HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-10-14, Page 7'THUS., OCT. 14, 19 'x.
Mr's. James Raithby has -returned
from a trip to Chatham. 1VIrs. George
Sturdy remained to spend a few days
"with her brother, James 'Ball, who is
,not vary well. -'
Miss Evelyn. Millian attended; a
Young People's Conference at. Chat -
Oram on Friday and Saturday.
Miss Margaret' King has returned
from a visit with•her 4randpare4ts in
Mis. Russell King is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of'Col-
e borne Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'McWhinney
of Crewe visited Mrs. F. Ross. '
Mrs. J. McBritai, Goderich, is stay-
ing with Mrs. Wm, Dobie.
There was a Itirge crowd in the
-village on Election Day.
Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and 'Stewart
Visited in Parkhill for the week -end.
Mrs. Blanche Phillip's, Arnold 'and
`Royce are spending the holiday with
.Me. and Mrs, Hairy Frenilin, Clinton.
Miss Margaret Dobie is hone from
"`Toronto; for the week -end.
Rev. G. W. Sherman 'conducted the
'Prayer Meeting in the, Baptist Church
'on Thursday night.
Mrs. M. Moore who spent the sum-
" er with Miss S. Blair has returned
'to Guelph. '
Miss Esther Wallace spent a few
'days with Mrs. John. Moulden.
Mrs. Blanche Phillips had in her
:garden two potatoes, 1 lb„.and,1 lb.
• 4 ozs., respectively.
Mrs. Armstrong, Goderich, visited
'Mrs. John Arthur.
Mrs, Join McLeod, • who has been
'visiting her daughter, Miss Annie Mc-
. ,Lend, Toronto, has returned' home.
( Mr, and Mrs. L. Kruse and Billy
of Galt, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs :E, Lawson.
Mrs, H. Govier and Carl were visit -
...ors with Mrs. Seliery, Exeter, at the
week -end.
Miss Helen Ferguson, Goderich,
-spent Sunday at her home here.
Rev. A. M. Boyle 'occupied the pul-
l'. pit of Knox Presbyterian church on
Sunday morning, speaking on "The
°'•Overflowing Cup,” from Psalm 28:5.
There was no service in St. Mark's
Anglican church on Sunday.
W. T. Riddell visited Mr. and Mrs.
W. McGill, Blyth.
J. Brundritt spent the week -end at
'his home in Wiarton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Gar-
' tett, Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs E. Phillips, Mrs. T.
• Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips vis-
ited at St. Helens on Sunday.
Clifford Smith, Strathroy, was a
' visitor with Dr. B. C, Weir and fans-
iltb nallnday.
'Charles Robertson, M.L.A., Mr. and
.Mrs. William Reid and Ruth, Colborne,
:spent Sunday with Dr. B. C. Weir.
Mrs. R. Mcllwain, Nile, visited
- Mrs, J. W. Carter on Sunday.
Colonel Hoare, Clinton, was a re-
cent visitor in Auburn.
The meeting of the Young People's
• 'Union of . the 'Baptist Church has
been postponed for a week until Oc-
' sober 24bh.
The service in the Baptist church,
• on Sunday was conducted by the pas-
° tor, Rev, G- W. Sherman, who spoke
on "Thanksgiving," taking as his
text, Psalm 116:12-14. The choir fav-
' ored with an anthem.
Rev. D N. Pomeroy, Nile, was in
charge of the service in Knox United
'Church on Sunday. He spoke from
the text, Romans 8: 29-30. The choir
' sang,
Esther Wallace Ts visiting, friepds
In Suremeihi1l. •
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and
Bernice spent Thanksgiving Day at
The regular meeting of the Arrbut'n
Branch of the Women's Institute will
•'be held in Forester's Hall, Tuesday,
October 19. Mrs. 3. J. Wilson will
•spealc on the subject, "Historical Re -
1 search." Mrs. Fred Oster, Blyth,
• District President, will give a iepott
'of the Area Convention held at Har-
Liston. The roll call will be answer-
• 'ed by an exhibition of old time relics.
Mrs, F. Ross will lead in Current
Events. The hostesses are Mrs. H.
