HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-07-29, Page 4THcRS. JULY 29, 1937. :E "CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAG, Opening Saturday 31st, 1937 ammo w, Closing°tura X 957 HE GREAT Fi Amacroiessamexatop ST -PRIZE --- $400 CASH These and Many Other Beautiful Prizes on display at Campaign Headquarters ,SECOND PRIZE WESTINGHOUSE Electric Refrigerator THIRD PRIZE FRY and IILACKHALL 3 -Piece Chesterfield nate Can Win as Easily as Anyone! Instructions and Rules of Campaign No. 1.—Anyone over 16 years of age, able bodied and active, is eligible to enter this cam- paign. No. 2.—Come to campaign headquarters NOW, the campaign manager will gladly explain everything in detail to you. No. 3.-1 vote will be east on each one cent in every purchase. 5 votes will be cast on each one cent paid on accounts that were opened prior to the beginning of the cam- paign. No-. 4.—Votes will only be cast on CASH trans- actions. No. 5.—Votes must be cast at time of transaction. No. 6.—Votes will not be allowed on any whole- sale business, or any government or mun- icipal funds, or funeral accounts. No. 7. --Campaign manager has final and absolute charge of votes and all details governing this campaign, His decision is final. No. S.—Anyone directly connected with the mer- chants sponsoring this campaign cannot enter this campaign and must remain neutral. No, 9.—Merchants' and clerk's are strictly neutral. Don't,ask their help during the campaign; it is forbidden. No. 10. --Soliciting votes in or around the stores is strictly forbidden. No. 11.—Votes are not transferable after they have been reeorded. No. 12.—Campaign manager reserves the right to disqualify any contestant not complying with the rules of this campaign. No. 13.—Final day's check of votes will be made by two local citizens. THE MATERIAL USED IN THIS CAMPAIGN IS COPYRIGHTED. YOU CERTAIIViY COULD USE THAT ash PRIZF ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GIVE A LIT- TLE TIME AND EFFORT. 111111•11111s Watch For The Stores With The BLUE AND WHITE CAMPAIGN SIGNS All Local Merchants are invited to participate. See the manager at headquarters for details. List of merchants now participating appears on front page. Campaign Manager: Robert Anderson. Secretary: Miss K Cameron. FOURTH PRIZE Beatty Electric Washing Machine FIFTH PRIZE WESTINGHOUSE All Electric Console Radio Clinton Business Firms Offer $1,100 in Prizes With First Prize $400. Wonderful Opportunity Offered Citizens of Clinton and Surrounding Dis- trict to Win Valuable Prizes During Campaign Which Starts on Sat- urday and Ends August 28th. The Campaign Has Many Interesting and Novel Features Explained Herewith. A. number of Clinton leading bus- inessmen have joined together to put over a Community Boosting Cam- paign that promises to be one of the biggest things of its kind ever at- tempted in Clinton. The Campaign, with Robert Ander- son as manager, will open on Satur- day, July 31st, and continue four weeks, ending on Saturday,,August 28th, at the close of businessHead- quarters are established on Huron Street. Campaign headquarters will be op- en every- week from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. and information will be cheerfully given. Phone number is 239. If you are 16 years or age or over and live in CP.nton or within a rad- ius of twenty-five miles and would like to earn $400,00 in the next four weeks, come to headquarters, enter your naive and receive full informa- tion. There is no charge whatsoever. The prize List is outstanding and is well worth the time and effort to the contestants. For every cent spent at the stores sponsoring the campaign, whether in payment for goods purchased or in payment_ of accounts, one or more votes may be cast. , VOTES FOR JUNK Votes may be secured by gather- ing old junk, such as old metals, in- ner tubes, tires, magazines, wet bat- teries, auto radiators, newspapers and catalogues. See junk vote schedule. Junk headquarters will be announced next week. FREE. VOTE DAYS -CASH PRIZES Every Thursday _will be Free Vote Day, Contestants then