HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-09-02, Page 6fl T1IURS., ,SEPT. 2, 1937, • NEWS FROM- AUBURN On Wednesday, MTS. Donald Tatter -1 1 eighty-third • seal quietly observed her birthday, at the home of her son, Roy Patterson, at Sunset Beach, Goderich. Mrs - Patterson is enjoying -remark- ; ably remark-;:ably good health for her age. Eliza Lawrence, slaughter of the .tate Henry Lawrence and Jane Scott, was born August .25th, 1854 and came to Canada with her parents from England in 1859, when she was four•, years of age. On their arrival in this country they spent the first six months near Toronto, Then they came to,the 13th Concession of HiiIlett, the farm late- ly occupied by Mr. Collinson, When they landed here, the 'country was • cmnostly bush and they had the usual hardships of the.pioneer settler. There • was little in the way of roads, and in order to get to Goderich or Olin- ' ton they had to go through the fields. William Patterson and John Manning are the only one in that district left who were here, when she was young. • Their' county village was Landes- boro. She attended the .Londesboro sehool on the 13th of Mullett. David Gordon was her first teae"her. • Their nearest church was the New Connection Methodist, near Hope ' Chapel cemetery, John Taylor own- • ed the lot on which the church was built. It has since been torn down. 'Mrs. Patterson's sister, Maria Law- , pence, was the first one buried in "Hope Chapel Cemetery, which is now ':seldom used. In 1922, two years after Mr. Pat- terson diel, Mrs. Patterson left the farm, and has since made her hone ` with her children in Auburn, Gode- rich and Toronto. Mrs. Patterson is fond of music, and quite often plays at the Women's Institute on Grandmothers' Day. The Patterson family are known far and wide in this district for their musical talent. There were eleven ehildren: Mrs: William Anderson, Auburn; Law- rence, Sebbald, Alta.; Peter; Cham- `. pion, Alta.; Donald, . Grand Prairie, Alta.; Roy, county engineer, Gode-. rich; and Mrs, Shackleton, Toronto. Five have passed on. There are 35 .grand children, and seven great • grand -children. . PATTERSON—NEILSON A wedding of much interest took 'place recently, when Jessie. Darling, -• only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Neilson, was married to Stanley Patterson of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, -Church ..St, The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. McLean. The attendants were Miss Mary Mums and Harry Brazier. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson will reside in • Oshawa. Mrs. Patterson spent her early life here and is a sister of Dr. Russel Neilson . of Vancouver. They both lived here with their uncle, Dr. 'Frank Turnbull. There was no service 'in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sundaymoon- ing, owing to the harvest home ser- vice in St. Mark's Anglican church. Dr. Roy Ball and Mrs. Alex. Reid of Toronto, visited Ephriam Ball. Mr, and Mrs. William Ferguson, Windsor, spent the week -end with Mrs. John Ferguson. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harvey • McGee entertained for their mother, `Mrs. Robert McGee, who is enjoying • fairly good health in her 81st year. • Friends present were: Mrs. John 'Stalker, Waskada, Man.; Mrs. F. D. "Hanna, Regina; Lorna Hanna, Port- -age Le. Prairie; Mr. and Mrs, Var- 1 den. and daughter, London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sturdy and family, Wing- ham; Daniel Geddes, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, F. Stalker and family, Blyth; Mrs. William Nesbit and fam- ily, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig and family,' Aubnin; Frank Stalker, Wingham. A picnic lunch was serv- ed and a social time enjoyed. Miss Margaret Ferguson is holiday- ing at Parkhill. Mrs. ICershinski and