Mogridgc, Mrs. W. Steaughan and
Mrs. W: J. Thompson.
Mrs. George Sturdy is visiting her
brother, James Ball, of Chatham.
Frank Washington has gone to
Hamilton where he intends taking a
course iu McMaster University.
Mr. and Mrs. Antos Andrew have
returned from Hamilton.
The regular meeting of the Baptist
Ladies' Aid was held at the home of
Mrs. John McKnight -on Thursday,
with an attendance of 20. Following
the opening hymn, "Oh, what a Sav-
iour that he, died far are," Mrs. A.
Asquith led in reading the scripture
passagos, John 14. Mrs. W. G. Rob-
ertson, Mrs. R. 3. Phillips, Mrs. C. A.
Howson and Mrs. J. M. IvlcBr•ien en-
gaged in a season of prayer. '• Hymn,
"Sing them over again .to me," was
-sung. Mrs. E. Raithby, the Seere-,
''tart', read the minutes off last meet-
ing and called the roll which was re.
' sponded to with a verse of scr•apture,
beginnig with ,the letter M. Mrs. R.
J. Phillips was appointed to see about
having extra Iiglting' iii the choir
loft. The next 'meetin r as to be held
at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby.
It was decided to withhold the semi-
annual contribution till after the 'an-
'dual meeting' of the • church. The
"ptogr'arn was as follows: Reading,
"My Jewel," Mrs. T. 1VieNall; Voce
duet, "Hide Me, 0 My. Saviour Aide
Me," Mrs. .J. McBrien, Mrs: P. Wal -
per; Reading, "The' Little Church,"
Mrs, John\ Raithby; Quartette, "Out
of the Ivory Palaces,"' Mrs. C. A.
Howson, Mrs. L. Ferguson, Mrs, J.
McKnight and Mrs. E, Raithby. Mrs.
Earl Raithby then gave the topic,
"The Welsh revival and Evan Ro-
berts." This topic had been prepared
by Mrs, G. W. Sherman. Mrs.', Wit.
•Haggett sang "There are Mansions
Awaiting for You and fox' Ma" Read-
ing•'"Ladies' Aid, Past and: Present,"
Mis. P. Walper; Following the hymn
"He is coating, the Man of Sorrows,"
Miss M. Small closed the meeting
with prayer. Lurch was served by
the hostesses, Mrs. G. W. Sherman,
Mrs. 3. McKnight and Miss M. Small.
The October Meeting of the Wo-
inen s Missionary Society of Knox
United Church was held in the base-
ment of the church 'on Thursday af-
ternoon, with Mrs. Charles Straugh-
an in charge. The opening hymn
was "From all that dwell below the
skies" Mrs. James =Weeds led in
prayer and Mrs, Andrew Shepherd
read the Scripture passages, Psalm
100 and Psalm 107, vs. 1-8. Mrs. 11.
Mogridge. read the Devotional leaflet.
Foljowing the hymn, "All People That
on Earth do dwell," Ms. H. C. Wilson,
Temperance, Secretary, an d Mrs.
Chanes Straughan, Christian Stew-
ardship Secretary, gave readings.
Mrs. H. Mogridge 'and Mrs. George
Millian favored -with a duet, "Beauti-
ful Garden. of Prayer," Miss Clara
McGowan of Blyth, who has recently
returned from China, where she has
been teaching in the School for Mis-
sionaries Children, gave a very in-
teresting talk on her work there. Mis-
ses Ruth Straughen,and Mrs. E. Rod-
ger sang "Jesus of Nazareth." Mrs.
James Woods took charge of the bysi=
ness which consisted of making ar-
rangements for packing a bale on
October 19th and a supper bazaar to
be held November 26th. Mrs., H. C.
Wilson closed the meeting with pray-
The Anniversary Services of Knox
United Church will be held Sunday
morning and evening, October 17th.
