HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-10, Page 8Age will not withernor custom stale the remembrance of Mother. Its her day on Sunday, May 13th. The Greeting Card .and Motto bear beau- tiful and eau-tiful'and Iasting sentiments, they are permanent reminders .of the es- teem in which we hold our mothers, hence they are most appropriate for this occasion. It is the thought be- hind the gift anotto or card that counts, how sad for any mother to feei that she is forgotten. Is the renewing of her sitting sr sleeping room with a change of Wali Decora. tion too practical a way to express your regard for her? Its a german, ent reminder and makes her house more than a shelter. We claim for our stock that it contains not only modish novelties, but graceful color- ful patterns to suit the purse and purpose. Tile W. D. Fair co Often the Cheapest—Always tba Best „r I�I ���� plirilWll;�I�IlII1llpionnm)y ��llnplfllli� �� � 1 ,,„ Mr. N. A. Pheonix returned last week to his borne in Grimsby. Miss Madeline VanHorne of Toronto was home over the week -end. Miss Hattie Courtice spent the week- end with friends in St. Thomas. Miss Grace Venner of the Western University was home over the week -end. Miss Beatrice Sharp of Western UM, versity spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Jessie Grainger, Superintendent of the Clinton Public Hospital, was in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall motored to Toronto on Saturday and spent the weekend with their son, Miss Mary Jenkins has returned to her home, Woodlands Farm, Huron road, after spending some weeks with her sister at Guelph. Mrs. MaeMath and daughter, Miss Marjorie, who have been spending the winter in Toronto, returned last week -end to their home here. Mr. Stewart Cook, who recently mot- ored his aunt, .Mrs. D. Stewart, to Los Angeles, Calif., has returned home. He came home by bus. Mrs. Margaret Smith and son, Sid., of Detroit passed through town the other day on their way up to their summer home on Lake Hu, ron, Mr. H. A', Steven of the Ooniptua Mining Company of Goward, and Mrs. Steven and Mrs. Pinner, visit- ed their mother, Mrs. C. H. Bartliff, over the week -end. Mrs. A. D. McCartney returned last Thursday evening from Upland, Calif., where she had spent some weeks visiting •her father, Mr. H. Livermore, formerly of the London Road, • BRUCEFIELD Miss Ina Scott of London returned to her home in the village last week, where she intends remaining for a month to rest and regain strength after her operation. The many friends of Mr. James McQueen will be glad to hear that he is recovering from his recent serious illness, but will be confined to his room for some time. Miss Jessie Tough returned to her hone in Clinton after spending the past few Weeks with her sister, ltrs. '..Steven. The many friends of Mrs. D. 0' Rourke were pleased to see her ahie to be out again after being confined to her room for seven weeks. irammeramarersowleeemosms Wh'OKE'Y`E',R: A fatal accident Was narrowly averted on the iamb of Russell Adams of Howrck Township. Mrs. Adam* was driving a tractor which in 'going ever a board caused 'the harrows to double up. In her efforts to release them a part of thein fell on her, the sharp point's en- tering'bet back in several plane's, and it was with difficulty they were re- 'mo'ved. In the fail she was thrd*'n en the .exhanse, from which she also 'stared bogus, She Ia reeoveriirg. +• 1A PAGE Bargains for theWor�ing WORK BOOTS --bought b'efore the advance at quantity prices and passed'' on to you at SPECIAL GASH PRICEiS. HEAVY GRAIN SPLIT LEATHER WORK BOOTS with leather sole, rubber heel and solid leather insole. A good boot at' a kw Price .., ,$1,98 HEAVY MENNONITE WORK BOOT, Pauoho Sole, rubber heels and solid leather insole. A good solid boot for hard wear. SPECIAL PRICE ... .. ..,... ..., „..,............