HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-06-14, Page 9GE,'8 • CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD :THUD., JUNE, 14; 1934' l THI$ WEEK IT'S A LINE OF MEN'S SLEEVELESS SWEATERS pure wool and fancy knit, either white or colors -a good sweater at a low . pricer. SPECIAL at .. , A SPECIAL LINE •0F MEN'S FINE °SHIRTS, either white or fan- cy strips,at ; .............75c and $L00. MEN'S FANCY COTTON, SOX ....... 15c, 19c and' 25c MEN'S WOOL OR COTTON WORK SOX ........... ,.......15e up HEMSTITCHED •PILLOW SLIPS' of good white cotton, .in spite of advancing prices, - 40 inch at 19c ,42 inch at, 25e HEMSTITCHED COTTON SHEETS, 2 yards wide, good quality and ¥E4�1'S WIHITE DRILL SPORT PANTS, just the thing for summer sports wear .:. ...............;,......'.....,..'......... $1.49 SPECIAL PRIGIS ON ALL LINES OF Igo S WORK BOOTS 'IOM $1,9ri CJS 4 I LOWIEST PRICES IN AIL LINE'S 6' ' PLEET FOOT SPORT SHOES; AND SUMMER •SPORT-SHOES'OF ALL KINDS Plumsteel Bros. Agents for Tip -Top,' Berger. and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing VEAL STEWS , per lb. VEAL CROPS, per lb. RIB ROAST VEAL, per lb. RIB BOIL OF BEEF, per lb. SAtISAGES, 2 lbs. for 8e 18c 12e 8c 25e 25c 17c and 19e $2.00 HEAD OIIEESE, 3 lbs. for PICNIC HAMS, per lb. 20 -LB. PAIL SCHNEIDER'S LARD' for CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102 Albert Street toao>��a>�o�osao 0=0__I o ELECTRIC RANGETTES $32.00 to $39.50 O II Hot Weather Specials 11 ELECTRIC PLATES, SINGLE $2.25 ELECTRIC PLATES, DOUBLE $4.00 and $4.50 ELECTRIC IRONS 'a2 00 to $4.50 O ELECTRIC GRILL DOUBLE $2.25 0 Extra The campaign` is in full • swing candidates are excited -Conservatives' are going Liberal and Liberals ,are de pouncing. their party candidates. The above head lines, (the words "extra,; extra," as applied • to value being. excepted),, are all bunk. We use. them to directs your, attention to Baby Carriage Special Value at $23.00,. RATOODp `p 'O Pf8.0• .. It's made of closely woven fibre, lin- ed with Corduroy, has padded seat,. back of seat can be adjusted to up- right or recliningposition, has large, reversible hood which can be turned either to back or front of the body of carriage, is on metal rails with fixtures for easy adjustment, 12 -inch wooden wheels with 3< -:-inch rubber tires, gear is strong and well braced with flexible springs. A cloth windshield is supplied for unfavor able weather conditions .or strong sun. Our $23.00 price we always re- garded as a specially advantageous one now we make it doubly so at $5. less. Tile fit. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 piulWllllllllllllllu Illnnnm lollullWllll■ ��..n,. ..• u.,.._, Ilii Mrs. Robt. Webster visited friends in Hensall last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts visited relatives in Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. J. Noble was in Toronto last week for her son's graduation. Mr. J. Higgins of Burlington was with his mother last week -end. Mr. Earl Steep of London visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Steep of Clinton, last week. • Mrs. Smith and Miss Ruth Craig .of p p Chatham visited on Sunday with p .. O Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggart. Mrs. Harry Marsh of Royal Oak, Mich., is visiting at the home of her 'brother, Mr. G. N. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McRwan and 0 COAL OIL STOVES AND OVENS LAWN MOWERS, WATERING CANS, GARDEN HOSE, AND SPRINKLERS , O o family were in Stratford with o p friends on Sunday. O KING BUG KILLER O Miss Margaret Small of Auburn spent yesterday as the guest of Rev. G. W. and Moes. Sherman. Miss MildredMrs. Cooper was a recent S U T T E D& PED D D visitor 0 MOM Kitchener. K Miss Nora Craik of Goderich, who OO has just graduated from Victoria Plumbing Hospital, London, is visiting Miss Electric Wiring Donna Cochrane of town. Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Farrill were at ______ o1====0ao_0=[O=====1oTIIO*__ . Turkey Point this week looking ov- er their summer cottage in anti- cipation of the holiday period. Miss F. Brydone and Mrs, J. G. 