HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-10-11, Page 5"'THURS., OCT. 11, 1934 t 1F INTEREST TO YOU flND ME PrinceMinister Ramsay MacDonald found in Cape Breton a land after his own heart "because the Highlanders ::are settled there in such large num- ;hers." Beautiful scenery plus “beau— tiful Gaelic" could scarcely fail to appeal.—Globe. But the funny thing about this was (•'that while Premier MacDonald carne ..from Scotland, he could not reply td r the Gaelic greeting of his Nova Sco- tia hosts. He dos'na speak the gaelic. fie_px. 1E ' The News -Record has .frequently - reproduced, in our poetry department ' on our women's Hage, poems from, the Jaen of Molly Bevan of the Bell Tele- phone Company. She recently got ••.out a small book of poems and nearly every month had one published on the inside front page of the Blue Bell, the company's trade magazine, which Has been kindly sent to our exchange table for some years and which we never fail to scan, sometimes a bit 'hastily, it is true, but we never mis- sed one of Molly Bevans poems. We- 'liked e"'liked them, they seemed to touch, a -responsive chord and they were writ- ten on .a variety of subjects, and we '•feel sure our readers liked them too. But in this month's Blue Bell Miss Molly, who is now married and has -.gone to live in Ohio, had alittle fare- well to -her old friends and the maga- zine tells, too, of a little farewell par- ty given in her honour by her asso- ciates. We' are sorry to lose this tel.- , ented girl from Canada; she was the real Canadian type and we are not -.ashamed to admit that vie grudge her to .Uncle Sam. We hope he ap- preciates his good fortune in acquir- ing her and that he will use her well. We congratulate het husband and at `-the same time cannot help feeling • that Canadian young men have been -'very slack in allowing this to happen. • GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Alf. Stirling of McGregor, Man., arrived last -week and is visit- . ` ing his brother, Jas. R. Stirling, and • other friends hereabouts. Misses Margaret . and Lucy Wilson and Mr. Watt of Port Stanley, who ''have been visiting the past week :with Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDougall, returned home on Sunday, Mrs. John. MeGutre spent the week -end '• at her ]tome in St. Augus- tine. Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto •spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stirling. iV1r. and Mrs. Ed. Williams spent • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Tor- rance. iii.: and Mrs: Allen Betties spent Sunday with his brothel at Winthrop, Miss Nell McDougall of Seaforth is visiting friends in this neighbor- ' hood. Misses Hazel and Norma Pickard • of Toronto are visiting at their home on the 'Gut Line. Air. and Mrs. J. Reehili of London and Mr. CIark of St. Thomas spent • Thanksgiving with Mr. and .Mrs. W. McGuire. Mr. Earland Betties of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his, mother, Mrs. T. Betties. (Frons another correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Douglas Bailey and Mrs. John Bailey of Eluefeld, 'West Virginia, were guests last week of Mr. and Mts. Oliver Welsh. Misses Reta and Shirley Beacons of Toronto spent the w eek.end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bea- Cotn. Mr. Randal Cole, Western Univer- sity, London, spent the week -end at his borne, Miss E. Hicks of Goderich is visit- ' Ina her niece, Mxs, Oliver Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hicks, Clinton, spent a few days with Mi. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh. Mrs. Eva Wheeler and son, Douglas of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Raynard of London spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ste- phenson. Mrs. John Clufr, Clinton, spent Thanlcsgiving with her son,. Mr. Robt. Chuff. Rev. Harvey Colclough, West Hilt, and his mother, Mrs. Annie Col- clough, ;Clinton, visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Col- elough. Dr. John A, and Mrs. MacLeod and Mr. Gailer of Brooklyn, N.Y., are vis- iting at the home of : the for,ner's sister, Mrs..Robt. Pearson of the six- teenth. A native of Goderich Township, and one of its pioneers, Thomas Stru- dy, aged 85, died on Saturday at Clinton, and was buried in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, Tuesday. He was a son of the late John Sturdy, who came from Ireland in the days of the Canada Company, andis the last of a family of six, save one, George Stur- dy, of Goderich Township, who sur- vives. Deceased was a bachelor and a most successful farmer, retiring to Goderich town a quarter of a century ago. He was at one time a large property -owner and well known in business circles. Ile had been in ill health for years. Dr. and Mrs. Epperson and infant son of Galion, Ohio, spent the week- end at the home of the lady's bro- ther, Mr. Kenneth Taylor. Miss Dorothy Davis of Weston vis- ited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor. Mrs. W. C. Anderson and son,' Bruce Anderson and, Misses Cora Jackson, and Helen Currie and Ed- ward Currie and Frank Sweeny of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Anderson of the Bayfield Line. Mr, and Mrs. Austin Martin and Miss Eleanor of. Toronto and M'rs. Douglas of Wroxeter were week -end guests at the home of Mr. D. Reu- ger, Miss Nell McDougall of Seaforth visited with her cousin, Mrs. R. G. Thompson, last week -end. ST. HELENS The St. Helens Manse' •was the scene of a quiet wedding on Saturday, October 6th, when Miss Ida Lyon of Londesboro .became the bride of Mr, Barry Durnin of West Wawanosh. Mr.. and Mrs. Earl -Gaunt of near Lucknow'were the attendants. Mr. Lorne Webb - of Blyth spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. R. J. Woods and Wilson mot- ored to Galt. to the sanity reunion which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitham. Wilson is remaining to attend 0. A, C, at Guelph. Miss Blackmore of Hamilton spent the holiday with het friend, Miss Vera Todd, Miss Irene Woods had as her guest over the holiday Miss E. Wilfang of Elmira, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Mary Sal- keld . of Goderich township were re- cent visitors with Mats. R. K. Millen and Mrs. Gordon. Mr. Slincker of Kitchener was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Robin- son Woods and also attended the Murdie-Weods wedding on Saturday last, Anniversary services of St. Hel- ens United Church on Sunday last proved to be a decided success. The day being fine, large crowds' were in attendance at both services. Two splendid sermons were preached by a former pastor, Rev. Mr. Little of Rockwood. The choir rendered splen- did music at both services, they were assisted by Airs. Harold and Miss Mildred Treleaven in the morning, who gave two very fine numbers. Misses Vera Todd and Irene Woods of near Kitchener, Dorothy MaQnii- len of Fordwich; Isabel Miller of a ass era l ire l n ?skis sal 4 fad f iHHKWMF as f feast taietsea eae� al �3 t ;t4 i, OCTOBER Oath Is the Date 2.30 is the Time of the Clinton Hospital Bzar is« ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY AT THE VARIOUS BOOTHS s An interesting feature will be. LADY MYSTERY flitting hither ante ; thither.., Gan you catch her? You inquire—"Are You the Mysterious Lacly?" In the Tea Room Madam Sylvia will reed your cup ' There will be another. Special Attraction for which Mrs. Henri is donating a 35.00 Combination Permanent Wave. RUMMAGE. SALE will be going along briskly in the Council Cltant- bers, also ` Sale. of Apples,' donated by Mrs. R. Smith. EVERYONE IS INTERESTED IN THE HOSPITAL « .. AND EVERYONE 1WILL BE' THERE. 's« i` s *s: }'s« THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MARRIAGES DURNIN^-+LYON- At St, I-lelens' United_ church manse, on; Oct. 0th; Ida Lyon, Londesboro, to Harry Durnin, West Wawanosh. LLTIIERLAND—�LEGIGETT--, At St. George's Anglican church, Gode rich, on Oct. Gth, by Rev, J. N. H. Mills, Lillian May; daughter of Mr. Herbert Leggett and the late M%s. Leggett, Goderich, to Alvin Edgar Letherland, son of Mrs. Letherland and the 'late E. Lether- land of. Wiest Wawanosh.' POTTER -- MacDONALD — At the Manse, Lucknow, on Oct. 10th, by the Rev. C. H. MacDonald, uncle of the bride, Reta M., daughter of Mr. and MMS. T. P. Maelyonald, Teeswater, to Elmer T. Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, Hol- mesville. IN MEMORIAM CLARK—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. L. Clark, who passed away Ott. 14th, 1932, "We miss her and mourn her in sil- ence unseen, And live in the memory of joys that have been." --3lovingly, Will, Mabel and Clifford. Stratford and John Foran of Mildmay were home for the holiday. • Members of Y.P.S. of the 'United Church spent a pleasant social time on Tuesday evening last. An inter- esting part of the program was the presentation of a rose cut glass wat- er set and a short address to Miss Mabel Woods., The following address. }was read by Miss Greta Webb, the presentation being made by Miss Hel- en Miller. "Dear Mabel: In appreciation of the various tasks you have joyfully performed in your church, the Y,P.S. desire to convey in some tangible way their grateful remembrance,' so we would ask you to accept this gift, Is is with most sincere and hearty good wishes that we trust you will find your new home 'A thing of beauty. and a joy forever.' We are. glad you are not going so far from our midst: as to banish the possibility.of meet- ing from time to time for Auld Lang Syne. We hope you and your Better Half will come back and see us when ever you are afforded the opportun- ity.—Signed, Helen Miller, Greta Webb, Wallace Miller, Stanley Todd." LONDON J OM Mrs. Danford and son, Ross, To- ronto, wete guests over the week -end and holiday with Ma and Mrs. W. G. Moffatt. Mr. W. Crittenden spent the week- ende with his daughter at Grosse Isle, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Manning and Miss Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. W Swinbank spent Sunday with Constance friends. The London Road Ladies' Club will hold its.Cctober meeting at the home of Mrs, Ii. W. Gould, Clinton, • LONDESBORO Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson spent Thanksgiving at their. ,home here. They wave accompanied by Miss Jean Park of Strathaven and Miss Betty Robertson of Glasgow, Scotland, who are with the Exchange teachers in Torotno. Miss Margaret McCool of Toronto was a guest at the Bonze of bee bro- ther, Mr. James M'eCool, over the holiday. Miss E. Mains and Mr. and Mrs. R. Vodden spent a few days at Chicago the last of the week, Mr. and Mrs. H. Morris •and Miss Veleta of Toronto spent the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. J. P, Manning and other friends. Ma:. W. J. TambIyn and family spent Thanksgiving at his mother's home, returning to Toronto on Mon- day. Mrs. J. Tatnblyn accompanied them to London, where she will vis- it at the home of her sister, 'Mrs. (Dr.) Medd, for a few weeks. Mt'. and 'Mrs. Milton Hooper of near St. Marys, spent part of Sun- day with Mrs. Hooper's parents, Mr. and Mis, Janes Elsley. Mr. Herman Sundercock has mov- ed into the village having settled in the McCrea house. Miss Helen Johnston of London visited with friends here over the week -end. • , Mr. and Mrs. James Collinson of the 13th concession have moved into the village, having given up fanning They have moved in -with Mrs. Col- linson's brothers, Messrs. George and Mattehw Hesselwood. The regular monthly meeting of the W. I. was held in the Community Hall on: Thursday, Oct. 4th with over seventy in attendance. Mrs. E. Ad ams in her usual pleasant manner presided. Minutes and other eorre spondence were read; by the Secre- tary. . The roll call was answered by 'What Am I Thankful For." Mrs. E. Adams was appointed to attend the Convention •at Stratford' as a delegate, Mrs. R. H. Johnston, president of the Hospital Board, Clinton,• hn'as present and gave an outline of . the improvements which were 'facie and which were very badly needed at the shospital and which the -board had Y.,`, .planned to. •accomplish, and intimated that they would be very grateful for :F a little help. It was decided a do- nation of ten dollars be granted^them. Mrs, Ea Adams and Mise L. Brig,- ham rig-ham then ''gave'a.