HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-08-05, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
Which i
Incorporated The Clinton. New Era
The New Eza Est, 1865
NO. 5843. -58TH YEAR.
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for The ClWt
:'.p_sashs tasst +A'ssasses tasha4..+t`4atHW'„Ha athasaashar shasates seratathaeahats+ai ata ihst* s«1 s f * + M sa HHH+H + + NH ssaa +J+ H W HN ssatet +HHyHat-haSe+ taahh esSeat + + hesk +M ash+ + ♦' i i to y „ y
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geliable Watches
We again call attention to our grade of Watches. Good mater-
ial, fine finish and accurate adjustments are combined in our
high grade watches.
Our aim is not a question of price, but quality, like anything
else it is always cheapest in the end. So if you want a reliable
watch call on us.
Also a good line of clocks, which are guaranteed, to be good
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optometrist.'
Residence Phone 174j.
Summer Merchandise
Throughout the Store
Dresses - Coats - Suits
Lingerie - Hosiery - Sport Togs
Prices Being Slaughtered for
Quick Clearing,
Council met on Wednesday evening,
August 4th, at 7.30 o'clock, with
the following present: Mayor W. S.
R. Holmes; Clerk R. E. Manning;
Reeve Livermore, Councillors John-
ston, Paisley, Elliott and Nediger.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and, adopted as correct.
There were no communications, pe-
titions or deputations. No report from,
by-laws or special committees.
Moved by F. Livermore, seconded
by 0, L. Paisley, that Arthur Groves
be granted one 'week's holiday, and.
that F. Haines be appointed to take
his place. -Carried.
Reeve Livermore, reporting for the
Park Committee, reported that the
weeds and grass in Mary Street park
were running wild and should be cut.
Members 'were agreed on this, but no
motion made. No doubt the commit-
tee will take steps to remedy this.
0. L Paisley reporting on the
work of the Street Committee report-
ed that 2146 yards of gravel had been
placed on the streets, and that more
was necessary to finish up the Work.
In the meantime the crusher has/shut
down. The work is held up, due to
an overhang at the pit. Plenty of
discussion followed as to 'waysand
means of removing: this. It finally
was left in the hands of the street
Cateh basins at the High school
and at Mr. Plutnsteel's will be in-
stalled; decayed tree in front of Dr..
Hearn's residence will be attended to,
and 30 feet of sidewalk on Wellington
street will be .replaced.
The finance committee then pre-
sented their report which is as fols
Pay sheet . 103.75
H. Emmerson, tile ... 3.80
D, Elliott, repairing sidewalk 9.25
A. Fletcher, cleaning catch
basins ..
D. Steep, cutting weeds ...:, .90
Street Lighting
P. U. C., lighting streets.... 164,08
P. U. C., lighting town hall 6.31
P.U.C., lighting rest room.. 1.00
P.U.C., lighting 'stock scales 1.00
N. Tideswell, care rest room 2.00
W.'1t: Hawkins, labor, material 24.75
A. McCartney, 7000 lbs. coal . 45.50
J. C. Proctor, labor, repairs 6.75
Celebration July 12th ...... 5.00
P. U. 0„ lighting park , . . 2.07
M. McEsvan, salary ., ., 116.66
J. C. Proctor, acct. .. 2.00
W, J. Nediger, gas and oil 3,34
The Farmers' Market
Wheat, $1.10.
Oats, 50c.
Barley, 75c.
Butterfat, Spec., 30e; First, 28e,
Eggs, 25e, 22c, 17c, 15c.
Live Hogs, $10.25.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Plumsteel an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Margaret Grace, to Mr. John
Maurice Kingston, of Toronto, son of
Dr. and Mrs. 11. R. Kingston; of Lon-
don, the marriage to take place early
in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Archibald, of
Seaforth, announee the engagement
of their daughter, Isabel Grierson, to
Mr. Charles George Sherwood,' of
Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs.,. M. G.
