HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-06-28, Page 8, THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD t:< TIIIIRS., JL NE'v 28; pE'THI THIS WEEK,IT'S. A LINE, OF.MEN'S•SLEEVELESS SWEATERS, Pure wool and fancy lcn}t, either white or colors—a good sweater at • a 1cwp�,ice, ., SPECIAL at A , SPECIAL LINEOF MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, either white or fan- -cy'strips, at ;'. 75c and $1.9O MEN'S FANCY COTTON SOX 15c, 19c and 25c MEN'S WOOL OR COTTON WORK SOX .... ... • HEMSTITCHED; ,PILLOcW SLIPS . of good white cotton, in spite of 'advancing.prices, 40.inch ,at 19e 42 inch at 25e I 'STITCHED" COTTON SHEETS, 2 yards wide; good quality and exceptional value - 59e MEN'S 'WHITE DRILL SPORTPANTS, just the thing for summer' sports wear.' $1.49 SPECIAL P'RICE'S ON ALL LINES OF MEN'S WORK BOOTS FROM $1.95 UP LOWEST PRICES IN ALL LINES OP' FLEET FOOT. S'PO'RT •, SIIOI S AND SUMMER SPORT SHOES OF ALL KINDS Plurnsteel. Bros. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing • MILK -FED BABY BEEF BOILS, per lb. 10c VEAL BOILS, per lb: 10e RIB BOILS OF BEEF; per lb. Sc RIB OR CHUOK ROAST OF BABY BEEF, per lb. 15e RIB ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. 12c SAVER KRAUT, 3 lbs. for t 15e HOME --MADE LARD, per lb. 12c CONNELL 84 TYNDALIL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street Hot Weather Speeials Y p ELECTRIC RANGETTES $32,00 to $39.54 0 11 ELECTRIC PLATES, SINGLE $2.25 DLECTRIC PLATES, DOUBLE $4.00 and $4.50 ELECTRIC IRONS $2.00 to $4,50 A p ELECTRIC GRILL, DOUBLE $2,25 O io 111 COAL OIL STOVES AND OVENS LAWN MOWERS, WATERING CANS, GARDEN HOSE, o AND SPRINKLERS 0 0 ''" KING BUG KILLER 0 F1UTTER & PERDUE p 0 Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring 01:20,2==t02210=201:20 June 28, 29, 30 BAKING POWDER. OUR OWN ,16 ozs, for 190 PITTED DATES, 2 lbs. for 25c DATES WITH PITTS, 2 lbs. for 19e ICING SUGAR, 2 lbs. for 19c RAISINS, FRESH, 2 lbs. for 25c CURRANTS, 2 lbs. for 29c MIXED PEEL, per lb, 25c JEWEL SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for I 21e LARD, 2 lbs. for 21e TOMATOES, AYLMER, large tins, 2 for „21e 21e • PORK AND BEANS, 2 large tins for 19e CROSSE ANT) BIACKWELL VINEGAR, large bottles 25c CORN, WHITE; 2 for 19c CORN, BANTAM, 2 for 23c CANNED PEAS, Size 3, 2 tins for 23c CROSSE AND BLACKWKLL CATSUP, large 190 PICKLES, SWEET, 28 oz. bottle for 29c CROSSE AND BLAC'KWEEiLL' RELISH . 25c OLIVES, for 10c, i5c. 25e and 39c FALCON CATSUP, 3 bottles for 25c PEANUT BUTTER ........ .10e, 15c, 17c and 23c STRAWBERRY JAM . 29c BLACK CURRANT JASI . 350 BLUE, BERRIES, 2 tins for 25c PEAS, 2 tins for 25c • PALMOLIVE SOAP, 5 bars for 23c LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars for 25c PRINCESS FLAKES, 2 large boxes for 29e AMMO'NIA', 4 pkgs. for . 19e BIG FIVE CLEANER, each 5c ,LYE, M!OODY'S, each . 10c CHLORIDE LIME, each . , 15e ARSENATE OF LEAD, per lb. 190 PARIS GREEN, per lb. 29e RIDEAU HALL COFFEE in 1 1h tin, each 45e COFFEE in Bulk, per 1b - , 25e, 35c, 45o and 55e COWAN'S PURE PERFECTION COFFEE, 1 lb. tins, each 23c GARDEN DALE TEA, per lb. 59c BULK TEA BLACK OR MIXED, per lb. 450 LEMON, ORANGE, CHERRY, GRAPE PUNCH, per bottle 250 JELLY POWDERS, 4 for 15c BANANAS, per dozen ......... ...:250 and 35e ORANGES, per dozen 25e,,.45c and 50c LETTUCE, per bunch .. 5c • RADISHE'S, per bunch, be •CARROTS, per bunch . 100. CAULIFLOWERS, each . " .. . ,15c ONIONS, Large White Cooking, 2 lbs. for 19a CUOUIMBEiRS, 2 for 25c CABBAGE, per head ........• .. 