HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-04-12, Page 8PAGE a THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ecial Week-endBargainlist MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK ;BOOTS, black or brown leather or pancho soles $1.08. up MEN'S GREY WOOL WDRK SQX, ;Special; per pair . , ..15c MEN'S FANCY COTTON SOX, slightly imperfect, per pair . , ,:.15e MEN'S WIORK BRACES 25e BOYS 19c MENS TWEED PANTS, Clearing lines $1.69 MEN'S CO'TTON PANTS AND OVERALLS THE NEW SPRING STOCK OF SUITS, TOPCOATS, FLANNEL.PANTS, ETC. . $1.00 are ready'for your inspection, and at exceptionally close prices as. these were on order before the advance. ;SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL. LINES OF•NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR BARGAIN PRICE'S ON CLEARING LINES Plumsteel•Bpos. Agents for Tip -Top, Berger and Cambridge Made -to -Measure Clothing SAUER KRAUT, 3 lbs. for 15c SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 17e and 18c PICKLED}COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 18c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 25e FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per' lb. 15c COOKED HAM, per Ib. 39c . CHOICE BABY BEEF AND FOWL FOR WEEK -END' HOME -,MADE, LARD, per lb. 12e CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street tOC3O3 �O�O) (OHO A Bargain In Steel Gates 0 0 IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A GATE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PASS THESE BARGAINS UP O Only a limited number and when the supply e is exhausted we will not be able to replace at these prices, 4x12 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE 4x13 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE O 4x14 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE O 4x6 BARBED WIRE, per 80 rod Rolls • ALSO A FULL LINE OF FROST F u p mu ' Friday evening, ' 4 SUTTEE PEHOIJEi!i1I(E O Mr. and Mrs, .Geo. Hardy of London Ve M spent the week -end in Clinton, be, 1 Hardware Ing the gnoets of Mr. and Mrs, A. F`uito Phone 147*tore • Plumbing ;1 V. Cartwright. Fatditurb lthbne Electric Wiring 11 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter and babe "tO ib i� ni=e0- 't01;:x0= ...,-� of Toronto spent the Easter Vaca- -�-• tion period with the framer's par - $6,00 $6.25 $6.50 $3.85 ENCS AT THE RIGHT PRICE ,NOW MAY THE ' WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT BE MADE GLORIOUS SUMMER BY the re-deenratiou of :your Tun g,EST ',INSTITUTION • 'CIVILIZATION HAS CREATED WITH r A SELECTION FROM. OUR Wall Paper Stock Beauty, Utility and, Economy were anticipated in our buying. Restful patterns and shadings, some colorful, are here to, greet you like the fresh, balmy spring ,breezes. Beautify the home with WALL PAPER. Tie W.D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best (IIIIIiI� lluia Itil111lasem u I m,14 iii uq j Miss Jean Davidson of Thorold was the week -end guest of Mrs. Argent, Miss IIe1en 'D. Gunne of London has been visiting friends in town this week. Miss Josephine Smith of Windsor spent Easter week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mrs. A. R. McBrien and Miss Olive McBrien of Essex visited friends and relatives in town last week, Mr. and Mrs, G. D. McTaggart, who have been spending the winter in Toronto, are expected home this week. Miss Mona McGregor of Seaforth is spending a few' days with Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Rattenbury street. Miss Evelyn Hall returned to Toron- to Saturday after spending the Easter vacation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford were a- mong the guests who attended the •Masonic At -Home In Goderich last April 13,14,16 JEWEL SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for 21d DATES, 2 lbs. for 190 ICING SUGAR, 2 lbs, for 190 BAKING SODA, LOOSE, 2 lbs. for 170 COCOA, LOOSE, 2 lbs. for 25e MUSTARD, 1.2 lb. for 19e SHREDDED COCOANUT, 1-2 Ib, for 13c SAU:ER KRAUT, 3 large tins for 27e ORANGE MARMALADE, Crosse and Blackwell, 40 oz. jar 290 SUGAR, WHITE OR YELLOW, 10 lbs, for 73e FOR MEN SPRING ,HATS, Good quality and pleasing shades, each $1.69 SPRING CAPS, Good quality and pleasing shades, each 75e and 850 SWEATERS, Good quality and pleasing shades, each $2.19 DRESS SOCKS, pair 19e, 25e, 35c WORK SOCKS, pair 15e, 17c, 19e, and 25e MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, Heavy weight, blue, 2 for $1.95 MEN'S WORK' SHSRTS, Heavy weight, grey, 2 for $1.29 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, medium weight, blue, 2 for $1.49 MEN'S OVERALLS, 8 oz. full range of sizes, per pair $1.49 MEN'S WORK PANTS, blue with rivets $1.29 FOR BOYS WORK SHIRTS, blue or grey 550 OVERALLS, light blue . 