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The Clinton News Record, 1935-01-17, Page 5
HURS., JAN. 17th, 1935 OF INTEREST TO YOU ,,m 'AND 11 The Provincial Legislature will eet Feb, 20th, then watch for fire. cats. i moa N,o doubt remains as to what to do pith the San- ' Basin. It will have to e returned to the German pantry. 0o0 Clinton Collegiate Board .faces the tew:year without a surplus this year tnd before the end of the ' month will call upon the council for between 1700 and $1800• The council will have to borrow this. money from the bank. - Q The Dominion Parliament meets today and Premier Bennett will be required:: to explain just what he means by his revolutionary addres- •.ser, and they'll have to bear the scrut- iny of those who are prepared -to op - "Tose him,' and them to the last ditch. fl©O climb A Port Albert than had to P eon a table one night recently, when "the Liver overflowed and his house • was surrounded by water arid ice.` ':He stayed there until rescued by • men in a row brat. Port Albert •;seems to be situated pietty high -and •dry usually, but this man's house was tbuilt on the flats,' and ': weve had ',our January thaw.❑ Oil The first holiday of 1935 , is past, `:and the next one, Geed Friday, comes •on April 19th. April 22nd, Easter -Monday, is a bank holiday but is not :generally observed. May 24th, Vie- 'toria.Day, is republic holiday: June ='3rd, the King's birthday,. is only a -school' arid' bank Holiday in Canada, -not being generally observed. 'July `1st, Dominion 'Day, is a general holt• day. August._5th this 'year will pros " bably be observed pretty generally, ''inthis part. of Ontario anyway, as '• Civic Holiday. Sept.•and will be ob- served as Labor Day, . it being the first Monday in the month,p'ct il7t�t it "is probable that Monday, -will be proclaimed Thanksgiving Day. •"November 11th, which comes on "Monday this year, is Remembrance day and a public holiday. Christmas comes this year on Wednesday. Easter is late this year, April 22nd. Ash W'ednesdaY comes on March 6th. it those who are very 'anxious that their own privileges may not be interfered with . But it matters little where the. re form comes from . so long as - genuine and can be brought about with as little interference as possible with the existing •system ;of law, or- der and good government. One thing seems certain: unless,I something can be done to bring a- bout a more equitable distribution of this world's goodsto those who make up our citizenship, the present Sys- tem will be scrapped, and by hands which will care little or nothing a- bout conserving anything from the ruin. After all this world was not created for the favored few, it was - meant for the use of all. And it is a crying shame and a blot on 20th cen- tury ,civilization, that in this young land, rich in every good thing which the world contains, should have in it men and women who can barely eke outan existence at any time and in times of stress are dependent on charity for a subsistence. THE . CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BIRTHS SMITIT—In the Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Jan. 10th, to Mr. and 'qrs. Goldwin Smith, a daughter. —Beveilie Jane. DALE—In Seaforth Memorial I Hos- pital, pital, on Jan. lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale of Hulktt, a son. IN MEMORIAM COSEN9 In sacred remembrance' of Maty E. Govenlock Cosens, beloved wife of Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, Mt. Forest, and dearly loved mother of Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cosens, lyI„A., B.D.,.Clinton, who entered into the 'Heavenly rest 4 years ago, Jan- uary 16th, 1931. Just Away She is not dead but just away To the fair realms of endless day Among the blest and glorified, With Christ forever to abide. She is not dead, she still is dear, And Maven seems so very near