HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-02-08, Page 5'THURS., FEB. 8, 1934 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGES is OF I The fi £alis on Day. Good :,and Ear Twent below, a you hap "Not bad People .tock: ph those NV ;radio, -rather t -have d night." "There 'bear or shadow -'its, if h -age to •day,bein •-Iiad seve • for w since th the wee, But we ter afte :and will -should c The s -mons ha -men kni listen to Now, :ban? to take , and to i 1y on 'al ,•could on ••-if. not t elected t -doing wort: m • flounced she didn her hon • waste h •cher, w we feel • knitting -to all•t knits ne ',family. • anyway? • cannot b '"fully min etre as i • the sigh -not offs flashing • toying C •that to many m no less •titers, t ear of t -order th preduce • the worn The y 'lar week kits, �P!ii ,Lorne E weer: Ar 7 -for the . On Su ' hour the coming teacher, Thos. M Wilmer ''M, Gale• Mrs, J. • ranee, as Milton assistant sistant, gyre l:,oc The M -paned la 'VMS her ...quite a 1 ..ed. The :-secuned a :for bot f -done ag • ers, helpi these pe .out for Wall Per :speaker nesday, ea his s Smithetn Mrs. J tune to -ening fz• :isle. She Vital on • was- redu see her lgss D sitY, silex -entsl Mr. 1VIrs. ±ting her `"Ilarris, Mrs, 0 "friends 'i HENS forth Flo. • age of 7, place fr coneessio torment tery: M -lfert, his n native • are two Mrs. Will 'Elea Brit snerland, louver. iTEREST TO YOU AND ME rst day of Lent'this year Feb. 14•th, St. Valentine's ,;, ,R Friday falls on March 30th tet Sunday on April 1st. f one two, three, four, five ecording to the thermometer nen to lookat this.morning, for this neck orthe woods, • • • .throihs. coin lam about some of the g rases' used by announcers or •ed io talk frequently over the One of the phrases we are ±red of and would like :to iscontinued is "Colder to, was nothipgto hinder' the the groundhog seeing his on Friday last in this local- e or they mustered up court conte out and look for it; Fria the first da that we h g Y had rat hours of steady sunshine eeks en end. The weather, too, in has been true to farms being stormy and .Cold. usually have six weeks of win - r the second ' of February if rin be well-pleasedsp g erne then. •g • • • • pealcer of ;the House of Coin- s issued an order to stop wo, tting in the -galleries as they the debates. what is the meaning -of such Aren't women being. urged an interest in public affairs reform themselves intelligent- g 1. public questions, and where e go to get such information a theplace where the men' o conduct public affairs, are business? But' a woman's ust go on; she would be de- by men and women alike if 't look well to the ways of ehold, and , so.as not to ours simply listening to spec-. hick grow dull occasionally, sure, she takes along her and as she keels ears alert at is passing she diligently stied wool garments for her What's wirong with the idea, Is it that the members ear to see others so use, to in the Limo which theya p Y g1ttmn�+afuntd' Y wasting?�'p' ntlustrlousl, Surer t of women knitting should red anyone. If the sight' of Iotitting needles are so an- o men we'll venture to say the women the sight of so en sitting absolutely idle is irrtatin But,unfortun- gto he 'women cannot get the he speaker and get him to e men to get to 'work and something, as he can order en to do nothing. omrg topic: sts. around ret W. n Dein r: LONDESBORO The regular. meeting of the United Church Y. P. S. was held Sunday , tin 1 ina e t ran evening last the b sent n . Grant Snell presided. The' meeting, was op, ened by surging„ the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison and prayer it ,y Rev. A. W. Gardiner. The lesson was read by Grant Snelltand' Marron 'Stewart gave the topic: . During the taking of the offering Mamie Shad- dick and Beth Shobbrook sang a duet accompanied by guitars. ±Helen Johnson read a story,,"The Harvest," and Rev. A. W. Gardner gave an in- spu•xng baric. ' The meeting was eros- . d by' the repeating of the Mizpah Benediction. j The day of prayer in Connection