HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-03-22, Page 8PAGE S THE 'CLINTON NEVES-RECORD THURS., MARCR 22; 1934 ecial Week -End Bargains. WHOLESALE PRICES ARE ON THE UP -GRADE SAVE MONEY BY INVESTING IN THESE WEEK -END SPECIALS BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS, Yellow or Blue, Reg. 85c for .65c WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, Collar attached, Special Price, 69c BLEACHED PILLOW SLIPS, 42 -inch, Hemstitched, Each CHILDREN'S LEATHER GAUNTLET MITTS Regular 35e. Special at 25c 25c TURKISH TOWELING, Colored Stripe, Special Price, per yd. 15c LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS, only a limited quantity 39c. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Plu 11 steel Bros. HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. fob 25c SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for 259 SMOKED HAM, per lb, 22e SMOKED PICNIC HAM, per lb. 18e PURE BULK LARD, per Ib. 12e BEEF TONGUES, per lb. 12c CHICKENS, MILK -FED, BABY BEEF, FISH AND PORK CONNELL1 & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street 11 Look These Speci▪ als Over O GALVANIZED SAP BUCKETS 20c GALVANIZED SYRUP TINS SPILES 9 25c 21/29 ZENOLEUM, for 35e 00 CHICK FEEDERS 25c o CHICK WATERERS 10c i O ,SPRAYERS 25o, and 50e II FORMALDYEHYDE 25e LICE POWDER 35c it O OUR NEW SHIPMENT OF STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS ARE IN {I o 5c and 10c Per Pkg. p 11 Il NEW STUDIO COUCH JUST RECEIVED=This is a very Popular Piece of Furniture. p 0 SUTTER PEROVE & WA�KEA Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring X0=10 0 11 MONEY SAVERS WE ARE INTRODUCING A NEW BAKING POWDER— • Put up especially for us. 16 big ounces in every tin and Guaranteed Satisfactory or Money Refunded—So you take no risk when you buy this powder, and this week to introduce it, we will sell it for 19c per tin and give FREE with each tin a Glass Souviner. LARD, DUMART'S, 2 lbs. for" PORK AND BEANS, LIBBY'S, large tin, 2 for 19c CATSUP, Ideal Big Quart Bottle, 2 for 29c STRAWBERRY JAM, 4 -lb. tin, each 49e RASPBERRY JAM, 4 lb. tin, each 49c This is much better value than the jar—,Just figure it out HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE, 2 tins for 29c CORN, BANTAM, 2 for 25c PEAS, 2 tins for _ 25c CORN BEEF, Tins 2 for 26c PREPARED MUSTARD, 2 lb. jar for 25c RICE, large. Fancy, 2 lbs. for 19e RICE, Small, 4 lbs. for 25c SAY IT WITH JELLY McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, 4 for 23c DE LUX JELLY POWDER, 5 for 23c GEL -E MADE BY M'eLAREN 5 for 216 23c GOLD MEDAL JELLY POWDER, 4 for (and one given FREE) FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ' LEMONS, large size, per dozen 35c ORANGES, per dozen . 17e . LETTUCE, in Leaf, large, 2 for 15e LETTUCE, in Leaf, Small, each 56 LETTUCE., HEAD, 2 for ......,.................... 190 CARROTS, 2 bunches for 156 CABBAGE, NEW, per Ib. 5c AiPPLES, per 11 qt. basket 350 BEANS., SMALL, HAND-PICKED, -6 lbs'. for 19e ONIONS. COOKINIG, 10 lbs. for 29c TOMATOES, Choice Quality, per Th. ....................... 14e .CASTORIA, per bottle 29c D'ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS .......... ......r..... 45c. KHOVAH HEALTH; SALTS GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS 115e HEADACHE TABLETS, per bottle 25c PHILLIP'S MILK OF MAGNESIA, large size 47c LOBS'S GENERAL STORE The Easter Season ;brings visions of better, brighter days—from the dying winter to the new born Spring. The keynote of these days is jay and gladness. - SEALS N9 E 687 ASSTD. It is fitting that these sentiments should find expression in the sending of suitable greetings to your friends. For this purpose we have suitable cards featuring the season's senti- ment and beauty. Then Folders, Post Cards, Paper Napkins, Cellophane, Easter Grass for decorating, in purple, green and red. Baskets brightly colored. Rab- bits, Chicks, China Egg Cups, Me, chanical Cut Outs and Novelties. Tia W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapeat—Always the Best 1 I�i�I�ill lllllllimi�i�i�ou�gni'IIr e._.�•.���•�uu•__.......•..............nu....... ......mup ll lllllnu L Mrs. J. Addison left Saturday to visit her sister in Philadelphia, Mrs. S. C, Andrews, of Alix, Alta, is visiting his father and sister, Mag- istrate S. J. Andrews and Mrs. Fer- gus VanEgmond. Mr. J. P. McIntosh, who has been spending the winter with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Sorrel, of Fort William, has returned to his home in Clinton, Miss Shepherd, who has been spend- ing several weeks in Toronto, was the week -end guest of Misses Ward and Stone, going on to her home near Goderich to be ready for the spring season in her apiary. LONDESBORO The Y. P. S. met in the school room of the United Church Sunday ev- ening, Miss Elsie Manning presided. The meeting opened by the singing of a hymn also the Lord's Prayer. The minutes were read and adopted and Joe Shaddick was elected presi- dent for the remainder of the year. Earl Cartwright read the Scripture lesson and Miss Helen Youngblutt gave the topic. After a prayer by the Rev. A. W. Gardner, Fred Morrell gave a talk on "The Life and Works of Martin Luther" and M. Gardner gave an inspiring talk. The meeting closed by singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds," and repeating the Miz- pah Benediction. Miss Grace Manning of Walton is visiting Beth Shobbrook. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Institute will be held in Com- munity Hall on Thursday, March 29th, please note change of day. This is young girl's day, program and lunch by the girls, who always roy- ally entertain. As the Institute year is nearing the close, it is asked that if any do not wish to join the coming year please hand your names to the secretary before the May meeting. But the officers hope for a larger membership. The commit- tee who was appointed to attend to the program for the pie social on the 11th of April, have secured the play, "Wild Ginger." The young people of Thames Road will present it. The W.M.S. of the United church met for their regular meeting on the 14th with a good attendance, the president, Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, presiding. Singing a hymn and prayer by Mrs. J. Tamblyn constitu- ted the opening exercises. - Mrs. Mitchell, traveling secretary, bbing able to be present on the 26th of March, only, it was decided to hold the next meeting on that date in or- der to secure her. She is a fine speaker and a treat to hear..It was also planned to invite the sister aux- ilaries, Burns and Constance, also the Mission Circle for the occasion, Monday afternoon, March 26th, at 2.30 p.m. after the business, etc., was concluded, the meeting was left in charge of Group No. 3, Mrs. F. Johnston presiding, The study was on China, several taking part. A pleasing instrumental was rendered 1. \f4... TT -.1.:... [v __::.. ,1.-41 RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead Every DOLLAR SALE for CASH entitles you to a FIVE CENT article FREE that is you get $1.05 of Groceries for $1.00. 5 CENT SALE Aylmer Tomato Juice 5c Nature's Best Tomatoes 5c Sardines, per tin 5c Half Pound Ginger Snaps 5c Macaroni, per lb. 5c Big Five Cleaner 5c Toilet Paper, each 5c Comfort ISbap, for 5e Carnation Milk 5c Jelly Powder, Red 5c Toilet Soaps, per bar 5c FRUITS 'AND VEGETABLES New Cabbage 5e Head Lettuce 5c vannammaralueenainzmis New Green Onions 5c Radishes, for . 5c SPECIAL FRUIT SALE FRIDAY 'AND SATURDAY Lemons, per dozen 29c Oranges, Juicy, per dozen 23c New Carrots, 3 bunches 20c New : eets, 2 bunches 15c Cauliflowers, 2 for 25c Spinach, per lb. 100 FRESH FISH Halibut, per Ib, 20c 'Red 'Salmon, per lb. 15c Filletts, per lb. 19c dINEINV SPECIAL LUNCHEON BAKED SARDINES ON TOAST ---Fresh Toast with Sardines on Top, Bake for five minutes, add H. P. Sause LETTUCE AND TOMATO SALAD GRAPE JELLY made of Red and White Jelly TEA BISCUITS made of Tea Bisk RED AND WHITE COFFEE Where "Sells for Less"• Price Prevails W. T. 4'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON THE HOLY LAND will be given by Mr. John Hartley, Toronto, in St. Paul's Sunday School Ronin, on GOOD FRIDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock MUSICAL PROGRAM under direction of Mr. A. W. Anderton, Miss Marion Gibbings, Mrs. H. Law- son & Mrs. Roberts, Goderich, artists, EVERYBODY WELCOME Silver Collection 67-2. Sacred Cantata The Cross and Crown IN WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH 8 p.m. Good Friday, March 30 SILVER COLLECTION An Irish Concert TUESDAY EVENING. MAR 27TH Men's Club Rooms, Porter's Hill Program will take form of contest between Ladies' Aid and Men's Club. Preceding program will be a short ceremony in connection with turning on Hydro in the club rooms. Admission 25c. School children Free Come and Enjoy a Good Program. 67-1. New and Old Time Dance to be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday, April 5th Dancing 9 a.m. to L30 a.ni. Admission, 25c each. Under the •auspices of the Huron Central Agricultural Society Entire proceeds towards payment of Spring Show Prize List. 67-2. led in short prayers, and the meet ing was closed with prayer by 'Mrs. Gardiner, Refreshments were serv- ed by the group in charge and a few minutes of social intercourse spent together. ,Mrs. E. Gaunt of St. Helens spent part of the week with her mother, Mrs. IL Lyon. Mrs: James Howatt of Auburn is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Manning. Mr. Frank Wood and son, Edwin, Mr. Will Manning and Mr. Howard Armstrong were in Toronto on Mon- day. Mrs. A. Kerslake and two children of tie; Mellow Moon Minstrels IN TOWN HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL 12TH AND 13TH Under Auspices Clinton Kiltie Band THIRTY-FIVE IN CAST 15 -PIECE ORCHESTRA KEEP THESE DATES OPEN 66-5. FLOWERS IS SHE WAITING FOR A MESSAGE? USE OUR TELEGRAPH SERVICE AND ��zipzq���e 3ZOrz st GREENHOUSE PHONEII6 FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I FLOWERS BY WIRE CaII AND SEE THE Renfrew Cream Seperators PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED Martin-Senour Paints and Varnihing PLUMBING AND TINSMITHII' G ARE OUR SPECIALTIES T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING ._ . Buy at ilorne In view of the startling disclosures brought out by the parlia- mentary Committee, investigating Into the business methods employ- ed by some of the large nail order houses, showing up some of the evils of mass buying, and very often, cheapening the articles, so badly that very often the producers of goods are forced out of Busi- ness. • Owing to these conditions the dealers in the smaller towns have met with a lot of unfair competition and we would appeal to your better judgment to spend your money at home, where you will get just as good value for ,your money, and very often better. However, next time you think of sending away for anything in our lines, think it over, then let us show you that we can do just as well for yd'a as the larger stores. You Will Eventually Find That It Pays To Shop Here' HAIL., & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Grocery Specials ORDER NOW—MARCI•I 22, 23, 24 BLUE RIBBON MATCHES, 3 for 21c BURFORD PEACHES, per tin 14c BRUNSWICK SARDINES, 4 tins 19e PURE LARD, 2 lbs, for 25e P. AND G. SOAP, 4 bars for 16c COFFEE, CARDINAL, Our Own Fresh Ground, 1 lb. for 49c COFFEE, ROYAL YORK, in lb. tins 390 CANNED TOMATOES, 3 squat size 25c PASTRY FLOUR, SCHOENHALS, 24 lb. 59c PASTRY FLOUR, DRUMMER, 24 Ib. 65c CEREAL BLEND, per pkg. 23e FRY COCOA, 1-2 lb, tin for 23e SWANSDOWN BISCUIT MIX, per pkg. 27c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy, per dozen 19c, 29c and 35c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25o LEMONS, large, per dozen 29c CAULIFLOWER, large . 25c NEW. CABBAGE, per Ib. 5e NEW CELERY HEARTS, each 20c NEW BEETS, 3 bunches for 25e NEW CARROTS, 3 bunches for 25o GREEN ONIONS, 2 bunches for 156 HEAD LETTUCE . 10c LEAF LETTUCE . . 3 bunches for 25e KELVINATOR SPECIALS SMOKED PICNIC HAM, per Ib. 19e OAUSAGE, Pure Pork, per lb. 22e 45a 17c COOKED HAM, Sliced, per 'ib. WEINERS, per lb.. SPECIAL DATED Coffee REGULAR PRICE 45c TEA, REG. PRICE 8c 53c 3'9C SPECIAL FOR J.T. McKN IG HT `& SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111.