HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-12-02, Page 5TD i 125., DEC. 2, 1937.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbs of De-
troit are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGee. '
Mr. and Mis. Bert Nott and Ger-
ldine of Stratford, and, Mr. and Mrs.
N. P. Garrett of Blyth, spent Sun -
,day with Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Robi-
• son.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson have
moved to Clinton, where Mr. Fergn-
eon is iharness-making there.
Knox United Church was honour -
ton, visited at hero - hone for the
week -end.
The service in St. Mark's Anglican
Church was conducted- on Sunday by
the Rector, Rev, R. M. Weeks, who
gave a splendid message "Our Life
Sook". At this service a letter of
gratitude was read from Miss Mary
Asquith, a former organist, who was
presented with a purse of money be-
fore her departure for Fergus.,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, and Mn
• ed and pleased • to have preach for and Mrs, C. Rance of Goderich, spent
them on 'Sunday, Rev. Dr. Alexander Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rollin, -
MacMillan of Toronto. It is exactly son,
80 years since Dr,. McMillan preach- Mr. Keith Arthur accomplished'
• ed here, and two of his elders of what might be termed a miracle when
1887, Mr, Alex. Mackenzie and Mr. an Saturday while ]hinting he shot
-John Symington, were on the plat- two wild ducks with one shot.
The W.M.S. of Knox United churel'
Went to the( home of Mr, and Mrs,
John McOlinchey of East Wawanosh
on Thursday and presented Mrs. Me-
Clinchey with a life membership cer-
tificate. The address was read bse
Miss Margaret King' and the pre-
sentation made by Miss Susanah
Blair. Others present were Mrs. H.
C. Wilson, Mrs. Jas. Mutch and Mrs.
Jas. Woods.
Mrs. Warner Andrews of West Wa-
wanosh is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Dobie.
Mr. Lena Youngblut, who has been
relieving at the C.P.R. station at
Woodstock, is now relieving in Gode-
Mr. W. Lumsden had Ms house
burned down on Monday morning.
The cause of the fire, is unknown.
Rev. G, W. Sherman conducted the
service in the Baptist Church on Sum
day, and spoke on "Christ and the
Man Born Blind", using . as his text
John 9-1.
The W. M. S. of Knox United
Church held a bazaar and tea in the
church on Friday, Nov. 26th. A. large
crowd attended and the proceeds were
$65.00. The tea was in charge of
Mesdames Chas. Straughan, , Herbert
Mogridge, George Sturdy . and Bert.
Marsh. The bazaar was in charge of
Mesdames W. H. Sheppard, Fred Toll
A. J. Ferguson and Miss Margaret
Miss Sadie Carter is visiting friends
in Clinton.
A. number from here attended the
Nomination meeting of Hallett at
Londesboro on Monday.
Miss May Ferguson is visiting
friends in Guelph.
Miss Helen Ferguson who was oper-
ated on for appendicitis in. Goderich
Hospital was able to return to the
home of her grandparents, Mr. and
Miss Dorothy Wilson of Sheppard- Mrs. John McKnight, Tuesday.
form with hien on Sunday. He spoke
P . i a
from Psalm 118. Dr. 14Millian c
preached at Carlow in the afternoon.
Mis Beryl Wilson of Stratford Nor-
mal, spent the week -end with her per -
eats, Mr, and Mrs. John. Wilson.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Phillips of Ap-
' plegate, Mieh., visited an Friday.
with Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Munro of .Or-
+• angeville, visited on. Sunday with Mr.
.8nd Mrs. R. D. Munro and Miss S.
Mr. II. C. Riordon who has. been
relieving at various C.P.R. stations
is now at home on his holidays.
Mr. 'Clifford Smith and Miss Weir
-of Strathroy, visited with Dr. B. C.
Weir and "family on Sunday.
Rev.` Dr. T. ' W. Taylor conducted
services in Knox Presbyterian church
-on Sunday and spoke from Genesis
7.4.13, speaking on Abraham, the He -
Mi. Gordon Dobie, who '-has been
• employed with Mr. G. Taylor, has
gone to Toronto, where he expects
'to secure a position.
Miss Margaret Ferguson of Park-
hill, 'spent the `week -end with her
'parents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert .0ampbell and
Mrs. Wm. Crozier attended the fun-
'•eral of their uncle, Dr. Campbell, in
Saginaw, Mich., on Tuesday.
Mr, Ivan Bean has returned from
the Sanitarium at London, and his
'many friends will be pleased to hear
.of his improvement in health.
