HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1934-01-18, Page 84 SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Save Money ---buy Here GREATER VALUES AT SUPERIOR STORES -JAN._ 18, 19, 20th Many Flower Toilet Soap, per bar 5e Classic or Big Five Cleaners 5e Richard's Carbolic Soap , 50 Ingersoll Malted Cheese, per pkg. 10c Horne's Delux Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. for 19e Standard Peas, No. 3 Sieve, 2 tins for 23c Red Plum Jam, 40 oz. jar , .29c Granulated or Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs. for 700 Tomatoes Large 2 tins 17c 'PAGE S `'' ► E REMNANT ENDS OF PIECE GOODS OF ALL KINDS PRTNTSI GINGHAMS, FLANNELETTE, TOWELING,;SHIRTINGS, CU+RTAIN MATERIALS, 'CHINTZES AND CRETONNES' ALL MARKED AT CLEARING PRICES Some Lines to be Discontinued Remnant ends of Stock of various kinds, all through the store— Work Shirts, Fine Shirts, Sox, Underwear, Hosiery, Mitts, Overalls,. Pants, Leather Coats. and. Windlrreakers, Overcoats and Suits. All tagged with the red ticket, WORK SOX, as low as 2 pairs for , ( ,, 25e PEARL GREY BLANKETS, part wool, large size Special $2.50 Pair WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, ,Collar Attached 69c MEN'S SILK SCARVES, as low as 25c MEN'S SIILK TIES, .. , ... .. . , 2 for 35c, 25e each and .up January Sale Prices to Prevail for the Eaiance of the Month Many lines to clear at .less than Wholesale Prices. Agents for Tip -Top and Berger 'Made -to -Measure Clothing BOWER SKATING OUTFITS Plumsteel Bros. DRESSED HOG, Whole or Half, per Ib. BEEF, by the Quarter, Front, per lb. BEEF, by the Quarter, Hind, per Ib. HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per Ib. HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, per Ib. SAUER KRAUT, 3 lbs. for 113/e 8e 9c ,10c 10e, 20e CONNIELL & T YNDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 11 (0=01==r0=01 Stocktaking Sale of Sioves I DIANA BANNER, Reservoir and High Shelf, Complete. O 1 FINLEY VEGA, Reservoir and High Closet, Polished Top. 11 O uALSO A FEW SECOND -$AND STOVES AT BARGAIN PRICES 11 These at 10 percent off Regular Price TO CLEAR p 0 SUTTER 8 PERDUE a Hardware and Plumbing. Phone 147w. , Clinton Ont, (0L -i0) (0LY0) t0i�0 FREE! FRES! ABSOLUTELY FREE WEDGEWOOD AND CO. LTD. ENGLISH DINNERWARE HOW TO BUILD A SET FREE (Modernize your setting for Luncheon or Dinner for Breakfast or Supper, with gaily colored Chinaware. Now -a -days, pastel shades are vogue, as aro perennially popular fruit and flower designs, with the gay centre pieces, your table linen and colored glass, your china- ware should reflect the color Mode, "You May thing that this is a sales effort to sell dishes. Ii is Not. We as a group, are of l fering to give you Absolutely .Free as premiums for purchases made in our stare, a Ninety Seven Piece Dinner Set made by Wedgewood & Co., Ltd., one, of the World's foremost Mak- ers of. Dinnerware, JUST THINK OF IT! nner Plates, kCups and fast tSaucers1Sug- ar Bowls, Bowls, pitchers --) everything that makes a corn, plete set offered FREE TQ YOU. Start Now! Build a Set:—,: -- Ask us to explain how you can build a set very quickly and Absolutely Free. ON FRIDAY THE 19T11 AND SATURDAY THE 20TH To everyone who purchases Merchandise to the extent of $1.00 or over, will be presented with one of Wedgewood and Ca. 