HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-04-12, Page 5`:THURS., APRIL 12, 1934 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAIGE 5 Nommarnmalsommeinumemmomi OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME The Ridgetown Dominion came out Nast week,,,�,,n, a new headdress. It is :a seasona 1e time to don a new •bon- rnet, and like many of the ladies at .this time of year, whether an im- -provement or not, it no doubt glories i' in that it still is new. • • • • A weather prognosticator ` says," remarks the Listowel Banner, "that' spring is here and.that an early sum- mer is just around the corner. Here's moping it is a different corner than - the one prosperity is lingering a- round." Oh, well, even if they are around - the same corner, they may encourage "each other to emerge. ••• Whether guilty of the crime with • which he was charged or not, and he protests his innocence, James Fahey, who has been a respectable' and re, .spected resident of Alberta for twen- ty-four years, should not be returned to the United States to, finish out his term of imprisonment. Wlho would " be elle whit the better for it? We take -the ground that men are punished for crime to prated - honest folk. 'E;vi- •• dently nobody: needs -protection from :James Fahey. Give the md'ti a chane. . • • • GODERIC}1 TOWNSHIP Mrs. James Johnson and Miss Syd. ney Jankson spent' the week -end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Fred Middleton. : Mrs. Oliver Welsh' has returned home after spending the week -end with her parents, lVfr. and Mrs. Guy hicks, Clinton. • The death occurred at her home en the Maitland concession on Tuesday of Mary E'Ieanor Proctor, widow of Chas. W. 'Williams, in her 84th year. She is survived by four sons and three daughters, Charles and How - and Williams, Goderich Township, Wilfrid and Edward, Fordwich, Mies Kate Williams, at home, Mrs. George Laithwaite, Huron Road, and Mrs. .John Torrance, Porter's Hill. The funeral will take place from the fam- ily residence this, Thursday, after. neon to Clinton cemetery. Following is the report of S. S. No, 8, Goderich for the winter term: Sr. 5th: Elizabeth Theil, 60... Sr, 4th: Sylvia Lowden, 60; Jean Johnston, 59, Jr. 4th Betty Stirling, 74; Grant Stirling, 61; Gladys Clark, 59. Sr. Brd—Elmer Johston,00; Thelma Johnston, 48, Jr. 3rc1--(Harold Warner, 57; Mil- drecl Westlake, 55; Douglas Stirling, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs, John Jarrett and Mies Gladys are nicely settled in our village and we welcome' them They are residing in Mr. B. Field's house, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win McBride. Mrs. Nellie McCully of Seaforth visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fairbairn and other friends in this locality. ,Mrs. J. B. McLean has returned, from a very pleasant holiday in Ham- ilton with her son, Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean and family. Miss Grace Forrest, R.N., was in Listowel Iast week attending the man siege of her friend, Miss Jessie Cle- land, R.N., graduate of Scott Memor ial Hospital, Seaforth. "Life's Decisions," .was the sub;jeet of a very interesting sermon given by Rev. E. F. Chandler. ,on Sunday morn- ing last . in St. Andrew's United church. A quartette of Mrs. J. B. McLean, Miss Florence Thomson and Messrs. J. B. McLean and A. 13e11. sang, 'ill() Was Nailed to the 'Gross," which was very much enjoyed. Miss Elaine Peck of Hensel]. spent a few days last week with Mr. and: Mrs. S. 1VIcArthur and Sandy. The Young People's League met in the Sunday School auditorium on Sun- day evening last with Miss M• 'Nom - son presiding. An interesting topic on "The Keeping of the Lord's Day," was given by Mr. Norman Alexander and followed by a most interesting discussion. 2nd—Robert Hopson, 69; Kenneth Stirling,' 84; • 1st— Oliver Hopson, 61; Keith Stirling 26. Robert Hopson obtained 100 in Health and Cleanliness Contest. The Bees, with Elizabeth Theil .as ;leader, defeated the Butterflies. Number on roll, 15, average at - 13.24,—M. Douglas, teacher. CONSTANCE Miss Elva Wheatley returned to Toronto on Saturday to resume her duties after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley. Mr, Will Dale of Toronto is spend, ing some time at the lhoane of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, as. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MCFarlane and Chas. Riley ef Stanley township, vis- ited on Sunday at the homeof their mother, Mrs. George Riley: .Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Logan atui daughter, Miss Kathleen, and Miss I. Cummings of Blyth spent Sunday at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Step- henson. Mo. and Mrs. Adana Nicholson and Mr. Jas. Moore spent Thursday vis- ;ting Mrs. Wm. McArthur of Gode, rich. Mrs. McArthur, we are pleased to hear, was able to be removed , to ' her home in Goderich last Wednes- day after being confined to the To- ronto General hospital for the -last - ten weeks. The play "Aunt Susan's Visit," presented by the Live Wires Sunday School Class of the United Church last Wednesday evening, was quite a success and was ably given. The - proceeds amounted to $20 in aid of the class. , BRJCEFIELL1) ' :'Visitors recently -with Mr. and: Mrs. Geo. Swan were Mr. and Mrs, • Duf'ort,. Miss Wilson, Mr. Draper, Miss Paull and Mr. Bert Warrington of Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Swam and Miss Dorothy, .Swan are visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. James Swan astounded the ne fives this week when he drove down Main street hi a new Terra -plane.' Apparently Jiin is tired of his trusty •old Hudson -Essex,. Glad to repeet•that Mr. Lee Kipfer' who has been very sick of 'late is' • now recovering. Miss Janet Watson is convalescing. • at her home after a recent appendi. oitis operation. Tho Brucefield M;en's Club are' making arrangements for presenting; a, play, "Closed Lips",on Friday, Ap- ril 20th. Thew proceeds will be turn -n '•'ed over t� th4Pubhic Library, and it is hoped that they will be :given • support in this respect. . Dr. Margaret Calder, Wingham, Dead Was Outstanding Physician in District for Past 25 Years MARRIAGES ROBERTON—BROWN — In Winni- peg, Mon., on Mar. 31st, by. the Rev. M. McInnes, Edna ,Irene, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Brown and the late Capt. A. Norman Brown of Stratford, to Kenneth McRae Ro- berton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton of 'Clinton. , SALTER s HOW In the United church, Kirkland Lake, Ont., on Mar. 17th, by the Rev. A. Gillies, Margaret (Peggy) How of Toren to, to Albert E. (Pat) Salter, for- merly of Clinton. DEATH'S CLUFF—Jn Clinton, bat April 6th, Mary J. Emerson, widow of Robert J. Clint GIBBS—Sri Clinton, on April 11th, •Amelia F, Brown, wife of Mr. Frank Gibbs, in her 53rd year. LYON—At Londesboro, on Apr. 6th, Esther Lyon, in her 68th year. SHIPLEY—At Oshawa, on April 7th, Thomas 'Shipley, formerly of Clin- ton. W(LLLIAM.S=In Goderich township, on April 10th, Mary Eleanor Proc- tor, widow of Charles W. Williams, in her 84th year . • dUNINGiIAMR+--jot Grand Rapids, Mich., on April 6th, Charles : Gun ingham, brother of the late John Cuningl'iame of Clinton in his 83rd year. CALDER --In - Wingham, on April 10th, Dr. Margaret Cowan Calder, seventh daughter of the late Tho- mas and Ann Calder, of the Town- ship of Grey, Gounty of Huron. CRIOH-A-t Macklin, Sask., on April 6th, Leslie Erich, son of the late Herbert Crich of Clinton. It was with deep regret that the citizens of Winghazn learned of the passing of Dr. Margaret C. Calder, late Tuesday afternoon. She had been an outstanding physician in Wingham for the past twenty-five years, the only woman physician in Huron County. Last winter she underwent an 'op- eration in Toronto, but returned home with no improvement in her health. She resumed her practice, but only for a short time, when she was obliged to take to her bed. She was born in the Township of Grey, near Cranbroolc, the seventh daughter of. the late Thomas and Ann Calder, Her collegiate training was received at Seaforth, and for a short. time she taught school prior to en- tering the University of Toronto, from where she graduated on July 2, 1908, A year of interim work was spent in a hospital in the States, af, ter which ,she commenced her praca tice in Wighain with the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. • Surviving are '.three brothers -- James, of Edmonton; John and. George, of Imiisfall, Alta,; two sis- ters, Mrs. John Dodds of Reclvees, Sask., and Mrs. William Forrest of Drayton. Funeral arrangements are not complete at time of writing, pend- ing word from relatives in the West. Interment will be rmade in the Brus, sels Cemetery. ' CREDITON: When the red-hot axle of a buggy slipped from the grasp of .Oscar Windsor, a customer at the blacksmith shop of Jack Hod- gson, Creditgn, the latter was pinned. to his anvil by the heated pin. A hole one-half inch in diameter was burned clean through his hand, ,GODERICII: Rev. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth, has been extended an invi, tation by the congregation of North Street United church, Goderich. Rev. W. P. Lane is a brother of Rev. D, J. Lane, minister of Knox Presbyterian. church, -Goderich, and should he ac- cept the invitation Goderich would be in the unique position of having two brothers- ministering to the congre- gation got different denominations in. the same town. Pier "An Old -Fashioned Mother," in Town Hell, Thursday, May 3rd, by Wesley -Willis .Young People's So- ciety, 25c and 15c. • 70-1. Property Changes Hands Having purchased the property 'known as the Mulholland Garfige and Service Station in Hohnesville, We are open for business and we kinclly sol- icit your trade.. We aro handling nothing but Quality Products such as the Famous White Rose Gasoline and Enarco Motor Oils, the finest of mo- tti elle, and Good' Year Tires, Give tis a call and we will treat you right in every way. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO GEORGE A SPENCE Proprietor. 70-1-p. ,FOR SALE. Massey -Harris 11 -Hoe Drill 3 Mowers See H. W. CHARLESWORTH 70-2. CARD OF THANKS The sister and brothers of the late Miss Esther Lyon wish to express their warm appreciation of the many kindnesses of friends and neighbors during the illness of their sister and since her death. Also thanks to friends for the beautiful flowers sent. They especially • wish to thank her pastor, Rev. Mr. 'Gardiner, for the many cheering visits Horde during her long illness. Private Sale • Of household effects at the Cliff home, High street. 70-1. For Sale or Rent Seven -roomed house in Victoria street, Clinton, Bath, cellar with furnace, town and soft water inside. Good garden. Apply on premises to Aileen Carbert. 70-tf. For Sale 80 acres, lot 25, concession 16, Goderich township, 214,.. miles from Clinton, rich clay loam, well eultivat, ed, all workable. Two-storey cement block house, built sixteen years, good barn on cement wall with good stab- ling. Double garage,, also implement shed. Never -failing well ,with wind- mill. Selling on account of illness. W. J. Ferguson, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. 70-tf. • Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association ,1vw.vr,6j-Y� CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Phisterhig Plastering, Plain, Ornamental or Antique. Special prices on ' all Stuc- co and Cement Work. Chimneys built or repaired. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George Tebbutt, deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all rersons'having claims against the estate of George Tebbutt, late of 'the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of March, A.D. 1934, are required to deliver to Wilfred Cox, of R. R. God- erich, Ont., or \ri11iant Tebbutt, of Goderich, Ont., the executors, of the said estate or F. Fingland; Solicitor, on or before the 1st day of May A.D. 1934, a full statement of their claims: together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thein all duly verified by affidavit. ' AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned , date the said Executors will proceed to distri- bute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled there- to having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED. at Clinton, Ontario, this 1lth day of • April, A.D., 1934. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the above estate. '70.8. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret :Sane Hoaper, Deceased NOTICI; is hereby given that all personshaving claims against the estate of Margaret;lane Hooper, late of. the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, wiclow, deceased, who died on or about the second day of March, A.D,, 1934, are required to deliver to Mrs, Annie Saunclercoek,, of Hensall, Ont„ or Mrs, Anna At- kinson, the Fxecutrixe•8 of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or Before the 1st day of May. A.D-. 1934, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and, the .nature of the securities, < if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the. Said last-mentioned date the said Executrixes will proceed to distribute. the estate of the said deceased a ,mongst the person's entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received clue notice and in accordance therewith. - DATED at Clinton, 0•ntario, this 11th day or April A.D. 1934. F. FIN:GLAND,: Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. . 70-3. W. E. MANA2fAN For. Information Phone 42, Clinton. 