HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-07-08, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JULY 8;.1194'7. .cam-+dsrir. Jellied Hock, per lb. 20c Head Cheese, per ib: Snalllner Sausage, per lb. Sausages, 2 lbs. for 10c 28c 25c " Baby Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb and Beef. For Week -end -Fish for Friday. CON NELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " 'Phone 162. Albert Street 1 STOP! LOOK! BE COOL! -The warm weather at last 'is°here, In order that you may be prepared for warmer days to come, here 'are a few of our summer bargains: SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS 45c and 55c $2 30 and up ELECTRIC RANGETTES $26.00 GAS STOVES $30.00 OIL STOVES 13.50 to $25.00 ELECTRIC FANS $5.50 to $7.50 ELECTRIC IRONS $1.75 to $5.50 GAS IRONS `l7 25 ELECTRIC PLATES $3 00 to $5.00 FANCY WATER PITCHERS $110 to $2.15 (with half dozen glasses to match) JUST WHAT YOU NEED FOR THAT COOLING DRINK SPECIAL LAWN MOWERS at a,great reduction from $4.00 to $10.00 50 -FT. RUBBER HOSE $3,50 SUTTER & PERDUE FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E, Perdue, 151w. -PHONES- J. A. Sutter, I47w. 111111111.10.. ;.1.o....nmo eO oso..nen.mu®naM..,wunou no..u...,In.,.u.mnomnamusw,...49 p�p 39-2. "THE VOGUE" OUR SALE of Dresses, Hats, Coats, Skirts and; Blouses, Commences This Thursday Evening, JULY 8; and Continues FOR TWO WTEEIE i ONLY OUR SALE is always of wide interest to the public, and when buying here you get our most interested, helpful attention, which has always been appreciated by our many customers, WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND SEE OUR VERY FINE GARMENTS ON DISPLAY. "Jhe Vguc" ..i..lreir.u...,a.oa.n..n.au paws,... i u Pm. ..Ia. 1.10u10.4 CLINTON BICYCLE AND MOTOR SALES See our Complete Stock of Fishing Supplies, Tennis Supplies and Sporting Goods. We have new and used Bicycles and Motorcycles on hand. These' can be purchased on easy payment plan. Prompt and Efficient Repairs on Motorcycles. and Bicycles. Cash paid for used bicycles and parts. Bicycles, fishing equip- ment and Tennis Rac$ets For Rent. • CLINTON BICYCLE AND, MOTOR SALES Phone 13 -Next door to the Creamery, Superior Stores I . PHONE III-CLINTON. July 8, 9 & 10th Fry's Pure Cocoa, half lb. tin ..19c Peaches, Australian, 2 cans 27c Wheat. Puffs, Ige. bags, 2 for 21c Beads, Golden Wax, 2 tins . Apple Jelly, 32 oz. jar. .,25e Tomato Catsup; 12 oz. 10c Pickles, Sweet Mixed, 28 oz. jar 25c Peas, Polly Prim, 2 17 -oz. tins 19c Salmon, Cascade, Foy. Pink, 2 half -lb. tins 17c 2 1 -lb. tins 25c Parowax, I's, 2 lbs. for 25c Crown Glass Jars, small 81.04 Medium, dozen $1.14 Kkovah Jelly' Maker 14c 27c 21c 6c Certo, per bottle Zinc Rings, Heavy, dozen Rubber Jar Rings, dozen Javex, will make one gal. Javel Water ' 150 �r 1 Free Delivery RBAD..ALI:,:,;THE ADS. IN-. -. THE, NEWS -RECORD July 12th Meals The Women's Association of Wesley - Willis church purppse having dinner and supper in the Church Hall on Monday, July 12th Dinner -11.30. Supper -5.30. Roast beef & Pork. Roast beef & Pork Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Potatoes Gravy. Relishes Carrots, Peas. Salads Bread and, butter. Rolls Pickles, Fruit and Cake Lemon and raisin pie: Tea. Tea. THE 'SALVATION ARMY London No. 1 Citadel Silver Band Accompanied by Envoy Ferguson HERE JULY 17TH AND 18TH Saturday -At Exeter -7.15 p.nt. Saturday, --at Clinton -9 to 10 p.m. Sunday Morning Ogen Air Service -9.30 a.m. Holiness Service; Salvation Army Hall --11 asp. Sunday Afternoon at Hayfield - Open Air Service at Beach -2.30. Program m Jowett's Grove -3 p.m. Sunday, Evening-Clinton.