HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-09-06, Page 8AGIE THE OLINTON 'NEWS -RECORD. THURS., SEPT. 6,4934' " w Fall and Winter ''Samples- . TIPTOP TAILORS':: •MADE -'1'0 -MEA -SURE SUITS OR OVERCOATS are now ready for your inspection and are worthy of Canada's largest , one price tailoring establishment. ENGLISH BOTANY SE -ROES, FANCY' striarn WORSTED s AND. • TWEEDS, OVERCOATINGS Of all the newest and most ,popular weaves and all at one price A 61anbination of high quality and IOW price which cannot be equalled ' NEW FALL SHOES Pimps, TIES AND OXFORDS in the New, Natty Fall Styles and so reasonably priced $1.95 rt2o2$5p3.u50 ' MEN'S OXFORDS, black or 'brown B.QY'S,OXFORDS AND BOOTS 61.95 'up SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES ON BROKEN LINES Plumsteel Bros. A.gents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge 1VIade-to-Measure Clothing ope4. ek.4'444 *31-444,44. 4'44-4,,74 , 4, • LAMB STEWS, per lb. 12c VEAL STEWS, per lb., only 10c RIB STEW OF BEEF, per lb. Se RIB ROAST OV BEEP, per lb. 12e LIVER, BEEF OR PORK, per ib. 10e HAMBURG STEAK, per lb. 10e HEAD CHEESE, per lb. 10e SPRING CHICKEN FOR'WEEK-END GOOD LINE OF CURED AND COOKED MEATS, ALWAYS. CONNELL Sr TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 49111111•101. o 0=1 0=== 0 1=0 Now is the time to have Your Furnace looked over and repaired for winter. Let us give you an estimate on the necessary Repair or Replacement. We can also supply repairs for any make of Stove or Furnace. SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware Funeral Directors Furniture Phone 147w 0 Plumbing Electric Wiring 0 11 11 11 O pleasant motor trip to Muskoka. U They also took in the Ex. on thelr O way home. 11 Air. and Mrs. J. F. Johnston, Miss Edith and Miss Madeline John- ston, Reg. N., Asbfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston one day .... last week. Mrs. W. McRoberts of Sarnia vis- ited her brother, Mr. E. Pickard, and other friends and relatives in Clinton and vicinity over the week- end and holiday. Mr. and 'qrs. J. R. McBrien and fam- ily of Detroit visited the former's mother and sister, Mrs. McBrien and Mrs. Gibbings of Princess street over the week -end. Misses Helen Nediger and Madelaine VanHorne returned Saturday af- ter an enjoyable boat trip to Mon- treal. They spent the week -end in Hamilton on their way home. Mr. and Mrs, John McLean and daughter, Idena _and nephew, Vic- tor Harriston of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. J. T. Crich and other friends in Clinton, Auburn and surrounding community. Mr. Kenneth Carter of Chatham was with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter, over the week- end and holiday. On his return his brother Ross, who teaches near Chatham, accompanied him to re- sume the duties of the fall term. Mrs. Rhoda Miller, Mr. Fred Miller, Mrs. Ethel Taylor and Greta and Harold Taylor motored to Port Hu- ron on Saturday taking with them Miss Ella Carpenter, who had been visiting them here for a time, also their uncle and aunt, Wm. and Rachel Reid of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy of Clinton were Sunday visitors with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Warm of town. Mr. and Mrs. Levy and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wurm, Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinchey were all vis- itors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald, Bronson line. Margaret and Wilfred Levy who spent a pleasant two -week's with the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wurm, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' D. Oswald, returned home with their parents to, Clinton. i --Zurich,Herald. Reading Riting All three R's require a book, as well as all the other subjects, when the youth of town and vicinity trudge back to school where another year of growth and progress Hes before them. No student can work satisfactorily if he or she has not the proper text books, which it is our business to supply. All the prescribed text hooks at the prescribed prices and the vol- umes for supplimentary reading at as advantageous prices as we can pos-1 sibly make. We have your scribblers ready in extensive assortment, pen- cils of good quality and all the other importances to meet the sterner dut- ies of school days with their intric- acies of multiplication and division, problems in fractions and the analy- sis of sentence. We invite you to see us about your school requirements. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best .41F110.4t116!..,- nill .1,2 Miss Einnia Levis is visiting her sisters in Toronto. Fergus Carter left Saturday to resume his work on board a boat out of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Wallis and Mr. Wilbur Wallis have been taking In the big fair at Toronto. Mrs. S. Murch and Miss Vera of Sarnia were week -end guests with 'Miss Harriet Courtice of town. Mr. R. T. Hearn and family of To- ronto spent the week -end as guests of the former's brother, Dr. Hearn of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hislop and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erdman and fam- ily of Detroit spent the week -end with relatives and friends in town. Miss Edna LaBas returned to her home in Georgetown last week af- ter a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston, Rattenbury street. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKnight return- ed the end. of the week from a GOOD BUYING SEPTEMBER -7-8-10 MACARONI, 5 lbs. for 23c CHATEAU CHEESE, per pkg. 150 19e MIRACLE WHIP, per jar CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS,,large size, 2 for ..........25c PORK AND BEANS; Medium size, 2 for 15e WHOLE KERNEL CORN, Garden PaSch Brand, 2 tins 25e GOLD MEDAL STRAWBERRY AND RASPBEKRY JAM, each 39e PITTED DATES, 2 lbs, for 25c CASCADE PINK SALMON, 1 lb, tin for 12c PILCHARDS, 2 tins for 25c KiPPERSNACKS, per tin . 05c SOAPS LAUNDRY SOAP, Unwrapped, 5 bars for........... .... .... . . 12c SOAP, TOILET, PALMOLIVE, 3 bars for ... . .. . . . .....14c SCRUBBING 'BRUSHES, each 10e, 15c, 39c TOILET PAPER, 3 rolls for MATCHES, 3 boxes for CHORE BOYS, each FRUITS & VEGETABLES IVLELONS, . .2 for 15c and 10c LEMONS, per dozen . 33c ORANGES, per dozen BANANAS, per dozen 29c, 39c and 49c 25e to 35c PEACHEIS,-GOOD PRICES FOR THE' WEEK -END CELERY HEARTS, 2 for RED AND GREEN PEPPERS CABBAGES, large head, 2 for 09e 23e 5e and 10c 29c 2 for 5c and be 23e LOBB'S GENERAL STOR RED 'A• ND WHITE 'Always in the Lead Fti?:11:k an BIG BANANA SALE EARLY FRIDAY MORNING & SATURDAY EVENING . ,o• tr, • • . • SECIAL 501b. SACK ONIONS 59c 110=1:01=P FRUIT AND VEGETABLES New Potatoes, per pk. Onions, 10 lbs. for Silver Skin Onions Golden Spray Cheese, 2 lbs. for Fluffo, 2 lbs. for Servus Butter, 2 lbs. Clinton Butter, 2 lbs. for Large Oranges, per dozen Large Lemons, 5 for Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. for Melons, each 5c and 10c 19c Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c Grapes at Market Price WALKERSIDE'S ICE CREAM 15c 15c 100 250 21c 45c 45c 39c 15c 25c Dates, 2 lbs. for • VilliSISMOSSIEDIESUBY GROCERY SPECIALS Campbell's Pork and Beans 10c 5c 25c Jelly Powder, McLaren's, 4 for 19c Maple Leaf Salmon (1-2) 19c Macaroni, g lbs. for 11c Singapore Pineapples 11c Cocoanut, per Ib. 29c FRIGIDAIRE Cottage Rolls, per Ib. 25c. Pickled Rolls, ib. 22c Bacon, per Ib. 35c Sausage, per lb. 20c and 22c Chef Pork and Beans, Red and White Soup, 3 for • ANDREI 911111215.10 WESTON'S CHOCOLATE ROLLS MIC930831.115731016711131011111MMINEXIMESCIONEMIIIMMONESEir I :4 E E Si 7 0 11 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 4160"eitlair'. .. Y. s . "ilhe Vogue" .e y t. y .i. We are now showing a complete line of Ladies' Exclusive A ''. '.,t. FALL AND WINTER COATS—Alt Sizes and Colors These coats have collars of fine fur and are unsurpassed for quality and price. OUR DRESSES AND HATS you have already shown your ap- preciation of the New Styles that are always right. We have ;outfits that will meet the demands of all types and tastes. You ate cordially invited to come in and inspect our new and beautiful garments. "'he Vogue" 92-2. X .4.44:4 -44.841.4.44.446.1+.144 -444-44-4.44.:4444;4:4-44:4:44.4444-444-14:4:4:4:4$. EXTRA SPECIAL SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY Our $4.00 Kurf-Ette Permanent Wave for $.2.95 Our $5. Combination Wave for $3.95 Our $6.50 Nestle Croquignole for $4.95 (One free Finger Wave after first shampoo included.) Henri Beauty Shop Isaac St., Phone 223. 