HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-24, Page 5'THURS., MAY 24,' 1934 TFIE CLTNTON NEWS -RECORD t)F INTEREST TO YOU AND ME They are talking about establish• 'and a nudist colony in the west. The Doukhobors should be .able to give :some information as to the advise, ibility of the project, A great many people were injured in the Chicago fire, batt that is hard- ly surprising in a conflagration sof such dimensions. The wonder is that there was not a great loss -or life. "It would really be a refreshing novelty," remarks The Diillia Pee- -het -Times, "in the present ,campaign to listen to a speaker who refrained from personalities and Studk :to Pro- vincialissues." ♦ a • . The last great fire Chicago had; "was supposed to have been started by,a.,00w kicking over a lantern and "Saturday's fire started in the stock, yard area. Surely they do not still "'use' coal oil lanterns 'there. 'Goderieh merchants are asking -the council to take steps to have a liquor .:store established in that town.'po the';busines ' s men really';b>elieve that "theestablishment of a liquor store "-would add to their prosperity? *•** Business has been halted - this -week; to':eelebrate Nay 24th, Victoria Day, .` every place of business being -closed and all 'business broughtto a standstill, `to celebrate the birthday -of a woman who has been dead for "thirty-five years, "True, •she was a good woman and 'a -good queen, and we did well dur- •ing her long reign to do her honour. 'But there is no real reason why we should keep up celebrating her birth- day after all these years, especially when we do not so honour the birth, day of the reigning sovereign, her -grandson, His Majesty, King George 'V. ;'What we should do is repeal that 'statute or whatever it 'vas, which 'fixed May 24th as a perpetual boll - , day, and all reombine in :delebrating :June ..Zip, the birthday of King ' Geooge, and when the Prince of iWhles comes to' the throne we can, without much trouble, switch over to his, June 26th, Personally, we shouldn't have the least objection to ',celebrating moth, one holiday a month 'duking the summer months would 'tend' to health and happiness in this • young 'hand, but if we cannot have both, by all means Iit us have the 'birthday of the reigning sovereign celebrated right royally.' And it is ` the 'banks, schoolsand civic offices '•onay will observe June Srd, or June 4th :this year, as the 3rd falls ora I Sunday, Of late we have noticed a number of newspapers quoting from our Col. leClark's column, "Looking Over The 'News," and crediting The News -Re. 'ford, without noting that it is from 0Co1 Clark's , signed contribution. This is not fair to Cbl. Clark, who has ' a distiinct" literary reputation of dais own and for which this journal does not claim credit, and it is not ='fair either to The News -Record, We 'do not wish to claim credit for any: thing .not due us. Our editorial col- umn is the product,be it of any val. -ue or not, of the brains of its editor and when we quote in it, from any `source whatever, we always give , credit.. .Readers may count on what-,. ever appears in our editorial columns as being original, unless definitely credited. For this'reason we do not 'like to see Col. Clark's stuff credited to us, without designating .the de - 'pertinent from which it is taken. Another reason why wedo not like. 'this is because,' while we acknow- ledge Col. Clark as a very clever than, otherwise we should not pay Mina to contribute to our columns, we -do not always agree with himHe often expresses opinions contrary to our own; as he has a perfect right to -do' in his own' column and over his own signature.: But in that case ;we do not want those opinions quoted as .being those of The News -Record. For instance, The London Free Press quotes an item from Col. Clark about the amalgamation of the Cana-• alien railways. Col. Clark has on. more than one occasion expressed himself as being in favor of this presumably with the private cbm'pany assuming the control, aiici: 'manage- ment. The News -Record does not -favor this at all,If the Canadian, railways are to be amalgamated, 'then it must be under the control' and management of the Canadian 'Government. This is only dne instance. But we.;, nsk' our contemporaries to kindly 'keep this in mind when they consider anything appearing , in" our