The Clinton News Record, 1937-11-25, Page 5THURS., NOV. 25, 1937.
Among those who attended the
• Royal WinterFair in Toronto were
Mr, and Mrs' Chas, Robinson, Mrs.
'Geo. Naylor and Gordon, Mrs. Elwin
Killough' and Mrs. John 'Mills.
Mr. Chas. Robertson, M.P.P., Mrs.
Wm, Reed and, Ruth and Mrs.` Jose -
;Thine' Weir visited Southampton
friends last Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs.".Wm. Anderson, Mr.
and . Mrs. Wilfred Smith and Mrs.
-Nellie Wales of Wilsonville visited
with Rev; H. C. Wilson and Mrs. Wil-
son last Saturday. •
The service in Knox United Church
on Sunday was conducted by the pas-
tor, Rev. H. C. Wilson who gave'a
.splendid' message . on "Making, Ex-
cuses" using as his text Luke 14-18.
Her many friends will be sorry to
hear that Helen Ferguson had to un
dergo an operation for appendicitis
• in Goderich hospital on Friday, Nov'.
19th.- Latest reports state that her
^condition is quite favourable.
The members of St. Mark's Angli-
•can Church met last Wednesday ev-
ening regarding' hydro, in the church.
A vote ofthe members will be taken
at a later date.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson And
Berniee spent Sunday with friends in
Born -On Saturday, Nov. 20th, to
Mr. and Mrs.' Elmer McDougal, a
Ston. ,
The services its IRnox Presbyterian
''Church was conducted" by the -pastor,
Rev. A. M. Boyle who gave a very
impeessive message on Stewardship.
'He used as his text Luke 16-2, Miss
• Josephine Weir favoured with a solo.
Miss Mary Asquith of Fergus spent
the' week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Asquith.
Mrs. Jas. Carter and Miss Sadie
have returned'home after a visit with
friends in Clinton.
Mrs. Pete Jefferson and Thomas
• Johnston were in London one day last
Mr. Wm. Wallace of Wilkie, Sask.,
`who has been visiting his grandpar-
''ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Symington
has gone to Brantford.
Miss Mae Ferguson' and Mrs. Har-
'•ry Gooier visited with friends in Clin.-
ton on Friday.
Mr's. R. J. Phillips and Miss Susan-
-nu Blair were confined to bed last
• week suffering from severe colds.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and
Marion and IKeith Arthur were in
London one day last week.
Rev. R. M. Weeks, newly -appoint-
- ed rector of St, Mark's Anglican
"'Church who conducted his first ser -
`vice here last Sunday gave a very in-
apiring message on "Three Ways to
Preach", speaking from St. Matthew
Mrs Honking has returned •to
" Clinton after visiting with Mrs. C.
A. Howson.
Mr. Wm. Robison has purchased a
new Dodge sedan ear.
Rev. G. W. Sherman conducted the
service in the Baptist Church and
spoke on "The Mysterious Tree" and
used as his text Exodus 15-25.
The W.M,S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church held their Thankoffering
meeting in the basement of the
church on Thursday, November 18th ford one day last week.
faith the President, Mrs. Lawson, in Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Mogridge of
the chair. A letter was read from Auburn, were the guests of Mrs.
Mary Dobie thanking the ladies for Margaret Manning on Monday.
their basket of gifts given to her I Several, inches of snow fell last
mother. The program includes poems' week and it looks like. old ratan winter
read by Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs, W. has carne to stay,
'T. Robison, Mrs. F. Ross, Mrs. Jas.I Mr, and Mrs. Beit Taylor and dill -
Woods and Mrs. Geo., Dawson. Miss dren of Westfield, visited with. Mrs.
