HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-08-23, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AUGUST BARGAINS LADIES' WHITE KID SLIPPERS, -PU'MPSlA'ND TIES Regular $2,75 to $8.50. August Sale Price, Choice for. „..$1.98' LADIES' CANVAS SLIPPERS, White or Colored, leather or rub- ber soles. Reg. Price to $2.25. ` August Sale Price. Choice 98e BOYS' SPORT OXFORDS, Reg. $2.50, For ,........... , . , , .. 41.95 MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CIIILD'REN SPORT OXFORDS At Cost Price to Clear. COLORED VOILE, 40 inches wide, in small patterns, new this season. August Sale Price, to clear 17c YARD WIDE PRINTS, good patterns, fast colors, August Sale Price 15c and 19c REMNANTS AND BROKEN LINES OF ALL KINDS AT SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES. Plumsteel y ros Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -,Measure Clothing 1 RIB ROAST OF BEES', per lb. 12e LAMB STEWS per lb. 12c RIB ROAST OF LAMB, per lb. 180 SHOULDER ROAST OF LAMB, per lb. 18c RIB STEW' OF VEAL, per Ib. 10•c RIB ROAST OF VEAL, per lb.. , 150 SHOULDER ROAST OF VEAL, per lb. Ise HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 250 HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25c SAUER KRAUT in Handy Jars, each 25c CONNELL 8c TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 0 0=0 0• ligElectric Washing Machines 4g JoCOME IN TO THE STORE AND HAVE THESE NEW BEATTY WASHERS DEMONSTRATED TO YOU 0 These machines have just arrived and have all the latest devel- opments and improvements. You will be surprised at the simple op- erations of these machines and the thorough way they do their work. ll Do Not Delay But See These Wonderful is Washing Machines in Operation 0 Hardware Furniture BUTTER & PEROVE Funeral Directors Phone 147w E! OLIO101=0111:11:20 O 0 0 O 0 O Plumbing ectrie Wiring o=o=. .,- SPECIALS Each order that amounts to $1.00 or over 1 lb, of Rowntrees Maple Buds will be given for 17c, Be sure and ask for yours. SUGAR KRISP CORN FLAKES, 3 for 21e WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES, 2 for 23c MUFFETTS, each 10c QUAKER CACKLES, 2 for 28c QUICK OATS, per pkg. Livingston 23c BULK OATMEAL, 6 for 25c WHEAT FLAKES, 5 lb. sack 23e FOR PICKLING ALUM, per lb. 19c GROUND 'CLOVES, ALLSPICE, CINNAMON, CURRY POWDER CAYENNE, each done up in 1 oz. package, for 5e WHOLE BLACK PEPPER, CLOVES, CASSIA BUDS, MUSTARD .SEED, CELERY SEED, each put up in 1 oz. pkg., each 5c • BISCUITS McCORMICK AND WESTON'S FANCY Pkg. SODAS, each ....10c GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for 21c FANCY BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c GRAHAM WAFERS, large pkg. for 23c SUN WHEAT BISCUITS, per pkg. 23c WESTON'S WHEATEN CRACKERS, per pkg. 13e TOASTED CHEESE THINS, per pkg. • • . ....... 09c CHOCOLATE MALLOWS, 2 lbs. for .29e SOAP P. AND G. SOAP, 5 for 15e 'LONDON BIG .BAR, •each 5c UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 5 for 13e PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP, each 5c CASTILE SOAP, 12 cakes for 25c SOAP FLAKES, Loose, 3 for 21e • DRINKS OUR SPECIAL LOOSE TEA, Black or Mixed, per lb, . RED ROSE, Blacic or Mixed, per lb. 49c ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMON, R,A,SP'BERRY, PUNCH, bottle 25c DESSERTS MINUTE. TAPIOCA, 2 pkgs. for 23c JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX„ Chocolate or Vanilla Flavor 100 JELLY POWDERS, 4 for 150 HONEY, With Tin, per lb. 11c Containers Supplied, 10c per Th. if you bring your Containers .LWS GE E L ST'(!, RE ,Savages are; queer,, Part of them are not starving in a land that ,pro-, vides abundance for all, • A, pin for every day in the year, including Sundays costs 5e per year: We mean a package containing 365 common pins for 