HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-10, Page 514 'HURL ; 'MAY 10, -1934 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE 5 OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME, The lovely weather we enjoyed all last week was really almost worth -waiting until the first week in May for. We certainly live in a fast age. According to the daily newspapers His 'Majesty, King George, has en- tered the jubilee year of his reign, the twenty-fifth. It took his grand- mother,' Good old Victoria, sixty sears to attain her jubilee. •••' It was a marvel how quickly ' the leaves came out. On Thursday morn- ing there seemed to b'e'little sign of them, not a bit of, green showing. By Friday the buds had burst their shells an'd every gaunt old tree was showing 'its new dress of dainty, delicate green. Speaking of miracles, isn't .every spring a miracle? We have often wondered how it was that so often you'll find a whole ,community made up of Scottish fam- ilies, the descendants of early settlers -w.ho came out from Scotland and took up• bush farms. We supposed that it was just natural clannishness, but Mr.. Hugh Templin, in his little .hook about Fergus, gives a reason why that community was settled by Scots, he says: "Mr. . . ,who came to Fergus' in 1838, states that a barrel 'of whiskey was left on a stump in front of the hotel and every traveller was allow- ed to help himself, and he ,claimed that this was the reason why so -many Soots who reached Fergus nev- er went any further." LONDON. ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tasker and daughter, Mary, sof Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and •Mrs. Glen Mc- Knight. 11l'n and Mrs. B.-Rowcliffe had as their guest on Sunday their, little granddaughter, Barbara Dawn Wright of Seaforth, Miss 1Vlabel }Touch, assistant -mat- ron at the Iluron County Home, is sporting a new Chev. car. Mrs. Jack Davison and babe' spent a few days last week with her par- ents in Hullett township. Mr. and Ml's. Frank Morgan and Margaret and 'Wilfred of Hensall were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mae. W. Swinbank. .. a • Councillor Inkley is working hard to have Clinton begin on the beauti- dication of a town park, but he does - get much assistance. Councillor Inkley has some excel- lent ideas in regard to this matter. He would take the park we have, would plant trees and shrubs, per- haps lay out some flower beds, have 'the bandstand down there, with some seats for those who have no cars to sit in, and would have it lighted and 'fixed up in such a way that it would 'be a beauty spot and a credit to the 'town. Of course, this could not be done in one year,'npr, in two, hut as Mr. Ink- rey says, a start . could be made, "`That pari: has been there for se- venty-two years," Mr. Inkley said at .the council meeting on Monday even - Ing, "and it is in on better shape how than it was then. It is just a field." It is very true that a town like 'Clinton has not very much money to spend on beautification, but a good .deal can be done if people are really interested. The . News -Record has suggested before now that if Clinton would obtain possession of what is known as "Fair's Pond," clear it out, introduce some sort of drainage, so that the water could be kept fresh, ''trim those old willows which grow about it and incorporate It in the park, keeping the entrance cleaned up, the grass cut and everything nice and tidy it would be a great asset to -the town. But nobody seems a bit interested in that park, any further than to keep it in readiness for games due- , 'ing the summer season, except Coun- cillor Inkley, and it looks as if he ie fighting a losing battle so far. But Rome wasn't built in a day and per- ' haps Clinton will yet have a lovely park in which her citizens can take Teride. a • ■ It is to be hoped the council will seriously consider and then take eome action toward abating the dust nuisance. For the past few years, since the county has taken over the care of the front streets, Clinton merchants have suffered considerab- ly from this trouble. It is an littera impossibility to :- keep their stocks clean and it is a very nriseralile thing to live in clouds' of dust, even if it were not a menace to health and a detriment to stocks. Even if the county does treat the •centre of Albert street, and we have waited already two or three years for some such action, the sides will not be treated and considerable dust •will still fly. Then, the streets which have been •gravelled the past couple of seasons should have some sort of dust layer put on them. Fine gravel, when summer conies, with cars flying in all -directions, as they io as; soon as a street becomes smooth, throws off constant clouds of dust, to the des- pair of tidy housekeepers, who spend hours trying to keep their