HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-08-19, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era The New Era Est: 1805 NO. 5845. -58TH YEAR. CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 19TH, 1937: We WillClean and Polish Your Jewellery ins on Send ,or bring to us your Rings, Bracelets, Brooches, Lockpts, Chains, Tie Pins, Cuff Links. Your last chance for this FREE CLEANING SER- VICE will be AUGUST 26th, W. H. HELLYAR Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optometrist. Residence Phone 174j., _______ ContinuingOur August Sale BOYS WASH SUITS Sizes 2 to 7 years, CLEARING AT 2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE HOUSE DRESSES Clearing a number of broken lines at 49c each OTHER BARG PINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE IRWIN'S " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE VARNA twenty-seventh of August. Miss Goodfellow of Teeswater, was Mr. Harold Connell had the misfor- a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. tune to run the hay fork through his Elmer Potter. hand recently. : He had been working(Miss Mabel Grigg of Toronto, vis - on the track in the barn, and look. tied over the week -end with her par- ing down, made a grab for the track, in mistake he grabbed the fork which pierced his hand, causing painful in- jury. Mr. and Mrs. George Connell and. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Herbison, Clinton. Mrs. George Connell is spending a GOIJERICH TOWNSHIP few days this week in Tuckersmith, where she is visiting her son, Roy Misses Shirley and Reta Beacom of Connell. Toronto, spent the week -end at • the Mrs. Applebyis spending a few home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. days with friends in Ingersoll. John Beacom of the Bayfield Line. Mrs: Jessie Stelck has returned Miss .Norma Welsh is visiting her home after spending. a couple of cousins, Misses Donna and Helen months in Windsor, the guest of her Welsh of Clinton this week. brother. Mr. Guy Hicks of Clinton, is visit - Mr, and Mrs. Koon of Goshen, In- ing Inc daughter, Mrs: Oliver Welsk diana, and Mrs. Charles Rathwell of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and London, called on friends in the Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton at - neighborhood. tended the Taylor -Davis wedding in Mrs. Jas. M. Reid and Gertrude Weston on August 7th, accompanied returned home after spending a few by Mr. Ted Middleton, who had been days with Mr, and Mrs: Lloyd Keys 'holidaying in Toronto, they motored and family.: to Haliburton, spending a few days 'Masters Alvin and Clayton Keys there, returning home by Bracebridge, are spending a few days in Clinton Collingwood and Owen Sound, with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and ,. Mrs, Jas. M. eRid.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaddick and daughter, Birdie, of Hyde Park, vis- ited at Mr. and Mrs. Will Potter's on Sunday. HOLMESVILLE - Miss Mary Grigg of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home, of- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Grigg. Mr, and Mrs. Will Gliddbn of Gode- rich, and Messrs. Dick and Fred Glid- den, of Dunlop, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewartha,' Miss Helen Thompson of the Bay- field line is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Batkin, Mrs. Tom Campbell and children are spending a few, days in Brussels. A community picnic, under the di- rection of the Holmesville, Ebenezer and Zion Sunday Schools, will be held at, Harbour Park, Goderich, on the 'Among The Churches Salvation Army Envoy Ferguson will conduct spe- cial meetings during the last week of; August and ' the first week of Sep- tember, in the Salvation Army Hall. Ontario Street and' Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. G. G. Burton, M•A., 13.D.; will preach i 11 Wesley - Willis United Church Sunday, August 22nd. Topics for the clay' will be: 11 a,in. "Representative .Sins." 7 :p. m. "Learning How to' Live." y3, _; . lRH4"+'.:F+':..�'!'`'!+'"!i i .f' 1"i. nR'* s :°LR '+«t f :�i"4''4«1 f«it f''': f f R + fHft4l4 f<'� R»f«R«1«'..'i«'+•''!«i«: THE ROME PAPER. f *Hf f f r! f, ff t _: 4. 