Sherwood, of Seaforth, the marriage
to take place the latter part of Aug-
Drumhead Service In
Among The Churches
Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street
The Ontario' Street and Wesley
Willis United Churches will worship
in Wesley Willis Church on Sunday.
Mr. Lack Kennedy of Toronto is vis-
iting friends in Clinton his week.
The Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie
are holidaying at their home in
g Mr'. Robert Harvey of Flint, Mich„ COIIteStalltS Work and To Secure Early Lead
The morning sermon will be from Watford.
the topic, "A Still Small Voice." The was visiting Mr. Harry. Watkins . hi U,100 Prize Contest
subject of the evening sermon will the past week -end,
be, "The Worship of Luck." Miss Josie Carter and Mr.' Kenneth Results to date are gratifying last week's issue. that votes would be
Carter of Chatham spent the week- witht ConteTstants enrolling at Iiead,1 given on a large scale for various
Tall Millett
guar ers- o -day is the First ree,•
end at their home in town. lank items such as old car'batteries,
Vote bay at the Merchant's' Stores--
Alvin V. Corless spent the week -end hires, tubes, scrap iron and steel, etc,
Mr. Isaac Marwood of near Lon- and holiday with his .brother A. NEW CONTESTANTS INVITED according to the schedule on Page 3•
desboro brought into the Mews -Re- Benson Carless of'St. Marys. This is received and stored at the
cord office recently some Millett, The Misses Cochrane leave on Mon -
which was four feet six inches long. day for an extended trip through TERS OPEN- 1the Campaign it will be sold and
That is a mark at which to shoot. Saskatchewan and Alberta. ,, the money used to help defray the
bring in some more outstanding pro- M i s s Billie Stewart o f London "` merchants' expenses of running the
duets. spent the week -end with her par- The Clinton Community Campaign. campaign, There will be a grand
eiits. is off to a splendid start with a nuui- prize of $50.00 Cash to the contest -
Miss Mary Collyer of London, who is ber of contestants enrolled and each ant receiving the greatest number of
Little Locals holidaying in Bayfield, called on day sees new ones signing up for votes for junk only.
friends in Cliiiton on Tuesday. • ; a chance to win that $400.00 Cash j
Have you noticed the highway Miss Grace Bracey of Hamilton spent or one of the many other valuable: Free Vote Days -Cash Prizes
signs which have recently been placed the week -enol with her aunts, the prizes donated by the merchants: Thursday is Free Vote bay at all
within the town limits? Misses Tebbutt of town, 'sponsoring the campaign. sponsoring stores. On this day any -
Many homes throughout the noun-. one 16 years of age or over can gcs
try are being visited by the Coutes to all places of business in the cam -
tants who are soliciting support by mho, personally register and re -
Mr, and Mrs. Chubb of Highland ceive free votes according to sched
selling Trade Cards for the various
Park, Mich., were week -end visitors ule on Page 3.
merchants in the campaign and tel -
of Mr. and Mrs. John Stei9ing' !linggtheir friends of the different' A Special Cash Prize of $2.00 wilt
Mr. Ken. Rorke has returned home ways in which free votes may be ab- be given absolutely free to the Con -
after a trip to Montreal, Quebec tained, testant's Supporter who signs the
and Murray Bay. Iucky line in the lucky book, All
Canon and Mrs. Snelgrove of St, Mr, ,Anderson of Campaign Head- i the books are numbered and one will
Marys spent a day this week with quarters tells the News -Record that 1 be selected each Wednesday along
Rev. K. and Mrs. IVIcGoun at the although some of the Contestants ' with the lucky number. This will
Rectory. have already made wonderful pro- i be placed in a sealed envelope in
Mr. J. B. Rouse and daughter, Mabel, gress it is not too late for newcom- , Campaign Headquarters and opened'.
