HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1935-01-17, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is
Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 5410. -56TH YEAR
repair work:
The way, we Iook at it, a thing is not fixed at all unti
If it is unfixable of course that is a differentthing, and we will tell you
if'we undertake to set your watch going dight -10 to menet
this, that or the other—It is understood that the job will be done in
a perfect manner.
Please remember this when there's something wanted.
it is fixed.
Jeweler and Optomiterist.
Old Gold bought for cash, or taken in exchange for new goods.
For One Week Only
Former Values. $5.95 to $15.75
Sizes 32 to 44, and only about 20
Coats in the Lot.
Resignation Of Chief ;Ston' Regi Accepted
Council Did Not 'Trims It Necessary to'0 en All
p Offices'
Each Year.
'The newly -elected mayor, reeve a
and council were duly sworn in t
the town hail on Monday forenoon
and after meeting and appointing a
striking committee, composed of the
Mayor, Reeve .Elliott and Conuncil-
lors Walker and Cbolt, adjourned un -
ell the evening.
In the evening the •council met to
transact business, all members pre-
sent, with the exception of Coun-
cillor Livermore., Who was absent ow-
ing to illness, " Mayor Holmes pre-
A number of citizens were out to
watch the :proceedings in the hands
of the nett council.
And, by the way, Mayor Holmes
might have been an old timer, so
gracefully and efficiently did' he pre-
side. He' congratulated the -council-
lors, old and' new on their election
and then called upon Rev. F. G. Far -
rill. to open the meeting with prayer,
which he did, the mayor and council
standing, Rev Mr. Panel].Panel].also in-
vited the mayor and council, togeth.
er wti:h their: families, and all the
other public bodies in the town to
attend the evening service in Ontar-
io street church on Sunday evening
next, On motion of C'ouneillors
Cook and Inkley this invitation was
accepted with thanks.
relapse. Bat he felt that we wer"e
Before commencing on the busi-
ness of the session Mayor clohnes ex-
pressed his gratitude for; the way
Clinton eitizens, had supported hien
the week beeore. He said he realized
that at the present time Society is
like a person who .has had a serious
illness and 'is pow -convalescing. It
is an anxious: time, as in convales-
cence there is always a danger of
about to step into something better.
He had :a feeling, something like
that which prevailed before the great
war, that :something was going to
happen. He said that at the iast
ineeting of the old council a propos-
ial had been put up to it in regard to
new industries and that the old coun-
cil had been solidly behind any pro-
ject -which : would be for the good of
the town. He felt 'that 'he could say
as much for the new counciI,. He
had been talking to Mr. Mackie last
week, he said; and had urged him to
come along and make some definite
After the reading. 'of the urinates
of the last meeting and the •state-
tory meeting a couple of communica-
tions were read, one from the Ontar-
fe Good Roads Association; asking
for a.m.embeeehip fee and extending
an invitation to a banquet to .be
given in the Royal York, Toronto, on
Feb. 21st.. On motion of Reeve El-
liott and Councillor Inkley this was
Mr•. James Cook of Joseph Street
wrote, sending greetings to the new
eounleil, saying that as "the old
council had left him stranded :he hop-
ed the new one Would send a tug to
pull him out."
Reeve Elliott asked just what
this rneant and Councillor. Walker
explained that the snow plow never
went near 1\lo Cook's residence,.
which is the only one in the block,
and he thought he had a grievance,
As Mi.. Walker is head of the street
committee this year it was thought
the matter might be left with him.
The resignation of Chief Constable
( Wheat, 92c.
.1 Buckwheat Oats, 36c.
Batley, 65c.
Buckwheat, 40c to 43c.
Batter, 20c,
Eggs, .13e to 17c.
Live IIogs, $7.75.
M. Clifford Castle;son of Mx. and
Mrs. Herbert Castle of town, who
has been foreman in the Creamery
at Morriston for the past three•years
has been promoted to manager of
the Mount Forest Creamery, and
commences his duties at once.
