HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-12-09, Page 2i t t t.w s arartr4404M r a4 Chocolates CHRISTMAS WRAPPED, 50c lb. ALL NEW MI D NUTS FANCY 61 :iNDII S•r DECORATED ``CHRISTMAS CAKE, 'i Makes a Delightful Gift. Chocolates CHRISTMAS WRAPPED 50e lb. WENDOR F'S 00,1 Tva^,2'lata]atri aViar` sari siaa2raraiai`+aiaria NtaaatasatataialatalaWararatatataratarataialaar, A NEW COIFFURE FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. �tl ^tau SPECIAI. $6.50 PERMANENT FOR $5.0 0 ^nQ Bpi1BARA'S SALON A. D. FORRESTER - Prup. a G. MacDONALD, Asst: Operator Cru '`ttarstalatarat3satameataiatat,^ts'taaaaramt arA 'kAr3' r"wratatataesati^ata:ar awls; '-tE;tara, GQ SAY MERRY CIIRISTMIAS WITH A GIFT "TREASURE HOUSE" Our Complete Stock includes 0:Gifts for Everyone, featuring do x His Excellency, the Governor-General, 'liar definite proof that there is a Santa Claus and that he lives in the far north of Canada; He met him, in fact, during tbe.pa'stsunidler when he made a trip.to Lha Western, Arctic by the Mackenzie River route. This is the story as it was told to the writer by a- member of the partyrthat accompanied Lord Tweedsmuir cur this journey by river boat and portage '. transport arranged by the Hudson's Bay • Company: "We left Good Hope on the Mackenzie River about half past seven o'clock in the evening and had not proceeded many miles down stream when we were hailed, by a canoe containing the queerest collec- tion of individuals. The ship hove to, to allow the canoe to come alongside, and out stepped a funny little map with a red face, wearing a parka and muskrat skins trailing all around hint. Following hini was a tall, dignified gentleman with a long white beard, dressed in a very ornate white moose -skin coat and Leggings. Be - rind him was a large man in a yellow parka carrying a tom-tom and snowshoes and also generously adorned with furs of various kinds. HAS GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT Yet Moderately Priced. LINGERIE, HOSIERY, COSTUME JEWELLERY, CHINA. LINENS, AND NOVELTIES. We hese e Fine Selection Of GIFTS FOR TH BABIES X 1; Make Your Parcels Attractive With .Our Beautiful Cards and Wrappings. Freda Schoenhals Open Evenings Until Christmas .S ierasarodd-ataiataia a"7alb atat"smraiataia'tamass • 3tat+a bra r �q trtat`izatetetata+atatata+:, AN IDEAL. CHRISTMAS GIFT 1. A A PERMANENT IS A GIFT SHE WILL APPRECIATE Schoolgirl's Crouuignele ... $2 Also. a Special on our $5. Oil, Permanent Other Waves $3. and $. HENRI BEAUTY SHOPPE . Phone -223 - for Appointment Cn A "The little man infront suddenly pro- claimed in a loud voice, 'Make way for His Most Enfrosted Majesty', ... Of course we were approaching the Arctic Circle and this was I<ing Santa Claus, accompanied by the Arctic Bard and Priest, arriving to examine us before allowing us through. The captain was asked several searching questions, but Santa Claus eventually was satisfied and ordered his Bard to read the proclamation allowing His Excellency to proceed and giving hini a welcome to the north. It was the general opinion that this was the first time that any ceremony comparable to crossing the equator had been enacted gE 11 by IEAEEL C. ARMSTRONG, Ottawa President o£ The Canadian Women's Press Club His Excellency The Governor-General dozen chickens, and also a horse left with the owner about five miles from Fort Simpson. We stopped there early, in the morning to take on wood. - The bank was steep and covered with large boulders. The horse went ashore successfully but by the time we left the new owner had been unable to persuade him to climb the bank and was clearing a track. "Extraordinary cheerfulness amongst the people seems to be a trait common in His Excellency choosing a fly born his book before he attempts to lure the fish of northern waters Courtesy Assoclnted Screen News crossing the Arctic Circle and we hope it is not the last." The expedition had been on ks way "down north" for several days after set- ting sail when the incident occurred. First it was necessary to fare forth on a scow pushed by a steamboat down the Clearwater, because of low water, to reach the stern wheeler, "Athabasca River," in which the first part of the voy- age was made. Then there was an eight- een mile portage from Fort Fitzgerald to Fort Smith—named after Donald Smith, afterwards Lord Strathcona---and embar- kation there on the 'Distributor," a sim- ilar but slightly larger edition of the "Athabasca River." A query, "His Excellency does not mind hardships in travel?" was met by a prompt answer, "There really were not any