HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-11-04, Page 4G7 7r' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'or Service You'll e. a 3. Fall Jl' SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS Roseclaff a 'Di nerware A NEW DEPARTMENT IN ENGLISH DINNERWARE Dainty Design -Made by Meakins 18 Kt. Solid Gold Borders Full 97 -Piece Set 69 -Piece Set (for 8) 32 -Piece Set, Only $21.00 $15.95 $5.15 Econom Goods Children' Wool Hose Reinforced With Lisle EXTRA SERVICEABLE Sun Brown, 4 to 61/2, pr. 25e Sun Brown, 7 to 84/2, pr. 30e Sun Brown, 9 to 10, pr. 35c TEA CADDIE FREE WITH 1 LB. LIPTONS BLACK TEA CADDIE �5C AND TEA . DRENE SHAMPOO Very Popular. Has 5 Times the Lathering Quality of Soap. TRY A BOTTLE. Introductory Price 15c GOLF HOSE WITH LASTEXTOP • In Shades of Blue, Brown and Fawn Per Pair 39c FRESH COOKIES Butter Bar, Raisin Cookie Peach Sandwich Two Pounds 29C ELECTRIC LAMPS SPECIAL 3 FOR 25c SAVE LAMPS 2 FOR 25e SERVICE LAMPS 20c -6 For $1.00 nd Christmas is Only MEN'S OXFORDS Black, Calf, Blucher In Brogue and Streamlined Style , Perfect Fitters $3.50 and $4.50 PER PAIR. LADIES SHOES In Latest Fall Styles Brown or Black Suede and Calf Oxfords or,Ties $2.48 PAIR. $2.95 PAIR. $3.48 PAIR. HOUSE ',SLIPPERS Men's Black Romeo $1,69 PAIR. Leather Everette Chrome Sole Shoes 98c Pair Ladies' Felt House Slipper with Chrome Sole ",...40c Pair Misses' or Children's 35C Pair RUBBER FOOTWEAR For Street or Work -Every Pair Guaranteed Ladies' Fleece -Lined Rubber Golosh $1.25 Pair (High Cuban Heel) Men's Work Rubbers $1.79 Pair LOOK THIS OVER • Men's Flannel Work Shirts Men's 'Wool Work Hose 75c and $1.00 29c Pair Horsehide Mitt's of Pullovers Jersey Gloves Boy's Wool Sweaters with Zipper 69c Pair 15C Pair 95c Men's Brush Cotton Combination Boy's Brush Cotton Combinations - Size 22, 69c Size 24-28, 79c Size 30-32, 89c Men's Leather Caps $1.00 Boy's Leather Aviator Caps Boy's Whipcord Breeches $1.00 69c and $1.00 $1.49 Pair a� Seven Weeks 1~HU RS:, NOV. 4, 1937. PER'S Aiway SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMA,'S READNI -TO-WEAR SPECIALS GIRLS' SKIRTS ALL -WOOL FABRICS In Assorted Trim Styles Sizes 14-20 Reg. $2.95. FOR $1.98 GIRLS' ALL -WOOL FANCY PULLOVERS RIBBED CUFFS Each $1.98 and $2.98 LADIES' COATS Chamois and Interlined With and $9.75 to $99.75 Tithout Trimmings Ladies' and Misses' NEW FALL DRESSES Heavy Crepe and, Fancy Trim Sizes 14 to 44. EACH $3.49 LADIES' GLOVE'S Black, Brown, Kid New Styles, Pr. $1.98 FABRIS SLIP -ON -Assorted Shades Per Pair 79c BLOUSE SPECIAL CREPE, SHEERS and SATINS Greatly Reduced Choice $1.98 SILK LINGERIE BLOOMERS and VESTS 49c and 79c COMPLETE ASSORTMENT -- GOWNS, SLIPS, PANTIES AND PYJAMAS. LADIES' HOSE Full Fashioned-Guarapn.teed Satis- factory-New/Fall Shades Per Pair 69c and $1,00 The New Gordon Interlock Underwear. VESTS, BLOOMERS ANI) PANTIES 39c, 49c and 75c CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Attractive Designs -Appropriate Greetings Ea. 5c,10C,15c. Cheaper Lines lc, 2 for 5c $25,000 STOCK Of Dependable MERCHANDISE tote edneed. 