Stong, presented to the statutory
meeting of the old council and 'left
over for consideration of the new,
was brought up and, on motion of
Reeve Elliott and Councillor Mur-
docli it was accepted, applications to
be, advertised for.
In speaking to the motion Reeve
Elliott said that it was not the wish
of the old council nor, he believed, of
n w ahe that Chief Stong should
resign. Ile had filled the position with
great satisfaction and it was with
regret that his resignation was be••
Mg accepted. Councillor Cools also
expressed his regret at losing Chief
Stong and Mayor Hohnes added his
word of appreciation and regret.
"Chief Stong•" he said, 'was a man
of outstanding ability in his line and
his resignation was a loss to the.
community," Three years ago he
had turned down an offer ;from the
town of Elmira of a similar position
at an incroase in salary, preferring
'to remain in Clinton. He had always
found him a gentleman and was per-
sonally very sorry to see him go.
Although most of the heads of
ceniinittees shook their• heads when
reports were called for the Bylaws
committee hada couple of bylaws to
Pass, No, 1, to elect certain officers:
J. 'Wiseman and W. B. Armstrong as
auditors; Col. Rance to the Colle-
giate board for a three year term;
F. Fingland to the Public Library.
Board for a three year term; and R.
E. Manning as a member of the
Board of Health for one year, •
No. 2 for 1935, to borrow from the
Bank of Montreal a sum, not ex-
ceeding $30,000, to carry on business
of the municipality until taxes are
received. Mayor Holmes explained
that this sum would not all be bor-
rowed at once, might not all be bor-
rowed, "but only such sums as were
necessary. He also said that he
felt sure the interest rate would be
a Iittle lower thiel year.
On motion of Councillors InkIey
and Lawson the fallowing report of
the striking comnrt]tee was adopted;
the first named being chairman:
Street—Walker, Livermore, Mur-
doch, Elliott.
Cemetery—Murdoch, Lawson, El-
Property; Elliott, Inkley, Walker.
Fire and Water: Livermore, Ink -
ley, Murdoch.
Charity: Lawson, Livermore Walk-
Park—Cook, Inkley, Walker.
Finance—Elliott, Cook, Inkley.
Special—iMiurdoch, Cook, Lawson.
Bylaws—Inkley, Cook, Lawson.
Court of Revision—Holmes, Liver-
more, Inkley, Lawson, Cook,
On motion of Reeve Elliott and
Councillor' Murdoch it was decided
that snowplowing be paid for at the
rate of 45c per hour, same as last
Councillors Walker and Inkley
made a motion that all town officials
be advertised for When the chief
constable is advertised for, But the
motion did notmeet the approval of
the other members of the emend'.
Both mover and seconder said that
they had no fault to find with any
dile/al, but that he had heard some
talk on the street that all offices
should be thrown open. Mayor.
Holmes, Reeve Elliott and Council-.
lois Gook and Murdoch each expres-
sed disapproval of this idea. "If of-
flclials are, :giveng satisfaction why
do so?" asked Me, Cook. "It puts
the council in an awkward position
and shatters the confidence . of the
officials," declared Reeve Elliott;
"Personally I ani not in favor of ops
ening all offices," said Mayor I•iol
rhes. "If anyone wants to apply for
any position, let frim do sae"said
Councillor Murdoch, On putting the
motion only themover and seconded
voted for it
On motion of Councillors Murdoch
and Lawson the •council decided to
ask Mr, O. M. Mackie to be present
at a Special meeting of the council
to discuss industrial matters.
Reeve Elliott and Councillor, Law-
son sponsored a motion expressing
the deep regret of the members ov-
er the illness of Councillor Liver-
in*t'e and the hope that he would
have a speedy recovery. The clerk
al,§o was asked to send a !letter con-
veying this to the councillor:
Andso the first' council meeting.
of 1935 was adjourned.
