HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-08-19, Page 5o THUGS., AUG. 19, 1931. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE 5 NEWS S FROM AUBURN Mi•. and Mrs.Gordon Taylor and ducted by Rev. Mr. Rich.- He spoke . Marion Joan visited at Parkhill. Marion and Isabel McGill of Blyth. •are spending a few days with W. T. . Riddell. Earl 1Vlugford spent Sunday with •.his mother at Clinton. Arthur Yungblut of Detroit is .,spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Yungblut Blyth Road. Mr..and Mrs. George Renderkenesto of Detroit , are visiting 1VIr. and Mrs. George Beadle. Frank Robertson of Londesboro ,.spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson. 'Dorothy Wilson Cochrane is visit- ing her grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. A, Wilson. ' KNOX W.' M. S. The August meeting of the 'Wo - c -men's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. J. Wagner, Base Line with Mrs. J. D. Howatt,'th'e'pre •sident in charge. Following the hymn "0 `God 'our ' help in ages past." Mrs. F. 1Ross read the scripture passage. The roll call was answered with a verse of -,.scripture. Mrs. W. C. Robison gave • a paper on prayer. Hymn "Jesus shall reign" was sung and Miss Mary Houston gave a very interesting talk • on "The Bible." Miss Edith Stoltz favored with a solo. .Mrs. James Woods closed with prayer, following -which'lunch was served by the hos- • tess and her daughters. Miss Luella Wagner of Stratford is • visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wagner, Base Line. • Donald Ross has returned from a • visit to West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ross, De- • troit, Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, De- r troit; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penning- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pen- . nington, Goderich, were visitors with Mrs. F. Ross. Mrs. M. Armstrong is having a verandah added to her home. Miss Ila Craig and Billy Craig are In Goderich hospital for a slight op- eration. Billy Raithby of St. Thomas is opened with community singing fol- • spending a few days with relatives lowed by the hymn, "My Jesus I Love ' -here. Mrs. Glen Raithby is at the lake for • a few days. Mrs. McCool is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. N. B. Garrett, Blyth. Kellner Dawson is building a sun "porch and kitchen on his home. John Thompson of the 5th cones- • Sion of West Wawanosh celebrated 'the erection of a new frame barn by giving a barn dance which was very much enjoyed. Music was supplied '"by local talent. ,on "the last promise, the last prayer, and the last provision as explained in the last two verses of the Book of Revelations.,; Rev. J. H. Barnett of Goderich oc- cupied the pulpit of Knox Presbyter- ian church on Sunday morning,speak- ing from the text lI Corinthians 4:6. There was no .service in the Anglican church nor in the Baptist church on Sunday. Miss Margaret Dobie is home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning, Lon- desboro, visited Mrs. J. D. Howatt on Sunday. Miss Hazel Grimmon of Mitchell spent the week -end with Mrs. C. A. Howson. Russel Thompson has returned from Tilsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt, Gode- rich visited in Auburn on Sunday. Mrs. M. Mugford, Clinton, was in the village, Saturday. ' Mrs. McCool and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Garrett, Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison. Miss Helen Merrill, Toronto, is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. W. Roberton. Daniel Geddes, Wingham, visited Mrs. Robt. McGee. Mrs. Riorden is slightly improved. Mrs. A. Robinson is with her. J. Brundrett was in Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Wilkins, Goderich, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ball The service in Knox United Church on Sunday was conducted by Rev. H. C. Wilson who spoke on "The Lord's Witnesses" from the text Acts 5:32. A family gathering in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Good of South Bend, Ind., was held at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Wellington Good of West Wawanosh. Friends were pres- ent from Hullett, Goderich, Benmiller and Colborne. B. Y. P. U. MEETING The August meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union was held on Sunday night and was in charge of Miss Margaret Small and Edwin Lee. Earl Raithby presided. The meeting OBITUARIES MRs., CHARLES WITTS There passed away at the home of; her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Sanders, at Exeter, Mrs.. Ada Witts, beloved wife of Mr. Chas. Witts of Clinton, in her 76th year.' She leaves to mourn -her loss; her bereaved husband; one daughter, Mrs. S. M. Sanders; one son,; in•the States, and one nephew, Mr, Richard Scott, of Alameda, Sask.. Mrs. Witts was a Member of the Anglican Church, and was an accom- plished musician, as also was her son who has a goodly number of vocal and