HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-07-08, Page 4PAGE 4 Jvly 8th, 9th & 1Qtl ARE SALE DA' (See Our Circulars At Your Door, Or In Your Mail. DON'T MISS The Linen Sale RUNNING ALL JULY YOU'LL ENJOY SHOPPING MERE. A. T. COOPER. PHONES: 36w ;Main Floor, 36j Second Floor THE BEST EVER Just the other day one of our lady customers came in and said, . I want another can of CERTIFIED ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS It's the best I have ever used, it is so refreshing, and costs so little. THIS CAN BE YOUR EXPERIENCE TOO. A LARGE POUND CAN with beautifully decorated glass, only 39c For Real Foot Comfort Use Marathon Liniment, 50c. i1'Iarathon. Foot Pdr., 25c• J. S. H. HOLMES PHM. H. :, ezrr-. CLINTON ONT. PHONE 61 VARNA Mr. Cecil Dowson is wearing a smile these days. A little daughter has arrived to brighten their home. Our teacher, Mr. S. Beatty, has taken a trip north to the Mining Dis- trict. Ilfr?and Mfrs. Will. Reicl and daugh- ter, Jean, spent Sunday in cMichigan, Miss Margaret Broadfoot is stay- ing with Mrs. John Bothwell at pre- sent. Mrs. Ief. Keys and daughter,hter Dor- othy, of Nashville, Tenn., are visiting the fornmer's sister, Miss Phame Lo- gan, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys and Mr. Amos Keys and Mrs. J. W. Reid of Port Huron, Mich., spent Sunday with their sister,. Mrs. Rathwell of Lis- towel. The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Stanley. The names appear in order of merit and in the 'class in which they will be next term: Sr. 4th: Gertrude Smith, Helen Johnston. Jr. 4th: Ruby Reid, Alvin Keyes, Walter Brotherton, Donald Keyes, Sr. 3rd: Maud Keyes, Mary Mc- Clymont, Frank Smith. y n , Jr. 3rd: Leona Webster, Clayton Keyes. 2nd: Mary Reid, Doris Reid. 1st: Ivan McClymont, Mona Reid, Geo, Keyes. —T. S. Beattie, teacher. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD FAMILY ° iliENNIONS Butt Re -Union The Butt re -union was held at 'Hex - lion' ?ark,o > on Saturday, G deriehat � S a Y, July Brcl, when about ninety relatives were present. The old committee was re-elected, President, T. Butt, I{ippon; Secretary, Amos Ball, Au- burn; Sports committee, Bert West- ,cott, Hamilton and J. Petty Hensall. The next re -union will be held at the same place on July 2nd, 1938. Penhale-Snowden-West- lake Re -Union The twelfth annual reunion of the Penhale-Snowden-Westlake families was held' at Springbank Park, Satur- day, June 26th, 1937.. Picnic lunch was served to about seventy-five members after the singing of the Grace. The speech of welcome was given by the President, F. J. Robson.' After lunch a businets meeting was held. The minutes of the last reunion were read by the Secretary, Elizabeth Snowden. It was decided that the next reunion shall be held at Grand Bend the last Saturday in June, 1938, The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Thomas West- lake; Vice -Pres., Asa Penhale; Sec.- Treasure'', ec.Treasurer', Elizabeth Snowden; As- sistant, Mrs. M. Pollock, The prize -winners were as follows: Eldest lady present, Mrs. William Penhale, 78 years; oldest man pres-I ent, Mr. William Penhale, 83 years; youngest girl present, Jill Ford, 5. months old; youngest boy present, Kenneth Pollock, 11' months old; the i holder of the lucky ticket, Elizabeth 1Snowden. IMr. Moorhouse was then called up - on to say a few words. The rest of the afternoon was spent in sports. Winners of the various races were: Girls and 'boys, 6 to 10, Doris Pen - bale, Exeter; girls and boys, 11 to 13, Minnie Penhale, Bayfield; girls and boys, 13 to 15, Violet Turner; young ladies, Elizabeth Snowden; young 1 men's race, Russell Grainger; mar- ried men's rate, M. Pollock and B. Baker (tie); balloon race, Fred Wat-I son and Ilene Talbot; string race, Fred Watson and Ilene Talbot; slow walk, Asa Penhale; kicking the slip- per, Mary Barnes; cup race, men's side: agricultural race, Mrs. Asa Penhale. .A peanut scramble for boys and girls :followed, and after supper all departed for their respective homes. Pott 1 e Re -Union Un on Pi cni C The twelfth annual Potter Picnic was held July 1st, at the home of Clifford Kenip, Mitchell, there being approximately 90 of the relatives and friends present, , At 12.30 all sat down to a well- laden table;'' and after, everyone had done ample justice t good thin na the g gs provided, a short business discussion was held: The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and officers elected for