HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-03-29, Page 4PAGE -4 THE CLINTON NWS-RECO]LW THURS., MARCH 29, 193' COOPER'S STORE NEWS Easter Spceials.' LADIES' MILLINERY LADIES' COATS AND SWAGGER SUITS LADIES' DRESSES EASTER FOOTWEAR EASTER CANDIES EASTER NOVELTIES EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS, BE SURE TO VISIT THIS : STORE ON FAIR DAY, APRIL 5TII A. T. COOPER. Phone 36w (Main Store) ; 36j (Ready -to -hilar Dept,, 2nd floor) The Store With the Stock. Leaders in Lew Prices. hes Lung Tonic.. HEALS AND CURES A COUGH QUICKER You Will Find It the Best Ever IN. S. B. HOLIES PHM.; B. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 51 WHY GO WITHOUT I 2A New Hat for Easter 1 ALL SHAPES AND SHADES, PPtICED FROM $1.415 TO 5750 COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU A REAL GOOD HAT WHEN YOU CAN GET A hTlo re DAVIS E MAN CLEANING, N I NG PRESSING AND REPAIRING , E AI'0 RTIi GILLESPIESCLE & DY TiRS S yp AGENTS FOR AVERS v!a ENDOSc4.ii' 'S Candy and Pastry Specials HOT CROSS BUNS -Order Now for Special Delivery. EASTER EGGS, BUNNIES AND NOVELTIES -Our assortment has no equal. Make your choice to -day. BREAD—Fresh at All Times—The Quality is Bost. WEN' ORFS Fresh Candy and Pastry ,,,MUZIMMeCri,Cmmu'mM196'OPSSAY0 .1..1,2' .10v01.. VAtlC.mN�1C.W� For Your Needs in Flour and Feeds or Garden Seeds Baby Chicks and Poultry Equipment See Us! 1N: TEN IN NEED OF NO. 1 GRASS SEEDS Consult us before buy • - ing elsewhere, ALWAYS 'A LARGE STOCK OF MARMILL, MASTER, AND NEW LIFE FEEDS ON HAND TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. AGENT FOR McKENZIE'S PEAT MOSS us 1.1 L. Jervis Phone 104, Clinton, Ont. 68-2. BRAY ORDERS INCREASED 10 TIMES IN 7 YEARS JOIN ,T1118 "BRAY FAMILY" IN 1934 Bray orders have increased TEN tithes in the past seven years That is a better recommenda- tion for Bray chicksthananything else we could say. The fact that our customers carne back, year alter year, with repeat ord"rs, is do:finiln nemV proof that Bray chicks SATISFY. ,here are definite reasons for this inrceasing popularity of Bray chicks:. 'LIVABILITY AND GROWTH ---•Bray chicks won 50% of the prize money in a chick rearing competition last year, ageinlili ` chicks from 44 other hatcheries. .VIGOR AND STAMINA ---Our ,breeding flocks laid elotulily ally last winter, while so many 'Seeks wore "'hold back" by cold weather. FREEDOM FROM DISE'ASi8* This ie'oor lith yonv blood - testing and G.th year of. Government Approval. See the manager of your nearest Brsy Hatchery for; information a- bout Bray FOUNDATION GRADE". chicles, from eggs averaging 37' 28 ounces to the dozen. Or write to as direct for ,'REE b,00ltlolr,•, "Highway to Poultry Suceess in 1984", Bray Chick Hatchery, 09 Clayburn Ave., SU Catharines, Ont. 'BROODER AND OI0I!1:0;111T. W. CHAI1.LESWOi1'rII, CLINTON EightBreecis—Eighth Year Blood-Tasting--Si>kth'Ven.t Govt, Approval "I didn't cry at the dentiet's, dad," boy, I must give you a shilling 1)id :informed Willie on' hie return. he built you. much?" , u (en oft like'` �n s t Dad. "No,c be saidIbrdad;wa d:.a avei ', Goo • , , HAYFIELD An, Irish S'oola], which was a big succuss was held in the basement of Sb. Andraw's United Church on Tues- day evening, March 20th, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid, The main feature of the evening was a debate, "Resolved that a good 'nat- ured shiftless Irish husband is'to be. preferred in' a dour thrifty Scot." The afirrnative was taken by Mr. Colin Campbell and ,Min Edwin Bong- cy, while Mrs, Brown Stewart and Mr, 1VI, Butler upheld the, negative side of the question: Miss I. Kirk, Miss M. Douglas and Mrs. W. Wallis :used "as judges and gave the verdict in favor of the negative side. The debate was well handled and very humorous, The remainder of the'. program consisted of musical num- bers and. readings. The Masses Ruth and Muriel Elliott sang and acted, "The Old Spinning Wheel in the Par-' ,our, accompanied by Mrs. R. S. Reid anti Ernie Pollock, Vocal ntmt- bets were given by Ernest Rebn. and Sas. Stirling, readings by Mrs. Wal, lis and Clara Clark, violin numbers by Rev, R. M. Gale and Ernie Pol- lock and a medley of Irish Songs by the choir. Games and contests filled in the rest of the evening's enter- taiinneht and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Featherston, Miss Doris Featherston, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker motored to Sarnia on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. H• K. Ring. Mrs. J. Stumpf returned to her home in New York on Thursday of last week, and Mrs. D. Prentice to Toronto on Saturday, after having been home for the funeral 'of their father, the late W'm. 3. Stinson. ,Mir. Lewis Thomson had the mis- fortune to lose a cow last week. He missed the animal on Tuesday and after searching for two days found the carcass in :the river. It is thought that the animal must have gene down for a drink and slipped on the ice, or else been crossing the river when the ice broke and, on ac- count of the rough and broken ice was unable to get out again. A quiet . wedding was solemnized. at the United Church Manse, Bay- field,. on March 22nd, when Clara Louise Harmer, . only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmer of Goderich tovrnship, and James Edgar Blake of Colborne township were united in marriage, Rev. R. M. Gale perform- ing the ceremony. The young couple twill make their home in Colborne township. Tho new farce -comedy, "Phillip felt Short" is being rehearsed by Trinity Church Dramatic Club and will be presented in the Town Hall on Friday, :April. 