Mrs, John Symington, Mrs. E. Phil-
lips, Mrs. T. S. Johnstone,• Miss E.
'•Nicholson and Miss L. Phillips visited
-on Friday with Miss M. Small who is
'still confined to Clinton Hospital.
Mr. W. T. Robison and Mr. J. Wat-
•son visited with friends in Guelph
and Stratford last Thursday.
Knox Presbyterian Church, Bay -
afield, was the scene of a quiet wed-
ding on Monday, November 29, at at Alclavik. She had many snaps of
-eleven o'clock when Rev. Gordon Ped- the school and pupils and samples of
rdie officiated at the marriage of An- their work to show the guests, and
Hie Ruth, only daughter of Mr. and told many interesting stories of con -
Mrs. S. C. Houston of 'this village vests to Christianity' and individual
to William Moran of London. The traits amongst the children. The
bride was becomingly gowned in a children are bright, very observant
pretty shade of blue and carried a and have vivid imaginations. The Es -
bouquet of white 'luaus. Following kimo people have a hard life and so
the ceremony a wedding breakfast do not live to a great age but one
was served at the home of the bride's trait which, in: many cases could put
'parents. Later in the day the happy: white people to shame, is their care
-couple left on a motor trip. On their of the aged. Every family must
return they will reside in London. have a boy to care for the ,old people
The many friends of the bride, who so if not born to the family another
is well-known in this district, extend family lends one., He is raised' by
congratulations and bolt wishes. the family to whom he is loaned but
1 is not legally adopted by that fam-
Mrs. H. Thomas and Miss Cecil ily. Miss Jones told of one old man
.McLeod returned home on Saturday! who had no blood relations and, be -
after spending a short time in To- ing a mental case, lie thought that he
Jerk, Ohio. They were acaompaniedlshould. be_the Bishop and have every -
by M •s. Thomas' two sisters, Mrs. one wait on hint, The different fan -
`Rudolph and Mrs. Libstaff and broth- flies took turns in keeping' him for a
^er, Wm. Draeger, who spent the year, but were always glad when
'week -end atthe home of Miss Cecil their turns were over. Great was the
':McLeod. worry when the old man landed at
Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto is the school. The principal thought
:•spending this week with her mother, that the school had been allotted a
Mrs, W. J. Stinson, ` i fawn, too, but they were relieved to
find that he was just 'waiting there
Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and for a family, to come for him from a
-two children of Toronto spent the distance. The Eskimo are very loyal
-week-end with Mrs. Knight's mother, to their Church and, even in that far
Mrs, Is. Gemeinhardt. • northern part, one finds branches of
Mr, and Mr's: Ernst Renu of De- the W. A. organization, even though
troit spent the American Thanksgiv-'its members, meet but twice a year.
ingand week -end with the latter's Mrs E. P, Lewis, who accompanied
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar,. Miss Jean 'Woods on her return from
Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit and Toronto on Thursday, .returned/to To-
: -Mr. Wm. L. Metcalf of Pittsburg ionto on Monday.
were with their mother, Mrs. W. F. ' 'Mr, D. Br wn of Goderich conduct-
Metcalf, over the American Thanks- ed services throughout the Parish' on
:giving and week -end. Sunday in the absence of the Rector,
Mil -
'Mrs, Newton Sturgeon, 'eon.' and babe
Rev. W. G. Bugler, who was in Mil-
•'came home • frons Clinton Hospital on
s Mts. R. L. Bassett left on Sunday.
St nday.
Mr's .,Ii. Lord of Montreal•
Mrs for London ' where she has taken a
-Mallett, Hamilton, and Mr. F. Davi- position in Wendell Holmes Book
"eon, Detroit, who were home for . a Store;
=few days owing to the critical cendi- Services at St: Andrew's United
tion of their sister, Marie» Davison, Church, in the morning conducted by
`:iltatle returned to their respective the Pastor, In the evening the Rev.
homes. Geo. Morley of St. Paul's Church
Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London Chatham gave a sermon, Recital "The
:spent the weekend with his sistirs, Sign of the Cross" taken from the
Misses IS. and E: Fowlie. book by Wilson Barrett.
Miss Doris Featherston 'has taken
:a position in London for a few weelcs. 1• It was given in a very •masterly
manner, and very impressive, and
INTERESTING VISITOR FROM enjoyed by the goodly number pre-
AKLAVIK . • sent in spite of the unpleasant wea-
Mi sJon s e then Miss Jean McDonald well-known
Miss Jones, Deaconess, an furlough soloist of Chatham rendered two im-
assisted at tea by her sister, Mrs.