column's -worthy of reproducing. * * • s ' We hardly know whether to''re •commend William Arthur Deacon's hook, ` My Vision of Canada," '• to young Canadians or not.. -But; , stilI, as we have a good deal of faith in the sterling, bedrock-comimon-sense. of, the average young Canadian,,we �, Y think we will In fact, but for, his antipathy to $ritain, we should recommend , 'it with a good deal of enthusiasm. For: the most part it is just ,thesort of book ,young Canadians should be reading. Indeed, we are not so sure batthat it might make a good book for supplimentary reading in the higher grades of our Public and in, •. secondary schools, 'under the guid- ante` of a wise and imdeistandin teacher. It is such a virile, self -1.• specting sort ,,,of book; one which i calculated to inspire in any Can dian boy or girl a real pride of birtl Mr. Deacon thinks Canada has wonderful future before her, an that she has already travelled corndistance along the roan to greatnes only that it has not yet been noticed And his idea is that it will not be ac knowledged as long as we keep o place as a member of the Britis Empire: Ho describes' Canada a the Cinderella amongst the nations the unwanted child, but the one wh eventually will hold the highes position of any in the whole famil of nations. He depicts the develop anent which will take place and in th last few chapters ventures into th field of Prophecy. Canada at the en of this century will have become wel established as the great leader of na tions, wealthy, benevolent, brother] to all other nations and the frier of all weak peoples. She will hos this position about five centuries when the United:. States, which in that time will have absorbed their colored population and will hav emerged a new nation, will be ready for leadership. Later on the yellow races will predominate for a spell, themixed race of Americans being a sort of preparation for this. Mr. Deacon knows his people fair, ly well, although we ,think he over- does the picture of Canada's feeling of inferiority. Ile calls attention to the difference in the spirit of the people of United States and of Can- ada. The latter hedescribes as'be- ing more steady, more self-control- led, therefore, more ready for leader. ship; Anyone who has thought of the matter at all must have noticed this difference in temperament and in character. We have always felt that this was, at least in part, due to the feet that eve are a part of a great Empire. This knowledge basgiven us dignity and poise. . Mr. Deacon doesn't account for it at all, but he would not admit that -we had gained anything from this bonne - tion, probably. , . But, no ?natio+" whether •you agree with all Mr. beaten afty-s or not, it is a stimulating bloolt, afrd :We Item his antipathy to Britain, to wiioin he ascribes not one generous impulse, a fact which goes much against the grain of as good a Britisher as the writer, we can warmly commend the book. We can imagine, too, that hie propresy of Canada's greatness is not a bit overdrawn. We could wish that we might come back to earth in another fifty or seventy-five years and see how much of it has come true. - We cannot expect too Much for Canada; never in the history of the world has there been a nation so well endowed and one for which the future' looked so bright. Like Mr, Deacon, we rejoice in our birthright, g e-' a» a d e s, u5 h 0 y e d Y d d e Oxford and Kent Counties were visited by a bad storm on Monday, one barn being lifted off its founda- tions and earried some distance be- fore it collapsed, while another ; wa: j shifted nearly a 'febt off -its fotmda= tion, 'Orchards were also badly wrecked by the wind: Severe • da- mage was done in the vicinity of illeaford and Thornbury, in Grey County, by Suliday's storm. ' A severe electrical stormy struck Stratford and district late Monday af+ "ternoon when a 'holt of lightning tore: •a stole it .the roof of the office of 0. Schneider and Co., eoal dealers, Fal- staff street. W. Palmer, an employ - 00, was knocked to the floor when thelightningreached a• fusebox be- side which he was standing. He was only shaken up and did not receive any of the blow from. the electrical belt which flashed throughthe roof ELECTION BOARD FOR 'HURON The elate of the Provincial election has been set for June 19th, and pre• liminary: activities in connection