with the regular monthly meeting of g y g the W.M.S: will he held in the church basement on Friday, Feb. 16Th, at 2.30. Group No. 2 win have charge of the social part. A good a,tten- dance is hoped for. •g to holdThe soul Board nhtlne Common- its hall on the evening, of Feb, 14th, a splendid program will be given af- ter which the boxes will .be sold the support of the community is asked for to help in .this worthy cause: Despite the very' unfavorable xi ea- their there was a splendid meeting .of the Women's Institute last week, with the president, ]ohs. E. Adams, presiding. Meeting opened g Pbysing-A. ing the opening ode with the Lords prayer repeated in unison: ,. Min- antes were read and the roll tail was answered by "A Step Saver," some having an idea others apparently did not know of anynew wayof savinY g steps. There'was some discussion on the Annual Pie Social and the date was fixed for April 11th, Letters of p thanks from sick members were read, A communication front the Junior Hockey team was read askin • far. a donation, the sum of $10 was grant- ed to .them, a sing -song was enjoy- ed anti Mrs, J. Armstrong conaribut- ed an instrumental, Mrs. A. McCool, a reading, Miss Bell Nott sang a solo "Back in the Old .Sunday School," and Mrs. J. P. Manning a paper on "Education." A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. T. Pielcett, Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. (Rev.) Gardiner, Mrs. R. Wells, Mrs. T. Fairservice and Mis, E. Adams. Miss L. Young has gone to London for a prolonged visit with friends. Mr. W. E. Manning recently sold fine Shorthorn from his accredited herd to 114r. L. A. Frosts; Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A. A big time here on Friday night of this weal: at the ice carnival, THE BEST BIRTHS %� MARKET FOR N GULRE—In Clinton Public Hos- prior on February2nd, to M}, and Mrs. John McGuire; ,Goderich town- ship, a daixghtet•. Rita Lettere. DEATHS cs�<' a. iT Member of Florist /, /. ,Nc. , Telegraph Delivery FT!?.; _ Association Poultry S Cream J f f ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT•��� �^. e� r 11 r 'i` I l "f w jl'' :;-'/ ,; Iii )/ � ( ' ,` /. j�/,' t /•.. /;0 l,.'ii �, U v , � �jj r .,'• wk f ¢ + Y ;; Even: the stormy days can be I happy Anes For the children, 1 are in it when the Beat Folks your.home. ' Build u a good fire p g d with `: d MARSHALL, do Clinton, en Feb. 6tli, Eurus Jane. Blake, widow of. William Marshall, in her 66th ear." • MacCALLUM.--At 302 Barrie Street, Kingston, on Feb. 6th, Dr. E, C. D. `{`"w'6j' CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DhSIGNS s y� THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. ' V. T9°e ,Wiliirt ±iii Phones—Office,214jResidence 214w , 5 f� S I Hn • •R^' y,/ .7 ." t, ,+ f • ` f t, -)� -iu � �%1 c „�+ , 1 vA : s' �.1, Heat Folks Coal, � Make a plata of candy. Hunt up a rainy day game or two, •, And the ehildi'en ? will play j happily inside the hoose. 2 No MacCallwn, husband of Jessie A. Wiseman, in his 61st year. CLA:RI�--+At Billings,- Montana, on Feb. and, ' Dr. Harriet 'Sexton Clark, f Clinton V. has.Cooke F' L O I I S T Phones: 66w and 66j c Saturday (S•11t . 1 'Pli f,. t.. i:.... i wet feet! Na sore r r It's No croup. worth !, i_ trying. �. t j ?, i •.3 A $..9?rt p did I. xt:�ID MON ti c -R3 EN ( bent the n. �� 1 f7 orinerl of t Y wife of' Dr. Andvew Mark of Billin s g IN MEMORIAM IGOVIER—In loving memory of Mrs. Richard •Gooier, who passed away February 6th, 1929. • "Five years have passed since that NOTICE, A Play Entitled. "BASHFUL MR. BUBBS will be given in I OLMESVILLE .UNITED CFIU•RCII `, PUMPKIN PIES Cream CREAM ROLLS, PUFFS rp With Whipped : WE NOW CARRY GENUINE CO SCOTCH ANTIIRAC7TE t ; tZ eti y 7� a ;; 1 s @j' d A7 PH0 �I~i 74 e CLINTON, ONTARIO I '� , day, ON FRIDAY,CREAM FEB. 16TH When ane we laved was called away. at 8 p,m, WHIPPED DREAM TARTS nanokswaroamacersomaaokonsmsrumagmarcoacastoa God took her home, it was his will MACAROONS.. ppe�rr � _ _ tA� But in our• beasts she liveth still, Forget