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THURS., JULY 5, 1934
For Your Holiday or Vacation
in popular colors and styles
AT.$1.49`AND $2.35.
CAMP STOOLS, at 25e ,
RESSES-2 years to 10 years 49e
6 years to 14 years ....................... ,790
4. , T. COOPER►.
Phone 36w (Main Store); 36j (Ready-to-wear Dept, 2nd floor)
The Store With the Stock. Leaders in Lew Prices.
Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet
Grey Flannel Trousers
$1.95 to $5.00
SPORT SHIRTS -$1.00 TO $3.95
Just the thing for the cool evenings
Candy and Pastry Specials
Wedding Cakes Decorated
We Can Assure You of the Finest Decoration
FOR YOUR PICNIC LUNCH: Use "Wendorf's" Potato Loaf for
"SODAS" have no equal for Refreshment. Made with plenty of
Pure Ice Cream, Pure Fruit Juice and "Fountain" Soda.
Fresh Candy and Pastry
Goderich Celebrated Dom-
inion Day With Big Pro-
gram of Sports
The. Dominion Day Celebrations in
:Goderich were greatly augmented by
the presence of the Elgin Regiment
this 'year, The morning parade was
headed b'y the Towmn Council, follow-
ed by the Elgin Bugle and Brass
Bands and the Regiment. The Godes
:rich Band preceded the six cars of
octogenarians. These were followed
by decorated autos, comic floats, gay
bicycles and tricycles, fire equipment
and firemen and a number of children
in costume. The judges were Judge
'Costello, Charles Reid and C. l .
Saunders. The annual program of
children's races, under the direction
.of R. Stonehouse and B. 'McCreath,
'took place in the park.
In the .afternoon at Agricultural
Park 'a large crowd witnessed the
trooping and salute of the milersby,
the Elgin Regimnt. Part of the en-
tertainment- was a splendid military
march by the Bugle Band which also
put on a fine exhibition 'of calisthenics
and tumbling.
The Dominion Day trophies for the
'track events " were won as follows:
100 yards dash, Cook of Clinton; 3
mile, W. Barron, Goderich and Red
'MoKay, .Goderich, time 17 min., 35
secs.; relay race, Won by Clinton,
time 1 min.; 40 secs.
Threw ball games werealso fea-
tures of the day's celebrations. In
the first, . Clinton vs. Mitchell; the
score was Clinton 9, Mitehell 7; in
the second, iGoderich vs. Staifa, the
score was 'Goderich 9 ,Staffa 7. In
the third game between the'vinners,
the score was, Clinton 8, Goderich 4.
'The program for the day was' coni
•7ileted by a concert given by the
Goderich Citizens' Band in Court
'House Park. • I
On Sunday evening the annual
memorial service was conducted in
!Memorial Hall. A massed choir pro-
vided the music. Rev. L. V. Pollock
Presided over the service. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Rev. W. T.
Mills. :Rev. R. A. Brook of the Uni,
ted church gave an address which will
not soon be forgotten, S. W. Sib-
thorp sang a solo while an anthem
was contributed by the choir with
llfiss Herrington as accompanist and
A. E. Cook, choir leader. The floral
decorations were in charge of Miss. A.
Gillespie and were indeed beautiful.
The annual W. C. T. U. convention
for Huron County swill be held in
Queen street United church this,
Thursday, commencing at 9.30 a.m.
Special speakers will be Mrs. M. C.
George, provincial field worker and
Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Londesboro.
Sunday was a day long to be re-
membered by the congregation of
St. Andrews and Queen street church,
At 9.45 a.m., Sunday school convened
with a record attendance. An or,
chestra of 11 pieces with Dorothy
Hollyman as accompanist provided
splendid music.
At 11 o'clock' the inaugural ser-
vice took clave, with the following
order of service: organ ,prelude, call.
to worship, presentation of church
rolls by sessional ,clerks, William
Jenkins and W. H. Lyon, hallowing
of the union by prayer in unison, of-
fering preceded by offertory, prayer,
sermon b`y the pastor, Rev. R. A,
Brook; solo, James' Sims.
Among those securing schools are
Pauline Robinson to Britton's •school.
Morris; Edith Lochart near Dungan-
non; . Velma ,Craig to Browntown
Penhale-Snowden- West-
lake Re -Union
Held in Stanley ' on Saturday
The Penhale-Snowden-Westlake
family re -union was held Saturday,
June 30th, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Talbot, who now re-
side on the Westlake homestead,
Stanley township.
