HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-10-14, Page 10AGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., OCT. 14; 19371. DRESSED PORK, ;bythe half, :per lb, .....;1,4%zc. 20 LB. PAIL LARD $3.10 HORSE RADISH, per bottle 15c MINCEMEAT; 2' lb. Cartons 25c - CHICKENS FOR WEEK -END FOR ROASTING CONNELL E TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street neceneceeeemeeceNeeeemccw HEATING WE WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS. Estimates on Hot Air and Hot Water Heating Gladly Given. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF QUEBEC COOK STOVES AND HEATERS. STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS. We Have Just Received a Shipment of Crocks, 1 to 5 Gallons. Just the thing for Pickling. BATTERY RADIO OWNERS WE HAVE A NEW STOCK OF B BATTERIES AND C BAT- TERIES AND A BATTERIES. Get ready for the cool evenings and enjoy your Radio. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ELECTRICAL Phone 147w. WIRING. P.O. Box 48 Guns CI Ammunition Are you prepared for the hunting season? We have a large selection of new and second-hand guns for you to choose from. Your old gun taken in trade, or if you prefer, will sell outright. Our stock of ammunition is fresh. .All kinds on hand. Prices on our stock of second-hand wheels have been greatly reduced. Priced to suit every purse, Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales Epps' Transport Building—Next Door to Creamery, Phone 13w. "TREASURE HOUSE" You are invited to inspect our complete display of AVON PRODUCTS, STAMPED GOODS, and WHITE HEATHER BABY WOOL, Free instructions given in Needle Work. Join the Hosiery Club. The Plan:—When twelve pair have been purchased, a pair of the same quality will be given free. Freda Schoenhals iS 1 r ,4/0•„0m,,.— 1111•„ ,,4110.,,. „4=8„4M0.11.,..,,„am„.m., V Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. Specials • For Oct. 14, 15, 16 Corned Beef, Helmet Br., 2 tins' 23c Pineapple, Sliced, Sinapore, tin ..9c Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar .. , 23c Pure Lard, Hillcrest Brand, lb .15e Mother Parker's Tea, half lb. ...28c Coffee, Breakfast Cup, lb. 29c White Beans, per 1b. ..,,....,,,5c Pickles, Sweet Mixed, 27 oz. jar 25c Candy Kisses', per lb. 15c Choeolate Drops, Ib. 190 Sardines, Brunsv,ick Brand, 5 tins 25c Palmolive Soap, 3 bars 17e Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 25e Bon Ami,' Calce or Powder, each 14c Stove Polish, Nonsuch Liquid .. ,18c Oxydol, large pkg. 24c Comfort Soap, 2 cakes 9c Baking Powder, SuperiorEr, lb. 23e Baking Soda, bulk, Ib. 7c Rolled ,Oats, Coarse or Fine 5 lbs. for 25c T. fl. THUMPSON' Free Delivery CONSTANCY. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor spent Tuesday last with friends, near Clif- •ford. Mrs. Charles. Dexter had the mis- fortune to fall and break his wrist on Saturday`' last :'while going down the cellar steps. Miss Elsie McNichol of Cromarty spent Sunday in Constance. ROAST GOOSE SUPPER ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, CLINTON Tues, Evening, Oct. 26 "A Night of Feasting, Fun and Frolic" ALL FOR.50c. 53-L The Biggest Little Singing Star the World Has Ever Known, BOBBY BREEN in Surrounded by an All -Stam Cast. MUSIC BY OSCAR STRAUS, AT ROXY THEATRE Thursday, Oct. 28th Under Auspices of St. Paul's Ladies' Guild. Tickets for Sale at Cluff's Shoe Store RECONDITION Dry Lifeless Hair WITI-I AN ARNAO STEAMER TREATMENT Complete With Shampoo and • Finger Wave -$1.25. PERMANENT WAVES—$3.00 UP Shampoo & Finger Wave -50c or 75c HENRI BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 223 53-1. TUCKERSMITH Turner's Church Anniversary will be held on Sunday, October 17th. Rev: A. E. Moorehouse of Goderich will conduct the services at 2 and, 7.30 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick of Dor- chester, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Law- rence of Hamilton, spent the 'week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Town- send. Mr. F. Whitmore of Lumley, spent the -week-end at the home of his par- ents. Mrs Thomas. Coleman is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman, Mc- Killop. "We looked upon a world unknown, On nothing we could call ,pur own" on Wednesday morning when the first snowstorm of the season arrived, AND SO VICTORIA By Vaughan Williams Intrigue and love, adventure and sudden death;'. Victoria as a squalling baby; • William IV's odd life` among his natural children; Queen Caroline about to stand her trial before the Lords—the canvas is ; crowded and variegated. Scenes. of the story range from Windsor to Texas ..prair- ies, both sides of the Atlantic. Not for a long "time has a tale so plen- tiful in incident and glamour and excitement conte from the pen of a new author. A grand story, 576 pages.