the,coming year. They' are as follows: Hon, -President, Richard Glidden, Goderich; "President, John Potter, Holmesville; Vice -Presi- dent, Eldon ice-President,Eldon Potter,"Hickson; Secre- tary -Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Grigg, Holmesville; lunch committee, Mrs. Tom Patterson, Mitchell; Mrs. Geo. Makins, Springford; Mrs. Reg. Ship- ley, Clinton; Mrs. Wm. Gliddon,.God- erich, and Mrs: Victor Makins„ of Galt. Sports committee, George Pot- ter, Clinton; Bill Heath, Mitchell; Ce- cil Kemp, Mitchell; Bill Silverthorn, Tillonsburg•, and Henry Korlcleek of Norwich. The afternoon was spent in sports of various kinds, including a very exciting ball game, also a bean gues- sing contest, won by O. W. Potter. During the afternoon ice cream was served. After a 5.30 lunch all journeyed to their various homes, with pleasant memories of a day well spent. Pepper Re -Union Picnic The 10th annual Pepper reunion Was held on Saturday, July 3rd, at Stratford Park, when about 80 mem- bers of the clan were present from Toronto, Clinton, Hensall, Dungan- non, Brucefield and Seaforth. Those in charge of the events of the day were: • President, John Pepper, Brucefield; Secretary, Miss Grace Pepper, Hen- sall; Committee, Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper, Dublin, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pep- per, Clinton. The winners of the various races and sports, which provided plenty of amusement, are as follows: Tiny tots, tinder 6, Don MacGregor, Marian Tinney; boys, 6 to 8, Ray Stewart; girls, 8 to 10, Marion Mal- colm, Eleanor Pepper; girls, 11 to 14, Edith Pepper, Viola Pepper; boys, 11 to 14, Ross Pepper, Roy Pepper; young ladies, Lily Pepper, Auleen 1 Pepper; young Hien, Glenn Pepper, Dalton Malcolm; married women, Mrs. Walter Pepper, Mrs. Gordon Stewart; fat ladies' race, Mrs. Chas. Pepper, Mrs. Nellie Yeo; tie race for couples, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Pepper, Dalton Malcolm and Auleen Pepper; ladies' kicking slipper, Mrs, John Pepper, Mrs. Gordon Stewart; men's kicking slipper, George Pepper, Dirl- ton Malcolm; wheelbarrow race for couples, Glenn Pepper and Viola Pep - THEIRS., JULY 8,1937, per, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pepper; Po- tato race for men, James Malcolm, 39", Rochus Faber,' 33"; ladies' lucky spot, Grace Pepper; men's: 'laughing• contest, Roy Pepper, Fred Pepper; ladies' stepping two rods, Mrs Nellie. YeoLrll Y Pepper; nen stepping two rods backwards, Mr. J. Malcolm, Fred Pepper; paper bag race, winner, Geo. W. Pepper, captain; lucky draw, Mrs. Geo. Pepper; relay race,, winner, George Pepper, captain, Baird Re -Union On Saturday, July 3rd; over sixty relatives and friends from' Detroit, Wing'ham, Exeter, Seaforth and Brucefield, gathered at Bright's Grove to celebrate their annual picnic, The ideal weather made the gathering quite enj^,able. After the noon -day meal sports were indulged in, being under the di- rection of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey of Exeter, and Mr. P. B. Moffat of Sea - forth. These were entered into with a great deal of zest, and enjoyed by all present. Bathing was then the order of the day. Before supper was served, a short meeting was held, and it was decided to meet at Bright's Grove in 1938, Che date to be set later. The day passed all too quickly and the time for parting came, when all left for home feeling that the day had been a very pleasant one, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs, James Moore of Ransornville, N.Y., visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Lobb, over the week -end, and attended the tenth annual Moore Reunion in Stratford on Monday. Mr. 1VI. , Foran and his friend, Mr. Thompson, of Toronto, were visitors with Mrs. John McGuire Mr. and Mrs, Alf. McGregor and family, of Detroit, were visiting friends over the week -end. Mr. •and Mrs, Jack Rehill of Lon- don, and Mrs, Joe Carlin of Seaforth, were calling on the latter's brothers, John'and William McGuire, Mrs. Will Ferris of l' ehearn, Man., is visiting with her sister, Mr: Har ry Balson. Mrs. Donald McDonald and family of Detroit, were visiting over the Balson,holiday with her sister, Mrs. Harry On Tuesday, the last day of school, the pupils of S. S. No. 8, Goderich township, surprised their teacher, who is leaving., by presenting her • with a beautiful fountain pen, and a 1 box of writing paper. Harold War- ner read the address, and Douglas