HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-03, Page 6PAGE 6
Timely Information rn�
ation for the
Busy F
(Furnished by the Department of Agriculture )
Surplus Exceeds $400
The financial statement presented
at the recent annual •meeting of the
Ontario Milk Producers' Association
showed that aldeficit of over $4,000
reported at the .annual meeting held
in April, 1933, had been converted in-
to a surplus of over $400 by April,
Apple Regulation
It is now compulsory that all apple
and hawtorn trees within three hun-
dred yards of an orchard, the owner
of which has applied for certification,
must be thoroughly sprayed for apple
maggot or cut down prior to July let,
All spraying meet be effected in ac-
cordance with the ` recomrirendation
set forth in the official spray calen-
Milk Price Increased
As a result of action on the part
of the Ontario Minister of Agricul-
ture the price paid producers of milk,
in the Windsor, Ontario, district, was
advanced recently from $1.36 to $1.81
per cwt. This is an increase of 30
per cent. to the producers in the
Western Ontario Mink Shed. The
distributors agreed to agcept the new
price and to advance the charge to
consumers from 10e to lle per quart
and from 6c to 7c per pint.
Current Crop' Report
Latest reports from agricultural
representatives, declare that while
little growth of fall wheat has taken
place as yet, there is every indication
in many districts that the loss from
winter killing will be heavy. Ontario
and Peterborough Counties definitely
report at least 76e/a of the crop almost
completely killed. Alfalfa and civet
ers have also suirered severely in
many arens. The loss of fruit trees
is likewise serious, one orchardist in
Ontario County reporting a loss of
over three hundred black cherry trees,
while widespread damage to apple or.
chards is admitted. It is still too ear-
ly to secure definite estimates of the
The spring has been btzckward
most counties, although considerable
work on the land had been done in
Southwestern Ontario. In Kent,
Lambton and ether counties the seed-
ing program is wellunder way.
Strawberries have wintered fairly
well in most districts. The acreage
of flue -cured tobacco in Norfolk will
be reduced 26 per cent. this year as.
a result of a campaign for reduction
among the growers.
Controversy Settled
The prolonged milk controversy ov
er the price of milk in Hamilton ethic)/
commenced' on February 11th was
settled recently when the price of
milk which hacl dropped from :$1.81
to $1.41 per cwt. was restored to the
forever level. It is estimated that
the restoration of the former price to
milk producers in this area means an
additional $6,000 per week. -
Dated Canadian Cheese
In future all Canadian cheese, and
all packages containing cheese, will
be marked with the ,date of manufac-
ture. By Order in Council', ,dated
March 19th, the date of manufacture
will be applied, to the cheese within
twenty-four lours of the time it is
removed from the press.
According be J. F. Singleton Dairy
and Cold Storage Commissioner for
Canada, the adoption of this practice
seems likely not only to meet the
wishes of a substantial number of re-
tailers of Canadian cheese, but also
to have a beneficial influence in mar-
keting our so-called "fodder" cheese.
if showing the dates of manufacture
will tend to break down the prejudice
naw existing .against our late fall
cheese, the work involved in applying
the additional marks to ; the cheese;
and to the boxes, will be well worth
Starlings and Weed Killers
Twla valuable circulars have just
been issued by the Department of
Agricultural Extension, O.A.C, One
is entitled "The Starling in Ontario,'
by H. H. LeDrew and J. Buchanan
and it gives the latest available in-
formation on the habits of this dis-
kmctive bird as well as advice in re,
gard to traps which have proved ef-
fective in destroying large numbers of
starlings. Illustrations of the traps
and data regarding their construction
are furnished. A request. . is made
that persons having any authentic in-
Bormation to offer about the activities
of the starlings•in their respective dis-
tricts, or having had any interesting
experiences with them, are requested
to write to the Extension Depart-
ment, O.A.C: Guelph,
The second dewier deals with
"OOhemical Weed Killers" and was pre-
pared by Prof. J. B. Howitt and Mr,
W. M. Gammon. It sets forth the re-
sults of lengthy experimentation
With weed killers on various types of
weeds and makes valuable recomrnon-
datiloes regarding. their use.
Both of these eiroulars ran be ob-
tained upon application to the. De-
partment at O. A. C. or from your
local agricultural representative,
The Care and Planting of Trees
11?any farmers will be receiving the;
Tata IP
More Covering Capacity
for the Money
"Tite-Lap" Galvanized Roofing is true
to its name. Every sheet, has nine
places to nail across the bottom—only
4 inches between nails. The end lap is
so tight as to be invisible, and it posi-
tively excludes driving ram or snow.
