HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-06-24, Page 8PAGE 8 Choice Sausages, 2 lbs. for ,.....:., Porkk. Hocks, per lb. Bulk Lard, per lb: Veal Chops, per lb. Veal Stews, per lb. Spring Chicken For Week -end. 25c 10c'; 15c 22c 15c CONNELL & TYNDA.LL " CLLNTON'S LEADING MEAT -MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street AGENTS FOR C -I -L PRODUCTS VARNISHES, SHELLACS, ENAMELS, NEW PROCESS PAINT, VARNISH STAINS, OIL COLORS. C -I -L MAKERS OF DUCO. Instant Lighting -Quick Cooking "COLEMAN" GAS' STOVES In modernistic designs, strong and sturdy, light instantly. Hi -power, fast action burners, Everdur Fuel Tanks. COME IN AND SEE THEM. IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT LAWN FURNITURE of all kinds. Complete Bedding Stock, of Steel Beds, Tunes Spring Mattresses and Cable Springs. • Sutter -Perdue --Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue. 151w. PHONES- J. A. Sutter, 147w. 1 I7 TT YOUR LAST CHANCE, THIS SEASON TO GET- JERVIS DAY-OLD QUALITY CHICKS STARTED, PULLETS A SPECIALTY. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE ORDERING. . If you already have your Chicks, are they ready for. range. If so you want a RANGE SHELTER, the ideal way to raise either Pullets or Cockerels. We make them complete for -$10.00• WE HAVE ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN POULTRY FEEDS. DON'T HESITATE to ORDER -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JERVIS Hatchery & Feeds CLINTON Phone 194w. TUNE IN TO CKNX, WINGHAM, AT 12.30 MONDAY. Superior Stores PHONE 111-CLINTON. Free Delivery Specials For JUNE 24-25-26 Crunchie Sweet Pickles, 28 oz. ..21c Garden Patch Peas, 17 oz., 2 tins 21c Lynn Valley Tomatoes, 2's squat 2 tins for 19c Aylmer Pork and Beans, 22oz. 2 tins . • 19c Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 23c Manning's Cocoanut Fingers, Ib. 17c Heinz Catsup, lge. bottle .,19c Princess Flakes, 2 pkgs. ... 29e Salads Tea, Bro. Label, half's 31c Many Flowers Soap, 3 cakes 11c Chicken }Toddle, 2 tins 27e Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. 25c Derby Cheese, half lb. pkg, 15e Tuna Flakes, halfs, tin 15e Fruit Drops, Ib, 19e Corned Beef, 12 oz., 2 tins 25c Fancy Jumbo Olives, 11 oz. 25c Pimiento Stuffed Olives, 3 ez., 2 for 25c T. B. THOMPSQN Sid's Food Shop Phone 807w -Free Delivery. Week -end Specials Quaker Puffed Wheat 3 for 29c Quaker Crackels, 3 for 29c Baking Powder, lb. tin 23 c Polly Prim Peas Blueberries, 2 for 10c 25c Libby's Pork and Beans Tall tins 10c "HAPPY COUSINS CONCERT PARTY" COMING TO LONDESBORO Mon. Evening, June 28 under auspices of Londesboro United Church Sunday School, Strawberry Supper served from 6 to 8. Concert after. Do not fail to hear these six splendid artists, their program con- sists of musical; vocal and quartette numbers. Trios and duets, imita- tions, comic, and character sketches. Admission 35c, Children under 12, 20c The Eskimo Shivers In His Snows and the Ethiopian revels in the rain but here we have blue skies and summer sunshine and a fishing trip. Be prepared, with aids of sure catch requirements so you will be ready to. go when Bass, Season officiallyopens on July 1st. We have the baits that Lure, them and the reels that land them regard- less of how big the one was that got away. Our Stock of plugs, minnows, spinners, wabblers, flies, leaders, fMats, gut or steel hooks, lines, rods, reels etc. is quite complete and ready to cope with the angler's request. "If it swims we can catch it" "FOR THE LADIES" who accompany husbands and families on fishing trips we have all the necessary time savers to put the lunches up in. Wax paper in rolls or sheets, paper plates, thermos or vaccurn bottles, paper spoons etc. In addition to these we have a very com- plete stock of magazines, books and papers for the one who waits at home or in the car while the rest of the party a fishing go. T1e W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 01V1110111.1".r�rim„PI Miss Nellie Keane has returned home after her visit in Toronto. Miss M. Durst spent the week -end at her home in Wroxeter. Misses Edith Paterson and Helen Ned- iger motored to Wiarton and Owen Sound on Sunday, Mrs. Les. Wasman was a weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs, Howard CIark. Miss Isobel Chowen spent the week- end as guest of Mise Billie Stewart in London, • Miss Kathleen Plumtree has returned hone after a month's visit with rel- atives in Glenavan, Sask. Mrs. W. E. O'Neil of Halifax spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Shoenhals. Mr. Thomas McCann of Dungannon spent Tuesday with his sister, Miss Carrie McCann. Miss Lottie Lannine of Dublin was a guest of Miss Dorothy Corless on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Cook and Miss Betty of Sarnia spent the weekend with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shoenhals. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Selves, Mur- ray and Dorothy of Science Hill were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Dempsey Jr. and daughter, Marion, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Fremlin. Miss Clara Ball, nuse-in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, i s spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ball. Miss Delle 01,'Neil of Toronto and Miss Jessie O'Neil of London, spent the weekend with their sis- ter, Miss Winnifred O'Neil. Dr. and Mrs, W. A, Oakes are in Ottawa this week, where Dr. Oakes ..is attend ng the Canadian Medical Association Council. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston return- ed hone Saturday after a weeks' visit With friends at Burford and Fenwick. Mr. A. Benson Corless of the Bank of Montreal, St. Marys, returned to the Stone Town last week, fol- lowing a two weeks` holiday with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs, Meilde and little daugh- ter, Barbara; Mr. Allen and Miss Anne Taylor of Toronto spent the week -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Taylor, Princess street. Miss Kate McGregor of the Winghan High Bohol Staff, is spending the summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor of Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pearson and daughter, Virginia, of Wayne, Michigan, are spending the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearson. Mr. G. H. McCague, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Shoenhals. Mrs. McCague and son, Donald, who have 'been visiting here for a couple of weeks, return- ed home with him. Mr. W. J. Crooks of Vancquver ,is visiting' his sister, Mrs. Moffatt ' Aiken. Mr. Crooks is a former Clintonian,and he will be renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. Crooks is visiting relatives in Mount Forest and will join Mr, Crooks in Clin- ton presently. TIIE CLINTON ,NEWS -RECORD ONE F BIEND' TFI:LS ANOTHER THURS., JUNE 24, 1.937.. Phone Number - 48 Special Delivery Service to Suit Everybody a RED AlID Aiwtys iu t s Laud NEW GG DEPARTMENT Special Price paid in Trade and Highest Cash Price Heinz Large Bottle Catsup, 2 for Choice Peas, No. 4, 2 tins for Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins for California Valencia Oranges, 2 dozen for Fresh Cantaloupes Home Grown Cabbage, 2 for 'Cooking Onions, 2 lbs. for 'Canadian Cheese, per lb. Old White Cheese, per lb. 10 lbs. Granulated igugar 10 Bars Castile Soap 35c 22c 21c 45c 18c 15c 5c 20c 25c 57c 25c MPAIMILEMIRE1611•11E.••• .11......,6,191•611,690C1111•1012142.1.1 Golden Yellow Sugar, 5 lbs. for Fancy Assorted Biscuits, to clear, 2 lbs. for English Breakfast Tea, per lb. Blue Ribbon Tea, per ib. 29c 31c 45c 5Oc CHOICE MEATS -Cooked and to boil; Pickled Cottage Roll, Smoked Cottage Roll, Midget Cot- tage Roll. Breakfast Bacon, in piece, per lb. Bologna, 2 lbs. for Roast Pork, per lb: Peameal Bacon 25c 25c 49'c Suggestions for Picnics and Summer Cottages Corn Beef, 2 for Emfo Tomato Juice, 5 for New Certo Powder Canned Chicken Clark's Pork and Beans •29c 25c 13c 25c 15c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Clark's Smaller Size, 4 for Fresh Cakes, Buns, Sliced Bread Picnic Waxed Paper, 10c, Large Roll 25c Serviettes -15c. 25c' CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERL Phonon 48 RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Canning Specials Red Path Sugar, cwt. Dominion Sugar, cwt. $5.59 $5.49 Buy now as we expect it will be higher Wine Pints \Vine Quarts . $109 $1.23 White Rubbers, 4 dozen • 23c Zinc Rnigs .. 