HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-05-03, Page 3THURS., MAY 3, 1934 A lawyer: argues that a man has the right to make a crazy will if he wants to.: SG he has, but some crazy person has the right to contest it and some judge may exercise the right to give a ierazy verdict. The better plan i$ to "make . a sensible will, or none et all. A London surgeon was fortunate enough to take a :photograph of the Loch Ness monster. In the prolong, ed idebate' as to whether or not there is such a creature, this surgeon took the negative and proved the affirma4 five. We have often seen other de- baters de the same. To gain an education one must pro- need from the known to the,unknown. Having mastered the Douglas systesr of social credits, wepurpose to tackle once more the Einst&in theory oe re- lativity, We shouldbe able to solve it as well as we did the Douglas sys, tem. The budget shows the condition of our finances and the necessity of find- ing further revenue, Relief expendi- ture and railway deficits have to be. met, together with millions fear pen- sions and payment of interest. But just as soon as a tax is proposed the tumult starts and strong men cry be- fore they know whether they are hurt at all, and if so how much. One of the funniest criticisms we have read is that until budget day no one knew about the changes that were to be made except the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance. We hope this criticism can always be made otherwise there is sure to be a crop of scandals ' growing out of transactions made on the stock ere• change that day or the day 'before, Many people may guess but only two should knoW, and there is this to be said for the honour of our public mon that at no time was it even suspected that the two who should and did know' bad taken advantage of their know, ledge to meet by the sale or purchase of shares affected by tariff or tax changes. One would think that men who draw large dividends from the big gold -producers would be ashamed ix ask the Finance Minister for relief from the gold tax. They profited front the premium on the American dellar and they profit still from the increased price of gold arbitrarily made by Presidential decree. They expect now that that price will be still further increased. Whatever objection may reasonably .be made by the smaller mines no objection can reasonably be made by men connect- ed. with Lake Shore. Macintyes, Dome and other big mines. Many shareholders in these mines live in the United States. We have heard no siomplaints from them. The .howls come from Canadians. In the past fiscal year the Denim: ion government collected more than twenty four million dollars In taxes on tobalceo, two-thirds of it en Leger - i ettes. The men and Women, boys ane girls who smoke paid it without a murmur. Anyone of them can avoid it by giving up smoking, and the grown-up babies who made such ' a bowl over the gold impost can escape the tenper cent. tax by selling their gold holdings. Mr. e. V.' McA,ree selects the Ox- ford Dictionary as one of the very beat books ever printed, and yet' WC venture to say it has flatly and fre- quently contradicted him when .he thought he was right. Hut he is rased to that. ` He has often been contra - dieted even when he knew he was wrong. A Brooklyn judge ruled that "Go to hell" is not an order or a pros pheey, but merely a declaration. We very seldom use it but when we do it is mandatory. We are bound to say, however, that our orders are not acted upon with the alacrity we could wish, 1 -4 A man who commits a crime in the United States is wise to stay there. It is his only chance of eseape. He is bound to be caught if he ventures abroad. The Insult brothers have learned that, and did you notice that Dillinger did not try to come to Can- ada. "Do as your dentist does," says an advertisement- How can anyone do that when his mouth is stuffed with cotton batting? John F. Curry, chief of Tammany, was not deposed 'because ho did. any+ thing wrong. , Ile was deposed be. cause he no longer had any patronage to distribute among the boys. He was on the losing' side when the Dent' oorats were selecting a candidate for the Presidency, a candidate for State Governor and a candidate for Mayor Sof New York City. He lost the elec- tions, lost the patronage and 'lost his job. 1 e One of his predecessors, Boss Tweed, ordered 