And some day we, shall meet and say, "She was not dead, but Just away." As we loved her, so we miss her. —Husband and Son. BA' FIELD Ferns Flowering Plants Cut Flowers T rusrtt:4rpr ie e CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Miss' Floy Edwards entertained her Sunday School. Glass on Saturday af- ternoon: •• " ' Miss Jean Woods went to 'London on Tuesday to spend a couple of days. Mrs. A. Currie has gone to visit in Galt. Mrs. Jack- Castle and Master Jack. returned home on Saturday after hav- ing spent the past month in Toronto. The annual meeting of Trinity Church Dramatic Club was heldt the• Rectory on Tuesday evening when the following officers were elected for. 1935: Director, Miss Lucy Woods.; Asst. Director; Mrs. Bugler, Secxe- tart' -Treasurer, William Parker; Pro perty Director, Miss Margaret Groves Scenery Committee, Sam Wideombe, Charles Gemeinhatdt; Pianist, Mrs. 1VI'oorhouse. It was decided to stage a Mliitstrel Show on February 22nd: The annual meeting of the Bayfield Pin e Library Association Jan- uary the . Library room t,n 14. Rev. R. M. Gale presiding. The minutes of last annual meeting were read and approved. 'The, books were audited by Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Bailey and the Treasurer's re- port showed a balance on hand of $7.04. All grants were reduced Iast year. The Librarian's report showed that the total circulation for the year was down to 2541. Those elected to the Library Board for 1935 were: Rev. R. M. Gale, Rev. W. G. Bugler, Dr S M• Burris, Geo. E. Greenslade, How Many Varieties of Bread do we Make? Week, the three ehurehes uniting to- gether. On Monday evening, Jan. 7th, Rev. W. G. Angler• addressed ,. the. meeting in Knox Presbyterian church. He' those as, his subject ."H'utuan Need." ,,Rev. R. M. Gale presided and conducted the devotional exercises., , On Tuesday evening, Rev. R. M. Gale addressed the gathering in Trine ity Anglican Church taking as his sub- ject "The outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost." .Rev. Mr. Bugler, the rector presided, Viand conducted the de- votional exercises, Dr. Dou On Wednesday evening gan of the Presbyterian Church ad- dressed the people in St.. Andrews United Church, taking as his subject "Repentance." The pastor, Mr. Gale, presided, and Rev. W. G. Bugler, con; ducted the devotional part. The meetings were well attended in spite of unfavorable weather. ` It is our hope that rich, blessing may follow. • St. Andrew's Y.P. met on Friday evening, and in the absence of the president, Fraser Sterling, the vice, Albert Dunn, took charge. A fine paper was given by Mks. Robt. Scot- chmer on "Why Home Missions." Af- ter the address, Rev. R. M. Gale, as- sisted by Albert Woods, presented some 80 views of "Jesus of Nazar- eth," on the screen with . the fine Bauch lantern recently purchased be the Y. P. Society, The pictures were shown hurriedly with no :comment, but on the Sunday evening following some 40 were again shown at the Sunday evening service vte owl the short lecture, and song interspersed, Next Sunday evening the 20th, it is intend- ed to put on the remaining 40 views at theregular service at 7 'o'clock. THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs and Cream. ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w White ,Breads—Round, Brick, Butter -1 Milk, Potatoes' Sandwich, DaintY- Maid, Raisin, Fruit and Nut. Brown Breads—W1ole Wheat, Crack- ed. Wheat and Roman, Meal. 000 "The modern girl adores spinning - wheels, but she wants four of them read a spare,"—St. Marys Journal- • Argus. ' Oh, well,; we know a modern girl Who is this winter getting a hand : Ioont and is "crazy about it." She expects to weave nearly everything • a girl usually puts in her hope chest v > ] you. After all, knot some. 