George Reid, and sister-in-law, Mrs.
Wm. E. Parker. Miss Jones gave the
guests a very intimate glimpseof the
work amongst the Indian and Eskimo
from Aklavik, was the guest of Mrs. pressive solos.
E, A. Featherston over the week -end.
'Mrs. Featherston entertained 'at 'tea . At time of going .to press we learn
anther honor on Saturday afternoon''tlrat Miss Marion .Davison died on
:and again in the evening, She was Wednesday night.,
Mrs. Jane 1VLutcll
90 Years, Old
Enjoying comparatively good health,
her faculties still keen, Mrs. Jane
Mutch, on Monday entered the non-
agenarian ranks. A birthday party
was held at the home of her son, Jo-
seph, with whom she resides, the
guests including John Robertson, 92,
and his wife, 82, for many years farm
neighbors in Colborne Township, The
combined ages of the trio is 264 years.
They chatted interestingly of old
Born near Pickering, of English de-
scent, Mrs. Mutch came as a bride to
Colborne, residing there 17 years.,
Her husband was a butcher in: Gorrie
for 1"4 years and for nine years they
were keeper and matron respectively
of Huron Home for the Aged at Clin-
ton, Mr. Match dying in 1916.
The nonagenarian reads her Bible
every day, keeps posted on current ev-
ents, never 'misses a meal, and does
much crocheting.
Besides her son Joseph, two daugh-
ters remembered their mother 'with
flowers, Mrs. G. W. Dane, of Brem-
erton, Wash., and Mrs. B. C, Milton,
of Viking, Alta.
Mr. Robt. Taylor has returned
home after spending several months
in the West.
Mr, Harold Rathwell of Windsor,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rathwefl.
Miss Ida Reid of Detroit is spend-
ing a few days with her ,brothers and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and fam-
ily spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. M. Reid and family of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hart spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs Jas. M.
Reid and family of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. M. Reid and
Kenneth spent Thursday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family.
Mr. Geo. Hezzlewood has been
quite ill the past week. A nurse is
now in attendance.
Mrs. E. Crawford has gone to stay
for the winter at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. Kunkel, Niagara
Monday, Nomination Day, passed
off very quietly. A new reeve and
two new Hien for the council are in
the offing.
Tire United Church Sunday School
are holding their White. Gift Service
on Sunday, Dec. 12th, and their an-
nual Christmas Tree on Dec. 23rd.
Commitees have been appointed for
the program for each, and are busy
preparing for the event.
Miss Fern Watson and Miss Eleanor
Hudson, who are attending the Strat-
ford- Normal, were 'home over the
week -end.
Mr. Wm. Lyon returned from Tor-
onto on, Friday last, and reports hav-
ing an enjoyable trine visiting the
Royal Winter Fair and other places
of interest.
Between thirty-five a n ci forty.
friends and neighbours of Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Cole gathered at their
home on the evening of the lath in
honor of their recent marriage and
all hoartily enjoyed a very elaborate
fowl supper, Following the supper a
congratulatory address was read to
the guests of honor. Feleeitations
were also sent from a number who
were unable to attend, but were pre-
sent in spirit. The address was as
Dear Friends -We are gathered
together this evening to rejoice with
this very happy 'couple, hir. and Mrs.
Percy Cole, who have entered into
the happy estate of matrimonial
bliss. It is a joyful estate, institut-
ed by God in the time of man's into -
Once when God saw that it was not
good 'for pian to live alone, so he
gave him, a help -mate.,
The time had come` when Mr. Cole
saw that it was not good to live as
.lone,' so he took upon himself a wife,
We are always. happy •when we see
others happy, so we come tonight to
share our happiness with Mr. • and
Mrs. Cole and to extend to them our
very best wishes for a long, pros-
perous and happy life together.
The funeral of Mrs. Fred C. Cook
was held . in Ontario. Street United
Church last Thursday afternoon., The
church was filled with those who ltacl
come to pay a last tribute to one
who had been held in high esteem in
this community. There were many
beautiful flower tributes.
'The • fl! owe •bearer -a were Joyce
1 ugill, Lois Harrison, 'Marie Holland,
Elinor Glew, Jean Elliott, Gladys
Be"ket • ,
'Those who attendecl from a dis-
tance were: Mr. Thomas Bell', of Ham-
ilton; Mr, and Mrs. 'William Powell,
of Lowville; Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Hewitt 1 and Mr. and Mire. Harvey
Hewitt and Mr. Otto Henderson, of
Stratford; Mr, .anti Mrs, 'J. W. Mc-
Connell of Wooclstoelc; Mr. and Mrs.