g you, no,' we never will, under auspices of the Y.P.S.ND Admission, Adults, 25c, ••Children, 15c 61-2. made byGoderich. CAPITAL CHIT J iHL T1�EAfid$ Phone 47 _ EGEC�fi fiHE `' E SeaPorth. Although you've gone we love you Now Playing: "The still, Your memory is as sweet to-daytlariliei Skating Ti ARLIFF CRIg CH of the Wax Museum." A. to Mysteryto with Lionel Atwiil, :MO'N. TUflS., WE1), Now Playing.: the+' I ears less" and ing.: "Tarzet in "Jack's the $o " y As on ,the day you passed away" —Sadly missed by husband and daughter. CARNIVAL Makers of::Dainty-Maid and Whole -Wheat Bread Agents for Siniles'n Chuckles Hunts g > Now, a new and greater ta]Icing picture! THE WJIITE SISTER" MON., TUES., WED, Ronald Colman, Ifay Francis ;and Phyil7s .$airy ~� HOLMESYII.I,E" The Young People held their regu-n+/�6�p SkatingCarn vol will be held at LONDESBORO, on the evening of Moirs- and Patterson Candy phone 1: Clinton, The screen's supreme artistic a- ehievement! . Helen •Haynes, : Clark Gable, May'Robson, Louise Cies* ser Hale and Lewis Stone in a story that will live in'your rnent- present an unusualitr poignant romance in a background of Bur- a peon settings. "CXNARA". lar meeting on .Frida evening, the Friday g program being in charge of. the first vice-president, Mr, Kenneth Trewar, 041. Miss Helen MacMath gave angirlsoHay interesting talk on the "Literary Heritage$, of Scotland and inn the life and work of Robert Burns." Miss Friday, February7S•" yfTFIURS., Goodprizes for Fanc and Comic Costumes, for ladies, 'men, boys and for k in or for juveniles under skating and other events. ' Crowning of the Queen at 7.30 Junior Farmers Organize in iownslIIp FollosVarig Short' COIITSeassisted Dry. • Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Double Bill Edward G. Robinson and Mary Astor show w hat happens when a lord cf, gangland tries to crash the "404" "LITTLE GIANT" BUSTER CR'ABBE takes us into the jungle again on another FRI., SAT. GEORGE AI!ess offers his roost flawless portrayal in an enchanting story of court "THE KING'SgtVACATION' byMrs. Ariiss •and a fine • t east. - ' MncD.onald'contributed a solo. Mrs, Jim. Cudunore and Miss Reta BAND IN ATTENDANCE Durin • the past t; p st four weeks' about ling adventure. TAl ZAN TIIE TEARLESS" • in Coming: Clive Brook A Coining: Jack Holt in "Master of Men," returned :from Chicago on Monday. Y Admission 15e. 61-1 90 of the young people' of Hay Town- "SHERLOCK HOLMES" Matinee Sat,, at 3 p_.m, Mr. Norman Mair ' of Milverton ship ,and vicinity have been attending ,n. .,...,..., -- ' OW... spent the week -end at home. On Tuesday and Mrs, teeth. a;short course held in Zurich by fire department of agrrcuesure. Instruc- A , u ' ` `°° "' eveningMr- 13111 Jervis entertained a number io-f their friends to an oyster ,supper, followed by progressive euchre. A good time is reported, • Mr. Elwin Moore of:MiteheII is visiting friends in the vicinity. Glad to report that little Miss' Lola) daughter of Mr and A7rs, Bill Jervis, is nicely recovering .after a rather severe illness. . Since the alleged. assault, Harold Doak, goalminder for the Sailors and brother of the injured player, has been missing from his position, and the morale of the team has been badly shaken. Strenuous efforts to restore it ,. are being made by the hockey executive, as the club is about to enter the group playoffs. On Monday the courtroom was filled y with interested hockey players and tors Ian McLeod, district represents, rive of Clinton; Norman McCully, of St. Marys; Miss. Muir, of Woodstockq Miss Misner, of Port Dover; Mrs. McDonald, of Ripley, and other spe- Bial speakers were in charge. At the close . of the course the boys organized a Junior ;Farmers As-. sedation, the .following officers being: elected: Honoraryresidents' Ben. presidents.; ,Elder, Hensall, and David Ducharme START TIIE NE YEAR WITH NEW PHOTOGRAPH Are you thinking how you can grac- thusly say "Thank You" for that unexpected gift? Send that most personal acknowledgement — Your Photograph, R ESS STUDIOSSUTTER—PERDUE—WALKER 1HE IiU G Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing t _ I`v 3 � ral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer ! r b Complete Mote Equipmen ! 24 Hour Service ' 4; 1'p a' Day or Night Phone 147w fans, but the proceedings lasted onlyZurich; B• MOVING LARGE TREES a short time, president,. Delbert Gerger, b" , Zurich; vice-president, Lorne Chap- CARD OP TIIANI;iS "••' ?d1! ,..y r „_, _ - Tr'ee's such as the oaks and many of the nut trees which have large tap A WORD P011 TRE 'WEEKLY roots have difficulty in becoming es- tablislfed if moved after reaching a NEWSPAPER certain age; but theymay be sac- y Turning from the 'city newspapers cessfully transplanted in their young- the small town press exchanges or stages. A certain amount of dif- ; that come to the editors desk is like hearty will be experienced also in moving large trees with few fibrous stepping from the slums, full of vice, roan, Exeter; secretary -treasurer, Harold Elder, •Hensall;;executive cam- mittee, George Ducharme and CIaude Colinas, Zurich.thank rhe executive decided to hold the first meeting of the association on February 15, in Zurich town hall at y 8 P'al' and Nlr:s.-Frau1: Jenkins, 264 ' Ord Orchard Grove, Toronto, wish toWANTED their many relatives and friends in Clinton and vicinity for their kindness and expressions of sympathy during the illness and subsequent death of Cheri mother,' Mrs. W. Jenkins. FreshEggs andCream , Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh g y Eggs Cream shipped regularly. ! Good Prices Pard BgiiTCEy,"IE1,Hg The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup_ per will he observed next Sunday in the United Church at 11 a.m., pre- paratory c< on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, when the. Rev. Mr. Chandler of Iii peen,will preaoh, The many friends of Mr. John Ha- zelwood were pleased to see hint at church last Sunday after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen. @, and their daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Jas. McQueen visited•.at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Watts, Clinton last week, The regular meeting of the Bruce- g g field Y. P. S. was held Monday ev ening with Mr, McLeod in th lt chair. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, followed by •prayer dins Mel- " vin Snyder. The topic, .1;nxiclxment to the Community by the Y. P. S:" was taken by Rev. W. A.'Bretmter, gave it in full, The president, T. McLeod, took the chair for the business and any discussion. The meetin • closed b,• sin •• g i g' g a -hymn, after. which all joined in the Mizpah Benediction, • an old-fashioned garden sweet roots. In this: class may be mention - with ed the Tulip tree (Liriodendron tui- with lavender and thyme and the •GO:DERICH: When Alexander seen of perennial flowers, The pa- i�. E. eFINCH81, Notice Phone 231, If the man who stole mat from i ifera , Males have a large num- Parrish, young son of shf soil Mrs ipifera). p seg of the big, dailies are full of mur- Wilfrid Parrish of Ashfield town- ber -of fibrous roots and suffer. lessi almost an other dei; thievery, immorality and ser- ship, was stricken with an acute when moved yC► tree. As largo trees aro moved most sel- fishness that the Dotter news is ori- attack •of ,appendicitis late Sunday successfully, during the winter, some scui'ed by these,glaring shattexings .night an emergency operation was preparations must he made before- of the Deealogue. One puts the pa-' judged necessary and the twenty- pers aside with a (feeling of depres, mile tri to Al d. hos ital, God- hand, P a P After deciding •• on the locatwt to stun and heartache that the world is eiich, was made through one of the so, fi41 of terrililo unhappy } Fitzsimons' Slaughter House on Fri.: Cleaning and Pressing tray night, Feb, 2nd, having been seen entering the highway between Shex-All Kinds iff ll'Iiddletons house anti N. Sly's, Suits, Coats and Dresses will'come and .apologize, not later W. J. JAGO than Feb. 13th, ho may avoid further ; !f not open work maybe lett er p trouble. 