1.e e. N R t f f ♦_ :144-04+;;444.14-1, W : rR'in+,+,w rHt H!,`r>r�$r+:«t-r,,l.,: r«t 4'""T :«:�i«$" wH•W T H+rr4.� rH;N+�H a�''i,v Tw;rr�rralt'x :4.844,..t.44444.1,44-0,-...., A ire Subscription to ,Th News- ' e~ ord ®ort y'ur 9 y etti'Si `.N w ta :HtiH: i�»!1• CLINTON •COLTS BADLY BEATEN Zurich Team Deserve 11-1 Victory Over Clinton. The Clinton Colts took a real tum- ble "last evening at the bands of the Zurich team an the Clinton diamond, the final score being 11-1, in a sev- en -inning ball game, and the score is 'pounce the engagement of their only The Farmers' Market Wheat, $1.10. Oats, 50c. Barley, 62c. Butterfat, apse., 30e; First, 28e Eggs, 23c, 20c, 16c, 14c. Live Hogs, $7.50. Engagements Announced Balloon Comes Down Near Clinton Messrs. Fergus VanEgmond and Harold Taylor picked up a balloon, which had conte to rest in. a field just north of the town, on Wednes- day, August 18th. - It was not a large ballon; and was sent up from Lansing, Mich., on August 11th.. The balloon was re - Mr. and Mrs. A. F. • Cudsnore an'- turned to Lansing. • a good indication of the play. The daughter, Margaret Mary, to Mr. Zurich team outsmarted the Clinton Harvey H. Taylor, youngest son of Bad Storm nOn Tuesday boys on every turn, and were well; Mrs. Taylor and the late M. Henry deserVing of the win. inions andiTaylor,of Hulett township th mar- Clinton was fortunate in escaping g ro tinent fon the severe storm i lack of hits were verya which struck our p riage to take place in September. Clinton, while the Zurich boys snap neighbours immediately south on ped up every thing that came along' Mr.;,and Mrs. Thomas M. Snowden Tuesday afternoon. and were. getting nice hits when they wish to announce the engagement of The torm reached cyclonic proper- counted. !their elder daughter, E lizabeth Rose- ' tions at Lucan where several thous - Hovey was on the mound for fihoamend, to Mr.. Russell A.Grainger, ands cf dollars ars worth of property a cttn est son of Mr. George rain- y g G was de4tr wasbitoftenwas s of ed. Roofs were torn io n locals and while he t � i ger and the lateGrainger, Mrs. of certainly not all to blame for the J;..houses and barns, trees were upsoat- lob-sided score, as he received very Alvinston. The marriage to take ed, and telephone and hydro Sures ragged support from the test of the place the early part, of September. I were severed. The whole storm last - team. The boys look as tliough they Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright, Londes- ed only about half an hour, and the need hours of practice to regain the hero, announce the engagement of destructive periost was over in five form that will enable them to win their youngest daughter, Mabel, to minutes, during which time the whole their group.David F. McLeod, son of Mrs. Don atmosphere seemed to be churned in - Heideman pitched nice ball for McLeod, and the late Mr. McLeod, to a white froth. It is reported 'that Zurich and held the Clinton heavy Auburn. The marriage to take place ]hailstones the size of walnuts fell hitters well in &heck, allowing only this month. during the peak of 'the storm, doing ono runner to reach home. 1 i much damage to corn and other Clinton secured their only run in , crops. the first, after retiring Zurich in or- MayReceives Corona Other points which suffered were Medal 1 St, Thomas, Brigclen, Mooretown, Wardsville; 'Tillsonburg and Guelph districts. At Exeter a barnbelong- ing to Syd. Wilson was totally de- stroyed by fire. Lucan however was worse stricken than other places. Com unity Campaign Runs Niue More Days Contest Very Keen — Contestants able are very necessaryif the con - Making Strenuous Efforts to Pile testants are aiming for one of the - Up Record Votes to Win Prizes major prizes. The tons of iron, etc., already received is mute evidence of Che monvotes nhave AMATEUR SHOW TONIGHT. received illifisoiriof the twiningcontestain ofts .junk New Subscriptions The popularity of the Clinton Com- Newsubscriptions to The News -Re ,munity Campaign increases and is cord carry 100,600 Bonus' Votes and exceeding the expectations of the gen- arrears carry lenge votes according to* eral public. C be people le ase doing b the regular schedule. then Part by buying trade cards ands. voting. on Free Vote Days in all the Free