HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-24, Page 8PAVE cLIIVToN wEW;ICOR'. THURS., MAY, 24, 1934':; •BALANUS OF' OUR T"IOC}t •.GO'VE12,iNIG :INCLIJDIN'G CONGOLEUM" AND' LINOLEUM RUGS also a fewends oi' Linoleum and Floor Oilcloth:' SOME: WONDERFUL BARGAIN'S We are also Clearing Balanceof CURTAIN MATERIAL at ridiculously Leer'. Prices. SEE OUR 36 -inch TUB -FAST PRINTS Clearing thzs week at ..15c MEN'S WORI{ BOOTS—If you want real valud in work bbots look over our stock. We anticipated ,our wants before the' advance in price and can offer you boots from $1.95 to $3.50 that are wonderful value. We carry Sterlings Solid Leather Boots, Williams, Grebbs and several other reliable makers goods. SEE OUR SPECIALSt AT $1,95 AND $2.75 Plumsteel. gyros. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing SCHNEIDER'S ONE LB. PRINTS OF LARD • 10c BULK LARD, SCHNEIDER'S, per 1b: 11c HOME-MADE LARD, per ,lb. 12c SCHNEIDER'S LARD, IN 20 -LB. PAILS $$2.00 CHICKEN AND VEAL LOAF, per lb. .....•... .................20c CHICKENS AND VEAL FOR WEEK -END FRESH FISH ON HAND ALWAYS CONNELiL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKETbert set Phone 162 (OFFIC'IAL) Season for trout is now open ,and stream -lining is extended -to the bab bling brooks. In the stream are fish' which facts: creates the fishing urge„ If .you. are a devotee of ye" gentle art' of ye angle ' just bring' to mind the iishinfl p arlance with which you were. .once,farmliar,,bring into action your .imagination and the triumphs you have achieved--. It's time now, to mention your equipment•and,ho%: 'complete it is and if there are 'vacan- cies,=den we be of. service to you in showing you all the big and little things required, Steel. and.Bambloo Rods, Reels, Lines, Sinkers, Baits, Hooks, Leaders, Flies, Floats, Spoons, Minnows and even7,, ,Yardsticks to measure—the big one that didn't get away. Wasn't the Depression awful? =0=0=0=0 (0=10 =20=0='' PANT U WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR PAINT REGUIREMENTS DO NOT O OVERLOOK OUR FAMOUS LINE OF Brandram-Henderson Paint also Chi-Namel 110 WE CARRY A FULL LINE, OF THE POPULAR LINES AND IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHEAP—We have a line sel- ling for 59e PER QUART. Ask for a color card. O Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring Joao—•o=o1===o=c0--0=0■ f ‘ Sale Continued::: ■ ..1.. .: , 1 All goods listed on last week's 1 Bargain Sheet we will continue to sell to the end of this week. WE ALSO HAVE IN STOOK --- DUTCH SETS, MULTIPLIER ONIONS, COBBLER AND DOOLY §,, SEED POTATOES '• S q O 4 PERDUE D O 0 TIie W. D Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat THURSDAY, M'AY; 24TH BEING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY—, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY—BUT WILL BE .OPEN FOR BUSINESS WED'NESD'AY'' NIGHT. PLEASE ORDER FOR YOUR THURSDAY. REQUIREMENTS LOBB'S GENERAL STORE. RED AND WIIITE rig• .livays in the Lead BIG BARGAINS FOR WEEK -END Big Shipments of Pineapples for Canning all this week. ur New Price for Sugar 10 lbs, for 58c --Kellogg's Corn Flakes, "2.for 15c • ENTSAL Tomato Juice, Golden Bantam Corn, Tomato, individual size Red and White Peas, 2 for 25c Soda Biscuits, •2 lbs. for 25c Large Pineapples, each 19c 6 for $1.10 Smaller Size, 2 for 25c Pickled Roll,per. lb. 18c Cottage Roll, per lb. 23c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, per lb. 23.c Variety Leaf, per lb. 29c Bologna; 2 lbs. for 25c Clinton and Servus Butter, per lb. 25c Jellied Hock, per ib. 30c Bananas, per dozen 25c Tomatoes, 2 lbs: for 35c PICNIC 5cts. or' 6 for 29c SUPPLIES • Serviettes, per pkg. 15c Large Bottle of Olives 25c Miracle Whip Mayonaise 19c Large Bottle Sweet Pickles 25c Ginger Ale, Red and White, large 15c 5c Ginger Ale (Kuntz), Bottle Peanut Butter, each 10c, 15c, 25c Red Star Salmon (1's) 24c Tuna Fish (1-2's) each 25e Gold Medal Salmon (1's) 29c SPECIAL FOR MAY 24TH New Potatoes, New Carrots, Cucumbers Maple Leaf Cookies, per lb. 25c FREE DENBY CHINA Vitamin 'D Bread Tuesday and Saturday Elliott's Pasteurized Milk and Cream Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Mrs. Nay was at Gerrie attending a funeral on Monday. Miss Hattie Courtice was in Toron- to over the week -end. Miss Isobel Chowen visited 1Yiiss Jean Hobbs at St. Thomas on Sunday last. Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and Miss Marion Gibbings were in London on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison spent the week -end with Mrs. 'Bradley of St. Thomas. Miss Norma Cook had a house party at the Cook cottage at Bayfield over the week -end. Miss Gladys Crich attended the fun- eral of a cousin, Mr. Roebrt Ashton of Gerrie on Monday. Mr. Jack Gil:kings o£ the staff of the St. Catharines vocational school was home over the week -end. Mrs. G. 'W. Pinner of Toronto, and atfrs. H. A. Steven a Goward are visiting their mother, Mrs. C. It Bartliff• Miss Daisy Copp of Toronto is spending a few days in town, the guest of Misses Ward and Stone at the School of Commerce. Miss Margaret Mahaffy of St. Marys, formerly of Clinton, was in town on Saturday. She was accompan- ied by Mrs. Somerville and Mrs. Vessey and children. Miss Helen Manning came up from Toronto Saturday and on Sunday motored her parents to the city Where they spent a day or so. Miss I-Ielen graduates in Arts in June. Misses B. F. Ward, A. M. Stone, R. V. Irwin and D. ,Cantelon were in St. Marys last Friday evening when Miss Stone addressed a Mother and Daughter banquet giv- en in the United church of that town. Miss Lucy R. Woods of Bayfield was in town Tuesday and leaves today, Thursday, for Montreal and will sail Friday on the S.S,. Empress of York, for the British Isles. Miss Woods will visit an aunt at Grey - stones, County Wicklow, Ireland, and will probably be absent most of the summer. She has the good wishes of her friends for a pleas, ant trip and a safe return. •Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Groves and Miss Joan Groves of Goderieh are sailing on the same boat for a return visit to the Old Land. WENDORF'S Candy and Pastry Specials CHOCOLATE DATE LOAF, New, • CHEESE TARTS ' LIQUORICE MIXTURE, \ VANILLA:.CREAM CARAMEL SUET LOAF, GAILY BEAN ICE CREAM LEMON JELLY ROLL. ' "WISHING WELL" GINGE!RALE-BY TRE CASE ' . NEILSON'S "FRESH PACK". ,CHOCOLATES WEOLEWif1EA.T HEALTH BREAD POTATO, 'BUTTERMILK, BRICK, COTA'Gn & "REGULAR LOAF •"ALW1A{YS'FRASH' •• • • VV,ENDO•R1,S Fre§h Caddy -'and Pastry ' ',, ,ST. HELENS W. T. O'» Mr. Lorne Webb of Blyth called on friends around St. Helens one day last week. Mrs. Richard Martin, Huron town- ship and Miss Loreen spent Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Wm. Woods. Mr, G. A. Webb' and Miss Greeta spent Sunday evening in Blyth. Mr. John Durnin, Jr., and some friends from Exeter spent the week, end at Chester Lake, fishing. Miss Lula Wbatherhead has re- turned home after an extended visit with friends. Miss Dorothy MeQuillian of Sand- wich spent the week -end at her home here. • Mr. John H. Wallace has gone to visit friends at Arisa. Miss Freeda Rintoul is home from Toronto visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas . and Mrs. Will, Cameron of Mitchell visited at Mr. John Cameron's last week. Mr. Ed. McRoberts of Wingham called on old friends here one day last week• Many old friends will be sorry to learn of the death of Rev. Sylvester H. Mayer, B.A., at the Manse, Spring- ville, last week. Rev. Mayer was a former pastor of St. Helen's and Lanes. SALT MUSHROOMS At Alexandria, in Egypt, they have just started a new way of obtaining salt from the sea. It is being "grown" en stalks. The water is admitted from the sea into a large level tract near the coast in which sticks have been placed 'upright at intervals. The inlet from the sea is then closed and the water is left to, evaporate under the influence of 'the powerful Medi- terranean sun. Crystals of salt form. round the sticks and when at last the water has all gone a more etless mushroom -shaped pillar of salt stands where each Stick was planted. In this form the salt is more,' easily handled ,thanWhen it was allowed to evaluorhte in targe massae. WHY GROW OLD? so'? Why cannot one expect greater keenness and alertness as human ex- perience unfolds and spiritual sense is awakened? God has never told his children that passing years involve in- creasing decrepitude. Each day's declining sun should find each human consciousness with a sur- er grasp on principle, and greater wisdom; with a greater, purer sense of health, strength, and vigor. —The Christian Science Monitor. The quest for the fountain of