21c Parawax, for sealing, 3 tubes 13c Certo . Pectin, for tanning White Sugar . Bcnmiller Pastry Pork and Beans, 2 for Large Catsup . Plain Cookies, per Ib. Best Rice, 4 lbs. for 27c 15c 57c 85c 19c 19c 15c -- 23c We Buy and Grade Eggs for WHICH WE PAY lc A DOZEN MORE IN CASII OR TRADE. .All eggs graded by an experienced candler. RILEY'S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. STRAWBERRY • TEA under auspices of Fancy -Work Booth, Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church Will be held on the lawn of the home of Mrs. Thos. Churchill, Joseph Street, on the afternoon of Friday, June 25 from four to seven o'clock. Come and have your fortune told. Admission 25c. 37-1. Strawberry Festival under auspices of Ladies' Aid of Zion Church, will be held on the grounds of TAYLOR'S CORNER SCHOOL HOUSE, HURON ROAD, Tues. Evening, June 29 Supper served from 6 to 8. A splen- did humorous play, "Small Town Ro- meo", will be presented by the Young People of St. Paul's Church, Clinton, Admission 35c and 20c. Dominion Day Special OUR $5.00 OIL PERMANENT at $3.95 UNTIL JULY 1ST. HENHI HPhoneERUTY223. SHOPPE Not a Grease Job but Real Lubrication! At Regular Prices BROWNIE'S SERVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AIR PRESSURE EQUIPMENT. 36-2. GARDEN PLANTS WHILE THEY LAST Clearance Sale Prices in effect on all boxed plants. While sold out of some varieties we still have a good choice for you. Buy a box at Regular Price, 25c AND GET ONE BOX FREE. We are sold right out of Tomato Plants, other than Yellow and Cherry Tomato Plants in pots 5c EACH. Cauliflower -15c a dozen Cabbage -10c a dozen. • 3 dozen for 25c. Fox Glove Plants from 3" Pots 5c Each, Korean Mums, fine for fall flowers and perennials -15c each. You are invited to see a Hoya and a Yucca in bloom. Summer Cottage To Rent -Fur- nished, four -room summer cottage at Iron Springs, four miles north of Bayfield. Ideal location, good bathing beach, with cold spring water nearby. F.R. CUNINGHAME Greenhouses and Flower Shop on Huron Street. Phone 176, Member of FIorists Telegraph Delivery Association. SCOTT'S 6ROCERY Ph. 86, Clinton. Opposite Post ,Office Free Delivery. Week -End Specials June 24-25-26 Emfo Tomato Juice, choice quality 5c Grape Fruit- Juice, lge tin, 2 for 29c Corn Syrup, No. 5 tin 41c Tuna Fish Flakes, 2 for 23c Home lir. Catsup, Ige. bottle ,19c Arrow Blend Tea, per lb. 49c (You will buy it again). Aurora Coffee, freshly ground, lb. 25c An excellent coffee at very low price. Old Chese, mellow and nippy, lb. 28c Cream Cheese, half lb. pkg. 15c Creamettes, 2 pkgs. for 19c (More Tender -More Delicious • Maearbni Product) Quick Tapioca, 2 pkgs. for . ,19e. More Stock tor your Co Mort We have a wonderful stock of Studio Couches, all in real good covers, some stripes, Tapestries and Velours, .A very handy piece of furniture to have in your home, especially if you want to sleep down stairs, or on your verandah. We have a swell stock of the latest styles in Lamps, the prices will surprise you. We are prepared for all requirements for the hot weather, with Grass Mats, Hammocks, Collapsible Stretchers, Picnic Tables, and Chairs of all kinds, and we know our prices are right, HARDWARE DEPT. A nice new stock of Kiddie Cars, Tricycles and Wagons for the children. A swell new assortment of Electric Stoves and Plates, Electric Fans, Coleman Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens, quick cookers. Thermos Bottles and jars for picnics. LISTEN TO CKNX, WINGHAM, FOR THE CLINTON REVIEW, AT 12.45 MONDAY NOON. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK -PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS --AMBULANCE SERVICE. N, Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. w0...ro.1 men and Boys Wear Men's Overalls, with double knees` per pair $1.89 Men's Work Pants with Double Knees ...$1.85 Men's Shirts, Ige. assortment 69c to $1.25 Men's White Oxfords $2.98 to $3.55 Men's Black Oxfords $1.98 to $5.00 Boy's and Youth's Work Pants, sizes 28 to 34 1.19 Boy's Overalls, sizes 28 to 34 • • $1.00 Small Boys' Overalls 29c to 59c Good Range of Underwear for Boys and Men...,..., Clifford Lobb. CLINTON THE STORE WITH THE STOCK HOT WEATHER IS HERE DO NOT COOK YOUR WIFE IN THAT HOT KITCHEN. GET HER A NEW COAL OIL STOVE AND ,OVEN. Get Our Prices A FEW, LAWN MOWERS LEFT. BUY NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOW. • Hardware and al b 9 Plumbing Phone 244