'things better. One of his henchmen was driving hint a- round the city with a horse and buggy "Boss," said the henchman, "in this precinct, at the last election, we poll- ed four hundred percent. of the total registered vote." Among those who were thought to be down and out, but who made a come -back, place the :horse. The trac- tor stands in the implement shop or in a fence panel while the horse re - clovers his job as breaker of the soil The trouble withthe tractor is that the initial cost iadded too much to the overhead and it lived on gasoline that the farm does not produce. Moreover it does not reproduce its kind as the horse does.. In the lilusiness of stag. ing a spectacular come beck, Mark Dressler has nothing on Old Dobin', Goldwin Smith thought he might live to see the last horse, but the Profes- sor is dead while the horse is alive and in demand. What Clinton was Doing in The Gay Nineties DO YOU REMEMIBER WHAT HAP PENED DURING TJew LAST DEe CADE OF THE OLD CENTURY? From The News -Record, May' 2nd, 1894: The season for speckled trout op- ened yesterday and local sports did not forget the date. Men. have been at work last week and this placing the new scales' at the station. They will be complete in a lew days. C l x.' D. Cantelon will soon have his residence, on the highest location in t own, we are informed, in good shape. The grounds are being remodelled, walks laid, etc, A. good number of Clinton Oddfel- lows attended the special anniversary services at Goderich last Sunday. A- mong •those from here were: Mr. and Mfrs. Geo. Cottle, Mr. and. Mrs, Tay- lor, M. and Mas. Chant, Mx. and Mrs. Allcock, lee. and Nrs. Vermeil, Mr. and Mrs. MoKowen, Messrs. Watters; Gould, D. Stevenson, S. 'S. Cooper, O'Neil, 3. C. Stevenson, J. Taylor, Raeray, Worth, Halstead and Cassels. Anniversary services were held on Sunday in the. Baptist church, with a fair 'attendance at ,the three cervices. Rev. P. R. Carey of Ailsa Craig de- livered three thoughtful and practical sermons . . On Monday evening the young people rendered a social ` and literary entertainment '... Rev. J. B. McKinnon presided, the programme being—instrumental by Mr. 'Yellow lees;' solo, Mr. Harland; reading, Jennie McKin000n; solo, Ms, Foster; address, Rev. P. R. Carey; trio, :Mrs. Hoover,..Mrs. Coats and Mrs. Taylor; solo, Mrs. M. Andrews; reading, Mr.' Bruce, solo, Mrs Hoover. The At -Home held by the Oddfel- lows of town to celebrate the 75th birthday of the feeder was a decided success . , . Me. 1'. Alcock, N.G., oes copied the chair. From The New Era, May 4th, 1894: A. H. Musgrove writes to say that he is not an applicant for the posi- tion of postmaster, here, considering as he does that a resident of the dis. trict served should receive the ap- pointment. The many friends of Mr. S. Plum- mer will be glad to know that he is recovering from .the effects pf his recent fall. • Dr. Turnbuil was a visitor to Lis- towel on Wednesday. These visits are becoming alarmingly frequent and the beat thing the doctor can do THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, s tiansfar the centre or attraction to Clinton. At Woodstock a magnificent fishing preserve is maintained by. privet( parties and Messrs. G. D. -McTaggart and W. Coats have received an invi- tation t(0, go and enjoy some sport, ar invitation they intend to accept. We are willing to believe any fiishing stories they may tell on their return, provided a basket of speckled beau- ties is sent to our address. A meeting of cyclists was held on Friday evening to form a club, then the following' officers were 'app'oint- ed: Pres., II. B. Combe; vice, E. Mc• Lean; sec-treas., G. F. Emmerson; capt., W. D. Doherty; committee, A, Cooper, S. Smith, R. Fleming, Are, rangements will be made for weekly meets and it is also intended to hold a big' icoanty meet sometime during the summer. After 'a lingering illness of several ninths ler. Charles Spooner : passed away yesterday, Thursday, aged 7' years.. , . he 'hail resided here for about forty years ... Ile leaves three sons, all at home, and three daugh- ters, two of whom are married, 'Mrs, C. lMeGregor of Hullett and Mrs. Han of town., Seaforth—From the .bower of the new town hall the town of Clinton is plainly visible on a clear day. We are not at all disposed to look' down on our neighbors, but when the privilege of ascending such heights is affiorded