The Home and School. Club met The re -opening of the Clinton i
Tuesday evening, the president, Mrs. Community Hospital andI IN BRIEF
was a good attendance of 'thladies' in the afternoon from three to five
IILawson in the ro harc'. There will be held Thursday, January 24th,
new wing
and Mee. Ohas, D. Deug'an ,and evening from 'seven -thirty to
gave a most interesting address on ten. , It is expected that Dr. Falcon-
"(hildli£e." An instrumental duet by er, Minister of Health, or eepresenta-
141:iss Wiiltse and Mhs. W'endosf was tiye, will be present; and the public
very much appreciated', is cordially invited to attend,
'lVls, Ae. bfcGugan, who : 'has been The "News -Record editor is invited
manager of the local Creamery and to the Stith annual at-home of the
Packing P'lant, branches of the Can- Huron Old Boys' Association of To-
ado Packers, for the past •three years, rento, to be held in Arcadian Court,
has resigned and Mr. D. M. Maltby, Robert Simpson Company, Toronto,
a former member of the staff who on Friday evening, Feb, 1st, at
has been in charge of the Centralia eight -thirty. But we fear we shall
branch, has been appointed and is not be able to go. However, we wish
now in charge. those who do go ,a very pleasant
Wthils. welcoming Mr,'. and Mrs. time and feel sure they will have.
Maltby back to Clinton, citizens will LITTLE LOCALS
feel sorry if the change means the
removal of Mr. and Mrs. MieGugan County Council will meet in Gode-'
front town, as they have made many r]eh on Tuesday, January 22nd.
friends here. The accumulated snow is being re -
i moved from the streets these days,
BURNED OUT IN WEST which will nralco an improvement in
their appearance.b
- The Clinton Colts made it three
straight last Monday. evening,
when they journeyed• to W.inghatn
and carne out on the long end of a
6-0 score, The goal -getters were,
Kee Streets, 2; Harold Gibbs, 2;
Ken. Pickett, 1; and Grant Rath, 1.
The game was rough and not good
to watch, Nut there. was little doubt
which was the best team. George El-
liott secured his first shut -out of the
See to -morrow night's game with
Seaforth. It should be good.
The Local Intermediate h
team meet the . Seaforth Heave
the local arena on Friday eve
The Gaits have won three game
of three, while Seaforth
won two out of three. If Sea
eats Clinton .the teams wit
ed for first place and it shoul
game worth seeing'. Everybod
here and help the locals win
ourth straight.
Present Standing of the Group
limon .... 3 3 0 0
eaforth 3 2 1 0
ich .. 2 X 1 0
Ingham., 2 0 2, 0
tehell... 2 0 2 0
oc](ey W. S. R. HOLMES
rs in elected learn' of Clinton by a large••
ping, majority on Monday, Jan, 7th, Iia•
s out presided at the first meeting of 1985•
council on Monday evening last, and
ferth ' he's looking forward to a prosperous:
be year.
Woad has been receiveby
his Mrs. John McPhee, who has been
mother in town that the residence of very seriously ill in the local hospit a
Mr. Carl Argent of Ponoka, Alta., al, is now, .her friends will be glad to- i
was burned to the ground on a recent
Smtday evening' The fancily hahear, improving. !
been to church and a coming hoed Those bright looking girls and
Mr. Argent had' read a while blefore keen looking young men you meet C
on the street these days are students S
retiring. On awakening later he found'
the house was on fire, the blaze have at the Short Course. G
ing started in the attic. The three W. I. WILL MEET i W
d be
y be
small children were, earried for Mi
safety to a neighbor's .and as much The next meeting of the Women's •i
as possible saved, but the house be- Institute will be held in the Legion
ing Penne the fire was soon out of Hall next Thursday afternoon at 2
control. A partial insurance was
o'clock, sharp, one hour earlier than
carried but the less to the family is usual, on,aceount of the opening of de
severe, rho now wing of the hospital the tit
A hockey match was played N
y between Clinton Juveniles
e Highway Robbers. It was a g
game with lots of fun and laugh
Though an accident happened wI
elle of the Ohinatown team got his
hurt and had to go to the doctor.
game ended with the score 3-3,
teams being very evenly matched.