'then "'And • we may be slipping, around to our • great-grandmothers' tastes and fan - wheel may be cies, a spinning ext. Another girl of our acquaintance 1. -bas already made ` several quilts which are said to be works of art and all done by hand. Neither of the above young ladies object to a spin in a nice,car, but they have some potions other than just speeding and the t Fadi-, o Y on •'the 11 Worthily parry Y "tions of 'the race, we have no doubt,. 'The modern girl is a mighty fine pro- duct. Is' the modern young pian a 'fit mate' for her, we wonder? fill El LE Mrs R Scotchmer, Miss Lucy Woods, Certaihly Premier Bennett has a- -roused a lot of interest and in some quarters a 'lot, of opposition by his -:announcement of proposed reforms. - But' if he can put through the bulk of the reforms he is advocating he will be doing the very best thing which tinny party leader can do for Canada. :A very large and growing number of •,.staid and solid citizens, men and wo- men who are .not "red" nor commun- istic, are becoming :convinced that the present economic system is very unfair to the majority . of people, while it favors the few who can manipulate things to suit themselves.) 'Aid :it remains, for some party to •. call a halt and demand a showdawn and a reform. • Unless one of the old parties d0 this, t 'n due time some other party will, be it the C.C.F. or • some other. The trouble with the .C•C.F. was 'that while it seemed to be prepared to., pull the house down it had no clear plan for rebuilding. Citizens of a country like Canada do nottake to the idea of scrapping everythilig tangible for a shadow. Wle like to 'know' where we are going before we board a fast express. And the idea ' 'o£'• reforming our present' syste , tatting out what is bad and retaining - `what is worthwhile, appeals to us. "We hope the Premier can do at least act part of what he seems to have in -: mind. at the "laughSome folk seem tobringing '°`.idea'of a Conservative party g in• •any reforms. ' These are the peo- wbol like to C ons erva- that 'think ' - le p ' 'rives and Reformers are still built -aspen the lines: which used to obtainin, ''England two or 'three hundred years ,ago, with 'the' House of Lordsnd the :Conservative 'Party fighting t� -mini nail :to • "conserve" their "privil- ••eges"" and the Reformers endeavor-. • -ins to gain' for' the common. ;people Rtg 'their " htsl' "This pivcture is out . of'date•even in 'kin"gland and more so " in Canada; Ref tmt oa•are just as like- !' l to be introduced' by one party, as by Y another. Each ismade up 'of rich • ,eat& poor, 'the learned and the un- - eaeh'ha iearr:ed and . w s men and wo- , -men'. lined up with them who are anx- toC os � those " `ur to• better' oonditton o f t fair whnthave• not; been, getting . a,.. tr;,;,deal. Each,' tao,-we fear, have in • Oysters. • - .• " Fruits BARTLIFF & CRICH • Makers of Dainty-Mldd and \Yhele-Wheat Bread, Phone 1. •. ,Clinton.. AN ANNOUNCEMENT • Having tahen,ever the North End Grocery I would appreciate a share of the Patronage of Clinton and Vicinity. • RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells: Jan., i7-��1Br 'i9 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes; per peck'- ...............Be Large Cabbages, each .•..5c and 8e Carrots, 3 Iris. for „10c Parsnips, 3 10c lbs. for. Spanish' Onions, home grown, lb, 5c Miss M. Groves, Mks. T. C. Bailey and Mrs. M. Ferguson, the two latter McKay and •s. M y ofMi places 'n taking the P a Mrs. Seeds. Following the annual meeting, a meeting of the Library minutes The m to of the bel d. T Board was t d last meeting were read and approved. Rev. R. M. Gale as President, Geo. E Greenslade as Secretary -Treasurer, and Miss 1t. E. Fowlie as Librarian were re-elected' to office. A commit- tee appointed to arrange ways ane means of financing the Library con- sisted of Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs.'Scetch- mer, Mrs. McKaY, Mrs• T. C. Bailey, Misses F. and E. Fowlie