Lunch was served to over one hun-
dred and fifty persons in the new
drive shed which was, nicety d'ecorat,
ed with evergreens and bunting for
the occasion. Rev. R. M. Gale, led
in the singing of the grace.
After lunch the crowd', gathered un-
der the walnut trees, which were
planted by Mrs. Talbot's grandpar-
ents, to visit until the business part
of the picnic was taken up.
During the afternoon several musi-
cal selections were given by .Mr.
Bugler, Sr., Rev. Mu•. Gale and Miss
Gale. Violin and guitar music was
rendered by Milton Pollock, Ed. Sow-
erby, Robert Turner, Bill Westlake
and Mrs, Lloyd Meakins. Miss Er-
ma Hobson also contributed a vocal
solo, accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
E. Hobson.
Miss Dorothy Penhale of 'Toronto
delighted the gathering. by giving
several exhibitions of tap dancing,al
so Mrs. W. Westlake and Mr. John.
Sowerby gave a lively step dance.
The oldest lady present was Mrs.
Mary Madge, aged 91 years. The
oldest gentleman was .Mr. Samuel
Cleave, 84 years. The youngest lady
was Betty Jean Talbot, 11 months,
The youngest boy being Kenneth Roy
Scotchmer, 3 months. Largest fam-
ily was that of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
The races were run off as follows:
Boys up to 5 years, Garfield West-
lake; girls up to 5 years, Erma Hob-
son; boys, 6 to 10, Lloyd Westlake;
girls, 6 to 10, Donelda Hudie; ;boyo,
11 to 14, Bill Westlake; girls, 11 to
14, Lorna Westlake; young men's
race, Edward Twentyman; young
ladies race, Ilene Talbot; slow race
for men, J. Eldon Penhale; slow rage
for women, Mrs. ' Asa' Penhale; pie
plate race, Miss G. Penhale and J.
Eldon Penhale; tie race, Mrs. Asa
Penhale and J. Eldon Penhale; clothes
pin race, 'Bob Sowerby.
During lunch Mr. Asa Penhale,
President, surprised the crowd by
announcingthatsomeone had a lucky
plate, the lucky one being Mrs. W.
Hunkings, a visitor..
A hearty vote of thanks was given
to Mr. and Mrs, Edward Talbot for
their hospitality and the use of their
A hearty vote of thanks was also
given to Miss Susie Westlake for her
splendid services as secretary for
eight years, Both responded very
Members were present from Wank-
egan, Ill., Toronto, London, St. Tho-
mas, Goderich, Bayfield, Exeter.
Cake and lemonade was served at
6.30 all leaving for their various
homes about 7.30.
The officers for the following year
are as follows: Hon. Presidents: R.
A. Penhale, St. Thomas, Asa Pen,
hale, Exeter; President: Gordon Pen -
hale, St. Thomas; first vice: Norman
Miller, St. Thomas; second Vice:'
Thos. Westlake, Bayfield; see, -tress.:
Elizabeth Snowden, Zurich; assistant.
Susie Westlake, Bayfield; sports
Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pen -
hale, Norman Miller, Kenneth,lManns,
St. Thomas.
The 1935 reunion, it is expected.
will be held in the vicinity of St.
The Carter reunion picnic was held
in Harbor Park, Goderich, en Satur-
day, June 30th, The weatherman
was in a genial mood and everything
was ideal for, a happy outing where
old friendships were renewed.
Mr. II. Oakes and lois committee
conducted the sports which consisted
of a series of games, contests and
races, These were fully enjoyed by
all. Following the sports at 5.30
p.m, a large gathering sat down to
a bounteous supper, with lots of ice-
After supper the president, Mr.
Chas. Carter, 'presided during the
election of officers for next year,
resulting as follows: President:
Mr. Fred Shobbrook, Londesboro1
secretary, Miss Edna M. Jamieson,
Clinton; sports committee, Mr. Ber-
nard Nott, (convener), Mrs. Keith
Webster, Herb. Oakes, Aubrey Car,
ter, Mrs. Harvey Jenl.inns; refresh-
ment committee, Mrs. Chas. Carter,
convener, Mrs. JohnJamioson, Mrs.