houses clean but who find it impossible ow- 'ing to this dust nuisanee. It is poor economy, too, as a dust 'layer, any sort, oil, calcium chloride or .what have you, is a surface saver andhaps preserve re e e the road which p s -the ratepayers' money has been apent in building up. ' When something is used to keep this material where it belongs the road is kept smooth and intact, while if it is, allowed to be dis- persed in all directions "•by every car which sweeps along, much of this material is lost as far as the road le !oncerned and while it 'is valuable road material, it is not appreciated where it lights, on verandah floors • and on the housewives' clean rues and'feeniture, er in the hair, lungs or, clothing of citizens. When a new road is built it would be good economy to put down some sort of a dust layer at once. The ..cost would be small compared with the savingin the end and it would -mean comfort to householders. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Council Meeting:—Council met in Holmesvillo on Monday last. Corre- spondence from the Dept. of Agri- culture re Weed Inspectors meeting in Clinton 'on Friday May 11 at 1 p,m. The Weed Inspector also the road Supt. were requested to attend. The Clerk was delegated to attend at the 'meeting in Bayfield on May 9 to determine the share our Township should pay towards the maintenance of Bayfield Division Court. The council' decided to discontinue relief payments after May 1. Hydro Electric by-law to change the term. of contract from 20 years to 5 years was read a third time, this does not affect guarantee contracts' nor those who are not users of current for "5 years. The Seed Grain bylaw came in for discussion, Councillor Jervis favored, passing it while others were opposed on the ground that there were too many chances of it being abused, there being only one request nothing was done. The Collector presented his state- ment of unpaid teas, the arrears being all non-residents, this was a a good showing. Council decided to. make their an- nual tour of inspection of roads and bridges on May 22 or 23rd. The following payments were made: Relief accounts, $52.68; Ar- nold Porter, sheep claim, $6.00; Reg Sturdy, valuing sheep, $3.60; Supt. pay voucher No. 4, $320.18. Council then adjourned to meet on Saturday, May 26th, at 10 a.m. for Court of Revision and general busi• nese.—R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Livermore of London spent tho week -end with the latter's brother, - Mr. Lawrence Stephenson. • Mr. and Mrs. Phil Raynard of Lon- don were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. Mrs. Arthur Stephenson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eva Wheeler of Parkhill. The combined A.Y.P.A. of St. James', Middleton, Varna and Bay- field entertained the'A.Y.P.A. of God- erich in the town hall, Bayfield, on Friday, evening of last week, whet. about a hundred and fifteen guests were present. Mrs. Garvie of this township' has a copy of the New Era dated May 6th, 1887, in which is a report of the accidental death of her husband, W. Garvie. The unfortunate- man was' engaged with another man named Cudmore in sawing in the woods. There was a very high wind blowing, which blew over a dead hemlock tree, which fell on Mr. Genie's lefb side, inflicting such wounds that he died two hours later. His shoulder and several ribs were broken and he was torn and injured iri several ways. Although the tree splintered in all directions Oudnrore escaped unhurt. Garvie was carried to the house and a doctor summoned but it was known at once that nothing could be done for him. Ho was conscious before death came and realized his condition' and was resigned. He had but re- cently bought the property on which he was living, on the 16th. He was married to a daughter of. Mrs. Barr and was survived by his wife and one 'child. The item said he was a steady and industrious young man and was respected by his neighbors. School report for S. S. No. 11, Goderich township, for months of Meech and April, including all tests as well as daily work. Jr. 4th: Jeanne Vodden, 73; Pearl McGee, 65; Lorne Tyndall, 65. Sr. 3rd: Harold Wise, 66. Jr. 3rd: Willa Potter and Donna Pickett, equal, 62; frank Potter, 56. 2nd dabs Lula Tyndall, 64; Glenn Wise, 59. 1st Class (Sr.)—Freddie Gibson, 79; Ray Potter, 66; Jackie Tyndall, DEATHS SMALL—In Clinton, on May 10th, Mrs. Susan Small, aged 80 years. Funeral from her late residence, on Saturday afternoon, commenc- ing at 2 o'clock. STEEP—In Torlonto on May 4th, 1, Henry •Steep, ;formerly of Clinton, in his 71st year. IN MEMORIAM CLARK—In hiving memory of our father, Launcelot Clark, who pas- sed away one year ago, May 9th, 1933. "God called him home, it was, His will But in our hearts welove him still, His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often •sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own." —Lovingly remembered by Will, Mabel, 'Clifford and families. 