"Tite-Lap" is a development of the fatuous
"Rib Roll " which we introduced ten years ago.
It has all the good appearance ands weather
tightness of"Rib Roll but, on account of the
rearrangement of the ribs, each sheet has
greater covering capacity.
Galvanized roofing or siding offers the utmost
is durability --and "Tito -Lap" is the type of
galvanized roofing which ensures easiest appli-
cation, and most permanent weather protec-
tion, at low Cost.
` Tell us what you want to roof, giving ridge,
and rafter measuretnentivand we will send
ypu TITS -LAP estimate and show you how
you,can save money.
"Galvenamelled Rib -Roll"
A durable, fire -proof, galvanized roofing and
siding in attractive, permanent colors, for
your Ilouse or any other building. Cannot
warp, shrink, crack, curl or bulge. Another
unequalled roofing value,
Eastern. iteel. Prodatts
mitee) Feeler,, also et
Montreal and Teronlo. •
Guelph Suint
S.S.P. Bern Ventilators
Prevent epontaneone
combustion... Priced
from $5 up.
111111 iN111111111111I'
Pre on Galvanized
Socialfor values now.
Pre ton Barn Door
Wo can saveyou
n money on your
barn door hard-
', �r wnre. Write for
•' prices
"Tpe.l ap" ed.l 1pplieded
with Stattfs Lt
Noto oeillog anew -4
inches a alt aarnao
aor Shoot, lLp le
au/t�i.rad rat! ra•rnpp(in'R,
tight e , n wood.
Preston Steel T pais
Betns and implement
� d2Bf /till! Frl
A sesta-seem )fail, boast
day lopmontn thoPraatnn
Lod Owl NO. 1. 7.'akoi, ova
It o 11 di'n nit I near( Ltatir,l
Alf a ainndnr,l sp'oi'l. resit
lnsnat6 •
THURS., MAY 3, 1934'
small trees that are distributed free
for plantation, woodllot and wind,
bjreak planting. The success of the
planting will depend largely on the
care the trees receive before they are
planted and the planting 'method.
The roots should bo kept moist un,
til the trees are planted. The trees
are shipped wit's, the roots peaked in
wet moss. They may be kept inoisr
and safe until they are planted by
several methods.
1. If planting will be 'drone within
a few days they may be left undie
Curbed in the shipping box. The box
should be placed in a cool place. The,
top is then opened and 'a'pail of wee
ter is poured through the roots.,
2. If planting is not going to 'bo
done for a week, or if there is a large
number of trees, they may be heeler'
in cultivated ground, preferably in.
the shade. A. trench is dug on an
angle of approximately 46 degrees
and the trues are dipped in water and
thdn placed along the trench with
the roots down. The roots and stems
are covered with 3"-4" sof soil and on-
ly the tops are left showing. The
soil should be pressed well around the
roots and brush or blurlap over the
trees will prevent excessive evapora-
tion from the trees and drying of the
soil. •
3. A eanvenient method of holding
small trees for planting is to fill a
tub or pail if there aro only a few
trees, two-thirds full of water. There
is no danger of the roots drying by
this method, and the trees niay be
transported to the planting site in the
tub or pail.
Tho •heti, method l of keep the trees
moist during planting operations is
to carry them in a pail with the
roots in .water,
Planting in furrows on sod land is
cheap and is usually successful on
light, sandy soil. Shallow, wide fur-
rows are plowed six feet apart if six
foot spacing is desired. The trees axe'
planted in the .bottom of the furrow
and the furrows are not turned back;
Spot planting is best in woodlot and
planting on good agricultural soils
as the trees are liable to be choked
out by the rang growth of grass,
The sod ,is removed from a 1-2 foot
square and the tree Is planted in the
It is advisable to make the side of
the hole vertical and it should he deep
enough to allow the roots to hang
straight down. The tree is laid
against the vertical side of the hole
with the tree at the same level as it
was in the nursery, The oil should
be pressed around the roots and this
can be done b(y placing the foot firm-
ly beside the tree,
Lawn Grasses
(Experimental Farms Note)
Based on results of experiments on
the Dominion Experimental Farms,
Kentucky Blue grass is the most
generally suitable grass for lawns in
Canada. Sown alone it produces . a
lawn of good quality; geed' colour
and one which normally can be ex-
pected to remain in good conditioff
with the minimum amount of attention
Colonial Bent sometimes sold as New
Zealand Bent, 'Brown Top, or Rhode
Island Bent is one of 'the non -creep-
ing bents, perfectly hardy in Canada,
of fine texture and capable of pro-
ducing exceptionally fine lawns. Col-
onial Bent one part, Kentucky Biu'
grass feu. parts and the mixture
sown at a rate of three pounds per
1000 square feet is generally.reaom-
mended for ordinary lawn purposes
Grass seed sold under the name of
Creeping Bent, mixed Bent or
German Mixed Bent is not a
Creeping Bent at all, but a
mixture principally of Colonial Bent
with Red Top and containing small
percentages of true Creeping Bent
types and sometimes Velvet Bent.