Jim 'Harrison and Mr. and Mrs, Her-
bert Harrison of Kirkton; Mr, and
Mrs.' Cecil Harrison of Science Hill;
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Armstrong Wilson and
Mrs..John Wilson, of .Lucknow; Mr.
Tim Mose. of Walton; Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Wright of Muncey; Mr. and
Mrs, Arnold Becker, of Crediton; Mr.
William Becket, Ms,..Gordon Becker
and Miss Iloreen • Becker of Dash-
wood. " .,k,.
are Plentiful in
the Greenhouse Now
Chas. -V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66j'
Good Market
For Poultry and Eggs
We are in the market for live or
dressed chickens and hens at best
market prices.
Our egg prices are always in line
with city prices.
We will be in the market for large
quantities ,of Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for our Christmas, Trade.
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
November 29th, Annie Ruth Hous-
ton of Bayfieid, was united in rear-
riage to Willia • Moran, of Lon-
don, by Rev. Gordon Peddie,
Wednesday, November 24th, Bessie
Helen Lockwood, became the bride
of. Russel Wilson Colelough, of
Goderich Town'ship. Rev. C. J.
Moorehouse of London, officiated
at the ceremony.
DAVISON—In Bayfield, on Wednes-
day, December zst, Miss Marion Da-
vison. , 3. •
Presentation to Popular Couple
The spirit of community goodwill
and friendship was fittingly expres-
sed recently when about eighty
friends and neighbours of Mr, and
Mrs. Elsner Trielc gathered at their
home for asocial evening, the event
being held in honor of this popular
young couple who *are a bride and
groom of October. The evening was
pleasantly spent in a social way, and
the young couple were the recipients
of a handsome carving set and table
cloth. Mr. George Elliott read the
address, and onbehalf of those pres-
ent Miss Jean Elliott made the pre-
"Dear Elmer and Mary :The sound
of the sweeetest bells on earth—wed-
ding bells has come to us as they
rang for you.
To -night we, your neighbors and
friends, join. In congratulating each
of you on your choice and in wislsing
for you together a long and happy
married Iife.
We are happy that your home will
be in our midst so that Elmer, who
has grown up among us, continues
with us, and that Mary, although
not a stranger, will become better.
known to each of us.
Doubtless you have been warned
that there will be many twisty places
ahead. 13e assured dear bride and
groom, that the smooth places are
much more frequent.
Now we wish you health, we wish
you wealth, we wish you happiness.
Will you kindly accept these vis-
ible tokens of our good wishes and
as you make them part of your
home, whenever the places are twisty,
remember that standing by ready to
lend a hand are,
Your Neighbours and Friends"
On Thursday evening of last week
when the members of Huron County
Council were the guests of Warden J.
M. Eckert at a banquet at Hotel Bed-
ford, the. Warden received an ebony
gold -headed cane, token of the esteem
in which hewas held by his fellow-
-members of the Council.
The presentation was inade by
Reeve Robt. Turner of Goderich and
Reeve. Wilmot Haacke of Goderich
Reeve R. J.' Bowman of Brussels
was chairman of the assembly and
Judge T. M. Costello, guest of the
Warden and Council, spoke briefly.
--Goderich Star.
purchase of the Gain. House ,pro-
perty, upon which site the Federal
Government will build a post office
in Lucknow, has been made.
Reeve W. B. Sanderson, while in
Toronto on Saturday, was advised by
W. R. Tomlinson, M.P., for Bruce,
that thedeal had been completed
and-the.deed signed.
Considerable delay has resulted in
concluding this transaction and it is
doubtful if any work will be tinders
taken until spring. 'The contract
will, however, be let izr the nearfu-
Mr. W. N. Snechtel left on Wed-
nesday for Kitchener where lie will
reside in future, Mr., Knechtel, who
has been, a highly esteemed resident
of Egmondville for nearly twenty
years, recently disposed of his home
to Mr .John Watson of Brucefield,
who moved in this week.
NOW: "HEMP, Starring
Mon., Tues., Wed,
in a lively musical romance
"The Singing Marine"
with •
Doris Weston and. Hush Herbert
Thurs., Fri.," Sat.
STEWART apply modern G -tactics
to a rustler war.