instrumental selections bearing his name as composer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cunningham, Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Scarlet, ' 'Toronto and Mrs. Wyatt, West Wa- wanosh have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor. The recent wet weather has caused, considerable damage to the oat and • mixed crops. The condition of Miss Elizabeth Nicholson who suffered a hip frac- ture some time ago is improving. Peter Patterson is visiting in Blyth. Kenneth. Lawlor, son of George Lawlor' of 'Vancouver, formerly ' of Auburn, and Richard Armstrong of Gull Lake, Sask., are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClarty. They are on a hitch -hiking trip and left ' 'their home about six weeks ago. The prayer .meeting in the Baptist church on Thursday night was con - Not feeling , well on Wednesday last, she called her daughter to her side, and in' the hope of nursing her back • to health, Mrs. Sanders took her to her home in Exeter and called medical aid. It was found Sha was suffering from a very weak heart,' very little hope of recovery was held, and on Saturday She -'passed away. The funeral took place on Monday, Aug. 16th, with Rev. Arthur Page conducting the service, her pastor, Rev. McGoun, assisting at the grave. Interment was made in Clinton ceme- tery. Thee," and the reading of the Scrip- ture passage by Donald Ross. James Raithby led in prayer. Harry and Roy. Webster gave a mouth organ duet, Mrs. R. J. Philips an organ solo and Lloyd Johnston a mouth or- gan solo. Readings were given by Billy Raithby and Lloyd Johnston, Miss M. Small took up a blackboard talk. The meeting closed with a hymn, "Be not dismayed," and pray- er by E'arI Raithby. Miss Bertha King of Toronto vis- ited her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Robertson, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott also of Toronto were with Mrs. C. A. Howson. ROBERT ALBERT HEARN A highly esteemed and former resident of Clinton, in the person of, Robt. A. Hearn, pa-ssed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wtn. Oke, of Seaforth, on August 16th. Mr. Hearn, who was in his 84th year, was born on a farm, near Guelph, and while still a boy he moved, with his parents, to Grey Township, where they continued their. farming activities. In the year 1881 he wasmarried to Miss Mary McClure of McKillop Township, and with his wife, located 'on a farm in Goderich Township, where they resided for a number of years before moving to Clinton. where Mr. Hearn was a rural mail carrier for a period of years. During the last eight . years Mr. Hearn spent the greater part of his time with his daughters in Hamilton and Seaforth, being with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Oke, at the time of his death. Of a quiet and unassuming nature, Mr. Hearn, nevertheless made many friends wherever he went. He loved homelife and was a ' devoted father to his family. The surviving members' of the fam- ily are, (Della), Mrs. Wni. Wright, and (Lottie), Mrs. Wm. Oke, Sea - forth; (Flora) Mrs.. Orval Rapson, Clinton; (Viola) Mrs. Frank Whit- more and (Leona), Mrs. Harold Whit- more of Hamilton. One brother, Wesley, of Saskatchewan, also sur- vives. Mr: Hearn was pre -deceased by his wife eight years ago, and an only son, Lawrence, died in 1906. : A private funeral was held Wed- nesday afternoon from the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Oke, Sea - forth, interment taking place in Clinton Cemetery, Rev. T. A. Car- michael . of Northside United Church and Rev. C. C. Koine, officiating. Many beautiful floral offerings were received. The pall -bearers were his four sons-in-law, Messrs. Frank and Har- old Whitmore, Hamilton; Orval Rap- son, Clinton; Wm. Wright, Seaforth, also Wm. Shaddick, Clinton and Hughie Oke, Seaforth. CONSTANC Miss Winnifred Robison and Miss Mary Moore of Toronto are visiting William and Milton Moore this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson spent Sunday at Bayfield. Mr. and' Mrs. Allen Lamont of Ethel spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gillmore of London spent the week -end at the home . of William and Milton Moore. Miss Viola Daxter spent the week- end' with her friend, Miss Marian Lawson, Huron Road. VIMINNIMEMINI WONOERFU 1 E NOW on re Take many weeks to pay the balance. We trust you! Colne in and ex- amine our. com- plete stock of new Goodyear Tires — the finest tires in the world. Brownie's Service Station CLINTON. Bedding Plants j .4q.rrc . Cut Flowers of all Designs Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 WANTED. POULTRY AND EGGS We expect better prices for Poul- try this season and are in the mar- ket every day for Broilers, Chickens and Hens at top Cash Prices. Our city trade is demanding more white eggs. Highest prices paid for. all grades of eggs for cash., Poultry Culling done by an perienced poultryman. ex - N. W. TREWARTH Phones—Office, 214; Residence, 214W BIRTHS