us, are apt to take advantage. (Look- ing up, literally, •not down.) 1 I i WHEN THE PRESENT CENTURY WAS YOUNG From The New Era, May 6th, 1909: Take a look at the address label . of your paper. It may give you a hint, What al>{oub a celebration of May 24th in Clinton. It Is time to get busy. The libel suits entered by Messrs, Vanatter and Robertson of the Gode- rich Signal and W. S. McCrostie of West Wawanosh, against the pub. Iishees of the Goderich Star, were set down for hearing at the assizes last week, were settled out of court. The defendants published a retrac- tion. Mr. Lal. Paisley left for Saskatoon, Sask., on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Ile intends to have 'a look through the country and if impressed may make a move that way. Mr, Wim- Agnew, son of Mrs. Ag- new, Rattenbury street, who has been at Pincher Creek, Alta., for the past nine years, is home for a visit. He has a farm and livery stable in Sun- ny Alberta, The bicycle, business is improving; according to our friend, AIbert Turn= er, who says in reeved interest is being taken in the wheel as a bandy mode of travel: Miss Mary Matheson, who has been nursing in Dublin, returned home on Wednesday. At a meeting in the lecture room of Wesley church on Wednesday, April 28th, the following were elected as representatives of the congregation en the Quarterly Board: F. Rumhell• A. S. Tyndall, W. S. Harland, D. Ste- venson, J. W. Moore, E. E. Ball and H. E. Rorke. Londesboro—Wheat Is now $1.15. Eggs are up to 20e here. Hogs were shipped on Monday and Wednesday of this week. Price $7.25. leolomesvitle: Operations were be. gun by the Goderich Rural Telephone Co., en Friday this week. The loom. missioners, Messrs. Holland, 0. W. Potter, and Win. Jenkins, were sur- veying the lines and setting stakes for the poles; Commencing at Ni, Torrance's, one mile smith of Porter's Hill, they staked out the Cut line, through Ilolmesville, andwest on the Huron road to S. T. Walter's. Inter• est is increasing, now that the line has become a live issue, and subscri- bers are increasing daily. From The News -Record, 14fay 6th, 1909: Councillor Ford was en the sick list this week. Recent issues of the Illustrated Buffalo Courier contained among groupes of :handsome children photos of Madeline Pugh, daughter of Mr. C. H. Pugh, and of Douglas :and Phyl- lis,' children of Mr. W. 3. Tozer. In a 'fib of economy the United States Government has again used the'knife on its consular agencies in this province and Owen Sound and Wendsor are about the only ones left in Wlestern Ontario. The Clinton:of- fice, which was elosed the past week, was opened in 1890, when Mr, A. 0. Pattison received the appointment, which he has held ever since. On Monday morning five inches of. snow fell and yesterday Charlie Joan sbon started out with the street sprinkler. ' The W. M. 5. of Ontario street church held its annual election of offi- cers on Tuesday evening with the fol- lowing result: Hon. -President: Mrs. Crich. ?presidents M.rs. E. G. Courtice. lst Vice:, Mrs, Kearns. 2nd Vice:.Mrs. W. Walker. 3rd' Vice: • Mrs. 3. Smith. Rec.-Secretary: MTS. W. Manning. Treasurer: Nies. J. Steep,, Rec.-Secretary: Mins. S. C. Rath - Systematic Giving: Mrs. R, J. Mil,, ler. Mrs. Jacob Taylor was appointed Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. Held Well -Attended Meeting in Clinton on: Tuesday Mrs. Greer, Wingham, New President The eighth annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of the W:bmen's. Missionary Society of the 'United Church was held in Wesley -Willis ehuich, Clinton, on Tuesday, the morning session opening at half past nine. 1 The day was .an ideal one for • an outing and a large number took ad- vantage of the opportunity to ; at- tend, the church being well filled for the opening of the session. Mrs. A. iGardiner of Londes- boro, president, •ocoupied the chair and Mrs. McKenzie of Egmondville and Mss, 14,teleonnell of Hensall led in the wodship period, Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. D. Cosens, wife of the pastor of the convention church, gave the address of welcome, speaking of the value of such fel- lowship in the work and the inspira- tion given workers the comradeship afforded. Mrs. W. P. Lane of Seaforth replied .in like strain, also stressing the value of good''comrade- ship in the work of the Kingdom. The roll call was gone