Rev. A. E. Jones, London, a former
minister of the Methodist Church
here, will be the guest speaker. The
church choir will supply special mu-
Mr. and Mrs. W: F. Campbell, of
Westfield, quietly observed the thir-
ty-fifth anniversary of the wedding
at their home yesterday. William
Franklin Campbell, son of Mrs,
Campbell and the late J. N. Campbell,
East Wawanosh, 'and Annie Henrietta
Brown, daughter of Mrs. Brown, and
the late Benjamin Brown, were mar-
ried October 8, 1892, at the bride's
home, Comber, by the late Rev. • E.
Medd, Exeter. The bride was attired
in blue silk crepe. The couple were
unattended. Mrs. Harry Ki'etsinger,
niece of the groom, now of Florida,
was the flower girl and Edward
Brown, now. of St. Thomas, youngest
brother of the bride, was ring -bearer.
For some years after their marriage
they lived on the farm where their
son, Howard Ca.mpbeIl now lives.
Nine years ago they moved to their
present farnn which was at that time
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. N.
Campbell. Their family consists of
two sons and one daughter: Howard,
on, the hone place, 5th concession,
East .Wawanoslr, Douglas, on the
same concession, and Winifred, at
Misses Mary, Margaret and Annie
Weir and Robert Brent, Stratbroy
and Miss Christena Robertson, Whit-
by, Charles Robertson, M.L.A„ Mr.
and Mrs. William Reid •and Ruth, Col-
borne Township, were visitor's with
Dr, 13. C. Weir, and family on Thanks-
giving Day.
Miss Alnia• Mutch, Toronto, spent
the week -end, with her mother, Mrs,
James Mutch.
Miss Bella, McDonald, Toronto, cal-
led on Miss S. Blair. on Sunday.
Several from here attended the
Baptist Y.P,U. Convention in Goderich
on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raith-
by, Miss Viola Leatherland, Mrs. C.
A. Howson, Mrs. P. Walper and Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Phillips were among
the number.
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Carter and
Reggie, Port Elgin, visited Mrs. J.
W. Carter at the week -end.
Miss Margaret Ferguson, Parkhill,
spent Thanksgiving with her par-
ents, Mr. and MI's. A. J. Ferguson.'
Mrs. Mcllveen, Clinton, is visiting
Mr, and Mr's. A. Asquith:
The regular meeting of the Yoatria'
People's Union. of Knox United
Church was held on Tuesday .night,
'with Miss Evelyn Millian presiding
over ,the Devotional period. Following
theopening hymn, "My Father is
rich in houses and lands," Rev. H. 0,
Winson led in nravet. Misses Evelyn
"Millian and Marjorie Tall were ap-
pointed a committee to arrange for
the Devotional Exercises, to be held at
the Training School at Nile in Novem-
ber. Miss Marjorie Arrtlutr, Vice Pre.
silent, took charge and led in•prayer
after the hymn, "What a Friend we
have in Jesus", was sung. Betty
Craig 'read the Scripture passage,
Matt. 5:.1-12. Miss Ila Craig fevered
with an instruinental, Bert Marsh
COOK—In Windsor on Friday, Sep-
tember 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
C. Cook, the gift; of a son.
TRICK—GRIGG-On Saturday, Oc
• tober 9th, Mary Rosanna Grigg,
`daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben
Grigg, Goderich a`Township, , was
rented in marriage to Elmer Char-
les Trick. Rev. J. W. Herbert, pas-
tor of Holmesville 'United Church,
YOUNG — TYTLER - In Oakwood.
United Church, Toronto, on Satin-
day, October 9th, Isabel Tytler was
united in ' martiag•e to Wesley
Young; by Rev. J. W Watt.
O'BRIEN—DUFFY=On Monday, Oc-
etober 11th+, at St, Colunrban, by.
Rev, .Father Dantzer, Mary L. Duf-
fy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Duffy of St. Colunrban, was
united in marriage to Eldon J.
O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. O'Brien, Clinton..
