HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-11-25, Page 8'AGE 8 TRE CLTNTON NEWS -RECORD Fresh Hams,per lb. 20c Fresh Picnic: Hams, per lb. 18c Pork Chops, per lb.' 20c Mincemeat, 2 lbs. for 25c Roast Ham, with Iprossing,per. lb. 50 c CONNEL�L & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street Since the earliest days of Radio the name NORTHERN ELEC- TRIC has stood for Supremacy in the field of sound, and through the years Northern El- ectric has .pioneered and per- fected many of the outstanding contributions) which have made possible the high degree of ef- ficiency to be enjoyed in the Perfect radio of today. SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIOS, AND BE CONVINCED OF THE ABOVE STATEMENT. BELFAST A highly efficient Console 2 - Band Short -Wave Receiver, 6 tube, with 7 functions. $79.50 1 Second-hand Rogers Majestic 8 Tube, Con- sole, Perfect Condition 1 Second-hand Kolster 7 tube table model.... $35 $15 1 Second-hand R C .A Victor 6 tube table $ 1 1 model AMNIMIPIM SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 Ideal Christmas Gifts We suggest that you see our line for gifts that really please. We have skates, hockey sticks, bicycles—in fact a complete line of sporting goods. If we haven't what you want in stock we can give you 24 hour service on your order. Gifts for young and old can be Jaid aside until needed by making a small deposit. Plan to visit the Sport Shop. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Epps' Transport Building—Next Door to Creamery, Phone 13w. GLARES Ranges & Heaters LEAD SEE THEM ON OUR FLOOR BEFORE BUYING. HAND -MADE PIPES ARE THE BEST. USE THEM AND. BE CONVINCED. T. Hawk• ins pi ware and Plumbing Phone 244 LOOK De Forest Crosley Radios cr k wuur Neon Cabinet Large enough to hold batteries Your old radio as a down payment, Balance Monthly. See and, Hear These At Beattie's. Authorized Dealer—A. W. GROVES. Little Billie Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Wilson, has been sick with congestion. Ernie Powell, while playing at school one day last week, had the misfortune to fall from , a ladder and break both bones in his arm, near the wrist. Howard Hicks has been in Strat- ford hospital having a tonsil opera- tion, also treatment on his eye, which has been giving him trouble for a couple•of months. Miss Evelyn Cox of London spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Herb. Cox. Mrs. Thos. Betties who has been PORTER'S HILL ill is improving, Her friends will be pleased to know. On Saturday we enjoyed'our first Miss Bella Cox who has spent the last year in our community has gone to Seaforth to reside. She will be missed in the choir and Sunday School. heavy snow fall. About 20 inches fell very gently making ideal sleigh- ing, but not so good. for cars as quite a number had to call on old Dobbin to help out. The attendance at church Sunday was very small owing to the condition of the roads. The Y,P.S. held their regular meet- ing Thursday evening. About 15 were present. Arlie Lockhart' had charge of the meeting; This Thursday Ray Cox will have charge of the meeting. We would like to see all the young People out. • Mrs. Fred Elliott's group .of the Ladies' Aid will hold a social at the Murch Friday evening. BRU CEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen and fam- ily visited friends in Toronto and Dundas last week. Mrs. Dunlop of Owen Sound visit- ed her mother, Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury, this week. The many y fr ends of Mrs. Wm. Henry will regret to hear that she is not enjoying good health, They hope soon to. hear, of her recovery. ;`', FLASH WILI'r.; CARTER'S Montana Slim's ;Nest' Book ,of Cow- .boy Songs for the Piano, Guitar and Violins of Canada. PRICE 50c. NEW HOLLYWOOD DANCE FOLIO Song Hits of the Talking Pictures, introduced by the Stars of Radio, Stage and Screen. It will take a lot of treating at 50c. 15 Songs and some attractive pictures of the mo- vie stars. It's arranged for guitar. FRANK PARKER'S FAVORITE S,ONGS— 21 of them. Songs of Romance, the Heart, the Home, of Remem- brance, and the Price, 75c. POPEYE SONG FOLIO - 24 \ complete OLIO-24\complete and original songs and cartoons, including "I'm the Sailor." It's Priced, 35c. KATE SMITH "MEMORIES" -- 100 of the old favorites that will live forever, with illustrations and action photographs. Price 50c. Shirley Temple Song Album 50c Wayne King's Waltzes 50c Piano Pieces for Children 100 Selections . $1.00 Everybody's Favorite Songs 200 of them $L00 You will probably have your best friend or the afternoon 'bridge club asking you what you think of Stuart Cloete's "Turning Wheels" before you tear December off the calendar. Price $2.50. Tlie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—,Always the Best 1 i I �I���P Wlpplllllinmu� u�ntpm wmiociiNlll . Mrs. Howard Clark is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Emma Plumsteel and Miss Ma- rie Plumsteel spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. Robertson has returned home from Kindersley, Sask., where she has spent several months. Miss Phyllis Manning of Londesboro was the guest of Miss Fanny La - vis over the week -end. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame , with Mis- ses Kathleen and JoAnne spent last week -end with friends in Toronto. Mr. Russell Jervis was in Toronto last week, attending the Royal Win- ter Fair. Mrs. Beaton and son Holmes, have returned home from a three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moffat of Bickford. Messrs. Reuben Grigg and Charles Manning spent a few days in Tor- onto last week, attending the Royal Winter Fair. Miss M. Gilchrist left on Wednesday for Saginaw, Michigan, where she will spend the winter months with her sister, Mrs. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Allen and fam- ily of Guelph were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wil- son.' Mrs. Hugh Miller left last week for Garden City, N.Y., where she will spend the winter months with her son, John Miller. Miss Ruth Pickett, who has been holi- daying at her home in town, has returned to London, where she has accepted a position on the staff of Victoria Hospital. Miss Gladys Webster of Auburn, who • has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Saville and Mrs. Vodden, in Clin- ton, spent the week -end in Toronto, with her sisters, Misses Bertha and Isabel Webster. Mr. H. G. Evans of Minnedosa, Mani toba, was with his aunt, Miss Rudd, over the week -end. He was accom- panied by his son, Flight Lieuten- ant Bert Evans, flying instructor at the R.C.F. Camp, Trenton. • TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Beef -ring held its annual meeting on Thursday evening last at the hone of Mr. Win. Falcon- er of the London Road. Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will meet on Wednesday, December lst, at the home of Mrs. F. Townsend. We are sorry to report the death of. Mrs. Fred Cook on Monday even- ing last. Mrs. Cook had been in the Clinton Hospital for treatment and while returning home on Monday took a weak spell from which she did not recover. HURRAH!! Students throughout Ontarip greet with cheers the announcement this week that -departmental examinations will be abolished. According to Dr. Duncan McArthur, Ideputy minister of education, the change affects de- partmental examinations in lower forms of collegiate institutes, high schools and fifth form. classes in the nubile schools,. Dols, only examinations in 'Middle and Upper School are being retained. The change is effective this year.-Seaforth Expositor.' THURS., NOV. 25, 1937. - Thursday Nov. 25, Friday 26 ONE FROND and Saturday27th, REDJDADWmT TELLS ANOTHER Always in the Lead OF Raisins Currants Peels Dried Peaches Apricots New Peers ` Nuts Also Regular Stock. to make room for Christmas CANDY CONTEST — For a Beautiful Droll — on Display in Our North Window. For 15c Purchase of Candy you may win the doll, by guessing the nearest to the number of Jelly Beans in the jar. Listen to Our Radio Broadcast, CKNX, Wingham, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12.45. Highest Price Paid For Eggs pPECIAL CHRISTMAS NEWS -- New Figs, Pulled Figs, Fancy Fruit in Baskets We will have our Christmas Trees up and decorat- ed. Call and See Them. New Assortment of Christmas Gifts New Coupons. SATURDAY EVENING FRUIT SALE • at 8 o'clock. Chase and jSanborn Dated Coffee, Ib. Always Fresh and Full Flavour. 39c -Magic Coffee, per lb. • Fresh Shipment—A Real Bargain. Tender Leaf Tea, per pkg. 28c 29c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W ,T, . 