Fred Shobbrook, Mrs. Will Jamieson_,
Mrs. Joseph S. Carter.
A hearty vote of thanks was given
Mr, Chas. Carter for his splendid
services as president, and also to all
those, who so ably assisted to make
the outing a success.
Race results: .Girls, 10 years and
under, Joyce Carter; boys, 12 years
and under, Harry Oakes, Harvey
Nott; young men's race, Percy 'Car-
ter, George Carter; young ladies
race, Alma Carter, Beth Shobb400k;
Contest results: Nail driving, Nor-
man Carter, Bernard Nott; necktie
contest, • Mrs. Will Jamieson, Mrs.
Herb. Oakes; garden naming contest.'
Edna. Jamieson, Mrs. Joseph S. Car-
ter; bean. guessing, Mrs. Norman
Carter, Lloyd •Carter; mystery con-
test, Herb. Oakes; the youngest per-
son ran the grounds was John Thomas
Webster, tmfant.'son of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Webster, Seaforth, . •
Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th
Honours on Year's Work: -'s
Norma Andrews
Valena Elliott
Marie Plumsteel
John Ilawkins
Eileen McOoun.
Pass on Year's Work
Kenneth Cooke,
.Rhoda Elliott
Arthur Aiken.
Pass on Final Examination:
Elwin Hunking
Isabel Colquhoun
Marjorie ,Steep
Katherine Turner
Clayton Cooper
Fred Hellyar
Doris Taylor
Stanley Kennedy
Dick Fremlin.
Recoinmended on. Triai
Helen Kennedy
Olive Finch
Clare Paxman.
Perfect Attendance During Year -
John 'Hawkins
Stanley Kennedy
Dick Fremlin.
-df. E. Armstrong, teacher.
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th
Honours on Years Work -
Bob Campbell
Maxine Miller ,
Jean Hearn
Bill Cook
Bill Counter
Gordon Leppington
John Levis
Helen Herman,
Final Examination Results- 1
Dick Dixon
'Lorna Plumsteel
Florence Aiken
Douglas !McKenzie
Mary Resell
Donna Lobb
Harold Fremlin
Mary Cameron
Kathleen Ross
David Johnson
Bob Cook
Reggie Jenkins
DeLoris Brown
Recommended --
Jack Shanahan
Jim Lockwood
Tom O'Connell
Clayton Campbell
Arthur Robinson
Retell Pickett.
-Viola Fraser, teacher.
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd:
Honours for the year -
Helen Miller
Mary Sharp
Gerald Fremlin
Dawn Farrill
Dorothy McIntyre
Eleanor Cosen
Harry McEwen
Lloyd Fulford
Norman Elliott.
Homer Andrews.
Fanny Levis
Donald 'Perdue
Shirley Sutter
Austin Nediger
Pearl Tideswell
Wilma Radford
Ruth Carter.
Recommended -
Audrey Butler
Lois Stanley
Gordon Herman
Dave Kennedy
Jean McCallum
Bill Bowes
Edna Ford.
.-Agnes Farnham, Teacher,
Promoted from Div. 5 to Div. 4
Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd.
I3onours for the year--
ear-Helen Grealis
Phyllis Herrman
Frank Lawson
Jean Morgan
Kenneth Colquhoun
Margaret Resell
Shirley : Turner
Lloyd Butler
Helen Dixon.
Honours on Examinations -
Hazel Brock
Billie Carter
Kenneth Miller
Margaret Taylor.
Madelon Smyth
Bob Hanley
Donelda Vanderburg
Ruth Grealis
Ens, McEwan
.lean Tasker
Edgar Maguire
Lloyd Carter
Tommy Leppington,
Keith Jenks
Catherine Jefferson
Barbara Forrester
Frances Cooper
Shirley Henri
Tom Steep •
Don Hanley
Mildred Heard
Jimmy Edward
Buddy Schoenhals
Sarah Carter.
Promoted from Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd
Remaining in Division 5
Honours for year -
Marie Connell.
Pass -
Bobby Hanley
Marie Ellwood
Douglas Bartlif
Ronald Scott rn
i I
Frank Cookl
Alvin Cooper,
FL Courtice, Teaches.
Division 6 to Division 5
I-Ionours for the year-,
Ruth Hearn
Lois Draper
Marguerito Cosens
JoAnne Cuninghame
Margaret Fremlin
Jack Cook.
Honours on Examination-..