are under way, The election board for Huron county will be :composed of Judge T. M,'^C'ostelio, Sheriff 0, G, Middleton, Crown Attorney D. E. Iiolnies, Supreme Court Registrars R. Johnston, and County Registrar A. II.' Neeb, This hoard will control the prepartion of the voter's lists to be used in the coming election. JUDGENIE a?T RESERVED II'T GODEII,ICII ACTION. Wm. L. Forrest Giving Oven pease of Ship Island ,Toronto, --Action la William L. Forrest, Goderich, ` to fever • "an- ticipated benefits" ;fbr 'the text 20 years, the remainder of'n 25 -year lease of Ship Island, located `.in'Code, rich I'Iarbou, .. ended Friday before Judge L. K. McLean, iof.' ;Ottaway. exchequer court. Judgmient was, re- ,served. Forrest, a dredger; .testified in court that he had leased the islanf from the dominion government, . for, the purpose of housing his dredging' equipment thcre.:•,;Tfe paid 575 'a year for the privilege. Some time ago,<;liowever, the, gav- ernme'nt begap' certain ilia& ql de- velopments and used ea{ntt ' dug from the island. 'This went on, Pot - rest stated, trill almost the whole of the island had disappeared.'and For- rest was compelled. to move his ''e. gttipmcnt. Bearing was held to assess no- bility. :MARRIAGES. CRONYN•—CAR,BERT—In 'St. Jos.;; eph's church, Clinton, on May, 22nd, by the Rev. M, N. Sullivan, Aileen M.. daughter of the late Ma. and Ms. John Carbert, to Leo J. Cronyn, son of IVlr. and, Mrs. Arthur Cronyn of Blyth, DEATHS JO13N'STON—In Londesboro,, on May 19th, Sarah Hill, wife of Frederick J. Johnston, aged 56 years. McDONALD-4n Goderich township, on May 20th, Greed McDougall, wife of Thonnas McDonald, aged 83 years. WHITLEY-'In Edmonton, Alta., on May 18th, Alice A. Whitley, widow of Wm, H. Whitley, in her 84th year. • IN MEMORIAM POTTER—In loving memory- of our dear wife and' mother, Mrs. Thos. J. Potter, who . went home two yeare ago, May 22nd, 1932. "Our lips' cannot tell how we miss het) Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how we miss her, In a home that is. lonesome today." —Sadly missed, 'but lovingly remem- bered by husband and family. Find . 'Swordfish Oil Rich New ,Source of Vitamins Which Human Body Needs Recent Research Discovery Indicates Possibility, of Market Being Open. ed up to Canadian Fishermen for Swordfish Livers . Hitherto Only, Waste Material , Research workers are persistent chaps and the vitamins are finding it a hard job to hide from 'them. Now it's the liver oil of the sword- fish that research has found to be rich in vitamins essential to health, and that discovery is important to Canada's'Swordfishes/ten --I 4111' of them in /Nova Scotia—since it may mean that O. -chance wiil be opened up fier them to market fish livers which hitherto have been only so much waste material. 'Cod livers have •had commercial valud for years because of their vita- min contdnl, although it was not un, til :comparatively recently that it was discovered that the medicinal virtue of cod liver: ail is due to the vitamins it oantains. Halibut livers, formerly valueless to the fisherman, took on a meaning in dollars and cents several years ago When research found out that they, too, are rich in vitamins. Thesame thing is probably likely to happen now in 'the case ofswordfisb livers, though sonne further work may have to be done on methods of processing them before they are used in oil-,ma1cing. The swordfish research does not happen to have been done in Canada but in the United States. Federal fisheries scientists in the Dominion have accomplished a good deal of valuable work in the research field but not in this particular part of the field. The 'United States investiga- tions were conducted under the fed- eral Bureau of Fisheries which states that they have shown that the sword- fish Iiver oil has "a remarkably high vitamin potency contest:" •Indeed, the content of Vitamin D, the anti- rachitic vitamin, is stated to be much greater than it is in other fish livers. The 'vitamin A content is also high. So far as the size of the livers. is concerned, the United States investi, gators estimate that a smash Iiver "wor represents about five per cent of the weight of the dressed fish as landed," Considered simply as -a percentage figure, five per cent is not very big, but when it is remembered that swordiish often run, to • several 'hun- dred