HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-07-19, Page 8PAGE 8. d� Iii%, ! t' •, TME CLINTON; NEWS RECORI Suinmer ` Sale Prices on Seasonable lerc'hanise FANCY PATTERN, VOILES—small patterns good colors Special Sale Price „19e. PRINTS,full yard; wide, fast colors ,15e MEN'S C'OMMON STRAW HATS15e MEN'S FINER BATS, from .39c to $1.69 BOYS' KHAKI WHOOPEE• .. PANTS and $•1ue and White Stripe Overalls, assorted lot to clear, Summer . Sale Price 75c MEN'S WHIITE DUCK TROUSERS, new, goods, clearing price $1.29 BOYS' W,IIITE OF BLUE POLO 'SHIRTS .......... .. . .. 49e CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES OP SCAMPERS AND RUNNING SIIOES, SPEICIAL CLEARING LIKE 0? C'HILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES ............ .. . , . , 49e WORK SHIRTS, Navy, Light Blue, and Khaki 50c WORK BOOTS, a good boot 'ata low price $1.96 MANY OTHER LINES AT REDUCED CASH' PRICES TO CLEAR Plu.usteei;": POS. - Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing BONELESS ROLL RIB ROAST OF LAMB, per ]b. 25c LAMB CHOPS, per lb. 25c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for ... . ..... . ... . 25c HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25e RIB ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. 12c BEEF SHANKS, per lb. 6c SPARE RIBS, per Ib. 10e GET YOUR FRESH LAKE FISH HERE. CONNEL1L1 & TYNDALL4 " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 11, 20 -LB, SACK OF "KING" BUG KILLER 750 OICd0 Oil` )=IO eek 25 -LB. SACK OF TWO -IN -ANE BUG KILLER 750 Specials pGUARANTEED ELECTRIC IRONS, for 0 ELECTRIC IRON, "Lifetime Gaurantee", for $4.50 IIBEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC TOASTERS, for 50e to $2,25 $1.75 and $2.50 PRESERVING KETTLES .. 75e and up pBUFFALO PAINTS of Real Good Quality, Choice of Color 0 39c a Pint; 69c a quart �y SUTTER & PERDUE R Hardware Funeral Directore 1~ Urniture Phone 147w =010001IO> (OIIO) 0 O 0 Piumbing0 Electric Wiring 1 Eggs! E Eggs! We Pay for EGGS on Trade This Week GRADE A LARGE 17e GRADE A MEDIUM 15e GRADE 2NDS 13c LISTED HERE ARE SOME OF OUR LINES OF MERCHANDISE: WE OFFER FOR SALE-- GROCERIES, ALE•—GROCERIES, FANCY CHINA WARE' DINNER SET -97 Pieces at Special Prices, PLAIN CHINA, CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, STATIONARY. SMALL WARES. DYES. TOILET SUPPLIES. DTUGS, TOBACCO AND C'IGARSe LADIES' AND 'RIALSti' HOSE, ANKLE SOX, BRAZZIERS, SLIPS, B'LOO ER;S', PANTIES, VESTS, GLOVES, SHOES, NIOVELTIES., MEN'S AND :BOYS' -SUPi"Ll•'k13 BOOTS, SHOES, WORK PANTS, OVERALLS, HATS, GAPS WORK SHIRTS, •DRESS SHIRTS, , UNDERWEAR, BELTS, GARTERS, BRACES, FINE SOCKS, WORK SOCKS,TIES. We work on a very small margin nef Profit, and it is due to the amount of Business the Public have given us, tat we can sell at. the Price we do. So the-nioreyou buy from us the greater the Bargains we can give you. No more do you•need to send•to the -Mail houses or Chain Stores to get a Bargain on -the lines"wde Garry. Gladly will 'we 'compare prices. LOBB'S GENERAL STORE ' They{Qur.Patrons s Came,. They Saw, They Concurred (We did not misspell conquered) which expression is- meant, to apply to our north window wherein is 'con tained an assortment of goods we ale specially anxious to dispose of, .In' accord with the afore -mentioned arm- iety an,d to further its accomplish- ment we have left the puldie•to make the price, they (you) make their prices this way—'we display the goods and offer your choice at one price one daythe next day the price will be less and so continued, for ex- amvle, today, Thursday, the price is choice, 39c, tomorroy 36c and so it goes Today's dollar' demands respect and judgement, it knows the value of this sales help, and several have takee. advantage of it to their benefit and. to our satisfaction, which by the way should be a result of every busi- ness transaction. Before 'the price reaches le we are hoping the window does an adequate selling job for us' and we know if you can use the goods the uncommonly favourable price plan must operate with maximum result - fulness to our sustosners.' TIe W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapeab—Always the Best f �IldoiuuiiQii 1;111 Ma rim. IIIIIIIIIIIIilppmo�,�nnnnnn�tII�pIIIIIIBiIry` 4%P N Miss Harriot Candler of Toronto has been visiting Miss Clara Ball. Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Nickle are spend- ing a few days at the lakeside. Miss Ruth Arthurs of Auburn has been visiting het aunt, Mrs. Wm. Muteh. Mrs. Alice Robson of Ottawa is vis- iting with Mrs, T. J. Watt, Ratten- bury street. Miss Shirley Bowden of the local Hydro Shop is holidaying in Ham- ilton with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bow- den. Mrs. R. D. Stanley and son Fred of Toronto are visiting at the home of the former's cousin, Mrs. Geo. H. Elliott. Mrs. CarroI, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Marshall, re- turned to her home in Kingston this week. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Junor, former citizens of Clinton, but who have been in the west for twenty years or so, visited old friends here last week. Mr. Wilfred Freeman, Mrs. Sounder-, cock and daughter, Miss Edna, Hensall, and Miss Isabel Saun-. dercock of. Clinton motored to Kitchener and spent the week -end. Mr. Reg. Cook, who has been at- tending the Hamilton Normal School,is holidaying at his home in town. Reg. was successful in passing his examination with se, cond class honours. Miss Hattie Courtiee returned the beginning of the week after a fort- night's visit in Hamilton. She was accompanied home by her niece, . Miss Betty Courtice,'who is spend- ing a holiday here. Messrs. Kenneth and Edward Rorke, who have been fishing in the vicin- ity of Cobalt since the closing of school, arrived home on Friday. E'd-- * ward hitch -hiked up to join bis brother, who teaches at Cobalt. Dr. and Mrs. P. Hearn and family leave next week on a motor trip. They will leave some members of the family with relatives in Toron- to and Hamilton and will motor east as far as Montreal. They will be absent a week or more. Mr. Bob fGandier of Toronto was in town with friends over the week- end, having come down front South- ampton where he had been camping at the family summer cottage and John Cuninghame and Frank Heard returned with him for a holiday. Misses Levinia and Olvetta Brigham of Clinton and their sister, Mrs. E. Adams of Londesboro, left Thurs- day for Quebec and sailed Satur- day on the Empress of Britain for a visit to England and Scotland and the Continent. They went with : a party of friends front Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Andrew and daughter, Miss Larine, of Vermil lion, Alta,, were in town en Friday. They had been visiting at the form er's home at Lueknow and came. down to call on some old friends in. Clinton, by whom they were warm ly welcomed. Mr. Andrew, who: made many friends while assistant agrieulturai representative, here,,. has been in charge of Alberta Mod- el Farm at Vermilion and also lee- tures in agricultural school there. 1 TIiC7RO:r ICILY '19,°1934" RED AND; WVHWTE Always in thie Lead' To reduce our Stock at the end of our Red & White Year, we offer at -lowest possible Price our entire Stock. You are invited to inspect these Bargains. All Teas are' High and will be Higher. To Clear,. Arr0* I31ack, per lb. 45c (Special (5 lbs. lots) Red Rose, per lb. 50c Salada Tea, per ib. • 5`.ic Lipton's Tea, per lb. 57c Peas, No. 4, each 10c Corn, 2 cans for 19c • Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, per pkg. 7c Post Toasties Flakes, 4. for 25o Best Rice, 5 lbs. for 25c Tapioca, 4 lbs. for 25c Red and White Coffee, per lb. 40c Rubber Rings, 2 dozen for 13c Sealers, Small, per dozen $1.09; ..Med, $1.19 Granulated Sugar, Special Price By the Bag. Raisins, 2 lbs. for 22c Dates, 2 lbs. for 19c Soda Bisciuts, any kind, 2 lbs. for 25c Walkersides Banana Ice Cream F'RIGIDAIRE Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c Pickled y, o11, per lb. 200 Cottage Roll, per lb. 23c Bacon (piece) per lb. • 30c Variety Loaf, per ib. q 290 p Chicken Loaf, per Ib. 29e Chicken Ham, per lb. 29c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c Apricots, Fancy, per lb. 28c Pineapple, Sliced, 2 for 29c Bulk Macaroni, 5 lbs. for 25e Washing (Soda, 10 lbs. for • 25c Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 19c Pall. Olive Soap, per bar 5c Chipso, large pkg. for 16e Strawberry Jam 29c P. and G. (Soap, 4 bars for 15e Seedless Raisins, per lb. 11c McLaren's Jelly Powder,' 4 for 19c De Lux Jelly Powder, 6 for .-._ 25c FREE DENBY CHINA All these Goods Subject to being Sold We are Handling Eggs at Extra Price in Trade Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 4 AlEMANISIMENNO CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 COME TO IM�rlling Special CLI NTON By making a morning appointment CIVIC lIOLIDAY you can save $1.00 on any of our $4, $5.00 or $0.50 Oil Permanent Waves, which we will be giving for A11gn$t 6th 33.00, $4.00 and 3335.50 Until July 27 Henri Beauty Shop Phone 223. 