WISEMAN—In Clinton, oat • Sunday,
October 10th, John Wiseman, in his
84th year. •
AUSTIN—In Varna,, on Friday, Oc-
tober 8th, Alfred Austin, in his
73rd year:. •
STANBURY—In Toronto, on " Tues-
day, October 12th, Dr. R. B. John
Stanbury, ' secretary of the Cana-
dian, Pharmaceutical Association,
formerly a resident of Bayfield.
gave a splendid talk en "The After-
math of War," giving a detailed de-
scription of some war scenes. The
hymn, "Sweet Hour of • Prayer," was
sung and the meeting closed with the
Mizpah Benediction.
Mr. Isaac and Miss Mabel Rath -
well wish to" thank all the friends
and neighbours, who so kindly assist-
ed them at the time of the fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Weir of Dunn-
ville were holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs Ben. Rathwell motor-
ed. to Stratford on Friday to visit
Mrs. Rathwell's mother, Mrs. Eckers-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dimbar of
Lambeth were visitors on Thanksgiv-
ing Day of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson were Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Reynard, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Livermore, of London, and
Mrs. Douglas Wheeler a n d son,
Douglas, of Parkhill.
Mrs, A. B. Stephenson has returned
horse after a two week's visit with
friends ie London.
Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and
sons of Blyth, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton.
Mr. Isaac Rothwell is preparing to
rebuild his home which was recently
destroyed by fire.
Mrs. H. Lyon, Londesboro, is spend-
ing the week with her daughter, Mis.
Bert Lobb.
Council met on September 20th to
consider tenders received from Mes-
srs. H. Mulholland, Thos. Sandy, Geo.
Elliott and B. H. Goldthorpe for
crushing and delivering gravel. 13.
H. Goldthorpe given contract at 48e
a yard.
Council met again OctolJer 5, and
foliowing correspondence read and
Canadian Legion Poppy Fund, no
E. A. Horton, fuel Mother's Allow-
Goderich Town Council asked the
Council to meet them at south-west
boundary on following Saturday at 9
13y -Law No. 8, re issue of deben-
tures for building of school in Sec-
tion 9, read a second time. A demand
of No. 9 asking a temporary loan of
$2,000.000 read and granted.
By -Law No, 7, appointing a place
in which to hold Nomination, Polling'
Booths, D.R.O.'s and Poll Clerks then
read, Nomination to be held on Fri-
day, November 26th, and election, if
any, on Monday,December 6th, at
following places:
Ward 1, Orange Hall, Concession 4,
J. E. Johnston, "D.R.O., R. McIlwain,
Poll Clerk.
Ward 2: House of H. Sturdy, Il'.
Sturdy, D.R.0„ Wm. McCabe, Poll
Clerk. •
Ward 3, House of G. Hopson, Jas.
Young, D.11.0„ Thos. Hudie, Poll
Ward 4, Ilouse of W. H. Lobb, W.
H. .Lobb, D.R_0., Elmer Trick, Poll
Ward 5, House of H. McCartney,
H.• 1v1cCartney, D.R.O„ W. R. Lobb,
Poll Cleric.
' Wale' 6, House of R. Rowclen, R.
Richardson, D.R.0.,, lt. Rowden, Poll
At same meeting, following ac-
counts voted. paid.
Signal -Star, printing . .:83,15
Geo. Stewart, floral m'ay •... 8.00
H. C. Lawson, premier on
Treasure's and Collector's
Bonds . 63.88
Geo. Salkeld, sheep claim .... 15 00
Telephone System, loan 400.00
Reg. ,Sturdy, 'valuing sheep 3.60
Surnevin,ton.dent Pay Voucher
No. 10 . .. , 144.27
Council then a'liournecl to me e t
Monday, November lst, at 130 p.m,
—R. G. Thompson, Clerk.
o ui
JUST ARRIVED -Top Size Bulbs.
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66J
We _expect better 'prices for Poul-
try this season and are in the mar-
ket every day for Broilers, Chickens
and Hens at top Cash Prices.
Our city trade is demanding more
white 'eggs. Highest prices paid for
all grades of eggs for cash.
Poultry :Culling done by an ex-
perienced poultryman.
Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w
1938 DeForest-Crosley
Automatic Radios
Your old radio as a down payment.
Liberal trade-in allowance. hast'
terns to suit purchaser.
A. W. Groves
Extra! Extra!