$2.49 GREY WOOL WORK SOX, Special at .......1 1...-.....15o and 25e MEN'S HEAVY WORK BRACES, Special at . , ....25c, 35e and 50e MEN'S WORK PANTS, platin red -back blue denim or striped cotton- ads. Special . r$1.15 to $2,00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, plain blues, Polka dot or checks SPECI.AAL PRICE 49c to $1.19 BUY NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Plumsteel Bros. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing ,===0=0) (0 0) 40=0) II PAINT .. p WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR PAINT REGUIREMENTS DO NOT 0 OVERLOOK OUR FAMOUS LINE OF Brandram-llenderson Paint also Chi-Namel WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE POPULAR LINES AND IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHEAP ----We have a line sel- ling for 59c PER QUART. Ask for a color card. SUTTER O 8 C it O Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing .Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring �olezo> :orao> c0Rzo0) coleaor----� i MONEY SAVERS LADIES AND MISSES ANGEL SKIN SLIPS, Shades, White 955 COTTON BROADCLOTH SLIPS,,nnk Pink,rdWhite and Black . , 25c BOBETTE'S, assorted shades and sizes 490 SILK VESTS, for 39e and 49e SILK PANTIES, for 490 BRASSIERES, for 25c COTTON VESTS, White, for 25c Full -Fashioned SEMI-.SE'R'VICHOS E FIT, assorted colors, sizes 75c COTTON HOSE, for 15e, 190 and 25e ANKLE HOSE, for 190 and 25e LADIES SUN HATS, for 25c TENNIS -OXFORDS, per pair $L29 CHILDREN STRAW HATS, for ANKLE HOSE, per pair 190 COTTON HOSE, full length, tan, for 215 COTTON HOSE, Full Length, Black 17e SILK AND LISLE FULL LENGTH, Suntan. 30e 37e,39c PANTIES, Silk, Rubber Lined ' 25c CHILD'S HURLBURT CUSHION :SOLE SHOES $1.18 NO -STRAP CANVAS SUPPERS 41.18 17c and 25e BALL CAPS, Green, Red, Bine,BOYS Black, each BOYS' STRAW; HATS, for22c BOY'S SHORT PANTS . 49c BOYS' GOLF PANTS 1.19 E and 49c2 WHOOPEE PANTS GOLF HOSE 99e OVERALLS, Small Sizes ..... 75e.. • • • 95c RUNNING SHOES Large Sims 95c ,BOY'S LEATHER .SHOES 89c to $1.25 OXFORDS, per pair $$1 .7 and $1.89 SISMAN SCAMP.FRS .85 tod $1.59 $1.85 and $1.55. DRESS HATS, each MEN .. DRESS STRAW, IIA.TS and 82e SPORT CAPS, each $i•`25 ai22e MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 250 MEN'S SHORTS, per 75c, 9be, $1,OU and $1:35 MEN'S JERSEYS, each .. .. , . 43c ........................32e COMBINATIONS, each en_ BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, each 45c BALBRIGGAN" DRAWERS, each 45c WORK SHIRTS, each .75e, 95c and $1.00 OVDRA.LLS, pair $1.25, 51:49 and $1.69 WORK PANTS, parr 99t. PINE SOCKS, pair 19c 25e and 32e WORK SOCKS. pair 5c' 1$e and 25e MEN'S WORT{ HATS, Straw, good quality, leather .sweat pads, 25o LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THE 'CLINTON NEWS,RECORD TIIUR;S:,, MAY 1`0; I934' RED AND WHITE' Always, in' the Lead' O'Neil's 5 re ORANGES LEMONS Petr' Dozen, 33c Per Dozen, 29c BERMUDA ONIONS 3 lbs. , 25c gym Royal by Chhia Give DOME -GROWN' ASPARAGUS, "What Shall we Have to Eat?" CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP, per tin 15c MAY be USED Wthi CHICKEN, Boneless, tin, 35c and PIMENTO, per tin 10c. GREEN PEPPERS, 2 for '15c Cook Soup over hot water till smooth, add 1-3 cup water, slowly, then Chicken, Pimento and Green Pepper. Heat and servec on toast. Bologna,lbs. for BIG PINEAPPLE WEEK LambambRoll, , per lb. 25c Pickled Roll, per Ib. 18c Peameal Bacon, per lb. 28c Large size 25c Smaller