-- Open vening-ClintonOpen Air Service at 6.15 p.m. Salvation Meeting, Salvation Army Hall -7 p.m. After Church Service -Program in Town Park -8.15 p.m. Home League will serve meals at Salvation Army Hall on July 12th. 39-2. STANLEY Mr. Hugh McKenzie and Mr. Ar- thur Chapman, motored to Atwood on Sunday and visited with relatives. Miss Jean Mustard of Brooklyn, N.Y,, is visiting at the home of Mrs, Neil McGregor, and Mr. John A. Mc- Ewen. Mr., Hugh Gilmour, Miss Mary Gilmour, and Mrs. Janet Ross, at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Mundell at. Wingham last Thursday. Mrs. Roy Hastings ancl daughter, Vivjian, of Wingham, ,spent. ,a few dajfs visiting ;at the home of ML. Hugh Gilmour, they also attended the Biiird'ae=unio' t"Bright's"Grove; last Saturday. Capsule Comment. We now have (perhaps you have. been waiting for it) a fountain pen with all the proven excellencies of.'a Waterman's -at Two and one-half dol- lars. The Star Weekly has the Iargest circulation in Canada of any publica- tion printed in the Dominion. It out- sells by a wide margin any imported publication, in its classification. We offer you a Clearancedealon Eclipse Fountain Pens, some are dis- continued lines, Valves $1.00 to $1.50, good assortment of styles and smart colours, Choice, 79c. Weddings occt,r every day but its said theme are more in Summer, and this adds up to varions- showers, the ceremony, the reception and other functions which necessitate careful, and to some extent, elaborate pre- paration. There are wrappings for gifts, rooms to be tastefully decorat- ed, cards for congratulation, Thank you for the gift, and other incidentals. We carry in stock Confetti and Wed- ding Cake Boxes. NEWLY ARRIVED are these Cow- boy Songs and Mountain Ballad Fol- ios with arrangements for Guitar, Piano, Violin, etc. Included in the assortment are the old favourites, Carson J. Robinson, Gene Autrys and the Arkansas Wood Choppers, and one or two newcomers with excellent folios. Your choice for 75c. TDB W.13. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 Misses Catherine an_ad 4'l Janet anet M�. cTag-dli "lir: f_ gart left recently on a trip abroad. Mr. Craig Cooper and baby daugh- ter, Elizabeth, are visiting Mrs. J. W, Treleaven, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allanson, Joe and Annie, spent Sunday with friends in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, C. Bomhoff and fam- ily leave on Saturday for Auburn, Kentucky. Misss E. and Z. Cornish are visiting their sister, Mrs. D. McFadden of Cookstown. Masters Bobby and Kenneth Hanly of Toronto are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Cranston of Port Arthur are the guests of the lat- tar's mother, Mrs. John Torrance. Mrs. (Dr.) Adams and Miss Mary of Windsor are • the guests . of Mrs. James Scott. Miss Hattie Turner of Toronto is spending her vacation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cross and fanc- ily of Toronto are at their summer home in Clinton. 1Ir. Brenton Hellyar left on Monday to attend smnmer school in Lon- don and Mr. John Hellyar will take a special course at Hamilton. , Mrs. Annie Brown returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Curts, near Thedford. Mrs. Charles Stevens of Timmins was a week -end visitor with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mit- tell. Miss Jean Plumsteel of Elora is spending the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Miss Grace Hellye of Massey is spending the summer vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Heliyar. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore of Ayl- mer were in town on Monday, going 00 to Blyth to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. James Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. William Walker and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend of .Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. J. H, Palmer and Miss Meda Palmer of Detroit were guests of their cousin, Mrs. J. T. Crich, on Monday. Mr. William Argent is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clifford Epps, for a few days, Later he expects to take a motor trip to British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter, Miss Grace Bunman of. Detroit, Mr. Gordon Mc- Kay of Walkerton and Miss Helen Roberton are vacationing at Iron Springs. . Mr. and Mrs, 'C. J. Wallis and Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Wallis visited friends in Milton last week -end. Mr. and Mrs.C. J, Wallis are ex- tending their visit for a short time. Mr, Reg. Cook, after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and • Mrs, Wm. Cook, left on Monday for Guelph, where he will take a summer course at the O.A.C. Mr. Roy Pierson ,of Cainsvllle was a week -end guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. T.,Hawkins, and. on his return, was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Pierson who has been visiting Mrs, .Haigh Millet, ralifrawatlitirsioriettairealrosisiolfresweiVi ONE I+'RLEND TELLS AmmaER or REu74 Ii wiirrx 2E1rayll ix the Lead lorious Tw�ifth- .Monday, I2th of July will be Celebrated in Clinton and we will be at home to our Friends and Visitors. VISIT OUR ICE CREAM DEPARTMENT Where the Popular WALKERSIDE ICE CREAM - will be sold. All Soft Drinks -Pepsi Cola, Ginger! Ale, Grape and Orange Crush. Harry Horne's Grape Punch -Also Lemon, Lime and Raspberry IN THE FRUFP SECTION- Musk Melons. • Water Melons at 59c VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Green Beans, Beets, Carrots, Tomatoes, New Potatoes. SATURDAY -BIG FRUIT (JAY -All Fruit Sold Out During The Day. COOKIES -A Choice Variety to 1Sell at Cocoanut and Oatmeal, per pkg. Package Fancy Biscuits 19c 15c. 25c SPECIAL PRICE=-BANANAS=Beautiful Color. Oranges, 2 dozen - for 45c H Oranges, large size, per dozen 29c•, 39c MEATS -Cooked and To Cook Bologna, 2 lbs. for Corned Beef, per llo. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf Breakfast Bacon, per ib. Pickled Roll, per lb. (Sweet. and Sour Picldes. Peanuts in Shell and Salted. 25c 20c 25c 25c 27c Eggs bought at highest trade and cash price. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Selis and Service Tells As 6f July1937 Was Our Third Anniversary We take pleasure in thanking our many customers and friends for mak- ing our business a success. Hoping that we can serve you in the future as we have in the past, We remain ready to serve and oblige, RILEY'S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. Garden Party Wed., July 21 will be held under auspices of St. James' Church, Middleton, on the spacious lawn of Mr. John Hudie, fith Con., Goderieh Township, Program featuring: "THE HIRED MAN;" of Gaderich, and Miss Luella Kerr of London, the girl singing art- ist of Radio station CFPL, London. Acrobatic and Modern Tap Dancing; Old Time Songs, Jokes and Mono- logues, also local talent. A Full Course. Meat Supper will be Served from 6 to 8. Admission, Adults, 35c; Children, 20c EVERYBODY WELCOME. 39-2 HOLMESVILLE Word has been received here of the death of Emma Agnes Walter, wife of Henry W. T'ebbutt, in Redlands, Calif., on June 22nd. For many years Mrs. Tebbutt suffered greatly from arthritis which was borne with re- markable fortitude and patience and her cheerfulness was an inspiration to a host of loyal friends. Mrs. Teb- butt formerly lived near Holrnesville but since her marriage forty years ago has resided in Redlands. Be- sides her husband ,she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Carrie Walter Batty of Redlands, who is well known in Clinton having spent several years here as a nurse, and one brother John E. also a resident of Redlands; Fun- eral services were held Thursday, June 24th, and interment made in Hillside cemetery, Redlands, LONDON ROAD Miss Jean Falconer of Paris, spent the holiday and week -end at her home. Miss Kathleen Falconer re• turned with her to spend a couple of weeks: in Paris, Mrs. Wm,' Stanbury has returned• home after a visit of about six weeks with her brothers in British Columbia. Miss Alice Davidson of Los Angel- es, California, is making an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. A. Dav idson. Miss Helen Davidson, who spent her