60-1' Heard's Barber Shop ORTER'S HILLthan people held their regu- night service Friday even- mer Harrison in the. chair. tiiott took the topic. Next gyre Lockhart is responsible oda Burin Sunda y g ySchool electron ,of teachers for the took place. Bible Class Fred Elliott; assistant, Mr. :Donald; Junior Bible Class, Harrison assistan Rev. R. intermediate girls class,- 5. Lockhart; Mns, Reid Tor- sistant; Primary class, Mrs. Voods Mrs. Robert Harmer,ho ' organist,Irene Woods as -Phone + Elva Elliott;' librarian, Ar- Chart. • ens Club winch w as post It week owing to bad roads, :1 -Monday- evening, when of of business was transact- Warble Fly powder is being gain this year also capsules ly in li•orses. The Club has rent work among our farm- ng thein rid their stock of A program was made ;he next six months. Mr, Jim, Clinton, will be the at .the next meeting 'Wed Ob. 14th, when be will speak even Years spent in 'rho States and Taxes.' is Wilson had the misfor-, all on the ice Saturday ev- :during a bone in her an- was taken to •Goderich hos= Sunday where the fracture ced, Her friends hope to again ere long.' orothy ,Cox, hondgn 'Grayer-. a few days with trete ax- P and Mrs. Les. Cox, Acheson; 'Lindsay, is vis- parents, Mir. and Mrs. John i , 1}vet Edwards, is visiting Ayr, Qn1, and worst snowstorms in years after ar- which the tree will be moved, the things: i ground should be covered with enough rangements for the operation had litter ors leaves to revent frec.zin picking P g Then i g up the papers that been made by telephone. Stinting out ' A trench should be dug about two record the happenings of the little about .midnight, the youth, driven by feet wide and at least five feet from towns around us, one gains renewed a hired man and accompanied by his the tree, This trench should be, dug faith in life. Hero are set forth only mother arra a ,nurse, began;the diffi- all around the tree and as deep as that which uplifts a community :the cult trip to Goderich, closely follow activities ,of the business men, the ed byClinton, rosy be •necessary, and then it should the doctor in his car. Driving E Wanted To Rent SO to 100 acres with view of *' ' r Yards • ,.ld�&tQDI6 13®� buying, mast be good soil and build - ntgs, Reply giving full descriptiait Come to us when in need of anything as to bush, orchard, taxes, ere. State in the Wood Line. lowest possible rent. Drawer B, DRY HARD WOOD Sc SOFT WOOD 61-2• All orders promptly delivered from —`- be covered with boards to exclude church items, the .happy social gath- a eet of the time in low gear; and snow, When the earth on the tree erings of the people, the marrtoges, stopping frequently to' reconnoitre births and deaths, farmers' items the roots is well frozen, remove the litterPosition, the party struggled on on the new site, dig the hone, and and all the thousand and one dally its tedious journey through the blind- occurrences that make updon move the tree to its new home. At the simple ing snow, shifting drifts. and extreme annals of the33-t1. least three guy wires should be plan, great common people„ cold. Afton a rive -and -a -half-hour our yards, Isaac Street, Clinton. Horsey For Health i *. Honey is the purest and most aeon, VICTOR FALCOl\DR omieal sweet. Phone. 314, T. Gor- R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. 629r12, Clinton Central. Scribbles, Victoria street, -3-p. ton. 61-3-p. : ed on • a large tree after moving to who are really the foundation of this drive the hospital was finally reached keels it from blowingover, To re- broad country -o8 ours. , and no time was lost in performing Pp g the o vent damage to the trunk, pieces of Scandals are rarelyu. operation. It was stated that published in p , another hour would have resulted in burls May tied the wires the county newspapers, but if it so Y. or .the wires may be run through happens that. decency demands it, the foi1ablyre. The youth rested coin- pieces of .garden