'Ltd. Salad Dishes, now on display in our Window for 15c. This presentation is • made to announce our. New Coupon System. "WE KEEP DOWN THE UP -KEEP" L' OBB'S GENERAL STORE CLAYTON NEWS -RECORD What Will -You o Now? Christmas and New Years have ;, conte and gone. We hope rt was a real success, Now what will you do? Our next job is to get back to nor- mal. We suggest an easy chair, a book or magazine to read as means to profitable entertainment. Con, aider the miracle that is a book. It can take you in thought away back 1 in the past or to the far away reg- ions of the earth, It is perhaps the cheapest of all pleasures and consol- ations, If not a substitute for trav- el it at least affords a mental change You remain at home but your medi- tations may be carried miles .or cen- turies away. What are the worries and cares of a reader compared with the adventures and dangers of a her+o? What are his perplexities compared with the problem of who killed the millionaire while at his desk and left his money untouched. Our magazine stand and book shelves display a reasonably com- plete assortment of what is in popu- lar demand. Tile W., D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best L fes+ I����������lo uslVlllllllmolomun�.����,..I�mR,�iNu i Miss Edith Johnston of Londesboro was ,the, guest of Miss Susan Steepe over the week -end. Miss Nora Frernlin of 'Clinton spent last week -end with Miss Nora 'Stewart of Stanley township. Mrs, McConnell returned to her home at Moffatt on Saturday af- ter spending a few days as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Cook of Rattenbury street, west, Clinton. Postmaster Stott, who has'been very ill for several weeks, is now in London receiving treatment, His many friends trust that he•will be much benefited. Mrs. Scott is with her husband. Mr. Paul Hovey, who has been tak- ing up flying and is now a full, fledged instructor, was in town the other day, prior to leaving for China to take a position as flying instructor. Paul's old Clinton friends will wish lura success and a safe return to his hone land. Mr. Harry Ball left last week to re- sume his position with a British - American nitrite mining company in Chili, operations having been 'discontinued in the South Ameri- can republic Iate in 1932 owing to political disturbances. Mr. Ball was employed a good part of last year in geological work at Rouyn, Que- bec, coming home to spend Christ, mas with his parents in town. GODERICH TOWNSHIP On Friday evening last friends and neighbors to the number of nearly fifty gathered at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Harold Ennnerson on the Six- teenth concession, in order to con- gratulate the young couple on the occasion of their recent marriage, Many beautiful and Useful gifts were presented, after which a -social evening was enjoyed at cards and dancing, The bride was formerly Miss Laura Currie, well-known and popular employee of the Clinton Knitting Company. The death occurred Monday of Richard Porter, well-known resident of the 4th concession, Goderich town- ship. Mr, Porter, the only son of the late John Porter and Elizabeth Gib, son Porter, was born on the 4th con- cession and after reaching manhood took .over the homestead after the death of his parents. He farmed there all his life. Mr. -Porter's wife predeceased him in 1926. There are six children living, Elgin -Porter of Stanley township, Arnold, Lorne, Marron, William and Richard .at home. He had four sisters, Mrs. John Blair, R. R. 2, 'Goderich; Mrs, Wiry. Currie and Mrs. L. McDonald North Dakota, and Mrs. Clara Sere in Alberta. Mr. Porter was a memher, of the United church. The funeral was on Wednesday at .two &clock, conducted by the Rev. F. W. Craik, pastor of Victoria Street United 'Chu'rch. The late Mr. Porter was a member of. L. 0. L. No. 145. .Mrs. James Johnson of the Huron Road has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Midcletori. 