5c., The dumb animals are the ones that lige as wisely as they know how. Livery day is somebody's birthday. It costs little and means much •'' to send a card. We have thea. replete with ideas and -designing effects, sen-, tunent, nicely expressed, fully as- sorted in humorous and novelty cards, We have low-priced stationery and "Lotus Lawn" for our discrinun- taing customers, It is priced reason- ably. Use good ink in your Whterman Pen. Watercnan's Thu is non -corros- ive, uniform in quality and color and will not thicken or dry up in your pen. Need Golf Balls? Here • they are at 25c, 35c, 50, 75e. All good value at the price. Live and let live, fish, legal size, exeepted. We have the baits, the lines, the hooks in fair assortment. The present thats always present- ab1e—A Waterman's Ideal Pen. A good story can be told twice. If you have use for a fountain pen buy a Waterman's $2.75 and higher. Tile W. 11 Fair Co Often the Cheapest, --Always the Best P,,o.,101116111411%, Mr. 0. Wl. Potter is visiting friends in Bowmanville. Miss Cora Williams of Cleveland is the guest of the Misses Doan. Mrs. Thos, Hawkins and son, Jack, are visiting friends in Hamilton, Miss. Margaret Dickie of Toronto is the guest of Miss Jean Plumsteel. Master Hugh Davis of St. Catharines has been holidaying at his aunts, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. H, Fitzsim- mons and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Mr. George Crooks of Delhi is visit- ing friends in Clinton and'vicin. ity, Master Jackie Gook is holidaying in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Coo.k Mrs. E. C. Andrews of Scarboro Bluffs is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. VanEgmond. Mrs, Dymond of Chicago hos been visiting her mother, Mrs. H. W. Cook of town. Miss Jean Middleton has returned home after a motor trip to Prince Edward Island. Mr. D. J. Atkinson spent a few days ast week in Chicago, visiting the Century of Progress Exhibition. Mrs. T. H. Leppington spent the week -end withher brother and oth- er relatives in Elora and Guelph. Miss Isobel Biggart, nurse -in -train- ing at Toronto General Hospital, has been visiting at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and fancily leave this week on a short motor trip through Northern Ontario. Mr. Bert Johnson and daughter, Bet- ty, and his mother of Chippewa, have been visiting his brother, Mr. Will Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Itiwin and Mrs. Smith attended hte funeral of the late late Mrs. Robert Henry of Luck - now on Sunday. Miss Margaret Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Detroit have re- turned home after spending a few - weeks at Btctt-Inn. Mrs. Elizabeth Ritchie of London has returned home after spending two weeks at the home of her grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross. Mr, A. Benson Corless spent the week -end at Burk's, having motor- ed up with' two of his chums who are employed at the Same branch of the Bank of Montreal in. Hamil- ton. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jervis were Mr. G. W. Shore and daughter, Mildred, and son, Bert; Mrs. Whiteman and son, Mrs.Eagle and family, and also Mrs. Carpenter and family. Mrs. Ross Forrester and little daugh- ter, Helen Edythe and Mrs. Alice Mason•have returned to town after spending three very pleasant weeks as the guests of Miss Jessie Grainger at hor cottage in Bayfield. Mr. ancl•Mrs. NI, T. OUr]ess, Alvin and Dorothy spent. Sunday at the home of the former's brother,.'Dr. C. W. Corless of Tillsonbnrg, Mrs, Corless and Miss Dorothy reinain- ed until Tuesday and were accom- panied home by Dr. Corless and Mr. John •G. Corless of Burgess - vine. TIIURS,, AUG. 23, 1934' awnenualmaccainamommalerwalw RED AND WHITE Alwaysin the Lead Aylmer Tomato Red ' and White Juice ,. 