size 20C Small Sausage, per lb. 20c These are beautiful fruit Smoked Ham, per lb. 18c Real Roll, per lb. 20c Large juicy grape fruit, Florida 3. for 2k New Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Head Lettuce and Strawberries EGG SANDWICH AND' MUSHROOM SAUCE Scramble three eggs in butter until just set, add` salt and pepper, spread between slices of bread' a- bout one-third inch thick. Toast until Gblden Brow, add Mushroom Sauce. MUSHROOM SAUCE Heat one can of cream of Mushroom Soup• irk' double boiler, add 1-2 cup water gradually, re -heat, pour over sandwich. Serve at once. FRIGIDAIRE AND FRESH VEGETABLES 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails VV. w 'NEI CLINTON'S.BIG CORNER " GROCETE Phone 48 Business Men's Meeting Friday Evening, May 11 at 8 o'clock sharp We have very important liminess to be discussed. YOU, the busniess peo- ple of Clinton, are required to vote and decide whether or not we accept a measure in interest of the people who art in business. This will cost the merchants a sum of money and every person in business is urged to be present as the majority will rule. Permanent Waves Guaranteed Permanents, 53, 54.50, 55 and $7. :Shampoo and Finger Wave - included. Henri Beauty Shop Isaac Street Phone 223. Open Evenings. 74-1. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason and Mrs, Chapman of Attwood spent Sunday with Mr. Arthur Chapman. Miss Kate 1V1'eGregor of Wingham, spent the week -end with her mother, Mfrs. N'. MacGregor. The "Gossip" 'Club met at the home of Mrs, W. MacEwen on Thurs• day afternoon last, bringing along two quilts to be packed and sent north. There was an exchange of seeds, plants, etc., and a literary contest was engaged m before re- freshments were served. Mrs. Bert Murphy spent a day with Mrs. T. WI. McCartney of Olin• ton, prior to her leaving for Sea - forth. CONSTA:NCE Mr. and Mrs. Rtobt. •Grimoldby and daughter, Olive,' spent Sunday at the Mune of Mr and Mrs. John Mann of near Clinton Miss Jessie Walker of Seaforth Spent the week -end as the guest of Misses Helen and Edythe Britten. Mx'. Jas, Maore, Who had spent the past month at the home of his aunt, b rs Adam Nicholson, returned to his home in Toronto last week. Miss 2..Gauley, our 1041 school teaeher, spent the Week -end at het hence in Ripley. Mr. and 1Vlrs. Will Britton, Misses Helen andEdythe( and Mr. Will fewi. itt attended the graduation exercises of Miss Whited Britton at the On- tario Hospital, London, last 'Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson :arid twb bo'@s Stant Sunday at the home of the lady's parents, Mt. and IJagan of Blyt i, CEMENT We are now handling • ROGERS PORTLAND CEMENT .A Fresh Stock Now on Hand W. J. Miller & Son 73-2, LEST WE FORGET MOTHER'S DAY TS SUNDAY, MAY 13TH If You'd Make 'Glad a Mother's Heart Use our Telegraph Service and have flowers delivered anywhere. Greenhouse Lettuce Now Ready. Member of Florist Tel, Del, Assn, Cain .,� Jae 5Zorzst GREENHOUSE PHONf116 FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I F7Y Call AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ARE OUR SP ?.1IALTIES Following the trend of events our terms will In future be STRICTLY CASH T. llawIdns HARDWARE and PLUMBINc .. ter_.., ... khone 244 Spring has Passed the Corner ani the grass is getting green, so cone earl•» and' select your dawn mower from our large new stocks Priced from $6:00 to $9.75. Also a good selection of Lawn and Garden Tool's. Electric Plates, Rangettes and Oil Stoves for the coming^hot weather, As usual we have a big stock of Paints and Varnishes for inside and outside work. All kinds of Waxes and an Electric Floor