children, De- troit, and Mrs .Jasper McBrien, Gode- rich, were visitors with Mrs. P. Wal - per, Mrs. Caroline McGee, Toronto, spent a few days with ` Mrs, Mark Armstrong. Gordon Dobie 'has returned .home' from Goderieh hospital Where he was operated on. Mrs.'R. Bradnock, Goderich, is vis- iting her son, Wesley, here. Miss S.. Blair and Mrs. M. Moore were in Goderich, visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. A. Smith ' of Goderich, who has been supplying for W. H. Sheppard at the' Canadian Bank of Commerce; has returned to Goderich. Mrs. Mildred Anderson, Dungan- non, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jos, Irwin. Mrs. Hugh Cormack of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. J. D. Howatt, her cousin; also Clarence Eiphinstone' Cormack of Buffalo, N.Y., a Re- search Chemist, with the Union Car- bide and Carbon Co. of•Niagara Falls, N.Y. RETURN. FROM DROUGHT AREA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slorach of Rockland, Southern Seek., and two sons, Derek and David, and Clarence Raymond have arrived here having been forced to leave their hones there on account of drought. For eight years they,have not had any crop. They lived in what was known as the dust bowl and had good farms and farm buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Case and family and Mrs. Clarence Raymond and family are coming by car. Mr. Case and Mr. Raymond are locating on a 200 acre farm on the Base Trine. For the pre- sent Mr .and Mrs. Storaeh are living in George Yungblut's house. TALL CORN A corn stock 11 ft. 5" has .been brought into the village .from the farm of Raymond Redmond. A demonstration of Vegetable cook- ing, a project of the Women's Insti- tute was held on Wednesday in the Forester's Hall, under the Ieadership of Misses Eleanor Wilson and Mar- jorie Toll. There was a cooking class of some twelve members. The crop of buckwheat in this dis- trict is better than it has been in years and there seems to have been snore of it sown. Miss Margaret Ferguson has re- turned from a visit to Parkhill. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Robb and two children have returned to Winnipeg after a visit with Dr. Robbs' mother. Harold Hibbert, Goderieh, is visit- ing Mrs. George Sturdy. Helen Ferguson, Goderieh, was a visitor at her home here. Mrs. J. McKnight is spending a few days with her father in Goderich. • Lois Ferguson is visiting in Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'Anent of West Wawanosh, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Snell, Westfield. Harold Taylor, who has been vis- iting Billy Ferguson, has returned to his home in St. Helens. These are not used tires —but are Guaranteed new Goodyears. Every size in stock. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Stewart Ferguson is spending a fen clays with Harold Taylor, St. Helens. Mr, and Miss. W; Sowerby and fain- ilyof Detroit, and `1VIrs. W. Cochrane, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carter this week. Mr. • and Mrs. Joseph Carter have returned from a visit to their son, Joseph, of Sault Ste. Marie.' Mrs. W. C. Robertson is visiting her daughter, ' Mrs, J. Donaldson in Goderich. Mrs. George Howatt and Mrs, James Howatt are visiting Mrs. Hugh Chesney Seaforth. Mrs. Hugh Connack and Son, who have been spending a' few days with Mr's, .J. D. Howatt, have returned to their home in Buffalo, N.Y. The prayer meeting in the Baptist Church on Thursday night was in charge ,of Mr.. A. Asquith. Miss E. Elkin gave a very fine talk on "The Transfiguration." Mrs, McCool and Ruth Adele Frost have returned to their home in De- troit. . The service in Knox)United Church on Sunday was conducted by Rev. H. C. Wilson, who spoke from the text, Matthew 22:39, "Thou Shalt love Thy Neighbour as Thyself," the theme be- ing, "To love his fellow inen sincere- ly." Mrs. F. Plaetzer sang "There will be no disappointment in Heaven." Mr.