Coming: Joe Penner Ind
Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m,
Mon., Tues., Wed.
"Yon Only Live Once"
So make the most of it! A comedy
romance starring
Sylvia Sidney and Henry Fonda
Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature
Ralph Bellamy, Ida Lupin Regi
bald Denny in a battle between
love and social climbers
. Bob Allen and Martha Tibbetts
outwit the rustlers to a saga of
• the West
Coming: "Little Lord Fauntleroy"
Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p,m.
Nosy "Heading for the Rio Grande"
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Loretta Young, Warner Baxter
and Virginia Bruce
A dramatic new phase of the old
"Wife, Doctor and Nurse"
Thurs., Fri., Sat,
Miriam Hopkins, Joel McCrea and
Chas. Winninger
present a really great farce comedy
"Woman Chases Man"
Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 pan.
Let Us Make Your
Christmas Cake,
This Year
And yon know when $hey are made at
Bartliff & Crich's
hat only the very best ingredients
are used.
Bartliff ? Grich
Makers of Crispy Crust Bread
Phone 1. Clinton..
For Sale
some with extra land for gardening,
Poultry, Etc.
Winter Employment
The autumn is the beginning of the
year for the lumberman, at least in
Eastern Canada. From now on gangs
of bushmen with their turkeys on
backs congregate around the employ-
ment agencies and station platforms.
It is the annual exodus to the bush.
The advance guard will be employed
in building and repairing roads and furniture. All in good condition and
camps. Logmakers will follow on reasonably priced. Terms, Cash. Ap-
their heels and by the time the snow ply to News -Record Office. 60-1.
has conte and the ground is frozen
hard enough for hauling, the work of
harvesting Canada's annual forest
crop will be well under Wily.
Throughout the winter the logs and
pulpwood will accumulate along the
banks of the streams waiting for the
spring freshets to carry then to the
mills. Much of the material will move
in a steady stream direct from the
woods to ,mill by the more modern me-
thods of hauling by trucks, tractors
and logging railways. In the spring
many of the men who have worked
during the winter in the woods, will
be employed in the work of transpor-
The task of harvesting the Cana-
dian annual forest production has
been estimated at about 80,000 man
years of employment; that is to say,
300 days work for 80;000 Hien. But of
course, the men do not work at the
task for 300 days. The logging time
runs from a few weeks in some dis-
tricts to perhaps 200 days in British
Columbia, It is probable that this
industry gives employment in British
Columbia to at least 12,000 individuals
and in Eastern Canada where the sea -
Aon is much shorter, 200,000 men are
Provided with employment for at
Least part of the year when most oth-
er employment is at its lowest ebb,
according to the Forestry Branch of
the Dominion Bureau of Statistics,
Department of Trade and Commerce.
Dark or Light Fruit Cake
Plain or Iced, lb. 3 9 c
Special At • 15c and 25c
Hunts' and Neilson's Candy.
Housekeeper Wanted
To take full charge of farm home.
Two adults in family, father and son..
Apply to Joseph V. Greer, Bayfield,
R. R. 3, Phone 33 on 78, Iensall cen-
tral 60-3.
Lost Watch
Gold pocket watch lost between the
Poultry Plant and Wesley -Willis liv-
ery stable last week. Will finder
leave at News -Record Office. 60-1.
Found Watch
A gentleman's wrist watch. Own-
er may have sante by proving pro-
perty and paying expenses. Apply
to Wm. Pickett, 140, con, Goderich
Township. 60-1.
For Sale
An upright piano, L. 0. Smith
typewriter, sewing machine, golf
clubs, rugs, and several articles of
Commemorating Armistice Day and
in honor of Coronation Year, a flag,
the gift of Mr. Andrew` Little, was un
Furled for the first time on November
11th at a quiet ceremony on the
grounds of Scott Memorial Hospital.
The pole, which was donated by Mr.
William .Ferguson, Bayfield, was er-
Reserve This Date
December 27th, for the Clutton
Hospital Thum. 60-1.
Mr. Fred Cook and family wish to
express their sincere thanks and ap-
preciation to their many friends, re-
latives and neighbours, for use of
cars, floral tributes, kindness and
sympathy shown during their recent
bereavement, Special thanks to On-
tario Street United Church officials,
Choir and Rev: G. G. Burton• and Mr.
James Scott, the soloist frons Sea -
forth, who sang "The Old Rugged
Cross" very beautifully.
"The Pines", Raglan St., Clinton
Nursing and Convalescent Home.