Betty 1VfcEwen
Barbara Scott
Bob Currie.
Margaret Campbell
Norman Elliott
Shirley Nic'kle
Douglas Andrews
Jean McDougall
Mildred Lobb
Charlie Thompson
Gordon Campbell
Billy Seeley
Carl Bomhoff
Celestine Shanahan
Clarence Cooper
John Cameron
Vernon Huller
Roy Churchill
Edith Currie
Ora Grealis
Douglas Bezzo.
Ada Bezzo.
-Maud M. Wiltse, teacher.
Division 7 to Division 8
Honours -
Lucy Ellwood
Barry Niekle
Frank Elwood
Harriett. Fremlin
Grant Farrill
Jean Mitchell.
Pass --
Pearl Miller
Bobby Morgan
Gerald Elliott
Audrey Grealis
Clara Nediger
Lois Connell
Bobby Steep
Bobby Kay
Helen Pearson
Orval Elliott
Jean Hunter
Betty Steep
Gerrard Ducharme
Cyril Ducharme
Donald Pickard
Fred Tideswell.
Clifford Cooper
Recommended on acocunt of illness-.
Margaret Lockwood.
-Margaret M. Cudmore, teacher.
Dr. Peter McEwen of Detroit is
visiting his brother, Mr. John McEw-
en of the Bayfield Road.
Miss Jean Mustard of New York is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Neil Mo-
Gregor, and Mr. John A. McEwen,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stafford and
three children, Phyllis, Ted and Bob -
pie, of Detroit, spent a few days vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur McQueen.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Appleby spent
Sunday with Mr. Appleby's mother,
Mrs. S. Appleby.
On Tuesday of last week the pupils
of S. S. No. 7, '-Hullett, presented
their teacher, Miss Olive Moon, with
a 'handsome cut -glass flower bowl
and fruit dish, Billy Pollard making
the presentation on behalf of the
school. Miss' Moon, who was coo,
pletely taken by surprise, thanked'
the children for their gift and their
kindness .luring her five years as
their teacher. Miss Moon resigned
her position in order to take the Se-
cond Year Normal Conine. She has
now accepted the position of teacher
in S. S. No. 4, Hallett,
Mr. and Mrs. John Layton and
daughter and Mr.• and Mrs. John
Redden and daughter. of London vis-
ited with Mr. and .Mrs. Prod Pepper
over the holiday.
Mr. and• Mrs. Wiilfrid Mellis of
Kippen visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Terryberry on Sunday.
Quite a few around the community
went to Bayfield to celebrate the lst
of July.
NIr, and Mrs, Kellar and son of
Stratford visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Austin Matheson on Sunday.
Mrs: Vern, Terryberry attended
the S. S. No. 14 Stanley reunion on
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ashton and
son of Stratford visited the latter's
parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Ashton
on Sunday,
Mrs. Fanny Johns returned homeJ
on Saturday after her operation in
Clinton Hospital, her friends are
glad to hear.
Miss Dorothy Reinke of Sea,forth
visited with Miss Sante Ball over the'
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend
celebrated their tenth wedding' annt-
versary in Goderich on June 29th.
Hope they will spend many more
happy years together.
Miss Edna Jamieson's address at
Turner's Sunday 'School on Sunday
last was very much appreciated.
The report of S. S. No. 11, Goderich
township, of the June Promotion ex-
amination and the year's work was
taken into consideration. The names
of the pupils are in order of merit
and placed in the classes in which
they will be on September lst next:
Sr: 4th: Honours: Jeanne Vodden,
' 78; Pearl McGee, 75; Pass: Lorne
Tyndall, 60:2.
Jr, 4th: Pass, Harold Wise, 64.
Sr. 3rd: Pass: Donna Pickett, 70;.
Willa Potter, 69; 'Frank Potter, 61.
Jr. 3rd: Pass: Lula Tyndall, Glenn,
Jr. 2nd; Freddie Gibson, 87; Ray
Potter, 80; Jackie Tyndall,. 78; ,Har-
old Corey, 56.
