HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-07-22, Page 9.f"HURS.' JULY 22, 1937. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 7 /ARE WE THANKFUL? Last Spring the farmersin West- --'ern Canada planted their crops with a great deal of hard work and an un- limited supply of hope. For years they have been sowing the, seed and I reaping ruin in the form ofcyclones, dust storm, drought and grasshop- pers. The Western farmer is made • of stern stuff. Several set-baelcs 'do not lessen his courage. He sows his seed and hones that 1937 will not be like 1936, Ile is sure that his luck will change. In spite of his high hopes, 1937 is like 1936 and the farmer of Western ;anada is facing another harvest - V. time with little or nothing to harvest,. He does not want to give in and take relief. But as conditions are at pre- sent, that situation will be forced on "him, unless the people of the better- ' treated sections of Canada send re- lief in the shape of food and clothing -to carry him through to another sea Bon, This is in dieeot contrast to the etory of Ontario. We are told daily be the newspapers that the crops are doing exceedingly well in Ontario. The hay crop was heavy this year and the wheat and barley began to fill oet -and ripen a week to ten days ear- lier, which meant that the harvesting operations followed closely on the. ' heels of haying, leaving the tired • farmer' no time in which to take things easy .for a day or two, often the grain had to be cut before haying -'was completed, because farm helpers were not numerous. • Ontario has heen visited by a hot, 'dry July, which snakes our gardens wilt, but it is not as hot as it was a "year ago. Our harvest is plentiful, our gardens will yield more than we Will need fee use,.dering the winter. We want to be',repur;enl to help our western brother, who is going through' a difficult thne without coin- plaining. Whets we send our car- loads of vegetables west in the fall, let us give all we can. „ { AUBURN Mrs. John Phillips, Royce and Ar- nold are spending their vacation with Mrs, Guy Durham at St, George., Mrs. Bunking and Mrs. Mugford left on Wednesday for their new ,home in Clinton. They will be, mis- sed here. Jaynes; Ball of Eberts is visiting friends here. Donald Ross is visiting in Luck now, Mr. and Mrs: Norman Mutch. who have been visiting the former's moth- er• have returned' to their hone' in Alberta... )141117 Two members of the Auburn IBranch of the Women's Institute have been presented with gifts as Ithey are leaving this district. Mrs. Oliver McBelen, who has moved to Goderieh received a wall mirror, and Mrs. J. Hunking, who has gone to Clinton, was made the recipient of a purse. INSTALL NEW MACHINERY The Exeter Canning factory have started their pea -pack. The factory has installed some new machinery for speeding ue the work. New capping machines do the work about six times faster than the machines used last year. MID -SUMMER SALE Sale Days July 26th to 31st A' VISIT TO OUR STORE DURING THIS SALE WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICE ON SUGAR BY THE BAG. CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. for 25c PICKLES, Sweet, Mixed, large jar 25c SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per ]b. 49c (One Cup and Saucer Free with Each Pound) BLACK PEPPER, Finest Quality, lb. 30c PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 90c - (One lb. Baking Soda Free with Each Bag) COFFEE, Fresh Ground, per ib. • 25c HONEY, New Season's No. 5 Pail 45c SALT, 2 lb. Carton 5c CROWN GLASS JARS, Small,. dozen , , , .. ...$1.04 MEDIUM, dozen . $1.14 AEROXON FLY CATCHER, 3 for 5c T. R. THOMPSON Phone 111—CLINTON. During Clinton's Mid -summer Sale See George Jenkins for Prices on BUILDERS' SUPPLIRF. Si .IJ.4JFa 3JMTy n'".1 (:F,MENP. Geo. T. Jenkins Clinton, Ontario. DURING CLINTONS 1VIID-SUMMER SALE DROP INTO. BROWNIE'S SERVICE STATION We Specialize in GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES. HIGH-PRESSURE GREASE JOBS AND WASHING. SHELL GAS AND OILS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BROWNIE'S SERVICE STATION Phone 5 -Ontario. Street, East. 1 WHEN DOING YOUR SHOPPING AT CLINTON BRING YOUR CREAM,. EGGS & POULTRY to Clinton dreamer A Special Price for Eggs the Balance of- the Week INCLUDING SATURDAY NIGHT. Eggs 22, 20, 15 Creamery Phone, 146w. Poultry Phone 145j. REAL BARGAINS DURING CLINTON'S BIG MID -SUMMER SALE A NUMBER OF WORK SHOES Fold reg. for $3.25. • During this Sale SPECIAL 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish, 3 cans for .Also All Kinds of White Polish. JAMES LOVETT First -Class Shoe Repairing. 