HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-02-08, Page 8PAGE $ MNANT SALE REMNANT ENDS OF, PIECE GOODS OF ALL KINDS PRINTS, GINGi•IAMS, FLANNELETTE, TOWIlLING, SHIR.TING'S,. CURTAIN' MATERIALS, 'CI•TdNTZE'S AND CRETONNES ALL MARKED AT CLEARING PRICES Some Lines for be Discontinued Remnant ends of Stock of various kinds, all through the store— WorkShirts, Fine Shirts, Sox, ,Underwear, Hosiery, Mitts, Overalls, Pants, Leather .Coats and Windbrieaker's, Overcoats and Suits. AU tagged with the red ticket. WORK SOX, as low as 2 pairs for 25c PEARL GREY BLANKETS, part wool, Iarge size, Special $2.50 Pair WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, Collar Attached 69c MEN'S SILK SCARVES, as low as MEN'S SILK TIES 2 for 35e, 25c each and up January Sale Prices to Prevail for the Balance, of the Month Many lines to clear at less than Wholesale Prices. Agents 'for Tip -Top and Berger 'Made -to -'''Measure Clothing BOWER SKATING OIUTFITS Plumsteel Bros. RIB ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. 12c BEAD CHEESE, per lb. 100 JELLIED VEAL, per 1b. 25c COOKED CORN BEEF, per lb. 20c LARGE JUMBO SMOKED FILLETTS, per lb. 15e LARGE SALT COD FISH, per lb. * 150 20 LB. PAIL SCHNEIDER'S LARD $2,30 CONNELL & TYNDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street Harci ware D. HANDLE STABLE SHOVELS LONG HANDLE STABLE SHOVELS 65e O 4 -ROW STABLE BROOM 9900 O GUARANTEED CROSS -CUT SAWS, 2 and 4 Cutters $5.00 11 LION BRAND HANDLED AXES $1.45 HANDLED AXES $1.25 COPPER TUB, HAND WASHER, A Bargain at $17.50 SQUARE WASH TUBS $1.15 750 a 11. SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware and Plumbing. Phone 147w. , Clinton Ont. O p Cood. Buying re.w FLOUR has Advanced, But we are offering a Special in Bread FLOUR, 98 lb. Sack for $2,25 PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. for o55e Try Our New LIMBURIGER CHEESE, 1 lb. Brick for only ....20e If you try it once you will ask for it again MACARONI, 5 lbs. for 25e NEW CHEESE, '2 lbs. for 28c SODA BISCUITS, Perrins in Bag, 2 lbs, for 25c SPAGHETTI. in Tin, 2 for 19e CHATEAU CHEESE, per pkg. 100 TOMATOES, 2 large tins far 19a TOMATO JUICE, 5 tins for 25c AYLMER. SOUP, 3 tins for 25e OLIVES, Plain in Sheaiby Glass, each 15e KRAFT DRESSING, 12 oz. bottle 19e FISH FRESH SALMON, per ib WiHITE .FISH, 2 lbs. for 15e' SALMON, Pink, large size tin 25c PILCHARDS, 2 for 10c HERRING IN TOMATO SAUEC, C. & B. 25e FILLETTS, Fresh Fried, per tin 23c KING ,OSCAR SARDINES, 2 for 29e GLAZURS'SARDINES, 3 for .. 29e f JUTLAND SARDINES,.3 for E 25c • CROSS PACK SARDINES, 2 for c BRUNSWICK. SARDINES, 6 for 19 19c KIPPERSNAC'KS, per inn 29e CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 tins for 50 SMOCKED HERRING, per Ib: 25e COD FISH, 2 pkgs. for 15e SHRIMP, per tin , 25e TUNA FISH, ]mage size 21c LOBSTER, large size . 23e FILLETTS, Smoked, per lb. 270 150 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS, per dozen ORANGES, per dozen ..... GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for LEMONS, per dozen LEAF LETTUCE, per bunch HEAD LETTUCE, per head CELERY HEARTS, e for 25e, 33c, 49c and 65c 25e 23c 5c 10e CARROTS, 5 lbs for' 29e BEETS, 5 lbs. for 15e ONION'S, 10 lbs. for 15e WJIITE BEANS, Fine Quality, 6 lbs. for LOBB'S GENERAL STORE • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Hail to thy Returning Festiva Old Saint Valentine Great is thy name, mysterious personage, like unto thee there is no other in the calendar, attended with thousands of loves and singing cu- pids. To fittingly observe the day is a pretty custom, with just a touch of foolishness, replete with tender sen- timent and delicate romances, some- times sarcasm. .Our stock ,comprises Valentines of many types priced from lc to $1.00, some saucy, some piquant, some re- fined and pretty, as well as Seals, Hearts, Arrows, 'Napkins, TaIIy Cards, Table Covers, Streamers, Cut - Outs, Place Cards, etc., to make Feb- ruary 14th a day of happy revelry, Tie W. fl. Fair Ga Often the Cheapest—Always the Best p'i: Reeve Elliott was in London on Mon- day. Miss Delle O'Neil is spending a hell. day in Florida. Miss Donna Cochrane ris visiting friends in London, Miss Madeline VanHorne is spending a few weeks in London and Toron- to. w Mrs. George Connell of Varna visit- ed Clinton friends over the week- end. Miss I3arriet Hawkins of Stratford visited at her home in town last week. Miss Eleanor Broder of Morrisburg is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart. Rev. A. A, Holmes returned to To- ronto on Monday .atfer spending a week with friends here. Mr. W. Lindsay of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr,, and Mrs, J. B. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Rayner of Buffalo are spending a few days with Miss Brigham of town prior to taking a motor trip down south. Mr. and Mrs. Nott of Stratford have been visiting at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs, S. McCook Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Rands, who have been spending some time in Clinton left the beginning of the week for 'Huntsville, Miss Mary Matheson, night superin- tendent of the Goderich .hospital, visited Mrs. R. E. Manning and other friends in town last week- end. . Mr. G. C. and Mrs. Andrews and Master Buddy of Searboro Bluffs spent the week -end as guests of the former's father, Magistrate S. J. Andrews, and sister, Mrs. F. VanEgmond, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest ,Wilson of Sas, katoon, Sask., visited over the week -end with Mrs. Pockett and her father, Mr. T. Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Wiilson were neighbors and friends of Mrs. Pockett in the Western city, Mr. Stewart Scott of Toronto was in town on Thursday. He had been in London visiting his fath- er, Postmaster Scott, who we re- gret to say, is still ,very 01 in Vic- toria Hospital, and returned to London, remaining until Sunday, Town Hockey League Put On Successful Carnival Tuesday Night One of the largest crowds seen in the Clinton rink in years assembled on Tuesday evening to either take part in or to witness the carnAl put on by the Tewn League. There were about one hundred, men women, girls and boys, in costume, some of them being outstanding in beauty and originality, The Iiilty Band supplied the, music far the evening and made skating a positive pleasure. Mr. J. D. Atkinson took the prize for being the .oldest person in cos, tome, He had not had skates on for three or four decades but soon man- aged them very well and announces that 'he is going to indulge in the pastime frequently from now, on, THURS.,, FEB. 8, 1934 RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead ar Every Day as many Specials as the Day Indicates -THESE WILL GO QUICKLY • FEBRUARY 9TH 1—Clinton ,Creamery Butter, per Ib. 28c 2 -Aylmer Jumbo Peas, 2 for 31c 3 -Dates, 2 lbs. for 19c 4—Peas, 3 tins for.....,, 29c 5 -Red and White • Soup, 3 for 25c 6—Red and White Pastry Flour 59c Snowflake Flour 49c 7—Jam, Peach, large 33c 8-3 Cans Tomatoes, large tin 25c 9—Cherries, 2 tins 21c FEBRUARY 10TH 1—Soda Wafers, Christie, McCor- mick, 2 for 19c 2—Cheese, Golden Spray, 2 for 20c 3—Red Rose, lb25c 4—tiled&White Cof- fee, per 1b. 37c 5—Rice, 4 lbs. for 23c 6—Breakfast Food 4 lbs. for 19c 7—Libby Tomato , Juice, 5 for 25c 8 -Fancy Wheat, pk15c 9—Pumpkin, 2 for 21c 10—Corn Beef, tin 10c FEBRUARY 12TH: 1—Fluffo, lb. 10c 2—Pickled Roll 23c 3—Jubilee Hain' 35c 4—Bacon, piece 25e 5—Sugar, 10 Ibs. for 73c 6—Minute Steak, ib. 20c 7—Fillets, fresh, lb17c 8—_Filletts, Smoked15c 9—Lemons, per doz29c 10—Pork Cutlets, Ib. 11—Red Salmon, ib.... 12—Lard, 2 lbs. for 20c 15c 25c Head Lettuce, Heart Celery, Fresh iSpinach, lb. 10c New Carrots, 2 for 20c New Cauliflower 25c Parsnips, Cabbages ammaimmEssamaeparctssmaarreszalmsuaannannearmexansmaterammunameamirmax Oranges, per doz.C 19-29-39c Grape Fruit, 5 for 29c Lemons, per doz. • 29c FREE DENBY CHINA Many are Making a Fine Collection s5!I;'aerr Watch Our Big Bills Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Play Comedy Drama in Three Acts W. T. O'NEI "Diamonds and Hearts" under auspices of L.O.B,A. by local talent Thursday, Feb. 8th • at 8 p.m. TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tickets reserved, Plan at Fairs Come and have a Good Laugh, 60-2. ANNUAL Shrove Tuesday Supper under auspices of St. Paul's Church Ladies' Guild Tuesday, February 13 in the Sunday School Rooms MENU: Cured Ham and Jellied Tongue Escalloped Potatoes, Celery, Salads, Jellies, Pickles, Lemon and Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Tea, Coffee, (Rolls. Supper Served from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission, 