SHOBBRO'OKE-In Aug. 13th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shobbrooke, Hullett Township, the gift of a son, Charles Herbert. DEATHS PARKS In Bayfield, on Thursday, August 19th, Rev. J. F. Parke. WITTS—In Exeter on Saturday, August 14th, Ada Herbert, wife of Charles Witts, Clinton, in her 76th year. HEARN—In Seaforth, on Monday, August 16th, Robt. A. Hearn, in his 84th year. BOXY THEATRE Clinton. Now: "MEET THE 1VIISSUS starring Victor Moore and Helen Broderick. Mon., Tues., Wed. "SECRET AGENTS" A thrilling mystery picture, star- ring Madeline Carroll, Peter Loore, John Gielgud and Robert Young Thurs.,, ri., Sat. JOE E. BROWN breezing through a cyclonic fun film "RIDING ON AIR" • WITH : GUY KIBBEE Coining: "ON THE AVE&UE" with Dick Powell, Madeline Carroll Mat :Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich' Now: "POLO JOE" Mon., Tues., Wed. -Double ;sill CONSTA.NCE CUMMINGS starred in a mirthful comedy romance ",STRANGERS on a HONEYMOON" by Edgar Wallace BORIS KARLOFF portrays a love -Mad scientist in the dramatic play "The Man Who Lived Again" Thurs., Fri., Sat. SPECIAL PROGRAM IS BEING ARRANGED! Coming: Milton Berle in: "NEW FADES" Mat.: Wed.,, Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: Janet Gaynor and Fredric March in the technicolor success: "A STAR IS BORN" Mon., Hoes., Wed. WALTER HUSTON Ruth Chatterton and Mary Astor present the story of a millionaire who found a belated, a curious path to romance. "DODSWORTH" Thurs., Fri., Sat. SPECIAL PROGRAM IS BEING ;ARRANGED! Mat.: Sat and Holidays at 3 p. PAGE=PLEWES The following item was taken from the Toronto Daily ,Star. The bride is a niece of Mrs.. J. K. Wise and Mrs. Levi Stong of town. The marriage took place last Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Plewes, 45 Methuen Ave., of their daughter, Leota Vina, to Mr. Alfred Henry Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Page. Rev. Dr. A. P. Ad- dison &officiated at the. ceremony, which took place against a back- ground of ferns and cut flowers. Miss Clara Robertson, cousin of the groom, sang."I Love You Truly" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white taffeta with fitted bodice and flowering skirt, the neckline trimmed with rosepoint lace caught with a brilliant clasp. She wore her sister's veil of white net and rosepoint lace arranged in cape effect. and held with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of orchids, bouvardia and maidenhair fern. Mrs. Harold E. Smith, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, gowned in or- chid satin and net with a wreath of flowers in her hair and carrying mix- ed flowers. Little Miss Gloria Smith, was a dainty flower girl in a flock of yellow organdy with matching tulle bow in her hair and carrying an old - fashioner nosegay. The bride's broth- er, Mr. Elliott Plewes, was best man. Mrs. Plewes wore a gown of flower- ed chiffon with bolero jacket, and a corsage of token roses. The groom's mother chose navy blue triple sheer with white accessories and a corsage 'Yf premier roses. Later the couple left by motor for the lakes of North- ern Ontario, the bride donning a daffodil blister crepe dress with white accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Page ' will make their home in Kingston. Veteran Teacher Passes George S. Wood, for over half a century a teacher in Huron County, passed away at his residence, St. Patrick- Street, Goderich, on Satur- day afternoon in his '76th year. Mr. Wood had been i11 for the past three months with a heart condition. He was born in West Wawanosh near Dungannon, his parents being the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood. He was educated in Owen Sound, and graduated from the . Normal School at a very early age and immediately began his career as a teacher. He taught in Dungannon and Ben - miller before taking charge of the school at Sanford which, position he held for over - forty years, retiring three years ago. He was predeceased by his' wife, formerly'Miss •Martha McDonald of. Listowel, eleven years ago. Surviving are 'a son, James Ed- gar Wood, of the Union Carbide Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y.; a brother, Tho- mas. and sister, Miss Tillie Wood, on the homestead in West Wawenosh. The funeral was held from his late residence on Tuesday, at .2 ;a.m. In- terment.was made. in Maitland Ceme- tery., Buys One Pig -Gets ,Eleven of delivery was s breeder. d e landing. d of little They om English Canadian. go the A certain stock breeder Huron county is all smiles since d ery of a pure bred sow which 'hipped to him from an English br er. The animal came duty free underthe pure bred stock regulations an the re- quired period of quarantin was ob- served at the port of What particularly pleased the consignee when the animal reached itsdestina- tion here was that instead' one pig, he received eleven. Ten lit shoats were born in transit. escaped, customs, and both quarantine and , while the mother pig is