and M. Groves. The annual meeting of the Settlor Guild' of Trinity. Church was held at the home of Mrs. George King on Friday evening, January 4th. The Secretary and Treasurer's reports were both very satisfactory. The fol- lowing officers were appointed for 1935: President, Mrs. N. W. Woods; Vice -Pres., Mrs. F. Hater; Secretary, Mrs. J. 0. Goldthorpe; Assistant See.' Peter"-, Mrs. 5. McEwan;• Treasurer, Mrs. H. R. McKay; Flower Commit- tee, Mrs, P. Weston, Mrs. E. A. Feath- erston; Visiting committee, Mrs. M• Elliott, Mks. F. Baker. The retiring offveete were Mrs. Bugler (President) and liars. S. 11110E -wen . (Secretary). At the close of the meeting refre5h- metts were served by the hostess. ' A most enjoyable supper was sup- plied by the Woman's Association at the annual meeting of St. Andrew's a . United Church on Tuesday evening, Jan. 15th. The tables were filled with the most enticing form of menu, and look- ed verylinv:ing and were fully enjoy- ed. A, large•gatheding was present. After the supper the business of the! congregation was taken up. The min stet', Rev. R. M Gale, was ap- pointed to the chair, and 'Miss Isobel Kirk' as secretary for the evening. Home,. sweet home is home, WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE J.BJIiistaflI Coal Co. PHONE 74 CLINTON. ONTARIO A. L. CARTWRIGHT, Local Mgr. PAGE' 5 warm home, where the Heat Folks have the run of the fire. If you have these happy young- sters in your coal bin there is no need of hanging up. "There's no, place like home" for you'll know it just as soon as you keep the They Y step p , household warm and care -free. They save frequent trips to the cella.. and numerous fire -build- ing jobs. You can trust them to keep the fires going no mat- ter how late you're' out. Bo a- dopt 'these Hleat. Folks'', and put more joy in your life. Call the " `Y Mots Spanish Onions, California, 3 lbs. 25c Cooking Onions, :No. 1, lge, 10 Ib. 25c, Head' Lettuce, .2 for .... , .Z5c Choice Crooking Turnips, 3 fon • .10c Choice Cooking Apples, peck ...250 Choice Spy Apples ......25c and 45c Oranges, per dozen ...29c, 39c Lemons, 6 for .. • ,15c25c Large Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Bananas, per dozen ••• • We buy and .:grade eggs while you wait for which we pay le a dozen more in Cash or Trade. M. C. JORDAN Grocer, Clinton. 10-1. • w warded ' to the Dept. of Highways showing a subsidy due el $1;508.74. The following accounts were paid: Goderich Star, printing, $25.60; T. T. Murphy, Division Court Clerk, 13.00; A. F. ,Somersall, Division Court Bail- iff, $6.00; R. G. Thompson,: census to I.Ps. and special reports, $9,50; Re- lief accounts, $53.39; Supt. pay vou- cher No. 2, $19.00. Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, Feb. 4th, at 1.30 p.ni. —R. G. Thompson, Clerk. Mrs. Annie Colclough of Clinton.• is Visiting her son, Mr. Albert Colclough who is still confined to ,the house af- ter recent injury. • his is l t c injury. Mr. B. Ra h w ell at t end ed the fu fun- eral of his aunt, the late Mrs. A. Lit - tie of Luckttow, last week. Mrs. Eva Wheeler is visiting her cousin, Me, Ben Rathwell. Miss Mabel Rathwell was in Luck now last week at the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Annie Little. The Ebenezer church W. A. had their election of officers for 1935 at ,. tt S the meeting at Mrs. John Tcoon The result was as follows: President‘ M'rs. John Tebbutt, Vice: IVlita. Ira Merrill Sec: Treasurer: Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt. Assistant: Mrs. lvtorgan Jones. Pianists: Miss Edith Paterson and Miss Gertrude Eason!. Flower' Comntietteo:: Mrs. David Easom and Mrs. Wilfred Biggin. GODERICH TOWNSHIP RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free delivery at all hours CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich—Phone 47 Now Playing: Mae West in: "rm. NO