91-1. Presbyterian Annual CHICKEN PIE SUPPER to be seived in the church basement Tuesdag,Sept.18 from 5 to 7.30 p.m. MENU: Chicken Pie Creamed Potatoes Carrots and Peas Pickles, Relishes, Catsup Lemon Pie, Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie with Wlhipped Cream Rolls, Tea, Coffee. Admission: Adults, 40c; Children, 25c 91-2. PERSONALS Miss Margaret Plumsteel returned Friday after spending the summer in Quebec Province perfecting her self in oral Frenth. Mir. J. F. Wasman, who had been spending a couple of months with his daughter near Gerrie, visited some days in town last week. Misses L. and O. Brigham of Clinton and Mrs. E. Adams of Londesboro returned on Friday after a very interesting trip to the 'British Isles and Europe. Miss 0. Brigham left Monday to resume' het teaching duties at Windsor. Miss Elizabeth Ford spent the latter part of her holiadys with her aunt, Mrs. Lawrence of town. She had spent July at Lake Couchiehing and later took a motor trip with a party of friends. She left Monday for Oshawa to resume her teaching duties. Mr. T. H. Hardy and his daughter, Mrs. Thorndyke and little son, Freddie, Clinton, and Mr. Will Campbell of Dungannon motored • down a,nd spent the week -end and holiday at Manilla, Oakwood and Windsor,.Mr. Hardy paying a visit •to his birthplace at Manilla. 011 their return Mr. Tho,rndyke ac- companied them from Windsor and is spending a holiday with his fam- ily here. Special Attention given to all Wedding Orders Canifighalw he 31orgist larak GREENHOUSE PHONE% FLOWER SHOP PH ONE 31 COLD WEATHER IS COMING be prepared by having us install a Hecla furnace or a Clares Range or Heater Call in and see them before buying LET US QUOTE YOU ON YOUR PLUMBING & EAVETROUGHING NEEDS. T. llawkins HARDWARE. and PLUMBING Fhoner.244: "•••=aus Fall Is Fast Of course we are.all sorry to think of it. But what's the use of worrying? Get some good comfortable furniture, say a CHESTERFIELD SUITE, or a Real Comfortable OCCAS$ONAL CHAIR, AN END TABLE For Your Books, A. SMOKER, and one of our SWELL NEW LAMPS, and you will forget the rest, IN THE HARDWARE DAPARTMENT KEEP WARM WITH OUR NEW LINE OF WOOD HEATERS at a wonderful price Then of course we have all kinds of COAL HEATERS AND RANGES We have added a line of Swell New Copper Kitchen Utensils. Come in and see them. We do Plumping and Tinsmithing. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, N. BALL, Phone 110. The Store With The Stock Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers Phone J. J. ZAPFE, 195. Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES AGAIN THE WEEKS GREATEST FOOD VALUES FRY COCOA, regular 25c, for 19e JAMS, RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY, 32 ozs. for 31c CHIPSO, QUICIC SUDS, for 9c and 190 SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. tin and Bottle of Vanilla FREE, all for x 25c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 lb. tin 39c 19c SARDINES, BRUNSWICK, 4 tins for 19c SOUPS, AYLMER, VEGETABLE, TOMATO, 3 tins for y 25c BON AMI, Cake or Powder • 14c SURPRISE SOAP, 5 bars for 23c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 bars for 140 PRINCESS FLAKES; 2 pkgs. for .290 GRAPENUT FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for ' 23e TUNA FISH, 1-4's 15c 1-21's 23c LOBSTERS 1-4's, 19c 1-2's 33c CRAB MEAT, per tin 350 .,, INSTANT POSTUM, per tin 29c FRESH ROLLED OATMEAL, 4 lbs. for Kelvinator Specials PURE PORK SAUSAGE, per ib, • 22c VEAL CUTLETS, per lb, 25c BEEF STEAK, per lb. • .. 20c BREAKFAST BACON, Maple Leaf, 1-2 Ib. 20c WEINERS, per Ib. 20c BREAKFAST BACON, in piece 35c Fruit and Vegetable Market LEACHES--.Speci'al This Week CELERY, large white bunches 10e, ne and 1005 CAULIFLOWER, each CHOICE APPLES, ofr eating, 11 qts, for 00 ORANGES, per dozen 29c, 39c and 349c J.T. McKNIGHT 89, SON "Yon!. Superior Store" Wle Sell the Best For Less Phone .111 CLINTON