'NEIL' CORNER GCLINTON'S BIG R.00ETERI A Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. New Cranberries Celery Hearts, 2 for Turnips, 4 for Sweet Potatoes, 4 for Large Cabbage, 2 for Choice Bananas, per dozen 20c 19c 10c 15c 15c 25c New Navel Oranges, doz. 29c, 35c, 39c Lemons, 4 for 10c Grapefruit, 6 for 25c Emperor Grapes, 2 lbs. for 23c New Cheese, per lb. 18c New Figs, 2 lbs. for 19e Peas, No. 4's, 2 for 19c Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for 25c Macaroni, 4 lbs. for 13c With Each Order of $L00 ,Or More We will Give 10 lbs. Sugar for .56c. We buy and grade Eggs for which we pay lc a doz. more in cash or trade. All Eggs graded by an experienced candler. RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS NOV. 25-26.27 Quick Quaker Oats, Ige. pkg. ..,19c Helmet Corned Beef, 12 oz., 2 tins 25c Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins 21c Maple Leaf Peas, 2's, tin 10c Christmas Satin Mixed Candy, 2 lbs. 25e SALE OF BAKING SUPPLIES Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 79c Superior Baking Powder, 16 Extract, Vanilla, 8 oe. btl. Sultana Raisins, New Crop, Currants, Cleaned, 2 lbs. Bleached Sultanas, lb. Peel, Lemon and Orange, lb. Peel, Citron, lb. Cherries, Glace, quarter Ib. Pineapple, Glace, Slices. qtr Shelled Almonds, quarter lb. Shelled Walnuts, quarter lb. Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. for Molasses, 11/2's, tin Yellow Sugar, 4 lbs. for oz. 23c 15c Ib. 100 27c 190 ...25c 35c 13c Ib. 15c 15e 10e 21c roc 25c T. �o T OSP SON Free Delivery The Annual HOME LEAGUE SALE of the Local Salvation Army Corps will be held on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4T1I Fancy Goods, Home Bakhig and Can- dy, will be on Sale. The sale will be held in the Army Hall, commencing at 3 p.m. Winter B ouquets] � We have a new shipment of Win. ter Bouquets, Strawflowers and Pepper Grass arranged for low containers. 25c EACH. PLANTS Mums in good bloom -50c & 75c Cyclamen in bud and bloom 50c Ea. African Violets -75c and $1.00. Cactus in Mexican Pottery 25c and 30c Each. We have the New Dale Roses— Goldale, winner at the Royal Win- ter Fair. It is a rich gold. A good rose to keep. F. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. SCOTT'S GROCERY Phone 86 — — Free Delivery SPECIAL—THURS., FRI., SAT Scluteider's Crispy Flake 27e Shortening, 2 lbs. for New Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. .... 23c Currants, Choice Quality, 2 lbs. 27c Seedless Raisins, Choice Qual- 25c ity, 2 lbs. for Seeded Raisins, • 2 pkgs. for 27c New Bleached Raisins, per lb19c Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 39c Shelled Almonds, per lb. 55c Citron Peel, per lb. 35c Mixed Peel, ready -cut, lb. 25c (Orange, Lemon and Citron) Chocolate Drops, per lb. 1 8c Lowney's Molasses Kisses, Or large pkg. for Walnuts, in the shell, 2 lbs. 35c Grape Fruit, extra large, 2JC Seedless, 4 for J Mincemeat, Extra Fine Y,lbs. for Qual- ity, 25c it 2 We sell the better grade to build the Better Trade. Scott's Grooerg To Those Who Play Santa Claus If you want to make your home more comfortable and brighter, we would suggest a good Comfortable Lounging or Occasional Chair, a Chesterfield Suite or Studio Couch, and a Tri -Light Lamp, the kind that flood the whole room with light and yet are very easy on the eyes. If you want to please your girl friend, we would suggest a good Cedar Chest, made by Lane and other reliable makers, or a smart Lamp. If you don't know what to give your boy friend, see our line of Smokers, Footstools, Radio Benches and Costumes. Then for the Children, we have a very large selection of goods that will make them happy, we would suggest Doll Cabs, Rockers, Walkers, Rocking Horses, Tri -Cycles, Kiddie Cars, Skates, Hockey Sticks, and many other useful articles to please them. And you can rest assured you will save money on your pur- chases here, as we carry such a large stock that we have to keep things moving out, to make room for the new things coming- in. Anything you buy now will be put away and delivered when- ever, you want them. SMALL PROFITS—QUICK RETURNS BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 196. HARDWARE, FURNITURE. EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AMBULANCE SERVICE N. BALL—Phone 110. J. J. ZAPFE—Phone 103. CASH SPECIALS Forest City Baking Powder, 12 oz. tin, With Free Chins, Clark's Soups, Veg. or Tom., 3 tins for Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 lb. tins McLaren Peanut Butter, 2 lbs., in glass con. Red Rose Tea, black or mixed, per Ib...., Red Rose Coffee, 1 lb. tins Peas, Pride of the Valley, 2 for Christie's Soda Wafers, 712 ozs., 2 pkgs. for 21c 21c 21c 29c 49c 37c 17C 23c Clark's Pork and Beans, 1 lb. 6 oz. tins, 2 for ...19c Men's Fine Felt Hats, New Stock $1.95 Men's }Ivy. Wt. Winter Dress Caps, new stock 98c Men's Suits with 1 pair Pants Free, only , $17.98 Men's Overcoats, sizes 36, 37, 38, 40, each $1'3.00 Men's Windbreakers, Blanket Cloth, with Zipper, Sizes 38, 40, 42, 44 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 32, 31, 29, each Boys' Caps, winter weight Boys' Whipcord Breeches, per pair Boys' Dress Pants, longs, per. pair Boys' Work Shirts $3.29 $8.98 79c $1.39 $1.98 49c to 75c Clifford Lobb `The Store With. the Stock" 1