HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-04-05, Page 8GE8 APRIL 4TH AND 5Th WILL BE DA.XS TO REMEMBER They are Days: you get Extra Trousers AT NO EXTRA COST With Every "Clothes of Quality" Suit Ordered On ]above dates, MR. PARK, Special representative ;of "Clothes of Quality" WILL BE AT THIS STORE During his visit we offer you extra trousers at no extra cost with • every "Clothes •of :Quality" suit ordered. "Clothes of Quality" Brand, made to your individual measure front world's famous woollens in any style you desire, will please the most ,exacting.' FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Spring, Summer fabrics now on display. You can't'afford to stay away $22.50 up BERGER' "Clothes of Quality" Exclusive Dealer Plumsteel Bros. HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25e PIG'S HEADS, per lb. 50 COOKED HAM, per ib. 400 ROAST HAM WITH DRESSING, per Ib. 40c SMOIKED PICNIC .BAMS, per lb. 18c SMOKED BACK BACON, per lb. 30c SAUER KRAUT, 3 lbs, for 150 CONNELL & '1'Y11TDA'l.L,, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 192 .Albert Street 0=0 (OrsO) AO= A. Bargain In Steel Gates p 0 0 e'''''IF' YOU ARE IN NEED OF A GATE YOU CANNOT AFFORD C TO PASS THESE BARGAINS UP M Only a limited number and when the supply is exhausted we will not O 101 be able to replace et these prices. 0 i'l Il 4x12 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE 4x13 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE O 4x14 GALVANIZED STEEL GATE 0 $6,00 $6.25 56.50 $3.85 o 4x6 BARBED WIRE, per 80 rod Rolls IlALSO A FULL LINE OF FROST FENCE AT THE RIGHT PRICE O " SUTTER PERDUE & Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring 1 IliRG1IiS AGAIN BREAD FLOUR, 24 lbs. for PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs for RONI, in bulk, 5 lbs, for 590 OATMEAL FOR CHICKS, 9 lbs. for 25c MACARONI, 250 MINUTE TAPIOCA, 2 pkgs, for 2c BREAD, per loaf 232e SODA BISCUITS, McCormick, Bulk, 2 lbs. for 70 BORN SYRUP, 5 Ib. tin 350 MAPLE SYRUP, per Wine Jem, included 350 RICE, GOOD COOKING, 4 .lbs. for 490 23e CARNATION MILK, Large, 2 for CARNATION MILK, Small, 5 for 23e KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, 2 for 23e PUMPKIN, Large, 2 for 190 VEGETABLE SOUP, Crosse and Blackwell, 2 for 17e PORK AND BEANS, Libby's, large size, 2 for 19e MORNING GLORY BREAKFAST FOOD, per pkg. 23e PEANUT BUTTER, Bring your own Container, 2 lbs. for 23c VANILLA, Iarge size, each 17e PLUMS, Green Gage, large size, 2 tins for 25c COFFEE, per ib. 25c MATCHES, EDDY BLUE RIBBON, the Special' Barionl1 withhhn SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. far 21e TOILET PAPER, 9 rolls for 25c SOAP, UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY, 10 bars for 23e AMMONIA, KLENZINE, 2 for 100 SILVER POLISH NON SUCH, large bottle 23e CALAY TOILET SOAP, 5 for 27c CASTILE TOILET SOAP, 10 bars for 23c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GRAPE FRUIT, SEEDLES'S, 6 for LEMONS, large and fresh, 3 for ORANGES, per dozen 25e, 39, 45c, and 49c ONIONS, COOKING, 5 abs. for 14e CARROTS, Extra large,2 bunchesfor .........., 19c LEAF LETTUCE, 2 for 130 LETTUCE HEAD each APPLES, Good Cookers, per basket CELERY HEARTS, large bunch, CABBAGE, Fresh, per ib. BEANS, 3 lbs. for. •., LOBB'S GENERAL STORE 25c 70 10e 350 190 5e CLINTON •NEWS -RECORD NOW ''.MAY THE WINTER . OFii YOUR • DISCONTET BE MADE GLORIOUS, SUMMER BY the re-decaratiou of` your home ----- THE BEST INSTITUTION CIVILIZATION HAS CREATED WWITH A SELECTION FROM OUR, Wall Paper Stock Beauty, Utility and Economy were anticipated in our buying. Restful patterns and shadings, some colorful, are here to greet you like the fresh, balmy spring breezes. Beautify the home with WALL PAPER. Tire W. D. Fair Co' Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Madeline VanHorne of Toronto was home for Easter Sunday. Mr, H. Lawrence of Hamilton was at his home in 'town for Easter. Miss Nickerson of Toronto spent Easter with Mrs, Harrison Wiltse, Mr. Duncan Cartwright of the Brus- sels Post staff was home for Eas- ter. Mr. Leslie Hanly of Toronto spent the week -end with his family in town. Mr. W. H. Mitch of the Royal Bank, Hamilton, was home for the Eas- tertide. Miss Mary R. Stewart of Oil Springs is with her mother for the Easter holiday time. Miss Dell