10e LUBB'� GENERAL , STORE.: s Time • to Brin up °the Elephants '•'Horses'can pull`a eireus' wagon"a- long a dirt road, -they cap liuekle down and haul it through a little sand. or,.mnd.,, :Tut when it ,bogs ln, the mire --when' everyday,, m,ethade, fail—dts:.,time ,to bring upthe ele phants: There 'comes " a` tine iii business when sales slow np—.buyers 'hesitate and everyday methods went inevo merchandise, plans that worked so well when the road was smooth somehow lose power — it's time to bring other methods into' action. One method We essay to use is to place a quantity of goods in our north win- dow and offer your choice -for $1.00' for one week, -then commencing Wed nesday'the p'r!ce will be reduced to 95e and for a time 5c daily. If you don't see what you -Want -at the price you Want' to pay perchance your "want will be satisfied the next day and the price be pleasing to you. • • Some,' of the -articles for sale 'in this window were originally priced as high as $2,00'and"$2:50. Tile W. B. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best UI1110IIIIIiu'w iuuWoinonu„'op�,inimilUIIVI��GIII Miss Eleanor Kemp has gone to To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Janes H. Johnson and children visited Exeter friends on Sunday, Mrs. Carroll of Kingston is visiting her sister, Mrs, R. Marshall, who has been ill. Miss Evelyn Cooke of Brussels is spending a month with her aunt, Mrs. James Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard of De- troit have been visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Margaret Pickett of town. Rev. Roy Cook of the Sandwich Bap. tist church, is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Miliyard and little daughter of Grimsby were Sunday guests with the lady's sister, Miss A. M. Stone. Mrs. Earl Campbell and Master Jim- my of Calgary are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ford. Mr. and Mrs, Chubb and son and Mrs. Wdlfound of Highland Park, Mich., were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sterling. Misses B. F. Ward, A. L. Stone and D. Cantelon motored to St. Marys on Tuesday to see Miss Irwin, be- fore her departure for overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton and Miss Irene Layton spent Sunday as guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Layton of Exeter, Miss Ruby V. Irwin left Sunday for St. Marys and will visit a sister there and a brother in Toronto be- fore Ieaving for Montreal where she sails on Friday on a trip a- broad. Mrs. Jas. Livermore spent several days'last week with her son and- his ndhis Wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Liv- ermore of Aylmer. This week she is visiting her daughter and son- in-law, Mfr. and Mrs. Green of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bateman and little daughter and Mr. Bateman's mother, Mrs. Henry Livermore, of Upland, 'Calif„ motored over last week and are visiting with rela- tives and friends in Clinton and. surrounding community. Mrs. Argent of town is looking for- ward to the arrlval,of her son, Carl, and his wife and family, who are expected the end of the week from the west on a visit to the old town. It is a number of years since Carl went west and this will be his first visit home. Mayor Trewartha and Mrs. Trewar- tha were in Galt last Thursday at- tending the conference of mayors, when the affairs of the Province were discussed and resolutions pas, sed. Mayor Trewartha did not a- gree with all these resolutions, some of which were a bit too -soc- ialistic to suit him, and he spoke against them. Some of the re-, quests