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Timely Information for the
Busy Farmer
( Furnished by the Department of Agriculture )
Inthe porduction of wheat in 1933, trates may be 'nixed, or a commercial
Canada was in the eighth position mash may be purchased that will sup-
with 269,729,000 bushels, being ex-
ceeded by Russia, Cnina, the United
States,British India, France, Italy
and the Argentine. •Irl the export of
wheat in 1933, the Dominion led the
@Y ualit in - dressed poultry depends
almost entirely upon the manner in
which a bird has been fed or finished
in preparation for market. Milkfed
is a term applied to birds which have
been finished through feeding in
crates or pens on a ration of finely
ground grains and milk. This pro-
cess increases the proportion and
flavour of edible material.
9k *
Soybeans More Popular
The soybean gives every indication
of becoming a valuable addition to the.
field crops of Ontario. Its possibili-
ties are being actively investigated in
other provinces too, but production at
present is limited almost entirely to
this province. The acreage has grown
from 1,000 in 1929 to 15,000 at pre-
sent, which indicates the increasing
interest in the soybean as a field
crop. Present production is chiefly
for seed, which being extremely rich
in protein and oil, has a high commer-
cial value. The industrial uses for
which the soybean can be utilized are
numerous. The seed also has con-
siderable value on the farm for live-
stock feeding, and since the soybean
plant itself posesses 'a highly nutri-
tive value for fodder, it is quite pos-
sible that as production increases the
crop may find its greatest use on the
farm rather than in industry.
Horse -Shoe Pitching Championships
Horseshoe pitching, the typical old
farm sport has lost none of its grip
on rural Ontario and information
from local clubs reaching the Royal
Winter Fair point to a higher level
of attainment and keener interest In
the sport than most old players can
recall, Again the championships of
Canada are to be decided during the
last four days of the Royal Winter
Fair, November 26-29. These cham-
pionships, singles and doubles, are
the officially recognized competitions
sanctioned by the Dominion of Can-
ada 'Horseshoe Pitcher's Association.
They are held under the auspices of
the Royal Winter Fair itself and will
be conducted by a special committee.
The Open Singles Championship is
for the Diamond. Calk Horseshoe Co.
Ltd. trophy, with four money prizes.
The Champion Doubles is for the T.
A. Murphy, M.P.P. challenge trophy,
and four money prizes.
In addition there are class B. Sing-
les and Doubles, open to non -winners
in either :champion or class B divis-
ions. Trophies are held for one year
and the rules for the Dominion of
Canada Horseshoe Pitcher's Associa-
tion govern competitions, the shoes to
ply the necessary ingredients to the
bird. Chickens will pay dividends if
properly housed and given the right
Royal? Winter Fair
The Royal Winter Fair is being
held November 21st to 29th, at the
Royal Coliseum and Wtinter Fair
buildings, Toronto. Its objects are
the promotion of Canada's basic in-
dustry, to link the nine provinces in
common interests, and to set high
national standards for farm products.
The Royal Shows for horses, ,cattle,
sheep, swine, dogs, cats, poultry and
pet stock, fruit, flowers seed, and
grains are large and specialized
shows for each. The assembly of so
rnuch excellence under one roof gives
the Royal a distinctiveness not match-
ed anywhere else in the world.
ie *.*
British Apple Market
Mr. Andrew Fulton, overseas fruit
representative, reports that since ar-
riving in England a few weeks ago,
he has found the principal markets all
heavily loaded with cheap English ap-
ples, with the result that ordinary
quality Canadian apples are making
comparatively low prices. On the
other hand, Ontario dessert apples of
outstanding quality and colour are
meeting a good demand in Glasgow,
Liverpool and the south of England.
While seeing no hope for cooking
apples or any variety short of colour
making satisfactory prices before the
New Year, Mr. Fulton is favourably
impressed with the immediate pros-
pects for red dessert apples, provid-
ing that values ranging from 22 to 24
shillings are sufficiently remunera-
tive to the shippers as he cannot see
hieller prices in sight for a while. In
other words, if shippers can make
sales in Ontario for such varieties as
Snows, Scarlets and McIntosh, at a-
bout $3.50 to 54.00 a barrel f.o.b. car,
then it looks like good business to sell
He advises Ontario shippers to
place such varieties as Baldwins, Gan -
os, Ben Davis, Greenings and Starks,
with shredded oil paper, and place
then in cold storage until they are
required after the New Year. There
is no doubt that good quality apples
are going to be scarce and will make
good values before the season is fin-
The English apple crop is the larg-
est in many years, the quality is
generally very good, though practical-
ly every market has more than its
share of inferior grades. Values are
extremely low, a fact that is influenc-
ing the price of coloured Canadian
Ontario Bartletts have met an un-
favourable market. The pears have
landed in excellent condition, but un-
fortunately many of them are very
small this season, with the result that
conform with specifications in rule 8. the market has not been as good as if
Entries in the horseshoe contests they had been larger. :English pears
must be in the hands of the Manager, are quite plentiful, as well as English
Royal Winter Fair, 217 Bay St., To. plums.
ionto on November 14th;
* *
Putting Bees Away for Winter
Bees that are to be wintered in
cellar or dug -out should be carried
in immediately after the last good
eleasing flight they are likely to get.
