HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-07-12, Page 8'll 1AGR 8 T. } er Sale Prices of Seoonabl� Merchandise FANCY PATTERN VOILES -small patterns, good colors Special Sale Price . , . ` 1r9c PRINT ll rd SPTtrN Pua A S;ofrOM, colors,,,, 3gc 69 MENS COMMON STRAW HATS �'IEATP.to $1.5c G9 BOYS' KIIA.KI WHOOPEE. PANTS and Blue and White • Stripe Overalls, assorted lot to clear, Summer Sale Price 75c ' MEN'S WHITE( DUCK TROUSERS, new goods, clearing price $1.29 BOYS' WHITE OF BLUE POLO SHIRTS ......... .......49c 'CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES OF SCAMPERS AND RUNNING .SHOES. SSHOES . . ....... .. ....... .. S RUNNING CLEARING LINE OF CIIILDRE 490 WORK SHIRTS,Navy, Light Blue, and, Khaki 50'e WORK BOOTS, a good boot at a ,low price $1,95 MANY OTHER LINES AT REDUCED 'CASH PRICES TO CLEAR Plumsteel Bros: Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing BONELESS ROLLED RIB OF LAMB, per lb. 25c LAMB CHOPS, per lb. 25c SPARE RIBS, per Ib. 10c LIVER, PORK 0'R BEEF, per lb. 10c P. M. COTTAGE, ROLLS, per lb. 20c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib. 22c BREAKFAST BACON, per Ib. 28e and 30c HOME-MADE LARD, per lb. 11e CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 .Albert Street O llce i•End Specials p,. 25 -LB. SACK OF TWO -IN -ONE BUG KILLER 750 20 -LB. SACK OF "KING" BUG KILLER 75c ELECTRIC IRON, "Lifetime Gaurantee", for $4.50 0 O GUARANTEED ELECTRIC IRONS, for $1.75 and $2.50 0 ELECTRIC TOASTERS, for 50c to $2.25 IIBEAUTIFUL PRESERVING KETTLES ... , . 75e and up 0 BUFFALO PAINTS of Real Good Quality, Choice of Color 0 39c a Pint; 69c a quart O SUTTER-& PERDUE 9, Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0=0===eietes Clearing Lines LADY'S WHITE KID OXFORDS, pair $2.10 LADY'S WHITE KID OXFORDS, pair $2.15, LADY'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, No Reel $1.19 LADY'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORD, With Heel $1.49 LADY'S BLACK CANVAS OXFORD, With Heel & Leather Sole $1.19 LADY'S BROWN CANVAS OXFORD, N'o Heel 75c LADY'S TEN CANVAS OXFORD, With Heel 99c MISSES TAN OXFORD, No Heel, Laced 750 MISSES' BROWN OXFORD, No Heel, laced MISSES' BROWN OXFORD, No Heel, Strap 650 CH3LD'S BROWN' CANVAS OXFORD, With Strap 59c CHILD'S TAN CANVAS OXFORD, Laced 69e CHILD'S FANCY GOLOREt CANVAS OXFORD, Laced 69c CHILD'S TRAMPER SHOE $1.39 YOUTH'S. HIGH CANVAS ,SHOE, Black or Grey 70c YOUTH'S HIGH CANVAS SHOE, Brown 89c BOY'S' BLACK CANVAS SHOE(, High 79c BOYS',BLACK OR GREY SCOUT SHOE 75c BOYS' BROWN CANVAS OXFORDS 75c ,BOYS' BLACK AND RED' With White Soles 89c BOY'S SCAMPERS, ' for $1.29 65c Big Special For Men We are Offering— LEATHER WORK. HOOTS at $2.69 PER PAIR AND GIVING FREE WITH EACH SALE A PAIR OF WHITE TENNIS SHOES. MEN'S HIGH CANVAS SHOE, With Heel $1.19 MEN'S HIG45 CANVAS SHOE, N'o Heel 89c MEN'S SCAMPERS .. $1.59 MEN'S BLACK AND WIHITE SPORT OXFORDS $2.59 MEN'S BROWN :SPORT OXFORDS $2.59 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS, Black Leather , $2.39 MEN'S MULE SKIN LEATHER BOOTS $1.49 THESE ARE OUTSTANDING ,SHOE BARGAINS Order Early While There is a 'Good Range of Sizes BLACK AND LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THE ' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD if You Can Use the Goods =` Your Price Buys Them! s The goods are an assorted lot on display in our north window; odds beid ends, incomplete assortments, soiled or damaged. Its our (hi a very small way) "New, Deal" in re- ducing the price of the goods daily. The real purpose pf business is to bring buyer and seller together in a transaction profitable to one and sat- isfactory to the other. Your part in the transaction is to visit the window and determine if there is in it goods you leant and our part of it to keep the window supplied with goods and a reduced price announcement made daily. Not to give a benefit is not to get one. We give the benefit of a "at - your -own -Price -sale," and get the benefit of disposing of a quantity of goods rather not. welcomed' in our stock. The price started at $1.00, to- day, Thursday it is 60e, 55c Friday and Saturday 50c. Quite interesting isn't it? Tie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best II�I�III II%Iu�11�IIIIIIIIIIInulmnnunninumniliilNIII,LI���I j Miss Carol Evans is visiting a friend in Brockville. Miss Cruickshank of Sarnia is visit- ing Miss Waldron of town. Prof. Harry Shaw of Dartmouth Col- lege is holidaying at his hone in town. Mr. Bruce Bartliff left last week for Matachewan Pioneer Mines to vis- it an uncle. Miss Ruth Cartwright of Toronto spent last week holidaying at her home in town. Master Douglas Bartliff is spending part of the holidays with Mrs. J. Bulger of Walton. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and Miss Kathleen are visiting in St. Cath- arines and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCartney and family of Woodstock visited Clin- ton friends last week. Mrs. W. Wheatley of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, ;Mrs. Armstrong of town. Masters Archer and Pat Balkwill of Walkerville are visiting Dr. and Mrs. D. H. McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and family of Brussels spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens. Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn and Miss Mary Tamblyn of Londesboro visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiles of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilty and fam- ily of Toronto are holidaying at the home of the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Wt Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. harry Ambler and lit- tle son, Barnard, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I3. E. Rorke. Mrs. Fred S•loman and family - of ICaperole and Miss Alice Sloman of Stratford are visiting at the home of the latter in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. Churchill and Mas- ter Roy, Mrs. Ernest Bell and Miss Esther Harriston spent the week- end in Detroit and Dearborn, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ian McLeod and little daughter have gone to spend a hol- iday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MacLeod of Dunvegan. Mrs. Edgar Cross and family of Toa Ionto and Mrs. Polk and child of the South aro holidaying at their old home, the residence of the late Dr. Gunn. Mrs. J. Walker of Kitchener, spent the week -end as the guest, of her son, Mr. G. A. Walker of town. Mrs. Walker came up to Mitchell Ion Saturday to attend the Watson Shaw family reunion, to which she is connected on her mother's side, and came on here in the evening. Mr. Josh Cook of Sarnia was in town over the week -end and called on many of his old friends. "Josh" looks well and 'seems to be enjoy- ing life. He has been retired on pension from the Imperial Oil 'Com- pany for the past three years and spends his time cultivating a good garden. His two younger sons are still at home, the youngest still in Collegiate, the other with the Im- perial Oil people. Were it not for ' the increased advantages forjthese boys Mr. and Mrs. Cook might con- sider returning to Clinton to spend :their: remaining years amongst their .old friends. THURS., JULY 12, 1934 isseezesimisszeir F RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead mumeatsimemssemala Redpath Granulated Sug�r BY THE SACK Friday: & Saturday only July 13th & 14th. A Limited Number of Bags to be Sold for Cash nwastasseniossutas C. & B. Jam, for 35c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 21c Golden Sugar, 5 lbs. for 28o Tomatoes, 2 cans for 21c Corn, 2 for 19c Peas (No. 3) 2 for 25c Raisins, 2 lbs. for 22c Soap Chips, 2 lbs. for 13c Weston's Ice Wafers, per lb. 20c Ginger Ale, Kuntz 5c Ginger Ale, Red and White, qts., (bottle deposit) 15c FRIGIDAIRE Bologna, 2 lbs. for i 25c Bacon, per ib. 30c Lard, per ib. 4 12c Fluffo '$hortenilig, per Ib. 12c Pickled Roll, per lb. , 20c Beef Roll, per lb. 12c Lemons, 5 for 15c Eagle -Brand Milk 21c Vanilla • Wafers, per lb. 35e Ice Cream Junket Mix 10c Oranges, Juicy, per dozen 35c Salada and Red Rose Tea Advances, Special Price per pound this week. Our Special Demonstration Friday & Saturday afternoons, Uncooked Lemon Pie. - - FREE DENBY CHINA - Vitamin D Bread, Chocolate Rolls with Whipped Cream. on Friday & Saturday Walkersides' Special Ice Cream Brick & /Bananas for July Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Air � CLINTON'S BIG ® CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 SNELL REUNION 'A SUCCESS On Saturday, June 80th, approxi- mately one hundred and fifty people congregated at the home of Mr. How- ard Snell, on the Huron Road, about three miles south of Clinton. Con- nections of the Snell family were pre- sent from many parts of Ontario and the United States. The afternoon was spent in a very pleasant manner, for both :young and old. Ball games and races were the big attractions. About 5.30 o'clock, everybody was invited to sit at a supper table, set on the front lawn, and the best of home-made cooking was unsparingly served to all the guests. After supper a splendid program was provided, at which