HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-06-07, Page 4r=. PAGE 4 COOPER'S STORE, NEWS Folding Lawn Chairs eck Chairs, 'E:tc. Another shipdnent.has just arrived. Deck or Lawn Chairs .(with .aro rests) Folding Chairs Cam ' Stools (with back) Camp c) Camp Stools (witnout back) Canopy Top for Deck ..Chairs' Foot Rests for, Deck Chairs Each $1.00 Each $1.00 Each 49c Each 25c Each 69c Each 49c A. T. COOPER. Phone, 36w (Main Store); 36j (Ready-to-wear Dept, 2nd floor) The. Store With the Stock. Leaders in Lew Prices. ViIF' ENDORF 9S Candy and Pastry Specials CIiOCOLATE DATE LOAF, New, CHEESE TARTS HOT , WEATHER COMFORTS ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS 20c and 49c. MILK OF MAGNESIA 25c and 50c REXALL FOOT POWDER 25c B. and B. FOOT PO1WiDER 35c BATH SALTS 15c, 25c and 50c TALCUM POWDER. 55c, 26c and 35c BODY POWDER 45c and $1.50 STORK BABY POWDER 25c (has not been equalled) J. S. B. HOLMES PHM, CLINTON,ON, ONT. --,n-lia-rio- PHONE 51 ViIF' ENDORF 9S Candy and Pastry Specials CIiOCOLATE DATE LOAF, New, CHEESE TARTS LIQUORICE MIXTURE, VANILLA CREAM CARAMEL SUEY LOAF, CHILY BEAN ICE CREAM LEMON JELLY ROLL "WISHING WELL" GINGERALE-By THE CASE NEILSON'S "FRESH PACK" –CHOCOLATES W7TOLEWI"LEAT HEALTH BREAD POTATO, BUTTERMILK, BRICK, COTTAGE. & REGULAR LOAF "ALWAYS FRESSH" WENDORF'S • Fresh Candy and Pastry BRAY CHICKS AT . REDUCED PRICES Once more, Opportunity knocks at your door. Bray chick prices have been materially reduced, on all eight breeds. For the balance of the' season, you can buy genuine Bray chicks at prices very little, if any, higher than you will have to pay. anywhere. Don't miss,,this chance to get some really outstanding chicks at low cost. The 'demand for Bray chicks has increased TEN TIMES: in seven years. That sort of thing doesn't just "happen." There's a Teaser& The reason is the all-round satisfaction given by Bray chicks.? Phone your nearest Bray Hatchery for today's price of your favorite breed. Or write,direct to Head Office, BRAY CHICK HATCIiERY, 96 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharine, Ont. BROODER AND OFFICE—IL W. CIIARLESWORTH, CLINTON Eight Breeds—Eighth Year Blood-Testing—Sixth Year Govt. Approval 1 • mon a oma eawamm�pc°m D 0Pm°.mp m°.°mm. mom°m°m°o°mom'6 9mmm0 8°A°m'i91 OQm°m nee°• q % pNnma"o°m om. mn Millet Seed Seed Corn iz m, cm M� Get Our Prices on June Chicks g mm. me re served by the hosteeses. VA'RNA A' very pretty event took place at the hone of Mrs. Margaret }aid or Saturday, dune 2nd, ,at high noon, when miss -,Lola 'Margaret Chuter daughter of Mi.' and Mrs. Edward Cluster, Varna, was united in mar- riage to Mx, 'Walter Willard McBride Pon of Mr. and Mes. Robert McBride, Stanley township. The bride entered the drawing room leaning on thea arm of her father, to the straits of the bridal chorus 'from Lohengrin, played by Mrs. Wilmer Reid, cousin of the bride. The bride was charmingly gowned in white crepe, made on long fitted lines, white lace mittens, white shoes and hose, wore a wreath of'or- ange blossoms and carried a bouquet of Carnations, tulips and Bridal Wreath. Miss Mary Chuter twin sister of the bride, acted es bridesmaid. 'She was dressed in pink organdie with white accessories and carried a bou- quet' similar to that of the bride. Mr Ebner 1VIc'Brid'e, brother of the groom, was best man. Little Mane Reid, cousin, of the bride, was flower girl, dressed in a little frock of peach organdie. , The ceremony was conducted by Rev. B. Bugler, the i*idal party standing underneath an arch of ever- green, white flowers and a wedding bell. After the signing of the register the bride led the way to the dining room, which was prettily decorated in pink and white, the bride's cake centering the table. A lovely dinner was served tto about twenty-four guests. Miss Irene Chuter, sister of the bride, and Miss Emma McBride, sister of the groom, assisted in serv- ing the guests. The groom's gift to the bride was silverware, to the bridesmaid a necklace and to the best man ,a tie pin. The pianoist and waiters each received a gift also. Mr. and Mrs. McBride left on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, the the bride travelling in a poudre blue dress with navy coat and gray acces- sories. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farm on the Goshen line. Miss Lillian Elliott is spending a few weeks with Mrs. John Middle‘. ton. Mrs. T. M'cC'anal, and sister, Miss Essler, spent a few days recently in Toronto, the guests of Mrs, Fargo. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and Keith of Clinton and Mrs. John Ward of Sea - forth were Sunday callers at the home of their sisters, Mrs. E. Ward also Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Betty Ward of Brucefield. (Too late for last week) Mrs. Mort. Elliott and family en- tertained the ladies of St. John's Church and neighbors to a, kitchen shower, held in honour of Miss Mar- garet Clutter, bride -elect. The even- ing was spent in a social talk and music. The following address being read by Mrs. W. G. Bugler:: : "Dear Margaret: We, your friend, oe St. John's church, Varna, also girl friends, by these presents desire to express our sincere and loving wish- es for your success and happiness in the new life into which you are aborti to enter. We shall feel the loss of your presence among us but we know that you will fit into the new area in- to which you are going just as ad- mirably as you have•in this commun. ity. May God bless you with Iong life and happiness and at the end e just reward' for a life, we trust, will be lived for Him. —Signed on behalf of the ladies of the °hurtle" The bride replied in a very suitable manner, thanking the ladies for their beautiful gifts. A dainty lunch was ■ mn ;o BE SURE TO GET YOUR SUPPLY OF PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR oree° BEFORE TILE ADVANCE IN PRICE. mm mm mN Um nm w CLINTON, ONT.—Phone 194. Complete Line of Chick Feeds CLIMAX BUG KILLER Russell L. Jervis m1; THE ELECTION ACT Form 20a (Referred to in Section 86 (4) ) NOTICE OF HOLDING AN Advance Poll or Polls .for ail ay Ei iployees, Sailors and Travellers r , For Town of Clinton ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the .provisions of The " Election Act, (Section 86) a Poll will bee opened on Saturday and Monday the 16th and 18th days of June, 1934. from eight o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon and from seven o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the after-. noon. The polling place for the :Electoral District of Heron will be located at Town Hall, Clinton. for the purpose of receiving the„eotes of railway employees, Bailees and travellers whose employment is such as to necessitate their absence from time to tinte from their ordinary place of residence, ons who have reason to believe that they will be absent upon the day fixed, for the election. The ballot box will be -open and the votes counted at 7 o'cl'ock in the Town' Hall of Clinton, the 19th day of June at the said place. Dated at Exeter .this 1st day of June, 1934. WM. FRAYNE, Returning 0ficer. easemsamwaseamamere Miss L. Foster held her sale or Saturday, a very large crowd being present'. Mr. Cecil Wiley of Flint, Mich., Is spending a few 'days in the village. Mr. Charlie Nelson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reid, BAYFIELP Mrs, W. Herbert and Misses Hazel, Marion and Helen Herbiirt and Mr. 5. French of Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker on Sunday. Miss Helen Seeds oe Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, Mre A. le Seeds. 112rs. E;. P. Lewis of Toronto spent a few days et the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods. Miss Isobel Kirk spent the weeh end and holiday at her home in Glen - worth. Miss Lottie Higgins has returned after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. D. Smith, in West Lorne. Misses Dronins of Detroit aro spending the sumntax at their cot; tage here. Miss M.' Fairbairn of Detroit is at her summer ecttage here to spend the summer, Dr. and Mrs, C. G. Stogd'il1 of. Toa rointo have rented Mrs. Seed's cot- tage for the summer. Mr. and Mee, T. Mellott of Lan- don and small daughter spent Stun.. day at the home of Mrs. J. Davison: Mss, F. A. Edwards returned to. the village after visiting for a few days in Kitchener. SEASONED SPINSTER Little Jo, seven years old, reniarlc- ed as she helped herself to the last biscuit on the plate: "This won't %atter to me, ' for I've •been an old, maid all my life, anyhow." ---'Christian Evangelist, THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AUBURN Mr. and Mao; Iierbert Mogridge left by motor. en Sunday last for Timmins, where they ..will yisit with their daughter Mrs. G Thompson. 