• and Mas. A. J. Ferguson and family were in Parkhill on Sunday. Mrs, Alice Robb has returned home after visiting with her son and. daughter, Wesley Robb and Mrs. Roy McKenzie of Lochalsh. J. Brundritt was in Mitchell at the 'week -end, The Harvest Home services of St.' Mark's Anglican church were held on Sunday. The 'rector, Rev. A. A. Ma- loney had charge of the morning ser- vice and spoke from the text Psalm 65:11, "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy . paths drop fatness." In the evening Rev. E. L. Roberts, M.A., Wingham, conducted: the service, His subject was "Bonn- tifulness", 11 Corinthians 9:11. Mrs, Fred Plaetzer sang, "The Stranger of Galilee," accompanied by Miss Paul- ine Robinson, Blyth, Mrs. H. Eedy, Miss Luella Eedy, Mr. H. Currie and children, Dungan- non, visited with Mrs. F. Ross on Sunday. Stewart Ferguson has returned from a visit with his cousin, Harold Taylor at St. Helens. Dolly and June. Beadle are visiting in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and fant- ily,were at London on Thursday. Miss Marjorie Arthur and Bobby have returned from a trip to Wood- stock, Miss Mary Asquith is visiting in Toronto. . Joseph Ewing has returned from Delhi, Rev. E. Loney of Wingham was in charge of the service in the Baptist church on Sunday aftenoon in the absence of the pastor, Rev. G. W. Sherman, who is holidaying. He spoke from the text, Isaiah 46:22, "Look unto pie and be, ye saved all the end of the earth, for I am God and there is no one else. Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles Robertson and family of Goderich, visited Miss 5.• Blair on Wednesday. Mrs. L. Ferguson and Lois are vis- iting in Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison and Mr. and Mrs. N. Garrett, Blyth, are in Toronto. Thomas Wilson, Mack and Johnny 'are visiting in Fiin, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs. C. Straugh- an and Vivian are spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Mary 'J. Robb, Dungannon, is visiting Mrs. Robb here. Stewart King has returned from a visit with his grandmother in Ash :held. • BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVER- SARY Anniversary services will be ob- served next Sunday in the Baptist Church at 3 and 7.30 o'clock. The special speaker for the day will be Rev. S. McChnng of Goderich. The service of song will be led . by Mr. Robt. Gracie's Quartette, and Miss Doris, Newton, soloist, of Toronto: There will also .be a sacred concert elven in the church on the following' Friday evening, Sept. 10th, in con- nection with the anniversary services. Everyone' is cordially invited to at- tend these. services. - COMBINED. AGES OF 48 'BOW L- ERS TOTAL 3,461 YEARS Forty-eight bowlers. from Western Ontario participated in the Pastime Lawn Bowling Club's fourteenth an- nual Colts Tournament, Brantford, Cor men more, than 60 years of age. The combined ages of the bowlers was 3,461 years, the average about '72. To Mr. I. B. Rouse of Hamilton, Father of Mrs. (Dr.) Heaxn, of Clin- ton, went the prize for being the old- est player on the green. Mr. Rouse is in his 85th year. • LET CONTRACT FOR SIDEWALKS The contract for the building of new sidewalks on Seaforth Main Street was awarded at a special meeting of council, to I•I. Edge, Sea - forth. His tender was $2,585.00, Four firms tendered on tlnc work at prices• ranging to 83,900.00 The successful tender was the lowest. The, contract calls for the laying of approximately 1,411 square yards of cement pavement at an average width of ten feet. The pavement will be reinforced' with 3 -8 -inch rods and will be surfaced by brooming. Work will be started within; a week ;twig fif• Bedoling Plants ,7i ��,.6y.ru��. rut Flowers of all Designs Chas. V. Cook FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i