through, Mrs. Greer of Wingham calling the roll of Auxiliaries. There are 1800 members in the W. M. S. Auxiliaries in the Presbytery. Brucefield Auxil- iary reported every member as igiva ing systematically. Mrs. G. W. Layton of Exeter cel- led the roll of Mission Circles, re- porting a membership of 257, Dur- ing the year a number have been pro- moted to Evening. Auxiliaries. She suggested that greater care be given to sending in of reports and that the secretary should work with the treas- urer in making out these reports. Miss Mabel Bailie of Goderich cal- led the C,G,LT. roll, reporting a good membership and live groups. Mrs. Wellwood .ef Wingham re- ported for the Mission Bands, 29 bands being in existence, three new last year, with a membership of 803, an increase of 75. Mrs. F. G. Farrill of Clinton re - parted 24 Baby Bands, with a mem- bership of 587, 27 subscribe to the World Friends. Mrs. Colclough of Blyth, supply secretary, reported that several of the societies had sent two bales last year, one in June and one later on, 2,960 pounds of clothing, quilts, lay- ettes, etc., being sent, at a valuation of $2,115. Mrs. Wightman reported 935-` sub; seribers to the Missionary Monthly, 379 to the World Friends, and urged that an effort be made to increase subscriptions. Miss Lawrence sent a report of the work of the literary secretary, which was read. Mrs. Gowdy of Wroxeter, associate helpers' secretary, urged the mem- ' ing' of new members to replace those who ,are passing on. Mrs. 141oorhouse, Brussels, tem- perance secretary, urged more at-. jtention to the work of teaching- of I temperance •and advised that a tem- perance .secretary be appointed in each auxiliary, During the past yeas) she had sent out sixty-two letters, to which she had received but thirty- two replies. Mrs.' Crewe, Dominion President, had advised "members to use their franchise to make known their principles in this matter, Mass 3, Murray, Exeter, press secretary, said she reported the Presbyterial inectings to all county papers, also to the. Conference branch secretary, and the south sec- tion to the local paper. Mrs. Laidlaw, strangers' secretary sent a report of her work. The treasurer's report gave to- tal receipts far 1933 :as $14,284.571 The allocation for 1934 is $20,700. Mrs. Andrew of Goderich, steward ship secretary, sent a written re- port. The report ofthe nomination com- mittee was given; the fallowing offi- cers being elected for the year: Past President: Mrs. A. W. Gar- diner, Londesboro. President: Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wing- hani. 1st Vice: Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Eg- mondville. 2nd Vice: Mxs. George Lane, Ash- field. ad Vice: Mrs. C. McDonnell; Hen- san. 4th Vice: Mrs. W. B. Wellwood, Wingham. Rec. Secretary: Miss M. Milne, Myth. Cor -Secretary: Mrs. Robt. Nay; Foidwich. Treasurer: Miss Annie Ferguson, Seaforth. Christian Stewardship See.: Mrs, C. Cumming, Walton. Y. W. A. and Circles See.: Mrs, W. P. Lane, Seaforth. Mission Band Secretary: Ms. C. Malcolm, Eginondville. Baby Band Secretary: lees, H. Tay- lor, Thames Road. Associate Helpers' Sec.: Mrs. J. Gowdy, Salem. Supply Secretary: Mrs. Colclough. Blyth. Missionary Monthly Secretary: Mrs. W. Pickard, 'Clinton. Strangers' Secretary: Mrs. R. Laidlaw, Blyth. Literature Secretary: Mrs. Neftel, Goderich. Temperance Secretary: Mus. 0. delegate to the convention to be held in St. Marys in June, Mr. D. Cantelon shipped 162 hogs from Clinton and thirty-nine from Londesboro this week. The month of April went out•like a lion and May came in likewise, snow storms raging on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On .the morning of Monday there was a fail sof abbut five inches and a few sleighs were out. ` Members of the Odd Fellows Iodge and some visiting brethren to the number of about fifty, marched in a body from their hall on Sunday morn- ing to attend divine service in Wes- ley church. The pulpit was occupied by the pastor, Rev. J. J: J''oliiffe . - Oe the return •of the Odd Fellows to their hall they passed resolutions of thanks to Rev. Mr. Jolliffe, the choir, the organist and the trustees of the church. Anniversary services in connection with Willis church were held Last Sunday with, considering the inclem- ency of the weather, very good con- gregations at bath services. The Rev.. Dr. Stewart occupied