' Toll of Blyth gave a very interesting J. Tamblyn recently..
talk on "Our Health, Our Countryj A graduation service for the Baby
Church and Schools." Following• this Banti and Mission Band will be held
Miss Eleanor Wilson favoured with in the basement of the church on Sat-
o solo, Doris Wagner gave a read-1=day ,Noy. 27th. Diplomaswill be
ing. A hearty.. vote of thanks was given to the children who graduate.
given to Miss Toll for her splendid M1 the mothers of small children are
talk. Lunch was served by the hos- especially invited, we would like ev-
tesses. The December meeting will . ez'yone to bring a few sandwiches• or
be held at the home of Mrs, Edgar tarts or cookies. This meeting is for
".Lawson, the children' to bring in their mite
boxes and receive r eive
new ones for next
On' Psiday evening, Nov. 19th, in year.
' the Forester's Rail. the L.O.L. 932,1 On Sunday, November 21st, at the
• held its annual At -Home with guests hone of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Yungblut,
present from Blyth and Londesboro.!'a birthday dinner was served in bon-
ne first part of the evening was, our of Mrs. Annie Brown of Clinton
-.spent at playing progressive euchre. on her 76th anniversary, Mrs. Brown
Prizes being awarded to Mrs. Wes. was presented with many gifts by her
• Taman of Blyth and Ernest Paterson daughters.
of Auburn, while consolation prizes
'were awarded to Elsie Snell of Au-'
'burn and Lorne Snell of tondesboro. 1 BA YFI E LP
The remainder of the evening' was
' stent in dancing, the music being sup -Misses M. Miller and Jessie Met-
p'lied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me- calf motored to the village on Satur-
Clincltey, Gordon. and Chas. Robin- 'day, -returning to. Detroit, on •Sunday.
' son. Lunch was served by members Mrs' W' F. Metcalf, who spent last short poem "To -morrow" was read by
of Auburn Lodge:
week with them, in Detroit returned
home with them.
A. very pleasant time wits spent in Miss .Lucy .i,.. Woods returned home
` the Forester's Hall on Monday, Nov. on Wednesday of last week after
"22nd, when a shower was held for having visited with Rev. and Mrs. F.
Ur. and Mrs. l almer Dawson who H," Paull, East Windsor.
"'were recently married. A. la:age Miss Jean Woods, Mrs. .George
• crowd was present. The first part King, Mrs. W, G' Bugler, and Mrs: R.
of the evening was stent in dancing, Bassett motored to Toronto on Thum -
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson were then cal- day. last to spend a few days in the.
"led to the, platform, Amos Andrew city.
read an address and Gordon Dobie Mr; and Mrs. H. Weston of Detroit
presented' Mr. and Mrs, Dawson with spent the week -end with the forincr't
a purse of money. Mr. Dawson in a 'grandfather, Mr, R. Weston. •
few well-chosen words thanked the l Mr. and Mrs Norman Toms of D-
Friends for their'generous"gift. Lunch, troit visited with the former's moth-
-was served after which dancing; was' er, Mrs. E. Toms, over the week -end.
resumed. The music was supplied by Miss Marie Elliott of Brumfield is
•731r, and ' Mrs. G. McOlinchey and 1 with her aunt, Miss Mary Reid, ow-
'Ted Robinson, Amos Andrew was Mg to the illness of her uncle, 3. H.
:Moor manager and Geo. Cowan and Reid.
-Hassell • C'cond called off. • Mr. Lewis Thomson returned home
gwater John Raithby, son of Mr. "on Saturday after a trip through the
"arid Mrs.. Frank Raithby, who has Canadian West, down the coast` to
been seriously ill, is improving.
Miss Mabel Foster has resumed
her duties as teae7aer after being laid
with the flu.
On Sunday evening the Baptist
Young People hold their monthly
meeting with a;'large number present.
.Mr. and Mrs:' Lloyd Raithby were in
charge. Mr. . Raithby took the, devo-
tional part and Harold Reid presided
at the piano. A reading was' given
by Mrs Earl Raithby and the Scrip-
ture Lesson, Genesis 20:--20 was read
by Wm. Raithby, Mrs. Lloyd Rant-
by gave a very impressive talk on
"What Religion Really Means to You
and Me.'.' Two contests were enjoyed,
One conducted by Lloyd Raithby on
"Books of the Bible", and one by
Earl Raithby on "Titles Attributable
to Christ" Frank Raithby closed the
meeting with prayer.