Polishes' to rent.. FURNITURE DEPT., Take a guess on the lucky number for a Congoieunr.Rug=to be given away FREE—SAT., MAY 12th, at 4 pan. We have a great stock of Linoleum, Congpleum, Oil Cloth' in rugs and by the yard. o .ck Youto nrselect ay d.e omnew Bed Spring or Mattress; well we -have the Stneefr. BALL & ZAPPE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Superior Stores' Grocery Specials For Thur., Fri. & Sat., May 1.0, 11 &.12. Compare These Prices&Phone lit • AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, per tin' . . ............... —10c ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar 25c SPECIAL SALE ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2; lb. for . ...... . .......28e AYLMER VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP, 3 tins for- 25e BAKERS COCOA, 1-2 lb. tin 15e SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA, 4 pkgs.. for .. ... . .. . .... . . 250 KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkgs. for, 2ic CHOICE MEATY PRUNES, 2 lbs: fbr. 'lc THE NEW JELLO, 4 pkgs. for ..... ..., ,,25e AYLMER PURE CHICKEN SOUP, per tie AYLMER BONELESS CHIOIKEN,. per tin 27e GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs, fbr , • 69c YELLOW SUGAR, 10 lbs. for • ,.., ,., , 690 Fruits & Vegetable Market OUR NEW VEGETABLE FOUNTAIN KEEPS ISVEIIYTmNG' 50 CRISP LEAF LETTUCE, Iarge ,. ,.: • ..,. .100 HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for ... ,.... 250 CELE'R'Y HEARTS, each 15e CARROTS AND, BEETS large bunches; 2'foe 15e CUKES, tam slicing ...... , .. 150 NI�IW! LARGE PINEAPPLE 25e GRAPIO'Ii'RUIT, 4 for...., .230 LARGE JUICY OR:A.NGES, reg. 490• dozen; fbr. 39c Meats& Kelvinator Display VEAL CUTLETS, per lb,... ,25e VARIETY LOAF, per lb. .. ... ..... ....,...29c MACARONI AND CHEESE! LOAF, ped lb 25c COOKED HAM, per Ib .... . . .. . ... ...... 450 BREAKFAST BACON, in piece ' 28o PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per, ill: 190 J.T. MOO I H'T & SDN "Your Superior Store"' Phobe 111 We' S411 the -Best Fez Leen CLINTON c s �S? 12c 25c 12c 150 20c 1 r HOME -,MADE LARD, per lb. ;SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for VEAL STEWS, per lb. VEAL ROASTS, per Ib. HEINTZ BEEP STEAK SAUCE, per bottle FRESH LAKE FISH ALWAYS ON HAND CHICKENS FOR ROASTING CONNELL & TYNDALL ,===0=0) (0 0) 40=0) II PAINT .. p WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR PAINT REGUIREMENTS DO NOT 0 OVERLOOK OUR FAMOUS LINE OF Brandram-llenderson Paint also Chi-Namel WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE POPULAR LINES AND IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHEAP ----We have a line sel- ling for 59c PER QUART. Ask for a color card. SUTTER O 8 C it O Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing .Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring �olezo> :orao> c0Rzo0) coleaor----� i MONEY SAVERS LADIES AND MISSES ANGEL SKIN SLIPS, Shades, White 955 COTTON BROADCLOTH SLIPS,,nnk Pink,rdWhite and Black . , 25c BOBETTE'S, assorted shades and sizes 490 SILK VESTS, for 39e and 49e SILK PANTIES, for 490 BRASSIERES, for 25c COTTON VESTS, White, for 25c Full -Fashioned SEMI-.SE'R'VICHOS E FIT, assorted colors, sizes 75c COTTON HOSE, for 15e, 190 and 25e ANKLE HOSE, for 190 and 25e LADIES SUN HATS, for 25c TENNIS -OXFORDS, per pair $L29 CHILDREN STRAW HATS, for ANKLE HOSE, per pair 190 COTTON HOSE, full length, tan, for 215 COTTON HOSE, Full Length, Black 17e SILK AND LISLE FULL LENGTH, Suntan. 30e 37e,39c PANTIES, Silk, Rubber Lined ' 25c CHILD'S HURLBURT CUSHION :SOLE SHOES $1.18 NO -STRAP CANVAS SUPPERS 41.18 17c and 25e BALL CAPS, Green, Red, Bine,BOYS Black, each BOYS' STRAW; HATS, for22c BOY'S SHORT PANTS . 