At the Central Experimental Farm
this is usually during the first week
in November.
The lasttwo weeks in October le
the best time to clean up the garden
to reduce insect infestation. The De-
partment advises burning all leaves,
refuse, weeds, fallen fruit and other,
material after being raked up, and
then ploughing or digging the soil
deeply. Fences, arbours and trellises
should be brushed with a corn broom.
Proper Ration Needed
A hen may lay a few eggs early
in the spring without receiving met
feed or attention or she may lay at
the end of the season when feed may
be picked up in the fields, but thehen
has not yet been developed that wlll
lay without the proper ration during
the fall and winter months. A good
mash is important if the hens are to
lay, and it should be before the birds
all the time. If any one of the neces-
sary elements required for the mak.-
ing of eggs is absent, production is
impaired. Pullets require a little
different mash than the old hens and
it is a mistake to house them togeth-
er and have them feed from the same
hopper. Home-grown feeds with the
addition of osme purchased .concen-
Outlet for Feeder Stock
from Drought -Stricken
Below will be found a brief synop-
sis of telegraphic reports received at
the Head Office of the Bank' of Mon-
treal from its Branches.
October, 18th, 1034.,
The year's wheat crop in the Prair-
ie Provinces was again light with
yields of other cereals also in low fig-
ures.' The estinmte of the Dominion'.
Bureau of Statistics places the wheat
production ' of The Prairie Provinces
at 263,000;000 bushels or about the
same as last year which compares
with an .average . of 384,000,000 bush-
els over the pastten years. Coarse
grains..on the Prairies were a light
crop with an estimate of 196,000,000
bushels for oats and 49,50,000,000.
bushels for barley slightly better than
last year...In Quebec Province the
yield of hay was slightly below aver-
agewith. thatof. cereals and roote
good while the apple crop was far
below average. In Ontario, the yield
of fall wheat was poor but that of
spring grains was somewhat better
than average. Hay was 50 per cent
of average with fodder corn and roots
a good crop but apples and peaches
much below average. In the Mari-
time Provinces; the' hay crop was
considerably below average and the
yield of cereals restricted by dry
weather. The apple crop was light
except for late yield in Nova Scotia,
which will be better than average.
Potatoes were a large crop in New
Brunswilk with fair yields in Nova
Scotia and Prince Edward Island. In
British Columbia crops generally
were of good yield, andquality and
matured several weeks earlier than
To encourage the winter feeding of
young cattle and lambs in those dis-
tricts where feed is plentiful, and to
provide an outlet for stock of proper
feeder type from the drought -stricken
areas in the western provinces, the
Hon. Robert Weir, Dominion Minister
of Agriculture, has announced the re-
newal of the feeder purchase poli-
cy which was in effect from 1924 to
1932. Under this policy, which is ef-
fective to December 31, 1934, the Do-
minion Department of Agriculture
will pay one-way transportation and
reasonable traveling .expenses to
farmers going from any part of Can-
ada to the prairie provinces to pur-
chase feeder cattle or lambs to return
to their farms for feeding.
Stockyard purchases must pass in-
spection as to type and quality by
the stockyards agent of the Dominion
livestock branch in order to qualify
for the expense payments under the
tern's of the policy.
It is very important that, those who
desire to take ,advantage of this pol-
icy should familiarize themselves with
the terms as expenses will not be paid
in cases where the provisions of the
policy have not been complied with.