Mrs. Robt. Townsend, Miss D. Lit-
tle, Mrs. A. Wells and Mrs. F. Little
spent the week -end in Toronto:
Mr. and Mrs. James Elsley, who
for several weeks have been visiting
at the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Milton Hooper near S. Marys, have
returned home.
Mr. Wm. Lyon is visiting friends in
Toronto, and also taking in the Royal
Mr. Clarence Crawford has pur
chased the farm' fet}merly occupied
by Mr. Howard Shobbrook.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute veill be held in Com-
munity Hall on Thursday; Dec. 2nd.
Program expected: -"Community Ac-
tivities and Relief", Mrs. R. Fairser-
vice. Christmas Carols, Convenor,
Mrs. Geo. McVittie; "Education", Mr.
Gardiner. Roll call, Suggestions for
Christmas Gifts. Hostesses -Mrs. R.
Wells, Miss M. Shaddick, Mrs, F.
Little, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. F. Thomp-
Miss Phyllis Manning spent the
week -end with her friend, Miss Fanny
Levis of Clinton.
Mr. Wm. Campbell, who a few
weeks ago suffered a severe injury to
his eye, has returned from the Strat-
ford hospital, and his''condition is
much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gillfillan have ta-
ken rooms with Mrs. J, Taylor and
moved in this week,
Mrs. Earl Galant of Lucknow is vis-
iting with her mother, Mrs. H. Lyon
and other friends.
Mr, Charlie Lee has moved into
with Mr. Chas. Ruddell,
Mr, 'and Mrs. Mac McCool have
Vented their farm to Mr, LIoyd Pipe.
Mr. and Mrs. McCool are moving 'to
Flint, Michigan.
Mr, Frank Tamblyn has had the
hydro installed in his home. Mr.
Thuell of Blyth doing the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Lyon of the C.
N.R., Blyth, visited his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Lyon on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall are spending
part of the winter with their son at
Altnsburg and will also visit their,
daughter "at Toronto for a time.
Mrs. F. Montgomery of Clinton vis-
ited with her sister, Mrs. E, Craw -
California and home via Toledo, Ohio.
I -Ie visited many interdsting spots and
friends at different points en route.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guest and
son spent the. week -end with relatives
in Toronto.
The Annual Bible Society Service
of the Bayfield Branch was held in
Trinity ,Church on Sunday evening.
The service was conducted by Mr.
D.' Brown, of Goderich',' in the absence
of the Rector, and Rev. R. M. Gale
of . St Andrew's United Church gave
i most excellent address basing his
remarks on Deuteronomy 30, verses
11-14. The subject of his address
was "The Flowing Tide" in which he
traced the ebb and flow of God's
grace to the World and' stressed the
tee!: that we should take the current
while it serves, During the offertory
Misses Gladys Gale and Lucy Woods
sang a duet, "The Glory -Crowned
Banner," There was a .united, choir to
lead the singing. Following the ser-,
vice the annual meeting. was held
tvlteii F. A. Ddwardsa President s
Lucy Woods as Secretary -Treasurer
were returned to office and Harold
Seotchmer .appointed Vice -President.
Rev. R. M. ' Gale presided over the
meeting -and closed with the benedic-
tion. ,
• Rev. 'R. M. Gale Motored& to Pin
kerton on Wednesday to attend the
funeral of the late Mrs: Adam Reid.
Mrs. Reid was the paternal grand'
mother of Jim, Jackie and. Alma
Reid who are well-known in this com-
munity having spent some time with
their grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. R.
M. Gale.
Miss Janet Manson, who has spent.
the past few months in the village
left on Saturday with her nephew to
make her borne in New Jersey.
Following a brief illness of pneu-
monia, the death took place on No-
vember 18 at her hone in the village
of a member of a -well-known pioneer
family in the person of Jane Reid. The
late Miss Reid, who was one of a fam-
ily of ten children, was born in Stan-
ley Township, the eldest daughter of.
the late John and Eliza Jane Reid.