'The Trustee Board of U.S.S. •No. •5; Halletthave re-engaged Miss Violet Sharpe as teacher of the fifth form for the coming year, 1170x, and Mrs. R. i). 'Munro and family visited friends in Kitchener on Sunday last.. Mr. and Mrs. .31,.,,T. Ferguson spent Sunday at Guelph Junction with Mr: and Iufrs. N. Murray. W. T. Riddell and a number of friends motored to Ailsa Craig Wed- nesday afternoon t0 bid farewell to Mrs. (Rev.) R. J. Ross who left Thursday morning to join her hus- band at Round Lake, cask. This community was grieved to learn of the death in Toronto on May 30th of Mrs. Giant Mallory of Kirk. caldy, Alberta, formerly •Re-na„Pat- terson, daughter of the ,late Donald Patterson, and Mrs. Patterson who was at the .bedside of her daughter during her illness. Mas. Mallory was born 43 years ago, two miles north east of here and after grad- uating from S. S. No. 16 East Wawa - nosh attended tate Godenich Collegiate Institute and on obtaining a teacher's certificate entered the teaching pro- fession in Alberta; when only 16 years of age. Mrs. Mallory is survived by her husband and two children, Elva and Donald; her mother, Mrs. Donald Patterson, Auburn; two sisters, Mrs. W. Anderson, East Wawanosh and Mrs. Albert V. Shakleton of Toronto and four brothers, Lawrence, Sib - bald, Alta.; Peter, Champlion, Alta.: Donald, Grand Prairie, Alta.; and Roy, County Engineer, Goderich. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from Knox United church and inter- ment was made in Ball's cemetery. UNCLE AND NIECE MEET DEATH IN CROSSING ACCIDENT AT EXETER The same train that • carried her forth on a vacation trip Friday morn- ing brought death to Miss Eleanor Lind'enfield, age 23, of London, and to her uncle, Adam Birk, age 03, prominent Dashwood farmer. The car owned and driven by Mr. Birt; was struck by train No, 003, London to Wingham, in charge of Conductor Filcher, at the crossing of the lobe road about one mile from Exeter station, Miss Lindenfield, a graduate nurse of Victoria Hospital, London, had• just arrived on the train at the Exeter station for a vacation and Mr. Birk had driven from 'Dashwood to meet hex. Driving from the station by a cir- cuitous route to return to Dashwood it was necessary to cross the railawy track. The same train overtook them at the crossing shortly after 11 a.l and crashed into the ear, driving it ca distance of 50 feet by the int- , Miss Linderifield was thrown clear of the car and was found about 200 feet away. The' car had to be ' raiser: to extract Mr. Bil'k's body from where it was pinned by the car wreckage. It was badly mangled. There were no eye witnesses oS the accident, it is believed, but a truck driver carne along inmtediately afterward and aided In the removal of •the bodies: General sorrow is felt over the sad accident as both uncle and niece were highly esteemed. - Provincial Election JUNE 1 9th, 1934 - ELECT. GEORGE II. ELLIOTT (Warden of Huron County) Conservative Candidate in Huro• n �Riding k• !;'2'i'iI 4^�vll -i with a clean record, busi- ness ability, experienced, practical and efficient. Fair .)lay attd a square ' 1 y deal for all. Liberel-Conservative Ass'n of South Huron menealearmeemeaemeemerwmasseseweasewarameeemeaseme IiIPPEly Ma, and *s. Robin. McLean and two sone 11of W;abeushene were week- end; guests with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 5. B. McLean. Other visitors under the parental roof were Miss Dorothy, nurse-inetraining in Clinton Public Hospital, and Clarence. of London. Mise Etta Jarrett, 'teacher in r1'o ronto, spent a pleasant week -end at, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mre. Isaac Jarrett. We are glad to see Mrs. E. F. Chandler out again after, her serious illness. The subject taken by Rev. L le. Chandler of St. A.ndrew's .United church on Sunday morning, last was "The Royal Rule of Life,” "Lo, 1 conte to do Thy Well'," which proved most inspiring. A quartette number, "Jesus, Lover -of My ,Soul," was very nicely rendered by Miss Iialycon Chandler. Mrs. E. Butt and Messrs. J. B. McLean and W. Love. All signs fail in