pounds a piece it may be seen 'that their oil-bearing livers will tip the scales at substantial weights, As already indicated, ' souse Nova .Scotia areas are the only Canadian waters where swordfish are taken and. in 1933 the catch amounted , to 17,134 hundredweights. The landed value of the catch' to the fishermen was something more than 5117,500. Most of the swordfish catch taken lig Nova Scotia fishermen are exported in the fresh form to the United States .where the fist are ,highly re- garded, DUNGANN',ON: Kenneth Cartier - en, of; Wean Wiawcis osb, who is one of the leading; apple growers of the County of I3.uion, has• "n e1. with heavy logs,otving to the tests of the past winters It has bben`compelled to cut down almost his entire orchard, which has been killed by frost: Many others throughout this .have benan•hcavy.Iod'ess also. "".` 901M11111011 Sunda,Ywas: anniver., sea y •day °at; 'Ytetofia. Stve"at United Chu1 t1 \vhe i Rev " J. Royeraft,. of North Parkdalel Chuteli, toacinto, : a former popular pastor,' was the spe- cial..manisterr There were large congregations morning and evening, In the morning Norman Craik, son' -of Rev. F, W, Crane, rninistgr ;of the church swig ',Tho 'Stra•I til'`'er Cali, lee," ::accorupanied h 'Axis mother, It was,`spfendidly clone; ae was the .solo "of, Mrs. Elmer Cranston, di 51 Merysj ;Formerly' of London. In the evening the men's choir of the Christian Ser- vice Group assisted the choir; a male quartette composed of John Sproul, John `S;cell; Karl Clark and. Charles Brecklow, eontributing a npmbei,, Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery ;.Association �%.rn,•Gy.Yl2, GUT FLOWERS 'FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FL0RIS. Phones: 66w and 661. lastering Plastering, Plain, Ornamental er Antique. Special prices on all Stuc- co and Cement Work. , Chimneys built or repaired. W. E. M.ANAHAN For Information Phone 42, Clinton. 67-tf-6p. NOTICE I have taken over the agency for the New Vactrie Vacuum 'Cleaner. This Cleaner polishes floors, Cleans Curtains, Rugs, and also, sweeps floors, Cleans all Clothing and Ches., terfields "also paints and. de moths. I would like to give anyone a demon- stration at any time. Hugh Hawkins Phone 244, : 74-4-p. Hair Dressing Finger Wave and Shampoo 75c Marcel and Shampoo t 75e NOW IS THE TIME FOR • . PERMANENT WAVE A 'phone call will convince you that the Prices are Reasonable. MRS. ROSS FORRESTER Phone 212, Clinton.- 74-3-,p, Valuable Connection for the Right Man An opportunity of earning a sub stantial income is offered to a local roan of high standing who will re- present a prominent Toronto Finan; cial House in this territoay. Please give experience • and"references in answering. Write to "Financial Advertiser", Care of A. McICIM; LIMITED, 320 Bay St,, Toronto 2, Ont. 76-1. PETUNIAS are the most popular and valuable ANNUAL, They are so adaptable Beautiful and Useful, for Beds, Ens, kets and Bouquets. They continue to bloom no matter how hot or dry the season right up to hard frosts. No Bugs—No Disease-iilust one golrious show of 'color all through the Summer and Fall. Weocan sup- ply you with the best. Our Giant Pansies and Snapdragons are unsurpassed, Lettuce, delicious and crisp. STE,WART BROS. Ph. Carlow 235, Benmiller Nurseries. LET'S have a good "understanding" Use Cress Conn Salve. Hovey's Drug Store, For Sale Ford, Model T,-. Coach, all new tires, new battery, 1934 license. No reasonable offer refused. In good running order. D. Bird, Walton. 76.1p, Cedar Posts Per Sale This undersigned has a number of cedar posts for sale, Adam Steep, Goderich Township. Phone 606r12. 7641, Auction Sale of Plousehoid Effects At the home of Mi's: 'Chas. Stelck, Varna; on Saturday, ' May 26th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, ;consisting: of the following: --i • Climax range, laundry stove, coal oil heater, 2 bedroom suites, extra bed, folding cot, 2 couches, . dining room table, 10 dining room chairs, drop 'leaf, table, .4 rocking chairsa Cominode chair, -Raymond Sewing machine;: cream Separator,; churn; cupboards; was'h'tub,' •boiler, 'lawn mower, set' carpenter's tools, set of harrotvs; 'windless, ropes and auger, sealers, :dishes, pictures, pots, parts and immune other• articles. TEtRMS:. CASH. Mrs, E. Foster; Mrs. C. Stelek,. Proprietresses, G, II. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 76.1, GRAND'Bl'N'D:. Rev. J.13: Moore, B,A,, son of Dr.. and Mrs.. Moore, Walmer Road,' Toronto,'who has for some time been in charge cif a United Church at Elk Lake, hat accepted - a call to the United Church at Grand Bend, succeeding Rev.. H. J: Mothers. 11i:A,;-who will at ,the end'of the con- ference year, go to Toronto to suc- ceed • Rev.' P. M, MaoDonald, at Bathurst Street 'United `Church. THE BEST MARKET FOR I'oultr!, Eggs and Cream ALL TITLE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 2141 Residence, 214w We, Make Food to Suit your Taste TRY OUR DELICIOUS FRUIT BREAD, BREAD, BUNS, SUMS, COOKIES, CAKE. PIES AND TARTS. MADE BY—. BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone • 1. Clinton.' Made To - M easur e CLOTHES If you intend to buy a Suit or Trousers, come in samples. A full line of- TROPICAL WORSTEDS, TWEEDS, . CRASHES, LINENS, FLANNELS, CREAM SERGES and the world -famed CREAM BERMUDA DOESKIN. Trousers tailored with the New "Lightning Talon" Fastener Prices from $22.50 to $65.00 Agents for W'arr'en K Cook, and Braeburn of Taranto, and Brad- ford's of Hamilton. and see our Cleaningi Repairing Pressing IJ 11111 I a Dyeing WOOD FOR SALE Spring Is Here Having purchased an Electro Lux Cleaner I am prepared to clean : all kinds of house furnishings, Chester- fields and Rugs, etc. Arrangements by phone. Herbert Castle, Phone 301w. 74-4. For Sale One slightly used windmill, 40 -foot tower, 8 foot head, auto -oiled airmo. tor. A. Seeley, Clinton. 76.3, For Sale House and Lot in Village of Bruce field. Price reasonable to wind up an. Estate. Apply Dr, J. W. Shaw or F. Fingland, . Clinton, Ontario. 75-tf. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COURT' OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby given, that a Court of Revision on the Assessment for the Township of Stanley will bo held iii the Township Hall on Mon- day, May 28th, at 10 o'clock in. the morning, ANI TAKE NOTICE that all ap- peals must be in the hands of the cleric not later than the 24th stay of May, 1934. —CHAS.' C. PILGRIM, Clerk of Stanley. Dated at Varna, May. 14, 1934. 75-2. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OP GODERICH A Court of Revision to hear and determine complaints against the as- sessment roll of the Township of Goderich, for 1934 will be ]meld at the hall in Holmesville on Saturday, May 26th, at 10 o'clock a.m. All coin, plaints should be in wilting and /nail- ed to the undersigned not later than May 20th;all_ parties assessed far dogs that have since been destroyed ;should return the tagw,'or be charged in taxes: R. G. THO•MPSON, R. R, 2, 'Clinton, Clerk. 75-21 -Dated this 11th day of May, 1934. MEETING 01 RUI1ON COUNTY COUNCIL The meeting •:o1 the Huron County Council will be held in tile County' Covneil Chambers, Court House, God, erieh, ,at 2 o'clock, on the afternoon et June` 5th, 1934. A11 accounts, si'otices of d s/tenons ei- or applications- and' tether important' business requiting 'attention at ,•this, meeting o;>'; the Council should he in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting ;Dated .at Goderich this 12th day of May, 1934, 75-2. ` - J, TCL: ROBERTS, County Clerk. PAGES SURE: YOU' 'FEEL GRATE YOUpE GETTING THE BEST FOOD IN/ TOWN When the Heat Folks deliver their ,first ton to you, step up to your furnace and shape well before' using—for it'll need few shakes thereafter. iIlere is the closest thing . to rakeless coal. It's 'clean and coaleerno -•-" the pick of the -mines. The most disgruntled ,furnace will heat up and show • signs of life on this diet. It's free from all impurities and chuck full of heat. fail the '= /"outs WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE eistard Coal Co. PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Now Playing: Will Rogers in "MR. SKITCH" MON,. TUES., WED. ' GEORGE ARLISS flawless artist of stage and screen in another superbly portrayed masterpiece "THE AFFAIRS OF VOLTAIRE" with Doris Kenyon THURS.. FRI., SAT. JANET GAYNOR presented in the picture you have anticipated. A story with the simple beauty of a cameo. "CAROLINA with Lionel Barrymore and Bob Armstrong Coming: "Flying Down to Ria" REGENT • THEATRE Seaforth. • Nov! Playing: "CAROLINA," with Janet Gaynor MON., TUES., WED. Dolores Dei Rio and Joel McCrea` heada supremo cast of musical talent in a merry,, melodious ro- mance. AI entertatnmesit. "Flyi• ng Down To Rio" TRUES,, FRb, SAT. Fay Wray and Paul Lukas in an adventurous story enacted amidst lavish settings and beautt, ful background's. "THE COUNTESS GF MONTE CRTSTO Coming Lillian Harvey in "LILY' WEAKNESS„ Mat.: Wed,,_Sat.,_at 3.p.m, Mat.: Wed. and Sat,at' 3 pm. "Your Wedding Day" Is one of the big events of your life, and there should be a Portrait to mark the occasion. Visit our stud- io today and make your appointment. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Developing, Printing, Enlarging Clinton and Mitchell For Sale Clinton's Wood Yards Funeral Service Funeral Director and' Embalmer Complete Moter Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER-PERDUE-WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w Large brick store property in Clin- ton, ideal location. Price reasonable Come to us when in need of anything for quick sale, Apply F. Fingland. in file Wood. Lino , 68-tf. Hard Wood (body), Hard Wood (limb), Soft Wjood (body). 50e retitle - Vanguard, Pocomoke, Jesse, Wilson, Cedar, We are giving our usual Senator Dunlop, King Wealthy, in cord delivery from our yards on Isaac order of ripening. Ebner Trick, street, Clinton, Phone 629x12. Clinton, Ont,, R. R. Na. 3, Phone 607, 5, 72.6-p. VICTOR. FALCONER Brucefield, 744f. House For Sale House in Orange street, six rooms, small collar, electric lights, '" Iarge garden. Apply to James Cook, Jos- eph street. 714f. Fresh Eggs and Cream House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence do 'rin- Highest prices for Strictly Fresh cess street, good,, garden and fiitit l a• " Eggs• ti pea, electrie lights and town water. Cream shipped regularly. House in good condition. Apply on,' premises to Miss Akers. 67-tf, WANTED Good Prices Paid, •oar. To Those Interested s d to Property 600' Cords of Green Wood I will be at the Rattenbury Hotel, Clinton, every Thursday to meet any-' one wishing, to, rent or purchase stores, houses, apartments or lots be- longing to the S. S. Cooper estate, A t card mailed to nae at Goderich or a phone call to 207, Goderich, will find me at any other time, A. J,' Cooper, - Goderich. 71-8. Ia For1, House Sale 1 Frame cottage, in Frederick street,'1 6 rooms, complete bath, sun porch and wood shed, cellar with fdrnace, 1 all in good repair, garage and gar ' den with small fruits. Apply to"F. Fingland, 70-tf. For Sale A quantity., of Green Mountain and White Star Potatoes. Apply to J. E Crich, phone 24-614, Clinton Central. 75.,3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In' the Estate of Susanna Berry, Deceased. NQTICE' is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate :of Susanna Berry late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, married weinan, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of March A.D., 1934, are requireil do deliver. to Bruce Ross Berry or Wil- liam Laurence - Forrest, r L n rest, the executors of the said Estate, ..o;I. 'I Sngland, Solicitor, on or 'before the first day of June, A.D. ,1934, a full statement of their claims together ,with par- ticulars thereof, and the nature ,of the securities,' if any, held by, them all duly verified by affidavit: AND TAKE NOTICE, that after the said last inentio wed date .the said Executors will proceed to 'dis- tribute the estate of the said deceas- ed amongst' the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in ' accordance 'therewith: DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of May, AD., 1921 F. I+INGLANDD, Clinton, Ontario.. Solicitor far the 'said`eata e": 75-3, TO SELL ..sem 'A•. E. FINCH Phone 231, ENGLIS13 BARRON LEGHORNS DAY OLD CHICKS.' AND HATCHLING 'EGGS •': ASPARAGUS, FRESH DAILY E. L. Mittell Clinton, Ont., Phone 213 McKinley's Chicks Bloodtested Breeding Stock GOVT. APPROVED Barred and W. Rocks, W. Leghorns After May 15th 10o 8e After June lst Se 7o Three Week's Old, 7e Extra Subject to change without notice • •, .'.1. E. MCKINLEY ZURICH 72-0. ti .E0 G...DOWES Electrican and Plumber Via ea V. A Fuil,LIze of Electric App lianas* also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs • Phone 53w. • 19-1144 Cleaning and Pressing Sui ji, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANED AND REPAIRED W. L JACO T snot oPsn .yc1rk. Way be left , si Heard's Barber Shen at.