and I elo want to say how excellent the arrange- ments were made by the Hudson's flay Company. Lord Tweedsmuir had a most comfortable cabin, in fact two knocked into one, 1 think. The cook took very good care of us. Of course, it got colder as we went cowards the Arctic, but that simply was a matter of putting on an extra sweater. "We were quite an imposing processional as we advanced through lake and river. The 'Distributor,' a flat bottomed boat, had two flat bottomed scows, about one hundred feet long, secured one ahead of the other in front. These scows were loaded with provisions, petrol, etc., for the northern posts. On the roofs were secured canoes, dog sleds„ with -a liberal supply of dried fish which was to be used as dog feed during the winter. We also had quite s boating farmyard and barnyard chorus in the; mornings, -The 'Distrib- utor' was used as a restaurant bythe inhabitants of each post where she stayed long enough kr a meal. - For the con- sumption of the passengers and visitors there were carried three bullocks; two sheep, three pigs, one turkey, about two His Excellency. The usual order was to make a tour of inspection and visit places of outstanding interest. The Grey Nuns were very proud of the nursery and mater- nity wards in their hospital at Fort Smith. When asked whether these were used much, we were told they had not been used lately but five babies were expected in the month of August and they hoped they would not all arrive at once. "A number of Indian and Eskimo chit - 11 ,-xlegemta tulaateesserata ciat es aatm "The • great difference between For Simpson and previous posts along the route was the wonderful gardens. Alt sorts of vegetables were grown and some- body even had produced melons. His Excellency was presented there with a square of caribou skin on which had been: beautifully worked a neap of the Mack- enzie River showing his route from Edmon- ton to Aklavik. "Talking of gardens, the fathers and lay, brother running the mission at .the moment at Good Hope are keengar- deners. It was amazing for the party to see a fine crop of vegetables so far north. In fact, the fathers are carrying out experiments in crop growing for the Dominion Experimental Farms. The most striking thingatthe Fort, however, was the Roman Catholic Church built severity years ago by Father Petitot, assisted by Father Ancef, members of the Oblate Order. Originally the church was built without nails and all building and and carving done by mission art of local materials. Tae barrel ceiling was painted blue and spattered with gold stars. Around the walls were decorative paint- ings in vivid colors produced by mixing local dyes with fish oil. The Indians were attracted by the bright colors. To make them feel more at home, Petitot.gave the various angels dark hair and eyes instead of the more usual golden hair and blue eyes. "A feature of the stay at Fort Mac- pherson was a walk along the river bank to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police kennels. In the North West Territories all dogs have to be tethered during the summer to prevent danger to the popula- tion. They are tied to a stake, usually on the sea shore, by a not very long steel chain. Owing to the good fishing in the river at Fort Macpherson, the police col - re alai :,4 1i The Governor-General in a reflective moment during his journey into the North (Courtesy t soet..ted Screen News) the north: It is curious how the latest mechanical devices are used there not to complicate but to simplify life. At the pleasant .and historic post, Fort Chippc- wan, His Excellency was shown a replica of a sundial which Sir John Frankiln erected during one of his visits to enable the Indians to tell the time. The present one is on the original site but the Indians prefer to get their time by radio, At each stop practically the whore pop- ulation turned out to greet and welcome dren froin'the Roman Catholic school, the girls dressed in black with white Eton collars, were at the pier at Fort Resolu- tion and waved assorted flags. At Prov- idence the children from the Roman Catholic school presented a picturesque appearance in bright colors, pinks, browns, purples, with gay green scarves on their heads. We visited the spotlessly dean school and a concert was given for His Excellency by the children who had been rehearsing for the event since December. 