Vete, Day places of business in Clinton which are sponsoring the Campaign. I The Contestants ts aze busilY laying n E plans plans forthe nine daYs 1 t that re 3 pians in which the t V can improve then standing in the race. The Campaign ends of Saturday, August 28th. There are twenty contestants in the run- , and the standing from day to, 1day is posted in the places of business sponsoring the campaign. The con- 'testants are putting forth every ef- fort to secure voles by selling trade (cards, gathering junk, securing sub- scriptions and getting their boosters out on Free Vote Day. I The long list of Contestants have their eyes set on that first prize which is $400.00 in cash. The second prize is a Westinghouse Electric Re- frigerator; third prize a Fry & Blackall Chesterfield Suits; fourth prize, a Beatty Electric Washer, and fifth prize, a Westinghouse Electric Radio. These, along with the other fine prizes are on display at Cain- paign headquarters. Amateur Show der. White came home on Hawkins' double. In the second Zurich hopped on Mayor W. S. R. Hehner last week Hovey's offering and produced five received a beautiful silver medal runs, taking the upper hand for the commemorative of the Coronation of. rest of the game. They scored once King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in the fifth, once in the sixth, and on May 12th, carte through with four in the rev-`" The medal bears the inscription enth when the game was called due ICmg George VI and Queen Eliza - to darkness, and ranch to everyone's beth, Crowned 12th of May, 1037," relief. The final score was 11=1. The letter accompanying the medal Clinton line-up: McDonald, 3b; states that by command of their Ma - White, 2b; Wagg, 12; Hawkins, :0; jesties the medal is awarded to our Pickett, if; Glew, cf; Hanson, ib; mayor to be worn hi commemoration Johnson, ss; Hovey, p. of the Coronation. Umpires: O'Brien, behind the bat; Thorndike on the bases. Sunday Evening Band Exeter will play here tomorrow Concert night, in the final group game. The The band wilt play as usual tonight playoffs between Clinton and Zurich in Recreation Park. Again on Sun - will likely get under way next week. day evening they will give another of their splendid concerts. The fol- lowing Thursday evening, August 26. there will be no concert. The attendance at the last Sunday evening concert was good, and those attending were rewarded by some splendid musical entertainment. This Sunday evening will be no exception. Plan to be on hand. Clinton Juveniles secured sweet revenge on Monday evening when Annual Flower ,Show The annual flower show will be held Miss Har in the' Town Hall on Friday and Sat- Hensall they had lost by the close t k Miss Mary McKinnon of Moncton, N. CLINTON JUVENILES WALLOP HENSALL I3ob Draper Is Outstanding in 13.3 Drubbing PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. Fred Middleton is enjoying a trip through Western Canada. Mrs. Dames of .Brussels is visiting Mrs. Harry Bartliff. Judge and Mrs. L. C. Cranston of Lapeer are guests of Mrs. J. W. Treleaven. Miss Olive Johnson of Varna is the guest this week of d'2iss Ellen Fremlin. Miss Kay Parke of Lucan was the guests1 of Miss Jean Plum tee last Friday. Miss Madeline Watson of Hamilton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wacker. Miss' Harriet Courtice recently re- turned front a two weeks' visit with friends in St. Thomas. Misses Ida Walkinshaw and Maud Torrance have returned from their holiday trip to St. Clair, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice and Miss they handed Hensall a 13-3 drubbing Betty of Hamilton are visiting on the local diamond. Previously riet Courtice. margin of" 2 runs, the score on that today of his wee . B., has been visiting her. aunt, Mrs, occasion tieing 7 to 5. Bob Draper, I It is expected that this year the W. Jackson and other relatives in entries in the various classes will be town. start hurler of the Juveniles wasa' numerous, thus assuring keen coin- Miss Eleanor` Kemp, who has been big factor in Monday's win: Be- I petition, ;Thejudge will be Mr, sides allowing only 1 hit' in the ab- g Brown, of Lvisiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Liken, who is well known S. Kemp,, returned