—$2.50. ORCHIDS ON YOUR BUDGET Illar jorie, Hillis • Miss Hillis made a big hit with her bright and snappy book telling the `extra woman" how to enjoy liv- ing alone. Here she goes farther and shows how it is possible to keep within one's income and feel reason- ably contented while doing so. We also have last year's book "Live Alone and Like It," by the same author in stock. Price $1,75 each. HOLLYWOOD DANCE. FOLIO No. 17 With novel dance scenes from the productions, "Wake Up and Live;" "A Day at the Races," and "After the Thin Man." Fifteen of the great- est song hits of Talking Pictures, in- cluding "Never in a Million Years," "All God's Chill -an Got Rythm," "Wake Up and Live," and "There's a Lull in My Life." Al these and eleven others in this new dance folier Price 500. MCCALL NEEDLEWORK Knitting and Crocheting., Winter issue is"now on our news-stand. This magazine which contains so many new ideas is tremendously popular with the, ladies recently. Sells for 35c. The W . B. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Il�lll�+Ip�`I[!lliplppnmlunn11 a niulgilpim! .1 `,„v L Mr. A..J. Morrish of Toronto is vis- iting friends in town. Mrs, A. T. Cooper is visiting rela- tives in Chicago. Miss R. V. Irwin spent the week -end with relatives in St. Marys. Miss Ferrol Higgins spent the week- end with friends in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Layton spent a few days in Torontc last week. Mr. rand Mrs. Cecil VanHorne re- turned hone with them and spent the week -end and holiday with their parents here. Mrs. V. L` fucks is visiting lies par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter. Mr. Fred Hovey left last week for Kingston where he has enrolled as a student at Queen's University. Miss Edith Johnston of Toronto spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Steven of Mata- chewan were Thanksgiving• guests of Mrs. C, IT. Bartliff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Weir of Dunnville were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh, Mrs. Carl White of Detroit, Mich., visited with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Steep last week. Mrs. James Steep and Miss Vera Steep visited at Benmiller on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Frecl Elliott of Toron- to were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs., Mel. Torrance 'and son, Jimmy, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs, John Torrance. Miss Hattie Turner has returned to Toronto, where . she has resumed her teaching duties. Mr. and Mrs. George McLay were in 5t. Marys for the week -end and holiday. Misses Winnie and Marjorie Mac - Math of. Toronto spent the week- end with Miss Mary Turner. Miss Isobel Chowen spent the week- end and holiday with friends in St. Marys and Thorndale. Mrs. Alvin McAllister and children visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister of near Gode- rich. Mn and Mrs. W. H. Campbell of To- ronto and Mr. J. McDermid of Londonwere week -end guests' of Mr. and Mrs, H. • C. Lawson. Misses Carling of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Irwin of London spent the holiday with Mrs. Streets and. Mrs. A..Wiltse. Mrs, H. B. Fife returned to Toronto on Thursday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Her- nial]. Mr .and Mrs, B. W. Anderson and son, Bruce, of Toronto, visited ev- er the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnston and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McGee and family. Mrs. T. Johnson of Chippewa and Mr. Bert Johnson and his daugh- ter, Betty, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson last week -end. Mrs. Gerrie Burk of Port Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Will Smallacombe and Miss Wilma Smallacombe,,, and - 14Ir. W. Mitchell of Toronto visited with relatives on Thanksgiving Day„ , ,•,. ONE FRIEND TELLS ANcYI EB ANNOU OUR ICING UAL Always in the Lend RED AND 1111 '. oasa,.;aa.. HARVEST SALE October I4th, I5th 1,6th See our regular Red & White Dodgers Be sure and get a coupon -,t;, f your favorite China. WSW vimormimisassassmilei BEST PRICES pari for EGGS during Our HARVEST SALE Red & White Frigidaire Meat Specials Beef Roll, per. Ib. Veal Cutlets, per lb. Pickled Roll, per lb. . Sausage Roll, per lb. jSmall Pork Sausage, per lb. 15c 30c 25c 25c 25c Tenderloin, per Ib, 38c Spare Ribs, per lb. Fresh Picnics, per lb. 20c Bologna, 2 lbs. for - 29c VEGETABLES Head Lettuce, 2 for Celery Hearts, each Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. for 1111111101111 15c 15c 23 c Hubbard Squash Cabbage, 2 for Bananas, 3 lbs. for 15c 23c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails • T. O'N IL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETEEITA Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Week -End Specials Loose Black Tea, the best of tea 49c (Try a pound with your next order) Ginger Cookies, 2 lbs. for 25c New Cheese, per lb. 18c Large Aylmer Pork and Beans, 2, 19c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 27c (Free Pink and Green Dishes) Forest City Baking Powder 25c (Free Sherbets) Large Cabbage, 2 for 15c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 18c Fresh Turnips, 3 for 10e California Grapes, 2 lbs. for 19c Heart Celery, 2 for 25c Head. Lettuce, each 10e New Carrots, 6 qt. basket 25c Large Hubbard Squash 15c 1111_-1111._ We Buy and Grade Eggs for