Attention is also directed to necessity
of applicants interviewing the agent
of, the Dominion Livestock Bsanch at
the stockyards in advance of purchas-
Province of Ontario
Romance and Dividends
in agriculture
Although an abnormally severe
winter exacted heavy toll in fall
wheat and meadows and a midsummer
drought adversely affected growing
crops, favourable weather beginning
in the early authmn mitigated the
conditions to a great extent leaving
the results for the season considerab-
ly ahead of early anticipations. A
yield of Spring grains of generally
good quality was somewhat better
than average. IIay crops were light,
the latter cuttings showing some im-
provement but the total crop will not
exceed 50 per cent of average. The
yield of fodder corn from an increased
acreage was better than average and
will assist in offsetting the hay short-
age. The Ontario Department of Ag-
riculture in preliminary estimates
shows that the yield of ;fall wheat at
7,000,000 bushels from 25 per cent
less acreage was down 50 per cent
compared with last year. Oats and
barley from a slightly increased acre-
age show a combined yield of 94,979,-
300 bushels compared with 77,691,300
bushels for 1933. Root crops are an
average yield with potatoes better
than average. The apple. crop is plac-
ed at 30 per cent of last year's pro-
duction. The yield of peaches and
plums was approximately 50 per cent
of average and pears in the Niagara
District yielded 75 per cent of aver-
age. Blue grapes are somewhat in
excess of last year's yield. while
whites and reds show a decreased ton-
nage, the production of all varieties
being considerably below normal. An
average yield of good quality burley
tobacco was harvested. Flue tobacco
from a 25 per tent reduced acreage
shows an estimated yield of 16,000,-
6,000;000 pounds of fair quality against a
production of 22,500,000 pounds last
United Kingdom Takes
More Canadian
Subjects and Dates for Radio
Broadcasts for Dominion Department
of Agriculture on Canadian Radio
Broadcasting Commission Coast to
Coast Network to be given from Oc-
tober 4, 1934 to April 25, 1935, in-
clusive at 8 p.m. E.S.T. over Eastern
and Midwest network and at 11.30 p.
in. Pacific time over B.C. network.
Oct. 25, Hallowe'en Apples.
Nov. 1: "The Nutritional Value of
Dairy Products.
Nov. 8: The Milky Way — What
Clean Milk Production Means.-
Nov. 15: Boys' and Girls' Farm
Nov. 22: What is Done to Assure
Wholesome Moat—Meat Inspection in
Nov. 29—Canada's Best in Beef.
Dec. 6: Commercial Feeding Stuffs.
Dec. 18: Christmas Turkeys.
Dec, 20: Christmas Giving.
Dec. '27i A Review of the, Years
Jan. 3, 1935: The Agricultural Sit-
Jan. 10: Canada's Fainous Varieties
of Grain.
Jan. 17: Among the Best of Foods
'Canned Foods.
Jan. 24: Honey—One of Nature's
Best Foods.
Jan. 81: Prices of Farm Products.
Feb. 7: The Seed Catalogue
Testing of Seeds for Purity.
Feb. 14: Bacon Grading—Its Value
to Canada's Trade.
Feb. 21: Grading Dairy Products.
Feb. 28: Protecting Canada from
Dangerous Insects.
Mar. 7: The Battle Against Grass.
Mar. 14: Maple Syrup—'One of Can-
ada's Most Delectable Crops.
Mar. 21—Lamb—One of the Best
of Meats.
Mar. 28: Eggs for Easter.
Apr. 4: Succession of Crops in the
Apr. 11: The Story of the Clothes
Moth. .
Apr. 18: Marketing Services.
Apr. 25: Concluding Summary.
Cut this out and hang up near the
radio. --'Ed.
Imports of Canadian canned pears
into the United Kingdom increased
during 1933 as compared with the
previous year, according to the In-
dustrial Department of the Canadian
National Railways. Pineapples con-
stituted over one-quarter of the im-
ports of canned fruits and vegetab-
les into the United Kingdom, 93 per
cent coming from Eanpire countries.
Imports ' of these commodities into
the United Kingdom ate showing a
decrease due to the expansion of the
English canning industry.
When Smith reported for work the
day after his wife presented him
with triplets the boss called him into
his office and handed him a silver cup
in recognition of the triple blessing
he had bestowed upon his country.
Smith received the gift, in rather an
embarrassed manner.
"Thanks very much, sir," he said,
turning to his .employer. "But—er—
is this cup mine now er do I have to
win it three years in succession?"
THURS., OCT: 25, 1934'
I-listoric Associations with Early
The Royal Winter Fair Horse Show
next month carries on tradition by
having a British judge for hunter and
jumper classes in the person of Lord
Dorchester, a descendant of Sir, Guy
Carlton, 1st Baron Dorchester, who
was Governor of Canada in 1775-78
and 'C'o'mmander -in -Chief of the Bra
tish troops in the American colonies
in the stirring years of 1781-33.
Lord Dorchester, on his visit to
Toronto will be accompanied' by Lady
Dorchester, who also comes of a fam-
ily with intimate associations with
Canadian life. Her Ladyship is
Kathleen, daughter of the last Baron
DeBlaquiere, whose father 'was Chan-
cellor of the University of Toronto in
1850-52, and a member of the Legis-
lative Council of Upper Canada.
As an equine' judge, Lord. Dor-
chester has officiated at several of
the leading English Horse Shows and
is conceded to be an outstanding au-
thority on hunters.
Will Furnish Own Power
At a meeting of the Public Utilities
Commission Thursday night a letter
from the Goderich Elevator and Tran-
sit Company was read as follows: ff
"In view of the inconvenience recent-
ly experienced whereby we have been
required to refrain from using Hydro
power between 11 a,m. and 1 p.m.,
hours which were not restricted under
class 'B' power when we signed con-
tract with the original Water and
Light Commission of Goderich, we
would advise that we are negotiating
with a firm to install Diesel engines
to afford sufficient power to handle
our connected load of some 1,600 h.p.,
and the purpose of this letter is to
notify your commission that upon the
expiry of twelve months we may ter-
minate our agreement with you.