60; Harold Corey, 56. 1st Class (Jr.)—Norma Picke, 65; Alvin Wise, 43. Pr. Class—Georgie McGee, 61; Joe CORNS, Calluses and Ingrown Toe - Potter, 54. Nails do hurt. Use Cress Corn Those receiving seals in March: Salve. Hovey's Drug Store. Jr. 4th—Jeanne Vodden; 3rd class tt Member of Florist d Telegraph Delivery Association ,T+ersd iy-r1ie, CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FL 4I.. R I S.. T Phones: 66w and 66j Plastering Plastering, Plain, Ornamental or Antique. Special prices on all Stuc- co and Cement Work. Chimneys built or repaired. W. E. MANAHA.N. For Information Phone 42, Clinton. 67-tf-6p. —Willa Potter; 2nd Class—Glenn Wise. For April: Jr. 4th—Jeanne Viodden; 3rd—Donna Pickett; 2nd Glenn Wise. Highest per cent in Mental. Arithmetic: Jr. 4th: Lorne Tyndall; 3rd: Donna Pickett; 2nd: Lula Tyndall. Number on roll, 17. Average attendance, 16.3. —I. M. Thomson, teacher. Potatoes For Sale Green Mountain Potatoes for :Sale.' Apply to Troy Tyndall, Phone 607r3, Clinton Central. 74-1. Fggs For Sale Jersey White Giant Eggs, 21/2c each. Phone 24 on 636, Clinton Cen- tral. George Mann, Jr. 14.1. CLINTON'S WOOD YARDS Come to us when in need of anything, in the Wood • Line Hard Wood (body), Hard Wood (limb), -Soft Wood (body), , Choice Cedar 50c, Reduction per ford on all wood taken in load lots. We are giving our " usual cord delivery from our yards on Isaac Street. Phone 629x12. VICTOR FALCONER Brucefield. Hair Dressing Finger Wave and Shampoo 75c Marcel and Shampoo 75c NOW IS THE TIME FOR PERMANENT WAVE, A phone call will convince you that the Prices are Reasonable. MRS. -ROSS FORRESTER Phone 212, Clinton. 74-3-p, CARD OF THANKS We sincerely thank friends and neighbors for their kindness shown in our rereavement, and also those who sent flowers and loaned cars. —'Mrs. F. Tyndall and family. CARD OF THANKS Gordon Rathwell wishes to ex- press his sincere appreciation for all the kindnesses and sympathy extend- ed to hint during his recent illness, while in the Clinton Public Hospital, and for the kindly attention of the doctors and nurses who attended him. Car For Sale Studebaker car, in good running order for sale. Apply to Mrs. R. Marshall, William street. Phone 221, Clinton. • 74-1, Cow For Sale. • Cow, soon to freshen. Apply to Owen Reynolds, Hullett township, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 687r15, Clinton Central, 74-1-p. Spring Is Here Having purchased an Electro Lux Cleaner I am prepared to clean all kinds of house furnishings. Chester- fields and Rugs, etc. Arrangements by phone. Herbert Castle, Phone 301w. 74-4. Seed Oats For Sale A. quantity of Improved American Banner oats, also some early oats, suitable for seed. Apply to T. R. Jenkins, Woodlands Farm, Huron road. Phone 610r23, Clinton central 74-2-p. Wb can supply you with STRONG WEATHER SEASONED PLANTS of the finest varieties in flowers and vegetables: or you may obtain; there from the Stores that carry our Stock. TIIE, NEW TOMATO VENTURA is the most perfect tomato produced so far, as it is very early, the fruit is smooth, very solid, has a delicious taster. extremely free -bearing, and is blight -resisting. You should se- cure at least one box of VENTURA. STEWART EROS. Plr. Carlow 235, Bemniller Nurseries. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE SEALED Tender's addressed to the undersigned and. endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving,) Thursday, June 14, 1934, for the sup- ply of coal and coke for the Domin- ion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob. tained :from the Purchasing Agent.. Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect,, •;':36 Ade- laide St. East,, Toronto, Ont. • Tenders will not :be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and oonditians. The right to clemenrl from tlic suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed-: isig 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserved. By order, —N. DBSJARiDINS, Secretary. Department -of Public Works, Ottawa, May 8, 1934. ' 74-2. NOTIC I have taken over the agency for the New Vactric Vacuum 'Cleaner. This Cleaner polishes floors, Gleans Curtains, Rugs, and also sweeps floors,: Cleans all Clothing and Ches7 terfields also paints and de' moths. I would like to give anyone a demon- stration at any time. Hugh Hawkins Phone 244. . '' GE OLD AND NEW KINDS COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO Tuesday, May 15th COLLINS' Five -Piece ORCHESTRA Admission, 25e and 15c. 74-1. "Phillip f r Short" A farce in three acts by Kay Ziegfield will be presented in the TOWNSHIP HALL, VARNA FRIDAY, .MAY 11TH at 8 pan. by Trinity Church Dramatic Club Admission, Adults, 25c, Children under 12 years, 