49c BOYS' GOLF PANTS 1.19 E and 49c2 WHOOPEE PANTS GOLF HOSE 99e OVERALLS, Small Sizes ..... 75e.. • • • 95c RUNNING SHOES Large Sims 95c ,BOY'S LEATHER .SHOES 89c to $1.25 OXFORDS, per pair $$1 .7 and $1.89 SISMAN SCAMP.FRS .85 tod $1.59 $1.85 and $1.55. DRESS HATS, each MEN .. DRESS STRAW, IIA.TS and 82e SPORT CAPS, each $i•`25 ai22e MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS 250 MEN'S SHORTS, per 75c, 9be, $1,OU and $1:35 MEN'S JERSEYS, each .. .. , . 43c ........................32e COMBINATIONS, each en_ BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, each 45c BALBRIGGAN" DRAWERS, each 45c WORK SHIRTS, each .75e, 95c and $1.00 OVDRA.LLS, pair $1.25, 51:49 and $1.69 WORK PANTS, parr 99t. PINE SOCKS, pair 19c 25e and 32e WORK SOCKS. pair 5c' 1$e and 25e MEN'S WORT{ HATS, Straw, good quality, leather .sweat pads, 25o LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THE 'CLINTON NEWS,RECORD TIIUR;S:,, MAY 1`0; I934' RED AND WHITE' Always, in' the Lead' O'Neil's 5 re ORANGES LEMONS Petr' Dozen, 33c Per Dozen, 29c BERMUDA ONIONS 3 lbs. , 25c gym Royal by Chhia Give DOME -GROWN' ASPARAGUS, "What Shall we Have to Eat?" CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP, per tin 15c MAY be USED Wthi CHICKEN, Boneless, tin, 35c and PIMENTO, per tin 10c. GREEN PEPPERS, 2 for '15c Cook Soup over hot water till smooth, add 1-3 cup water, slowly, then Chicken, Pimento and Green Pepper. Heat and servec on toast. Bologna,lbs. for BIG PINEAPPLE WEEK LambambRoll, , per lb. 25c Pickled Roll, per Ib. 18c Peameal Bacon, per lb. 28c Large size 25c Smaller size 20C Small Sausage, per lb. 20c These are beautiful fruit Smoked Ham, per lb. 18c Real Roll, per lb. 20c Large juicy grape fruit, Florida 3. for 2k New Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Head Lettuce and Strawberries EGG SANDWICH AND' MUSHROOM SAUCE Scramble three eggs in butter until just set, add` salt and pepper, spread between slices of bread' a- bout one-third inch thick. Toast until Gblden Brow, add Mushroom Sauce. MUSHROOM SAUCE Heat one can of cream of Mushroom Soup• irk' double boiler, add 1-2 cup water gradually, re -heat, pour over sandwich. Serve at once. FRIGIDAIRE AND FRESH VEGETABLES 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails VV. w 'NEI CLINTON'S.BIG CORNER " GROCETE Phone 48 Business Men's Meeting Friday Evening, May 11 at 8 o'clock sharp We have very important liminess to be discussed. YOU, the busniess peo- ple of Clinton, are required to vote and decide whether or not we accept a measure in interest of the people who art in business. This will cost the merchants a sum of money and every person in business is urged to be present as the majority will rule. Permanent Waves Guaranteed Permanents, 53, 54.50, 55 and $7. :Shampoo and Finger Wave - included. Henri Beauty Shop Isaac Street Phone 223. Open Evenings. 74-1. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mason and Mrs, Chapman of Attwood spent Sunday with Mr. Arthur Chapman. Miss Kate 1V1'eGregor of Wingham, spent the week -end with her mother, Mfrs. N'. MacGregor. The "Gossip" 'Club met at the home of Mrs, W. MacEwen on Thurs• day afternoon last, bringing along two quilts to be packed and sent north. There was an exchange of seeds, plants, etc., and a literary contest was engaged m before re- freshments were served. Mrs. Bert Murphy spent a day with Mrs. T. WI. McCartney of Olin• ton, prior to her leaving for Sea - forth. CONSTA:NCE Mr. and Mrs. Rtobt. •Grimoldby and daughter, Olive,' spent Sunday at the Mune of Mr and Mrs. John Mann of near Clinton Miss Jessie Walker of Seaforth