67-tf-4p. SEA1I'ORTH: The Lion's Club en- tettainecl the'Seaforth Junior Beaver Hockey Club at a dinner in recognition of their winning the championship of the Northern Hockey League. Thir- teen players, three ,officers and some guests were present, Lion W. J. Dun- can, presided. A letter was read from the,secretar'y of the Northern Hock- ey League complimenting the club on their success and the sportsmenship. J. A. Stewart rendered a pleasing solo and R. E. Bright a song of four- teen verses, one for each player, which he had composed in honor of the club. Progre,ssive Convention MONDAY, APRIL 16TH, 19o4 at 2 o'clock p.m., in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL ' 'The executive of the South Huron Progressive Association decided that as the present Provincial Political situation demands concerted action and co-operative effort on the part of all Parties and Groups opposed to the Hemy administration and there - foie on behalf of the Progres- sive Association, declares its evil, lingness to co-operate by caking a nominating convention to which all those opposed to the Henry adminis- tration, and are willing to co-operate, are cordially invited to attend, and take part in the proceedings. Ladies and Young People are espe- cially invited to be present, Joseph Forrest, Sec,. -Treasurer, Win. Black, President. GOD SAVE THE KING "Closed Lips" THE PLAY • by Lilian Mortimer, wiil be presented by the Tuckersmith Aggressive Club BRUCEFIELD UNITED, CHURCH 'Friday, April 20 THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs and Cream ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w at 8 o'clock. fi Proceeds in aid of Brucefield Pub- lic Library, Admission 25c and 15c. 70-1. McKinley's Chicks Nu -Lo -Na Health Cake It's rich in Alkaline Salts, is 'Non Acid forming, and is full of Vitamins necessary to growth and health. Bloodtestcd Breeding Stock GOVT. APPROVED Barred and W. Rocks, W. Leghoene After April 25th 12e 100 After May 5th l0c • 0c After June 1st 8c 7c ' Subject to change without notice S. E. McKINLEY, Zurich. 70-. ONLY CRESS SALVE - removes •Corns, Calluees, Ingrown Toenails, Warts. Hovey's Drug Store, Work Wanted A middle-aged girl wants work in hotel or private house.' Phone 20-11, Blyth. 70 -1 -gyp: For Sale Frame cottage and good stable, one half acre, with apple and other, fruit trees, town writer, situated on North street, also household furniture. in, eluding 2 bedroom sets with mattres+ res. Apply to C. B, Hale, 'Clinton; or to John Steep .on the premises.: ,.. 70-2-p. Exchange Wall exchange a• 11 dark Simmons bed, coil springs, panel ends, in good condition for a ` good used day bed. Phone 223. 70-1. House to Rent 6 -roomed cottage on corner of Rat-. tenbuey and Shipley street, or I storey ' house on Shipley'street, lights and water, also two garages. Apply T. R. Wigginton., • • • 70-3-p. Fin,nished Rooms Wanted Two bed rooms and kitchenette, for light house keeping. Write Drawer 13., News -Record. 70-2-p. EAT WHOLE .WHEAT BREAD Bread is your best food. Why not eat more of it? BLUEBERRY AND PUMPKIN PIE FOR SATURDAY BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Phone 1. Clinton. SMARTER STILL! If it is smart to be saving, then It is doubly smart to accomplish sav- ing stylishly. Our Dry Cleaning'. service helps many a woman to save—;and to be smarter still to be stylish! Send us one or two "not -so -good" Suits, Frocks or garments. See how attractive they can be made to appear, at our small Dry Cleaning charges! Cleaning irM1 Repairing Pressing �rn U. Dyeing WOOD FOR SALE t Co F.pllmentary Facie 1 to :introduce our New Cosmetics A SKIN SPECIALIST will be here to answer any questions and to give you a skin analysis on TUESDAY, APRIL 17TH By Appointment HENRI BEAUTY SHOP Phone 223, Isaac St. 70-1. Hay For Sale A quantity of good hay, alfalfa and timothy mixed. Apply to W. H. Mid- dleton, phone 606r15, or to Chris. Dale, phone 616r24, Clinton central. 70-ef-2p. For Sale A six -roomed frame cottage, rea- sonable. Would ,consider a used car as part payment. Inquire at News- Record office. 70-4. VARNA Mrs. Lottie McCash of London is spending a few days renewing old ac- quaintances hereabouts; Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty of London spent Sunday with their mo- ther. Mrs. Edward Chuter is spending a few days in London. Mrs. James Stephenson of the Go- shen line spent the week -end as the guest of her sister, Miss E. Mossop. Mn's. Hanna Armstrong met with an accident on Monday, while get- ting kindling the axe slipped and caused a -nasty cut which required five stitches. Seed Grain For Sale Alaska Oats, Irish White Oats Barley and Spring Wheat, and some feed oats. Also several varieties of good apples. J. Leslie Cox, Goderich P.O. Phone 608r2, Clinton central. 67-4. Seed 2'or Sale Good clean Ont. varigatedalfalfa seed, also same Improved Banner oats, suitable' for seed: Apply to Fred Gilbert, R, R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 608 r 22, Clinton Central. 