15c. auspices of St. John's Church, Varna 73-2. Coin t of Revision A Court of Revision on the As- sessment Roll will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, on May 31st in the afternoon at the regular Council Meeting. Any complaints must be in the hands of the Clerk be- fore that date. JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk Hullett Twp, 73-2. TIIE .BEST, MARKET. FOR Poultry, Eggs and Cream ALL TILE YEAR ' ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w FOR SALE ' Seed Potatoes A quantity of David Warrior Po- tatoes for sale. These potatoes were grown from certified seed and ran over one hundred bags to the acre last year. Price $1.50 per bag. Apply to R. Shaddick, Londesboro, Ont. Blyth phone 26-13. 73-2-p. Remember The 'Mother and Daughter banquet in Ontario street church lecture room, under the auspices of the C.G. I,T., on Tuesday, May 16th, at 6.30. p.m. Tickets 25c. Mother's Dai Sunday, May 13th House For Sale France cottage, in Frederick street,: 5 rooms, complete bath, sun porch and wood shed, cellar with furnace,. all in good repair, garage and gar- den with small fruits. Apply to F. Fingland. 70-tf. NOTICE TO CRISDITORS In the Estate of Silas Jerome An- drews, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given , that all persons having 'claims against the estate of Silas Jerome. Andrews, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Bounty of Huron, Manufacturer, deceased, who. died on or: about the 16th day of. April A.D., 1934, are required to de- liver to Ernest Clifford Andrews or Marion Louise VanEgmond, the Exe- cutors of the said Estate.or F. Fing; land, Solicitor, on or - before the 49th day' of May, AD., 1934, a .frill state- ment sof their claimstogether with particulars thereof; and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after' the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said <deceased " a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as may have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of April, A,D., 1934, F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. '73-3, REMEMBER MOTHER WITH A BOX OF SMILES CHUCKLES FADS AND FANCIES BUNTS OR MOIRS BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. KEEPING WELL DRESSED Being well dressed is more than a matter of buying good clothes—it means keeping your clothes good-looking. if you en- trust your suits to us when they need dry cleaning, we'll turn them back spotless! CleaningI Repairing Pressing Dyeing WOOD FOR SALE Boarders Wanted Can accommodate two or three boarders or roomers. Inquire at News -Record office. '73-2-p. FANCY EVERGREENS Just the thing to decorate your home grounds with, 'nothing finer. It is the very latest. I have a large variety shipped from Holland and suitable sizes for immediate planting, all foreign var- ieties. MO..4k4, I have also a supply of the E.B. Thrip Killer for fumigating Gladioli bulbs before planting. It is the easiest to handle. GEO. 'STEWART, FLORIST. Goderich, Ont. Phone 105. 72-4. Strawberry Plants For Sale Vanguard, Poconoke, Jesse, Wilson, Senator Dunlop, King Wealthy, in order of ripening. Elmer Trick, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 3; Phone 6074 5. 72.6-p. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and towe water, House in good condition. Apply on premises to Miss Akam. 67-11, For Sale Batching eggs from high -producing S. C. White Leghorns. 'Hatches have been running _ 60 to 68 per cent. Prices reasonable. •. W. Rutledge, R. R. No. 2, Seafeeth. Phone 616r2, Clinton Central. 71-4. To Those Interested' in Property I will be at the Rattenbury Hotel, Clinton, every Thursday to meet any- one wishing to rent or. purchase stores, houses, apartments or lots be- longing to the S. S. Cooper estate. A card mailed to me at Goderich or a phone call to 207, •Goderich, will find me at any 'other time. A J. Cooper, Goderich. , ' 71.8. House For Sale • 'House in Orange street, `six rooms, small cellar; electric; lights, large garden. Apply to James'Cook, Jos- eph street. 71-tf. For Sale 80 acres, lot 25, eoneeseion 16, Goderich township, 21/2 miles from Clinton, rich clay loam, well eultivat- ,ed, all workable. Two-storey cement block house, built sixteen years, good barn on cement wall with good stab- ling. Double garage, also implement shed. Never -failing well with wind-- mill. ind-mill, Selling on account of illness. W. J• Ferguson, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. 