WANTED. POULTRY AND EGGS We expect better prices for PouI- try this season and are in the mar- ket every day for Broilers, Chickens and Hens at top Cash Prices. Our city trade is demanding more white eggs. Highest prices paid for all grades, of eggs for cash. Poultry Culling done by an ex- perienced poultryman. N. W. TREW ARTFrA Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w BIRTHS BRANDON—In Clinton Hospital, on Monday, August 80th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Brandon, Bayfield, the gift of a daughter. MARRIAGES HOY—STEEP—On Wednesday, Aug- ust 25th, Hazel Irene Steep was united in marriage to Gordon George Hoy of Clinton. Rev. A. C. Moorehouse of Yarmouth Centre officiating. BATKIN—McKNIGHT—On Wednes- day afternoon, September 1st, Isa- bel May McKnight, Clinton, was united in marriage to Lloyd P. Bat - kin of Goderieh Township, by Rev. G. G. Burton, of Clinton. CARD OF THANKS Jean Cornish extends her thanks to all who supported. her. during the recent Community. Campaign. Their help was much appreciated. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank those who sup- ported me during the recent Cam- paign. Your loyalty and support is deeply appreciated. Margaret Big- gins, CARD OF THANKS On my own behalf, and that of the organization I represented in the Community Contest, the Guides, Scouts and Cubs, I wish to thank all those who so generously supported us, and made possible the winning of the major prize. I can assure you this money will be used op'eft:11y, and in the hest interests of the hun- dred or more young folk in these Troops. Thank you—Mrs. S. E. Cas- tle. CARD OF TIIANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all my 'loyal friends who so faithfully gave me their assistance in the Community Campaign. With- out their aid the winning of the se- cond prize would have been impos- sible. Gaynell Whitmore. For Rent A comfortable dwelling,. with lights, water and furnace, good garden and fruit trees. Apply C. B. Hale. 47-2. For Sale Good 5 -room cottage on Rattenbury street west. In excellent condition. Good cellar and garden. Town lights and water. Apply Mrs. M. Gunn, Rat,. tenbuiy street. 47-1. ]Extension Of Half Holiday We,the undersigned merchants, wish to extend the Haif Holiday throughout the month of September: R. H. Johnson. 0 Noble. E. Chaff. A. MacDonald. J, G. Medd. Chas. F. Lockwood. J. E. Hovey. W. S. R. Holmes. IL Fitzsimons -& Sons. R. V. Irwin. Riley's Grocery. "The Vogue". E. C. 'Munro. W. Q. Brown. Geo. B. Beattie. Mitch Bros. S. G. Castle. Davie & Merman. 3. Lovett. H. Charlesworth.' R. L. Jervis. F. 0. Forel. W, M. Aiken. H. C. Lawson. Connell `&. Tyndall. Freda Schoenhais. M. C. Jordan. orr so, it is expected, and is,depend- ent upon work which will be done by the Bell Telephone Co. at the same time. Meanwhile engineers have located the new ornamental street lights and the Public Utility .Commission is go- ing ahead at once with the construc- tion of the bases. P,U.C, workmen have nearly com- pleted the erection of new pole lines required when the present lines are removed from Main Street. • -Seaforth Expositor., PAGE 5 wanuanneminsaiumaasmamonnuainea ROXY THEATRE CAPI F'AL 'THEATRE Clinton. Goderich Now: A Big Deublo Bill with Ralph Bellamy, Marian Marsh: and Isabel Jewell; in "The Man. Who Lived Twice", and Ken Maynard in "Lawless Rides'," Mon.,, Tues., Wed. ;A cute for the blues "MOUNTAIN MUSIC" Starring, Bob Burns and Martha Raye Thurs„ Fri., Sat. A Big Double Bill with Billy Lee kind `Fra.nces Farmer in "Too Many, Pa'i ellts" and The 'Marks 'Brothers in "HORSE FEATHERS" Coming: Irene Dunne in: "THEODORE GOES WILD" Mat. :Sat. and holidays. at 3 p.m. Now: "Aid So They Were Mar rled" and Fighting Code." Mem, Tues., Wed. Milton Berle, Joe Panner; }and, Parkyakarkus headline a cast of popular enter- tainers in a grand mixture of Sun and music "NEW FACES of 1937" Thurs., Fri., Sat. .lean Arthur and Edward Arnold Ray Milland, Luis Alberni and Mary Nash ' present a rollicking comedy romance 'EASY LIVING" Coming: "You Can't Have Every - Everything." Mat,: Wed., REGENT THEATRE Seafor Now: "Let's Get Married" and "Patrol Racket' Mori., Tues„ Wed. RONALD COLMAN Jane Wyatt, 'Margo, 'Edward E. Horton, I3. B. Warner,' John How- ard and Isabel Jewell in Frank Capra''s magiificent production. 