will be able to receive at all stores large blocks of votes from supporters who merely register at these places. Votes will be east at such times on the basis of the number of miles driven with a limit of twenty-five mites. Also on Thursday, certain lines of mer- chandise will be put on as specials, when the vote allowances will be in- creased above the regular schedule of one vote for each one cent spent. A special cash prize' of $2.00 will be awarded to the person who signs the lucky line in the lucky book each Thursday. You are under no obliga- tion to buy. See your co'btestant for full details about this offer. . SPECIAL CASH AWARDS There will be a grand cash prize to the contestant obtaining the larg- est vote total for junk during the whole campaign. The collection of junk, which is a novel feature of this campaign, is the reason why an expensive prize list is possible, for at the end of the cam- paign the junk is sold and the pro- ceeds applied against the Merchants' Expense Fund, The standing of the contestants will be posted each day in every place of business taking part. A very excit- ing and profitable four welts is pro- mised. It does not cost anything to try, you simply have to get a group of -friends helping you by their votes and their interest. Contestants must enroll and re- ceive a copy of the rules. Get your family, friends, club, groups, etc., to help you make a bid for the first prize. Anyone 16 Years or Over May Enter COUNTRY CONTESTANTS ESPECIALLY INVITED TO ENTER IT WILL - COST YOU NOTHING Come to the Campaign, Headquarters for full particulars' YOU CAN WIN AS EASILY AS ANYONE! The Campaign Manager Will Be Glad To Explain Everything Thoroughly., 1'OU CERTAINLY COULD USE THAT BIG CASH PRIZE. AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE PRIZES Cone in and See THEM Free Vote ays Anyone 16 years of ago or over may visit each store on the following dates and must personally register and will receive free votes as per schedule below. Out of town residents will, upon registering their actual mileage, receive the number of votes available that day for every mile they drive to Clinton up to e limit of 25 utiles. " THURSDAY, AUGUST 5TII 100 Votes per Mile THURSDAY, AUGUST 12T11 200 Votes per Mile. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19TH 300 Votes per Mile. THURSDAY, AUGUST, 26TH 500 Votes Per Mile. SCRAP SCHEDULE Beginning Wednesday, August 4th Ending Wednesday, August 25th. Car Radiators 60,000 Votes Each Wet Batteries 30,000 Votes Each Rags ,, , 3,000 Votes lb. Old Tires 5,000 Votes Each Old Tubes ;p,000 Votes Each Newspapers must be in bundles 500 Votes Eaeh lb. Magazines, must be in bundles ' 500 Votes Each Ib. Heavy Catalogues 2 000 Votes Each Cast Aluminum, per !b,......10,000 Votes Cast Iron and Steel, per lb. 1 000 Votes Lead and Zinc, per ib, 10,000 Votes Copper and Brass, per Ib. . , 10,000 Votes BRING IT IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD. Country. Contestants ADVANTAGES Free Vote Mileage Easier to Get Junk. Clubs, Lodges, Organizations Have found this an Excellent, Simple and Interesting' Way to Secure Funds. Important. Customers visiting any or all stores, when pay- ing accounts or making purchases, please see that the votes are placed on Vote Sheets to the credit of your favorite contestant. THE BEST WAY TO HELP YOUR; FAVOUIIITE CONTESTANT IS TO PURCHASE Tra.e Car TO USE IN MAKING PURCIHASES OR SETTLING ACCOUNTS Trade Cards Will Carry the Following , Votes Values $2.00 TRADE CARD, 20,000 VOTES $5.00 TRADE CARDS, 100,000 VOTES 8 $2.00 i CASH Given away every Free Vote Day to the person signing the lucky line in the lucky book on any of these days. See your contestant for de- tails. Please Note! This campaign is managed ,and 'conducted by the originators of the plan in Canada, Canad- ian Community. Campaigns. We advise mer- chants everywhere to beware of imitations. This plan is copyrighted. Canadian Community. Campaigns 217 Bay St., Toronto .1. H. CLARK, Sales Manager. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Huron Street FOR Information Phone 239. ,