1st 'Class: Norma Pickett, Alvin,
Sr. Pr,: Georgie McGee, Joe Potter,
Number on roll, 17; average at-
tendance for June, 16.4. Those re-
ceiving prizes for havinglargest
number of seals and stars: Jeanne
Vodden, Willa Potter, Lula Tyndall,
The highest marks obtained in Arith-
metic, 97, Jeanne Vodden; in spelling,
45 Jeanne Vodden and Pearl McGee;
in Geography, Willa Potter, 81; in
History, 80, Pearl McGee; in Litera-
ture and Memory Work; 86, Willa
Potter; in •Grammar 69, Jeanne Vod-
dent in 'Composition, 86; Pearl Mc-
Gee; in Art, 42, Jeanne Vodden; in
Writing', 45, Jeanne Vodden.
Mary Thompson, teacher.
* *
The following is the' report of the
June Promotion Examinations held at
S. S.. No. 10, Goderich township:
First Class Honours: 75% and over,
Second Class Honours, 66% and over.
Sr. 4th: Helen Welsh (missed year's
work due to illness).
Promoted to Sr. 4th -Alfred But.
ler, 78; Kathleen Middleton, 73; Elva
Switzer, 72; Frank Thompson, 68;
Stewart Schoenhals, 66; •Camiel Hen,
dricks, 55.
Promoted to Jr. 4th: Donald Sun-
dercock, 73; Arnold Rathwell, 67.
Promoted to Sr. 3rd: Helen Thomp-
son, 72; Ted Middleton, 69; Jennie
Flunking, 67; Albert Steep, 51.
Promoted to Jr. 3rd: Phyllis Mid-
dleton, 73; Albert Craig, 67; George
Hunking, 50.
Sr. 2nd: Merrill Switzer, Bobby
Promoted to Jr. 2nd: Anna Towns-
hend, 90; Betty Middleton, 85; Ruth
Middleton, 83.
Jr. 2nd: Sam Craig.
Promoted to Sr. 1st: Jean Hend-
riekse, 180; EevIyn Steep 172; Eileen
Craig and Elwin Honking, 160; Elin-
or Sundercock, 147; June Middleton,
Promoted to Sr. Pr.; Donald Mid-
Number on roll, 31.
-M. Forbes, teacher.
sit• qt. *
The following is the school report
of S. S. No. 6, Tuckersnuth, for the
Huron Promotion Examinations and
the year's work.. The classes are ar-
ranged as they will appear in Sep-
Sr. 4th: Carman Whitmore, 76;
Iona Hugill, 68; Marion Ilugill, 61.
Jr. 4th: Mina Terryberry, 65; Aud-
rey Beuernnann, 64; Mildred Ashton,
60; Kenneth Terryberry, 60; Wesley
Hngil!, 65,
Sr. 3rd: Ruth Carnoehan, 76; Dor-
othy Coleman, 68; Edna Ashton, 63.
Jr. 3rd: Ida Terryberry, 68; Clif-
ford Hugill, 60; Gordon Beuerniann,
(missed examinations).
Sr. 2nd: Melvin Beuerniann, 45.
Sr. lst: Alvin Terryberry, 75; Jim
Carnochan, 70; Joyce Carter (absent
through illness).
Ruth Carnochan, won the Silver
Trophy for highest percentages in
the Iwo years' work.
Number on roll, 18; average atten-
dance, 17 for June.
• -Edna M. Janmieson, teacher.
Following is the report of S. S, I e.
7, Hullett. Pupils were -promoted in-
to classes stated:
Sr. 4th: Isabel Brigham, 84; Irene f.
McCallum, 79; Bobby Pollard, 73.
Jr. 4th: Lydia Bell, 80.
Jr. 3rd: Doris Lear, 73; Helen Lear,,
71; Billy Pollard 68.
1st: (Promoted at Easter): Jack
Tarnblyn, Teddy Pollard.
-Olive A. Moon, teacher.
The following is the result of pro-
motion examinations of U.S.S. No; 2,
Mullett: •
Jr. 4th to Sr, 4th: Frank Trewar-
tha, 79; Lois Farquhar, 65.7; Doris
Tyndall, 66; ,Dennis Bisback,, 64;
Helen Rozell, 60.4.
Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd: Edward East,
75; Murray East, '63; Keith Tyndall,
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 3rd:. Grant Bisback,
70; Marjory Bayley, 67.
Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd; Edna Lou Mac-
donald, good, Bill East,
lst to Jr. 2nd (at Easter): Douglas
Rozelle, John East, Tommy East.
Pr. to 1st (at Easter): Bruce Tyn-
dall, good, Ross Trewartha, good,
Douglas Farquhar, good,
Number on roll for June, 20 aver-
age attendance, 18.9.