'LOST HORIZON" Two Years hi the Making? Thurs., Fri:, Sat.—Double Bill Melvyn Douglas, Virginia Bruce end Reginald Denny in a dramatic bit "Women'. of Glamour" • Charles Starrett and Iris Shunn in a western romantic comedy "COWBOY ,STAR" Coming: ;'When You're In Love". Grace Moore. Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat and. Holidays at 3 P.m. neasesersannanasseisasememmamen HaveYouTried OUR Fruit Cherry or Peel CAKE AWFULLY GOOD and only 15c Bartliff Crich Makers of Crispy Crust Bread Phone 1. Clinton. • CHOPPING EVERY .DAY r---1 Clinton Chopping Mill 477-1-p. 12. & G. USED CARS. Drive A Better Car for the Holiday 1937 Deluxe Tudor (Demonstrator). 1936 Chev. Coach (Trunk & Heater). 1935 Deluxe Ford Fordor. 1935 Ford Standard Fordor. 1934 Ford Deluxe Fordor. 1930 Marquette Sedan. 1929 Dodge Sedan. 1928 Chrysler Coach. 1935 Ford Light Delivery. 31 G.M.C. Stake. 30 Chev. Stake. and Many Other Low Priced Cars. GODERICH MOTOR SALES FORD SALES AND SERVICE Phone 83,—South Street. REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE New Westinghouse Electric Refrig- erator for sale. This refrigerator was awarded ane as second prize in the Clinton Community Campaign, and not having electric power, I wish to dispose of it. Anyone may inspect sante by calling at the News -Record. Gaynell Whitmore, R. R. No. 3, Hol- riiesv)lle: 47-c, Whitewashing Spraying and disinfecting stables with power machine. Reasonable price ,and satisfaction guaranteed. Call News -Record for information. • 47-2. NOTICE Voters' List, 1937, Municipality of the Township of Goderich County of Huron NOTICE is 'hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters List Act and that I have post- ed up. at my office in Goderieh town- ship on the 28th day of August, 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote. in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I. hereby can upon all, votds to take immediate .proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at my. office this 28th clay of August, 1937.- R. 'G. 987.- R.'G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 47.3. AUCTION SALE Of Cows, Stockers and Sows, at Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 4 miles west and ]. mile south of Clin- ton, on Tuesday, September 7th at 1.30 p,ni. ' 10 cows and heifers, just freshened 10 cows and heifers dueto freshen later in season; 10 young calves from� 1 to 2 weeks old; 50 head of stockers, up to 800 lbs.; 8 sows carrying second titter. `. Terms: Cash, A. E. Townsend, Proprietor. Geo.: H, Elliott, Auctioneer: 47-1. WEN•DORF'S Pastry Specials ORANGE OR VI -TONE CAIiE. COCOANUT TARTS. FRUIT BUNS AND NUT ROLLS rte' DRINK HIRES ROOT BEER For Real Refreshment. WENDORF'S Ice Cream—Lunch-Candies. TOMATOES For Sale TOMATOES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST FOR CANNING, ETC. PRICES VERY REASONABLE THIS YEAR. We also have Other Vegetables. CUCUMBERS, SWEET CORN, CABBAGE, ETC. Orders Delivered in Clinton. F. W. Andrews Phone 33. 45-3. Cow For Sale A big Durham cow, due to freshen on Sept. ' 2nd. Apply to George Mann, Sr. Telephone 14 on 636, Clin- ton. 46-tf. Wanted Old horses or cattle for mink feed. Will pay according to value. If dead phone at.once. E, TYtick, phone 607r5, or. L. Batkin, 6113;12, Clinton. 40-e.o.w: tf. PLUMS A nice crop of Plums. Come next week and get a supply. C. Hoare. 