•very-fine talk on their travels in Europa,• which awes '_ 1 The play, "GEORGE IN A JAM;''fl1 be presented early in November t Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 RILEY'S Oct. 11-12-13 For Cleanliness an Service Our Motto: No Long Waits and No Short Weights. Ammonia, 4 for 23c P. and G. Soap, 7 bars for 23c Pearl Soap, 7 bars for 23c Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for 23c Ox d 1 0 large a ge pkg Rinso, Large pkg. 23e Lux, large pkg. 23e Chipso, large pkg. ... 21c 6 large bars Castile Soap 25c Large Glass Peanut Butter 23c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs: for 22c Dates, with stones, 3 lbs. for ..,25e Loose Cocoa, 2' -lbs. for 25c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 19c (With each order of 1$1.00) 1 24 Ib. Snow Flake Pastry for 63e We buy and grade eggs for which we pay le a dozen more in Cash or or Trade. T. J. Riley Phone, 39. Free delivery at all hours FOWL SUPPER and 3 -act Play "18 Carat Boob" under auspices of Trinity Church BAYFIELD TOWN HALL THURSDAY, OCT. 25' Supper, 6 to 8. Admission, 50c and 25c so accurately, pictured that one al- most thought they were there. Miss Mantle Shaddick contributed a pleasing solo. Mrs. A. W. Gardin- er's talk was left over until a later date. Meeting was closed by sing- ing the National Anthem, Refresh- ments were served by the group in charge and a social time spent. The Y.P.S. met in the •basement of the church on Sunday evening. Joe Shaddiek presided. Mr. J. Garrett led in prayer during the opening ex- ercises and the scripture lesson, Luke 14: 1-14, was read by Miss Ruth Ly- on. Miss Clara Hunkings gave the report of the Convention at Megan - non and the feature of the meeting was Mr. J. Tainblyn's talk on "Selene° of Good Leadership," which was mien appreciated. Miss Alma Carter. spent Sunday at the home of her uncle, Mr. Fred Shobbrook, PORTER'S HILL Mrs. Verna Harris and little daugh- ter, Phyllis, spent Thanksgiving in Lindsay with Mr, and Mrs. Acheson. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. V. Fish- er's for the boliday were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dodder of Dresden, Mrs. Chas. Cake and two sons, Wind- sor, Mrs. Greenway, Hamilton. Mr. G. Newton and two daughters, Grace and Laura and Bill Nichols, all of Toronto and Miss Mary Long Bemuiller, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Newton. Anniversary services will be held in Grace church on Sunday, Oct. 21st. The young people's meetings will open for the fall term on Friday ev- ening, Oct. 12th. Alt are invited to attend and come prepared to take part. Mr. •Wilmer Harrison attended a convention in connextion with young people's work in Leamington. Mr. John Harmer visited friends In AUCTION SALE Of harm Stock and Implements At. Lot 22, Bayfield Line, Goderich township, on Wednesday, October 17th, at 1 o'clock, the following: 3 farm horses; 3 Hereford grade cows, due in March; Hereford grade cow, due in April; 2 Durham grade cows,due in Feb:; 4 choice calves, suitable for Baby beef; 2 Holstein spring calves; 2 Durham grade year- ling steers; 40 year-old Rock hens. IMPLEMENTS-lDeering binder, 6 ft. cut in Al shape; Noxon 'mower, 5 ft. chi -t; *Massey -Harris mower, 5 ft. cut; spring tooth cultivator, 'bean harvester, combined; horse rake; scuffler, walking plow, Noxon seed drill; wagon, buggy, cutter, sleighs, fanning mill with bagger, set double harness, set single harness;. quantity of hay; 300 bushel banner oats, suit- able for seed; 200 cedar posts, sever- al , horse, collars, 2 stoves, forks, chains, whifflotrecs, neckyokes, and numerous other articles. TERMS: CASA. Everything to be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. Frank J. Whitmore,. ,Geo., H. Elliett, Proprietor Auctioneer. 