For a number of years she was a
dressmaker in Clinton, retiring to
Bayfield in 1918 where she has resid-
ed ever since. She attended St. And-
rew's United Church. Surviving are
five sisters, Margaret and Lucinda
of the village, Rachel (Mrs. Webster)
Lucknow, Sarah (Mrs. E. Merrier)
Stanley Township, and Elizabeth of
Toronto, two brothers, Robert of
Stanley Township, and John of Dash-
wood. Two brothers, Lancelot and
Williahi, predeceased their sister. The
funeral, which was private, was held
from her late home on Saturday af-
ternoon, the service being conducted
by Rev. R. M. Gale. The pallbearers
were: Messrs, M. Toms, George Cas-
tle, A. Erwin, E. Featherston, Fred
McEwen and George Elliott, Inter-
ment was made in Bayfield Cemetery.
Those from a, distance who were pre-
sent for the funeral included Ids'. and
Mrs, Q, 13. Hallman, New Dundee, and
Merton Merrier of Parry' Sound.
The Regional School under Huron
Presbytery which has been in pro-
gress during the last three weeks in
St. Andrews United Church closed
last Thursday night. The school prow;
ed, of great interest and helpfulness
for those who attended, There was
an attendance on the different even-
ings of some 30 to 50.
Those taking the full course, and
receiving certificates were as follows:
Miss Isabel Robinson, Mrs. Geo. John-
ston, Miss Viola Holland, Miss Gladys
Gale, Mrs. Russell 'E:rratt, Mrs, Ra-
chael Johnston, Miss. Grace MacMath,
Mr. Benson Sutter.
The instructors were Rev's. Cosens
and Burton of Clinton, Rev. J. R.
Peters of Varna, and Mr. Hellyar of
Mr, Ken. Reid of Clinton was di
reetor, and. Rev. R. M. Gale, Dean.
The Talking' Moving Picture "Oli-
ver Twist" by Charles Dickens was
presented in the Town Hall on the
22nd under the auspices of the Y.P,
Dept. 'of St. Andrew's United Church
to a well-filled house, and was much
Rev. Mr. Moorehouse of Yarmouth
Centre and Mr. Hobson of St. Thomas
were the ones in charge of the play.
The meeting last Friday was con-
ducted by the citizenship convenor,
Lewis Herbert. "Ali The Way My
Saviour Leads Me" was sung to open
the . Devotional period. Mr. Herbert
accompanied .on the piano in the ab-
sence of Muriel Miller, pianist. A
Grace MacMath. The minutes were
react by the Secretary, Sheldon Mac -
Math. After singing hymn 85, Bill
Norman read the lesson from Luke
15:11-24. A beautifulduet was sung
by Thelma and Beta Oudmore, Mr.
C. Pearce 'delivered a fine address
which, was helpful'an'held the inter-
est of the audience.
The meeting ended by singing hymn
247 and the Mizpah Benediction. 'Be-
fore leaving, the president, Grace
MacMath conducted a few active re-
lays. About forty young people join-
ed enthusiastically.
Charlotte Trewartha, Literary and
Recreational Convenor, will preside
this Friday.
The Holmesvilie School House was
on. Thursday, November 18th, the
meeting place of the rural school tea-
chers of Goderich Township'. All the i
�.. are Plentiful in
the Greenhouse Nowr
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66i
Good Market
For Poultry and Eggs
oultr. E s
We are in the market for live or
dresgecl .chickens and hens at best
market prices.
Our egg prices are always in lune
with city prices.
We :will be in the market for large
quantities of Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for our Christmas Trade..
Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w
STEEP -In Clinton Community Hos-
pital, on Thursday, November 18th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steep, the
gift of a daughter, Mavis Marilyn.
AIKENHE'AD-In Clinton Commun-
ity Hospital, on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Aikenhead, the gift of a daughter.
McKNIGHT In Clinton Community
Hospital, on Tuesday, November
23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc-
Knight, the gift of a daughter-
Sandra Ruth.
CTNN-In Tuckersmith, on Tuesday,
November 23rd, John J. Ginn, in his
75th year.
COOK=In Tackersmith, . on Monday.
November 22nd, Robena Bell, belov-
ed wife of Mr. Fred C. Cook, aged
51 years.