46-2. Wanted Highest Cash Prices paid for Old Horses or Cattle fit for mink feed'. Everything removed. If dead phone at once. Fred Gilbert, phone 22 on 608, Clinton central. 46-tf: fpr. For Sale Two cows, t just freshened, about five years old. Apply to J. E. How- ard, Bayfield, 31 on 624. 44-1f.. Wanted A middle-aged. woman as house- keeper or a man who can cook and keep house. Apply News -Record, 45-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amos Castle, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire; Deceased. • All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the sante with the tin- cler•signed Solicitor for the Executors Samuel Castle and Herbert Castle, on. or before the 4th clay of September, 1937, after which date the assets will be distributedamongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. ' DATED at Clinton; this 13th day of August A.D., 1937. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, Samuel Castle and Herbert Castle. 45-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John 3. Connell, late of the Town of Clinton, in. the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased.. Ail persons having claims against t the estate of the above-deceased.are' required to file the 'same with the undersigned Solicitor for the .Execu- tor, John S. Evans, on or before the 4th day of ,September, 1937, -'after which •date the assets will be distri- buted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 13th day of August A.D. 1937, F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, John S. Evans. 45-3: BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 50c Expert Repairs on all Types of Farm and Auto Radios. Quick Service, Guaranteed Work. PHONE 213. E. Mittell RADIO-TRICIAN WE ARE EXPERTS IN DRY- CLEANING, REPAIRING OUR 'SPECIALTY. LADIES' OR GENTS' CLOTHING. 'ALBERT PALMER Tailor and Dry Cleaning Isaac Street, Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge — Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf AUTO, ACCIDENT AND FIRE INSURANCE EDWARD W.-ELLIOTT Phone 203—Cutler St., Clinton. 29-tf. House For Sale Solid brick, 8 -roomed house, fur- nace, hard and soft water, half acre of land with fruit trees, on Princess street, Apply to Ancir'ew Steep. 42-tf, House For Sale or Rent A very desirable 8 -roomed house, on Victoria street, possession Sept, 1st. Ideal location, good repair. All modem conveniences. Inspection any time. Mrs. Leo. Cronyn, Blyth, Ont., Phone 13-11. 44-ff. Poultry Wanted When you have fowl to cult or poultry of any kind for sale, call us for highest prices. We also buy and sell all breeds of Pullets. G. Pear- son, Clinton, phone' 226. 47-tf. For Sale A. house and barn on Wellington • Street. Water and hydroApply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton.' 37-1f. FARM FOR SALE This farm consists of 80 acres, more or less, of choice quality land. and is situated 4% miles from .Clin- ton, half a mile off the main road, Lot 38, Concession 12, Goderich town- ship. There is erected a frame dwel- ling and a frame barn. A never -fail- ing well and well fenced. Apply to George Cook, phone 31 on 605, Clin- ton. 36-tf. Fixing Roofs Try the Liquid—on paper, tin, and sheeting. Roofs that I have done 7 years have not leaked. Apply. Joe Becker, 'Clinton, phone 42. 32-tf. For Rent 7 room cottage on Victoria St. Ex- cellent condition. Good garden. Ap- ply C. Lobb, Clinton. 35-tf. Cottage For Sale or Rent Small cottage on Matilda' street, in southern, part of town, five rooms, water, garden, garage. Apply to J. P. Sheppard. 30-tf, 1 House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, Good garden and fruit trees,'electric 'lights, and town wa- ter. House in good condition. Apply at The News -Record office. 27-e. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP 4.IRINOE W. J. JAGO, TAILOR If not open work may be left at Hearer Barber Slop, � ,