dry weather and its very dry. Mr. and M'.rs. Robt. McBride and daughter,. Miss Emma of Blake were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride. The Gould Mission Band will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Sunday school room on Saturday, June 9th at 2.30 p.m. The W'.: M. S. and Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's United church met on Wednesday, Jnne 6th, at the hone of Mas. William Homey. A very good crowd was present, •Mrs. 5.' B. McLean and Miss Gladys spent a day in London recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest and family were in London recently, Mrs. Roy Siddell and family of Alsia Craig is visiting with her mother, Mrs. John 11. Petty and family. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scotchmer of Chicago spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scotch - mer, who accompanied them on there return home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mao. Scotchmer intend taking in the Chicago World Fair. 'Miss Irene Scotchmer has returned home after spending a week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison, near Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Albert , Chapman and daughter, Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason, and Mao. Chap- man, Sr., of Atwood visited Mr. Ar. thur Chapman last Friday. Mr. and 8T:rs. Lorne Pepper of Na agara Falls, are visiting at the hone of Mr. John Pepper. leer. and Mes. • Wbtn. Baird and daughter, Thelma, of Toronto, sperm the week -end at the hone of Mr. Geo. Baird. ' Miss Margaret McGregor of To., route and Miss Date McGregor of Wingham visited their mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor. over the week -end. Mrs. Fnrnwall and sons, Don ane Jinn, and Mrs; John T. Baird, of De- troit visited for a few «aye at Mrs, Jas. Thomson's, and with other friends. On Friday evening, Jnne• lst, about one hundred and forty invited guests gathered at the home of Mr. Arthur Chapman' on the 4th con. of Stanley and made' a real test of the floors. Guests were present from Moosr Jaw, Sask., Detroit, Mich.; Toronto; Niagara Falls, Atwood, and the sur- rounding community. Music was supplied by the Stewart Orchestra, and under the direction of floor Manager Riley, the dancers kept the floor crowded until mid., night, when a wonderful lunch was eerved. After lunch the McGowan Orches- tra supplied the nnnsic when some of the old timers hacl to discard their coats to keep step to the horn pipes, reels, and old time waltzes. Tho woe ma' hours passed quickly and before leaving for home Mr. Chapn}an was led to the centre' of the floor and circled when all sang, "He's a jolly good fellow," and "We won't go home till morning, when all de- parted for their several hones, feel- ing that they had a most enjoyable evening. Report of S. S. No. 4, Stanley for Spring term: 5th Class—Stewart .. Watson, 76; Sean Dunn, 69. Sr. 3rd Billy Armstron 79; Eth- el Watson, 60; Gordon Westlake, 60; Melvin Greer, 54. dr. 3rd—Ilene Greer, 68; Madge Houston, 60; Wilfred Rau, 60. Sr: 2nrl- Andrew Rau, 60. Jr. 2nd—Dewar Talbot, 86; An- thony Rau, 50: 1st -Hazel Perry; 67. Pr. -Jean Greer, Sean Rau, Lor- raine Talbot, Elgin Perry, —Frances Mossop, Teacher. GO'DERICH: When he fell 12 feet from the roof of the summer kitchen, which he was repairing, to graven' starlings from getting in, George Belcher, middle-aged machinist, Itonday night, sustained severe in - 'juries and is in Alexandra hospital For hours he was .paralyzed and it was feared he had spinal trouble, but this condition has improved. His right wrist is broken, the, left sprain- ed and lie has many painful cuts a- bout the face. A board on which he was standing broke, precipitating him head first into a rockery in his 'garden. THURS., JUNE, 7, 1934 CLINTBARGAIN FARES ' N ONT $ R".4S RETURNt- JUNE ',S To QUEBEC CI'I,'Yi , . $3.25 $ Return STE. ANNE DE. BEAUPRla 3. S Return3 •Elddi@renal 2}.ckets and informations from •SAN. + 1 T1 GEORGE VANHORNE NAL T2341- PHONE 35 Independent "Straight" Candidate m W. Cooper The only really "Straight" Line Independent Man in the field of Politics in the Riding of Huron South. Cooper is not necessarily always opposed to the Administration, not by any means when good legislation