6th. The fishermen are busy preparing for the opening ofthe season, W. J. 1 f; s J McLeod is repairing is boat which P g h was badly damaged last Fall and H. A. Thomas is building a new boat. It is underconstruction in H. R. Mc - Kay's garage, John R. Cameron superintending the carpentry work. TtTCKERSMIT1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner of Clinton on Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Coleman of Varna visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Crich over the week -end. Mrs. Margaret Crich visited with friends in Clinton for five weeks and has returned hone. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hawke of Clintctr on Monday. Miss Hazel Ashton 01 Stratford visited her home, that of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Ashton, over the week -end. Mrs. Gilf. Crich is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 0. Cole of Goderich township. .lir. and Mrs. S. H. Whitmore vis- ited with Mr and Mrs. R. Roberton of Clinton on Sunday. Miss Nettie Sinclair, night super- intendent.at Clinton Public Hospital, addressed Turner's Sunday School on. Sunday, giving accounts of her work at G;ypsumville, Man., which was lis- tened to by 4111 with great interest. Quito a number enjoyed the party put on by Messrs. Leslie and Norman Pepper; at the Matheson hone. Miss Rota Fear of Goderieh visited at her home on Sunday. Mrs. Pletcher Townsend, who has been: visiting her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trick of London, has returned home. ST. HELENS Mrs. Kerry Cameron spent a day with Miss Groeta Webb. EVXes. Dari Martin and Miss Laura visited • at the home of Mi'. Wim. Woods en' Sunday. Tho .regular meeting of the Wo- men's Instituto will be held in . Com- intinity Hall on April 5th. STANLEY gr. Colin Campbell has ,purchased the 50 -acre fdu'nt belonging to .)1;1r. John 1Vatsom, Jr., of the Blue Water highway. Mr.` and Mrs, A.11. Westlake were the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Pnnihalo en Sunday last. Mr, cud Mrs: Peery of Springfield have moved. to the farm on the Been - Roe ihie, formerly occupied by Mr., Russell Sparks. To. Mr. and ,Mfrs. .toy Scotchmer on Sunday, March 25th; a son was born. HOLMESVILLE IZohnesville friends were shocked yesterday morning to hear of the death of Mr. George Tebbutt, who has been living at Porter's Hill for the past few years and for some weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Pickard. Ile was taken ill On Friday last and,' while he has been: In 'good health and going about as usual, be grad- ually sank and death` came as stated. Mr. Tebbutt was "a well-known figure hereabouts, was for many years pro- minent in the Holntesville church and was esteemed in the' community. The funeral takes place from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickard, Cut Line, on Friday afternoon, the service to commence at half -past one. A fuller notice will appear next week. The young people held their regu- lar meeting on Friday evening, the program being in charge' of the lit- erary vice-president, Mr. Frank Yeo. After the devotional period Mr. Har- old Yeo gave an excellent topic. Mis- ses Thelma and Reta Cudmiore con- tributed two vocal duets, accompan- ied upon the guitar. Misses Norma Potter and Mary Grigg were in charge of the�,games and the splen- did variety of home-made ,candy was much enjoyed by all. The President, Mr. Norman TreWartha, is prepar- ing a splendid program for the Good Friday evening meeting. We are very sorry to report the very serious illness of Mrs. D. Glid- den, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer of Zurich were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mair and Master Kenneth of Sarnia are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair. The W..A. and W.M.S. held a quilt- ing and Pot Luck Supper in the hone of blrs. Walter on Tuesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward andfamily of -Brucefiold visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cudmore .over the week-encl. KFPPE3v • The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in St. Andrew's United Church on Easter Sunday at tho morning service. • A pre-eominunion and Passion Week service will be held in St. Andrew's on Friday evening, March 30th, at 8 o'clock. Rev. Charles W. Gordon of Coven Presbyterian Church, Eke• ter' will have charge. A most unusual and what might have been a quite serious accident occurred at the hone of Mr. Arthur Anderson of the Townline one day last week, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Jas. McDonald were moving heavy clrag•.saw equipment up the steer and slippery gang -way into the barn. One horse of the team went too close to the edge and the saw and wagor slipped over. Fortunately no one was' hurt and the saw was sbon stored quiciciy. away. Mr, Andrew Bell, only son of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Bell, who has been in Clinton Hospital following an acci- dent two weeks ago, has been re- moved to his home, where he is im proving. bliss blyt'tle Fraiirther of Benniil- ler spent the week -end with her rela- tives, Mr. and. Mrs. R. H. Dicic and family. Miss Edna Cochrane of Hillsgreen has returned to her home after vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie, for a few days. Miss Margaret Linden of Denfield is visiting with her sister, birs. Ar- chie Parsons. The Busy Bees Mission Circle will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, John Henderson on Sat- urday, March 31st, at 2.30 o'clock. On Sunday morning last' Rev. E. F. Chandler took for his interesting subject, "The Owner's Brand, or. "The Brand of the Lord Jesus." A very pleasing quartette neither "Down at the Saviour's Cross," was very well rendered by the Misses Florence Thomson and Jeanne son end Messrs. S. B. McLean and A, Bali. Rev. E. F. Chandler was in Caval Presbyterian Church. on lMIenclay ev- ening last taknig one of the Passion Week Services which are being hold throughout the Presbytery. SUMMERHILL Mr. John"Brruivan and family have proved from Mr. Bisback's House to Mr. Rozell's where he has engaged to work for the summer. Mr. •Harry Watkins sold a fine horse to Mr. harry McCool near Goderich. Mr. 0. 3. Jervis went to Sebring- ville on, Sunday to attend the funer- al of Mr. Pletsch. Mr. Toll ,of Auburn has, engaged with Mr. Eddie Ball for the ,summer months. The many friends of ,Mrs. Garvie are sorry to hear of her illness. .Mir. Amos Osbaldestine is .engaged with Mr. Harry ,Charlesworth for the spring months. VARNA We .areS •lad to report 1Vlrs. E. A, Poulter is able to be around again after being confined to deer •bed for sometime. , Miss Emma McBride of Zurio'h spent the weekend with Miss Mar- garet Muter. Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Parsons have now a little baby daughter. BRUC'EP+ IEL]3 The congregation of the United Church listened with much interest to the address .delivered' by Miss E. Mitchell, the travelling secretary of the W.M.S., last Sunday. The ob- jective of the Woman's Missionary Society is to have every woman mem- ber of the Church a member of the Auxiliary, and the younger girl mem- bers of the Mission Circles, Mission Bands and the Babies of the Baby Bands. Miss Mitchell certainly leads s : moat strenuous life. Often 'speaking six nights through the week and two or three times on Sunday and she has been engaged in this work for the past nineteen years. The great ob- ject of her visits to the congregations is to get people interested in .Mission work. She began her address by saying, `3 can not understand how' people who profess to be Christians are not 'interested in Mission Work. Surely the great 'cause is ignorance, for when we know we pray and when we pray we give." .She .told many touching stories about the work that is being done in school homes and hospitals among our New Canadians in the Nest. She mentioned our own Nurse Mustard, what a wonderful work she accomplished at Gypsunt- vilie and is now Supt. of St. Paul's Hospital at Hearst. She is surely spending her life in loving service for others, Miss Mitchell was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen and they cer- tainly enjoyed her visit. Mrs, (Rev.) W. A. Bremner' is in Seaforth Hospital at present taking treatment. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr, Botham has returned to his home in the village after spending the past few months with friends in Clintton. Twas with the deepest regret that the many friends of Mrs. Bruce Berry heard of her passing last Sun- day evening. She appeared to be in her usual -health ,last Wednesday when she was taken suddenly ill and did not regain consciousness. She will be very much missed by her many friends in the village, especially a- mong'the shut-ins, where she was al. ways a welcome visitor. She was al- ways ready to help in every good work. The sympathy of their many friends is extended to her husband and friends. The regular meeting of Brucefield Y.P.S. was held on Monday evening, with