Spent the week -end as the guest of Misses Helen and Edythe Britten. Mx'. Jas, Maore, Who had spent the past month at the home of his aunt, b rs Adam Nicholson, returned to his home in Toronto last week. Miss 2..Gauley, our 1041 school teaeher, spent the Week -end at het hence in Ripley. Mr. and 1Vlrs. Will Britton, Misses Helen andEdythe( and Mr. Will fewi. itt attended the graduation exercises of Miss Whited Britton at the On- tario Hospital, London, last 'Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson :arid twb bo'@s Stant Sunday at the home of the lady's parents, Mt. and IJagan of Blyt i, CEMENT We are now handling • ROGERS PORTLAND CEMENT .A Fresh Stock Now on Hand W. J. Miller & Son 73-2, LEST WE FORGET MOTHER'S DAY TS SUNDAY, MAY 13TH If You'd Make 'Glad a Mother's Heart Use our Telegraph Service and have flowers delivered anywhere. Greenhouse Lettuce Now Ready. Member of Florist Tel, Del, Assn, Cain .,� Jae 5Zorzst GREENHOUSE PHONf116 FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I F7Y Call AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ARE OUR SP ?.1IALTIES Following the trend of events our terms will In future be STRICTLY CASH T. llawIdns HARDWARE and PLUMBINc .. ter_.., ... khone 244 Spring has Passed the Corner ani the grass is getting green, so cone earl•» and' select your dawn mower from our large new stocks Priced from $6:00 to $9.75. Also a good selection of Lawn and Garden Tool's. Electric Plates, Rangettes and Oil Stoves for the coming^hot weather, As usual we have a big stock of Paints and Varnishes for inside and outside work. All kinds of Waxes and an Electric Floor Polishes' to rent.. FURNITURE DEPT., Take a guess on the lucky number for a Congoieunr.Rug=to be given away FREE—SAT., MAY 12th, at 4 pan. We have a great stock of Linoleum, Congpleum, Oil Cloth' in rugs and by the yard. o .ck Youto nrselect ay d.e omnew Bed Spring or Mattress; well we -have the Stneefr. BALL & ZAPPE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Superior Stores' Grocery Specials For Thur., Fri. & Sat., May 1.0, 11 &.12. Compare These Prices&Phone lit • AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, per tin' . . ............... —10c ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar 25c SPECIAL SALE ROYAL YORK TEA, 1-2; lb. for . ...... . .......28e AYLMER VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP, 3 tins for- 25e BAKERS COCOA, 1-2 lb. tin 15e SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA, 4 pkgs.. for .. ... . .. . .... . . 250 KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkgs. for, 2ic CHOICE MEATY PRUNES, 2 lbs: fbr. 'lc THE NEW JELLO, 4 pkgs. for ..... ..., ,,25e AYLMER PURE CHICKEN SOUP, per tie AYLMER BONELESS CHIOIKEN,. per tin 27e GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs, fbr , • 69c YELLOW SUGAR, 10 lbs. for • ,.., ,., , 690 Fruits & Vegetable Market OUR NEW VEGETABLE FOUNTAIN KEEPS ISVEIIYTmNG' 50 CRISP LEAF LETTUCE, Iarge ,. ,.: • ..,. .100 HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for ... ,.... 250 CELE'R'Y HEARTS, each 15e CARROTS AND, BEETS large bunches; 2'foe 15e CUKES, tam slicing ...... , .. 150 NI�IW! LARGE PINEAPPLE 25e GRAPIO'Ii'RUIT, 4 for...., .230 LARGE JUICY OR:A.NGES, reg. 490• dozen; fbr. 39c Meats& Kelvinator Display VEAL CUTLETS, per lb,... ,25e VARIETY LOAF, per lb. .. ... ..... ....,...29c MACARONI AND CHEESE! LOAF, ped lb 25c COOKED HAM, per Ib .... . . .. . ... ...... 450 BREAKFAST BACON, in piece ' 28o PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per, ill: 190 J.T. MOO I H'T & SDN "Your Superior Store"' Phobe 111 We' S411 the -Best Fez Leen CLINTON c s �S?