"We regret any inconvenience or
cost to which the municipality may
be put by this reduction in power Charlesbourg, Que: According to 0.:
consumption at Goderich, or to neig'h- i K. Howard, head of the Fish awl,
boring townships, but from estimates
now in our hands a'very material
saving to the Company may be affect-
ed in operating costs."
The letter will be given further
Once again. the runic stone, found
at the bead of Yarmouth• harbor and
placed in the Yarmouth, public 'lib-
rary', hascome into prominence as
offering additional evidence that, the
Norsemen discovered America al -
Most 500 years. before Columbus. The
runes of the stone were photographed
and forwarded to Prof. Olaf Strans-
wold, Superintendent of Schools in
Benton County, Washington, a well
known educator and runic expert,
who has since been deciphering then.
A recent letter received from him
statesthat be has succeeded in trans-
lating certain of the runes and now
finds that part of the inscription
reads, "Lief to Erie raises this monu-
ment. He is of the opinion that Lief
Erikson himself was present and ei-
ther inscribed, or had a member of
his party inscribe,' the runes on the
rock, and that it was carved in the
year 1001 A.D. He also points out
that the place where the rack was
discovered corresponds with the des-
cription contained in the old Norse
sagas of Lief Erikson's voyages of
discoveries to Vineland.
'• Hens may crow as cocks end roos-
ters have been known to ]ay eggs.
, Now conies the fact that a doe can
grow a fine pair of antlers, the same
as the buck. This freak of nature
was brought down in Rimouski Coun-
ty, Quebec, by two hunters, J. A.
Chalifour and T. E. Giroux, of Beau -
I fort, who were greatly surprised to
find that their "buck," with a good
I growth of antlers was actually a doe.
They showed the proof of their dis-
covery to Dr. Armand Brassard, Di-
rector of the Zoological Gardens at
Game Department of the Canadian,
National Railways, antlered does
have been found before but these are
usually spikey and'ii velvet covering.
Instances have also been reported'.nt
male deer without •antlers.
William O'Connell, who died in Lon-•
don on August 29th last, left his en-•
tire estate to the human Catholic
Church, according to his will filed fora
probate. Ike left $6,879, which is
made up of $1,400 in real estate and"
35,479.28' in personal property.
Mr. O'Connell left $200 for masses..
He bequeathed $2,000 to the Catholic.
Church Extension Society of Toronto.
The residue of the estate goes to St.
Peter's Roman Catholic Seminary of
Before going to London a few years.
ago Mi. O'Connell lived in Saltford,.
near Goderich.'`
A. motorist was driving his car a-
long one of the main roads in Nelson'
(Lancashire), when the driver of a
horse-drawn coal -cart in front sud-
denly turned to his right down a side,
street. After narrowly avoiding a
collision the motorist demanded to•
know why the coalman didn't put out
his arm to indicate which way he was.
going: "Don't talk so daft," he re-
plied, "I always go clown that street."'
Wake up your Liver Bile
—No Calomel needed
When you feel blue, depressed,' sour on tlrs
work!, that's your liver which isn't pouring its
daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels.
Digestion andelimination are being slowed
up, food is accumulating and decaying insists
you and muting you feel wretched.
Mere bowel -movers like salts, oil, mineral
water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or
roughage, don't go far enough.
You need a liver. stimulant. Carter's Istria,
Liver Tills is the beet one. Safe• Purely vase.
table, Sure Ask for them by name. Relune•
substitutes. 26s. at all druggists. 55
EVERY Year your family, • and every family of
your acquaintance, spends about 70 per cent. of its
income just for living, exclusive of rent—so econ-
omic experts tell us. Think what this means—sev-
en dollars out of every ten invested in food, cloth-
ing, household utilities and all the multitude of
things that keep a family comfortable and happy.
That part of spending is readily understood.
But do you realize that every manufacturer and
retailer of these necessities is planning how he can
get your dollar?
It's a big job to spend so much money wisely
and well. It requires careful business methods to
get the best possible returns from each dollar that
leaves the family purse.
The clever woman goes for help to the advertise-
ments in her local paper. There she finds a direct-
ory of buying and selling. She learns about the of-
ferings of merchants and business people. She com-
pares values. She weighs quality and price. She
takes this opportunity of judging and selecting al-
most everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, in-
struct and generally bring up her family.
Do you read the advertisements? You will find
them willing and able to serve you in your business
of purchase.
YOUR POCKETBOOK -Read Them Carefully
The Clinton News -Record
$1.50 a year. Worth More