HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-06-21, Page 8PAGE 8 Pellonlimulemerimumeammiliir THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, EKLY SPECIALS THIS WEEK IT'S 'A LINEOF MEN'S SLEEVELESS, SWEATERS, pure wool and faney Itnit, either white or colors a good sweater- at a low price. SPECIAL at ....:.................;$1.10 A SPECIAL LINE or, MEN'S FINE SI•IIRTS, either' white or fan- cy strips, at .. „ .75c and $1.00 MAN'S FANCY, COTTON SOX ......... . .........15o, 19e and 25c MEN'S WOOL OR COTTON WORK SOX 15c up. HEMSTITCHED PILLOW SLIPS of good whitecotton, in spite of advancing prices, 40 inch at 19e 42 inch at '25c HEMSTITCHED COTTON SHEETS; 2 yards wide, good quality and exceptional value 89c MEN'S WFIITE•DRILL SPORT PANTS, just the thing for summer sports wear . $1,49 SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES 0'F MEN'S WORK BOOTS FROM 51.95 UP LOWEST PRICES IN ALL LINE'S OF FLEET FOOT 'SPORT SIROES AND SUMMER SPORT SHOES 0F ALL KINDS Plurnsteel Bras. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 20e SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib. 22e MIDGET COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 24e BREAKFAST BACON, in piece 28c; SIiced 30e P. M. BACON, per lb. 300 DRY SALT PORK, Boneless, per lb. 18e SMOKED BACON, Squares, per lb, 15c BULK LARD, Schneiders, per lb. 110 LARD, in 1 -lb, prints, per 1b. 10e CONNELL & T lYNDA.LL• " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street ............................ Hot Weather S 0�y p ELECTRIC RANGETTES11 $32.00 to 539.50 11 ELECTRIC PLATES, SINGLE $2 25 ELECTRIC PLATES, DOUBLE ,$4.00 and $4.50 ELECTRIC IRONS $2.00 to 54.50 O ELECTRIC GRILL, DOUBLE 82.25 II0 11COAL OIL STOVES AND OVENS LAWN MOWERS, WATERING CANS, GARDEN HOSE, o AND SPRINKLERS Or KING BUG KILLER PUTTrn o nrnnur 0 0 Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring ' 0ti0) 40=0: (OClf0r " oIIo q 0 11 0 0 0 Thursday, Friday, & Saturday a WINE QUART, FILLED WITH MAPLE SYRUP, for 8 O'CLOCK ORANGE MARMALADE GRAPE FRUIT, AYLMER, per tin PINEAPPLE CRUSH, per tin PINEAPPLE, Sliced, per tin APRICOTS, per tin , PEACHES, Choice Quality, per tin STRAWBE.RRRY JAM, 32 ozs. far ORANGE MARMALADE, per jar PEARS, per tin . , ORANGE MARMALADE, large size, 5 point PUMPKIN, Large Size, 2 tins for SWEETMIXEDPICKLES, 28 oz. jar SOUR MIXED ,PICKLES, 28 oz. jar CATSUP, Falcon Brand, 3 bottles - RELISH, CROSS & BLACKWELL, 24 ozs, for HEINZ SWEET PICKLEES, per bottle SPINACH AYLMER, 2 large tins for ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS (Gold Medal) each . . .. . . . . ... .... . 23c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, 5 for , 23c AYLMER SOUP, 3 for 23c OLARK'S SOUP, 3 for , 23c DICED CARROTS, 2 for.................(23e SHRIMP DUNBAR, per tin 21c TUNA FISH, Small . .. , . , .... ... . 190 CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 for 29e LOBSTER, large tin.... .e. •290 SALMON, large tin, for 100 KIPPER SNACKS, each 50 SARDINE'S, per tin .. 5c OLIVES, Large Plain 26 oz. bottle 35e OLIVES, Small, Plain, 13 oz. bottle 21e O'LIVE'S, Stuffed, 18 oz. bottle 25e CHEESE, Golden Spray, Pimento, per pkg, ,12c CHF/ESE, Golden Spray, Plain, perk . 110 CHEESE, INGERSOLL. MALTED, 2 for • 210 490 23c 23e 19c 110 190 19e 29c 29c 15c 33e 210 27e 27c 25c 23c 21c 35c LOBB'S .GENERAL STORE ELECTED Now that yon have done your X marking may we be permitted to do some X-plaining regarding our anx• iety to sell the last Baby Carriage we have in, stock.' When we bought it we regarded the_price as a most ad- vantageous one and willingly passed on to our patrons this unusual bene- fit in offering it at $23.00—now ive reduce it to $18.00. It is modern and of good appearance, lined -with wear- able material; has adjustable hood, iubbet tires and capable springs.,T.he question is have you a need for the carriage, if you have it is 'yours at an exceptional quality price. Tlie W. D. Fair, Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Winnifred Jackson of Toronto is the guest of Miss Evelyn Hall, Mrs. Chesney and Mrs. Downie of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. HI Pimnsteel. Mr. Horace Wiltse of Detroit has been visiting his mother in town, Mrs. Levi Wiltse. Mr. Kenneth Carter of Chatham was a week -end guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Car- ter. Miss Irene Doherty returned to her home in London on Saturday after a visit with her aunt, Miss Daisy Copp. Misses Olive and Madeline Glew of London are holidaying at the home of their parents on the Huron road, east of,town. Mr. Benson Corless of the Bank of Montreal staff, Hamilton, has been holidaying at the hone of his •par, ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. T. Corless. Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Cuningham of Ow- en Sound and Mx. and Mrs. Earl Rushton of Tara visited on Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W: M. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtiee and Miss Betty and Miss Beverley Bradshaw of Hamilton spent the week -end as guests of the former's sister, Miss H. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Ir. A. Steven, accom- panied by Miss A. Bartliff, left Sunday for Matachewen, Mrs. Ste- ven has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Bartliff, for several weeks. Mr. A. J. Morrish was called to Pickering on Wednesday owing to the death of his sister, Mrs. Rich. and Puckerin. Mrs. Puckerin's husband is also in very poor health, Mrs. G. Hildred of Liverpool, England is visiting at the home of her bro. ther, Councillor A. S. Inkley, Mrs. Hildred intends making her home in Canada for the future. Miss Evelyn Hall, who has just fin- ished her course at the College of Education, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall motored down Saturday to bring their daughter home. Mr. Fred Rumball of the Royal Bank staff, Montreal, left Saturday after spending a fortnight's vacation with his mother, Mrs. Clara Rum :ball. Fred is looking fine, ,his old friends were glad to see. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beasley of Brantford were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T..Cotitiess. Mr. Beasley assisted the men's, choir in Wesley -Willis church Sunday morning and also contributed a solo. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore were in Aylmer on Thursday last attend- ing a blanquet, given by their son, Warden E. S. Livermore of Elgin County, to the members of the. County Council, the town council past wardens and a few others, at the clbse of the county sound] .seeses- sions. Mr. Robert Fleming of Revelstoke B.C, Mrs. M, N. Harper, Toronto: Mrs. Will Proctor, Goderich and Mrs. Guy Jones, Varna, were in Clinton, their former hone, on Sun- day last. It is forty years since brother and sisters had met pre- viously. '"Bob" is east on a hen. day visit and is with his sister We. Proctor in Goderich. THURS., JUNE 21, 1934 ' a~' Fancy Biscuits, .per pkg. 20c Fancy Paper Napkins, per pkg. 15c McCormick's Wafers, per lb. 26c 'West'on's Assorted Fancy Biscuits, per lb. 29c (Special Slogan may win you a holiday) Lemons, per dozen 29e Oranges, per dozen 25c and 35c (Ideal for Juice) Grape Fruit, 4 for Ginger Ale . . IIIIMMEZIEMONEMISEEMEINI azreameresienunsettessemausesserr FRIGIDA'IRE' MARKET. Sweet Pickled Pork, per lb. 20c Cottage Rolls, per ib. 25c Chicken, Ham and Tongue Loaf, per lb. 29c Variety Loaf, per lb. 290 Cooked I{am, per lb. 45e Bologna, 2 lbs. 25c 25c Head Cheese Tumbler 10c 29c 25c Jellied Veal, per lb 5c Tomato Loaf 1 BRICKS AND CONES GORGEOUS LEMON PIE WITHOUT COOKING Unbaked Crumb Crust Roll enough Vanilal Wafers to make cup crumbs. Cut enough Vanilla W,aefrs in halves to stand around edge of pie plate. Cover bottom of plate -with crumbs and fill in spaces between wafers. Magic Lemon Cream Pie 1% cups Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, % cup lemon juice, 45 cup Whipping Cream, Grated rind of lemon, tablespoon Icing Sugar. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails AUBURN W. Mr, and Mrs.Mogridge return- ed after spending a couple of weeks at Timmins. Mrs. 0, Thompson .and babe returned with them and will re. main here for the summer. The annual garden party of the Auburn charge of the United Church will be held on Friday evening this week on the manse lawny the Luck - now orchestra will be in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson at- tended the McDowell-Osbaldeston wedding in Goderich on Wednesday, this week. Mr, R. D. Munro, merchant, is Annual Clearance SALE While. They Last Tomatoes, Celery, Hot and Sweet Peppers, Cabbages. ASTERS Separate Colors White, Pink and Violet (Sold out of Mixed Asters) SALVIA Marigolds, Tall and Dwarf. Dwarf Zinnias Balsams Giant Petunias. (Sold out of other varieties) All listed on Sale 15e A BOX -2 FOR 25c. Full count in boxes not guaranteed Large Boxes of Salvia a limited number. Special 25e each Potted Tomato Plants in bud and bloom 4 for 25c Special in Potted Plants Fuschias, Trailing Queen Foliage, Patience, 2 varieties, Double Pet- unias, all in 3" pots Only 10e each SAGE—a good and 'useful per- ennial eaennial 5c a plant Plants sold direct from hot beds. Tomatoes and Cabbages 10c a dozen -3 dozen for 25c 50e a 100 in hundred lots only Our late cabbage plants of fine quality are Danish, Ballhead, a splendid winter keeper. Hardy Mums, 25e a plant House Mums Small, Sturdy Plants at 10c a plant. Use Evergreen and save your plants from insects, 35c a bottle. One Ounce will make you 6 gals. of spray. F. R. Cuninghame Florist Greenhouses, Huron Street CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 putting asphalt shingles on his store which wiII improve the appear- ance. The annual Y.F.S. picnic of the Huron Presbytery of the United Church will be held on Saturday. this week at the new summer camp near Dunlop. • STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL under the auspices of the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Church at the hone of Mrs. H. Thompson, 16th Con, Goderich township on Wed., June 27th 5.30 to 10.30 BALL GAME: Porter's Hill Vs. Ilolmesville Musical Programme Ice Crean. and Hot Dogs for Sale on Grounds Admission 25c. 78-2. Permanent Waves For a better Permanent try our NESTLE WAVE $5.00 Other Permanents as low as $3.00 Partly Dried Finger Waves, 35c Henri Beauty Shop Isaac Street Phone 223. Open Evenings. 78-1. Strawberry Social Friday, June 22 auspices Ebenezer United Church CARMAN TERBUTT'S LAWN MAITL'AND CONCESSION • Supper from 6 to 8 p.m. Followed by Play entitled: "HEADSTRONG JOAN" • Admission 35c and 25c • 79-2-p, WHEN IN NEED OF Plumbing Repairs OR Eavetroughing Call T. Hawkins Agent for Martin -Senor Paints and Varnishes RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS STRICTLY CASH T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING L Phone 244 ENJOY YOUR Lawn or Verandah We have some summer furniture left which we will clear at Bargains, including Hammocks, Deck and Folding Chairs, Stretchers, Grass Mats, Etc. e have a brand new k of toc Davenports and D op SidesCouches, and aSuituwonde fulChest new I linea oSuesf lamps. These styles will please you and the prices will surprise you. Hardware Department We have a nice stock of Garden Hose, New Lawn Sprinklers. For the hot weather use a Coal Oil Stove, Electric Range, or a Two -Burner Plate. We still can supply you with a good assortment of Lawn Mowers, also one second-hand mower at a bargain. You will eventually find that it pays to shop here. BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Grocery Specials JUNE 21, 22, 23 WE HAVE A NEW LINE OF STOCK THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY BULK CORN STARCH, 3 lbs. for 23c CHOICE TOMATOES, large this 9c RED PLUM JAM, 40 oz. jar 22e ROBINI[OOD QUICK OATS, large pkg, 19e SURPRISE SOAP, 10 bars for ............ ...45e PRINCESS SOAP FLARES, 2 large pkgs. .., .. , .............27c AYLMER SOUPS, Vegetable, Tomato, 3 tins for ...,-........ , ..25c COCOANUT WAFER BISCUITS, per lb. 17e SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 32c CERTO SURE -JELL, per bottle 29c Meat Counter Specials PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS, per 1131. .....-......._.............. ,23c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. ..........................25c ROAST HAM CUTS, per lb- , .39e GHICKE'N ROLL, Delicious, per lb. 29e WHINERS, per lb. ..17c JELLIED VEAL, per 1b. 29e BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, per lb. 32c Fruit Market CANTELOPES, large 'size, for ,..-,.15c STRAWBERRIES A.T MARKET PRICE HOME-GROWN HEAD LETTUCE 10c NEW CABBAGE, for , .... .5c and 100 NEW CAULIFLOWER, each .. .... 15c NEW BEETS AND 'CARROTS, 2' bunches far ....... ,. .., . . ,150 J.T. McKNIGHT & SON "Your Superior Store" We Sell the' Best For Less Phone 111 CLINTON