84-1. BIG CALITRUMPIAN PARADE SPORTS, RACES, BASEBALL CONCERT AT NIGHT BIG STREET DANCE GOOD PRIZES FOR ALL EVENTS LUCKY ADMISSION TICKET 10 VALUABLE PRIZES - 5 For Afternoon -5 For Evening Presbyterian }Summer School Opens at Kintai% With an impressive opening ad- dress by Rev. D. D. McKay of Lon- don, moderator of the synod of Ham- ilton and London, the fifth summer school for young people of the synod opened this week at Kintail. The school, which is sponsored by the board of Sabbath Schools and Young People's Societie.•s, of the synod is un- der the leadership of Rev, Charles H. I MacDonald of Lueknow, with Rev. John Pollock of Whitechurch as reg- istrar. Miss Nellie Malcolm, of Kin-, lough is matron of the camp, which this year has again attracted many young people from all parts of Wes- tern Ontario. Lecturers at the school are Rev. J. S. Smart, Exeter; Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Wingham; Rev. D. D. Mc- Kay, London; Rev. William Young, Hensall, and Miss P. B. Lamont, To- ronto. In the morning lectures on suitable subjects are received, the af- ternoon being devoted to sports and the evening to programs of a popu- lar nature. Among the weeks' course addresses were arranged by Miss Williamson of Amkhut, India, and Angus MacKay of Jhansi, India. Ripley young people will present a program and the school will also give one. With many friends present, as well as :clergy from the presbytery, the school was opened by Rev. D. D. Mc- Kay who pointed out that the normal human life needs guidance into the unknown. He compared progress through life to •that _ of passing through an open door from one room to another. The door to larger ser- vice opens only 'to the key of fidelity to duty, Mr. McKay said'. He urged young people not to make the great mistake of reducing religion to ne, gative terms, as it alone can give a new meaning to the world" and to life, A large number of. young people reg- istered: In the Live .Stock Pavilion at the Canadian National Exhibitien there is accommodation for 2000 head of cattle, .1500 sheep and .'1200 swine. EARLY CABBABE FOR SALE "Golden Acre" Crisp Hard Heads GET THEM FRESH PROM Tim GARDEN 5 to lOc each CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Cip-zing%iree 3lorist Ara GREENHOUSE PHONE,16 rr FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I Have your Furnace overhauled during the warm weather and be prepared for - the cold. Paints&Varnishes of all kinds Renfrew Seperators Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244` A Few BARGAINS Left IN LAMPS of all kinds, SMOKERS, FOOTSTOOLS, CARD TABLES HAMMOCKS, LAWN and VERANDAH FURNITURE YOU HAD BETTER HURRY IF YOU NEED ANY OF THEM. We would like to Brand New Stock you see our of— DINING ROOM SUITES IN SOLID WALNUT AND OAK They are Beauties, and the prices are the lowest they will ever be. ALSO BEDROOM SUITES and SWELL NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES that are bound to suit both the eye and your purse. HARDWARE ' When painting your house ask for the old reliable Sherwin-Wil- liams Paints. We always carry a nice line of Electric Stoves and Coal 011 and Gasoline Stoves for the hot weather. Now is the time to get your Furnace repaired, Eave Troughing, Plumbing, Etc. done. Don't wait until the cold weather comes, as we are ahvays busier then and all work will be done promptly now. BALL, & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. BALL, Phone J. J. ZAPPE, Phone 110. 195. Phone 103. SI.JPERIOR CHAIN STORES' Special savings JULY I9 -20-2I P. AND G. LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars for 29c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for 15e AYLMER PEACHES, per tin 16e 24 lbs. for 73c Tall 35e 25c DRUMMER BRAND FLOUR, 7 lbs. for 25c; MAPLE LEAF SALMON, SmaII ..19c4 AYLMER TOMATOES, 16 oz., 4 tins for SWANSDOWN BISCUIT MIX 27c CARBOLIC SOAP, per cake 5e JAMS, CROSSE AND BLACKWELL, 32 ozs. for 35c. RINSO, large pkg. for 21e" PORK AND BEANS, 16 oz., 4 tins for 25e WATER GLASS, 2 tins for 25e Meat Market COOKED HAM, Sliced, per lb. 490 PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per Ib. 23e SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per lb. 19e .,. , , . 29c JELLIED VEAL, Sliced, per lb. Variety Loaf, Sliced, per lb, 290 MACARONI AND CHEESE{ LOAF, per ib. 25c CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER, 2 lbs. for ........... . 45c Fruit Market WATERMELONS, large 49e CHERRIES, Crop Almost Over, 11 quarts, Red $1.00 CHERRIES, 6 quarts, Black ,$ 1,00 LEMONS, New Pack, large, dozen 35c ORANGES, per dozen . , ....... .. ....... - J.T. McKNIGHT & SON "Your Superior Store" We Sell the Beat For Less Phone 111 CLINTON