70-tf. W5'RE CC!NG TO A MAN tVi O ORIDERiED' AelF.F;D PEACE BE ON HlN1 1.1E USE() illS HEAL I J The Heat Folks are on their way with a load of sunshine. Someone is about to have ease ler going keeping fires, from now on. This coal is the warm' est friend to the guardian of the heat. It means fewer trips to the ,cellar. Fewer ashes to be put out." Fewer shakes of the raker. Less dust and few- er coal bills. Let the Heat Folks spread a lot of sunshine in your cellar. Here's to heat, health and happiness! Call the M mots WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE Jot PHONE 74 dCdo CLINTON, ONTARIO CAPI CAL THEATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Now Playing: Slim Summerville and Andy Devine in "Horseplay." MON,, TUES., WED. CHARLES LAUGHTON gives another amazing perfor- mance as the dissolute monarch, in a marvelous piece or entertain- ment. The Private Life of "DING HENRY VIII" Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Double Bill TOM MIX with his new pony Tony Jr. in a bombshell of fast action "FLAMING GUNS" JESSIE MATHEWS in a gale of laughter on an ocean of joy "THE MIDSHIPMAN Coining: Lillian Harvey in "MY WEAKNESS if MOT H'S DAY" 111 13 Make your mother happy. Send your photdgraph. It's the next best thing to having you. There's ample time if you'll have a sitting at once. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing For Sale A six -roomed frame cottage, rea- sonable. Would consider a used car as part payment. Inquire at News - Record office. 70-4, NOTICE A meeting of the plot holders of Ball's Cemetery will be held on ,the grounds at the hour of seven o'cloeio on .the evening of May 18th for tho 'purpose of electing a member to the Board of Trustees to fill the vacancy following the demise of the late G. L. Sturdy. CHAS. E. ASQUITII, Secretary. Dated at Aulrkrrn, April 25th, 1934. 73-2. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until Noon, May 15th, to furnish poiver and operate the Hullett Gravel Crusher at the tate. of 280 Rem Imo. minute. All crushed' material to go through an Inch screen and be crush- ed to the satisfaction of the Council and Road Superintendent. The Con- tractor to move the Crusher from one pit to the other without additional cost to the Township. The lowest or any tender not no, cessaeily accepted. The Council will remove the sur- face from the various pits prior to crushing. Tenders will also be received for a Truck to haul 11/2 yds. per load of crushed material from the crusher, as directed by the Road Superinten- dent, and the price to be stated to be per yard Mile. The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to the Reeve, Councillors, or Township Clerk. • JAS. W. Me000L,. Clerk IIullett Township. 73-2, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Robert Hotham, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate. of Robert 'Hotham, lateof tate Village of Brueefield, in the County. of Huron, Esquire, deceased, whc died on or about the 16th day or Ap- ril A.D., 1934, aro required to deliver to, John W. Shaw, ' the Executor of the said estate or P. Fingland, Solici- tor, on or before the 19th day of May A.D., 1934, a full statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof, and the nature of'the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after tire' said last mentioned date the sair' Iilbcecutor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the,persons entitled ,thereto having regard ,only tosuch claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of April, A.D., 1934. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 78-31 REGENT. THEATRE Seaforth. Now Playing: A thrilling adven- ture tale: "Terror Trail." MON., TUES,, WED. An attraction abounding in thrills and technical skill "The Invisible Man" Something new, different and Astonishing! Featuring Claud.o Rains and Gloria Stuart THURS., 'FRI., SAT. The Private Life of "KING HENRY VIII" The picture you have waited for! It has everything in the way of entertainment. • Featuring CHARLES LAUGHTON Coming: Marie Dressler in "Her Sweetheart Christopher Bean." Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w MOW For Sale Large brick store property in Clin- ton, ideal location. Price reasonable for quick sale. Apply F. Fingland. 63-tf. Hay For Sale A quantity of good hay, alfalfa and timothy nixed. Apply to W. H. Mid- dleton, phone 60605, or to Chris. Dale, phone 610r24, Clinton central. 70-tf-2p, WANTED Fresh Eggs and Crew Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Pail, say 600 Cords of Green Wood TO SELL 611,6 A. E. FINCH Phone 231. ENGLISII BROWN - S. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. Mittell Clinton, Ont„ Phone 213 McKinley's Chicks Bloodtested Breeding Stock GOVT. APPROVED Barred and W. hocks, W. Leghorns After April 25th 12c 10e After May .5th 10e 90 After June lst 8c 7o Subject to change without notice Si E. MeKINLEY ZURICH 72-6. E. G. HOWES Elpctrican and Plumber A Fall Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs'' Phone 53w. 13-4 Cleaning aid Pressing Snits, Coats . and Dresses DRY CLEANED AND REPAIRED W. J..JAGO If not open work may be lett as ,' Heard's Barber Shot r.