69-3-p. For Sale 0 -room house, with electric lights,. town water, . cistern just, .outside door. Two lots, good soil, peartree, apple trees, ciurants, grapes,. etc. Stable on property. Apply on premises, corner Huron and Erie streets, to Mrs. T. W. McCartney. .69-tf. READY! FIRE! (THERE'S ALWAYS A READY FIRE WHEN YOU QURN HEAT FOLKS FUEL A ready fire,-, A steady fire,— You can depend on these when you order our DI,&W coal" for heating and cooking, It is clean coal, it is honest opal, it is all doal. rf Let us send you out an order f,�arl/l��f �iiCf�i/�j1 today. X � tixiil the �(% �%�J�j�4,/J - %.1,PcAT Mtn WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE J.11. list& C PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich.. Phone 47. Now Playing: Robert Montgorn= ery and Jimmy Purante in: ' ' - "HELL BELOW" MON., TUES., WED. Katharine Hepburn a sensational star on both stage and screen in the immortal story by Louisa May Alcott "LITTLE WOMEN" assisting artists are Joan Bennett Frances Dee, Jean Parker, Pair Lukas and Doug. Montgomery. THURS., FRI., SAT. REX The Wender Horse will provide an unusual attractior wherein thousands of hate -mad dened animals fight a human for "KING OF'1 HE WILD HORSES" Coning: "Sunny Side Up," with Gaynor and Farwell Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p,m. REGTN'T THEATRE Seaforth. I Now Playing Laurel and Hardy in "Pack Up Your Troubles." It's a viol. • MON., TUES., WED. Jessie Mathews and Owen Nares present a sprightly comedy with a romantic mixup as the thence "THERE GOES THE BRIDE" THURS„ FRI., SAT. Ralph Bellamy and June Collyer just before the clock struck twelve a mysterious crime is committed, The subsequent contusion is a great stony "BEFORE MIDNIGHT" Conning: "King off Wild Horses." For"Mothers Day" Give your mother your photograph. It is a gift she will treasure through the years Because It's You. "Mother's Day," May 13—Make an appointment today. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing 70-2. House For Sale Frame cottage, in Frederick street, 5 rooms, complete bath, sun porch and wood shed, cellar with furnace, all 111 good repair, garage and gar- den with small fruits. Apply to F. Ping! and. 70-tf. For Sale Large brick store property in Clin- ton, ideal location, Price reasonable for quick sale. Apply F. Fingland.. 63-tf. Seed Barley For Sale Quantity of 0.A.C. No. 21 barley, suitable for seed. Apply to Chas. E. Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 605x24," Clinton central. 67-tf, 25,000 Muskrats Wanted I have a large order for Muskrats, and will pay you more than travelling buyers. See me before selling else- where. Norman East, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, 2111a miles north on No. 4 Highway 66-7-p. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence 'on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good erindition. Apply on premises to 21iss Alvaro. 67-tr. See AY CCKS FEEDING ON urin '' ed On account of the demand for these Chicks it is necessary to order a- head in order to 'obtain them on the date you wish to secure them. 50, ORDER NOW Best Quality Bray Chicks PRICE BRAY'S BROODED CHICKS TITRE' WEEKS OLD LOOK FOR BRAY SIGN , W • ha 'Iesw rth • 69-2, House For Rent In Princess street, cheap rent, mod- ern conveniences, electric lights, etc. Arthur Cantelon, Clinton, phone 282. 68-tf. For Sale 2 incubators, one four hundred egg capacity, one 75, also coal brood er stove, one oil brooder stove, 60 chick capacity., Apply T. Wiggin- ton. 68-8-p. Matinee:, Sat. atp.m. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day er Night Phone 147w For Sale Rubber tired buggy for sale, Ap, ply to Joe Allenson, Clinton. 69-2, • For Sale Queen brooder stove, 52 inch hoo- ver, been used two seasons. Also a quantity of Liberty hullers oats, suitable' for seed, Apply to James Johnston, phone 6361.12, Clinton cen- tral. 70.1-tt. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh 1 Eggs. Cream shipped regularly, Good Prices Paid, 600 Cords of Green Wood TO SELL .so A. E. FINCH Phone 231. . ENGLISH BROWN S. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. Mittell Clinton, Ont., Picone 213 McKinley's . Baby Chicks Good Chicks, well cared for result in cheap pullets•with the •ability to lay lots of big eggs and make you mon- ey. lluy your ,chicks from McKinley and be sure. Ask him to call and have a chat before you order. You are under no obligation to buy. J. E. MCK1NLEY ZURICH Phone 97r11, Hensall, 64-104 E. G. HOWES ' Electrican and el,• Plumber A Full Line' of Electric AppliancPJe a ' also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairo Phone 53w. 18 -ails • • Cleaning and Pressing of 'All Kinds Suits; Coats and Dresses ' W. Jr..,IAGO If not open work may be lett mil Heard's Barber Shop