ANGEL." REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now Playing: THE MIDSHIP= MAN" Jessie Matthews, Mon., Tues., Wed. The Ring and Queen of "Carioca" Ginger Rogers and Fred d famire Ire n another catchy girlancing! Show. Sneh "The. Gay Divorcee". Alice Brady and Edward Everett. Horton -Mon., Tues., Wed. Pauline Lord and W. C. Fields in a .piture well -beloved to please Aeveryone Thurs., Fri„ Sat. SHIRLEY TEMPLE Returns in her new and delightful comedy hit "BRIGHT EYES" "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch with Kent Taylor and Zasu Pittb; Thurs., Fri,, Sat. with Jas. Dunn & Jane Darwell Coming: "It's a Boy," and "Blue Danube Nights," on a double bill. Mat,: Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan, Two exceptional attraetions cons - biased into an outstanding program "IT'S A BOY" and "Blue Danubeiiights" • Coming: Mae West itt: `TM NO ANGEL" Matinee Sat. at 3 p.m. Council Meeting—,Council met in Reeve a. last, st , tiM y Holmesville o Wilmot Haacke, with Messrs. Jervis Corey, Cox and Rathwell, councillors, took the declaration of office and af- ter brief inaugural speeches from the members, started business for the year. Communication as follows were read: Hospital for Sick Children re grant read and fyled; Good Roads Asso- ciation re membership read and fyl- ed; Dominion Bureau Construction statistics, referred to the clerk to fill in and return. Considerable discus- sion centred on some Hospital ac- counts but nothing definite done, By -Law No. 1 setting salaries was read a thirdtime, also By-law N'o 2 appointing officials: R. G. Thompson, Clerk; H. L. Salkeld, Treasurer; How- ard Sturdy, Collector; H. McCartney, Assessor, E. A. Yeo and Geo. G, Ginn, auditors; T. M. Falconer, Weed In- spector; T. M. Woods, Member; of Board of Ifealth; W. II. Lobb and Reg. Sturdy, sheep valuers; Fence viewers, 'Will Cook, Geo. . Laithw cite, Geo. Sowerby, Geo. 0. Sturdy, Roy Chambers, Robt. Rodges; T. M. Woods J. McClure, L. Stephenson, L. Ander- son, D. Glidden, Sr., a Potter, R. G. Smith, Roward Williams, Robb. Pear- son. , Pound Keepers Robt. Sowerby, D. McDougall, J. McGuire, Arnold Mil- ler, H. McCartney, R. E. Colclough: titg -son Pa R Engineer; P. Fing- e A SUIT WELL -PRESSED will make YOU a man well-dres- sed. Let our expert presser play the role of valet to you by pres- sing that suit that bags at the knees and sags at the shoulders. Our service ice is prompt; mP t • our work- manship is superiorprices ate low enough to please the most t thrifty. Y CUSTOM SAWING Custom sawing will be done during the coming Spring at Bayfield, Thos. Wallis,; 4th concession, Goderich township and at John Turner's, Clin- ton. CLEAKING AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock ck and Implements ement s at lot 27, eon: 1, Stanley Township, 31/2 miles south of Clinton, on No. 4 Provincial Highway, .on Tuesday, January 29th, at 1 o'clock: sharp, the following: HORSES -Span of good work hors- es; driving horse, quiet and reliable. CATTLE -4 Durham cows; 1 Guernsey, 1 Polled -Angus, 1 Rae- ford, due to freshen in Jan., Feb., Ap- ril and May. 4 'calves. store hogs. I S— PG IMPLEML'NT5-1)/L-H•.binder, 7 -ft. cut, nearly new; Deering : mower, 6 ft. cut; horse rake,. steel land roller,: seed drill, spningstooth' cultiva- tor, walking plow, set harrows,,- seuf- fier one horse, Bean Scuffle(' and puller. combined, ..2 wagons, wagon hay y stock . rack, ilex double docker,.