to Toronto on breviated contest, which fasted only as a horticulturist, and he will have.Saturday, five innings, Draper crashed out two no easy task in picking the best• Mar - three -baggers, which accounted for!specimens in each class. Flower lov- Mrs. Emily Pridham and Mrs. Mar - several .Clinton runs, He had eight garet Johnston of Toronto were vis - strike -outs to his credit. The locals err will have the opportunity of see- sting Goderich and Clinton friends connected with Redden's offerings I in the choicest selection of flowers which will be taken from the many during Old Home Week, and are eleven times: and were in the lead all `now visiting friends in Clinton, the way. The two teams will likely .beautiful gardens in town. Good Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Colquhoun, finish in a tie for first place, as both prizes will be awarded to the winners. their daughters, Jean and Hazel have lost only one game during the season. The game was a good. ex- hibition of ball, and a fine crowd o3 supporters were on deck to cheer the played on the Clinton Bowling green kids along. The locals have one last Friday, with rinks present from more game to play in Exeteg, before Stratford, Seaforth, Goderich, Exe- the playoffs commence, and if they ter and Clinton, keep up their present pace should carry off group honors. The players were: Clinton, Hawkins, 2b; G. Monteith, ss; - Neilans, 3b; Draper; p; Paxman, cf; Butler, If; R. Monteith, lbi, Col- quheun, c; Seeley, Campbell, rf. Hensall: M. Hudson, 2b; Tudor, ib; R. Passmore, e; Drummond, ss; M. Passmore, 3b; L. Hugon, cf; Shep- herd. rf; Joynt, if; Hedden, p. Umpires, Joynt, Hensall, John- son, Clinton, (bases). Today is the third Free Vote Day - Anyone sixteen sateen vert softie Y or over g will be ableo cast t 300 votes for ev- ery mile they live from Clinton up to (a 25 -mile limit. Those living in town will receive 300 Free Votes. Be sure and son Lawrence of Staffa were Bowling Notes_ visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons on Sunday. An interesting tournament was Mr. and Mrs. Oreon Eastman of St.. Louis, Miss., spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fulford and other friends in town. Mrs. -Elizabeth Kennedy and Mrs. M. T. Corless returned on Saturday af- ter spending a pleasant vacation with Mr. ,and Mrs. A. J. MacMur- ray of Harriston, who were camp- ing at Port Elgin. • Mr. Will Mutch of Orillia, Miss Dorothy Mutch of Clinton and their cousin, Miss Anne Beadle, Reg. N., of Detroit, left on Monday on a motor trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls, Kingston and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and sons, Ross and Bobby, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Cole of Detroit. Miss Maxine Miller, who has been with Mrs. Cole for sever- al weeks, returned home with them on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Whitmore and son, Harold, Mr, and Mrs. Iarol'd Whitmore and daughter, Mary, were visiting yesterday with rela- tives in Clinton and vicinity, hav- ing been, called to Seaforth, owing to the -.death of Mr'. R. A. Hearn, the ladys' father, who was buried in Clinton cemetery yesterday,, Women's Institute Picnic The : Clinton Branch of the Wo- men's Institute will hold their annual picnic at Harbour Park, Goderich, on Thursday, August 20th. The follow: ing ladies are taking cars: Mrs. J. B. Lavis, Miss Cuninghame, Miss Brig- ham, Mrs. Win. Resell and Mrs. Lock- wood..;Please ,be at the Agricultural Rooms at 1.30. A good time is ex - The prizes were won by the follow- ing—first, ollowingfirst, Mr. Binldey,'of Stratford; second, Mr. Hothon of Seaforth and third, Mr. J. Johnson of Goderich. The local jitney was held on Mon- day evening. About twenty took part in the evening's play and a keen con- test was enjoyed. The winners were. first, Dr. F. G. Thompson; , second, Caryl Draper; third, Howard Clark. Seaforth was hostabout forty rinks of bowlers on Wednesday af- ternoon, with rinks present from many points in Southern Ontario and. Detroit, - Clinton produced the winning rink bringing home the MacMillan trophy and the individual prizes—four'oecas ional chairs. - The members of the winning rink. were, A. McCartney, E. A. Fines, J. L