Telephone 105. P.O. Box, 136.
For Sate
Top buggy, in good repair, also a
set of light harness. Apply to Mrs.
W, Marquis, phone 21 on 688, Clinton.
Raw. Furs Wanted
I am in the fur business again this
year and stn paying the highest mar-
ket price for all kinds of raw furs.
Norman East, R,R, 1, Clinton. 59-4.
01 Farm Stock and Implements at
Lot 40, Con. 7, Goderich Township, 6
miles west of Clinton, on Tuesday,
December 7th, at 1 o'clock sharp, con-
sisting of the following:
HORSES—Choice Clyde mare, ris-
ing 4 years old; aged Agricultural
CATTLE—Durham and Jersey cow,
6 years old, due December 20th; Ayre -
shire cow, 6 years old, due time of
acted by Mr. Robert. Porterfield and sale; Holstein and Jersey cow, 8 yrs.
Mr. Frank 'Lamont. The Hospital old, due Dec. 24; Red Durham cow, .6
Board wishes to express its apprseia- years, calf at foot, hred again; roan
tion to those who contributed this Durham ow, 5 yrs„ due April 10;
fine addition to .the hospital,' Roan Durham cow, 8 years, due Max.
Seaforth'.Expositor. 15; Ayreshire cow, 3 years, due May
16; Ayreshire cow, 9 years, due, Mar.;
94 AND STILL ACTIVE. 11; Ayreshire and Durham cow, 10
Dr, J. W. Browning celebrated his ,years, clue July 27; Holstein and Dur -
94th birthday on -Saturday.. Ile was ham cosy,: 5 years, due Mar. 21; Pure -
at his office all day and , received bred Durham bull, 3 years old; 8 Dur -
many caIIers who dropped in to ex- ham grade heifers, rising 2 years old;
tend congratulations. The doctor 3 steers, rising 2 years old; 2 spring
was also presented withflowers and calves; 1 fall calf.
numerous post cards. In spite of his Also a full line of farm implements.
advanced age he keeps remarkably About 200 bushels malting barley,
well and is at his office every day suitable for seed. About 200 bus oats.
attending to his medical duties. On Quantity of corn in the stook. Quan-
Sunday a celebration .in his honor tity of alfalfa hay, some second cut.
was held at the home of his daugh- Everything to be sold as proprietor
ter, Mrs. G. A. Hawkins, when Dr. is in failing health.
and Mils.' J. II. Browning and Gale, TERMS -CASH.
of tendon, and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bee- , Albert Colclough, Proprietor.:
ker, and 'family, of New•Hamburg George H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
were present, 59-2.
Photo ra
g, phs of Distinction
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
Quick Service—Guaranteed Work.
PHONE 213.
E. Mittell
We can give you better service nowt
Isaac Street, Clinton.
Best possible proposition to offer
active men with ambition to forge
ahead. Line of 200 daily necessities.
Reserved territories. Cash Terms.
No risk. Plenty of genuine chances
for success, independence, sure liv-
iving. Over 700 satisfied dealers new
Why not you? Write immediate-
ly for Information: Familex Co., 570
St. Clement St., Montreal,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of halms Shobbrook, late
of the Township of Hullett, in the
County of Huron, who died on or a-
bout the 17th of January, 1937, are
required to forward full particulars
of the same to the undersigned on or
before the 4th day of December, 1987
as after that date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets, hav-
ing regard only to the claims•ef which
they shall then have notice,
DATED at Goderich this 16th day
of November, A.D. 1937..
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors.
Our collecting department is a re-
sult of years of successful experi,
enee in collecting local or out-of-town
No collection, no charge —
ATail your list of accounts to -day to:
Burke's Collecting Agency
(License 176)
Phone 203 -Cutler St., Clinton.
Highest Cash Prices paid for Old
Horses or Cattle fit for ,mink feed.
Everything removed. If dead phone
at once. Fred Gilbert, phone 22 on
608, Clinton central. 46-tf: 1p.
For Sale
A house and barn on Wellington
Street. Water and hydro. Apply to.
3. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.
Cottage For Sale or Rent
Small cottage on Matilda street, in
southern part of town, five rooms,
water, garden, garage. Apply to J.
P. Sheppard. 80-tf.
House For Sale or Rent
A very desirable residence on Prim
cess street. Good garden and fruit
trees, electric lights,and town wa+
ter. • House in good. Condition, Apply
at The News -Record office. . 27-e,
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may be left et
IteastRa Barbar