'Ohow• en motored to Toronto on Friday last, Mrs. Chowen spending the week -end with Mrs. J. C. Gandier. Mrs. Brown of Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt of Coshocton, Ohio, are here, being called home owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Annie Moffatt. Mr. Bruce Biggart of the Bank of Montreal staff, Chatham, who has been holidaying at his home here, has returned to his duties at Chat- ham. Mrs. Ogle Cooper, Miss Phyllis Coo- per and Miss Edith Good of Toron• to were in town over the week -end visiting the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. A. J. Morrish, and sister, Miss Clark. Mrs. Margaret Johnston spent the week -end in ' Toronto, and attend- ed the Cook re -union in Streetsville on Saturday. There were about one hundred relatives at the gath4 ering and all had a real enjoyable time. NA. and Mrs. R. E. Manning and Miss {Helen Manning returned home Sat= urday evening, having been in To- ronto for the convocation and sor tial festivities in connection with the graduation, when Mass Helen received her degree. Mr. J. R. •H, Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Noble of Huron Road, east of town was in Toronto on Thurs. day and Friday and en • Friday af- ternoon at the convocation receiv- ed his Bachelor of Arts degree. Mr. Noble graduated with second class honours. Miss Florence Rorke returned home from Toronto on Saturday, having graduated in Arts from the .Uni► versity of Toronto, receiving her degree at Friday's, convocation. Miss Rorke remain- - ed after her examinations were;Aonk eluded in order to attend then wed- ding, a ed-ding,;'of the .dean of tlte.golllege.' Hardware Funeral Directors Furniture Phone 147w JUNE I5, I6, 18 LADIES WHITE OXFORD, With, Heel .... . ............ . . .....1$.1.59 BLACK CANVAS LEATHER SOLE, with heel $1.29 WHITE CANVAS OXFORD RUBBER SOLE • $1.29 BROWN OANVAS OXFORD, Rubbbr Sole - $L29 BLACK LEATHER OXFORD $1.65 and $1.89 LADIES' COTTON VESTS, each 25c LADIES' SILK VESTS ...39c to 49c LADIES' SILK BLOO+MERS . ' , 39c to 49e LADIES' JUMBO BLOOMERS 45e LADIES' ANGEL SKIN SLITS 95c LADIES' BROADCLOTH SLIPS 25e LADIES' COTTON HOSE 15c to 19e LADIES' SILK HOSE, per pair 290 to 39e LADIES' PULL -,F'AS'HIONED HOSE, per pair , 75c LADIES' ANKLE HOSE, per pair .., BOYS BOYS' KNEE PANTS It It « ., " W'HOOP'EE PANTS LONG PANTS . OVERALLS, for 69c, 75e and 99c PLAY SUITS 85o and 95e STRAW HATS . 19c GOLF HOSE , . 33c " DRESS OXFORDS r $1.89 " S. 'SCAMP'ERS . . $1.50 " BELTS, FANCY .. - , 39c " , BALL CAPS ... 190 and 25c 15c, 19c, 25c 45c to 55o $1.19 $1.25 $1.09 MEN MEN'S BLACK AND WHITE SPORT OXFORDS $2.69 $1.69, $1.99 and $2.29 $2.85 and $3.25 DRESS OXFORDS $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $325, $3:95 S. SCAMPERS $1.85 CANVAS SHOES WORK BOOTS " WORK BOOTS ,. 99c CANVAS SHOES, with' heel $1,35 WORK PANTS, Blue ......... .....,.. 99,5 WORK PANTS, Blaek $1.75 WORK PANTS, .Blue for the big man with long waist $1.65 VERALLS PANTS .: �OVE�Ii........... . ...... . : $1.25 to $1A9 STRONG WORK SHIRTS...............................95s COMBINATION' SHORT SLEEVES AND LEGS • 59c DRAWERS, Ballbr•gan 45c SHIRTS, Ballbriggan, Penman 45e DRESS SWEATERS . ..... ...... •.. . ..$2.29 DRESS FELT HATS $1.79 " DRESS STRAW HATS • 750 " DRESS -STRAW 'HEATS . .. .,... .990 " WORK STRAW HATS .... 19c to 25e 1" WORK SOCKS, 2 :pair for 38C " WORK SOCKS, per pair • • " DRESS SOOKS, per pair .. ., .190 25e and 35e, LOBE'S GENERAL STC)R RED AND WIIITE, 'Always in the Lead - Thursday, Friday � Saturday rune ale 15 & 16 ee.B-ig Bills. Free Cones of Walkersid.es Ice Cream for children bringing $ 1 order as Leaflet. Ask -us for Extra Leaflets. .. ,. - QPENING HOUR SPECIAL 8.30 to 9.30 CORN FLAKES EACH 8c WEINERS Per LJ. 15c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for 25c OPENING HOTJR (SPECIAL 60 to. 9.30 BLACK TEA 45c Per. Lb. 3 lbs. for $1.30 MEATS Bacon, per lb., piece 30c Pealneal Bacon, per lb. - 35c Piclded Roll, per Ib. 23c Fresh IS'alisage, per lb. 20c Variety ,Loaf, per lb. 29c Tomato Loaf, per Ib. 29c Dutch Loaf, per lb. 29c Servus Butter, per lb. 26c Fluffo Shortening, per lb. 11c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges, per dozen 25c and 35c Bananas, per dozen 25c and 30c Lemons, per dozen -29c Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Pineapples, each 15c New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for 23c New Cabbage, per lb. 5c Tomatoes, per lb. 18c Cheese, Golden spray, 