O'Neil of the Toronto Pub, lio School staff is home for the Easter holidays. Miss Helen Manning of the Univer- sity of Toronto is spending the Easter Vacation at her home in town. Messrs. Kenneh Rorke, Cobalt, and Edward Rorke, Huron College, London, are home for the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Glazier of Toronto came up to spend Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Glazier. Mr, Ernest Ford of Detroit and Miss Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa spent the Eastertide with their aunt, Mrs. S. Lawrence of Mown. Mrs, Fred Gillies of Kitchener was an Easter visitor with her father, Magistrate Andrews, and sister, Mrs. F. VanEgntond, 1M% Brenton Hellyar of Massey, Ont., is home for the Easter vacation, He was accompanied by his young nep- hew, Master Billy Blight. Miss Minnie Gilchrist, who has spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. Logan of Saginaw, Mich., returned to her home in town last week. Miss Linin of Toronto visited with Mrs. O'Neil and the Misses O'Neil for a day or so this week. She and Miss Linton motored upon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nisbitt Cook of Toron- to came up for the Eastertide to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ;Cook. Misses Jean Plumsteel of Elora and Margaret Plumsteel of the Western University, London, are spending the Easter vacation at their home in town, Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Brown and son of Detroit were Eastertide guests -at the home of the former's sister, Mrs C. W. DeWitt Cosens, at Wes- ley -Willis manse. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hewson ,of Tor; onto spent Good Friday and Easter Day with the tatter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Cook. Mrs. Hew- son is remaining all week. Mrs. John Walker of Kitchener was an Easter guest at the home of her son, Mr. G. A. Walker. Her sister, Mrs. James Walker of Hamilton street, Goderieh, also spent Easter with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Procunier and 'little Miss Beverley, Essex, and Mr. W.' IT. Ford, London, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mi.s, J. A • THUR4, APRIL 5,' 1934 RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead ig biscuit e cin tr f 'T URSDAY, SHOW DAY You are invited to visit our Store and sample our little Cakes WEEK -END' SPECIALS Tea, per lb. 45e Red Rose Tea, per ib. 49c Salada Tea, per 'lb. 57c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 lbs. for 37c Granulated 1Sugar, 10 lbs. for 71c Large Bettie Sweet Cucumbers for 34c Marshmallow Cakes, per lb. 15c Tart Cookies, per lb. 15c Fig Cookies, per 1b. , 15c Raspberry Jam, per jar 28c Plum Jam,per jar 24c Cocoa, Bulk, per lb. 15c Candy, Satin Mixture, per Ib. 15e Roasted Peanuts, per lb. lOc Seed Potatoes, Dutch Sets, Fresh Filletts FRUIT 'AND," VEGETABLE MARKET Oranges, per dozen 33c and 39c Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Ripe Tomatoes, per lb. 17c Cauliflowers, each 25c New Green Beans, per Ib. 25c Clinton Creamery Butter, per Ib. 32c New Cheese, 2 lbs. for 29c Fancy Mixed Cookies (Plain and filled), per lb. 25e Juicy Oranges, per dozen 23c Carrots, Beets, Spinach, Celery, Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce FRIGIDAIRE MEATS Fresh Picnic Hams, per Ib. 15e Breakfast Bacon, in piece 29c Pea Meal Backs, per lb. 30c Where Sells for' Less"vv. CLINTON SBIG"Price Prevails o O'NEIL CORNER , GROCETERIA Phone 48 Keep This Date FOR THE FIREMEN'S BIG Annual Dance April, 19th CLOVER HULLER'S ORCHESTRA MVledern and Old Time Music IN THE TOWN HALL CLINTON 69.1. AUBURN Visitors here over the week -end and holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Thompson. Mrs. Wni Str'ausser and daughter of Sebringville with her sister, Mrs. R. D. Munro. Master Harold Hibbert with his grandmother, Mrs. Hill. Miss Marion Mortimore of Acton at the Manse. Miss Ethel Washington of Ems - dale with her parents for the holi- days. Masses Dorothy and Margaret Far- row of Mitchell with their grandpar- ents, Ma•: and Mrs. Jas. H. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and family were visitors in Sarnia on Easter Sunday and 1VYonday IMr. and Mrs, Thos, Wilson and family spent a few days this week with friends at Parkhill. Miss Margaret Dobie left on Sat- urday last for Chicago to resume her position. The teachers here, Miss V. Sharpe and Mr. Hasty, are spending the va., cation at their respecuve hones, A very interesting and well attend-, ed meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox United church was held on Tuesday afternoon Last. When the program was put on mainly by the Senior and Junior Girl's classes of Miss Marga- ret Small. Services in Knox United church on Sunday next, April 8th, will be con- ducted by Rev. Mr, Parr of Fryatt Ave., church, London, 10,30 a.m. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and two sons, Donald and Billie, motored to Brigden on Thursday and spent a few days visiting friends there. Mrs. Wan. Britton accompanied them as far as Warwick. Miss Elva Wheatley of Toronto is spending the Easter .holidays at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Glazier and son, Will and Mrs. E. Pickard and two children, Roy and Lois, of Clin- ton, spent Good Friday at the home of Mrs. Thos. Pollard. Mr. Clifford Riley and Misses Jean acid Ireno Riley of Brussels spent' Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mrs: Rebt.' Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Riley and daughter Mellow Moon Minstrels THE rNf X EEO- OF BUSINESS RC BE HOUSE EIEQNING IN TOWN HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL 12TH AND 13TH Under Auspices Clinton Kittle ,Band THIRTY-FIVE IN CAST 15 -PIECE ORCHESTRA KEEP THESE DATES OPEN 06-5. `When my lips are palsied by great emotions—love, gladness, sorrow, death—and the Words I Would write come not, then I send soul messengers --FLO'WE'RS." (� `i'he yea GREENHOUSE PHONE176 FLOWERSHOP PHONE31 CaIJ AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnishes PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING ARE OUR SPECIALTIES T. Ha�a�ius and we are waiting to supply you with the Goods to help brighten up How about a nice new Felt home. Rug, or Oil Cloth, Congoleum, or Linoleum by' the yaum or e pat- terns are all bright and prices are low—a verYard. The pat - You may need a New Mattress. Well just let us show youabur Stock. We have Felt Mattresses front ,$5.00 to 510.00 and Spring- field Mattresses from 512.50 to 528.00. Also a nice stock of Daven- ports, Dropside and Studio Couches, to add comfort to your 'hone. You will soon be putting away your furs, etc. How about a Cedar Chest and play safe. AMENT A FREEDWARE OFFER—D0 T MISS IT You buy One Can of 4 -Hour -Drying Utilac Enamel, and get a 25e Paint Brush, FREE. This offer closes April 14th. Use Murescb for your walls and ceilings, We handle the famous Sherwin-.W,illiams Paints for inside and outside work. You will soon be —Well we have all the enjoying tools for the fresh tr you to worour rkkrwith r lawn, A nice assortment 'of Chick Fountains and Feeders, also pans - min to make then grow. Get Dr. Hess' Hog Special, Stock Tonic, and Disinfectants, they will pay you big profits. You will eventually find that it pays to shop here. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, The Store With The Stock Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Shop Here and Save Take Advantage of these Low Prices at your Superior Store OXYDOL, large pkg. special at 17c PALMOLIVE, SOAP, 5c each or 5 for 23a CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS, squat size, 2 tins for 15e MOTHERS SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c TOMATOES, Choice Quality, 2 tins for 23c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for 170 ROYAL YORK COFFEE, Special, 1 lb. tin 39c BLUE BOY COFFEE, per lb. 25e EDWARDSBURG CORN SYRUP, 2 lbs. 17c, 5 lbs'. for ...... , 38c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET NEW CABBAGE, per lb, NEW CARROTS, 3 bunches for NEW BEETS, 3 bunches for CELERY HEARTS, per bunch BEAD LETTUCE, 2 for LEAF LETTUCE, 2 bunches for RADISHES, per bunch GREEN ONIONS,- 2 bunches far NEW TOMATOES, per lb. 50 25c 25c 20e 19c 15c 5c 15c 15c KELVINATOR SPECIALS SMOKED PICNIC HAM, per Ib. 19e PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, per Ib. lee COOI0FD HAM, per lb. 45e JELLIED PORK TONGUE, per lib. 85c J. .T. McKNIGHT & SON Grebe, spent Sunday y isiting rely' ,. • "Your Supr HARD\VAIdE' Bird. PLUMBING e" Phone 111 erior Sto -We Sell the Best For Less CLINTON