40c, Children, 25e. 60-2. One of the most amusing features was a softball game, played by skat- ers with brooms. Traffic Officer Lever managed this and although un- used to skates, did very well, indeed. Some of those taking part in this game had to be trundled to their pos- itions on the ice. The refreshment counter, "The Rose Bowl," under the management of "Pop" Streets and "Pop" Holmes was well patronized all evening. Miss Isabelle Holmes was crowned "Queen of the Carnival." She was worthy of this distinction, as her costume was a handsome one, The judges were Mayor Trewartha Councillor Holmes and Clifford Labb. Following is the list of the prize winners: Ladies' Speed Race: F, Sehoenhals, Josie Carter, Mrs. H. Venner. Gent's Speed Race: C. Holmes, C. Reeves. Juvenile Boys: W. Counter, H. Mc - Ewan, Ken. Colquhoun. 'Skating .Backwards: C. Reeves, C. Holmes, C. Johnson. Juvenile Costume: W.Counter, W. Carter. Corrie Girls: N. Cook, V. Harris. 'Comic Gent: •Cap. Cook, A. Greves. Comic Lady: Mies Pickett, Mrs. Forrester, V. RozeI1. Best Dressed Gent: J. Chowen, C. Brown, F. McEwan. Best Derssed Lady:. R. Pickett, M. Levis, K. Nickle. National Dress: F. Lodge, T. Chow - en.. Larges; Family: Streets. ,Oddest Person 1S1cating: J. Atkin- son. • +Carnival Queen; Miss I, Heimes. Come Onet Come All! To The Trail Rangers Entertainment In Ontario Street United 'Church at 8.15 pan. Tuesday, February 13 Program will consist of a Play "THE HEART" „ and Various Musical Numbers Admission 15c, 61,1. Flowers for Feb. 14 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS THE IDEAL VALENTINE 3Zghe orist GREENHOUSE PHONEP76 \ FLOWER SHOP,PHONE31 Spring Will Soon be Her e BE PREPARED BY ORDERING Sap Pans. and Buckets HAVE A FEW STOVES AND HEATERS AT A DISCOUNT FOR THIS MONTH T. Illautitis HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 VARNA McLeod. Mr, Sid. Castle of Stratford is vis - Mr. William Logan had a very iting his mother, Mrs. Martha Cas - successful wood bee on Monday. We are very glad to know that Miss Mary Gilbraith has returned to this community again after a num- ber of years spent in Winnipeg. Mr. Orval McLinchey of the Gosh- en line wears a smile these days, there has came a baby girl to light - ten their home. Miss Lizzie Essler of Indianapolis visited her sister, Mrs. A. McConnell, over the week -end. Mr, Thomas Chuter of Varna has been employed with the Lloyd com- pany of Stratford for the summer. I The Ford Company, Detroit, has increased the wages of 20;000 men ten per cent. BAYFIELD tle who is in very poor health. Mrs. J. G. Stumpf is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Miss Floy Edwards returned to• her home on Tuesday after spending some time in Kitchener. Miss Lucy R. Woods spent the week -end in London as the guest of" Mrs. G. G. Gairdner. On Friday, February 2nd a suc- cessful dance was given in the town hall under the management of John. Lindsay. A good crowd was present, James Lindsay's orchestra played.' for the evening and lunch was serv- ed. The first council meeting of the year was held in the town hall on Monday evening at 7.30. Mrs, T. C. Bailey, Mr. M. Ross and Mr. Samuel Houston are the 'trustees. This meet- ing proved to be rather a stormy sese Miss Margaret Ferguson spent the cion and a lot 'of the rate payers week -end at her home in Seaforth, turned out to witness the proceed She .had as her visitor Miss Annie ings. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Mid -Winter Sale Continues READ THESE STARTLING SPECIALS ' STANDARD PEAS, 2 tins for P'U'11i'PKIN, large size tin for 12e OROSSE & BLACKWELL CATSUP, special, for 17e SURPRISE SOAP, 3 .bars for „,...23e MANY FLOWERS TOILET SOAP, 5 bars for 25c CASCADE PINK SALMON, Ib. tin 12c RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkgs. for '21e SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, 4 pkgs. for 23c GOLDEN HALLOWI DATES, 2 lbs. /or 19e PITTED DATES, 2 lbs. for 25e 23e CHIPSO Iarge pkg. 17c Oranges 40c Marmalade' 27c KELVINATOR SPECIALLS SCHNEIDER'S PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. 20e MINUTE STEAK, per Ib 20e BACON, BREAKFAST, per lb. 28c HEAD LETTUCE, each 100 Celery Hearts, each I5c FISH MARKET HERRING, WRITE FISH; SALMON, STEAK AND FILLETTS J.T. cKN JGHT & SON You can be suite of 'getting everything fresh here. PHONE Irl.