This so-called Creeping Bent varies
greatly in turf producing qualities
depending on the proportion of the
different kinds that make up the mix-.,
ture. White Dutch clover at •about
one-quarter ounce per 1000 square
feet can be added with advantage to
the Kentucky Blue, Colonial Bent
Where a particularly tine lawn is
desired Colonial Bent or New Bruns-
wick Creeping Bent produces the
dense, even fine turf desired on put-
ting greens and for those who will
give a lawn putting green attention
this type of bent can be recommend.
ed. Creeping Bent, grown from stol-
ons is not recommended at all for
ordinary 'lawns. Velvet Bent of
which a limited quantity is grown in
the .Maritime Provinces produces an
exceptionally beautiful lawn but
should only be used where extra care
can be taken in maintaining it.
Where drought conditions are par-
articularly severe, as in many parts of
the Prairie Provinces, Crested Wheat
grass is the only grass for lawns
which will survive. Without water
during drought periods, it does dry
out, but unlike other grasses suitable
for lawns, it recovers quickly when
moisture is available and will give ex-
cellent results where other grasses
are complete failures. Red' Fescue
of which there are two types on the
market, ordinary and creeping, give:
fair results under dry conditions, but
does best when moisture is present
Both types must be maintained as a
very thick sod otherwise their bunch.
ing habit produces undesirable turf
Red Top will produce a good quality
lawn but the surface is only a tem-
porary 'ene which at•best can be ex-
pected to persist for only' one or two
years after seeding. For shady plac-
es Rough Stalked Meadow grass
Wood Meadow Grass or Sheep's Fes-
cue can be sown alone for in a Mix-
ture with Kentucky Blue and Beni
NOT INJURING ITSELF during the coming summer. Wed -
The Bennett Government is not in-
juring itself with the public by put-
ting a tax est gold and reducing the
impost on sugar.-Goderich Signal.
A very unnsual bequest wee re-
ported in the Amherstburg Echo last
week. Mr. Iler, a veteran school tea-
cher who died recently, had a clause
in his will by which The Echo was
to be sent to his son for the duration
of his life. This shows a remarkably
high appreciation of one of Ontario's
liveliest weeklies.—Barrie i:aminer.
Tho dogs ief the community seem
to use the "Mountain" •in McKillop
as a gathering place or some kind of
dog forum, and their .mischievious
conduct is a source of annoyance and
loss to the neighbors. The ether ev-
ening three geese were destroyed by
dogs in a field • behind the barn on
the farm of G. Aberhart, who has
suffered loss' in previous years from
the same .cause. Some time ago dogs
attacked a turkey on the farm and
were beaten off by a . valuable gob-
bler which died later friam wounds.
--Zurich Herald,
We wander if the .tuna will ever
come when the general run of hu -
inanity will havesympathy and con
sideration instead of laughter and
eldieule for any ono in aro embar-
rassing mental position If you have
seem flesh hurt people will be kind
and helpful, but let something 'hap-
pen that appeals to the public as fun-
ey and' so matter how much mental
anguish ylou may undergo you only.
get "kidded." .-Rineardine News.
Most Godkrrich merchants will con-
tinuo Wednesday' afternoon closing
nesday, May 2nd, will be the first day
of the early closing. Shops will
close at 12.30 p.m. from that date tans
til the end of September.