comes from that quarter. Trust the Swan WITII' A MISSION to fix it up for you, Cooper stands de- contealizatiot of population. Wealth and Industry, Establishment of Small Industries back in the Counties. Cheap Hydro as 0 means to that enc. Hydro is five tines too dear to the manufacturer in small towns, That's not British Fair Play to all and everybody, Toronto won't like it I know but I don't muds care. They're big enough to stand a good slam. Let them take it, Toronto city has a monopoly on the industry of this Province to our eternal detriment. A thorough good policy of BACK TO THE COUNTIES would also fix the eternal bogey of unemployment, satfegnard the public till and Lower Taxes. Vote for Cooper not alone for just what HE HAS DONE but for what he is GOING TO DO. Vote for the MAN WITH THE MIS- SION. My opponents' Provincial Audit cost this County of Huron $4,000, the price of a farm. Too dear! That's that. It wasn't worth the half of it, YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT "STRAIGHT' CANDIDATE Wm W. Cooper IN LONGS OR SHORTS—KHAKI 0'R BLUE SHIRTS T MATCH JUST WHAT TIIE BOYS WANT SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THEM AVIS a. HE MAN CLEANING, PRESSING 'AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS ee DYERS, SEAFORTIY v4T 0 EN To give the people of Clinton anti District first-class electrical ser- vice on AUTOMOBILE GENERATORS, STARTERS, IGNITION AND WIRING. BATTERIES REPAIRED, CHARGED AND REBUILT. MOTORS REPAIRED, REWOUND, ALSO IRONS, TOASTERS, STOVES. ClU ton Auto Electric Opposite Royal Bank.: e - _ Vote f , ®r Bailanlyne. INDEPENDENT LIBERAL -PROGRESSIVE Hard Times have not yet hit Premier Henry and his Cabinet, While the common people are sweating under the load of misused taxes, the Cabinet Minister's actually raise their salaries by $2,000, and vote themselves an extra session at the wine rates. HERE ARE SOME FIGURES TO THINK ABOUT: Premier Henry— Salary ... 814,000.00 Indemnity . . 2,000.00 Auto Upkeep - - 3,144.76 319,144.76 Minister of Lands and Forests— Salary • 810,000.00 Indemnity . 2,000.00 Auto Upkeep . 4,329.70 816,329.70 -- Minister of Highways— • Salary . 810,000.00 Indemnity ... 2,000.00 Auto Upkeep - 3,317.31 •$15,317.31 and eight more ministers like this while over 400,000 people are on relief ! They will swamp the province. ET IS TIME 1.OR A CHANGE. A vote for a Henry Candidate is a vote to keep the spendthrifts in office. Mr. Elector—Can you stand it? Independent "Straight" Candidate m W. Cooper The only really "Straight" Line Independent Man in the field of Politics in the Riding of Huron South. Cooper is not necessarily always opposed to the Administration, not by any means when good legislation comes from that quarter. Trust the Swan WITII' A MISSION to fix it up for you, Cooper stands de- contealizatiot of population. Wealth and Industry, Establishment of Small Industries back in the Counties. Cheap Hydro as 0 means to that enc. Hydro is five tines too dear to the manufacturer in small towns, That's not British Fair Play to all and everybody, Toronto won't like it I know but I don't muds care. They're big enough to stand a good slam. Let them take it, Toronto city has a monopoly on the industry of this Province to our eternal detriment. A thorough good policy of BACK TO THE COUNTIES would also fix the eternal bogey of unemployment, satfegnard the public till and Lower Taxes. Vote for Cooper not alone for just what HE HAS DONE but for what he is GOING TO DO. Vote for the MAN WITH THE MIS- SION. My opponents' Provincial Audit cost this County of Huron $4,000, the price of a farm. Too dear! That's that. It wasn't worth the half of it, YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT "STRAIGHT' CANDIDATE Wm W. Cooper IN LONGS OR SHORTS—KHAKI 0'R BLUE SHIRTS T MATCH JUST WHAT TIIE BOYS WANT SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THEM AVIS a. HE MAN CLEANING, PRESSING 'AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS ee DYERS, SEAFORTIY v4T 0 EN To give the people of Clinton anti District first-class electrical ser- vice on AUTOMOBILE GENERATORS, STARTERS, IGNITION AND WIRING. BATTERIES REPAIRED, CHARGED AND REBUILT. MOTORS REPAIRED, REWOUND, ALSO IRONS, TOASTERS, STOVES. ClU ton Auto Electric Opposite Royal Bank.: