HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-03-01, Page 8PAGE 8 Special Week -End Bargains WHOLESALE PRICES ARE ON THE UPGRADE SAVE MONEY BY INVESTING IN THESE WEEK -END SPECIALS, BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS, Yellow or Blue, Reg. 85e for 65c WH•ITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, Collar attached, Special Price, 69c BLEACHED PILLOW SLIPS, 42 -inch, Hemstitched, Each 25c CHILDREN'S LEATHER GAUNTLET MITTS Regular 35e. Special at 25c TURKISH TOWELING, Colored Stripe, Special Price, per yd. 15c LADIES' HOUSE SLDPPERS, 'only a limited quantity 390 BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Plumsteel Bros. LEG LAMB, per lb. 20c LA1vIB CHOPS, per lb. 22c LAMB STEWS, per lb. 15c SAUSAGE, HOME-MADE, 2 lbs, for 25c BULK LARD, per lb, 12c RIB ROAST OF BEEF,. per lb. 12e FRESH STOCK OF FISH ON HAND AT ALL TIMES CONNELL & TYNDALL. " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street =0=0===20 ) t ) O Hardware • GUARANTEED CROSS -CUT SAWS, 2 and 4 Cutters $5.00 LION BRAND HANDLED AXES $L45 HANDLED AXES . . $1.25 COPPER TUB, HAND WASHER, A Bargain at $17,50 SQUARE WASH TUBS $1.15 D. HANDLE STABLE SHOVELS LONG IIANDLE STABLE SHOVELS 4 -ROW STABLE ,BROOM 75e 65c 90c O 0 OLRO) t0?t0 5LTTER & PERDUE Hardware and Plumbing, Phone 147w. Clinton Ont. b=0— .0=0 THE CLINTON', NEWS -RECORD Sale Priced Wool and Pencil' Sharpeners There is a point, to this sale. We are overstocked with this wool and wish td whittle our stock down 'to reasonable proportions. It is a 4 .ply Scotch Fingering yarn of excel- lent quality and comes in a mid - grey shade only. At regular price the wool retails for 15c an oz. skein. We are now offering it for a !bar- gain price of 4-1;oz. 'skeins for 25c or 95c a pound. There is also a point to this tale. It is meant to put a point on your pencil. This new sharpener stands 3" high and screws flat to a disk or fastens on a counter or wall where - ever may be desired, It sharpens all standard size pencils with a rotary action. Handy in office, handy in home and handy in school. It is just a miniature of the larger one with which you are familiar. Comes in three -colours, red, green or blue, PRICE, 30c. Tfle W . D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. J. B. Lobb visited friends in Galt for a few days Iast week, Mr. W. H. Mutch of the Royal Bank Hamilton, was home over the week- end, Miss Helen Manning of the Univer- sity of Toronto was home over the weekend, Miss Madeline VanHorne, who has taken a position in Toronto, spent the week -end at her home in town, Miss Freda Wallis of Guelph and Miss Ruth MacMath of Toronto were week -end guests at the home of the former in town. • Mrs. E. H. Wise returned Saturday front Toronto, where she had been spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Scott. Mr. Russell Andrews of Toronto was a week -end guest with his father, Magistrate Andrews, and sister, Mrs. F. VanEgmond. Mrs. Garnet Vanliorne and little son, Ronnie, of Toronto, visited her Gt parents in Seaforth and also Mr. and Mrs. G. VanHorne of Clinton, over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. A. "Drummond and Iit= tle son, Donald, of Detroit were here last week owing to the death of the lady's father, Mr. A. G. Mor- ris, whose funeral took place on 'Saturday. Mrs. Drummond and son remained with Mrs. .Morris over the week -end. Here is the Place Thursday, Friday, Saturday is the Time Gy. With each order that amounts to $1.00 or over, 10 lbs. of Sugar can be bought for 69c RIOE, 4 lbs. for 23c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 3 for 23c CARNATION MILK, Large Size tin, 3 for 27c CARNATION MILK, Small Size tin, 5 fox' 21c McCORMICK'S SODA BISCUITS., in 10 lb. boxes 99c McCORMI'CK SODA BISCUITS, Loose, 2 lbs. for 23c MACARONI in Bulk, 5 lbs. for 23c RED ROSE TEA, per Ib. 49e COFFEE, Buy 1 Ib. of Gorman and Eckerts at 45c and we will give 'you Absolutely Free a China•Cup and Saucer that sells regularly for 15c. SALTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs. for. MAPLE BUDS, per lb. PEANUT BRITTLE TAFFY, per lb. MARSHMALLOW CANDY, per Ib. HARD MIXED CANDY, per lb. KISS CANDY, per Ib. PEANUT BUTTER, Good Quality in Bulk, 2 lbs, for MAPLE LEAF BUTTER, per jar APRICOTS, Choice Quality, 2 tins for PEACHES, Choice Quality, 2 tins for PINEAPPLE, °RRjUS;HED, Choice Quality, 2 for HONEY, PURE CLOWN, 5 lbs. for BUTTER WRAPPERS, Large package GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, 2 tins for WHITE CORN, 2 tins for PEAS, NO. 4, 2 tins for PEAS, NO. 3, 2 tins for PEAS, NO. 2, 2 tins for WHITE BEANS, Hand Picked, 5 lb's. for . . .....................19c CARROTS, Old, 5 lbs. for. 15e CARROTS, NEW, 2 bunches for 19e PARSNIPS, 5 lbs. for. 190 HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for 190 COOKING 'ON'IONS, 10 lbs. for 29c CELERY, large bunches . 15c to 19c SPINACH, 2 lbs. for 25c 21c 19c 15e 19e 17c 19c 25c 190 39c 390 39c 470 590 23c 17c 23c 25e 27e LOBB'S GENERAL STORE Mrs, E. L. Williamson and Miss Min- nie Lavan of Toronto were in town for the funeral of their father, the late Thomas L. Lavan, which took place from the station on the arri- val of the noon train from Toron- to on Monday. Mrs. 'Williamson returned to the city on Tuesday but Miss Lavan remained for a few days visiting friends here and at Londesboro. BRUCEFIELIJ Mrs. 'Geo. Hill has gone to Strat- ford to spend a few months et the home of her son, Mr. Jas. Hill.. Mrs. Jamison visited friends on the Huron Road last week. Mr. Stanley Reid and his friend spent Sunday at his home in the vil- Iage. The regular meeting of the Bruce - field Y.P.S. was held on Monday evr ening at 8.15 p.m., with Jim Mc, Naughton in the chair. The meeting opened by singing a hymn followed by scripture reading by J. McNaugh- ton, and prayer by R. Newton. The topic, "Citizenship," was ably taken by Miss M. 'McNaughton. The vice- president, Miss Elsie Smith, took the chair for discussion and any busi- ness. It was arranged that Wesley - Willis Y. P. S., 'Clinton, be invited to come down next Monday for a social evening. Every member is requested to attend. The meeting . closed by singing a hymn followed by the Miz Pah benediction A social half hour was enjoyed by all present at the close. The following extract from the To- ronto Star Weekly, will be of inter- est to people in this vicinity: "Sent out to be nurse in charge of the small hospital maintained by the Women's Missionary Soeiety of the THURS., MARCH 1; 19341 RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead ti fi 4:'r. ?I/day 1 nd Saturday ISt2ncLw3rd- 25c SPECIALS 3 Cans C. & B. Soup 3 Cans C. & B. Pork and Beans 25c Golden Grain, per pkg. 25c Breakfast Food, 5 lbs. for 25c Green Peas, 2 tins for • 25c White Corn, 2 tins for 25c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. for 25c ,Jelly Powder,- 5 pkgs. for 25c Dried Peaches, per lb 25c 25c LENT SPECIALS Sardines, 5 for 25c iSardines, 2 for - 25c Red Star Salmon, per tin 25o Fresh Filletts, per lb. 17c Finnan Haddie, per 1b. 15c Halibut, per lb. 20c Fresh, Herring, per lb. 10c Fresh White Fish, 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Oysters 35c EXTRAS (While They Last) Ginger Snaps, per lb. 10c Dates, per ib. 10c 25c iSPECIALS Fruit and Frigidaire Seedless Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. for 25c Sun Kist Oranges, for 25c New Carrots, 2 for 15t New Beets, 2 for 15c New Cabbage, per, ib. 6c OTHER SPECIALS IN BIG BILLS 14c Peppermint Patties, per lb. 19c 29c Salada Tea half pound for 27c C. & B. Catsup, each Brooms, each Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON' S BIG ® T. ' CORNER GROCETERL Phone 48 United Church at Gypsumville, Mani, toba, Miss Margaret Mustard not on- ly fulfilled these duties but conduct- ed the church services and carried on a Sunday school. Realizing the ne- cessity of a church to serve the mix- ed population in this region, she in- itiated and carried through the build- ing scheme as a result of which e fine church was completed last spring, the first church to be erected in that area. Miss Mustard was sent out to the hospital three years ago. At the out- set the only church service was that conducted by herself and the deacon- ess connected with the hospital. Con- vinced that a church could be built if the community got behind the pro- ject, she established a building fund and interested the men In the region to contribute their labor to the scheme. The result was that a fine edifice was built at a total