Band Concert :Sunday.of Muskegon, Michigan, are the ers to capture first place. A few Friday morning. The person who
guests of his niece, Mrs. W. T. good sales by a newcomer would signed the lucky line will receive
Evening Herman. change' the picture. Each contestant $2.00. ,
In 'order that members of the band Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton and is furnished with a quantity of Trade, Bonus Votes
Mrs. McLennan spent the week -end Cards which they sell to the public
in London, the guests of Mr. and who in turn use them to make pur- For Free Vote Day, Friday and:
Mrs. Ken. Roberton. chases at any of the stores in the Saturday all the stores will have spe•-
Miss Jean Morrison of Guelph has campaign: The Trade Card money sial lines of merchandise on which
been spending part of her holidays goes directly to the merchant not � votes of 10,000 to the dollar will be
as a guest of Miss Dorothy G. Cor- passing through Campaign Head- given. ,
less, quarters at all. The purchaser re- WATCH FOR THESE
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blatchford of ceives full value for his money and
Kindersley, Sask., are the guests incidentally helps his favorite eon- USE YOUR VOTES.
for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. testant by the votes. Each Five -
Charles Hawke: .Dollar Card entitles the contestant
Mrs. C. H. Venner, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- to 100,000 votes and each Two -Dollar
ter Pepper, and Mr. and Mrs. John Card, 20,000 votes. The cards are
Fotheringham attended the Wilton good for payments on account or pur-
family reunion in Stratford last chases and are good until used.
The Clinton Flower Show• will be Misses Ida Walkinshaw and Maud
held August 20-21. Prize lists will Torrance leave to -day for a vacs
be issued on Saturday, tion at St. Clair, Michigan.
A large number from Clinton and . No report has yet been received of
vicinity attended the Drumhead ser- the Lower School Results. We hope
vice held in Goderich on. Sunday, when to have them by next week.
the war veterans from the surround.-
urround-ing territory assembled foirthe oc-
The parade formed at Victoria
Park, marched to the Square, and
then to Harbour Park, where pro-
grams were furnished for the occas-
The park was filled to capacity
and the speaker for the day was Rev.
Sydney Lambert, Chaplain of Chris-
tie Street Hospital, Toronto. His re -,:nay attend the Goderich Old Boys'
marks were very appropriate for each' festivities, the regular Thursday ev-
an occasion as this was, He referred. ening concert will not be given this
to the great task which the war vet- week,
craps had undertaken and accomplish- A concert will be given in Recrea-
ed some twenty years ago, and the
tion Park onSunday
great' debt of gratitude the Dominion nevening, com-
of Canada owed them. Rev. Lambert reusing at 8.300p.
was listened to very attentatively by
his large audience.
After the parade the procession
formed and marched back to the
Square where a short, but very im-
pressive service was held in front of
the war memorial.
We would like to make special men-
tion of our own band. Of the four
bands in the parade they certainly
sounded the best to us, and many
favourable Comments were heard
Winners in the parade at Goderich
on Tuesday night were Mrs. C. V.
Cooke, best -dressed lady; Arthur
Gloves, men's comic; , Mrs. Wilfred
Colclough; ladies' comic.
Night Blooming Cereus -
Last night we were privileged to
see an unusual flower blooming in
Miss Florence Cuninghame's green-
Miss Cuninghame had a Queen
Cactus, called a night -blooming Cer-
eus,` in 'bloom. This plant blooms
once a year, .with the buds opening
on one night only. The bud opens
about them. We were real proud of gradually during the evening and af-
the old band, and we think we have ter midnight it would close its pet- Miss. Anna Cornish is visiting outstanding accounts carries large
just reason to feel se. als acrd droop. It was about nine -friends in. Mitchell. bonus votes.•
thirty when we saw the plant and it Mrs, 'Robinson, of Los Angeles,
Mr. Lee Kiefer, of London, spent
the week -end at his home here.