E' ish the ten little ones are Cana . The family was• delivered to the nsignee as one ;rig as specified by bill of lading and customs papers. Caravan CAKE with a Carmel Pecan Icing Oh BoyltsGood! Bartliff a Crich Makers of Crispy Crust Bread Phone 1. Clinton. Montreal . he was given an honorary degree of doctor of veterinary medi- cine. He is professor of surgery and anatgmy at O. V. C. and lives on a fine nine -acre farm on the edge of Guelph. A native of Huron County he grad- uated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1897, and one year later began his 'experiments on throat op- erations. His method took f iv e years to perfect, and he has been us- ing it ever since. Dr: Fowler is well-known in and around Clinton, and has been a judge at the local fairs on several occasions. He is a lover of animals, and his pro- gress in his profession is a satisfac- tion to all who know -him. Huron Man Hurt In Gravel Slide TOMATOES For Sale TOMATOES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST FOR CANNING, ETC. PRICES VERY REASONABLE, THIS YEAR. Wei also . have Other Vegetables. CUCUMBERS, SWEET CORN, CABBAGE, ETC. Orders Delivered in Clinton. F. W. Andrews G0DERICH.—The collapse of and overhanging bank of a gravel pit near Seaforth, where a Huron Coun- ty rock crusher is in operation, with one man, William Farquharson, suf- fering a broken leg, and serious in- juries caused to a horse, is reported at the county engineer's office, The bank of. the gravel pit, Engin- eer Patterson explained, had appar- ently been undermined. On it 'steed steel crushed -rock bins, and these. were precipitated in to the pit di- rectly in the path of three men and a team of horses, engaged in loading operations. Two of the men, slightly injured, jumped to safety, but Mr. Farquhar- son and one horse were caught in the slide. Mr. Farquharson was ta- ken to Seaforth Hospital. T h e horse, although injured, was not de- stroyed. This the first and only accident on county road construction this sea- son. Special insurance is carried. Phone 33. 45-3. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re- sult of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge — Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf Dr. W. J. R. Fowler A Veterinary. Of Note If his patients were human beings instead of animals the name of Dr. Fowler would be world-famous. As it is he has gained for himself an enviable reputation as a specialist for curing a disease of the larynx in valuable horses, commonly referred to as "roaring." His work carries him all• over Canada, the United States and to England "where he has Operated on valuable horses belonging to such persons as the Duke ansi Duchess of Beaufort, Lord Somers, Lord Apsley, Sir Philip U. Hunloke, yachtsman to the Ring, and others. The amazing thing about his work is the speed with which •he performs this delicate operation .for a disease caused' by a paralysis of the nerve and muscle -of the larynx. It starts at the base of the heart, goes a- round the large Carta, right to the throat. Paralysis then spreads 'and causes what; we - term as "roaring". The operation. calls ,for the removal of a mucous sack from alongside the left vocal .cord which gives the horse a new freedoin in breathing. While ordinary veterinarians take some three-quarters of an hour to per- form the, operation, Dr. Fowler does it in less than three, minutes. His record is one minute and 4,7 seconds. Nor is there any secret to his work. Any one who cares to be pre- sent at these operationsmay have the privilege of witnessing his skill. No o is used and no chloroform h dressin ,• is required, except, a daily bathing for about three. weeks, after which time the:horse is as good as ever. Dr, Fowler has. been honored in his chosen galling. Last yeah in TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. - Russell Coleman and family, visited with the latter's brother in Sarnia on Sunday. Misses Hazel and Dorothy remained to spend holidays there. Miss Annie Carnochan of Las An- geles, California, ,is visiting her brothers, Messrs. James .and Robert Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. S. W .Lawrence of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mac. Fletcher Townsend last week, and went to Dorchester on Saturday, Mrs. Trick accompanying them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layton, To- ronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crich over the week- end. Mrs. Allan Johns of Vancouver, B. C., who has been visiting Messrs. Edwin and Howard Johns, left for Toronto on Friday last on her way to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Tebbutt, Goderich Township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebbutt last week. Decoration Services At Ball's; Cemetery NOTICE Having taken over Geo. A. Spence's Store and Service Station at Holmes- ville, I would appreciate your patron- age and will extend the same cour- teous service to which you have been accustomed. I am in a positionto do car repairing, tire and battery sales and service. ROY BUTT R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 610r21. The annual decoration day service was held at Ball's Cemetery last Sunday afternoon, The weather be- ing ideal, a large crowd were present rom Auburn, Clinton, Seaforth and surrounding coinmutities. The service was conducted by Rev. A. A.Maloney, pastor of the Auburn Anglican church, who spoke on the sacredness of God's acre. Mr. Har- vey McGee sang a solo, accompanied by Mils. J. Phillips. The offering, which was received by David McLeod, Glen Raithby, Herbert Mogridge and E. Phillips amounting to some $26.00, is in aid of cenietery improvements. Wanted A middle-aged woman as house- keeper or a man who cook and keep house. Apply News -Record. 45-1. Frigidaire For Sale For sale at- a bargain price. A frigidaire in first-class condition. Sev- en cubic feet inside space. Apply Sutter and Perdue Store., 45-2. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Roomers Wanted With or without board, comfortable quiet home. Terms reasonable. Mrs. N. W. Lovett, Mill Street. 45-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amos Castle, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the un- dersigned Solicitor for the Executors Samuel Castle' and Herbert Castle, on or before the 4th day of S2ptember, 1937, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 13th day of August A.D., 1937. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, Samuel Castle and Herbert Castle. 45-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John J. Connell, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tor, John S. Evans, on or before the 4th day of September, 1937, after which date the assets will be distri- buted amongst the parties •.entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 13th day of. March, A.D., 1937. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, John S. Evans. 45-3. ADIO EPAIRS Highest Quality Parts COMPLETELY EQUIPPED SERVICE SHOP. Quick Service—Guaranteed Work. PHONE 213. E. Mittell RADIO-TRICIAN Ladies and Gentlemen: Have Your Coats Fully Relined. Special. Price of $5.00 Good For 30 Days. Wanted, Old horses or cattle for mink feed. Willpay according to value.. If dead phone at once. E. Trick, phone:607r5, or L. Batkin, 611x12, Clinton. • 40-e.o.w.-tf. 'ALBERT PALMER Tailor and Dry Cleaning Isaac Street, Clinton. COLLECTION OF DEBTS What better proof of satisfactory results and absolute integrity can you have than our record of 47 years continuous handling of collections, KELLY & AIKEN The Collectors, ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO. Est. 1890. No collection—No charge for our for our services. 35-6. For Sale Two cows, 1 just freshened, about five years old. Apply to J. E. How- ard, Bayfield, 31 on 624. 44-tf. Poultry Wanted When you have fowlto cull or poultry • of any kind for sale, call us for highest prices, We also bay and sell all breeds of Pullets. G. Pear- son, Clinton,, .phone,: 226. 43.4. AUTO, ACCIDENT AND FIRE INSURANCE EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Phone 203—Cutler St., Clinton. 29-tf. House For Sale Solid brick, 8 -roomed house, fur- nace, hard and soft water, half acre of land with fruit trees, on Princess street. Apply to Andrew Steep. 42-tf. House For Sale or Rent .A. very desirable 8 -roomed house, on Victoria street, possession Sept. 1st Ideal location, good repair. All modern conveniences. Inspection any time. Mrs. Leo. Cronyn, Blyth, Ont., Phone 13-11. 44-tf. For Sale or Rent Good 7 -room cottage on Victoria street. Modern conveniences. In excellent condition. Good garage and garden. Apply to Mrs. W. C. Wallis, Clinton, Phone 138. 40-6. For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and hydro. Apply to 3. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 37-tf. FARM FOR SALE This farm consists of 80 acres, more or less, of choice quality land, and is situated .41 miles from Clin- ton, half a mile off the main road, Lot 38, Concession 12, Goderich town- ship. There is ereeted a frame dwel- ling and a frame barn. A never -fail- ing well and well fenced. Apply to George Cook, phone 31 on 605, Clin- ton. 36-tf. Fixing Roofs Try the Liquid—on paper, tin, and. sheeting. Roofs that I have done 7 years have not leaked. .Apply Joe Becker, Clinton, phone 42. 32-tf. For Rent 7 room cottage on Victoria St. Ex- cellent condition. Good garden. Ap- ply C. Lobb, Clinton. 35-tf. Cottage For. Sale or Rent Small cottage on Matilda street, In southern part of town, five rooms, water, garden, garage. Apply to 3. P. Sheppard. 30-tf. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prim• cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights, and town wa- ter. House in good condition. Apply at The News -Record office. ; 2'I -c. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REl'4IRINa W. J..JAGO, TAILOR If not open work may be left a! Hearer Barber Sheik