Here Is Another Real Treat for You
Russ Creighton
and his
Wednesday, Oct. 20th
West Street, Goderich
Plenty of Old -Time Music and the
Best in Modern. Room for 30 Sets
of Square Dancers Don't Miss This
Dance. Fun and Entertainment for.
- All. Dancing 9 p.rn. to 2 a.m.
Piano Sale
Fall Clearance Sale of Used Pianos.
Such well-known makes as Heintz -
man, Nordheimer, Mason & Risch,
Weber, and others, at reasonable pri-
ces and terns. Write Heintzrnan &
Co., 242 Dundas St„ London, for fur-
ther particulars. No obligations.
A very pretty wedding took place
on Saturday, October 2nd, at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robin-
son, when; their slaughter, Annie
Grace, was united in marriage to
Mr. Bruce C. E. McClinchey, son of
Mr. Robert McClinchey, and the late
Mrs: IV,cClinchey. The ceremony was
performed by Rev, R. J. Peters, of
Varna. The bride was charming in
Marina bite and silver net over blue
satin, fashioned in princess style, and
carried yellow Tohen roses and
Plumosa fern. The bridesmaid was
Miss Isabel Robinson, sister of the
bride, who was attired in tea rose
triple sheer over figured satin, and
carried a sheaf of yellow chrysanthe-
mums and. Plumose fern, The grooms-
man was Mr. Frank 1vicClinchey, bro-
ther of the groom. The ring bearer
was. John Robinson, and the flower
girls Leona Anderson and Mary E.
McDonald. • Miss G. W. Anderson
played the wedding music and Mrs.
Elmore Stephenson, sister of the
bride, gang "I Love You Truly" and
"The Sweetest Story, Ever Told" :lur-
ing the signing of the register. The
bride chose for her going away. cos-
tume, dark green with darker green
accessories. They went on a honey-
moon trip to Chatham, Detroit,Mar-
lette and Flint, Michigan. Mr. and
Mrs. Me0linchey will reside on the
Goshen Line, Stanley.
For Rawleigh Route. Sales way
up this year. Real opportunity for
right man. We help you get started.
Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML -169.0-
Will be field at the Village of Var-
na on Saturday, Oct. 23rd, commenc-
ing at 1.30 o'clock:
Purebred Jersey cow, 4 years old,
to :freshen April 30th; her heifer calf,
6 months old.
Electric International cream separ-
ator; Beatty electric grain :grinder;
2 kitchen. tables; several stands;
Sec -matey; ' bedroom suite; large oak
dining room table; half dozen kitchen
chairs; half dozen dining -room chair's;
walnut hall rack; 8 -day cloak; cherry
side board; ' brass bedstead; single
bedstead; bed springs; a good heater
stove;; chinaware and glassware; 12"
cedar sills, would make good end -
posts; a quantity of cedar rails and
other articles. If a wet day sale will
be held under cover.
George Beatty, Sr. . Proprietor.
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 53-2.
Now Playing: Cary Grant, Jack
Oakie, Ed: Arnold & Frances Far-
mer in "The Toast of New York."
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Walter li'inehell, Ben Bernie, Alice
Faye, Patsy. Kelly and Ned Sparks
head the parade in a frivolous
feast of fun and entertainment
"Wake Up and Live"
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
Coming: "Wee Willie Winkle,"
starring Shirley •Temple' and Vic-
tor MeLagen.
Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p.m.
Goderich '
Now: Will Rogers in `David Har -
urn" and as an additional feature,
"The 'Carortatlon" in color.
Mon., Tues. Wed,
in a lively, musical romance
[c ".
"The Singing
Doris Weston and Hugh Herbert.
Thurs., Mi., Sat
Lynne Overman,- 'Louis' Campbell
enter the news -field for a
riotous comedy
Coining: "The Life of Emile Zola."
Mat.: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 8 p.m.
Now: Sonja Ifenie in a brilliant
musical: "'PILIN ICE."