Heard and :Frank Pennebaker. Others who went from Clinton, in- cluded Norman Miller, Percy Town, Can we 'find tine happiness today? petted. There will be a good program Dr. Thompson., Caryl Draper, Howard. What is the technique in the Art of of sports. Come and bring your has -.Clark, Reg: Shipley, Bill Johnson'ancl Living? ket and join in the fun. Ilarry Steeper In connection with the contest an Amateur Show is being held tonight in the Clinton Town Hall The con- testants are sponsoring the acts and the evening will no doubt prove very interesting and will be well worth go- ing to see. Be sure to attend and support your favorite contestant be- cause judged from the time and et - fort that they are putting into this contest the public are assured of a highly entertaining evening. Each ticket the contestant sells entitles them to 5,000 votes, Junk Headquarters To Close On Wednesday, August 25, the merchants' Junk Headquarters will close. The Campaign Manager tells us that Junk votes will positively not increase and advises all contestants to bring in their junk at once. There is a special $50.00 Cash prize for this item alone and the huge votes'obtaini- and register in all places of business. Bill Holland was the winner last week of the special $2.00 prize for the lucky signature. He signed line '74 in book 12 which was at Clifford Lobb's store. Why not try your luck this week and support your contest- ant at the same time? Bonus Vote Items There will be bonus votes as usual' on specially selected merchandise in thestores which will entitle the pur- chaser to 10,000 votes per dollar for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Most of the stores will have 25 and 50 cent grab bags which will carry 5,000 and 10,000 votes respectively. Watch the merchants' ads and in the stores for - these specials. STANDING OF SIGNED CONT7 ST. - ANTS, AUGUST 19TH. Mrs: Castle. Cora Streets: Margaret Biggins, Clinton„ R.R. 2. Roberta Laidlaw. Gaynell Whitmore, Clinton, R.R. 3 . Jean Cornish, Clinton, R.R.. Mrs. Frances Steep. Douglas Kennedy. Mrs: Henry Pickett. Dorothy Holland, Clinton, R.R. 4.. Bill Finch. Mrs. Gould. Mrs: Wilfred Colclough, Clinton, R.. Roy Mann. Mrs. Jas. Brown. - Mrs. Brennan. Florence Evans. Mrs. Gordon Ross. Mrs. Cooper. Faye Lindsay, Clinton, R. R. 5. Annual Decoration Services The annual Decoration Service at the Clinton . cemetery will be held on Sunday, August 22nd, at 2.80 p.m. The LO.O.F., L.O.L. and Veteran's Societies will form' up at the Library Park at 2 p.m., and headed by the Clinton Citizen's Band, will march to the Post Office Square, where the Memorial: Tablet- will be decorated. They will then proceed to the Clinton Cemetery. Death of Rev. J. F. Parke As we go to press, word is receiv- ed of the death early this morning of Rev. J. F. Parke, in Bayfield. Rev. Mr. Parke will 'be remembered by many in Clinton andvicinity as he was Rector of St. Paul's, Clinton, a- bout forty years ago. The funeral will be held on Fri- day afternoon, from Trinity Anglican, Church, Bayfield, at four o'clock. Little Locals Miss C. A. MacDonald has purchas- ed the building, in which she is now located, from the Jackson Estate. Mr. Jim Lovett has purchased one of the stores belonging to the Jack- son Estate. Mr. Medd will continue to conduct his barber business there. Mr.'Brenton Hellyar, who, has been teaching in Northern Ontario for sev- eral years, has been appointed Prin- cipal rincipal of the Bayfield School. Mr. Ed. Wendell has purchased the house on the corner of, Rattenbury and Gibbings street,which belonged to the Jackson Estate, and recently occupied by the late Fred Jackson. A Possible Candidate. N. W. Trewartha A large number of his friends are urging Mr. N. W. Trewartha to stay in the field for nomination as can— didate for the Liberal -Conservatives, in South Huron. Duron -Bruce Nomination - The Conservatives : of Huron-l#ruce riding will ineet in the Town Hall, Wingham, toijight at 8,p.m. toselect. a candidate for the forthcoming elec- tion. Four names ' have been suggested' as likely candidate's: Mayor John W. Hanna, W. C. Knox, Robert Bowman, and James McCutcheon. Hon. Leopold lilacauley; minister of c highways, in the Henry- adinnustaz,•-. tionr