59e OVERALLS, dark blue, heavy weight $1.05' GOLF HOSE, attractive shades, per pair 35e CAPS . 33c HANDKERCHIE'FS , ,..... ...•50 BOOTS AND SHOES We carry a full line of Men's Work Boots, Oxfords, also Tennis' Shoes. These lines .are now on display and our prices are worthy of your consideration before making your purchase, LOBB'S GENERAL. STORE ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Carter, Mr. Edward Phipps of Burford, one of the judges at the Spring Show last week, was the guest while in town of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. John- ston. Messrs. J. C. Wiseman of Walker- ville and W. D. Wiseman of De- troit spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman of town, Mit Roy Cook of Hamilton Normal. returned to resume his studies on Monday after spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cook of town. Mrs. James Emerson returned to her home at Kincardine yesterday af- ter spending a fortnight in town on account of the illness and death of her cousin, the late Mrs, R. J. Cluff, Mr. Wm. Argent, who was with his mother in town for Easter, spent a few days in Toronto at the 0. E. A. meeting. 'He returned to his teach- ing duties in St. Catharines on. Sunday. Mr. N. A. Pheonix, who was called here owing to the death of the late Mrs. Gluff, returned to Grimsby yesterday. Mrs. Pheonix is re- maining with her sister, Miss Eva !fluff, for a few days longer. Mr, S. B. Stothers of Arthur, for- merly of Clinton, was up for the Horse Show last week and met many old friends. "Steve" was popular while in town and his re- turn visits are always welcome. Ho conducted the judging contest at the fair. Mr. Levi Trick came up from London to the Centre Huron Spring Stock Show last week, as is his usual eua- tom. die likes to meet old friends and this is a :good time and place to meet a lot of them. He thought, the crowd, was bigger than usual. thi•s yFtaq, , • OF THURS., APRIL 12, 2934' 1 1. RED AND WHITE ;Always in the Lead vvers Showers of Specials for House Cleaning and Garden Seeds at: 3cer k p pkg. PHONE 48 FOR THESE BIG WEEK -END FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS Yellow Sugar, 5 lbs. for 35c Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. for 15c 37c 15c 22c Breakfast Food, 4 lbs. for 19c Coda Biscuits, 2 pkgs. for 19c Fancy Tart Biscuits, per Ib. 15c Fancy Marshmallow Biscuits, per lb. 15c 15c Food Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c New Cheese, 2 lbs. for 29d Kraft Cheese, per lb. ' 23c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 29c Black Tea, per lb. 45c 3 lbs. for $1.25 Catsup, Heinz or C. and B., per bottle 19c Peppermint Patties, per ib. 19c Plum Jam, per jar 24c Red and White Coffee, per lb. Cocoa, in Bulk, per lb. Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. for Fig Bars, per lb. MARKET" Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dozen 25c, 33c, and 39c - Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Lemons, large, per half dozen 15c Cabbage, per lb.. 5c Lettuce, Head 10c Pineapples, Strawberries FRIGIDAIRE Fresh Picnic Ham, per lb. 15c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 30c Peameal Backs, per ib.' 28c Mince Meat (to clear), per Ib. 10c Clinton and Servns Butter, per lb. 32c Fluffo, per Ib. 12c Spare Ribs, per ib. 15e ,S'chneider's and Swift's Sausage, per lb. 20c Smoked Hams, per lb. 25c SEED POTATOES. IRISH COBBLERS WATCH FOR BIG SALE NEXT WEEK Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails We T. O'NEIL CORNER 'GRO CETERIA: CLINTONS IG Phone 48 Play and Concert under auspices Ont, St. Y. P, League Play title: "HE HAD GREAT POSSESSIONS" IN ONTARIO. STREET CHURCH Thursday, April 26th Silver Collection. 79-1. Mr. N. Bingeman of the Royal Bank staff is holidaying at his hone at New Hamburg. Mr. J. L. Yesbec, who has been down at Eden for the winter, is in town and may stay up here for a time. Mr, and Mrs, H. S. Walker and Miss L. Walker of London, who visited in Seaforth on Sunday last, called on friends in Clinton on their re- turn trip. Miss Jean Plumsteel has returned to her teaching duties at Elora. Misses Eleanor and Jean Plumsteel attend, .ed the meeting of the 0. E. A, in Toronto last week. Mr. and .Mrs. F. W. Johnston return- ed to their hone in town after spend- ing most of the winter in George- town with Mrs. Johnston's sister, Who .has been ill but who is recov- ering. Dr. W. J. R.,,Fowler of Guelph was in town Saturday calling ,on old friends and came in to