songs, dances, readings, and instrumentals were giv- en. Mr. Milton Snell, president, act- ed as chairman. One of the main fea- tures, was the tracing of the history of the Snell family. To Mr. Albert Snell of Michigan must be given the credit of so faithfully working en the project. The following officers were elected for next year: President: Mr. Albert Snell. Vice -President: Mr. H. •S. Gray. Sec. -Treasurer: Mr. E. C. Gray. Programme Committee: Beatrice Snell, Laura Snell, Mrs. E. Woods. Sports Committee: Charles Davies, Bert Gray, Don. Snell. AUBURN The death occurred on July 3rd of an old resident in the person of Miss Mary Hoare, daughter of the late Thomas Hoare. She had been in failing health for some little time. She was one of a family of eleven, seven girls and four boys, and the only survivor now is Mr. O. Hoare of Clinton. She is also survived by many nephews and nieces. The fun- eral took place from the home of a niece, Mrs. Earl Raithby, on Thurs- day afternoon, with interment in Westfield cemetery. The services at house and graveside were conduct- ed by the Rev. Dr. Mortimore of the United church, assisted by the Rev. G. W. Sherman of the Baptist church. HURON ROAD EAST A very pleasant dance was held at the home of Mr. Wm. Glazier Tues- day evening, when the Rhythm -Ram- blers Orchestra furnished music. The evening was fine, the music good, the crowd congenial and altogether 'the affair passed off very nicely. BRUCEFIELIS IIt is rather unusual for two broth-, ers, each driving his own automobile, to meet in an accident, but such was the case with Jack and Frank David- son of Brucef,eld. The brothers sought. to pass on the highway near their home, when something happened, Jack: lost control of his machine, and wound up in a swamp. ' The driver escaped injury, but the car was dam.' aged to some extent. LAWN SOCIAL at the home of MISS S. ACHESON HOLMESVILLE Wed,, July lath under auspices of the Sunday School and Young People's Society Supper from 6 to 8 Program to consist of a 3 -act play entitled: 'THREE PEGS" put on by the Y.P.S. of Dungannon Admission, 35c, Children 20c. In the event of rain supper and Program in Shed. Potted Plants SPECIALS ASPARAGUS FERNS in 4" Pots -25c EACH Assorted Trailers and Plants, suitable for Window Boxes and. Hanging Baskets, including, Ivy, Military Plant, lleliotrophe, Etc. Clearing at Half Price. HOUSE MUMS Small, Sturdy Plants 10c EACH. CHANDELIER . (The Plant from the Panama). 25c EACH Cut Flowers for all Occasions �unin91 re GREENHOUSE PHONE176 tir FLOWER5H0P PHONE3l Have your Furnace overhauled during the warm weather and be prepared for the cold. Paints&Varnishes of all kinds. Renfrew, Seperators T. Haw�Yns HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone, 244 House Cleaning AFTER A VERY SUCCESSFUL SPRING BUSINESS IN OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT, WE HAVE FOUND MANY ARTIC- LES WHICH WE WILL SELL AT HALF PRICE DURING JULY. SO HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO PICK UP SOME REAL BAR- GAINS. THEY INCLUDE:— BED, TABLE, BOUDIOUR, BRIDGE, RADIO AND FLOOR LAMPS SMOKERS, CARD TABLES, SWING PHOTO FRAMES, CAMP CUSHIONS, CAMP CHAIRS, HAMMOCKS, GRASS MATS AND MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES T00 NUMEROUS TO MENTION. YOU HAD BETTER HURRY AND MAKE YOUR .SELECTIONS AS THEY ARE ALL RELIABLE GOODS. BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE'S SHOP HERE AND SAVE Greater Food Values Thur., Fri., Sat., Specials AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Big Value 10c I',t SALT, Regular 20c Value, 2 Cartons for 15c SINGAPORE SLICED PINE'AP'PLIO, 2 tins for 21c SHORTENING, 1 lb; prints for lic !', DURHAM CORN STARCH, per pkg. . 9c LUX TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes for 21c AYLMER SOUP, 3 tins for 25c EXTRA COCOANUT W1AFER BISCUITS, per lb. 17c PEANUT BUTTER, 10 oz. jar for 14c ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2 lb. pkg.for 28c _ SWANSDOWN CAKE: FLOUR . 32c Kelvinator Specials BREAKFAST BACON, in piece, lb. 300 PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per lb. 22c CHICKEN ROLL, per lb. 29c, ROAST HAM, per lb. 45c JELLIED VEAL, per lb. 29c JELLIED CORNBEEF, per lb. 29c Fruit and Vegetable Market CABBAGE, FRESH, 2 for..., .... ... ...... ...15e NEW HOME' GROWN CARROTS, 2 bunches for 15c BLACK CURRANTS, per box • 15c WATERMELONS, large, for 55c BANANAS, Good Quality, 3 lbs. for 23e GARDEN PEAS, 11 quart basket ..................... •, 59c J.T. McKNIGHT & SON "Yaui. Superior Store We Sell the Best For, Less Phone 111 OLINTG?4