POLLOCK--In Stanley Township, on
Tuesday, November 23rd, Mrs, Wil-
Iiam PoIiock, in her 72nd year.
REID--In Bayfield, on Thursday,
November 18th, Jane Reid,
TIGHE-In Hullett Township, on
Saturday, November 20th, Thomas
John Tighe, in his 87th year.
BURROWS -In Goderich Hospital,
on Friday, November 19th, Mary
Burrows, in her 80th year.
members were present: Mr. J. Salkeld
President of 8. S. No. 1, Miss Elsie
Bell of S. S. No. 2, Taylor's Corner;
Mr. Chas. Pearce of S, S. No, 3, Hot-
mesville; Mr. Edward MacLeod of
S. S. No .4, 16th concession, North;
Miss Effie Jewell, treasurer, of- the
16th concession, south; Miss Esther
Mellwain, Secretary, of S. S. No. 6,
Union School; Miss Elva Eliott of
Porter's, Hill; Miss Esther MacMath,
of S. S. No. 8, the Gully; Miss Helen
MacGregor, of S. S. No. 9, Tipperary;
and Miss Dorothy Henderson of S. S.
No. 10, Middleton.
With the president leading numer-
ous topics dealing with the interests
of the children andthe community in
general, were enthusiastically discus-
sed. It was decided that the group
be known as the G.T.T.A. (Goderich
Township Teachers' Association). The
next meeting will be in January.
Miss Thelma Ohm m
of Wingha
spent last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. M. Stock.
Miss Esther MacMath spent the
week -end under the parental roof.
The Sunday School and School are
combining this year for the Annual
Christmas Tree which will be held in
the church on the evening of Dec.
22nd, Watch for further particulars,
Mrs. Bert Findley is not as well as
her many friends would like to see,
We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. T. Campbell and family are
moving to Delhi this week where. Mr.
Campbell has been employed for some
lame. They will be` missed, and their
many friends wish them every sue -
cess in their new home,
Mr. and Mrs, McCool Given
Hearty Send -Off.
A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac 'Mc-
Cool, when over one hundred friends
and neighbours gathered to spend an
evening with them before their re-
moval to town. Cards and dancing
were enjoyed by young and old. Be-
fore lunch Mr. and Mrs. McCool
were presented with an Electric, Floor
Lamp and although completely taken
by :surprise, Mr. McCool, in a few
well-chosen words, ` thanked their
friends for the gift, and assuredthem
all a welcome in their new home. The
following address was read by Mr.
Ira Rapson:
"Dear Mac and Elsie - We have
learned with deep regret of your ap-
proaching departure from this com-
munity, and we, your friends and
nein'hbours,;-have: gathered here to-
night to wish you mamas, and happi
mess in your new surroundings. We
sincerely hope that you will , have
pleasant memories of your friends in
this neighbourhood and we, 3 • turn,
shall always be glad to hear of your
activities in your new home. Even
the stook -threshing' gang will seem
ncomplete without you,- Mac. You
1 Clinton.
Mon, Tues., Wed.
"Ali Baba Goes To Town"
With Tony Martin, Roland Young,
,lune Lang and Louise Novick.,
Thur*., Fri., Sat.
With Jean Hersholt, Arthur Tree -
cher and Helen Westley.
From the story by Johanna Spyric
RINE" starring Dick Powell.
Mata Sat and holidays at ,3 p.m.
Now: Charles Ruggles in:
Mon.; Tues., Wed.
Loretta You:ag and Virginia Bruce
as principals in a gripping problem
play ,
"Wire, Doctor and Nurse"
Thurs., Fri., Sat. -Double Bill
Melvyn Douglas, Virginia Bruce
in a romantic tale of Bohemia
"Women of Glamour"
"Cowboy Star"
Coming: Sylvia Sidney in:
Mat.: Wed., Sat,, Holidays, 3 p,nt
Now: Joe Penner in:
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Sylvia. Sidney and Henry Fonda
present the appealing drama -
"You' Only Live Once"
Thurs,, Fri., Sat,
Tex Ritter and Eleanor Stewart
apply `modern G -tactics to a
rustler war
"Heading for The
Rio Grande"
Coming: `Wife, Doctor and Nurse"
Warner Baxter
Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m.
