HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-11-11, Page 9PAGE 8 Round Steak, per lb. 22e Fresh Picnic Hams, per 1b. Dressed Hog, by, the half, per Ib. 13%c Fresh Hams, per lb. 22c Smoked Picnic Hams, per Ib. 18c 22c CONNELL` a TYNDALL " CLLNTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street gym. STOVES 'see the New McClary Escort This is undoubtedly trot best buy in a Cook osee •$65. today. Enameled Front and. Warming Closet. With Reservoir and Full Polished Top, A BIG STOVE FOR THE MONEY. We have just, received a Shipment of Water Sets and Glass and Tray Sets, in Attractive Designs. Also Chrome and Nickle Tray Sets. These will make ideal Christmas Gifts. COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. 40 and 60 Watt ELECTRIC BULBS -2 FOR 25c—TRY THEM. TWO SECOND-HAND RADIOS AT BARGAIN PRICES $12.00 AND $i5.00. -1•11•1.0{••••-! SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 Guns 83 Ammunition DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION!— Bring in your rifle or shotgun for a thorough cleaning and check-up before going on your next trip. NEED AMMUNITION? —Just received a new shipment of Rifled Shotgun Slugs. These are something new. Make your gun do double duty as a shotgun or rifle. Very accurate. All kinds on hand. Then we have Duck Decoys, Duck and Crow calls. A new ship- ment of rifles just arrived. Easy terms to suit everyone on our new and second-hand stock. Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Epps' Transport Building—Next Door to Creamery, Phone I3w. GLARES Ranges & Heaters LEAD SEE THEM ON OUR FLOOR BEFORE BUYING. HAND -MADE PIPES ARE THE BEST. USE THEM AND BE CONVINCED. T.llaukins,.Hardware and Plumbing Phone 244 q. 6uMN,NIMu•••n4.i41111•o4.0.uvOIMPnMMIN14•11.n.M„sowoO...M.,o..AMON.,.n...i14•M,MM.nA=n....o=1,,,. 1 "TREASURE HOUSE" AVON CHRISTMAS SALE—NOVEMBER 9-29 See our beautiful display of Avon Gifts and hear about "Avon's Christmas Goodwill Offer." Does an exclusive card appeal? See our Wedgewood and flower print cards—delicate and beautiful. Christmas gifts in China, Lin- ens, Etc., and a complete range of gift wrappings now on display. You are welcome to call and browse around. FREDA SCHOENHALS le....M.041•9•114101.11411.141•1101•00.N.MINNI•1140.11.M.1•10.00.0.M111M00010.111.M.114=4.1..11,..1141111.01,41, 0:4 De Forest-Crosley 674, WnRY NDDa Cabinet Large Enough to Hold All ' Batteries, EASY TERMS—$44.95. See and Hear These Models at BEATTIE'S • A. W. GROVES Millionaire's Night LEGION HALL, CLINTON 'Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 8.15 Spend 25 cents and be a millionaire for one night, Under auspices Ladies Aux, Legion. 56-2. By means of a method of filtering the air coming from all directions a- long the coast of Vancouver and de- termining its chloride content, there was found to be no mutual connection 'between wind direction and salt con- tent, but cold clear days of high rela- tive humidity, showed a high salt content. _ _ u, uaia St. Paul's Church ANNUAL, BAZAAR under auspices of the Ladies' Guild in the Parish Hall Thursday, Nov. 25 2.80 to 7 p.m. BOOTHS: Fancy Work, Novelty, Kitchen Nook, I-Ioine Baking, Apron & Handkerchief, Fish Pond, Candy, Produce, Rummage. AFTERNOON TEA: Chicken Salad, Bread and Butter, Cake and Tea. HOLMESVILLE Miss Hazel Wolfe of Stoney Creek, and Mr. Kenneth MacDonald of Tees - water, spent the week -end at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Elmer Pot- ter. Mrs. Wm. Mulholland was called to Chicago on Saturday, where her sis- ter is seriously ill. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert and Billy are Outstanding FALL BOOK S FICTION NORTH WEST PASSAGE—+Kemieth Roberts: This fall'sleading seller. .decommended by the Association of Canadian Book inen. Puce ,2.75. AND SO VICTORIA = by Vaughan Wilkins. Chosen by, the Boost Soci- ety. A delightful tale of glamour from the eighteen -twenties. Price $2.50. TURNING WHEELS Stuart' Cloete. This :herioc novel by a new author is predicted to be most suc- cessful. A story of South African Transvaal. Price $2.50 JOAN—by Irene ,Baird. An exquis- ite adventure in character study, comparable to James' Hilton's writ- ing. Price $2.25. • JANE OF LANTERN HILL—by L. M. Montgomery, Price $2.25. THE LOST KING—by Rafael Sabas `tini. Price $2.50. HEATHER OF THE HIGH HAND -- by Arthur Stringer. Price $2.25. DEAD MAN'S MIRROR=-by.Agarha Christie. Price $2.25. , I'VE BEEN TO LONDON—by Tem- ple Bailey. Price $2.25. ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY — b y Phillips Oppenheim. Price $2.00. NON-FICTION How to Win Friends and Influence People—Dale Carnegie. Price $2.00. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People—Irving Thresher, 1998th edi- tion. Price $1.75. Live Alone and Like It—by Marjory Hillis. Price $1.75. Orchids on Your Budget—by Mar- jory Hillis. Price$1.75. In the Steps of St. Paul—by H. V. Morton. Price $2.50. In the Steps of the Master—by H. V. Morton. Price $2.50. Salute the King—Arthur Mee. . Price $L00. Tlie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest^. -Always the Best f i Irm��Vilill@Ilomminiin��� a !puullmiilJplW ~ �,I��!oi�iiiif IC I 'lin Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard visited Mrs, M. Pickett last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercer, St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mrs. G. E. Saville.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis returned to their home in New York last Sun- day. Mr. Thos. Robinson of Zurich, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Janes M. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Will Appleby of Toron- to spent the week -end with Mrs. J. Appleby. Miss Ruth Pickett, nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, is holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Pickett. , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston re- turned home last week after a ten- day visit with Guelph and George- town friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden of Cookstown, are visiting the latter's sisters, Misses E. and Z. Cornish this week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cook and Miss Betty of Sarnia, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenhals. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Carter and daughter, Joyce, of Huron Road East, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams, Londes- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haddy and son, Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. E. Staples of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Haddy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore and daughter, Dorothy Jane of Columbia, Ohio, and Mrs. Kippen of Toronto were recent visitors of Mrs. Mugford of Victoria Street. Mr. D. E. Ross, supervisor Sovereign Life Company, Toronto, is visiting with his brother, Mr. Gordon Ross, and renewing acquaintances in and ' around Clinton. He plans to extend his visit for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Toll and fain- ily of Auburn were visitors at the home of Mrs. Toll's sister, Mrs. T, E. Adams, Londesboro, on Sunday. Miss E. R: Stewart of Clinton was also a guest of Mrs. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Will Plumsteel of Clin- ton, Miss Mayme Toll of Auburn and Mr. Jack Stevens of Seaforth attended the Londesboro Anniver- sary . Services last Sunday, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart. spending a couple of days at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs.' Austin Dowson of Goderich 'visited Sunday with Miss Franeie Potter. Mr. and Mrs. John Huller spent Sunday at Park Hill. Y.P.U. on Friday evening will be in charge of Miss Alice Chambers, Mis- sionary Convenor. Remember the bazaar to be held in the town hall, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon. Watch other column for announcement. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ONE FRIEND ANOTHER THURS., NOV. 11, 197,, O'NEIL'S • WHITE FRUIT CAKE RED AND Val= Always in the Lead Three-quarter lb: butter, Three-quarter Ib. Fruit Sugar, 6 eggs, 4 cups flour (sift firstthen measure), One and a half teaspoons Baking Powder, Three-quarter Ib. White Raisins, Quarter lb. 'Cit- ron Peel, sliced in shreds, 3rd lb. Crystallized Cherries. White Bleached Raisins, per lb. Cut Peels, per pkg. Candied Cherries, Red and Green, quarter lb. 15c 25c 25c 20c 10c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. New Lexia Raisins, 2 lbs. for New Currants„ per lb. 15C Shelled' Almonds, Shelled Walnuts, Shelled. Brazils. Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. for 1�4c. We Will Double Coupon Values on. Dried Fruits—. Prunes, Raisins, Etc., on Friday and Saturday. Candied Sweet Potatoes—Peel and boil, not too soft. Split and butter well. Salt and, pepper them and pack on them brown sugar. Put in oven and bake. LIME FRUIT SALAD-1'Pkg. Lime Jelly, 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup cold water, 4 slices Canned Pineapple, half cup Red Cherries, quarter cup Grapes, 4 halved pears. Garnish with Lettuce. Listen in to Our Radio Broadcast, CKNX, Wednesday and Friday at 12.45. Australian Pears, per tin Head Lettuce, 2 for Heart Celery _ Cauliflower 15c 19c 10c 20c Fresh Filletts, per lb. 20c 17c Smoked Filletts, per lb. Oysters • 25c and 35c This store will be closed on Remembrance FRIGIDAIRE— Veal Cutlets, per pk. Flank Beef, per lb. Spare Ribs, per lb. Fresh Picnics, per lb. Cottage Roll, per lb. Day, Thursday, November llth 30'c. 15c 18c. 20c 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails iT1 W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETEBU Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. )n Ylanders fields. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place, and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields, Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you with failing hands we throw The torch, be yours to hold it high! If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. —John McCrae, (LEST WE FORGET). RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. Specials NOV. 12.13 Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 17c Aylmer Soups, Vegetable or Tomato, 10 1-2 oz. tin 7e McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas, 1 lb. bag ,,.... ...17e Fry's Cocoa, halts, per tin 2Ic Hillcrest Shortening, per lb. 13c Brooms, Rose Brand, 4 -string, ea25c Brooms, Velvet 5 -String Polished Handle 47c Sultana Raisins, New Crop, 2 lbs25c Currants, New, Cleaned, 2 lbs. 27c Lemon or Orange Peel, lb. 25c Citrot Peel, per ]b. 35c Dates, New Crop, with Pits, 2 lbs17c Dates, New Crop, Pitted, 2 lbs. 25c Seeded, Reisins,16 oz. pkg. 16e Glace Red Cherries, quarter lb. 13c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. 17e Mince Meat, 2 lbs..' 25c White Beans, per lb. 5e Macaroni, Loose, Ready -Cut, 2Ibs.13c Broken Soda Biscuits, lb, 1Oc Free Delivery Canada, as the chief market for wool tops and wool tissues expos -ted from the United Kingdon imported 5,631,000 lb. of wool tops,• 9,100,000 square yards of wool tissues, and 1,- 357,000 Ib. of yarn from Great Britain during the first half of 1937 .(Jan. - June), according to the figures of the Imperial Economic Committee. 'MUMS Mum Plants in Fine Bloom- with lots of buds. A good choice of colors at -50c and 75c Each. CUT MUMS OUR SPECIAL Baby Mums and Singles Yellow, Bronze, White and Pink. 50c A BUNCH. We also have Roses and Carnations Plant now to have Paper White Narcissus in bloom for Christmas. Top -Size Bulbs -6 for 25c. African Violets, in Good Bloom 75c and $1.00 a Plant. F. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. xsay.S SCOTT'S GROCERY Phone 86 — — Free Delivery Clark's Pork and Beans, 19c 21 oz. tins, '2 for Tomatoes, Ige. tin, Choice Quality 2 for 23c Corn Syrup, No. 5 tins 39c Peas, lge. tiny new -pack, 2 for..19c Falcon Tomatoes, 11/2 size tin 25c 3 for . La Red Rose Tea, half lb. pkg.... 28c Gorman-Eckerts Coffee Bean qn freshly ground, lb. ,( Black Tea, bulk, excellent qual ity, per lb. 43c Dairy Butter Paper, lb. 29c Dutch Cocoa, Imported from 25c Holland, 1 lb. for L. Flowerdale Tea, not advance, 38c half 1b. for O Grape Fruit, 5 for, 25c Pepper Squash, 3 for .10c Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. for ....15c Use your trade cards and cash in on the many handsome and useful premiums now on display. For exam- ple, A Regular $3.50 Electric Lamp costs you only $1.89. with a $5.00 trade card. Eggs Wanted—Highest Prices Paid. Scott's Grocerg IT WON'T BELONG BEFORE YOU WILL HAVE TO GET YOUR LETTERS OFF TO SANTA CLAUS— and before you do, you would be wise to inspect our Stock as you will find many useful, comfortable and very attractive gifts, that are sure to please. We have a large stock of Doll -Cabs and Children's Furniture. Cedar Chests, Tables of. All Kinds, Smokers, Fancy Mirrors, Occasional Chairs, Studio Couches, Chesterfield Suites, and the Swellest Assortment of Lamps we ever carried at amazingly low prices. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You will find a well assorted stock of Electric Toasters, Irons, Curlers, Etc. We carry the Aladdin and Coleman Lamps and Lan- terns, which make very acceptable gifts. The stove season is right on. Get your order in, for one of these Modern Ranges or Heaters. SMALL PROFITS—QUICK RETURNS. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195, HARDWARE, FURNITURE. EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AMBULANCE SERVICE N. BALL—Phone 110: J. J. ZAPFE—Phone 103. s DON'T MISS IT! LECoats Dresses ONE DAY ONLY Tuesday, Nov. 16 Misses and Women's DRESSES Suitable for any occasion—every imaginable 3� shade and style chosen for their exclusiveness,95 All sizes in the group. SALE PRICE, . . UP Smart New Dresses Misses and Women's In this lot dresses worth up to $10. Elegant 1� styles—lovely new shades, all sizes. A GALL'' Y1c1UH' o• ����JJJJ UP Fur -Trimmed Winter Coats All the very newest materials—Tailored with meticulous care—Trimmed with best furs. $14.95 SALE PRICE UP COATS A beautiful range of high class coats trimmed • 2• 00 in wolf, persian, sable, etc. Chamois lined �i SALE PRICE UP Clifford Lobb "The Store With, the Stock"