the pulpit. It will be thirty-one years next July since he was inducted into the pas, borate and both his discourses were somewhat reminiscent . The text on which Dr. Stewart built both his discourses was: "With what intent did ye send for me." This was the text for his flint sermon after his in- duction and sixteen years later, on his refusal of -a call to Hamilton, he preached from it a second time. REV. ALEXANDER STEW(ART, D.D. Moorehouee, Brussels. Pres Secretary: Miss J. S. Mur- ray,, Ex tet, C.G:I.T. Secretary:Miss Mabel Bailie, Goderich. Members withoutportfolio: Mrs. Colborne, Mrs.' HIamilton, Goderich; Mrs. Willson, Wingham.: • The afternoon session commenced at 1.45, leis. G. Lane and Mrs. Stra i than conducting the devotional exec. cises. The first speaker was Mrs. Childs of London, who spoke on "The Cont- ing .Kingd•om"; delivering a very in- spirational address. Beginning at the birth of Christ she pictured His dhildbood, with the dawning of the knowledge sof the Great Work ahead and the endeavor later on to impart some of these deep spiritual realizations to his follow- ers. She likened the Christian life to leaven in bread, it works with great uniformity; there are no divisions amongst Christians, nationality, race. color, should make none. , She spoke of the wonderful con triliution some foreigners are mak- ing to our national life and the keen intelligence of a great many of these people, upon whom we are apt to look clown a little. This is out of placer amongst Christians, however. She told of a group of New Cana- dians who were asked how we could help them. The answer was, "by being more considerate." Another said: "In God alone is unity." A committee appointed to study the likenesses amongst the races is'com- posed of a Roman Catholic priest, a Jewish Rabbi and an Anglican bish- op. She thought this significant; that they were going to search fon the things in common, not for dif- ferences. Leaven keeps on working until the whole is Leavened, it didn't leave any unleavened ,parts. Christian work- ers are too apt to stop short of the goal. She thought a new standard of life was needed. Material things have taken too high a place in the life so far. Our possessions are not our own while others are in sore need. She concluded with the story of "Big 13111 Davidson," who was sent on a commission of great dan- ger during the war and told that it must be executed "at all cost." He executed his work and came back to the base, his plane crashing near it, from which his lifeless body was taken, his hands still grasping the wheel. He had executed his super- ior's orders, at the cost of his life. Mrs. I•I. C. Dawson contributed n very appropriate solo very sweetly "I Heard the 'Voice of Jesus Say." Dr. Retta Gifford-Kilborn, for many years a missionary in West China, was the second speaker and she told many instructive and. in- spiring things about her work there and the situation. In the Province of Szechwan, West China, there aro sixty millions of people, ten millions of whom the United Church of Can ada have the responsibility, and there are also many millions in Hon - an and Canton. Dr. Kilborn said the work of the United Church was like the British Empire, upon it the sum never sets. China is facing a crisis, it is either Communism or Christ. I8 adds greatly to the Church's diff?, culties, but the should welcome dif- ficulties. In 1912 China became a republic• but it is still in a state of confusion, with no settled central government: She did not agree with something said by Mrs. Childs about the wisdom of allowing the young to take the lead. In China this did not work out. Canadians complain about the way they are taxed, but in China the people are taxed twenty-five years in advance. She spoke enthusiastically about the Womeees Ilospital in Chentu, where they have 'ninety beds, with only five doctors. The training school for nurses in this hospital, she claimed, was second - to none. Some people criticised the education- al and medical work. in China but she said evangelistic work could best be carried on in connection with medical and educational work. Dr. Kilborn went to China in 1894, 'being the first medical missionary sent to the field bes the W. M. S. She spoke of the improvements in that time. Foot ebinding. now is illegal, not only so, but it is out-of-date, unfashion- able, it is no longer