•. rack, gravel box, set sleighs, , buggy, fanning mill, root pulpen, grind stone, sugar kettle, car, rope and pulleys, wheel harrow, gr e seeder,'. set double harness, several cellars, set single harness, • ladders, Anchor -Holt cream' seawater, 600-1b. cap.; Daisy Y churn, quantity ant >t Y house- hold effect's. Quantity"Tiinotity'and Alfalfa hay. ,Forks, ' chains, whiffle - Reports were presented from, all the T. . s hawing good progress i land, Solicitor• 'By-law No. 3 tonshpro- in organization the departments of the work• vide for, expenditure on Tow p all roads during 1935 was readtrand pas- The church treasurer's report showed 50 by-law 'i�o. � 4 to borrow. a substantial gain over 1983,' sed, al. current expenses was read Kindly expression was madestoney for and passed. Mei. Geo. A. Spence or - did the spiels- throughout the meeting .ofp t as •rhes same for • e hell - & rent th r- did spirit prevailing, and the into fered tothis` was ac;.. shown, and the service ,given in formerly, viz, $G0A0, est s cepted. clic different societies. 'Mention was for was set at the numerous other. arttoles. ofanment d ard a t- atrees e t to ttr D T1 Y Y P. P pay s of the tre gift ur proprietress tf ho 0 the as r of • g t p made as last ,eat 40 P Everything to be sold P hoped of a fine Bauch lantern and inh is d 20 cents pet hour tot men, graver is e g p fading, ol to be both educative, inter- TERMS: GASH to the esting. Reference was made splendid attendance at the morning services. A. very unanimous vote was given asking the pastor to remain another year. 13.e made feeling reply to this request, uest, and expressed •his ap- kind of relationship predation of the happy which has, existed as pastor and peo- ple'during.the almost eight years which have passed. sea the Mr.. Colin Campbell closed meeting with prayer, and the. Bene- diction. "`' i The Week, of .P,tayer wast ltl retved' (in Bayfield 'on three evenings :ail last! McDWEN BROS., Phone 624r4, Clinton Central. 10-tf. Man Wanted With car to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Spices, Ex- tracts, Toilet Preparations direct to Wanted established users in Huron County. . WTI -to T. H. Ward Company, John PianoTun Tuning, Regulating late ng and d R e� South, Hamilton. 10-2-p. paining. 25 years of Factory, Ware. room and general experience. Satis• Valentine Tea faction guaranteed. Orders phoned The Girls' Club of Wesley-Willis to do promptly or Box 35, a tteltdedndes oro• willil church intend having t 10-4-P. Valentine tea on Thursday evening, Gibbs, Piano tuner. Feb. 14th. Keep the date open. 10-1. Your Photograph You owe a real debt' to your family and friends—they want your photo, graph. Pay this obligation to -day, LO Burgess Studio. Developing and Printing Phone 115, Clinton. CASH. SPECIALS SEEDLESS RAISINS ••....‚ .10c RAISINS, With Seeds ..........roc ,,5c TOMATO JUKE....•••••••" TOMATOES, Small Cans . • • • • • • Gc TOMATOES, Large Cans 10c RAYON AND WOOL HO3E Sizes 91.2 , • TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned Jan. 2Gth, and ' nod to Saturday, t y, dersl up g for 15 cords of 14" body.wood, half beech and half maple, to be delivered at the schoolhouse, S.S. No. 10, Goderich township, by April 1st, 1935. Lowest non any tender not necessar- ily accepted. G. T. Flewitt, Sec, - Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 10.2 25c RAYON AND WOOL HOSE Sizes 9, 91-2 and 10 MEN'S WINTER WORK .SHIRTS Clearing at .. •... 59c and 79c 1.00 SWEATERS MEN'S WORK S�VI; MEN'S ALL -RED RUBBER 2,25 BOOTS, Clearing at • $2.25 33c sameceps er an to be computed at 12a. pet yard, if the owners keep their own pits in good shape, crop's time -was ex= The Tax 'Calle tended until next Meeting in .order to gather in the uncollected. A resolution Was passed to 'bre for- warded to the County Council re- questing the County to take over the Cut line from No. 8 Highway ' to'. Blue Wlater highway forming a con- necting link between. the two !pain thoroughfares. ; 'f open th g ' The schedules 'of expenditdres eta - tier the" Highway. Improvement Act ' nd s ed to be for- ". .ere •...resented a Ygn w p Y n , vin a TERMS: CASH. At same time and place the farm will' be offered for sale'sf not sold 'be- fore day of sale. This farm consists of 97 acres, snore or, less, of good clay loam with good set of -farm birildings. Quantity