. Always in the Lead, COFFEE SALE AND I lb. Sugar Cubes free, with each pound of Red and White Coffee'.. Also any article for 2c with $1.00 of Groceries for Cash on Fri. 8 Sat BE SURE AND COME EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENTS. FREE DENBY CHINA White Fish, per lb. 8c Pure Soap Flakes, 5 lbs. for :..:. 390 Pineapple, Sliced, (1's) 10c Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per lb. 15c Falcon Peas, No. 4, 2 for 19c Tomatoes (2 1-2 lb.) 2 for .19c Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs. for 29c Yellow Sugar, 5 lbs. for ..,..., 29c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 17c Cooking Onions, 10 lbs. for 17c Good Rice, 5 lbs. 25c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. for 25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges, per dozen 33c and 39c Grape Fruit, 5 for 24c Lemons, per dozen Head Lettuce, each Spinach, 2 lbs.' for, 23c 10c 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Do Not Fail To Hear Miss Peel Newton Elocutionist and Humorous Monologist ASSISTED BY LOCAL TALENT in Wesley -Willis Church Thursday, Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. under auspices of the choir. • Admission, 25c; Children, 15c. 10-2. ST. HELENS Mr. Wilson Woods has returned to Guelph to resume his studies at the 0.A..0. He was accompanied by his mother, who will visit with her daughters for a few weeks. .Miss Helen Thom, who is in Train. ing at Peterboro Hospital, was oper- ated on for appendicitis Saturday evening. Her many friends will be pleased to learn ehe is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. E. W. Rise of Eden Grove was a recent visitor with friends. The Y.P.S. was well attended Sun- day evening and proved to be very in- teresting as it was all taken by young men of the community, The Scripture and comments was read by Charlie MleDonald, Bible character blip Bob Purvis and papers on writers of Canadian History was ably taken by Gordon Miller, Neely Todd and Cuyler Ramage with Mr. M Intyre, B,A., leading a most interesting dis- cussion. Miss, Anna Stuart of Toronto was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. George Stuart. Mrs. John Miller was a recent visi- tor with Mrs. Sparks of Bluevale. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mas, W, Legan and Kath- leen of Blyth visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Step- henson. Mrs.. Leo. Stephenson entertained the members. of her Mission Band on Saturday afternoon. Fourteen young people were i5resent. The stork called of Seaforth 1VEem- orial Hospital on Jan. 13th and left a baby boy for Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. We extend congratulations: Mr. Adam Glazier of Clinton is visiting at 'the _ hoine of M. David Milken, My. and -Mfrs. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton visited relatives in, the village on Sunday. Misses Phyllis Medd and Ella Dex- ter and ex-terland Master Wes. Hoggarth are attending the short coarse sponsored by the Agricultural Department in Clinton. ' Mr. and Mks. Adam Nicholson and Mr. J. Riley visited in Goderich on 'W'ednesday at the home of the lady's Sister„ Mrs W..1V11cArthur. Mrs. Mer Arthur 'is at 'present quite i11. Mr. Bert, Barwick returnee) home with them and will visit here for a while. 0 IrJedk CLINTON' Your sick friends would appre- eiate and enjoy flowers. Spring Flowers now available. F.R. CUNININGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association. Phones 176 and 31. SPECIALS FOR JANUARY 0 TEN PERCENT. or ALL RANGES AND HEATERS. l= CHOICE OF ANY ALLADIN LAMP IN STOCK,_ $700 - t 1 VAC -TRIC ELECTRIC CLEANER 355.00 (Regular $65.00) CI CALL AND SEE THESE SPECIALS T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 January Special Each customer to whom we give a Permanent this month will be entit- led to a shampoo and finger -wave at 50e for the next six months. WAVES FROM 803 to $7 Guaranteed ringlet ends. Henri Beauty Shop phone 223, Isaac Street, CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 SD ACCORDING A SUBSTANTIAL ,'1E ADVAI'JE !NMI TO ALL REPORTS WE THINK THERE INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF • FURNITURE• ATION WILL BE MOST LINES OF SO WE WOULD SUGGEST THAT IF' YOU ARE: THINKING OF GETTING A DINING ROOM SUITE, A BEDROOM SUITE OR A CHESTERFIELD SUITE • IT WILL PAY YOU T0' BUY NOW, AS WE WILL GIVE YOU THE SA:14IE REASONABLE PRICES AS USUAL ON ANY GOODS WE HAVE IN STOCK, AND THERE IS A GOOD ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM WE ALWAYS CARRY A PULL LINE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS TO DEAL WITH THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM. BALL & ZAPPE The Store With The Stook Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone - J. J. ZAPPE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. SOMEONE HAS SAID THAT WE ARE SURE OF TWO THINGS IN LIFE-"DE'AT,H'.AND TAXES." WE WOULD ADD THIS TO IT -THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS BE SURE OF GETTING THE BEST GROCERIES FOR LESS MONEY AT THISSTORE. Items for January 17, 18 & 19 AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, 16 ozs., 5 tins 25c SUNLIGHT SOAP, Special, 10 bars 44c TOMATO JUICE, Special, 5 tins for 25c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for 17c AYLMER SOUPS, Vegetable and Tomato, 3 tins 25c AYLMER SOUPS, Baby O. Vegtable, Tomato, each 5c 15c HEMPHILL'S WHEAT BERRIES, 4 lb. bag 25c RED PLUM..JAM, 32 ozs. for 25c DERBY CHEESE, 1.2 lb. pkg., 2 for .., ........_ , 25e McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, 5 pkgs. for 25c 25c 25c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, per Ib. SINGAPORE .SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 tins for PRUNES, large sweet, 2 Ibis. for Meat' Specials SCRNEIDER'S BREAKFAST BACON, per lb. 32c PURE PORK SAUSAGE, per lib. 22c PEAMPJAL COTTAGE ROLLS, per ib. 19c COOKED HAM, Sliced, per lb. 450 OYSTERS, Choice' large size, for 35c Fih Specials. WHITE FISH, per lb., 7c SALMON FISH, per lb, .......................7e FILLETTS, SMOKED, per lb. - 17c SMOKED KIPPERINES, per lb. 15c McKNIGIIT ee SON "Your Superior Store" We Sell the Boat For Less Phone 111 CLINTON