Which WE PAY le A DOZEN MORE IN CASH OR TRADE. All eggs graded by an experienced candler. FULL IS 9S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. GODERICH TOWNSHIP On Wednesday afternoon, October Gth, inembers of the Women's As- sociation of St. James' Church met at the home of Mts. Charles Wise to spend a social time with Mrs. George Cook who is leaving the community for Clinton, where she will make her home for the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Riley. The giftspresented were a lovely pair of woollen blankets to Mr. and Mrs. Cook, and a Life Membership Auxil- iary Pin to Mrs. Cook. Regret was expressed at their removal from the community, but best wishes go with them. The following is the address: "Dear Mrs. Cook—You are leaving this community to live in another and breaking old associations of many years standing. This . is not always easy to do except with the kindness and sympathetic understanding of friends. We want you to take this little gift from your friends in the congregation and W. A. of St. James' Church just as a 'reminder that we are thinking of you and wishing you strength and happiness wherever you may find it expedient to live. May God bless both you and George and give you both rest and contentment in your years of retirement, with your family. We hope you will bath be spared to enjoy a well eaned rest and that we may see you next Sum- mer full of life and zeal. This is not a parting gift it is just an expres- sion of our good wishes for you. On behalf of the W. A. and the congregation, W. G. Bugler,. Rector." NOTICE This Council will honor no account for direct relief unless accompanied by an official printed order from the Relief Committee. R. E. MANNING, Clerk, Clinton Town Council 52-3. ULBS Don't be without Winter Bloom. Plant bulbs now and enjoy flowers all Winter. They are easily grown We Have Paper -White Narcissus, Hyacinths, Tulips, Crccuses, Etc. Special Offer of Daffodil Bulbs for outdoor graving. .Clumps of Single Daffodils sold direct from garden. This is a good buy. 25e a Clump. WINTER BOQUETS '25c EACH. They are attractive. Made o Strawflowers and Pepper Grass, CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL Celery sold direct from trench 5c A BUNCH. F. R. CUNINGHAME Florist Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. o,041,1,rro.eN+"0,41..'oa..Ja.•a•e.s.....N...ne,sS SCOTT'S GROCERY Phone 86 — — Free Delivery SPECIAL—OCT. 14-15-16 Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin 15c Libby's Pork and Beans 1r(91� 21 oz. tins, 2 for .. ,....., r� Golden Wax 'Beans, No. 2 tin 10c Macaroni, Ready -Cot, 2 lbs..,.1 1C Rice, Excellent Quality, 4 lbs.. ,25c Golden Corn Meal, 3 lbs. for .. 13c Ginger Snaps, per lb. 10c Patterson's Velvet Marshinel- 15e lows, 12 oz. pkg. Jelly Beans, per lb. .. 15c Chocolate Drops, per b. 19c Grape' Fruit, 5 for -25c Bananas, 3 lbs. for 23c Tokay Grapes, Fancy Quality 25c 2 lbs. for Apples, Choice Cooking 25c 11 qt. basket Dry Ginger Ale, Ige bottle , .. ,1 5c PREMIUMS A new lot received this week. Come in and see thein' and get a trade card. Eggs Wanted—Highest Market Price. Scott's Orocerg. 1011111. Brighten Up Your Home Our New Fall Stock of LAMPS are all ready for yoilr inspec- tion. You will find them in all the latest styles. FROM $1.50 UP TO 818.00. Also a brand new stock of Tables of all kinds, Smokirs, Tea Wagons, Cedar Chests and Occasional Chairs. And a swell stock of Studio Couches, Chesterfield Suites and Bedroom. Suites, all at the very lowest prices. .HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We are well stocked with a brand new line of Electric Irons, Toasters, Plates, Etc., and a large stock of Cutlery, imported di- rect from England. Then for Stoves and Ranges, you will. find the best makes and latest colours to select from, as we have added the Wingham Line to our stock, which snakes a wonderful price range. SMALL PROFITS—QUICK RETURNS. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195. HARDWARE, FURNITURE. EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AMBULANCE SERVICE N. BALL—Phone 110. - J. J. ZAPFE—Phone 103. qt >u..o®uon..,u.e„aw4—u61.,m,_, ®.ao4•O,,...n...n ,.an®..11Oo..i0n.i,....,,wn001.4: - F We have taken into Stock this week, a large quantity of High Grade Merchandise, that we offer you at Our Usual Bargain Prices. Breeches, a Good Range of Materials, Colors and Sizes. Windbreakers, for Small Boys, Youths and Men. Sweaters, for both Dress or Work. Shirts, Dress or Work, Light and Heavy Weight. Under- wear, Several Grades, Sized for the Small Boy and up to the Big Man. Boots, Rubbers or Leather, New Stock. We have a few more Men's and Boys' Suits, to be sold at Wholesale Prices. Select Your Fall and Winter Hats from Our High Grade, Low Priced Stock. Clifforf' L:rbb 'The Store With, the Stock" ,.mn...nam.,...osua..uw.d.on..,..........n.. o... Have Your Furnace Overhauled AND 13E PREPARED FOR THE COOL NIGHTS. HECLA FURNACES LEAD. -THERE IS A REASON. -ASK US. Repair those leaking Eave Troughs Now and Save the Fqundatioi. Hardware and Rd�I°, Plumbing •Phone 244