Mon., Tues Wed.'
teams with Victor McLagen for a
pleasing bit of entertainment
"Wee Willie Winkle
Thurs., Fri., Sat,
Walter Winchell, Ben Bernie,
Alice Faye and Jack. Haley.
offer a grand variety show
"Wake Up And Live"
Corning: "Easy Living" with
Edward Arnold
Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m.
The Best You Ever
Bartliff & Crich
Makers of Crispy Crust Bread
Phone 1. Clinton
On and after September 30th I will
conduct my garage business in the
building next to T. Wigginton's Cae-
penter Shop, on Albert street, across
front Richmond Hosiery.
,All repair's at reasonable rates.
Your patronage will be appreciated.
Fred Miller.
Choir Leader Wanted
A choir leader for St, Paul's
Church, Clinton. Applications receiv-
ed up until the 18th of October. Ap-
ply (in writing) stating salary, to
Church Wardens, G. E. Hall or W. L,
Johnson, Clinton. • 52-2,
Old horses or cattle for mink feed.
Will pay according to value. If dead
phone at once. E, Trick, phone 607r5,
or L. Batkin, 619x14.
Who has not heard of this name or
tried one of more of these 200 family
neeessities? 750 employee- dealers
earn their living respectably in this
Independent business. To all qualified
parties we grant protection for a re-
served territory of 800 families. Can-
adian products, and guaranteed. At-
tractive containers, low prices; If
you are canvassing at present, bet-
ter your condition. If you are a
hard -worker and serious, make the
money your ambition prompts. We
will help you! Catalogue and details
Free. The Familex Products Com-
pany, 570 Clement Street, Montreal.
• For Sale
17 little pigs, '7 weeks old. Also
two cows, due to freshen soon, Jas,
A. Walker, Phone 629r32, Bruce -
53 -2
For Sale
1. Farmer's Friend Sulky Plow; 1
2 -furrow Beaver gang plow. See H.
Charlesworth. 53-1.
For Sale
1XXX Purebred •Hampshire Tam
Iamb. This lamb has a Government
bonus of '$6.00. Kenneth Trewartha,
Clinton, Ont., phone 601r21. 43-1-p.
Farm For Sale
First class farm, 100 acres, well
located, good buildings and water, a-
bout 5 acres bush. Apply F. Ping -
land. 53-3.
Permanent salesman wanted to se-
cure orders for' International Pro -
duets for directshipment to farmers
on credit terms, by freight prepaid.
Preference given to man owning an- ing mower, 6 it. cut; m. -H. fertilizer
tourabile, and having experience seadrill, 13 disk; M. -H. beanscuffles
ling to fanners, also having good with puller attachment; Noxon hoe
Silver Cake
ONLY 15c.
DATE BARS,. 2 for Sc
Peanut Crisp and Cream Fudge.
Ice Cream—Lunch—Candies.
THIS is the most opportune time
to send in your list of accounts. A
few weeks later may be too late.
Pay for results. Remember our
risotto, "No Collection—No charge for
aur services,"
Est. 1890. Telephone 90
Bank reference 49-5.
Girl Wanted
Experienced cook general for fanc-
ily of 3. Good wages for capable
person. Ramsay, 197 Ridout St.,
South London, Ontario.
For Sale
A number of . yearling White Min-
orca hens. Apply to Bert Irwin.
Furniture For Sale
Walnut Sideboard, Oak Hall Rack,
3 Upholstered Pieces; Settee and
three' chairs Walnut. Apply to Mrs.
Rath, Huron Street, Property of
Mr. Charles Witts. 51-4-p,
In the Estate of Tilley M. C. Brownlee,.
late of the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron, Mi1rried Woman,
All persons having claims against
the estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Execu-
trix, Lillie Edith Paterson, on or be-
fore the 23rd day of October., 1937,
after which date the assets -will be
distributed amongst the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which notice shall have
been given.
Dated at Clinton, this 5th day of
October A.D., 1987.
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for- the Executrix, Lillie Ed-
ith Paterson. 52-3.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
Highest Quality Parts
Quick Service—Guaranteed Work.
PHONE 213.
E. Mittel'
Cleaned & Repaired
Tailor and Dry Cleaning
Isaae Street, Clinton.