The decision was arrived at during
a meeting on Monday when a large
number of merchants gat .togethe-
to disease a common problem. An
effort is to be spade to have all mer-
chants follow this lead' and also to
agree not to keep open in the even-
ings. It is pointed out that buyers'
habits quickly adapt themselves to
conditions and that no business is
lost, through early closing, provided
everyone adapts the same practice.
-rGoderich Star.
'The weekly newspaper ie without
exception the most widely read paper
that enters the home. Its worth has
been testified to by the Torionto
Globe, the Mail and Empire, the
Louisville Courier -Journal. (Daily
papers hove their place but the week-
ly isthe paper that is taken to the
bosom of the family.. Recently •Hee-
tor Charlesworth, chairman of the
Canadian Radio Commission, ` who
has spent hong years on both daily
and weekly papers, told the commit.
tee mow investigating thecommission
that 80 per cent. of the people . of
Canada dict not read the daily news-
papers. Stand by the weekly; it
stands by you.•—'M`ilvertort Sun.
—On 'a card in a church in the
City of London is to be found the fol.
!owing Iist of qualifications said to
be needed by a !sample--
arson-The strength, of an ox.
The ,tenacity of a bulldog.
The daring •of a lion.
The patience of a donkey.
The industry of a leaver.
The versatility of a chameleon.
The vision of an eagle.
The meekness of a lamb.
The hide of a rhinoceros '
The disposition of an angel.
The resignation of an incurable.
The loyalty of an apostle..
The heroism of a martyr.
The faithfulness /of a prophet.
The tenderness of a shepherd.
The fervency of an evangelist.
The devotion of a :mother.
—Belfast Weekly -Telegraph,
To receive in the mail a $18. cheque
In payment of a three -year -,old ac
•count; : to be hailed across the street
to have a five, spot stuck in your
hand and to proceed a couple of rods
to be greeted by "come in .here till T
give you some money" ($2.60) was
the cheering manner in which the
publisher started another week on
Monday ami` caused him to wonder
if "the corner" really had been reach.
ed. Our only hesitation in making'
known the fact that we received a
whole t$20.00 all in one day, is that
others who are indebted to the Sen-
tinel will think we won't require any
mare of the %litter clatter" for quite
some time, and in this regard we cer-
tainly would not like to mislead any.
one. Keep it up folks and first thing
you know everyone will be saying
"wasn't the depression ,terrible."
.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Another tragedy may be chalked up
to the account of blinding headlights.
John Zoint, of St. David's, cheerily
cycling to work late Saturday night
to his first shift and his first job for
many months, had his life snuffed out
when struck by an automobile, the
driver of which gave the excuse that
he 'was blinded by the dazzling
headlights of an oncoming car. Night
driving is tremendously difficult be-
cause ,of dazzling headlights and, at
Least in this section, there are very
few drivers who dim their lights as
they pass another car. Their num-
ber during an ordinary drive could
be counted on one hand.
—Niagara Fails Evening Review:
Here is an incident that is mighty
suggestive. A farmer approached a
blacksmith with the worn steel points
of his tractor prow. The paints in
that condition were Worthless. "Can
you point them for me " inquired the
farmer. "I never did sueh a thing in
my life,"; was the reply. "Then 1
know of no blacksmith who earl do
this work. My plow Is going to be a
costly affair unless I can get some
help." "Leave them with me and I'll
see what I can do," replied the knight
of the tongs and the hammer:
The result? The blacksmith gave
himself no rest' till he found a way
of turning this trick. There was no
end of study and experimentation on
his part, but he finally' succeeded
where :othersit
w h less vim had fail-
ed. And the rest of it? During the
months when his tirade has a falling
off he drives a brisk trade mend-
ing plow points. One year his res
turns in this Bne netted him several'
hundred dollars.
This incident is but typical of what
this mechanic is doing ,every day. He
is inventing bis way forward. While
many (other mechanics are walking
the streets this man is as busy es
the proverbial nailer, "There's. a way
to do every job that eat be done at
the forge"and it's up to me to find it,"
he tells you.
Will those whining for an artificia
prosperity please take notice?
,—St. Thomas lT.imes-.l nrrnal
MISS MACPUAlL' 'r•ci"'i9TYtE •
A. E. Duncan, editor of the Wier -
ton Comedian Echo, seems to have a
vivid imagination somewhat stimul,
ated by his sojourn down south. He
"You remember the skit I wrote
some time ago on Agnes Macphail
and her aspirations. Well, recent
events •indicate that she is getting
some sense, I will make the predic•
tion that Agnes' name will not be ori
a •ballot again and that she will be
irne of the first senators appointed by
W. L. Mackenzine King when he gete
back into power.• Agnes, being a
woman, got mixed up in her political
thinking. A political idealist is nev.
er a safe leader to follow. I would
like nothing better than to have a
heart to heart talk with her. I'll bet
she is 'a wiser girl than she was ten
years ago and I'm sure can tell much
that is interesting."