for more government assis- tance name from mayors of cities where financial affairs are in a bad way, and his contention was that the; Province would soon be in the same way if people kept up de- mands upon the government: A banquetwasserved in the evening, sinomnsmilemaligsmanizikationwimsannisaaiiam RED AND, WHITE Always in the 'Lead` GLANCE . F JUNE AND:.J 1LY' „,. -fleesi ., tsee ip. int :IHS Sale NeI's Pure F Market ntar�Sa WeekSpecial. Red & White Salad Dressing, per jar., 21c o alad Miracle Salad Dressing, s>cng, Per jar ' . ' 19c Specials for July 1st - The Dominion Picnic Day Celebrated on "July 2ud. • Large Bottle Olives, plain, for , 19c New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 25c Large Bottle Olives, Assorted, for 29c Dome -Grown Cabbage, 2 for 19c Fancy Mixed Pickles, for 25c Tomatoes,Choice Hot House, per Ib. 19c Sandwich Spread, for ..19c Golden Yllow Sugar, 5 lbs. o29cc Ginger. Ale, per bottle . 5c + Serviettes, pkg. for 15c Pumpkin, large; 2 for 19c Wax Paper Rolls 10c and 15c Weston's Vitamin D Bread Leave Your Order Early for Chocolate Rolls Thursday. • Walkerside's Bricks.. and Cones. SPECIAL JULY 1ST • JOY Powder, '6. for • •, 25c Bananas,1 per dozen • • 25c Sngary.10 lbs. (With Order), for Hot House Tomatoes, per ib. Lard, 2 lbs. for Clinton and Servus Butter, per lb. 25c Picnic Plates, per dozen 10c Special Fig Bar, per Ib. 17c Special Sandwich Bar, per Ib. 19c Fancy Savortite Hams, in small tins, delicious for Camping Macaroni Cheese Loaf, per lb. 29c Ham and. Tongue Loaf 29c.. 55c. Chicken Loaf, per lb. , 29c 20c Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c • 19c Bacon, in Pete, lb. 30c Special on Sugar by the Bag, Friday and Saturday $5.85 Where "Sells fon Less” Price Prevails W. T. 0' CLINTON'S BTG CORNER GROCETERL4 Phone 48 Miss. Hattie Courtice spent the week- end in Toronto.; Mrs, N. W. Trewaithe. and Miss Myr- tle Trewartha leave town tomorrow and sail Saturday from Montreal for a trip, to the British Isles and ' Europe. Mr. J. J. Keyes of Nashville, Tenn., a former citizen of Stanley town - Ship but for many years in educe - ;Lionel work In'Nashville, was 15 • town on Saturday. He 'and' his wife and his daughter, Miss Dor- othy Keyes, are spending the sum- mer at Bayfield, as has been their custom for the past few years. • Annual Clearance SALE While They Last Tomatoes, Celery, Hot and Sweet Peppers, Cabbages. ASTERS Separate Colors — White, Pink and Violet (Sold out of Mixed Asters)' SALVIA Marigolds, Tall and Dwarf. Dwarf Zinnias Balsams Giant Petunias. (Sold out of other varieties) All listed on Sale 15c A BOX -2 FOR 25e Full count in boxes not guaranteed Large Boxes of Salvia a limited number. Special 25c each Potted Tomato Plante in bud and bloom 4 for 25c Special in Potted Plants Fusehias, Trailing Queen Foliage Patience, 2 varieties, Double Pet- unias, all in 3" pots Only l0a each SAGE—a good and useful per- ennial 5c a plant Plants sold direct from hot beds. Tomatoes and Cabbages 10c, a dozen -3 dozen for 25c 500 a 100 in hundred lots only Our late cabbage plants of fine quality are Danish, Bullhead, a splendid winter keeper. Hardy Mums, 25c a plant House Mums — Small, Sturdy Plants at 10c a plant. Use Evergreen . and save your plants from; insects, 35e a bottle. One ounce will make you 6 gals. of spray. FS. Cuninghame Florist . ' Greenhouses, Huron Street SPECIAL For one week we will give Free our regular 75c Oil Treatment with ev- ery Permanent Wave. PERMANENTS, $3.00 AND UP Henri Beauty Shop Phone 223. 