Line-ups: Clinton—Goal,'John L
is; defence, Ken. Coolie and Jim Lo
wood; wings, Dick Frenilin, ICen C
quhoun; centre, 13ob Campbell; su
Sehoenhals, Harry McEwen,
Frank Lawson, Bill Cook.
Highway Robbers—Goal, Jack
Butler; detente, Roy Leppington and
Dave Johnson; wings, Clayton Camp.
bell, Everett Lobb; centre, Bab
Cook; subs, Son. Harris and Bill Car-
Referee—,Norman Lever,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rapson, Mr. and:
lets.Mas, Ira Rapson, Kenneth and Shir-
o i ley visited Mrs. J. W. Tanblyn last
41 Saturday,
tlr. t
2 a td Mrs. Milton Hooper anti".
' Gladwyn of near St. Meryl spent
00 last Thursday with Mrs. Hooper's
parents, lilr. and Mrs. James Elsley:
Mr. Henry Fear, who has been very
sick for some weeks is improving we
Ion- are pleased to say, also Mrs. C.
and , Manning^
same day.
This will be a very interesting
meeting as Mrs. 0, L. Paisley will
The annual meeting of the Clinton give an address on Canadian Indus.
branch of the Canadian Legion Aux_ tries, and there will also be a dem-
'Wary was held on Monday evening onstration of Canadian Industry pro -
when the following officers were el- ducts. The roll call will be answered
ected: with the name of a Canadian Indus -
President: Mrs. J. E. Cook. try,
Vice -Presidents: Mis, •T, W. Mor. Hostesses for the clay will be Mrs.
gam Mrs. (Di.) Mclntyre. F. Hartley, Mis, W. Stewart, Mrs.
Ree: Secretary: 'Mrs. Norman Mil- Gee Lavis, Miss M. Walker, Mrs.
ler. Chambers, Miss M. Chambers, Mrs.
Cor. -Secretary: Mrs. H. S. Turner. IL Castle, Vincent and Mr's. 3,
Treasurer: Mrs, J. L, Heard. Zapfe.
Executive: Mrs. E. Snell, Mrs. J.
L. tree Mrs Thos F're l" Mrs.CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY
Thompson. The local I.O.O,F. had a special
•Committees: Refreshment, Mies meeting ons Tuesday evening, when
domes Morgan, Tasker, Wendorf, they celebrated "Wildey Night," in
Cole, Leppington; program, Mee. honour of the founder of the Order in
dames frentlin, Rance, Butler; visit- America, and also the sixty-third 'an-
ing, Mesdames, J. L. Cr•ee, J. L. niversary of the local lodge.
Heard; relief, Mesdames, G. M. Coun- P.D.D.G.M. J. W'„ Moore gave an
ter, T. Riley; property, Mesdames, interesting address, in which he ask -
McIntyre, Venner, O'Neil, .Riley, 50 certain questions which were ane.
An address on the subject of the veered by local members as they were
League of Nations was given by called upon, Messrs. Jefferson, Hata
Mise M, A. Stone at the conclusion dy, hail and Dr. Thompson eespond-
of the election and a social hour fol- ing with the necessary explanation
lowed. of various paint
Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning subject: First in
series; "In the Days a£ Youth," "A
Bad Bargain."
friday--erne I -Go -You -Go Mission
Band will meet in the Sunday School
room -at 4.1'5,
Ontario Street United Church
Morning sermon subject: "The
Powers of Plentecost." Evening:
"Civic Night" Pastor's topic "The
Golden Candlesticks."'
The Mayor, Reeve and members of
the town council will attend' this ser-
vice by•special invitation. Also: the
member's of the School Board, Public
Utilities Commission and the Fire-
men are invited. These bodies are
asked to meet he the :basement of the
church at 6.45 pall. so . that they
may come in and it together.
