HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-12-09, Page 13'SAGE 8' telitt AV OW AV AV a*7 Rite AV Re OW 011V • Front Quarter of Choice Young Beef,lb. Half Hog, per lb.' Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for Loiig Loin of Beef, per "lb Fresh Homemade Sausages, per ib. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S 'LEADING MEAT MARKET " A' Phone 162. AlbertAlSttrreeett y�62w i lJ M1; liV .: 9c 13c k 25c 13c 15c 'Q►li CHRISTMAS Will .Soon Be Here al ▪ In Our Stock you, Will find many Useful Gifts: Sandwich. Toaster $2,40 tO $4.95 Electric Irons $1.75 to $5.95 HCl. $t Pyrex Ovenware 75c to 3,75 ' 7!►l, 98c to $1.75 • Bed Lamps $2.50 to $2.75 • ' These are just a few of the many items we will be glad to show you. • SUTTER & PERDUE Plaque Mirrors • I `l - HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 `IT PAYS TO PLAY ' You furnish the energy, we supply the material. Here are some of the lines we have for the sportsmen; Skates, new and second-hand; Rifles and Shotguns; Ammunition, all Types; Hunting Knives; Flashlights; Motorcycles end Bicycles, also accessories; Fishing Tackle and Plugs, Skis, Etc. For the kiddies, all kinds of wheel toys at attractive prices. Our 24 hour service ensures clean, new stock. Ask about it, If interested in a Rifle Club, please let us know, as we are in- , stalling a rifle range in the building. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Epps' Transport Building—Next Door to Creamery, Phone 13w. g g '-i'f',A-wo19:- :" fes'- tS�-2 ,-- ,0,--n5-"wr. tmwi .l.*3ri• raTi• nf�3�� 1rCALL AND SEE THE SPECIALS IN 1 GRANITEWARE 'Also Pyrex, Casseroles and Baking Dishes CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. SPECIALS IN ROASTERS WHILE THEY LAST. T. Dawkins, Hardware and Plumbing Phone 249 inintn=o t.,'tnalsenntnittntbi nikanintnintn=tathftbanMna9 9.t,v,t19t9r3Io. PHONE 111 CLINTON Sale of Fine Foods DEC. 9, 10, 11. GROCERIES Sweet Mixed Pickles, 27 oz Crunchie Brand, jar 21c Shortening, Hillcrest Brand, l's, 2 lbs. for 23e Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. 23c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for 23c TEA SALE Lipton's Tea, ib. 63c Oriental Tea, Canister Free with Each Pound. Mother Parker's Tea, Black or Mixed, half Ib28c Bulk Tea, per lb. 49c Salads Tea, Brown Label half pound . 33e Yellow Label, half paund31c CANDY Satin Mixed, 2 lbs 25e French Creams, lb. 19c Chocolate Drops, lb. 19c Light Cut Rock, 1b. 19c FRUITS Oranges, Calitornia. Navels, Large Size, Dozen 45e Medium Size, Dozen ... 35c Good Size, Dozen 25c (Special Price By The Case) NUTS IN SHELL Polished Brazils, per lb. 29c Mixed Nuts, all new 39c (5 Varieties) California Diamond Budded Walnuts, per lb. 25c Peanuts, in Shell, 2 lbs. 25c CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS Pitted Dates, New, 2 lbs. 25c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. 23e Natural New Figs, 2 lbs. 21c Peels, Lemon & Orange, lb25c Peels, Citron, lb. .,... 35c Glace Cherries, Red or Green Quarter Lb.. .... 13c Shelled Walnuts, qtr. lb. lOc Thom '; i. s II hrhstmai It will soon r.be here again. The spirit of it is in the air. We sense it in the shops, on the street, let greetings be more cheerful and =ilea more sincere, and happiness reach its high; point on Christmas Day. The Artists and Etchers, originat- ors of ideas, the colourists engrav- ers and specialists have had their say and their action—the result -Greet- ing Cards of outstanding merit, ori- ginal in design, glorious incolour, rich in Sentiment, varied in price. Consistent, progressive advance- ment and achievement has been, not- able in Writing ;Paper and the Boxes in which it is enclosed, this year is no exception and as a gift it chal- lenges any other gift, as regard use- fulness and appreciation at the price, It isnot discarded in a few days,it is a necessity. Even the boxes find a use after contents have been used. To have your gifts reflect true Christmas spirit the goods should be attractively wrapped in plain or ,de- corated paper, this done procure tags for the outside, cards for the inside, and seals to stick all over. Cheerily and Merrily submitted. rt! The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Always the Best u O 4u f€� i �allll�l'�lllell�iIIIIIIIIl011111111uIWml�i�n�ininn 11 rill--.I@il—II II III t 4 Miss Harriet Hawkins of Whitby is visiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. Miss R. Newman of Wingham was the guest of Mrs. D. Churchill last week -end. Mrs. DeLacy of Seaforth was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Counter. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel . was in Ethel over the week -end, the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Harold Snell. lVliss Dorothy Carr, nurse -in -training at Toronto 'General Hospital is spending her holidays with her gr, ,ndmother, Mrs. Geo. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Britton, Helen and Edith, and Mr. Will Jowett of Con- stance were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Haddy were in Toronto, over the week -ends the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy, who cele- brated their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Harold Boggs of Oklahoma City made a short visit with Mayor and Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Boggs was called hone on account of the ser- ious.iilness of her father, B. C. Munnings of Goderich. VARNA Mrs. S. J. Woods of St. Helensvis- ited over the week -end with Mrs. M. Reid. Miss Bessie Chuter had an opera tion for apendicitis Sunday last and is improving nicely. The W. A. of St. John's church held their annual meeting on Monday last with a very good number out. All the old officers were again in- stalled. After the meeting the la- dies packed a box for the Western relief. LONDESBORO The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute was held in Community Hall on Thursday last, with the President, Mrs. E. Adams, presiding. Meeting opened by sing- ing the Opening Ode, with the Lord's Prayer in unison, After the business was over a splendid program was given consisting of Christmas Car- ols, which was very much enjoyed, The roll call was answered by sug- gestions for Christmas Recipes. -Some very good ideas were given. Mrs. R. Fairservice gave a splendid paper on Community Activities and Relief. Rev. A. W. Gardiner in his very able manner spoke . on "Education" and also in his own good style recited some very fine verse. The meeting throughout was quite educational and interesting. Refreshments were served by the group in charge and a social time spent over the tea cups. ' Mr. Will Manning and family spent Sunday with London friends. The "Friendly Class" of the Sun- day School quilted a quilt at the home of Mrs. Bert Brunsdon on Monday,. the quilt to be as a white gift to some needy family. The Christmas Tree which was an- nounced last week to be, held on Dec. 23rd, has been changed, and will take place on Tuesday evening, Dec. 21st: 'FEE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER THURS., DEC. 9, 1937: O•'N I L' S ver The Top WITH OUR RED ' • , ; WHITE Always aUm Laid Firit W e The First Big` Draw will be on Saturday Evening, December 11th at 8.30. YOU STILL HAVE TiME TO WIN A BAG OF jSJJGAR OR A` PICNIC HAM The Lucky Number will be Announced in Our Ad. Next Week, and also Broadcast from CKNX Wednesday, Dec. 15th, at 12.30. 'TWO NEXT GIFTS ARE— A Christie's Gift Fruit Cake, and 51b. Maple Leaf Soap Chips. We will start on these December 13th, and they will be drawn. on Dec. 18th, at 8.30. Our Christmas Baking Supplies are "The Talk of the Town and Country" for Quality and Prices. We will be pleased to show them to you. The Doll Contest finishes on Dec. 18th, and the suc- cessful winner of this lovely Doll will also be an- nounced and broadcast. EXTRA SPECIAL— Navel Oranges, dozen 19c, 25c, 35c $1.00 Large Holly Decorated 4 -Ib. Box of Candy for ' $1 These will be sold out quickly. Come to O'Neil's with the crowd. Two regular deliveries and one from the store at all times. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETEETA Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. Large Hubbard Squash, each ..,.15c Fresh Celery Hearts, 2 for Bead Lettuce, large, 2 for Large Cabbage, 2 for 19c 19c 150 No. I Spy Apples, 11 -qt. .... t ..35c Grape Fruit, large, 6 for ' 25c Oranges, New Navels 25, 29, 35, 39c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c Seeded Raisins, bulk, 2 for ' 29c Valencia Raisins, with seeds, 2 for 25c New Dates, Pitted, 2 for 23c New Dates, with Pitts, 3 for 23c Cherries, bulk, qtr. lb. 12c Pineapple Rings, red, green, white 15c New Currants, 2 lbs. for 27c Leinon and Orange Peel, lb. • 25c New Citron Peel, lb. 35c We buy and grade Eggs for which we pay lc a doz. more in cash or trade. All Eggs graded by an experienced candler. RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. Grand Opening OF ST. PAUL'S PARISH HALL at 8 o'clock Monday, December 13 Tap Dancing, Elocution, Singing and a ,One -Act Play EVERYONE WELCOME Admission, Adults, 25c, Children, 15c 60-2. ric-mccosumwomowwwwm.1-4 "The Vogue" 1 1 We are now showing a SMART LINE OF AFTER- NOON & EVENING DRESSES. Our Corticelli' Silk Hosiery in all the very lovely shades are now ready.—Choose a pair of these for your friends for Christmas, packed in a lovely Christmas Box. HATS AND COAT'S SELLING • , AT BIG REDUCTIONS. ipiDib Da LOOK De Forest Crosley Radios Cabinet large enough to hold batteries Your old radio as a down payment, Balance Monthly. See and Hear These At Beattie's. Authorized Dealer—A. W. GROVES. 'e tzwsctotctet mmegitmeis tri d'u J SAY "MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH FLOWERS. Use our Telegraph service for /flowers to be delivered at a dis- tance. It is dependable and satis- factory. We will gladly supply any information regarding "Flow- ers By Wire." Give Flowers — the gift that pleases everyone. Our Christmas stock will give you a pleasing choice. P. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph h . Delivery Association. 'g -.-PrADMIZWOMPAD1-21=0021.002,11.2Mg ').g On Display in Our Window you can see thelb d8 Give Comfort So many people are still using the most uncomfortable furni- ture, so it will be a good and sensible thing to replace with a real good Lounging Chair, a Chesterfield Suite or a Studio Couch. See our New Metal Cards Tables, they will never get shaky. You will find a wonderful showing of Silverware, Pyrexware, Electric Toasters, Irons, Coleman and Aladdin Lamps, Let us put your choice away now while our stock is complete. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195. HARDWARE, FURNITURE. EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AMBULANCE SERVICE N. BALL—Phone 110. J. J. ZAPFE—Phone 103. s'F ti. lr:` .�tf:" dk7fF'tf'i tel- s -01-roe f ' • r .� -rnamem Cedar Chest: SCOTT'S GROCERY Phone 86 — — Free Delivery We have On Display This Week A LARGE, NEW STOCK OF CHRISTMAS ORANGES, CANDIES, NUTS, ETC., AT PRICES .THAT WILL SURELY SAVE YOU MONEY. New. Navel Oranges, 2 dozen for 35c (Sweet and Juicy) Navel Oranges, large size, dozen 29c Mixed Nuts, Special, ib. ...18c Walnuts, 2 lbs. for 35c Christmas Candy, 2 lbs. to. 25c Chocolate Drops, 2 lbs. for 35c Walker's Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c'i Peas, Corn; reg. size tiny 2 for 19c Shelled Walnuts, special, Ib. 39c Lexia Raisins, 2 lbs. for 27e • (with seeds, fancy) Seedless, Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c (Choice. Quality) Currants ,Choice, 2 lbs. for 27c Orange and Lemon Peel, lb." 25c Peanuts, Fresh Roasted, 2 lbs. 25c PHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Scott's GrccerD 9 Chest, a container of Jelly Beans and assortment of Candy, every half pound of Candy you`' ' 'buy you are allowed one guess of the Beans in the go - container. The person guessing the correct num- ber or nearest to it will'receive the Chest December '. the 22nd. BUY YOUR CANDY HERE AND WIN A FREE CEDAR CHEST. We will be pleased to show and give you our 6 2 prices on Motor Boots, Sweaters, Underwear,w M Rubber Footwear of All Kinds, Mitts, Gloves, cid Scarfs, Windbreakers, Caps, Hats; Socks, Snow Suits, Dress Shirts Work Shirts,,Ties, Braces, and Many Gift Packages. k 16213 C rd Lo "The Store With the' Stock" fl c ag a��...�����,,,,,��ARM514661,