1/2 Plu A. T. t OOPER 1 SIMPLICITY PATTERNS - UP -TO -DATE STYLES - GUARANTEED PERFECT. New Low Prices 15c, 20c, 25c ros. sLE THE DRY GOODS & LADIES' WEAR DEPARTMENTS TO BE CLOSED OUT All Yard Goods, Blankets, Wool Rugs, Curtains,, Towels, Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Table Oilcloths, and All Lines of Ladies and Children's, Wear to be Sold, Regardless of Cost. XMAS GOODS at BARGAIN PRICES BUY NOW MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Large full size bodies. New patterns, in. colored or plain white broadcloth. Soft or fused collars or button-down corners. Sale Price $1.00, Reg. $1.00 Shirts for 79c MEN'S TIES in Fancy Christmas Boxes Large Assortment to Choose From and Priced' As Low as 25c for This Sale. FANCY COLORED HANDKERCHIEFS • For the Boys Top Pocket,. At 1Oc. MEN'S WOOL PLAID SCARVES Silk Scarves, white or colored Some Priced As Low As 25c LADIES' OXFORDS' Slippers and Ties Broken Lines, but all sizes in the lot REG. TO $3:50 Sale Price $1.95 Ladies' Black Kid 'Strap Slippers Low Heel. Sale Price $1.29 Misses' and Children's Shoes Clearing Lines 98c Misses' Fleece -Lined Bloomers Priced To Clear at 19c Ladies' Rayon Silk Hose Full Length -In Wanted Shades Clearing Price 25c Ladies' Sleeveless Vests ` Winter Weight. Reg. 50c. Sale Price 35c Children's Pullover Sweaters Priced to Clear Regardless of Cost Sale Price 39c, 49c, 69c Boys' Shirts and Blouses Clearing Price 35c Men's Long -Sleeve Combinations Medium Weight Cotton 95c Ladies' and Children's Boudoir Slippers, Rub- bers and Goloshes, all at Reduced Prices. Sale Starts Fri., Nov. 5 TERMS - CASH No Sale Goods on Approval. Children's Long Hose in Wool and Silk and Wool, or Cotton -At Sale Prices Prints, Broadcloths, Ginghams, Chintzes Reg. to 25e. Sale Price 15c Heavy English Flanelette in Pyjama Patterns 37 in. wide Reg. 35c. Sale Price 25c Bleached Cotton, full yard wide Good Value at Regular Price 18e . Sale Price 14c Bath Towels at Cost Prices Each 10c to 39c All -Wool Blankets White with Rainbow Border. Lge. Size. Today's Price $10.00 Sale Price $7.95 per Pair Boys' Boots and Oxfords • Clearing Lines -Broken Sizes Regular from $2.25 to. $2.75 ' Sale Price $1.95 Men's Oxfords AT BARGAIN PRICES'' $1.98 Up Men's Romeo Slippers Reg. $2.1.9 pale $1.79 Men's Heavy Rubbers With Leather Tops -15" High $2.89 Sale Price .a. MEN'S and BOYS' • SUITS and Oven() ars at REDUCED PRICES ABOUT 75 OVERCOATS NEW -THIS SEASON'S STYLES AND PATTERNS. Early Buying enables us to quote exceptionally low prices. Look for the Red Price Tag on Every Coat. Men's and Boys' Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices For This Sale. Clearing Lines of Men's Overalls Black, Blue and Striped Sale Price $1.00 Men's Ribbed All -Wool Shirts and Drawers Sale Price St1.25 Broken Lines (some slightly soiled) Clearing Price 98c Men's Fall Caps 59c