H. W. Gould, local secretary,
afterwards gave a history of the
local lodge which proved most inter-
Refreshments were served Iater
and a social hour spent.
We have on our desk as we write a
bunds of ,candytuft just ready to
burst into bloom, which was picked
Miss Alice Fingland entertained
ter.) a number' of her friends on Wednes
tee 1 day evening.
beg Rev. W.. A. and Mrs. Gardiner spent
The Monday in London.
the Miss Houston of S. S. No. 5, is
back again teaching alter her' recent
av- illness,
, The town league had its weekly
clash last night, and both games pro-
V 1 exciting, Y i g, In the first game
the Black hawks bowed before the
fast stepping Bruins to the tune of
,The i•Iawks are a mystery to
a number of fans, but if they can get
a good combination going they may
The second game was the best,
"Poodle" Livermore's hard-hitting
Maroons winning in a very close
game from the Leafs. The Maroons
are a good team, as their record will
show, having not lost a game, The
Leafs are a strong team and with any
luck might easily have turned the
tables on Maroons last night. Final
score 4-2 for efaroons,
en the garden one day last week by Th
Miss Florence Cuiringhame, and an-
other lady tells us she had a couple eng
Of' pansies in her garden. That thaw cla
we had was a genuine one, and no e'
fooling and it lastest several days. a sc
This little flower, which is about the
the first to come into bloom in the sough
spring, was evidently of the opinion soft const
that .spring had cone. But there is
another atmosphere •this week. pine Lon
are having some real winter weather fent
and have about as much snow as we
e Clinton Bearcats and Landes.'
Beavers played an exciting .chaIa
e game in the local arena on Mon
evening, when the locals won in
ore of 6-8. In the third period
players began to make it a bit.
but the referee dealt out some
penalties and brought them to a
deratioir of the fitness of thins.
desboro: Goal, E, Radford; de -
, Griffiths, G. Radford, forwards
Riley, W. Riley, P. Cuter; subs,
•ttle, Snell, Leiper.
nton-,Goal, ii, Monteith; de-
C. Kennedy, F. Macdonald;
rds, H. Johnston, N. Lever, W
r; subs, G. Campbell, R. Deep -
Smith, E. Neilans.
feree-G. Hoy.
Wlesiey-Willis United Chnreh lost last week. However it is Jan- M•
Sunday.' morning subject: "As For .nary and this is Ontario, Canada, Olt
Me and , o and we have no Irick coming. The fence,
"Two Poor Men."House,: Evening: .hockey players and fans are having£oiwa
The We M. S. held its first meet-
ing for 1935 in the Bible class room.
of the • church on Thursday afternoon
last, the president Mrs. Pickard,. in
the chair, Mrs, Cooper at the piano.
,After the singing •af a hymn. MSc.'
0. W. D. C'osens led in prayer.
Mrs. Pickard thanked the members
for their co-operation clueing the
year just past and hoped for 'conttn
ted prosperity for the year just -en-
tered. She also read the New Year's
message of the Dominion President,
Mrs, Crowe, Reports were received•
front the several departments, The
convener .of the financial committee
Educatroon, Etc, The latter wrote ask- nranag
gave a detailed report of the finances lug as' to cost of examinations. The small
for the year and the treasurer report- S'eeretary_treasurer ' notified board iate and
the time of their lives and we would- Carte
set miss our winter weather for any-•er, of
thing you could name. ' a`e
C. 1' BO I -,
The Collegiate boar e board We
day evening, members present being , Outer
Col: Combe,. Dz•. Shaw, Dr, Deans consti
and Messrs, .Cooper and: Fingland. rogul
Mr. Fines, principal, was .also pre, who a
sent, for th
Communications were read from l The
Associated High Schooi Boards As_ Geo, S
sedation, Ontario School Trustees
are in receipt of a copy of the
io Rural Hooke' Association
talon, setting forth 'rules and
at ions governing . the members,
re "Real amateurs who play
e love of it."
competition is for the Zion,
. Henry Cup and it is the de-
at the Association branch out
I parts of the. Province and the
ers •,express .the wish. that
Lawns and, villages should ati'il-
eontpl.ete. Teams desiring'. to
more information should.