renew his sub. to this Journal, Dr. Fowler was a judge of horses at the Hen- sall fair on Saturday and nobody will say that he doesn't know a good horse when he sees one. STANLEY The "Gossip" Club -net at the home of Mrs. A'. McEwen last week, a goodly number blf the ladies coming out for the afternoon and bringing with them enough of new and made over children's ga1•,ments to pack a nice bale to be sent to the needy in the north. A bale was sent a fort- night or so ago, so that a number of lucky little northern citizens will be outfitted for the spring. Miss. Kate McGregor of Wingham High School staff was with her moth- er for the Easter vacation time. Mr. and Mrs. ROy Sharp of Toron- to visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Innes. Miss Dorothy Innes returned to Toronto on Saturday to resume her studies after, the Easter vacation per- iod .spent at her home. Glen and Maynard How of Toronto spent the Easter vacation with rela- tives in this locality. Messrs Bert Murphy and Edward Glen attended the South Huron Con- servative Convention at Hensall yes- terday. Mrs. Morris Durham, Master Geo. and little Miss Margaret left Monday for their home at Rockfort Bridge, Alta., alter spending the winter with the former's parents, Mat and Mrs. Henry Diehl, Mrs. Marcus Lane ;of Stratford and Miss Olive Gonder of Niagara Falls, Spent the week -end at the home of lVi'x., and Mrs. Henry Diehl. Mellow Moon Minstrels IN TOWN HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL 12TH AND 13TH Under Auspices Clinton Kiltie Band THIRTY-FIVE IN CAST 15 -PIECE ORCHESTRA KEEP THESE DATES OPEN 66-5. 'When my lips are palsied by great emotions—Iove, gladness, sorrow, death—and the words I would write come not, then I send soul messengers---+FLO'WERS," anzngharne ,e 51orzStht AA GREENHOUSE PHONrn6 �--• 4 FLOWER SHOP PHONE31 Call 'AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ARE OUR SPECIALTIES • Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PAP!) 244.. THE NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS WILL BE HIIIISE CLUING and we are waiting to supply you with the Goods to help brighten up How about a nice new i your home, C Rug, or Oil Cloth, Congolenut, or Linoleum by' then yard, or a pat- terns are all bright and prices are low—a veryard. The pat - You may need a New Mattress. Well just let us combination. Stock. We have Felt Mattresses front ,$5.00 to $10.00 and you Spring- filled Mattresses from $12.50 to $28.00, Also a nice stock of Daven- ports, Dropside and Studio Couches, to add comfort to your home. You will soon be putting away your furs, etc. I•Iow about a Cedar Chest and play safe. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A FREE OFFER—DON'T MISS IT You buy One Can of 4 -Hour Drying Utiiac Enamel, and get a 25c Paint Brush, FREE. 'Phis offer closes April 14th. Use Muresco for your walls and ceilings, We handle the famous Sherwin-Williams' Paints for inside and outside worlc. You will soon be enjoying the fresh air in your garden or Iawn, -,Well we have all the necessary tools for you to work with, A nice assortment ,of Chick Fountains and Feeders, also pana- nminto stake then- grow. Get Di, Hess' Hog Special, Stock Tonic, and Disinfectants, they will pay you big profits. You will eventually find that it pays to shop here, BALL & ZAPPE Hardware, Furniture StFunerore al 1D DirThe ectors, Monument Dealers ° SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Greeter Food Vaines APRIL 12TH, 13TH and 14TH BIG VALUE HERE—PURE LARD, 1 lb. prints for RASPBERRY 0'R STRAWBERRY JAM, 40 ozs. for FRESH SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 10e 37c 25e STANDARD PEAS,, No, 4 Seive, 2 tins 19e QUICK QUAKER OATS, large pkg. 23c DE LUXE JELLY POWDER, 5 for 25c FINEST QUALITY SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. for 25c MANY FLOWERS COLD CREAM TOILET SOAP, 5 for 25e HAPPYVALE WHOLE DILL PICKLES, 30 ozs. for 23e KELVINATOR SPECIALS BREAKFAST BACON, sliced, per lb. COOKED HAM, sliced, per lb. JELLIED PORK TONGUE, Cooked, per lb. VARIETY LOAF, Cooked, per lb. PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per lb, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET LARGE SWEET JUICY ORANGES, per dozen GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25e SPINACH, FRESH, 2 lbs. for FRESH TOMATOES, per lb 17c CARROTS, . 3 bunches for 25e 15e NEW PINEAPPLE, each:, 25c 32c 45c 350 -29c 190 29c and. 39c and 4 for 25e 19c LEAF LETTUCE, 2 bunches for GREEN ONIONS AND RADISHES FOR WEEK -END J.T. McKN IC HT & SON "Your Superior Store" We' Sell the Best For Less • Phone 111 CLINTON •x