1116Mer TIMINIUMNIIIIIMMIMMIIII Lord Tweedsmuir strides over the tundra on an inspection tour where Radium was, found in 1930 (Courtesy Associated: Screen News) lect their dogs from the nearest posts and keep then there for the summer. They have a half breed Indian enrolled as a special .constable, to look. after them. These dogs are more fortunate than some of their private owned brethren. "From time to Cline FIis Excellency received Indian chiefs in uniform issued by the government to chiefs of treaty tribes and on one occasion a deputation waited on hini. "The region of the Rocky mountains is the only part of the river where the scenery is really impressive," Even on a pleasure trip, His Excellency had duties which also were a pleasure— and an especially great one for the mem- bers of his Canadian family which lie had travelled so many miles to visit. He went to the new Anglican hospital at Aklavik and formally opened it—although it actually was open and serving twenty- six patients, The famous Bishop Fleming of the Arctic had come for the great occa- sion and was there when inspection was made of the Anglican cathedral which is being built by Eskimo and Indian labor. The only nail put in the edifice by a white man was driven in the chancel steps by the Governor-General It was the intention to leave by aero- plane for Herschel Island the following morning but the weather was unsuitable. A start vas madafor Tuktayaktuk, or for short, Tuktuk, later in the clay. It was discovered that "Aklavik from the air was a most amazing sight, with an enormous number of lakes and swamps, in fact more water than land." Tuktuk has been given the name of Port Brabant by the Geographic Board, but the old one sticks. As in every place else, everyone was on the beach with a welcome when His Excellency arrived at the post established in 1934 at a harbor of the name, twenty miles north east of the eastern outlet of the Mackenzie River. P, an a iaiatasatat t a a�aAmor Say Folks / . do you know it? Christmas Is. ,Only Thirteen ShoppingRays, Away. Time fliesdoesn't it—count the days on your cal endar. Dis- criminating gift buyers will have to really hustle to complete their shopping. In the last minwte rush we oft times 'melte selections what we-mean—Remem- ber riot rune sill thebill—you know which llo c_ that yellow black and red tie you thought was so gorgeous you gave brother, who blushed and gave it to uncle Walt for Easter, who had Mlle explaining to do to. Auntie May and.then the day before Coronation he pressed it on a tramp. TAKE' TME -BUY GIFTS THAT REALLY SUIT— AND WIIAT GIFT COULD BE MORE SUITABLE OR DESIRED THAN THOSE WE . LIST BELOW. • Ours ia no job lot stock. We have spent hours and hours look- ing through travellers samples picking here and there choice,speci- mens ultra up-to-the-minute. We acre certainly very proud of our stock of PYJAMAS, TIES, SHIRTS, DRESS SETS, SOCKS and all lines of Haberdashery. We can say without contradiction "Huron County, cannot beret it", Come ha—see for yourself and be convinc- ed: Our slogan "We fit everything including your- pocket book" has not been forgotten either. Our list below is really a bargain list. We are helping you with your Christmas wrapping. All Christ- mas gaits are carefully necked and wrapped in smartly adorned Christmas boxes. May we count on seeing you Right Smart! NUBLES MENS & E1oS !TEAR aQ CLINTON tg t,Pt !zaalA'rata'r91�r23iatasataasiat` atarararaiaraaailaalatarratat�"taiaaaaMataliat`aaaaaa7saaisaitia1`alaivtai;,A gag a-taatattaWaatalai dataraiate!3taaimatsam iot6'oasia'teedlatalatare catatauaatalateratasatt:temasaa Fv oQ big 11 tig Fo 15 5 HERE, GIVE U NIT ?;RE GIFTS THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL APPRECIATE 4ND AT OUR PRICES THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY THEM. HERE ARE A MA' APPROPRIATE GIP'i'S AT APPROI=RIA'I'E PRICES: - PRICES LAMP Solve the Gift Problems FLOOR LAM Ps, DESK, BOUDOIR, TABLE, NOVELTY, EICY 11) 010 AND IIRIDGE. Make it a point to sec the New Table Lamp with Illuminated Base. RANGING FROM . $1e .75 to 13.50 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ENI) TABLES, CENTRE, CIILSTER- FIELD, COMBINA'T'ION, GATE- LEG, COFFEE BEDROOM, RADIO, TILT -TOP, in Birch and Solid 'Walnut. PRICED FROM $2600 to �4.O'.. A NICE GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY WOULD 1333 A STUDIO COUCH Investigate the Arrow Preduct, with. New Equalizer Patent. You will find .a very good assortment of latest design in British and Crystal Mirrors -and Table Ce. tre Pieces. Yank nersonai i» spection, to see the many other articles suit- able for gifts would be appreciated. BEATTIE'S FURNITURE, FUNERAL SERVICE, Residence, 184j. aosal3aalatBrMiat"rrala�"tat�t sa8 AMBULANCE. Albert, 184w. -