the social .convener, Mr. Jim bIcNaugbton, in the chair. The meet- ing opened by singing a hymn fol- lowed by a scripture reading by Jim MoNaughtcn, followed by prayer by Mr. Jesse Freeman. The topic, "If A Man Die Shall IIe Live Again?" was taken by R. Newton, a reading from the Readers Digest est was given by the Rev. Mr, Bremner, The pre- sident took the chair for any business and discussion. It was moved and seconded that the next meeting, which occurs on Monday, April 2nd, be held on April 1st Sunday evening. directly after the evening service,' owing to a Y.P.S. rally being held at Wesley -Willis United church, Clinton. on Monday evening, April 2nd, Any members desirous of attending this rally please meet at the church not later than 7.30 p.m. The meeting closed by singing a hymn after which all joined in the Mizpah benediction. Representatives from Goderich Henson and Exeter Oddfellows Lod- ges visited Brucefield last Friday ev- ening, Two . candidates, Mr. Wm. McLachlan and Mr, Alex. Hyde re- received the first, degree in Oddfel- lowship. The degree work was put on by Exeter degree team in a very pleasing manner. After the meeting lunch was served after which several of the visiting brethren gave short addresses, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mr, Lorne Lawson motored to Toronto nn Friday and stent the week -end in, the city visiting relatives. Mrs. Ernest Adams returned home from London on Saturday, leaving been called there to attend the fun- eral of her niece, Mrs. Fred. Williams of that city. We are pleased to note that Miss Doreen Clarke was able to be brought home from Seafrorth hospital last Friday after her serious illness. Mr. Wrn. Ardell, Miss Mary Moore and Mrs. WM. Moore of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of Itressrs. William and Milton Moore here - Mr. James Moore of Toronto is visiting at the hone of his aunt and uncle, M. and Mrs. Adam ,Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs.' John. Mann and daughter, Doris, and Mr. Beit Riley of near Constance spent Sunday in the .village. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Mr..John Keller spent Friday in Lond'on,: Mr. Wm." McArthur and. Mr: W. Barwick of Goderich and -Mrs. L. Mc- Kay of. Flint, Michigan, called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Nichol- son on Sunday. The 'Live Wires Sunday School Class intend putting on a play -en- titled, "Aunt Susan•s Visit," on the evening .of April 4th at 8 p.nt. in Constance United Church. An explosion of kerosine which was being put on a fire in her home caus- ed the death of a another and babe at 'Comma ;on 'Saturday, afternoon. SAFETY AT LOW COST The Joss of your will, insurance policies, bonds or mortgage papers may load to endless trouble. Free yourself from all worry by obtaining a convenient Safety Deposit 'box at The Royal Dank. It costs very little and gives complete protection. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON; Manager LONDON ROAD The Community Club held their annual "At Home" in the Fireman's hall, Clinton, Friday evening. There were twenty-nine tables for cards arranged for the first part of the ev- ening. The first prizes were claimed by bIrs. Frank Rathbun, Kippen; and Mr. Tom Riley, Clinton; consola- tion prizes were awarded Miss Dor- othy Watt and Mr. Wilbur Nott. Re, freshments were served after which old and young enjoyed themselves dancing till 1.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Will Collins furnished the music for both old time and modern dancing. The ladies wish to thank all those who attended for their patronage as this is the only drive for funds dur- ing the year, btr. Gordon Manning, Stanley, has been spending a few days with his brother, Norman Manning, while nursing a sprained ankle, A number of farmers on this road have tapped trees but they say the weather is too cold for a favourable run of sap. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rathbun, Kippen, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Falconer. Mrs, Jacob, Matron at the County Home, had the misfortune to slip on the floor and break a small bone in her foot which will lay her up for a while. Mrs. 13.• Willard of Hensel. spent a few clays last week with her sister, 14Irs. B. Rowcliffe, while her son, Donald, spent several days in the Clinton hospital suffering from a broken leg. PORTER'S HILI, Bir. Lee Potter of Detroit spent a short time with the Harrison famil- ies, Mr. James I\icMillan, Sr., who had a nasty fall, is recovering nicely. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller enter- tained a few of their friends on Fri- day last. Ono of our young fellows had a rather exciting experience last week when he found that ",Henry" had wandered off into the ditch. After securing help from a brother, he was able to return home in the wee sma' hours. Nothing serious wrong only "Henry's" eyes "went shat, Sleepy, probably. A wedding of interest to this community took place at Bayfield on Thursday last, when Rev. R. M. Gale joined in holy bonds of wedlock, Clara L. Harmer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmer, Blue. water highway, to James Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake, Col- borne township. After the ceremony the bridal party sat down to a sump- tuous wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents.. The best wishes of the community go out to the hap- py young Couple, who will reside in Colborne. ✓ Glen and Argyle Lockhart enter- taineil'aboht fifty of their friends to a party on Monday evening. Al, though the night was very unpleasant they seemed to forget the storm, and enjoyed a happy time together. The evening ' was to celebrate Mr.' and Mrs. ,T. S. Lockhart's wedding anni-' versary. One of the worst snow storms of, the season was experienced on Mon- day fright when 10 7.,12 inches of snow fell in a few hours. Good sleighing this week. LONDESDOR.D•, Beth and Leonard Shobbrook vis- ited at the home of. Wim Snell Sun- day. The Young People met in•thc base- ment of the church Sunday evening. The president, See Shaddiek, presid. ed. The meeting opened by singing, followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Earl Cartwright gave a read- ing, "Remarkable Circumstances." During the taking of the offering bIrs. Jack Scott sang a solo, "The Day is Gently Drawing to a Close." The les- son, Job 14:1-14, was read by Clara Thinking. _Eleanor Hudson gave the trpie, "If a Man Dies Shall He Live Again " Mr. John Melville gave a talk on "The Acts and Proceedings of the 50th Assembly in the Presbyterian Church Owen Sound, 1924. The meet- ing closed with the singing of a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction, The home of Rev, Dr. McLauchlin of Toronto was the scene of a quiet wedding on Mar'ch.l4th, at 2.30 p.m., when bliss Maude Lyon of Calgary and Mo. Wilbert Lobb of Goderich township were united in marriage by Dr. MoLauchlin. Mr. and Mrs, Greenwood of Toronto were the at- tendants. After the ceremony Mrs. McLauehlin served a dainty lunch. Mrs. Greenwood entertained in honor of the bride and groom at the tea hour, The bride was becomingly at- tired in a navy triple crepe frock with coat of midnight blue lama cloth Mid hat to match. After a short honey- moon in Toronto, Niagara Falls and. Ranssomville, U.S.A., they returned to the groom's home in ' Gcderich township, On Wednesday evening, March 21st, a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. H. Lyon, of Londesboro, when a most enjoyable evening was spent. The house was prettily decorated with mauve and white streamers am' spring flowers. At 6.30 all sat dorso to a sumptuous wedding dinner, all the brothers and sisters of the bride being present for the occasion., Those front a distance being: Mts. Eldred Holmes and Erwin of Dresden; Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, Ilene and Bobby of Exeter; Mr. and MI's. Earl Gaunt of Lucknow. The many friends of the happy couple extent. their congratu- lations. The W. M. S. of the United church held their Easter meeting on Monday afternoon of this week, with Mrs. A. W. Gardiner presiding, Meeting op- ened .by singing an Easter hymn fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs, J. Tamblyn. The question of forming a mission band was discussed and a Band will be organized shortly, after Mrs, J. P. Manning and Mrs. L. McNall as leaders. The routine of .business was disposed of as quickly as poesible in order to leave more time for the guest speaker of the afternoon, the auxiliary being fortunate in securing Miss Mitchell, travelling secretary to address the meeting. Miss Bell Nott sang a pleasing solo; Mrs. Chas. Wat- son read the scripture lesson; a quer-' tette contributed by Mrs.. E. Adams, ,Mfrs, J. S. Carter, Mrs. G. Moon and Mrs: M. Manning was appreciated. Miss Mitchell was then introduced who spoke feelingly to a spellbound audience giving them first-hand in , formation of her wont in the Mari- times and Western Provinces, part cularly of those pioneering in the outlying districts beyond the reach of railroads, picturing' their hardships and also their great "courage.' Truly their need is great. Time passed all too quickly, so interesting and bene- ficial washer1 talk. At the close of the address Mrs, J. Scott rendered a solo, which was enjoyed. The meet- , ing closed with prayer' by the presi- dent, quite a number. of Burns, and Constance members were present, al- so the Mission Circle of the local. branch. Group No. 4 and others served refroshments and a 'half hour of social chat was enjoyed at the lunch hour, seventy-two being pre•• sent. Winter'is here again with drifts of snow piled high. "Whether its cold or whether its hot we are having win- ter, whether or riot.", ; ir+