holidays at her home, has re- turned to Toronto. Mrs. Catherine Howard, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr, Wni, Falconer. Mrs. Boxall and family of Cleve- land, are visiting with the ladies' sister, Mrs. Wm, Moffat. Miss Libby Cruikshank of Sarnia, is visiting with Miss E. Waldron. Mrs, T, J. Lindsay is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Falconer, Plant Bargains Now is your chance to fill in the vacant places in your flower gar- den. While They Last we- are of- fering the balance of Our Boxed Annuals at only 10e A BOX. Asters, choice varieties, Zinnias, Kochia, Celosia, Salpiglossis, Mari- golds, Etc. Limited Number of Sweet and Hat Peppers -10c pox. VINES for Boxes and Hanging Baskets, on sale half regular price. Good Cabbage Plants -100 a doz. 3 Dozen for 25c. Cauliflower Plants-l5c a dozen. A few good bargains in Perennials. Summer Cottage To Rent -Fur- nished, four -room summer cottage at Iron Springs, four miles north of Bayfield. Ideal location, good bathing beach, with cold spring Water nearby. F.R. CUNINGHAME Greenhouses and Flower Shop on Huron Street. Phone 176. Member of Florists Telegraph Delivery /association. SCOTT'S GROCERY Ph. 86, Clinton. Opposite Post Office Free Delivery. Heinz Sandwich Spread 19c Broadway Salad Dressing, 16 oz. 25c Dainty Lunch Sandwich Spread 10c Stuffed Olives, 3 ozs., 2 for 25c 100 29c Falcon Sweet Mixed Pickles, 28 oz27c Orange, Lemon, Grape Punch 13 oz, bottle Gingerale, large bottle Boneless Chicken . Certo Olives, Plain, 3 ozs. Stuffed Olives, 8 ozs. 25c 15c 27c 27c Crean Sandwich Biscuits, per lb. 15e Cream Sugar Wafers, lb. ..29c Tuna Flakes, extra special ...., .10c Strawberry and Raspberry Jain ' Medium Glass . 14c Try. T® Keep Cool We have a Large Stock of SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS and FLY SCREEN by the yard, in all widths; and if the flies do get in, use a GOOD FLY SPRAY to. chase them out. For Quick Cooking Use the FAMOUS COLEMAN GAS OR OIL STOVES, or the NEW ELECTRIC STOVES or PLATES, so you won't have to swelter over the old stoves, which are O.K. in colder weather. Then for Outside, we are well stocked with GARDEN ROSE, all kinds of LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS. HAY FORKS and HAY- FORK ROPE. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT CAMP and LAWN FURNITURE are selling so fast, and so cheap, that you had better hurry, as it's hard to keep them in stock. We have some good COTS and MATTRESSES in Stock, Cheap. A STUDIO COUCH is the most comfortable and sensible piece of Furniture you could wish for, any time of the year, but especially so during this hot spell, as they can be moved around to suit all conditions. AND WE CERTAINLY HAVE THE STOCK AT TI -IE RIGHT PRICES, BALL & Z-APFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK -PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS --AMBULANCE SERVICE. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SPECIALS WE HAVE ADDED TO OUR STOCK AN ASSORTMENT OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS ,OF TABLE OIL CLOTH COV- ERS, Manufactured by the Dominion Oil Cloth and Linoleum Co., Ltd., of Montreal. See This Line and Select from This Choice New Stock At Our Usual Low Price, Manufacturer's Sale of Summer Dresses .A Special Representative from Toronto, will be here at our store With Hundreds of Dresses To Choose From. Beautiful Crepe tresses from $2.95' Lovely Chiffon & Sheer's with Tailored Slips, $5.95' JULY 12TH ONLY. IF YOU NEED A BATHING- SUIT FOR YOUR BOY -WE ARE CLEANING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. WHITE SHOES, SCAMPERS and RUNNING SHOES ALL AT SALE PRICES. Clifford Lobb THE STORE WITH THE STOCK LET US HAVE THAT JOB OF EAVETROUGHING NOW THIS IS THE WEATHER TO HAVE IT DONE. DO NOT WAIT FOR COLD WEATHER. CAULKING GUNS TO .RENT -Do. Your Own Caulking. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. T. Hawkins, Hardware and Plumbing Phone 244