Stirling made the presentation, Douglas ;Stirling, Harold Warner, and Jimmy Dewar, pissed their En- trance examinations without writing. The trustees have engaged Miss , Esther MacMath of Holmesville for the coming year. 111r, E• arl.m 1 e c Bales of Toronto is -holidaying• with his mother, Mrs. 1'. Betties, Miss Verna Picot and Miss Wright spent last Wednesday with the for - tiler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Picot. I Mrs. Hardy of Detroit visited her err mother, Mrs. John Weston, over the taught school at S. S. No. 10, for the week -end. (past rive years, has resigned to ac- Miss Marion Forbes, who has (continued onpa'go 6); HolidayT'Now Here Our Stock is Complete with Sport and Holiday Needs. Sport Trousers, Shirts, Underwear, ,'Socks, Ties. Headquarters for the Famous Hanley Topper, the coolest hat on the market. DAVIS & HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING torwrionew e®1M1110 July Clearing Sale 30 Printed Silk Dresses Uuaranteed W ashable—Regular Price, 9.50_, You have a splendid variety to choose from. These are up-to-the-minute styles. FOR THIS WEEK -END ONLY 3.95 WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF CHIFFONS Prices Range From 5.75 up 50 HATS 'Regular Price, 3.95. For July Clearing Sale At 95c WE STILL HAVE ABOUT 35 Coats & Swagger Suits A Good Variety to Choose From. Come and Get the Best of These Values. PRICES FROM 5.95 up FASHION SHOPPE Next Door To Theatre, Clinton — Phone 67. ..z 'A LIMITED QUANTITY OF CONGOLEUM & FELTOL RUGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES One Only, size 9x9 $5.95 Three Only, size 9x10%2 $6.90 & $9.50 Two Only, size 9x12 $7.50 & $10.90 FLOOR OILCLOTH, 2 yds. wide, To Clear. STAIR OILCLOTH, 18 inches wide. MATS, each 19c BEATTIE'S Opening of New Furniture Store---Thurs., July 8th In the store formerly occupied by the Iate Fred T. Jackson. And having severed my con- nection with the firm of Skitter -Perdue & Beattie, I have made the above store into a larger furniture showroom and funeral parlor. We invite you to come in and see our new stock of Up -To -Date Furniture. 11111611141 Special Bed Outfit x BED x SPRING ' MATTRESS Steel Bed, Walnut Finish. A sagless spring. Mattress is filled only with clean, new cot- ton in art ticking. Standard Widths ,.. X17. 25 Famous Arrow Studio Couch Nationally Known Make.. It opens out into twin beds or double bed. Good Construction & durably made ®5 A Modern Studio Couch with Arrows exclusive constuction. Best grade material, spring filled cushions,, arms and back. Easily made into double or twin beds. One Week Only ...... 41.75 44 +4 4144444. H!!«w e*HTH 044++ N! HH444t+t fi4H0+4.44. r�4 •4444A W4 }H4H.444 W %RH4 .84444 - } } s»««4�iH♦ 414:44:14+814:4+ ««»4:"!:i«4a«. »»:H ,♦ O»°ir4:"HH044rHr«'H«.«.4:: i':»i»M`«$"'»44.41481-4,148,14 4«i4»:i+:««w+HrHrH;« LAMPS OF ALL KINDS • = PICTURE FRAMING. A Specialty sf Special On =Solid Walnut and Birch End Tables : OCCASIONAL CHAIRS }t Mouldings of all kinds, sizes and. Color A. Yr Enamel Frames 39c 3 Priced From $`.es® to $9.®®,_` TO MEET THE MOST MODEST INCOME. - OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE. _ *'4+ 1 -4 2 ,'+ ;9+ 4.4!+* H`+ `+ .84444.-1 f.4 «? + �'0+ • ?i 4"8:H�Hs»}«}H 144::4 48-'..744 . .:44f TH♦H`H� +1 .1 +., 4 `H `44:, H`H`NN `H !4iH `H !:44-04:44.44-4,44.-0-444444.0+1..0-144.0 4 4 . M} } ! !»4 f4R ! , . } } • } t t«} ! } ,a•4 i! 4Ht CHH H ti♦..� �HHH,4,H�H M� MM HTN �H HHS 4+4+44:4-44+.8.44:4+04",:44:+1.4-04+0+4444:+1,4+7,4�HT A NEW STOCK—NEW DESIGNS. Come In and See Them. BATHROOM MIRRORS +' X CENTRE TABLES AND MAGAZINE RACKS '_' AND OTHER PIECES y " Modernistic Designs, Beautifully Finished. *Suitable for gifts. ,Large Selection. PRICED., MATTRESSES ARROW MATTRESSES are durably built, all new material is used. Springs do not sag with the Imperial stitched edge. You can choose one of these inner spring mattresses. RANGING IN PRICE FROM 12.50 to 2Q.00 41.11111.10b.A 14-141i' MAT 111"YES 1114- X141/4e4rirpliPt -"'*--11tripttpltis((WIN Ilar/RAWItir:ter444;744(f Chesterfield Suites THREE SUITES ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR APPROVAL. Never -Sag Construction. Covered in Silk Repp and Plush Ma- terial..,,A11 Material treated against moths. Special Prices on These 'Suites FOR ONE WEEK. IF YOU NEED. A SUITE BUY NOW. 7x.50 . 79.5 4•00 241F - Now is the Time for Lawn and Verandah Furniture FURNITURE Phone 184w BEATTIE'S FUNERAL SERVICE (Care of T. II. Cook) Residence 1841