Our collecting department is a rb-
suit of years of successful experi-
ence in collecting local or out-of-town
No collection, no charge —
Mail your list of accounts to -day to
Burke's Collecting Agency
(License 176)
Picone 203—Cutler St., Clinton.
For Sulo
Good 7 -room cottage on Victoria
street. Modern conveniences. In ex-
cellent condition. Good garage and
garden. Apply to Mrs. W :.C;. Wallis,
Clinton, Phone 139. 60-tf.
Boarders Wanted
One, or two if sharing room togeth-
der. Quiet home in good locality.
'Close to High School. Apply Mrs,
1Frank Lobb, Princess street.
For Sale
Leicester sheep. My present offer
Ing consists of ran Iambs; shearling
ewes, and ewe lambs; also a few aged
ewes. J. H. Quigley, Phone 619r3,
Clinton, three miles south of Clinton
on No. 4 Highway. 51-4.
Of farm Stock and Implements
At Lot 10, Goshen Line, Stanley
Township, 5 miles north of Zurich, on
Thursday, October,21st, at 12.30
sharp, the followin:
Team of Agricultural horses (niai'e
and gelding).
Roan cow, 9 years old, due to fresh-
en Feb. 18th; red cow, 6 years old,
due to freshen Mar. 4th; red cow, 7
years old, clue to freshen Mar 10th;
grey heifer, 3 years old, due June 1;
blue cow, 6 years old, due Mar. 14th;
roan steer, rising 3 years; 2 black
heifers, rising 2 year's; 4 spring cal-
ves; York sow, due Oct. 28th.
75 Leghorn hens, 1 year old, laying
IMPLEMENTS — M. -H. binder, 6
ft. cut; spring tooth cultivator; M. -H.
steel lake, 10 ft.; Bissell disk; Deer -
Our Cider Mill is running every
clay. Have two apple butter kettles
for rent. Lot 21, Con. 3, Stanley
Township. John E. Pepper, Proprie-
tor. 52-2.
Spraying and disinfecting stables
with power machine. Reasonable
price and satisfaction guaranteed.
Call News -Record for information.
Highest Cash Prices paid for Old
Horses or Cattle fit for mink' feed.
Everything removed. If dead phone
at once. Fred Gilbert, phone 22 on
608, Clinton central. 46-tf.-1p.
For Sale
A house and barn on Wellington
Street, Water and hydro. Apply to
J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.
knowledge of live stock anal their re--, drill;, set 4 -section diamond harrows,
quirements. Reply by letter stating , with 2 and 3 horse everier; farm wa-
age and experience. Only well re-'.gon; truck wagon; flat rack; gravel
commended risen need apply. inters -box; wheel barrow; grind stone; stone
national Stock Food Co. Ltd., Toren- boat; Oliver riding plow; walking
to. plow, Fleury No. 21; Verity sod plow;
set of sleighs; set backbend harness,
set single harness; number horse
collars; set of breechings; root pulper
(Fleury); Renfrew cream separator,
'750 lb. capacity; new nock yoke;
head of cattle; 50 steer's and 50 hei- whiffletr+ees; chains, forks; Colony.
fees,' yearlings and two -year-olds. A house, and a lot of other articles too.
number' of stocker' cows and brood
Of 100 Head of Cattle
At Brueefield on Tuesday, October
19th, at 1.30 pan., the following: 100
Cottage For Sale or Rent
Small cottage on Matilda street, in
southern part of town, five rooms,
water, garden, garage. Apply to J.
P. Sheppard. 30-tf.
sows. Cattle are a breedy lot of
Durhams, Herefords and Polled -An-
T. Gundry, Auctioneer..
D. C. Gardiner, Proprietor. .53=1..
numerous to mention. Everything
to' be 'sold as .proprietor has sold his
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
W.' J. Dowson, Proprietor.
House For Sale or Rent
A very desirableresidence on Prin-
cess street. Good garden and fruit
trees, electric lights, and town we -
ter. House in good' condition. Apply'
at The News -Record office. 27-e.
Cleaning and .Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
14 not open work, may be left tiff,
Bearsi Barber. Shop„