25 25c aDi barg 1937 .' MCO' used for Diemonstration Purposes Only. Regular .Price, $64.96. SALE PRICE $45.00 W. GLEN COOK Thune 171—Clinton. 3AYFIELD Miss Noiah Guest of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Dawna Toms. , Miss, Dorothy Ruston, Mr. 'George; Casey,' Miss Mable Hanson and Mr., Wilfred Herbert of Mitchell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Par- ker on Sunday. Mrs. E. Caere returned to Toronto on Sunday after having spent -some time with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Parke, "Paradise Farm." Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McBride and three children, Bobby, 'Muriel and Mary, of Kitchener spent last week, with Mrs. McBride's mother, Mrs. Ag- nes Currie. Mr, Leon Ellsworth of Detroit vis- ited his cousin, Mrs. Jno. Pease, last week. Miss Irene Jones of Oro Station. came last week .to spend sometime with her sister, Mrs. A. R. Seeds. Mr•, and Mrs. C. L. Guest returned to Toronto on Sunday after having spent a week with. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Toms. They were accompanied by Billie Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiley of De- troit spent the week -end with Mrs. M. Castle. Mrs. Ellen Howard and grandson, Gordon Mason, who ac- conmpanied them from Detroit, re- mained for a longer visit with ' her sister. Miss Louise McLeod of Detroit is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Geneinhardt and family of Saginaw, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and family of Toronto aye spending a cou- ple of weeks with their parents, Me. and Mrs. F. C. Gelneinhardt. Miss Patricia Pinkerton of Orillia is the guest of Miss Peggy Orr. Misses Emily and Helen Bugler of London are visiting their brother, Rev. W. G. Bugler, at the Rectory. Mr. W. J. Bugler who has been vis - Writ. his son, returned to London on Sunday evening. Dr. E. P. Lewis of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the week -end. On his return on Monday he was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis who had been visiting her Bedding tTP•, Plants Cut Flowers of all Designs Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j WANTED. POULTRY AND EGGS We expect better prices Inc Poul- try this season and are in the mar- ket everyday for Broilers, Chickens and Hens at top Cash Prices, Our city trade is demanding more white eggs. Highest prices paid•for all grades of eggs for cash. Poultry Culling `done by an ex- perienced poultryman. Rev. and Mks. H. LangFord, St, Mary's Church, Walkerville, motored to their cottage on the Elliott pro- perty south of the village on Sunday. Me. LangFord returned to Walker- ville on Monday while Mrs. LangFord remained at the cottage with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Bricker and two children of Kitchener. Mr. John Marks met with a pain- ful accident on Saturday evening when his car suddenly lurched into the ditch and turned over on the sideroad between the Marks hone and the Br'ucefield Road. The top and all the glass in the car was smashed. John received cuts and bruises and a bad scalp wound while the other occupants of the car es- eaped unhurt. The congregation of Trinity Church ,Bayfield, enjoyed special music on Sunday morning last when the Boys Choir of St. John's Church, Kitchen- er, led the singing , under the direc- tion of their organist and choir1peee ter, Mr. Mason. Plie boys, ih Their red cassocks, observed the procession- al and recessional. During the Of- fertory they sang the anthem, "The Lord is my Shepherd." Mr, and Mts. Henry McClinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McClihchey and family of Detroit spent the week -end at the former's home in the village. Mrs. Bingley, Miss. Ada Bingley, Detroit, and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and three children of Detroit are visiting Mies Rachel Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Genieinhardt, Norval Gemeinhaedt a n d Gilbert Knight left to -day on a fishing trip to Lake Couehiching and other parts. Anniversary services will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 25th, at 11 a.ol. and 7.30 p.m. The newly -inducted Pester, Rev. Gordon'Peddie, B.A., will preach at both services. There will be spe- cial music, Mrs. Wm;-Aberharde and two chil- dren of Mitchell are at A the berhardt cottage. • Mrs, David Dewar spent the week- end in Toronto. Mr. T. Crane of Detroit is visit- ing his isit-ing'his grandfather, Richard Weston. The members of Trinity Church are busy preparing for their garden pasty on July 27, when the Band of the Royal Canadian Regiment, Lon- don, is to give the program. Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. P. Ferguson of London spent the week -end with the for'nier's mother,, Mrs, J. Ferguson. Mr. Lawrence Foivlie of London spent the week end with his sisters, Misses Be and E. Fowiie. lliiss Anne Govenlock' of Weston is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Fergu- son. • Miss Jean Balkwill of London is visiting Miss Norah Ferguson. N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214W MARRIAGES McMICHAEL—WRIGHT— On Satur- day, July 17th, Mabel Mary Wright,. of Hullett, was united in marriage to Thomas Scott McMichaeI, of Hullett, by Rev. Joseph Elford, of Egmondville. DEATHS GANDIER — In Southampton, on Monday, July 19th, as a result of' a motor accident, Robert Gus, younger son of Mrs. Gandier and the late Dr. J. C .Gandier•, in his 19th year. ROBSON—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, July 16th, 1937, Isabella Diusley, widow of the late Nicholas Robson, in her 90th year. CALLAGHAN In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, July 14th, as a result ofan acci- dent, Walter Callaghan of Tucker - smith, in his 63rd year. FINN—In Toronto, on Friday; July 16th, Amy Ellen (Hamshere) Finn, 'sister of Mrs. W. H. Hellyar, Clin- ton. NEW VVATERING SYSTEM INSTALLED AT CEMETERY GODERICIL—With the erection of a '10,000 gallon stand -pipe and the laying of new mains. and 1,000 feet of feeder lines completed, the new waterworks system at Maitland cem- etery was placed in commission today for the first time, The improvement fills a long felt want. The pressure is excellent, newly laid pipes -serving the remotest part of the cemetery. The work was done under the chair- Admisaiess 35e. Red Rnh'I's Orchestra. eseeship of Councillor J. W. Oraigie,t r 1. 41-2. �,a,l ..,3., r _ BOXY THEATRE Clinton. Now: Joe E. Brown ini "When's Your Birthday" Mon., Tues., Wed. A Big Double 13111 with Charlie Chan at the Opera, and Jane Withers in "Angel's Holiday" As an added Attraction, the pie - tures of the Louis -Braddock Fight Thurs., Fri., Sat. SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN "Little Miss Marker"- with: Adolph Menjou, ` Dell and Charles Bickford. Coining: "Wings of the Morning" in teehnico]or. Mat. :Sat. and holidays at 3 pen. CAPITAL THEATRE Godr•ich Now: Richard •Arlen in: "SILENT BARRIERS" Mon., Tues„ Wed. "Wings of the Morning hi Beautiful New Color The grand picture_ that has won acclaim from all classes Starr. Annabelle & Henry ,Fonda Thurs., Fri:, Sat. JOE E. BROWN blows in againon a tornado of laughs "RIDING ON, AIR" with Guy .Kibbee, • Florence Rice Coming: "The •Gay Desperado's and the Braddock -Louis Fight. • Mat.; 'Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seafor•th Now: Will Rogers and Janet Gay- nor in "STATE FAIR." Added: Attractions Thi Loui,a- Braddock Fight yid Mc. , Tues., Wed, Dick Powell' and Alice Faye present a pleasing and entertain- in•g musical -comedy hit "ON THE AVENUE" with The Ritz Brothers - Thurs., 'Fri,, Sat. RICHARD ARLEN heads a capable cast in the epic ' story of the C.P.R. "Silent Barriers" Chilling: Warner Baxter and Wal- lace Beery in "SLAVE, SHIP." Mat,: Sat and Holidays. at 3 p.m• ST. HELENS' Mr. Chas, Rathwell, London; Mrs. Wm. Rathwell, Southwold; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dougherty and daughter, Gwendolyn, Guelph; Dr. and Mrs. Al- vin Woods, and Wilson Woods of Dundas, spent the week -end with Mrs R. J. Woods. Misses Isabel and Loreen Miller returned home after attending Sum- mer School near Goderich. Mrs. W. A. Miller and son, Alan. Mrs R. IC..Miller and Mrs. Wm. Gor- don, visited friends in Goderich re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. John McAndrew, their son, Jini, and daughter, Agnes, of Fargo, North Dakota, visited recent- ly with their cousin. Mrs. Robinson; Woods and I; Rev. Mr. Wright' and family leave this week to spend a couple of weeks with friends in Leamington and' Lon- don. Mr. Alex. Murdie of Toronto, and Me. II. Slynchee, Stratford, visited with Mr. Robinson Woods and fam- ily over the week -end. Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford spent the week -end at his home here. Quite a number from here attended the Women's Institute picnic at I{in- caedine on Tuesday. GODiERICH.TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. George Rathwell and Mr. and Mrs. Will Whitfworth and. daughter, Marylin, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Isaac Rathwell, AUCTION SALE Of good; young, farm horses at Cudmore's sale barn, Seafoi'th, on Monday, July 26th; at 1.30 p•ne. A carload of young farm horses from 3 to7 yeas ranging it weight from 1300 to 1500 lbs. ° All horses are well broken, quiet and'reliable. Teems Cash. R. Keeler, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 41-1. NOTICE OF POSTING VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1937, Municipality of Stanley, County of Iluron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section '7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that 1 have posted up at my office at Varna on the 17th day of July, 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munieipality at Municipal elections, and that such list remains: there for inspection. And'I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed ,according to law, the last day for appeal.` being August 9th,' 1937. Dated this 19th day of July, 1937. —CHAS: C. PILGRIM, Clerk. THE BAYFIELD GOLF., CLUI3. will sponsor a CE AT JOWPTT'S PAVILION,. _BAYFIELD. Friday Evening, July 30th Have You Tried Our SUNSOY, GRANMEAL, WHOLE- WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT, RAISIN, FRUIT & NUT, BUTTER MILK, BRICK, ROUND or POTATOE BREAD. If not phone and have our driver call. Bartliff & Crich Makers of Crispy Crust Bread Phone 1. Clinton. Look Like a Million Dollars. Have your Suit Cleaned & Pressed at GLIDDON'S First for Quality Work & Service. 1 WEEK SPECIAL 3 -Piece Suit 85c 4 -Piece Suit " $1.35. Ladies' Coats • 85c Goods Called For and Delivered. Kennedyllosiery PURE SILK CREPES AND CHIFFONS. Knee High and Full Length. WENDORF'S Special CAKES, TARTS, BUNS, JELLY ROLL. OR ANY KIND OF PASTRY ALWAYS FRESH ICE CREAM Really Good Ice Cream—Real Flavor. MOST FOR YOUR MONEY 1 These hose can be bought direct from the Plant on James Street, Kellnedyllosiery Clinton W ENDORF'S IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDGEMENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re• suit of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out-of-town accounts. No collection, no charge — Mail your list of accounts to -day to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 176) • HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. 41-tf House For Rent A very desirable 8 -roomed (house on Victoria street. Modern convenien- ces. Apply to Mrs. Leo. Cronyn, phone 13-11, Blyth. 40-tf. For Sale or Rent Good 7 -room cottage on Victoria street. Modern conveniences. In excellent condition. Good garage and garden. Apply to Mr's. W. C. Wallis, Clinton, Phone 138. 40-2. Garden Party At Grace Church, 'Porters Hill, on Friday, July 30th. A meat supper will be served from 0 to 8, followed by a play. Admission, Adults 35c, Children 20c. , 40.2. Housekeeper Wanted A. middle-aged lady for general. housework. A permanent position if BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) THIS 50c SERVICE 'FREE DURING JULY ONLY The tubes in your Radio accurately tested and labelled in your own home. Also a Free Estimate on any Repairs Necessary. No ob- ligation. Phone 213 E. E. Mittel' Authorized Radio trician Citizens Of Clinton:_ AND VICINITY. You can now get a 3 -Piece Men's Suit Dry -Cleaned for 85c. Cash and Carry. Ladies' Plain Dresses, 85c. 2 -Piece Dress, $1.25. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALBERT PALMER Isaac Street, Clinton. COLLECTION OF DEBTS What better proof of satisfactory results and absolute integrity can you have than our record of 47 years continuous handling of collections, KELLY & AIKEN The Collectors, ORANGEVILLE,• ONTARIO. Est. 1890. No collection—No charge. for our for our services, 35-8. AUTO, ACCIDENT AND FIRE INSURANCE '1 'Tete EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Phone 203—Cutler St., Clinton. -foeR 29-tf, DON'T LET ACCIDENTS 1N'1'Lrlt• FERE -WITH EARNING POWER, Gar, Accident, Life, Wind and Fire Insurance. Inquire About Rates. JAMES REYNOLDS, CLINTON. Ontario. satisfactory. Two school-age girls in 32-tf. family. • Apply to Walter Mair, Clin- ton. 40-2. MUST SELL EVE IYTHING Owner Left Town— Property Changed Hands One General Motors Frigidaire, Ige, suitable for Hospital, Grocery Store, Hotel, Restaurant, Etc, One Ice Cream and Combination Cabinet, General Motors, capacity 10 gals. Ice Cream and 4 cases. of pop. These two items are as good as new and want seeing to appl:eciate same, 0 n e Battery Charger, Tungar, charges 6 batteries at one time, in good shape; Air Compressor Motor, tank and fixtures, good; cycle repair stock, etc., too numerous to mention. Write Box 284, Clinton, Or Call at North End Gar- age, Clinton. New 1937 Honey may be had at, MUTCII'S, LOBI) S, O'NEIL'S THOMPSON'S RILEY'S, SCOTT'S, JORDAN'S and JERVIS'S.. For Prompt ,Delivery call at Oi1R HONEY HOUSE, Princess St. • Ask For Cudinore's and Get the Best. A. F. Cudmore Son` Clinton -Phone 192. FOR RENT MODERN SERVICE STATION FULLY EQUIPPER. RENT REASONABLE. Located on No. 8 Highway, Clinton. Poultry Wanted When you have fowl to cull or poultry of any kind for sale, call us for highest prices. We also buy and sell all breeds of Pullets. G. Pear- son, Clinton, Phone 226. 38-6. For Sale A house and barn on Wellington Street. Water and hydro. Apply to J. E. Howard, 31 on 624, Clinton. 37-tf. ANNOUNC'EMEN'T . Mr. Ernest Bell of Porter's Hill is closing his blacksmith shop for four months. He will open for business on November 1st. He wishes to thanhchis patrons and hopes for' their continued patronage in the fu- ture. 41-1. Stray Cattle Beast Weighs about 800, 2 years old, red, with a star. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. Mel, Webster, Varna. phone 15 on. 622, Clinton. 41-1. Wanted Old 'horses or cattle for mink feed. Will pay according to value. If dead phone at once. E. Trick, phone 607x5, or L. Batkin, 611r12, Clinton. 40-e.o.w.4f. For Sale Several articles of furniture, in- cluding antique n-cluding'antique chest of drawers and ivory enamelled bedroom suite. Ap- ply to Maud Wiltse, Ontario yo Street. 41-2. Estate of the late S. J. Andrews .e -Factory falls equipped for tile airs blockinaking, electric and water; large curing grounds With track and cars—for lease or rent to right par- ty, Apply Mrs. F. VanEgmond, Clinton; or E. C. Andrews, Scarboro Bluffs,Ont. 41-4. AUCTION SALE ' Of Household Effects, on Victoria Street, Clinton, on Saturday after- noon, July 24th at 1.30 pen., consist- ing of stoves, cupboards, washing ma- chine, tables, chairs, linoleum, beds, springs, mattresses, garden tools, dishes, pots and pans, and numerous Apply to Drawer B, Clinton, or other articles. Miss N. Keane, Pro- prietress, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Phone 81, Seafbrlds. 41.1. 41-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS en the Estate of John William Tippett late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the 'same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- trix, Isabella Tippett, on or before the 24th day of July, 1937, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1937. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix, Isabella Tippett. 29-3. FARM FOR SALE This farm consists of 80 acres, more or Iess, of •choice quality land, and is situated 41/2 miles from Clin- ton, half a mile off the main road, Lot 38, Concession 12, Goderich town- ship. There is erected a frame dwel- ling and a frame barn. A never -fail- ing well and well fenced, Apply to George Cook, phone 31 on 605, Clin- ton, 364f. Fixing Fixing Roofs Try the Liquid—on paper, tin, and sheeting. Roofs that I have done 7 years have not leaked. Apply Joe Becker, Clinton, phone 42. 8242. For Rent 7 room cottage en Victoria St. Ex- cellent condition. Good garden. Ap- ply C. Lobb, Clinton, 35-tf. Cottage For Sale or Rent Small cottage on Matilda street, in southern part of town, five rooms, water, garden, garage. Apply to 5. P. Sheppard. 3042. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights, and town wa- ter. House in good condition. Apply at The News -Record office. 27-c., •Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP AIRIN4A • W. J. JAGO, TAILOR If treat open work may be loft 1601' Beals Barber IB3lop,