With Whipped Cream.
Bartliff & Crich
Makers of Crispy Crust, Bread
Phone 1, Clinton.
To Dog Owners
Ali dog owners who have not paid
their dog tax, take notice that after
the 30th day of November, action will
be taken to collect sante,
N. W. MILLER, Tax Collector.
were always such good sports that we
shall surely miss you both. We wish
you to accept this lamp as a token
of ,our affection, and may its rays
shed for you a glow of our friend-
ship. Our very best wishes go with
yon to your new home where we wish
for you health, happiness and pros-
Mi.Mac McCool has rented his
farm to Mr. Lloyd Pipe who has al-
ready taken possession.
Miss Mary Murray spent a few
clays in Toronto last week,
Mr, Jas. McFarlane is visiting his
daughter, Mrs, Gordon McPherson
at present
Mr. and Mrs. House and daughter,
Jean, of -Waterloo, spent hunfitly at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
Mrs. Geo. McRoberts has returned
home from Toronto when she Lias
been taking treatments and is feel-
ing much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods cele-
brated their 38th wedding anniver-
sary November 22nd. Mrs, Alex.
Murdie, Toronto, Miss Irene Woods,
Waterloo, and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Woods were present on the occasion.
Mr. Neely Todd, Stratford, spent
the week -end at his home here.
Mr, Ewart McPherson spent the
week -end with friends in Toronto.
For Rawleigh Route. Sates way u`
this year. Real op-uortunity'for right
man. We help you get started. Write
Rawleigh's Dept. ML169-0-K, Mon-
treal, Canada.
Favorite. Bread
For the convenience of the taxpay-
ers I will be in the board room of the
town hall beginning Monday, Nov.
22nd. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tax Collector. 58-2.
A Court of Revision on the Voters'
List will be held in the Community
Hall, Londesboro, in the afternoon,
Friday, Nov. 26.
Any names that are not on the
Voters' List, 1937, tray have them put
on by notifying the Clerk or attending
this meeting. Judge Costello will be
JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk, Nutlet Twp.
Ambitious, active, trustworthy, pre-
ferably with car, experience helpful
but not essential, to distribute house-
hold, farm, medicinal and alimentary
products in reserved territories, Cash
Terms. Fair Profits. No Risk. Splen-
did business opportunities for willing
workers. Complete information.
Write: Familex Products Co., 570 St.
Clement Si., Montreal,
For Sale
Top buggy, in good repair, also a
set of light harness, Apply to Mrs,
W. Marquis, phone 21 on 638, Clinton,
Raw Furs Wanted
I am in the fur business again this
year and atm paying the highest mar-
ket price for all kinds of raw furs.
Norman East, R.R. 1, Clinton, 59-4,
An organist for the Baptist church
Clinton. Sunday evening service on-
ly. Duties to continence at once.
Apply to Mrs. Wm. Cochrane or Mrs.
P R. Hj Johnston. 59-1.
01 Farm Stock and implements at
Lot 40,, Con. 7, Goderich Township, 6
miles west of Clinton, on Tuesday,
December 7th, at 1 o'clock sharp, con-
sisting of the following:
HORSES -Choice Clyde mate, ris-
ing 4 years old; aged Agricultural
CATTLE -Durham and Jersey cow,
5 years old, due December 20th; Ayre-
shire cow, 6 years old, .due time of.
sale; Holstein and Jersey cow, 8 yrs.
old, due Dec. 24; Red Durham cow, 6
years, calf at foot, bred again; roan
Durham cow, . 5 yes,, due April 10;
Roan Durham cow, 8 years, due Mar.
15; Ayreshire eow, 3 years,, due May
16; Ayreshire cow, 9 years, due, Mar.