cost of only some $3,000. Had the church been built in Winnipeg on the ordin- ary tender basis it is estimated that the cost would have been nearer $10,000. Much to the regret of the commun- ity, Miss Mustard was transferred by the Women's Missionary Society board to the hospital at Hearst, On- tario, where she is in charge as mat- ron. The hospital at Gypsumville now has as its nurse, Miss M. Mul- lock ,of Pipestone, with Miss K. An, derson, of Swan River, as the deacon- ess in charge." AUBURN Lenten services are being held in St. Mark's Anglican church every Wednesday evening during Lent. Mr. and Mrs: Frank Raithby are to be congratulated on the birth o£ a little son, who has arrived to brighten their home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills left on Monday for Toronto, where Ted has secured a position. Mr. John 'Symington is in very poor health at present, being confin- en to his bed. 141'. Symington 'cele• brated his 80th birthday on February 11th. Mrs. Wm. Watson of Nile visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Carter on Tuesday. Mr. MacLeod, Agricultural Repre- sentative, of Clinton addressed 1 ANNUAL PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT under auspices of Home and School Club TOWN HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY March 8th and 9th at 8 o'clock Program: Operetta, "Little Red Rid., ing Hood," by the four upper rooms. Included in this will be a Bunny Dance by the Primary Room Operetta, "Under the Sugar Plum • Tree," by the three Lower Rooms Do Not Fail to Take in this Concert. • . 'Twill be a good one. 1 Admission 25c. '64-4. number of farmers in the Forres- ter's Hall on Tuesday afternoon this week, on control of Warble Ply and Bot Fly. Farmers in this district should try and co-operate in an effort to clean up these pests, as they do many dollars worth of damage to hides as well as in discomfort to cat- tle, milk cows and horses. Mr, and Mrs, Ezekiel Phillips cele- brated their 39th wedding anniver- sary on Tuesday, Feb, 27th. We ex- tend congratulations, FOR BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVER SARIES OF EVERY KIND Spring Flowers now in Season .aairiah ami 3lortst GREENHOUSE PHONEI76 �i FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I Spring Will Soon be Here BE PREPARED BY ORDERING Sap Pans and Buckets ego HAVE A FEW STOVES AND HEATERS AT A DISCOUNT FOR THIS MONTH T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 294 ,$Ia ( i Spring and Better Times and we are ready for Bigger and Better Business, wi`li the Stock to. Meet Your Requirements, Including: SAP BUCKETS, SAP SPOUTS, SYRUP CANS, SYRUP TESTERS. As usual we have a full stock of UTILAC PAINTS, MURESCO for a good cheap Wall, and Ceiling finish in beautiful colors. Good Selection of MOPS, PAINT AND WALL BRUSHES. WE DO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING FURNITURE DEPARTMENT You will find some real Bargains in Dining Room, Bedroom, and Chesterfield Suites; with a host ,of Special Prices in Lamps and the smaller lines of Furniture. You Will Eventually Learn That It Pays to Shop Here BALL & ZAPFE The Store With The Stock Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers SUPERIOR CHAIN STOR4S Great, i '- C Sale 3 BIG DAYS — MARCH 1, 2, 3 PEARL SOAP, 5 bars for 19e RINSO, large pkg. 19e LUX FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for 19e SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, 3 pkgs. for 19e STANDARD TOMATOES, 2 large tins 19c MACARONI, Readieut, 4 lbs. for 19c DE LUXE JELLY POWDER, 4 pkgs. for 19c BRUNSWICK SARDINES, 4 tins for 19e FRESH ROLLED OATS 5 lbs. for 19c OLD DUTCH 2 tins for 19e COWAN PURE COCOA, 1 lb. tin 19e DRUMMER PASTRY FLOUR 7 lbs. for 22c 24 lbs. for 65o SPECIAL RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM, 40 oz. 30c KELVINATOR SPECIALS SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per lb. 21c PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 19e PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. 18e arid 2ne BREAKFAST BACON, sliced, per ,ib 32c FISH FILLETTS, per ib. 17c HADDIE, per lb. 15a SALMON, per Ib. 15c ,WHITE FISH, 2 lbs 25c HE'RRIN'G, 3 lbs. for 25o J.T. McKNIGHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. ti