hose, tau y atter the operation and is uglier details are otinitt•cl or given. a now _ __ For Sale To Close an Estate ! "' d� Lot 23, Con. 6, Goderich tot�msand lt' Gs HOW consisting of 80 acres of choice land aattA v ►7 is in good condition, • g'ood, warm 1143 gl�ctrican odd Plumber storey hawse, -ba barn, 50'x58', well and windmill, TVs. acres good. orchard �d ° GODERICH Atter a lingering illness, Mrs, Adafat Hepworth Halliday, widow of Andrew Halliday, passed away on Thursday afternoon at ber home here in her 63rd year. She had not been in good health since the death of her only daughter, Ada, three years ago, Mrs:'`Halliday was widely known throughout the county., She was ymillsround born on the Hayfield 'Line, Goderich Township, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Townshend, After her marriage she ami her has- band lived £or •many years m Col- borne , Township on the :II 11'day hemestead, • On their retirement they removed to Goderich where she had resoled for twenty ane 'years. Mr. Halliday Y passed away in 1922. Mrs. Halilday was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church` and interested in all the activities oaf the Ladies' Aid. She was a valued member °o£ the Women's C re Wom n s Instt ute and of. the L. O.B.A. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Margaret Eaml essim, of Sault Ste. Marie; and by the following nieces and inepliewsracv. 4Vzlliam A. Town, =spend, Church . of . the Redeemer, London; Ernest Townshend, Gode- belt township; •Mrs. Melvin, Gxieh, Goderich and John Miss Dorothy Townshend Toronto; Alvin S. Town.. shencl, St. Catharines; 3. R. Towns- Fort Francis; Miss Edna Mad- ter, of Hamilton, and William San- , Berson, of Saskatchewan, u The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon t) Maitland cemetery. ' progressingr famously. Mr, Far- •, kindly touch that is•widely'di:ffezent rich, the father, .also is in •the basin- 'AlA' •` Adl O11rri137el1t o the from the unfeeling publicit of the Y p tar, having been confined there sine Stoddart --- Doak Case city press, • The offenders may ' be Friday, January 19, with a Draken For 'A llV'eei% our neighboxa •of people we have tub- leg received in the aftermath a bed elbows with all our hues. They motor mishap. While hP Woh n Bob Stoddart, centre player g 1 e was cltiv are zeal human beings to their town ing to Goderich on that date 14Ir: of the Goderich Sailors; appeared in people, while to the great city dailies bearing, 1$ acres plowed, •. in 2 from mile from school and church on good g gravel road, telephone and rural mart, • •of of nice tennis etc.,apply to the l,. I p executors of the estate, J, L. Cox, Godei i:rh, R. R. Nn. 1, J. B. Cox, A full Lino of Electric Appliantyas also Plumbing Fixtures Hiring, PI b' an Itepalre Phone Ow, i8-af, olice court on Mondaycharged with Farish's car overturned at the Dun- p g and Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Clinton. they are merely grains of a sort that lop corner and, plunged into a snow' assault, the case wasgiven'a week's are GO•,4. out hourly in the news bank, Fortunately, ,, ,aa,•,*a hoist. The, accused was admitted to ' Y, almost miraeu3- bail in the gain of $200. The victim Dusty no one wasinjmred in,tlte spill. of the sire ed assault,Arnold Doak Some times people speak lightly of •With volunteer help pushing on one, grise country newspaper, but ret is one g appeared with his' head swathed in f rho most red i side of the car in: an effort to rie,•ht '(Royalty o potenta upl fting fee bandages onl his a es anti nose it Mr Parrish who is, incidemal]y, y Y' tors in our national existence, showing.' His father and his physi- _ a 230 -pounder, •leutt his weight by Chxtsttan Sicence Monitor. : See This Play "Mary Made Some Marmalade," Play); Town Hall, Clinton, Febnuaiy 23rd, under auspices • of Ontario Street Dramatic Club. 60-2. :<i�. ' ,`lo 4/• w � 1.'yl (fi th, �1 a dark, Dr. W. W. Martin, .were with pulling .on the running- board of the 4 ., f 6' ,rCh' upper skip of the car, a him: 'W'ith. a mid- Express Orders Money �" i•-•-1 • Tlio'charr. laid snider sectioin 2, SEAFORTfI: By-law No. 358, of den lurch the car sprang upright but g 75 p g Canadian Notional E press Orders may now be purchased at _ y -- ;� F — t ^� r read tothe Poem o fSeaforth, 1934, went in- careened.. right over to its opposite osite of the criminal code; was t d l p Stoddart, but he was not .asked to to ;effect on .1 ht.