Customers making cash purchases
are entitled to 100 votes on every
dollar spent. The votes may be cast
for whichever contestant the purehes-
er desires. The settlement of long
F. W. Johnson, retlef, month 54.05
Co: of . Huron. indigent at
hospital . • 15.75
N. Kennedy, labor 1.60
D. Steep, labor 1.80.
Lions' Club flower beds10.00
Grants Football Semi -Finals
P.U.C., light, X-ray, hospital 66.82
,Stationery and Postage Clinton was eliminated from the
Postage . 3.00 football finals when they went down
Fire and Water to a 1-0 defeat,at Seaforth on Thurs-
Firemen's Salary, 6 months 232.50 day evening.
Insurance . As, the score indicates, the teams
Emma Levis, liability Inc: 85.00 were fairly evenly matched, but Sea -
Dry' Earth Closet forth had that extra finish around the
A. Fulford, salary 60,00 goal and on the forward line, and
Salaries really deserved the marker, Both
A. E. Fremlin, salary 65.00 teams however, had plenty of good
li.,; W. Groves, salary 50.00 chances, and both goalies had to. be
B, .Manning, salary 58,3$ on their toes.
F. Haines, relieving police25,00; In the first period Clinton pressed
L. Cree, special police3.75 hard fora goal, and"Dale put one
Harold Freinlin, spec, police ' 3,75 pest Bell. The goal was not allowed
E. Grealis, special police1.25 however, as the Soaforth. players
• General Municipal Expense claimed Dale was off -side, the refer -
Miss Walkinshaw, Typing , , 2.45 ee deciding in their favor.
C.N.R. rent, stock scales, , 5.00
Bell Tel, Co„ rent, acct, , 8.29
Insulin, .3 months 5.05
Street' •
J. B. Lavis, 2146 yds. gravel
at 20c . 429.20
M. L. Cardiff, 2146 yards
gravel at 40 $858.40
less paid $400,00 ,:,,, "458:40
W. J. Elliott, 2146 yards gra-
vel at 15e 321.90
Hall rent . 20.00
Fines 20.40
Cemetery, Perpetuity . 35.00
Work . 19.50
Market Scales
• Stock Scales ,
was an exquisite sight, delicately
fumed. Miss Cuninghame regrets
that site did not notice the bloom in
time to tell more about it. Howev-
er there are several more buds form-
ing and she hopes to be able to give
advance notice.
Both teams came out in the second
half determined to get, a goal, and
the play was fast and the checking
heavy. Seaforth peppered several
shots at Wilson in the Clinton goal,'
which he cleared safely one after the
other. During a wild scrimmage a-
round the goal Frank Sills rolled one
in to. give Seaforth the lead.
The light was very poor by this
time and the Clinton boys were un-
able to even up . the score, although
they put everything they had into the
final spurt.
Bateman ` as back; and Wilsonin
the' :Clinton goal, gave a nice exhibi-
3.40 tion of football and were the out -
24,35 standing players on die ;Clinton 'team:
California, and Miss Robinson of New Subscriptions
Wingham, visited Mrs. AIex. McKen-
zie last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and
family, and Mrs. W. Rattenbury,
spent a couple of days in Burlington
last week.
Messrs. Robt. Dalrymple, Jas. Mc-
Oully, Ralph Newton and Fred New-
ington have secured work in the to-
bacco fields at Delhi.
Mrs. II. Thornton and son, Nor-
man, of Hamilton, spent a couple of
days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Patter -
Messrs. Wm. McIntosh and C. D.
Simpson spent the week -end. at Port
Miss Ellen' Scott, of London, • vis-
ited at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs: R. Lawson, of Huh
lett, visited with Mr. and Mrs, T.
Davidson last week, and also visited
her aunt, Mrs. Jas. McQueen.
Mrs. B. Shouldice, of Crediton,
spent Monday with her daughter,
Mrs. A. Patterson.