of bush, and well watered, about' 35 acres'fall-ploughed, 6 acres fall wheat. • TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 10% of purchase money paid' down mi day of sale, bal'anee to be paid on or`be- 35 'fora fir'st day "of'March; 19 M!rs. ,Joseph Shipley' Prprtetress. • 102•,• r •` uc trance lett A I1 Cryo. H•'E ' ... . . J. T. McAsh DETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL meeting of the Huron County will he held in the County rounds per Chambers, Cow. House, ! caretaking of school and g' clerich, at 2 o'clock on the after- year. -Howard M. Grids. No.. f Tuesday, January 22Electi35• Secretary -Treasurer, S: S. N 4, All Clerk's accounts, e of Election, Tuekersmith•, Seaforth, R.R. 3• s, accounts, notices of dem,- Iona 09-2wp applications and other im- ofattention pot business regtmting etre this :meeting should be in the M' The Conner! Cott Go noon o Tender tat pot at VARNA 10-4: Keys Lost ' n wte Station. e Shell S er h 1 keys on a 5 3 k Y chain. A Yale, Car . and Postoffice key. Finder please leave at postof• jce or News -Record. TENDERS WANTED FOR WOOD AND CARETAKING Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Jan. 21st, f or ten cords hard maple body wood, 14 ins. long, ko be delivered at sehool not later than Mar. lst. At the same time tenders will be received for total hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting of the Council. til. Dated at Goderich this 3rd day of January, 1935. 3. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk.' 09-2. SP'C1AL N'ews Flash—'O"ess Coln and Bunion Salves together banish eight common foot ailments. At Hovey's Drug Store. Wanted Woman wanted immediately to look after a partial invalid. No night duties. Apply to W. J. Taylor, R. $• No. 1, Varna, Phone 623r11, Clinton nt pal. 09-2-1p. ce n e on D NOTICE: TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John McDonald, Deceased.. NOTICE is hereby given that all ersons having claims against the state of John McDonald, late of the ownship of Goderich, in the County f Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died or about the 5th day of March, A. ., 1898, are required to deliver tOI d- Cream shipped regularly. Frank Finglatid, Solicitor, wthe h Ah- ... Good Prices ,P ministrator de bonis non teeG ' estate, on 'es said l f th I orbe ore 'ANI? CEDAR A.D., 1935, a full statement of their s ' ilex re with art h n 'Clinton's Fuel Yards HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD CORD -WOOD AND CEDAR I; OA NUT COAL AND STOVE C We sell either delivered or in the yard. VICTOR FALCONER Phone 9'1w. WANTED, Crea Fresh Eggs and Highest Prices for Strictly Fre Eggs. Wr11 Annexed, o of January; f the 26th day 300 Cords of Dry Woo claims together thereof, and the nature of the scour- TO SELL ities, if any,. held by them all duly,. :de+ verified by adffiavit. AND TAKE NOTICE: that after l,A,;,E. FINCH the said last mentioned date the said phone 231. ante Administrator will .proceed to distri; the estate of the said deceasedx mongst the persons, entitled' thereto, having regard •only, to Ouch claims as shall have -received dire notice and to accordance therewith.' DATED`. at .Clinton, Ontario, this 4th day of January, A 1?•,: $935• F. FINGLAN121 ;' Clinton; Ontario, i Solicitor itsr for the said estate. te.0 9-3. WARNING I hereby serve warning on any per- son or persons connecting me with criminal ,charges booked against Thomas Carter, in the County of - Hu- ron, during war time, or any ube- 'quent time, will be prosecuted : for libel or blackmail. I was not ie. the County of Huron during war time and I have had no criminal charge laid against cite. R • R :AS CARTER, 'minus 1p -14b. P- ,,1?•:;,.• Aar..,:ed -n!?N!?.?"eee attar Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coe is .and Dres DRY CLEANED AND REPAf' If not open work may be lea Heard's Barber Shaw W.J.JAGO