-:sday of this week side and pinned Mr. Fairish to- the plead or elect, is in as far as police and street work ground, breakinghis- right le • , - , His counsel, Prank P g g. ,IIc • . Clinton Station. Open from 7 a.m. until' 10 p,m. Telephone. 36. 60-4. j Donnelly, told the court there was is concerned.. Other officials which was soon released and taken to the some bane of • • thin the by -.law rocered wera ro` ,affect -`-hospital, 'where the broken limb patching gs up, and , b was a theywere reappointed rte totheir Set an is nowo D. ) . Holmes, crown attorney, said e , as r; i eappo d, th r d improving nicely; Ile did not wish to place anyobstacle former offiec,c,, Helmer &tell, for ov- --,Signal. 1 er, two years assistant constable and �, g in the path of a reconciliation be, _ • Wanted To Purchase A Unified quantity of good hemlock o lc„s, delivered at Hayfield, MaE*'wan Bios., Bayfield. 60-3. , WOW OFF! • . Let our Dry Cleaning provide LLL: There tined in Sea- ;pita]. James Stark, at tike 1 ,years. The funeral toile Din the residence lot 29 : I 11 Hibbert Township, in 1 ,A in .MeTa art's Cene- g gn Stalk was' born in Iiib- t 'n Thomas n father being idmonta Stork, of Sectland. Surviving him sisters and two brothers, 'itend, iPepper,pit h ll• Mrs. am M ce, Mi ton Windsor; Adam, Sum- B.C,, and William,' of Van- , tweet Stoddart and the Doaks, hence night watchman, assumed the duties•Y :the week's adjoua'uinent to see what rf Chief of Police, night watchman I-IENSAiLL: The annual emigre, > can be done. The a:tmosplere in the and tax collector. His Hours were gatiqual tnsettng of the Uiuied courtroom on Mondaywas deektedi changed and he will now be on duty .church was held in thebasement Y 8' of strained. from 4 p.m. until 4 a.m. James V. the •:Burch when Rev. . , S,inc.,lair, ?Z -ray pictures y produced by Dr. Ryan, who has boon Chief of Police, pastes, •acted as ehairniani, All rt- Martin showed a double fracture of and in charge of the streets and town portsgiven were of an •encoura ring p !, the jaw,allegedly cause when the buildings, will ' new act as street nature, th ' e y d. g ,e total move nasal for 3 provoked Stoddart, (luring a practice foreman and assistant constable. He all purposes during toe vast year be- p g P Custom Sawing r. V c will be doing Gustoin Sawing : ratt at Rayfield and Thos: Rallis',- 4th eonressxan. and J. L. Gox's, 7th can. • ' of Goderich township, and at Jr T. Turner a, Clinton, as meal m th,: i coming spring. McS wen 'Bros:. Phone 624x4 ;Cli.nton Central. 'Sg-tf. you with a whole tvardrobeful of new looking;garments? You have smart, g attractive oodles of attractive things t o your` closets, There i a p stir.: o£ good looks under their top sur- t .. r a Vc 11 prove it •to you. faces: ti t Send us a Frock or a Coat as a trial. We promise that, when iC has been Restored; you will want game on the night of January 26, will start work at 4'a,m, and ,be on ing :$5,050. Stewards appointed: drooped his stick and planted - two dui until 4 inthe afternoon.Mr.jelliesRobertson,si • lite .' 1 p d v y a ei Jame„ 11IaA.I s r, stiff uppercuts to the jaw of Arnold Ryan will continue to act as Sankt- Harr Howard James Smillie was , y Doak, The .jaw has been wired in ars Inspeotor and Weed Control In- elected elder to take the place of the position, as hays several loosened spector,—Expositor. ' ' 1 late • Richard Blatchford, ' [ To Rent• *i ' House an Ontario street, with all modern conveniences and garage, g g Immediate possession, Aptly te• A 1. McMurray, Harri'ston,' Ont. 47-1P, it to be. "seen" Cleaning- cii\rii RePauin g Pressing • tJ Dyeing