2 for 25c Try Weston's Chocolate Rolls, they are delicious -Vitamin D Bread Tuesdays and Fridays Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIAA Phone 48 Scientific Palmist All Week HAVE YOUR HANDS READ. Know Yourself- Ability, Health COMMERCIAL INN -ROOM 9 REDUCED RATES Summer Dress Sale Sat.9 June 16th A GROUP OF BEAUTIFUL COL - ORFUL FROCKS IN VOILES, PASTEL CREPES, PRINTED CREPES, LINENS AND 'SHEERS PRICES --$1.95 UP A. MacDonald Cuninghame's Greenhouses Offer This• Week Fresh Steck of Greenhouse Lettuce Now Ready 5c a bunch. Sage Grow your own Sage. It is a good perennial. -5c A PLANT. Cabbage and Tomato plants sold direct from hot -beds -now at their best -10c A DOZEN. Cauliflower, I5c a dozen Hardy Mums A Nice Choice in. New Varieties 25c a Root i r Wilt -resistant Asters Plants in Write, Peach, Violet, Red and Aurora and Mixed, 20e A BOX Paris Golden Yellow Celery 20e A BOX Cuninghaf'he Florist Greenhouses, • Huron Street GODERICH: Steady downpours of rain on Monday night and Tuesday morning brought relief to the parch- ed farms of Huron. Copious show- ers fell generally over the county in which many wells and streams were reported as being' dry. The fall wheat will be greatly assisted. It is very thin and patchy on the ground but the straw will •be strengthened by reason -of the heavy fall. The spring crops look particularly good consid- ering that this is the first general rainfall since seeding. CULINARY PHILOSOPHY Blinks -"It's a waste of time to roast him for being raw." Jinks -"Yes, you can't expect any- thing else from a half-baked nut when he is stewed." -Cincinnati Enquirer, Permanent Waves For a better Permanent try our NESTLE WAVE $5.00 Other Permanents as low as $3.00 Partly Dried Finger Waves, 35c Henri Beauty Shop Isaac Street Phone 223. Open Evenings. 78-1. Strawberry Social Frida6, June 22 auspices Ebenezer United Church CARMAN TEBBUTT'S LAWN MAITLAND CONCESSION Supper from 6 to 8 p.m. Followed by Play entitled: "HEADSTRONG JOAN" Admission 35c and 25c 79-2-p,. WHEN IN NEED OF Plumbing Repairs OR. Eavetroughing Call T. 'Hawkins Agent for Martilo-Senor Paints and Varnishes RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS STRICTLY CASH T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244. DoDr and look around to see the New Styles and Low Priced Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites, Studio Couches, a large assortment of Occasional Chairs, and Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, a Breakfast Room Suite at a very special price, a new line of Cedar Chests and we always carry a good assortment of Beds, Springs and Mattresses. We will appreciate your visits to see the new styles, as furniture is moving more rapidly, so of course our stock will be right up to date. Hardware Department We have our Stock of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools, Garden Hose, Etc. A good assortment of Gasoline, Coal Oil and Electric Stoves, to save you working around a hot stove, when the hot weather conies. A. new stock of Screen Doors and Windows, Fly Screen in Black and Galvanized in all widths.. We do plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairing. BALL & ZAPRE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Every Day Is Bargain Day AT THIS STORE OUTSTANDING VALUES. THIS WEEK -JUNE 14; 15, 16' ROYAL YORK TEA, regular 30e 1/2 lb., for ...,... ,..'. ..25o HILLCREST LARD, 1 Ib. for 9c 0XYDO'L, large pkg. for ' .. .190 PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 cakes for , . • . PATNA RICE, 3\lbs. for..... :13c LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, large, for .10o NEW SULTANA RAISINS, 2 lbs. for LYM VALLEY, TOMATOES, 2's, 2 tins for , 15e. Kelvinator Specials BREAKFAST BACON, per lb. , ...32o JELLIED VEAL, per lb. 29c MACARONI AND •CHEIESEi LOAF', per, lli... 25c FRESH CHICKEN LOAF, per lb. ....... .... WEINERS, per ib. 175 PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS, per•'18......... ... .......... ..•.22c Fruit .& Vegetable, Market CANTELO'PES, large size, for. ...... ,... .•15c HOT HOUSE TOMATOES, per 115. .... • TEXAS TOMATOES, per lb. .. 15c NOME -GROWN BEETS,2 bunches for NFAS CABBAGE,. per Ib. .. , . -,. .. 50 J.T. McKN 1GHT & SON "Your Superior Store" Wei Sell the Best For Lesi Phone 111 CLINT0 4