done, except in out of the way places. All doors in China are now open to missions, she declared, all that is needed are funds and workers. There is more money' spent in Canada, in cigarettes and cosmetics Gahan' in •missionary work, she said. Rev. C. Malcolm of Egmondville brought greetings from . the, -Presby- tery, ; which was meeting the same, day. In the course of his remarks he asked the co-operation' of the W. M. S. in the Summer Camp project in which the Presbytery has invested. Mrs. P. •Hearn of Clinton then sang a well appreciated solo. Rey. C. W. D. Cosens dedicated the new officers to their work. The Clinton Mission Bands gave very interesting little exercises and a bible drill. A minute of silence was observed iri memory of those who had passed on during the year, of whom there were fifty-two. Special mention was made of the sad drowning accident, recently, in which Ernest Penrose son of Rev, Mr. Penrose, formerly of Varna, ,lost his life. the Mrs. Lang reported for the resolu- tion committee, expressing the thanks of the delegates for hos- 1 PAGE 1 •pitality received, for the use of the•. church, the good dinner provided and' to all those who has taken part iso the program' and to the retiring off e- cess for ;their faithful work during,, the past year. A' nominating committee was ap= pointed as follows: Mrs. Tr'avener,. Lucknow; 1V1rs, Warren Brock, Gran- ton; Mrs. Robt, Shaw, Bltiievale ansY Mrs. W. A. Bremner,'•Bruceefild. Auditors: Mas. lecKenzie, Goder - ich Mas. Lane, Seaforth. The choos- ing of an executive committee was left to the officers. Delegates to the Branch Meeting in June are: Mrs. Erratt, Goshen,' Nims. Mblimaine, Lucknow; Mess Cooke Hensail; 'Mrs, F. Thompson; Londesboro. The next meeting will be held Inv Main street church, Etteter. Ontariostreet church, Clinton, bas:' invited the Presbyterial for 1986, the tenth anniversary of the inaugural. The ladies of buts Wesley W41lis congregation provided dinner for the delegates, also for the members of the Presbytery, which was sheeting int the Ontario street church on the same day. HYDRO COMMISSIONERS MUST" KEEP AHEAD OF DEMAND (Continued from `':page 2) of a supply of firm power. As a r•ee. sult of these efforts, there was ire December, 1933, no .commercial 'pow;. er capa'oity idle on any of the Com-- misisons systems owned by Hydro,• municipalities except the Niagara: system, and even on that system, the amount of unutilized commercial ca- pacity' was less than 125,600 ,horse- power, or 10 per cent sof the 1,257,000' horsepower total available. • COUNTY NEWS GOD'ERIOH: The Supreme. Court• has ordered that the trial of an ac- tion brought by Thomas Sturdy, re- tired farmer and hotel tamer, of Goderich, must ble tried by a judge. without a jury, The ease has 'been' set down 'for trial at the Goderich' court which opens on May 15. Stur- dy is suing the Town of Goderieh, Oswald Ginn, Goderich bailiff ansi Alex. J. Cooper, retired business. man. He wants damages for alleg- ed illegal distress because amort•. gage on his hotel was foreclosed ante the chattels sold for 'taxes. Cooper asked to have the ease tried by a jury, but Sturdy objected. The Su- preme Court has upheld the objection and has ordered the case tried• by at. judge. GODER-IOII: Pleading guilty ter the theft of a lady's purse from the• cloakroom of a dance hall at Bruse sels, Jack Grimes, Stratford youthe was remanded to jail for a week by - Magistrate Reid. Too much wine was, the excuse he gave the court for hit act. Somebody is said to have seen Grimes lift the purse from the -oak pocket and raised an alarm. Grimes took to lois heels down the street with about a dozen, including 'several of the orchestra boys, in hot pursuit. As• Grimes ran he scattered the contents of the purse, money, compact, lip- stick, etc., along the road and when caught retained only the purse itselii which he claimed •belonged to a girl' friend. The story, however, failed to register with the Provincial Cone stable McCoy, who trade the arrest.. N L Y Firestone gives you all the extra features of Two Extra Cord Plies un- der the tread, Gum - Dipped Safe -T -Locked Cords and a Non -Skid Safety Tread. To- gether these give you 25 to 40% longer tire life At No Extra Cost. Replace thin, worn tires now. See your nearest Firestone Dealer today. GUARRANiEED mr TWELVE MONTHS George Hanley/ Dealer. Phone 156w.