-Amy Parsons, teacher.
The following is a report of the
June examinations for S. S. No. 9,
Goderich township:
From Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th -Stinson
Mcllveen, 60.
From Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th -Betty Har,
ris, 65.
Front Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd-iKennetii
Steepe, 69; 'Donald Colclough, 65.
From Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd -Harold
Mcllveen, 75; Muriel Wise, 68;' Ed-
ward Wise, 67; Beta Ceo, 66; Jessie
McCullough, 68.
Sr. Pr. to lst Class in order of mer-
it, -June Miller, Keith Miller, Mur-
ray Miller,
Jr. Pr. in order of merit -Harriet
Wise, Muriel Rowden, Wesley Hol-
land, Ray Wise.
-Marion E. Middleton.
The following is the report of the
June Promotion Examinations held
at S. S. No. 5, Stanley:
Jr. 4th: Lolus McClinchey, Russell
Jscr. 3r to Sr. 3rd: Mary McClinchey,
Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd: Mae Snaith, 70;
Hughie McBride, 67; Kathleen Oesch,
64; Anson McKinley, 62; Jean 1Mc-
Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd: Annie Oosch,,
54; Doreen McClinchey, 62.
Jr. 1st to Sr, lst: Myrtle McKinley,
86; Mae Oesch, 76; Kenneth Ar:ii-
strong, 74; I11a Boyce, 71; Wesley
!McBride, 66.
Sr. Pr.: Viola Boyce, Doris Clarke,
Beginners: Robert McKinley, Bev-
erley McClinchey, Ruth McClinchey.
Smillie, teacher.
We are very glad to see Miss Keys
of Lucknow basic to the village again.
We welcome Rev. Mr. Bandy to
the United church, and hope his so-
journ here will be pleasant.
Dr. Harvey Reid of Toronto and
family called on his mother ever the
week -end.
Mrs. W. Monteith and Mrs. J.
Monteith of Stratford are visiting
Mrs, Margaret Reid of Varna.
Sat. JULY yt from C LEITO
To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstook, Paris,
Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls
To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg Trenton,BellevilleKingston, Geaanoque,
Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Agincourt, Uxbridge, L,ndsey, Peterb ore,
Campbelltord, Newmarket, Allandnle, Collin_ggwood Mealord, Berrie, Orin*Midland, Gravenhuret, Bracebridge, Hpntsvilie, North Bey and all intermediate points.
ALSO TO All Towne in New. Ontario on lines of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario
Rly.,Nipissing Central Rly. and on 0. A. Rlye. to Kaptrkasing b; Hearst. Strom points
beyond North Bay. Retarn up to the fallowing TUBS day.
Fares, Train Information, Tickets from. Agents.
Only a Few More Days to Get Your Supply -Last Eggs Now in the
Standard Quality Foundation Stock.
Day-old Barred Rocks $7.95 per 100 $9,95 per 109
10 -clay -old Barred Rocks . , 11.95 per 100 13.95 per 100
3 -week -,old Barred Rocks 15.96 per 100 17.95 per 100
White Rocks, Reds & Wyandottes (clay -old only) same as Barred Rocks
White Leghorns, Y cent per chick less, age for age
Jersey Black Giants (day-old"only) 1 cent per chick More.
These are the seine kind of high-quality chicks we have been hatch-
ing all season. Prices reduced for quick clearance. A real opportun-
ity for anyone who can accommodate a few more pullets next Fail.
The, older chicks are particularly well -grown for their ages, They're
past the danger stage and should come along fast.
If you like Leghorns. this is what you want. "Day-old Pullets" or
"3 -Week -Old Pullets." Cockerels taken out as they come from tlae
incubator. 85% accuracy guaranteed. This new development Is
proving very popular with many of our customers,.
Standard Quality Foundation Stock
Day-olcl Leghorn Pullets 1116.95 per 100 619.95 per 100
3 -week-old Leghorn Pullets , 25:75 per 100 29..75 per 100
Place your order with your nearest Bray Hatchery or sales office -or
write direct to St. Catharines. Send $1.00' deposit with order and pay
balance on safe delivery of chicks.
BRAY OHICK HATCHERY, 96 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharine, Ont.
Eight Breeds -Eighth Year Blood -Testing -Sixth Year Govt. Approval