81-1 BLYTA The Huron Co. W.C.T.U. will hold their annual Convention in Queen Street United Cbureh, Blyth, on July 5th. Convention speakers will be: Mrs. T. T. ,George, Field Secretary of Provincial W;C.T.U. and National Di- rector of Scientific Education in Sun- day Schools, and Rev. A. W. Gardin- er, B.A., B.D., Londesboro, HOLMESVILLE Mrs. S. Walter motored to Ottawa on Friday last, where she will spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. El- ford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cudmore and fam- ily spent Sunday in Brucefield with lir. and Mrs. D. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Boyce and family of Toronto were visitors at the parsonage on Sunday. The young people report a splen- did time in Port Albert on Friday evening last, where they presented their play, "Bashful Mr. Bobbs" The Sunday School and Y.P.S. are planning for a garden party to be held on July 18th. See advertiseemnt later. The regular Y.P.S. meeting will be withdrawn on Friday evening as they. are planning for a weiner roast on that evening. WHEN IN NEED OF Plumbing Repairs OR Eavetroughing Call T. Hawkins Agent for Martin -Senor Paints and Varnishes r►s,. RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS STRICTLY CASH T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Pili"one 24*' • ENJOY YOUR Lawn or Verandah We have some summer furniture left which we will clear at Bargains, including Hammocks, Deck and Folding Chairs, Stretchers, Grass Mats, Etc. We have a brand new stock of Dining Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Davenports and Drop -Side Couches, and a wonderful new line of lamps. These styles will please you and the prices will surprise you. Hardware Department We have a nice stock of Garden Hose, New Lawn Sprinklers. For the hot weather use a Coal 011 Stove, Electric Range, or a Two -Burner Plate. We still can supply you with a good assortment of Lawn Mowers, also one second-hand mower at a bargain, You will eventually find that it pays to shop here. BALL c& ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, , Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Great Fifth Anniversary Sale 3 BIG DAYS Thur., Fri. & Sat. June 28, 29, 30, AND, OH — ARE OUR PRICES LOW SUGAR CRISP CORN' FLAKES, Look, 4 for ......j, ...................25c CROSSE AND BLACKWIELL ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 ozs. 25e SUGAR, FINEST GRANULATED, (with an order), 10 lbs. for 57e SUNLIGHT SOAP, 10 bars for 49c SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER, 16 ozs. for ..., , , 25c (with a bottle of Extract FREEI) LOOSE SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. for ,19e CENTENNIAL MIXED BISCUITS (5 varieties), 2 lbs,. for , 29c CHIPSO, large, with one small pkg. FREIE , 21c HANDY AMMONIA, per pkg. ............ -,.5e ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 lb. for, . , ........, ........,, (With 8c pkg. Royal York Tea FREEE,). MAPLE LEAF SALMON, 1-2's, for .19e MAPLE LEAF SALMON, l's, for ..................................35c NEWI,S'ULTANA RAISINS, 2 lbs. for „.......25e H'ILLCREST SHORTENING, per lb.......... ..........11c .IDEAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES, large .. , .27c HAPPYVALE CATSUP, 12 oz. bottle for PEANUT BUTTER, 3 -STAR, 25 oz. jar for; .....25c KINDLY TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY—and be sure of getting in on THESE ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS.. .- -....IOC J.T. McKN IGHT & SON,' "Your Superior Phone 1.11, Store" Wle Sell the Best For Lee, CLINTON {