11; Ayreshire and Durham cow, 10
years, due July 27; Holstein and Dur-
ham cow, 5 years, due Mar. 21; Pure-
bred Durham bull, 3 years old; 8 Dur-
ham grade heifers, rising 2 years old;
3 steers, rising 2 years old; 2' spring
calves; 1 fall calf.
Also a full line of farm implements,
About 200 bushels malting barley,
suitable for seed. About 200 bus, oats,
Quantity of corn in the stook. Quan-
tity of alfalfa hay, some second cut.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
is in failing health.
Albert C;olclough, Proprietor.
George :H, Elliott, Auctioneer.
Stray Beast
Strayed to the remises of the un-
dersigned ne r
o t or aboutSeptember
I d 16th
t; ,
one yearling i'ed heifer. Owner may
have same by proving property and
paying expenses. Arthur Dale, phone
633-3. 59-1.
Spirella, Foundation Garments
We will be glad to help solve your
Figure Problem. Mrs. J. Silcock,
Corsetiere, Telephone 265w. $7.8-p.
Stray Beast
Strayed to the premises of R. G.
Snaith, lots 13 and 14, concession 17,
Goderich Township, . yearling black
heifer. Owner may have same by
,proving property and paying expen-
ses. Teledhone 34 on 640, Clinton
central. 58-2.
For Sale
Portland cutter, two set single har-
ness, one-horse wagon for sale, cheap.
James A. Miller, Clinton, R. R. 3,
Phone, 25 on 610. 58-2.
Help Required
Experienced woman et girl wanted
to take charge of small household
temporarily.' Permanent work if
satisfactory. Apply at this office.
Plain; Sewing
All kinds of plain sewing wanted.
Careful work at reasonable rates.
For particulars telephone 215j, 57-3.
,For Sale or Rent
Modern first-class house, all con-
veniences,, centrally Iocated, for sale
59-2. or rent. Apply F. Fingland. 57-3.
Photographs of Distinction.
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
Silver F ox
If you would like a silver fox
scarf, you can save money by buy-
ing one of our raw pelts and hav-
ing it made up to suit yourself.
We have some real beauties and
will be pelting soon.
PHONE,j 213.
E. Mittell
Overcoat, Dry -Cleaned` ........ $1,25
Lady's Plain Dress , 85c
3 -Piece Men's Suit 85a
Sponged and Pressed 50e
Lady's Fur Collar Coat $1.25
Tailor and Dry Cleaning
Isaac Street, Clinton.
For Sale
Harriston coal or wood range. Pol-
ished steel top, first-class condition,
new wood grate. Also extension tab-
le. Apply M. 3. Butler, phone 609r25,
or Brown Stewart, 763 Colborne St„
London. 57.8•p.
Old horses or cattle for mink feed.
Will pay according to value. If dead
phone at once. E. Trick, phone 607r5,
or L. Batkin, 6193;14.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of James Shobbrook, late
of the Township of Hullett, in the
County of Huron, who died on or a-
bout the 17th of January, 1937, are
required to forward full particulars
of the same to the undersigned on or
before the 4th day of Docember, 1937
as after that date the'Executors wilt
proceed to distribute the asset,*, hay-
ing regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice,
DATED at Goderich this lath day
of November, A.D. 1937.
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors.
Our collecting department is a re-
sult of years of successful experi-
ence in collecting local or out-of-town
No collection, no charge -
Mail your list of accounts to -day to
Burke's Collecting Agency
(License 176)
Phone 203 -Cutler St., Clinton.
Highest Cash Prices paid for Old
Horses or Cattle fit for mink feed.
Everything removed. If dead phone
at once. Fred Gilbert, phone 22 on
608, Clinton central. 46-tf,-lp.
For Sale
A house and barn on Wellington
Street. Water and hydro. Apply to
J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.
Cottage For Sale or Rent
Small cottage on Matilda street, in
southern part of town, five rooms,
water, garden, garage. Apply to J.
P. Sheppard. 304f.
House For Sale or Rent
A very desirable residence on Prin
cess street. Goodgarden and fruit
trees, electric lights, and town wa.
ter. House in good condition. Apply
at The News -Record '; office. 27-o,
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may be left at
Heard* Herber Rho%