06c Opaghetti . 10e Clinton and Ser- Red and White vus Butter 21c Coffee, lb. 40c Sunlight Soap, 2 bars for 11c CASCADE SALMON l's, 2 for 20c CROWN BRAND SYRUP OUR OWN BAKING POWDER No. 2, for ' 15c Per ib. 19c Fruit is Scarce and We Have Many Bargains in Jams and Canned Fruits Pears, 2 tins for 25e Peaches, 2 tins for 25c Apricots, 2 tins for 35c. Singapore Pineapples, 2 for 23c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c Dried Apricots 28c Ideal Picldes . 10c Jelly Powder, 4 for 19c Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. for 15c Macaroni, Bulk, 4 for 25e Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 22c Golden Spray Cheese, 2 for 25c' FRUITS AND, VEGETABLES Grape Fruit, 5 for 25c Canteloupe, each 5c to 15c Orange, per dozen 35e Lemons, 5 for 15c Plains at' Market -Price FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per Ib. 20c Cottage Roll, per lb. 25c Breakfast Bacon, Piece, ib. 33c Corned Beef, per lb. 20c Variety Loaf, per lb. 29e Fluffo, per lb. 10c Saturday Eve ' ing - Special Y Tanana Sale WALKERSrnE'S ICE CREAM-WESTON'S CHOCOLATE ROLLS FREE DEN CHINA Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails LONDESBORO A Potato Growers' Field Meeting is being held on the fare of George Moon, Londesboro, on Wednesday ev- ening, August 29th, at 6 p.m. sharp. A fertilizer test en potatoes is show- ing up very well on this farm and growers will be able to inspect the different plots. Prof. Henry G. Bell, 0. A. College, will be in attendance and will give a tallc on fertilizers for the potato broil'. Mr. John Tucker of the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, will speak on the identifica-, tion and control of potato diseases. All potato growers and interested farmers are cordially invited to at- tend. Misses Mary and Olive Moon have returned from a motor trip to To- ronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaunt and Mr. H. Duriean of Lucknow visited at the home of Mrs. H. Lyon on Sunday. Mr. James McGrae of Belgrave is spending part of his holidays with his friend, Peter Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morris of Ni- agara Pals, N.Y., spent She week -end with his aunt, Mrs. M. Manning. Mrs. Hoggart, Mr. M. Hazelwood and Mr. M. Bruce are all on the sick list. We hope to hear of improve- ment soon. Miss' Helen Johnston is visiting with her friend, Mrs, A. Wells. Mrs. James Howatt of Auburn spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P, Manning. CONSTANCE Messrs. Wm. Dale and Leo Steph- enson motored to Brigden and spend the week -end with relatives. Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Masters Donald and Billie, who had spent the past week in Brigden returned home with them, Mrs. Thos. Pollard spent a few days last week in Clinton visiting' at the home of her sister, Mrs. Adam Glazier. Miss Olive Grimoldby is spending a wee kat the home of her cousin, Miss Doris Mann of near Clinton. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Bernard Riley has been confined` to his room the past week with a severe cold. We wish him a speedy recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. W n. Britton and daughters, Misses Helen and. Edythe Britton spent Sunday at the home of Miss Viola Morrison of McKillop, Mrs. Charles Riley, who is em- ployed at the farm. of Mr. W. Sinclalr Stanley township, spent Sunday at the home of his mother,, Mrs, George Riley. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar return- ed to Toronto on Thursday after spending a few clays at the home of the lady's parents, , Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley. wSOB FOR HIM "Are you really a bank examiner, Mr. Thompkins?" asked the hostess. "Yes,, madame, I happen to be." "Then I hope you will have time to examine the bab'y's bank. No matter how much we shake it, nothing ever comes out of it." IT IS NOT YET TOO LATE TO GET YOUR SHHINER PERMANENT I 'TRY OUR 86.50 NESTLE OIL WAVE or our $4.00 KURL-ETTE WAVE Other Permanents, 83.00 and 85.00 Henri Beauty Shop Isaac St., Phone 223. Rex Begonias ATTRACTIVE PLANTS 35c each This is the month to slip your plants. Give them a real chance in our prepared soil 15c A PAIL Evergreen will keep your plants healthy. 35c a Bottle. Sweet and Hot Peppers for 'Sale. (,.:killing ��de Zorzst GREENtMOUSE PHONEI76 FLOWEItSHOP PHONE31 Have your Furnace overhauled during the warm weather and be prepared for the cold. )Paints Varn.ishrs of all kinds Renfrew Sepemators HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 041• CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERI4 Phone 48 SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE'S GREATER FOOD VALUES Look At These Specials AUGUST 23-24-25 EXTRA SPEC'IA'L—ICROSSE :&i B•LACKWELL MARMALADE 40 ` oz, jar for 27c CLARIC'S PORI,; AND BEANS, sqt. size, 2 tins for 15c HANDY AMMONIA, per pkg. 5c IIIILLCREST SHORTENING, 2 pkgs, for 21c . CANIPBE'LL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins for 19c IDEAL SWEET PIC•ICLE.S, Iarge- jar 27c GRAPE NUTS, per pkg. 18c MAPLE LEAF SALMON, JELLO, Assorted, 4 pkgs, for 7 19c and 35c 25c PURE CLOVER HONE?, 5 lbs. for 59e ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 lb. tin for 39c cg Inator Sp c aals COOKED I -IAM, Sliced, per lb. 50c ROAST LOIN, Sliced, :per lb. 49c BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, per •Ib. 37c SHOVED COTTAGE ROLL, per Ib. 25c SMOKED BONELESS HAM, per 2. " 25c SAUSAGE, DUMART'S, per Ib. 22c MACARONI CHEESE LOAF, per .1,13 25c Fruit and Vegetabikei rirt NEW' CELERY, lier bunch 10e NEW CALIFORNIA GRAPES, per lb, i8e MELONS, your choice 5c and lOc TOMATOES, per basket 39c APPLES, BLUEBERRIES AND PEACHES McKN FYON "Your Superior Store" Phone 111 Vile Sell the Best For Less' CLINTON • • • BrightenHpWith Faint AND WHEN YOU DO, MAKE SURE YOU USE THE BEST OF COURSE, ITS Sherwin-Wi11jams The Old Reliable Paint, that lasts the longest and looks the best THEN IF YOU NEED AN ELECTRIC TWO -BURNER PLATE OR AN ELECTRIC RANGE We have them. Also GASOLINE OR COAL OIL STOVES, IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT You will find a brand new Stock on display for your inspection and we know you will be pleased with the styles, workmanship and Finish. • SO DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. 195, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE'S GREATER FOOD VALUES Look At These Specials AUGUST 23-24-25 EXTRA SPEC'IA'L—ICROSSE :&i B•LACKWELL MARMALADE 40 ` oz, jar for 27c CLARIC'S PORI,; AND BEANS, sqt. size, 2 tins for 15c HANDY AMMONIA, per pkg. 5c IIIILLCREST SHORTENING, 2 pkgs, for 21c . CANIPBE'LL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins for 19c IDEAL SWEET PIC•ICLE.S, Iarge- jar 27c GRAPE NUTS, per pkg. 18c MAPLE LEAF SALMON, JELLO, Assorted, 4 pkgs, for 7 19c and 35c 25c PURE CLOVER HONE?, 5 lbs. for 59e ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 lb. tin for 39c cg Inator Sp c aals COOKED I -IAM, Sliced, per lb. 50c ROAST LOIN, Sliced, :per lb. 49c BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, per •Ib. 37c SHOVED COTTAGE ROLL, per Ib. 25c SMOKED BONELESS HAM, per 2. " 25c SAUSAGE, DUMART'S, per Ib. 22c MACARONI CHEESE LOAF, per .1,13 25c Fruit and Vegetabikei rirt NEW' CELERY, lier bunch 10e NEW CALIFORNIA GRAPES, per lb, i8e MELONS, your choice 5c and lOc TOMATOES, per basket 39c APPLES, BLUEBERRIES AND PEACHES McKN FYON "Your Superior Store" Phone 111 Vile Sell the Best For Less' CLINTON