Lorne rohannes, Secretary, O.
BIair, Ont.
sire th
alid Ratepayers Association, Dept, of into al
ed having sent to the chief treasurer
the sum of $600. The strangers' see.
retary reported having made two
hundred calls during the year; the
Missionary Monthly secretary re
ported a subscription of forty-three
and interesting reports were heard
front the .temperance semietary and
superintendents of the Mission Cir-
cle, OALT. and Mission and Baby
that the lower school exams. cost obtain
$31.15, the middle and upper exams. write
$174.,15.; The . eclliowing accounts R.S.A.,
were presented and ordered paid: 0.'
G. Lobb, 75e; W. D. Fair Co., $10.50,
News -Record
$10 .65,. Bell Tde
phone Go. $2.96.
Oir'motion of Dr. Shaw and Mr.
Fingland it was decided to hold the
inaugural meeting on Monday even= 1
ing, Fell. lith..
Among those taking es the, Short
Course in Clinton during this
'month are Donna Walsh, Jean. Ball,
Thelma Iloggart, Igobel Forbes, Cleta
Ellis and Doris Geode.. 1
Mr•. and Mrs. Relit. Phill]ps of Au-
burn were guests at the hone of Mr.
E. Adams on Sunday.
Mr; M. Iloltzhauer is visiting
friends at Niagara Falls and other
Mrs. Iii weft of Auburn is visiting•
her slaughter, at present, Mr's, P..
Mrs. Jas. Hill of Stratford is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cornish this,
Mrs. S. Thomson of Rippon, who is
now in her 00th year, has conic to.
spend the winter with her daughter„
Mrs. Jas. Moodie. pen
Miss Kate Moir of Hensall sited -
last week at. the home of Mr, and;
Mrs. 'Moodie.
The many friends of Miss Jessie
Tough of Clinton, sister of Mr. b,
Tough of opr village, will regret to
hear that she is ill with pneumonia.
We hope soon to hear of her recov-
Mr. O'Rourke, our village black-.
smith, is laid up at present with an.
attack of acute neuritis. We hope•
soon to see him around again.
A letter was read in Sunday School'
last Sunday by Mr. C. Hough, Sup-
erintendent which he had received'
front Queen Street United Church,:;
Toronto, thanking ,the people. of
Brucefieid for. a bale of useful .gifts
recently sent. They arrived in time
to be distributed for Christmas and
were very much appreciated, -
Mrs. S. Monroe has gone 011 an ex-
tended visit to Los Angeles, Cal,, to,
visit her mother ,and other friends, •
Miss Ruth Manning, Walton, , is
visiting at the home Of her aunt,,
Mrs. Roy Plumsteel.
Mr. Gordon Manning, Stanley.
spent a few days with his brother*,
Me. Norman Manning. He .was
nursing a sore knee, caused by a, s
kick from a hemp.
The January meeting of the Tuc-
kersmith Ladies' Club was held as
the home of Mrs. Howard Crich with
thirty-three members and one videos -
The roil call was answered'
by the Question Box. The program
included a reading .by Mee. Raw Fear,•
duet by Mrs. ,Tack Turner and Miss.
Margaret Mich, a reading. by Mese
Howard Johns and a mouth organ -
selection by Mos, Jack Turner: Air.
executive meeting was held to plan,
programs for the year. Plans were
made for the annual social evening to.
be held at the home of Mrs. Veno,,
I'erryberry en February 16th. Qui1C
blocks tvere out and distributed. A
social' half hour was spent at -tea.
The February meeting will . be held at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Ball on Feb-
ruary the 6th. The roll call is to be:
answered by an exehango of ten den
gifts with Valentine verse attached..