eter- nal youth has touched the fancy and spurred the ambition of the adventur- ous from before the days of Ponce de Leon to the present moment. Youth, joyous youth how intriguing, how desirable, and yet how transient and fleeting it seems! Why is it that the average person turns instinctively to beam at the cooing baby, to smile at the carefree child ,at play, or to look with admiration at the handsome, well -bet up youths or lovely maidens of high school and college years? But on reflection, would one keep the babe forever in helpless infancy? Are the school child's immaturity and the youth's callow ,mental conditions to be greatly desired? No, but youth presents a picture of freshness, inno- cence, ' and freedom from burdening cares which, alas, one of maturer years often misses •: on the walls of his mental gallery. Since, therefore, one admires in youth not helplessness but trustful- ness, not immaturity but receptivity to truth, not childishness but bab- bling, spontaneous joyousness, it can readily be seen that these desirable states ere mental, net physical. The mature individual certainly does not covet the helplessness of babyhood, or the changing uncertainties of adol- eseence. Butwhat is sweeter than the mentality of him who, having ar- rived at 'what the world calls years of discretion and maturity, still retains the ehildhesrt, the rexpectation of good, and the child's capacity for pure enjoyment. Why accept the suggestions, I am not, to keels as 2 usedto be, or I can, not.expeet at my age .to do thus and CALCEOLARIES SPECIAL In 3" pots in bud and bloom 15c Each A Real Bargain in DELPHINIUMS Plants from 4" pots, grown from choicest seed 15c Each. EARLY CABBAGE PANSY PLANTS AND ASTERS Can Be Safely Planted Now. Cun� 77�he 9Lorzst ' CIREENHOUSE PHONE116 FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I Call AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes 'PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING• ARE OUR SPECIALTIES Following the trend of events our . terms will in future be STRICTLY CASH --�--,- ,-_..-..•ter. > . 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERI?1 Phone 48 r Haw --ins i HARDWARE and i'LUMBING, Phowt,244 Do Dropin and look around to see the New Styles and Low Priced Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites, Studio Couches, a large assortment of Occasional Chairs, and Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, a Breakfast Room. Suite at a very special price, a new line of Cedar Chests and we always carry a good assortment of Beds, Springs and Mattresses. We will appreciate your visits to see the new styles, as furniture is moving more rapidly, so of course our stock wilt be right up to date. Hardware Department We have our Stock of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools, Garden Hose, Etc. A good assortment of Gasoline, Coal Off and Electric Stoves, to save you working around a hot stove, when the hot weather comes. A new stock of Screen Doors and WGndows, Fly Screen in BIeck and Galvanized in all widths. We do plumbing, Tinsmithing and Repairing;. BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES All Star Values May 23rd, 25th and 26th BIG VALUE JAM, Strawberry or Raspherry, 40 oz. jar . 29c RINSO, large pkg• for.. 19c TOMATO CATSUP, Crosse and Blackwell17c' HILLCREST SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for . • .21c STANDARD WHITE CORN • - • • , . • • 9c GOLDEN WAX BEANS, 2 tins for ......... -... • • • • •25e LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF, 2 tins for .c .21c LUX TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes for SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for .. _ • . • • • • .. """25e RICE FAN IY BLUE ROSE, 3 lbs. for M'ARSHMA'LLOW .CAKES, per 1b ...... , . ...• ....•.•....•17c Big Pineapple Week is Here 25e, 2 FOR 35e AND 2' -FOR 25i LARGE SIZE, 6 for $LOO FRESH ASPARAGUS, 2 for .. 15c Kelvinator Specials COOKED HAM, Sliced, per lb. 45c JELLIED CORNED BEEF, per lb .29c JELLIED VEAL, per 1b :17c B REINERRS, per Ib.• BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced;, per lb .35e'' VEAL OUTLET, Try This, per 1b. -..................................25o' STRAWBERRIES FOR THE:IIOLiDA.Y- J.T. McKN IG IT E? SON "Your Superior Store" We • SCII the Best' For .Less Phone 111, CLINTON