Miss L Graham, of Seaforth, is
the guest of Mr, and Mrs, A. Mc-
Betty and Jack Rattenbury, of Bur-
lington, arevisiting their cousins,
Ruth and Kenneth Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Humphrey, of Detroit,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and
son, 01 Stratford, spe0t the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler.
Mrs.' Lottie McAsh of London is
visiting with Mrs. Margaret McICen-
Mrs. Agnes Stewart, Mrs, Earl
Stewart anjl Herb. Stewart, of To-
ronto, visited their cousins, Mrs. John
Grainger and Miss Edith Bowey, ov-
er the holiday.
MY,r, and' Mrs. John Watson'' and
On all subscriptions both old and
new paid at the Clinton News -Record
office, contestants will be given a
large quantity of votes according to
the schedule on Page 3.
Junk Headquarters Open-
pen--em iy Prize $50{00
The Merchant's .Junk Headquarters
is now open and is located at the
Skating Rink. It was explained in
Standing of Signed Contestants.
Mrs. S. Castle, Clinton.
Douglas Kennedy, Clinton.
Roberta Laidlaw, Clinton.
Frances Steep, Clinton.
Margaret Biggins, Clinton, R.R. 2..
Mrs. WalIie Crich, Clinton, R. R. 4,
Jean Cornish, Clinton, R, R. 1.
Mrs. E. Gould, Clinton,
Mrs. Gordon Ross, Clinton.
Florence Evans, Clinton,
Mrs, Graydon Neal, Clinton, R.R. 2,
Gaynell Whitmore, Clinton, R. R. 3..
Dorothy Holland, Clinton, R. R. 4,.
Roy Mann, Clinton.
Mary , Stew
art' Clinton.
Mrs. M. Agnew, Clinton.
Mrs. J. Brennan, Clinton,
Cora Streets, Clinton.
Mrs. J, Brown, Clinton.
Mrs. C. Hawke, Clinton.
Mrs. Henry. Pickett, Clinton.
New Qpntestants cordially invited
to enter the campaign.: Come to
Campaign Headquarters Nowl
family spent the week -end with
friends in Chatham.
Miss Jean Watson has been spend.
ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs,
Earl Lawson, Constance.
Mr. and Mrs. ' John Fotheringham
attended the Wilton Picnic held in
Stratford last Saturday.
Miss Muriel and Harriet Wise .viss
ited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend
last week,
Messrs. M. and S. Shannon of
Walton visited with Mr, and Mrs. N.
Garrett on Sunday last.
The August meeting of the Ladies'
Club will be dispensed with. The
September meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Austin Matheson.:
Mrs. A. L. Trick of Dorchester is
visiting this week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. F. Townsend. ' k
Many from this neighborhood are
attending Old Boys' Week at Code -
T'urner's Church held their S. S.
picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield,
on Wednesday last. A good erowd
and a good day made a very enjoy-
able day for everyone.
Queen Observes Birthday
Queen Elizabeth observed her 37th
birthday on August 4th, in the high
lands at Balmoral, Scotland.,
The King presented her with a dia-
mond and emerald bracelet, worked lig
a design of Tudor roses and Scotch
thistles. Numerous messages of con-
gratulation were received front alt
corners of the Empire.
Thomson -Farquharson
A quiet wedding was solemnized iiia.
Walton United Church manse on
Wednesday, July 28th, at high noon,
when Edna Isobel, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Farquharson, of
Walton, was united ` in marriage to,
Mr. Norman Thomson, of Brussels.
liev.. C Curnmiiigs of Walton, per-
formed the ceremony. The bride,
who wasunattended, wore a beautiful'
flowered georgette gown and carried'
a bouquet of roses. The wedding
dinner was served at the home of the
bride's parents. The bride'l going -
away dress was robin's blue .sheer
with navy blue trimmings. After ai
?motor trip to Muskoka, Callander and
Toronto, they will take; tips residence
in Brussels, '•