In the first place there may not be
a senate vacancy, if and when Mr.
King gets into power. In the second
place Miss Macphail readily admits
that she .has learned a lot In the pass
ten years, but in some respects she
may be no wiser.
It was wisdom, however, for her to
diesassociate herself from the C.C.F.
on account of some of its implica-
We regret if reasbns of health
shotiId necessitate her retirement
front the strenuous life of the House
of Commons, of which she has been
a unique figure. In the Senate she
would be an active and useful mem-
bee, and be quite at home with such
men as Senator Graham and Senator
Meighen, both of whom she admires)
--Mount Forest Confederate.
A woman specialist says: "Treat
a husband as if he had sense." Thal
New Deal at last.
Mr, Arnold Woods, Mrs, James'
Barbour, Sr., and Mass Mary Irwin,
Sunday at the ; ileac of Mr. .
Jas. Irwin, Kinloss.
Mrs. M. J. Darrow spent a day last
week at the home of Mn Wm. W;oeds,.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy ITyde and cliil--
dren, Messrs. Cecil and Harold Hyde;,
all of Kincardine, spent the week -end''
at the house of Mr. Jas. >Hyde.'
Rev. C. Wilkinson, Mrs. W6lkinson„
Miss Mary Rutherford and Mrs. R:.
J. Wloods attended the Presbytery-
resbyteryand Presbyterial meeting's in Olintont
on Tuesday.
Mr.. Lorne Woods was down to•,
London on business one day last -
Dr. Parker of Wingham visited"
Mr. Thomas Phillips one day lately.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and'
son, Donald and Mrs. Geo, Stewart'
and Ross Murray spent Sunday at-
Ms. and sirs. Pringle, Detroit, and"
Mrs. Dave Gillies of Wnitechurcb
spent a day', at Mr. Donald .McDo --
(Too Late forlast week)
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Bowes and son -
Jack of Blyth visited at the home of"
Mr. G. A. 'Webb one day last week.
Mr•. Jas. Irwin spent a day recentlee
with Mr. Watt. Wloods,
Very interesting lantern views'
were: presented en Sunday evening at -
the Young People's meeting on "The
Fair Land of China"
Mr. and Mrs. 'Matson Davis of Bel—
fast spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. Stuart.
Mr. Wilkinson, Sr., who has been
visiting his daughter near Ripley, .
returned on Monday and went home
to Blyth on Tuesday.
Born:—To Mr. and Mrs, Arthur;•
Wbitham, Galt, formerly Winnifred'
Woods, on April 19th, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford vis-
ited at the home of Mrs. Oliver An-
derson of Belgrave on Monday.
"Mother, I feel excited," said wee
"Excited, dear?" said mother,
"What is excited?"
"Why, ft's being in a hurry all ov.
Wake up your Liver Bile
No Calomel necessary,
Por you to feol healthy and happy. yom -
liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile. intr.
your bowellaevery day. Without that bile, •
trouble starts. Poor dieeetion. Slow elimination.
Polson, in the body. General wretobedneen.
How can you expect to clear up a eituatioo.•
ll completely bowel -moving oil, Mineral laxative candy •
eheviae tun,, or roughage? They don't wake •
ep our hues.
1 on aced Carter's Little Liver Phis. Purely
vegetable. Safe. Qui iok and sura mune. As
oor, themmuse. Row, ouWtitutss. SSa. aSc
e are h re t give y ti u
a modern r ervkce
41111111111111111111 111111 1u 111111111111111111111111111
" ms SIGN means that we are
authorized Goodyear Tire Dealers.
It means that we carry a full line of
Canada's First Choice Tires—in sizes
and types to suit any motor vehicle —
and at prices to suit your pocket book.
It means that at this station you get
the finest TIE.E VALUE offered in
Canada today. And it means that you
can be sure of prompt, expert and
courteous SERVICE.
Come in and see cid
• Goodyear
All -Weather
Cole & Robinson
PI-IONE 173,
Truck Tire