98-2. • THE BEST MARKET FOR Pou .tr'u, Eggs and Cream ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 2143 Residence, 214w For Supper, some of these cold nights Try our Real Fresh Pork PIES Made by BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. New Fall Fabrics Tailored -To -Measure Just Arrived From LONDON ' IRELAND SCOTLAND The very finest fabrics in new Fall Tones and Weaves are now on Display, and we especially in- vite you at this time to come and see them. WOOD FOR SALE Dyeingtl Cleaning Repairing • C' un 3 Pressing Leamington over the weelc-end. Splendid anniversary services were held on. Sunday at Zion church, Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefeld was a very pleasing speaker. At the even- ing service Goderich male quartette assisted with the music. AUBURN Mrs. Stewart, Wingham, with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Ferguson. Mrs. Rose Bradnoek, 'Wingham spent the week -end with her son, Wes- ley, of the viIIage. Lost 'Service button No. 98485, in Clin- ton between two and 8 p.m. on Satur- day. Finder please return to H. S. Turner, Sec. Canadian Legion, Clin- ton. 96-1-p. For Sale Pure-bred Oxford rant lambs. Pric- es reasonable. Prank Weeks, Varna, phone 622r31, Clinton Central, 96-2. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 26, Con. 13, Hullett Township, lila miles north of Londesboro, on No. 4 highway, on Wednesday, Oct, 24th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the follow- ing: HORSES: heavy draught filly, ris- ing 2 pears, one aged work horse. CATTLE: Durham cow, 7 years old, due Nov. 15; Durham cow, 5 Ys. old, due Mar. 1st; Registered Aber- deen Angus cow, 6 years old, due June 18, Aberdeen Angus cow, 3 yrs. old, due Mar. 15; aged Aberdeen An- gus cow, due April 3; Holstein cow, 9 years old, due April 9; Holstein caw, 9 years old, due May 2; grade cow, 5 years old, due June 10; grade cow, 5•years old, due Mar. 16; grade cow, freshened Sept. 2; 2 steers, ris- ing 3 years, heifer, rising 3 years; 3 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers; Aberdeen Angus bull calf, 9 months old; Aberdeen Angus bull calf, 4 months old,' 7 Aberdeen Angus cal- ves. _PIGS: 1 Yorkshire hog. IMPLEMENTS—M.-11, mower, 5 ft. cut; hay rake, 10 ft.; set bob sleighs, double shod, wagon, with box 3 in. tile. democrat, hay rack, 15 ft. long,, straw cutting box, turnip wi- per, set 240 ib. scales; new Anchor Idolth; Cream' separator, only-tisecl 5 months; daisy churn, a quantity of mangels, 70 rows of turnips in field; 500 bus. oats and mixed grain; 5 loads of millet. Owing to failing health of proprie- tor -everything advertised will' be sold, TERMS: CASH. Win, Lyon, Prop., G. H. Elliott, Aire tieneer. PAGE 5 THE HEAT FOLKS ALWAYS .' GO OVERWEIGHT "Met BELIEVE IN GOOD MEASURE THAT OLD EASHIc» ED'TRAIr, The heat Folks are up -to - the minute, Johnny -on -the -spot, heat producers — but they steadfastly hold to some old- ' fashioned traits. They work ex- tra hours without overtime. They stay in,at'night and nev- er go .out. They are honest toilers who work without being watched. They ate whole -soul - ed little helpers who only stop when the job' is done, If you ,want to hire some model em- ployees, you can't do better than Call the QAT Mtn WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE 4Jlnstard Coal Co. PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO CAPII'AL THEATRE Goderich,, Phone 47 REGENT THEATRE . . Seaforth: Now Playing: John Boles in "WILD GOLD" • Now Playing: Richard Dix and Irene Dunne in "STINGAREE." MON., TUES., 'WED. DIANA WYNYARD starred in John Galswotthy's sen- nthe rational re ad mariage of modern dove and mar "ONE MORE RIVER" The superb supporting cast in- cludes Colin Clive, Reginald Den- ny, Lionel Atm/ill, Allan Mow- bray and Mrs, Patrick Campbell MON., TUBS., WED. ARLISS, flawGEORGEs '_artist gives to 'the screen another unforgettable chat - acterisation in the matchless "House House of Rothschild • with Loretta Young THURS., FRI., SAT. WILL ROGERS Comes again with an attraction to please everyone. Droll humor and human interest are abundant in " HANDY ANDY " - THURS., FRI., SAT. JOHN BARRYMORE Carole Lombard, Walter Connelly and Roscoe Karns Broadway's greatest comedy smash—even greater on the screen " 20th CENTURY" Coning: Shirley Temple in "BABY TAKE A BOW" Coming: "20TH CENTURY." Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 3 par. PHOTOGRAPHS LIVE FOREVER . Its comforting to have those por- traits of old friends about, but didn't you promise to send them one of yourseif2 They will appreciate it -1 make your appointment now Amateur Finishers Have us develop and print your, next film. With deckled or bordered edge. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell CARD OF THANKS ! The Hoggart fancily and the bre- f thers and sisters of the late Mrs, D. Haggett wish to extend their thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness to her during her illness and to them in their bereavement, All the acts of kindness shown were very much appreciated and will not soon • be forgotten. Car For Sale 1926 Ohev, Sedan, All new tures. • Apply to J. E. Howard, Clinton. Phone 178. 96-tf, 1 Pure Bred Bulls For Sale An Auction Sale of Purebred Short- horn bulls, at the farm of the under- signed on Thursday, Oct. 25th, Som.; mencing at 2 p.m. Terms: 6 months' credit on approved joint notes. W. A. ! Culvert, R. R. No. 1, Dungannon)) Prop., Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. j 96-2.' Boarders Wanted Accommodation for two breeders, ladies or gentlemen. Comfortable home, modern conveniences. • Mrs. W. J. Stevenson, Clinton. 96-2-p, Wood and Potatoes For Sale A quantity of Choice Green Moun- tain and White Star Potatoes at 50c per bag. Also a quantity of Dry Hard Wood. Apply to J. E. Crich, 2nd Concession Tuekersniith, Phone 67.4x24, Clinton Central. 95-2-p. For Sale 1 dark oak sideboard, 1 dark oak writing desk, 1 arm chair, 1 kitchen table, 1 oak centre table. Apply to Mrs. C. Rant, Frederick street, Clin- ton. 95-2-p. Housekeepers' Attention I am prepared to clean and demoth your Chesterfield suites, spray and clean your rugs, clean your mattres- ses and all other house furnishings. Phone 301 w. H. Castle. 94-3. A Service To Women Much can be done for the figure in the way of achieving good lines if you have a well -fitted corset, Mrs, J. Silcock, Spirelia Corsetiere, Princess street. Telephone 265w. 94.4: Anniversary Hot Supper Served from 6 to 8, in Holmesvillo United church, Tuesday, Oct. 16th, followed by an exceptionally good play entitled, "Headstrong .loan," Admis- sion, 35c and 20e. 95-2. For Sale Registered .Leicester, sheep. One two -shear ram, also ram lambs, and fifteen extra gobd ewe Iambs. Apply to J. II. Quigley, R. R. No. 5, phone 619i'3, Clinton. 95-2-p, Man Wanted With car to' handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Spices, Extracts,, Toilet Preparations direct to estab'- lished.users in Huron County" Write T, 13 IiWard .Company, John South, ainiIton. 95-2-p. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Cgmplete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w iA 4,,W,211 ;Zhitlt 0 Clinton's Fuel Yards HARD WOOD, SOFT WOOD CORD -WOOD AND CEDAR We sell either delivered or in the yard.. We also handle a No. 1 grade of coal ata reasonable price. VICTOR FALCONER Phone 629x12, For Sale Ladies' Fur Coat, size 38, swagger length. Inquire at this office. 95-2-p. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Princess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply on premises to Miss Alcan. 89-tf. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Crea Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Priees Pahl, 300 Cords of Dry Wood j TO SELL ♦i•w 'A. E. FINCH Phone 231. SINGLE COMB WRITE LEGHORN PULLETS ENGLISH BARRON STRAIN 4 months old E. L. MITTELI.L Clinton, Phone 213. E. G. HOWES Electrician and Plumber ' :9" 1 A Fall Line of Electric Anal/smell)! also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repair* Phone 53w. 111 -alk Cleaning and Pressing Suits, ` Coats and Dresser DRY CLEANED AND REPAIR1a0 W. J'. AGO If, not open work may be lea *l..i Beard's Barber Shoff.