14Irs, ]Ban, Rath -WA] is visiting her r 111,dow1VoisoodOpouordVioesmollikomoolgfreb.mnfostwitie A � THURS., JAN: 18; 1934 amsiminew RED AND WHITE' Always in the Lead`' ala Stsre � o. it rN 'Ie art wnee Sale Bargain Tables at 5c9 Fic, 15c and 25c QTIMINIIMICINSEQUQMINIF Our Shelves are Getting bare but we are still Leading in 1G V r erg l4 h T Granulated 'Sugar, 10 lbs. for 71c Flour, Five Roses, 24 lbs. for 75c Yellow Sugar, 5 lbs. for 35c Choice Rice, 5 lbs. for 25c Fancy New Dates, 2 lbs. for 15e C. and B. Tomato and Vegetable Soups, 3 for 25c Red and White Jelly Powder, 3 for 20c Angler Salmon, each 10e Red and White Spaghetti, each 10e !Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 39e Red Rose Tea, per Jib. 50c Lipton's Tea, per lb. 50c Shredded Cocoanut, 1-2 Ib. for 15c Blueberries .. 10c Wonderful Soap, 10 bars for 25c 1 Lux Soap, Free with 1 pkg. Lux, large size 25c White Beans, 6 lbs. for 19c Tomato Juice, 6 tins for 25e Cheese, Golden Spray, 2 pkgs. for 20c Chateau Cheese, 2 pkgs. for 25e IIININIMMI0111110111111, 41111•21111161111, White Corn, 3 tins for 25c Brunswick Sardines, 5 tins for 250 New Canadian Cheese, 2 lbs. for 29c Minute Tapioca, 3 pkgs. for 33c Peanut Butter (large) 25e Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for 19e Coffee (Red and White) per 1b. 37e C. and S. Coffee 40e Maxwell Coffee, per Ib. 39c Baking Powder, per ib. 19c Baking Powder, with China 25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 23c Creamery Butter, Clinton, per lb. 28e Lettuce, Head 15c Oranges; per dozen 19c and 29e Celery Hearts 15c Cauliflower .. 25c Bahama Tomatoes, 2 lbs. for 25c Grape Fruit, 5 for 25c FREE DENBY CHINA WIT • H YOUR COUPON CARD Where "Sells for Less" Price. Prevails We T. O'NEIL CORNER CLINTON'S BIG 48GROCETERIA mother in Stratford. Miss Helen Welsh is under the doctor's care, owing to a light attack of appendicitis. • The following is the report for S. S. No. 9: 5th: Muriel Miller, 76; Violet Cole, 75; Donald Harris, 69., Sr. 4th: Daphne ColcIough, 76; Howard McCullough, 63,; Bernice Grigg, 61. Sr. 3rd: 'Betty Harris, 74. Jr. 3rd. Kenneth Steepe, 66. Donald 'Colclough, 64. Sr, 2nd: Gwendolyn Miller, 72, Ruth Harris, 67; Gordon Gilbert, 66; 1511 DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THE DREARY HOURS CHEERY? From hame ,he .loris$ �T F�O FLOWERSHOPUSE PHONe 76 3I Edna McCullough, 58. 1st: Muriel Wise, '70.. Reta Yeo 64; Edward Wise, 59; Jessie McCulr lough, 57. Pr.: June Miller, 80; Murray Mil- Ier, 70; Keith Miller, 70. Perfect attendance for November and December: Muriel Miller, Ber, nice Grigg, Howard McCullough. --M. E. Middleton, teacher. The advertisements are printed for your convenience. They inform and eave your time, energy and money,' ffuya Stove or Heater This Month 10 PER CENT OFF ALL RANGES AND HEATERS In Stock A FEW ALLADIN LAMPS LEFT AT BARGAIN PRICES. T. Hawkins HARDWARE and. PLUMBING Phone 244 Rinso, targe pkg. Special 19c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 29c Huron Toilet Paper, 5 for 195 Sunbeam. Electric Bulbs, 2 for 29c Snow Flake Ammonia, 4 pkgs, for 2'Se KELVINATOR SPECIALS Pork 'Chops, per, lb. ,25c Fresh Picnic Hams, per Ib, 15e. 15cc Choice Oysters, per jar 35c Head Cheese ... , .10e Head Lettuce 10e Celery . , 15c Oranges, per dozen',' ,,,'.19c, 29c and 39c Weiners, per lb. J.T. McKNIGHT 82 SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111,